Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 04, 1949, Page 17, Image 17

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    Senators Club Athletics,
fottv- ;
Funnyman Performs Jtth.
the clown prince of baseball, is shown
here mimicking a near sighted pitcher as
he clowns an effort to read signals from
"Swede" Carlson, catcher for the Senators.
The clown drew the 3,146 fans, second
Twin Win
San Francisco, Aug. 4 UR
The Oakland Acorns are giving
evidence of sprouting into a sub
stantial roadblock to the Holly
wood Stars.
Last year's champions, who
spent the first half of the sea
son on a treadmill, have sud
denly turned into a powerhouse.
The Oaks knocked off the Port
land Beavers twice last night
and moved into, second place.
They replaced the Sacramento
Solons as the latest "hop" to
displace the Stars for the Pa
cific Coast leadership.
Charlie Dressen's charges
stemmed the uprising Beavers
10-5 and 8-7, while the So
lons, erstwhile challengers for
Hollywood's spot, were drop
ping a pair to the San ' Fran
cisco Seals. Sacramento lost
4-3 and 8-6 in a couple of the
worst - played games of the
The Stars capitalized on the
change of challengers. The Stars
lost to Seattle 10-2 but retained
their six and a half game mar
gin. The San Diego Padres, an
earlier threat to the Twinks,
pulled up to ' the even-Stephen
mark by beating Los Angeles
Oakland make the hop into
second place, by bunching
their hits. In the first game
the Acorns lashed out with a
seven-run rally in the fourth
to take the lead and the game
away from the Beavers. In
the nightcap the Oaks staved
off a last inning rally by Port
land to preserve a lead that
was built up in the seventh
when Earl Itapp broke a tie
with a two-run homer.
San Francisco continued to
hold the Seals stadium jinx on
the Solons. The Seals won their
ninth straight game from the
Sacs in the park. In the opener
the Seals got only two singles,
but utilized Sacramento errors
and walks for the necessary four
runs. The second game, replete
with five boots, was called after
eight innings because of the time
law. The Seals virtually clinched
the game in the fourth with a
rally of four unearned runs. The
two teams made nine errors in
the two games.
Hcllywood 000 200 000 3 6 3
Seattle 033 040 00010 12 0
Woods, Oliver (3), Roy (5) and Sand
lock; Schanz and Orasso,
San Diego ....200 300 2018 13 1
Los Angeles 400 000 10X 5 8 0
Resclgno and Rltchey: McDinleU, An
thony (4), Ihde (9) and Novotney.
Sacramento 300 000 13 7 3
San Francisco 200 020 Jt 4 2 3
MaUette and Plumbo; Lien amLBrocker.
Sacramento 004 000 20 6 It 3
San Francisco 011 402 008 11 3
(8 Innings)
Rose. Johnson 4i. Conger (6), Salvo
(8 and Plumbo; Perez and Jarvls.
Correct for Newport
Aug 4 10:26 am 5.4
9.42 am 8.1
Auc. 11:36 am 5.7
10:42 pro 8.1
4:02 am -0.5
3:39 pm 3.1
5:03 am -0.9
4:49 Pm 3.1
Fistula P l a s u r e.
Prolapse and oth
er Rectal Disor
ders corrected the
easy, convenient
way No hospitaliz
ation, quick relief
Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic
Nataro-Hectal Specialist
1144 Center St.. Salem. Or..
Ph. K80
reel pauino
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, August 4, 1949
Over Bevos Puts
on Tail of Stars
PCL Standings
(By the Associated Press)
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Hollywood 77 55 .563 Seattle 65 67 .492
Oakland 70 61 .534 Portland 63 67 .485
Sacramnto 69 61 .531 SnFrncsco 59 72 .450
San Diego 65 65 .500 Los Angela 56 67 .424
Results Wednesday
Oakland 10-8. Portland 5-7.
San Francisco 4-8, Sacramento 8-6.
Seattle 10, Hollywood 2.
San Diego 8, Los Anseleji 5.
