Seaside Unit fln Mrs! Place Seaside Unit No. 99 won first place in the second annual rit ualistic contest of American Le gion Auxiliaries Wednesday. Hillsboro Unit No. 6 placed sec ond. The Seaside unit won last year, also. Members of Seaside team are Mrs. Hazel Alden, Mrs. Carol Croissant, Mes. Audrey Maize, i Mrs. Bess Culver, Mrs. Vernita i Robertson, Mrs. Clara Schuh, j. Mrs. Vivian Urie, Mrs. Peggy Callahan, Mrs. Edna Hardesty I and Mrs. Marjorie Tewksbury. Members of Salem Unit 136 served as candidates. "Miss Oregon," Beverly Faith Krueger, former member of Capital Unit juniors, was pre sented and gave her reading "The Waltz" by Dorothy Parker. About 500 attended. Big Four Phones On Dial Service The Big Four Telephone Co. rural lines along East State street road are being converted to dial service. They have for merly had magneto phones. The lines involved are 19F. 109F. 66F. 67F. 88F. anri alcn incJuded in the company is line 2Z0U which was established with dial service two years ago and made up of customers for whom there was not room on the old phone lines. The is to be room on the lines for 13 new phones. Three of these places have already been engaged. A. C. Spranger of Bethel district is president of the telephone company and W. E. Baker, also of Bethel, is the lineman. Concert Is Presented Monmouth Phyllis Knox of Eugene, artist at the piano, who has just returned to Oregon after a musical tour of New England, appeared in concert Tuesday in the auditorium of Campbell hall. This was Miss Knox' second appearance here, having presented her first con cert last spring with the Mu Phi Epislon group of musicians. Classified Diet Mrs. Erika Raeder, wife of the grand ad miral who headed Hitler's fleet, sits in Berlin as she tells of her four-year captivity by the Russians. She said her im pris onment was without rhyme or reason; that she was fed caviar in Moscow; went without food in ' Minsk, and peeled potatoes in Sachen hausen concentration camp. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Berlin) Leaves for School Silverton Jack McCullough son of the J. H. McCulloughs of Pine street, left the first of the week to enter the Klamath Falls veterans' vocational training school. McCullough served throughout the second World War and has been employed with the coast guard for the past tnree years. W. E. (Windy) Wilkins New State Grand Chef De Gare Head man of La Societie des 40 Hommes et 8 Cheveaux of the American Legion is W. E. (Windy) Wilkins, from "the air condi tioned city" of La Grande, who was named grand chef de gare at the 28th grand promenade on the eve of the 31st state con vention of the American Legion. He succeeds Dr. M. E. Cooper, of Klamath Falls, who was named a delegate to the prom enade nationale in Philadelphia and cheminot nationale. Other grand voiture officers are Walter J. Kirk, Salem, grand chef de train; Harry F. Bahl- man, Portland, grand commis- saire intendant; James R. For syth, Portland, grand corre spondent, re-elected; C. J. Lay- ton, Astoria, grand conducteur; Charles Dussler, Waldport, grand chef de la porte; Al Fielen, Sa lem, grand commis voyageur; Harry R. Goold, Medford, grand drapeau. Grand cheminols for each of the districts are Victor White, Tillamook, No. 1; Frank Wright, Newberg, No. 2; Charles Whipp, Cottage Grove, No. 3; Charles Hahn, Klamath Falls, No. 4; Harold C. Clapp, Redmond, No. 5; Henry Dugan, Pendleton, No. 6; Eugene Millering, La Grande, No. 7; John Salvatore, Portland, No. 8; George Vioene, Portland, No. 9 and Erwin Shott, Rose burg, No. 10. Delegates to the promenade nationale are , Charles Wells, Portland; Henry Duggan, Pen dleton; Harry Bohlman, Port land; Dr. Cooper and Wilkins $$ MONEY $$ FHA W iVi Real estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St Lie. S2I 3-5282 Charles