Official Box
The First Game
Wilsomss 4 2 4
2 4 13 1
1 4 0 9 1
0 Thomas.ab 4 114
0 Rucker.lf 4 2 10
0 Brovia.rf 3 0 0 0
Lavagto,3b 2 10 4 13
jensen. ii
0 BaHlskl,2b
2 Gladd.c
1 Austin, 38
3 0
Jones, D
1 Lynn.p 0
0 Fleming, p 0
0 Femada.a 1
0 McNulty.p 0
Totals 30 12 21 7 Totals 28 7 31 12
b Fanned for Jones in 6th. '
a safe on error for Fleming in 5th. '
Oakland 00 700 310
Hits 010 fill 412
Hits 022 021 0 7
(7 innlngsl
Winnina pitcher Jones: losing pitcher
fitcner lp ad m k r bo no
Jones 5 22 5 6 2 14
Thompson 2 6 0 1 0 1 0
L.ynn JVa 10 a o v
FlemlnK 3Vb 15 S 4 6 0 2
McNuity 2 8 3 5 3 20
Runs "Wilson 2, Lav age t to. Rapp 2,
Krvhoski 2. Jensen. Duezabou. Kerr.
Thomas, Rucker, Brovia 2, Austin. Error
Wilson. Runs batted in Lynn, Brovia,
Kryhoskl 2, Deuzabou, Martin, Wilson,
Lavagetto, Austin 3, Rapp. Two base hits
Kryhoskl 2, Rucker. Home run Aus
tin. Stolen base Wilson. Sacrifice Wood.
Double Plays Oladd to; Kerr to
Kryhoskl. Left on basesOakland 2; Port
land 7. Hit by pitcher. By Jones (Flem
ing!. Umpires Ford, Oordon and Orr.
Time 1:40.
The iecond game box:
Oakland Portland
Wilson, u 3 1 2 2 4 3 5 0
Lavagetto,3 4 1 2 3 Shupe. 1 5 0 6
Rapp, cf 4 2 2 0 Thomas, 3
KryhoskU 3 19 1 Rucker.lf
Jensen, If 4 12 0 Brovia.rf
Padgett ,c 4 0 5 1 Basinskl,2
Duezbou.rf 4 2 2 0 Oladd, c
Martin, 2 4 0 2 3
1 3 1
5 13 0
4 0 2 0
3 0 4 4
4 14 1
12 0
Tost, p 2 0 10 Saltzman.p 2 10 1
Thorn pan. b 1 0 0 0 Diehl,
0 1 1
VanRobys 1 0 0 0 Wenner 110 0
Totals 34 8 27 10 Total 36 9 27 9
Filed out for Tost In 6th.
Singled for Dlehl In 9th.
Oakland 104 000 300 -8
Hits 112 010 3008
Portland 002 030 0027
Hits 001 140 1029
Winning pitcher: Thompson; losing
pitrher; Saltzman.
Ip Ab R H ErSoBb
22 5 6 3 2 0
Thompson 4
Sp'tzman 6 plus 25 8 8 6 2 4
Diehl 3 9 0 0 0 1 0
Runs: Wilson 2, Lavagetto 2, Rapp 2,
Kiyhoskl, Jensen, Marquez 2, Oladd 2,
Austin 2, Saltzman. Errors: Kryhoskl, Aus
tin. Runs batted In: Kryhoskl, Jensen 3,
Padgett Marquez 3, Austin, Thomas 2.
l avagetto, Rapp 2, Shupe. Two base hits:
Kryhoskl, Duezabou, Rucker, Rapp, Wil
son, Marquez. Three base hits: Jensen,
Oladd. Homo runs: Marquez, Rapp. stolen
base: Rapp. Sacrifice: Rapp. Double play:
Wilson to Kryhoskl, Left on bases: Oak
land 4, Portland 6. Umpires: Oordon,
Orr and Ford. Time 2:10. Attendance
only to the recent raspberry night which
feted the Spokane manager. Schacht per
formed for a half hour, drifting through the
stands, swiping swigs of pop, cigars, switch
ing hats and buzzing the ladies. His antics
on the field including pantomimes of Dom
and Joe DiMaggio, Ted William and other
national stars.
Page 17
Burgher Returns
To Salem Team
From Portland
George Emigh, business mana
ger of the Salem Senators, dis
closed Thursday that Bill Burg
her would be returned to the
Solons ior possible work against
The catcher moved up to Port
land at the end of the 1948 sea
son after catching for Salem.
The reason for his return, ' ac
cording to Emigh, is to give him
work behind the plate. He has
seen little- action in Portland.
With his return, it is likely
that "Swede" Carlson, who has
subbed for Bill Beard in games
this season behind the ' plate
will be returned to some Yankee
farm club.
'What Fat?' Highly indig
nant when a London reporter
suggested she was to fat, "Miss
America," Bebe Shopp, 18,
quickly replied, "What fat?"
Miss Shop is on a 33-day cru
sade through Europe for "clean
thinking and bona fide bos
oms." Of falsies, she said: "I
don't wear them and never
will. Falsies aren't honest."
(Acme Telephoto)
Invaders Stifle Salem Rally
With Triple Play in Second
The Salem Senators, playing before the second largest
crowd of the season 3146 paid customers, knuckled down to
baseball Wednesday night and slapped down the Victoria
Athletics, 4-1.
Bob Drilling went the route for the locals and set back the
Canadian crew on his seven hit
ter which was supported by top
fielding of the Salems.
The fans, lured to Waters
park to see Funnyman Al
Schacht perform, saw a hot Sa
lem rally snuffed off in the
second by the third double play
ever effected at the local gar
den. Mel Wasley led off the Salem
half of the inning with a double
which bounced off the center
field fence. Bill Beard walked,
and Orrin Snyder, in the left
field garden, clipped a sharp
double into the area he covered
on defense.
Snyder's blow scored Wasley
and moved Beard to third.
Claude Buckley tagged one of
Pete Vucurevich's fast ones for
a single, scoring Beard and mov
ing Snyder to second.
Drilling, out to help his own
pitching chores by offensive
play, slammed the next pitch
for a single which brought Sny
der home.
Then, Victoria lowered the
boom. '
Marty Krug clipped one
which was taken by Vic Buccola
and flipped to Ray Walseth for
a triple play which snuffed the
Salem attack. After that inning
Vucurevich settled down to hold
the Salem sluggers.
Both teams scored one each
in the fifth.
Gil McDougal was forced.
from play in the fourth inning
when he sustained a cut sliding
into home.' Beard effectively
blocked the plate on the play to
nullify his attempt.
Bob Hedington, normally in
the lineup for Salem, will be
out of play for several-days as
the result of a bad ankle, injur
ed when he stepped on a mask
at home plate Tuesday.
Ihe final of the six game
series, and the last appearance
for the Athletics in Waters Park
this season will be played at 8
p.m. Thursday. Friday, thp
Vancouver Capilanos will move
into the local pasture for a
week-end series.
Official Box
Victoria (I)
(4) Salem
Walaeth.s 4 0 S 2 Knur, 1
Buccoli, l 3 0 10 1 W.Petren.2
Jacobs, rf 4 110 B.Petran.a
McDougld.3 2 1 " 1
Hack. If 4 0 0 0 Wafiley.3
Nor en, cf 4 3 4 0 Beard, c
Matoh, 3 4-0 2 0 Snydor.lf
Morgan, C S 2 2 1 Buckley.rf
vucurvch.p 8 0 0 4 Drilling, p
Johnaon,2 2 0 11
0 12 0
1 3
3 0 11
4 2 0 2
2 1 -
3 1
Total S3 1 24 10 Total 30 10 27 16
Victoria 000 010 0001 7 0
Salem 030 010 OOx 4 10 1
Pitcher IP Ab RHErSoBb
Vucurevich 8 30 10 4 4 1 5
Drilling 0 33 7 1 0 3 1
Left on baM: Victoria 6; Salem S. Er
ror: Wasley. Two base hits: Wasley, Sny
der, Noren, B. Peterson.- Runs batted In:
Snyder. Buckley, Drill inn, Morgan, B.
Peterson. Sacrifice: Beard. Stolen bases:
B. Peterson. Double plays: Beard to W.
Peterson. Triple Plays: Buccola to WaLseth.
Time 1:50. Umpires: Skulilt and Flammia.
Attendance 3146.
Vancouver 000 000 0011 6 1
Yakima 000 300 OOx 3 8 1
Kindsfather and Brenner; Dickey, Bab
bitt (9) and Or tel.