Huggins, Salem, was named an alternate. Appointive offices of the grand voiture are announced later. Need of continuing the 40 et 8's youth program was empha sized by Charles Piersall, Cas per, Wyo.; sous chef de chemin de fer (vice president), in a short talk during the business session. The grand voiture re jected a resolution that would have earmarked the entire wel fare fund for the Doernbecher and Shrine hospitals in Portland Tobies was another which would have permitted members of Kingwood post in West Salem to be received by Marion county Voiture 153. Voyageurs were given an offi cial welcome by Major R. L, Elfstrom with others speaking briefly at the opening cere BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys When disorder of kidney function permits toisonous matter to remain in your blood, t may cause nagging backache, rheumatio pains, leg pains, loss of Pep and energy, get ting up nights, swelling, pufliness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong: with your kidneys or bladder. t Don't wait I Ask your druggist for Doan a Pills, a Btimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over B0 years. Doan's give happy relief and will help the IB miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous wastefron your blood. Get Doan's Fills, monies were B. E. (Kelly) Owens, Salem, state commander of the Legion; and H. G. (Fod) Maison, superintendent of state police, representing Governor Douglas McKay, all three mem bers of the Marion county voi ture. Other special visitors were William A. Chandler, Pinehurst and "Spike" McKee, Longview, both of the Washington grand voiture. Publication Suspends Monmouth The last issue for the summer session of the "Lamron" the Oregon College of Education paper was publish ed this week. Staff members were news, Leola Daniels; mu sic, Francis Hall; columns, Jus tine Haberlach and W. B. Stan ley; reporters, Mary Ann Little and Barbra Gates; photo editor, Willis Keithley; editorial direc tor, Henry C. Ruark, Jr. WANT A BRIGHTER COLORS? Rain drops puts a "rainbow 'round your wash line"...1 actually rereals the hidden brightness of wash-filmed colors. V Good Houfikecplng AS'A I LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all per sons particularly Interested and to the general public that a hearing will bo held before (he common council o( the City of Salem, Oregon, fit the city hall August 8, 1949. at the hour of 7:30 p.m., (DST). to consider an ordinance changing from a Class II Residential District to a Class Business District the following de scribed premises: Beginning on tha North line of Block Six (6), Robert's Addition to Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at a point 120.00 feet East from the Northwest corner of Block 6; running thence East erly along the North line of said block, 39.65 feet to the East line of the North west one-quarter of Block 6; thence Southerly along said East line 158.00 feet, 2 Inches to the North line of an alley running Easterly and Westerly through said block; thence Westerly along the North line of said alley 39.65 feet; thence Northerly parallel with the East line of said Northwest one-quarter of Block 6, 158.00 feet, 3 inches to the point of beginning. BY ORDER of the Common Council: ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Capital Journal Aug.2,3,4,1949. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the under- Don't Be FAT! R.D.X. helps you reduce Take R.D.X. Tablets be fore meals to help you curb your appetite for unneeded loods. Between meals.R.D.X. Tablets help you save off hunger that causes you to overindulge in fattening snacks. Reducing becomes mote pleasant, a mote en joyable way of eating. , If your doctor has told you to take off weight, ' ask him about the wonderful new R.D.X. Tablets and Re s ducing!Plan. R.D.X. Tablets i -.contain no harmful drugs. 