Tacoma 000 00 1 0001 5 1
Wenatchee 200 211 02x 8 13 1
Kerrigan and Gardner; Orrell and Win
uer. Industrial Loop
Chalks 31 Errors
Thursday Evening
Errors were plentiful in In
dustrial league softball play at
Leslie field last night. A total
of 31 miscues were committed in
three games.
Maple Dairies scored three
runs in the final inning to
squeeze out a 5 to 4 win over
League Teams and Individuals Interested in
League Play Please Check with us at once
3085 Portland Rd. TOM WOOD, Owner Ph. 24438
latch dp
If your ear doori sometimes latch too tight
Or sometimes won't latch at all,
Our shop can quickly make 'em "right"
And maybe prevent a bad fall.
388 North Commercial St.
4 to H
WIL Standings
(By the Associated Freaa)
W. L.
Yakima 72 40
Vancouver 65 43 .602
Spokane 58 53 .523
Wenatchee 56 56 .500
Victoria 51 1 .455
Salem 49 F3 .437
Bremerton 48 63 .432
Tacoma 47 67 .412
Games Wednesday
Yakima 3. Vancouver 1.
Wenatchee 8, Tacoma 1.
Salem 4, Victoria 1.
Bremerton at Spokane, rain
(doubleheader tonight).
Capital Alleys
ABC Window Cleaner. (1) Don Page
558, Jones 543. Mill Hartwell 452, Mc
Cluskey 565. Karr's (J Karr 502, Ben
net 477, Bowera 560. Coe 566.'
Cllne'i (1) Cllne Sr. (75. Crawford 621.
Oslund 485, Young 591. Braden Body Shop
2i White 567, B. Braden 665, L. Braden
566 Evana 538.
Cupboard Cafe M Boyce 549. Milford
602, Stratton 438, Olodt 637. Senator'a 42)
Irons 517, Olney 603, Frleaen 406, West
Capttol Beddinr 0 Poulln .506. Bose
574, Logan 510, Hickman 549. Harlwell
Electric (3) E. Hartwell 560, Reevea 692,
Larson 635, H. Page 594.
High team aeries Hartwell Electric,
High Ind aerlea Larson. 635.
High Ind. game Laraon. 225.
Stackhouse Arrives
I ax 'rwn ...', y " r
X . Wiring be
I , ! ' ' '" If - ' And doo'tb. thwarted
"V. r i k . i U ... K f" MB-BMaaaaMMM
Willamette's new athletic director and head
football coach Chester Stackhouse ' (left)
made a quick visit to the university gym
upon his arrival Wednesday for a chat with
Coach Johnny Lewis and a prevue of the
Clear Lake Store, Navy pushed!
across one run in an extra in
ning to nose Interstate Tractor
8 to 7, and Teamsters downed
Post Office 10 to 6.
In Iho niphtran. Post Office
scored its six tallies on only two
hits, taking advantage oi sioppy
play on tne pari oi me jieaui
sters, who errored six times.
Post Office was charged with
five muffs.
There were no home runs in
any of the three games.
Phono 2-3621
Alaskan Pitcher
Strikes Out 27
Loses Anyhow!
Fairbanks, Alaska, Aug 4
W) Lady Luck deserted Jack
Spurr last night.
The Fairbanks pitcher
struck out 21 men in a seven
inning fastball game of the
Farthest North Fastball
League and lost 1-0.
Spurr gave up but two hits
and a pair of walks. His
teammates collected eight hits
but couldn't score.
Hot Rod Race to
Be Legion Event
Saturday night's roadster rac
ing program at Hollywood bowl
will be an official event of the
31st annual Oregon state Amer
ican Legion convention, accord
ing to an announcement made
today by an, official of Valley
Sports, Inc., race promoters.
Legionnaires will be given a
part in the pre-race program,
and it is hoped that one of the
Legion bands now visiting in
Salem will be available to play
at the Bowl between races.
Time trials start at 8 o'clock
Saturday, with the first race,
the trophy dash, scheduled to
get the green flag at 8:45.
Oakland, Calif., August 4 (U.R)
Ike Williams, world light
weight champion from Trenton,
N.J., coasted to a unanimous 10-
round decision over Benny Wal
ker of Oakland last night in a
slow-moving, non-title bout. 1
Maple Dalrlea 011 000 3 B 10 3
Clear Lake 001 300 04 0 3
HUfllcker and Steiaer: Kllllnaer and
Navy 003 0518 1 4
Interatate 204 0107 1 5
Basset and Bwlnk; Kreft and Butts,
Teamster 402 000 410 0 0
Post Office 001 100 4 8 2 fi
statler and Hannon: McDanlela and
Free Estimates
Phone 2-5643
Pumilire - West Salem
Dodger Pitching Works,
Yankees Continue Lead
New York, Aug. 4 (U.R) Some
body finally solved the Dodger
pitching Jigsaw today, putting
the once-scattered pieces togeth
er for a suddenly efficient staff.
For most of the season, even
as Brooklyn led the National
league, the Dodger pitchers
seemed on the payroll simply
for comic relief plenty of com
edy and plenty of relief. But
yesterday trim Carl Erskine
hurled to a six-hit 10 to 5 romp
over the Pirates and thus became
the fourth Dodger pitcher to go
the distance in as many games.
All four won.
Don Newcombre was the
first to do it, then Ralph
Branca, then Rex Barney and
now Erskine. Newcombe takes
another crack today and
still under wraps are the two
leftys, Joe H a 1 1 e n and
Preacher Roe,
The Doger triumph yesterday
still left Brooklyn a half a game
out of the National League lead,
for Howie Pollett shut out the
Boston Braves on four hits, 7 to
0, to protect the St. Louis Car
dinal margin.
The five-hit pitching of Dave
Koslo gace the Giants their sixth
a row, this a 4 to 1 triumph
over the last-place Chicago Cubs.
Meanwhile, lefty Ken Raffens-
berger gave up only two singles
as he hurled the Reds to a 2 to
0 triumph over the Phils.
The New York Yankees kept
athletic plant. siacKiiouse expecis 10 uso
a variation of the "T" formation. Practice
will begin early next month with the open
ing date for the 'Cats set for September 17
against the University of Idaho. Stackhouse
resigned from the directorship of Lincoln
university in Pennsylvania for the Willam
ette post.
$5.00 to $20.00
Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co.
260 South 12th St.
V 4, 0, f NWfff 10
During Back to School Season
Major Standings
(By the Aaaoclated Preaa)
W L Pet. W L Pet
61 36 .629 Detroit 56 47 .631
57 40 .688 Chlcaao 41 69 .411
56 43 .566 Waahingtn 56 59 .371
55 46 .546 St. Loula 34 65 .311
New York
Resnlta Wedneaday
New York 7, Detroit I.
Boaton 9, tst. Loula 1.
Philadelphia I, Chicago t.
Cleveland at Waahlngton, postponed,
W L Pet. W L Pet
60 38 .612 Phlldlphla 50 49 .505
59 38 .608 Pittsburgh 45 52 .464
52 46 .531 Cincinnati 40 58 .408
52 4S .520 Chicago 36 65 .35)
New York
Results Wednesday
Brooklyn 10, Plttaburgh 5.
New York 4, Chicago 1.
Cincinnati 2. Philadelphia 0.
St. Loula 7, Boston 0.
their edge in the American
League race, thanks once again
to Frieman Joe Page. They
came from behind with three
runs in the eighth to beat the
Detroit Tigers, 7 to S.
The second-place Cleveland
Indians were rained out in their
game at Washington, but the
third-place Boston Red Sox kept
a-coming by beating the St.
Louis Browns, 9 to 3.
The Athletics climbed back
into fourth place with a 3 to 2
victory over the White Sox.
(By the Associated Press)
What they did Wedneaday:
Pesky, Red Box 6 2 3 1 1 0 0
Doerr, Red Sox 4 2 S 1 S 0 4
HogantoLead f
Ryder Cup Team
Chicago, Aug. 4 W Ben Ho-
gan, golf man of tha year in
1948, has been honored with the
captaincy of the U. S. Ryder cup
squad, although injuries suf
fered in an auto collision have
sidelined him from links action.
The professional golfers' as
sociation announced yesterday
that Hogan, the mighty ban
tam, will appear with the U. S.
team in Boston, although he will
not be able to compete.