1 Let The Scales Show You. You da want to lose weighr, don't you? Then buy a pack age of R.D.X. Tablets and follow the R.D.X.,v. Reducing flan. You Lo Weight of Money-Bgtk 4jk Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 4, 194911 signed has filed his Final Account in the Oounty Clerks Office of Marlon County, Oregon, and that Monday, on the IbM day of August, 1949, at 10 a.m., In the Circuit Court Room of said County, at Sa lem. Oregon, has been appointed by aula Court ror the hearing of objections there to and the settlement thereof. (a) CARL J. LONG, Administrator 'of the Estate of Laura B. Ernst, dec. CHARLES T. SIEVERS, Attorney for Administrator, Roos Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. 'uyU.21,28.Aug.4. For a company hors d'oeuvres marinate cookfed shrimp in French dressing flavored with garlic salt. Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's" 1899 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fill your prescription. Special Friday and Saturday BUTTERSCOTCH NUT SUNDAE 15c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL OFFICES For Professional Purposes Newly Decorated Corner Liberty and Court Over Sally's Ph.3-3711 MARKET HKf TTOWKf WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF SALMON Small, fresh. Just right size to bake. Approximately 4 lbs. each. Each $1.29 FRYERS Large Reds each $1.49 LIVER Full of Vitamins Fresh Young Beef lb. 29c BACON ARMOUR'S SLICED NO LIMIT lb. 45c BEEF ROASTS I STEAKS I SHORT RIBS RUMP ROAST 42 -: 69c 29" 42Ct Lean Tender Boneless. No Waste Lots of Lean Meat Very Special AGED CHEESE Year Old lb. 49c I COTTAGE CHEESE ffer'' 23c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SWEET CORN 35c do.. Young, Tender Ears CANTALOUPE 5c ib. Field Ripened TOMATOES 2 ib, 25c Local Red Ripe Salad Dressing Hot Master Bread Every Day COFFEE - 3 at 4 o'clock ?ib! 45c 49C DIRECT FROM OVEN TO YOU Sunm Morn 43c Fuii Quart PRINTED FLOUR SACKS 3 for 1.00 J !b.. " .' . . l .25 catsup FROZEN PEAS margarine 2 bottles 29C YOUR 1 QC PKG. THIS lb. 14 oi. Bottles LOCKER PRICE Mayflower emu Ticciif I TUNA FISH MISSI0N I SUNSH,NE White Star Grated MACARONI I Krispy Crackers 2 rolls 19C an 33C can Pkg. 35C Box 25C IGA rj! Store roairay frocenf IGA Store BUSJCK'S MARION STREET MARKET NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET AT MARION 8 P.M. FOR PENNYWISE BUYERS FCP. THE CONVENIENCE OF YOU WHO WORK LATE WE ARE OPEN 'TIL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BUY HERE AND SAVE COME IN AND SEE OUR COOKIE AND CAKE DISPLAYS-YOU WILL FIND JUST THE RIGHT ONE FOR ANY PARTY OR PICNIC. ONE HOUR FREE PARKING ON MARION STREET You Will Also Find a Complete Line of LOMA LINDA FOODS VEGEBURGERS 3.o, 59c VEGESTEAKS z ti 59c SOY MILK 16o, tin 21c FOR THIS WEEKEND- FOR REFRESHING SUMMERTIME SALADS SSL SALAD DRESSING 35c COFFEE Ground Fresh for Your Coffee Maker FAIRWAY lb 44c CLD GOLDEN lb.49c CHEESE TASTY LOAF L Pounds 69c If you like cheese you will like this TUNA FISH WHITE STAR Solid Pack NO. Vis 35c CIDER VINEGAR 40 GRAIN IN YOUR CONTAINER GAL. 39c You will find one of the most complete Spice Departments at this store SPRY 3 lbs 79c Just Right for All Cooking BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE 35c PINT LARGE BAR SWAN BAR SOAP SURE IT FLOATS 2 - 25c "?-3 " 25c LIFEBUOY SOAP BATH SIZE 2 FOR 19c YOU WILL FIND ONLY U. S. INSPECTED MEATS IN OUR MARKET GROUND BEEF 39 ib. SHERIDAN GRADE "A" BUTTER 65c LB. ARMOUR'S WIENERS ALWAYS FRESH PRODUCE GRAPES WHITE SEEDLESS. Lb. Good to Eat and for Salads NOW IS THE TIME FOR CORN ON THE COB 29c DOZ. CANTALOUPES 3 ... 19c AT THEIR BEST AND CHEAP TOO WELCOME TO SALEM BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS Open Sundays 8 A.M. Till 6:30 P.M. 39c LB. 4