10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, August 4, 1949 Circus War Not Yet Serious Denver, Aug. 4 (U.R) Circus officials confirmed today that there was a "circus war" going on, but said it hadn't reached a serious level yet. A spokesman for the Cole Bros, circus, scheduled to make Its last performance here today before entraining for points west, said that the "feeling out" war was going on between Ring ling Bros., Beatty Bros., Baily Bros., and Cole Bros., the four train circus companies in the U.S. "Right now the war consists of fighting each other through advertising means," the Cole Bros, official said. He explain ed that he thought Ringling Bros., the largest of the four, was the leader in this field. "Every town we go to we find that Ringling has used 'wait paper' against us. This means that they insert ads in the papers which say 'wait for the big show'.' New Teaching Group Formed Monmouth The Future Teachers of America Is an or ganization having 32 members as of spring term on this cam' pus. The OCE group will receive its national charter from the NEA in Washington, D. C, early In the coming fall term. Temporary officers were elect ed during the latter part of the spring term. They are: Herman H. Hohnson, president; Elaine Foltz, vice president; and Gwen dolyn Stllwell, secretary-treas urer. The FTA movement grew out of the Horance Mann centennial. It was envisioned by Joy Elmer Morgan and was approved and established by the NEA repre sentative assembly in 1937. In Its first 10 years it has grown from 14 college chapters with 278 members to 218 chapters with 9154 members. Forty-sev en new chapters In colleges and universities were formed during 1947-48. The chapter functions .as local education association and the student becomes a Junior member of the state and nation al education associations. This entitles the member to receive both the OEA Journal and the NEA Journal plus considerable informational literature perti nent to the teacher or prospec tive teacher. Dr. Louis Kaplan, director of teacher training at OCE, is lac ulty sponsor of the prospective chapter. Dr. George S. Martin, head of the education depart ment at Willamette university is the state FTA co-ordinator and acts in an advisory capacity to chapters in the state. He expects to be in the local pulpit August 14. He comes from Amboy, Wash. He and his wife will reside in Wheatland district in the house recently vacated by Rev. Conrad Rhoads and family. Miss Gladys Logsdon, nurse from Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, will be speaker at 11 a.m. Sunday at tne united Bretn ren church. Ex-Governors Get Invitation Detroit, Ore., Aug 4 Ore gon's Governor Douglas McKay, ex - governors, queens, pioneers and western caravans, climaxed by a mountain picnic, will high light North Santiam highway dedication events August 14, Ed Vickers, Canyon Commercial club president, said this week. Dedication ceremonies will be centered at Breitenbush bridge at 11:30 Sunday forenoon, fol lowing arrival of caravans from Sisters on the eastern slope and from Gates on the western slope. Oregon's queens of beauty, Miss Beverly Krueger for 1949, and Miss Joyce Davis, Redmond, for 1948, are to head the eastern caravan. The western caravan will be led by Governor McKay and Jeanne Bray, Queen San tiam, reigning over dedication day. Miss Patricia O'Connor, Cherryland festival queen, and Miss Stella Dummer, flax festi val queen of Mt. Angel are expected to be among the queen ly royalty. Special recognition will be paid to the old timers of the region, with invitations includ ing one to B. F. Ramp of Mar ion county, who recently cele keeping with the pioneer spirit.i Campbell and Nash thp Orptfnn Trail acenrintinn will be represented by a covered wagon In the western caravan. Each caravan will be accompa nied by a band. Invitations for the day have been sent to ex - Governors Charles Sprague, Walter Pierce, Ben W. Olcott, A. W. Norblad and Oswald West, Mr. Vickers brated birthday. In said. Families at Park Wheatland In honor of Mrs. Jennie Campbell-Emmerson of Corona - Del - Mar, Calif., 48 members of the Campbell-Nash family association held a reun ion at the Miss Maude William son state park in the Wheatland district. Mrs. Emmerson, who is here for a visit, is the last one James Sample Will Direct Orchestra Portland, Ore., Aug. 4 (U.R) The Portland Symphony Soci ety Wednesday named James Sample, 38, former associate conductor of the San Francisco Symphony, to conduct the Port land orchestra this season. Sample replaces Werner Jan sen who resigned the post. The new conductor and his family hove been living in Los Angeles. Rev. Horton Sent To Hopewell Church Hopewell About 40 attended services at the Hopewell United Brethren church Sunday fore noon. Mrs. Ross Rogers, delegate to the annual conference, gave her report of missionary work and plans for next year. Miss Bertha Magness, dele gate to the annual church con ference held at Jennings Lodge, gave her report. Rev. Richmond Horlon was assigned to the Hopewell church Are you interested in a bigger return on your savings? 2V2oo t v I H I H Is Savings Earn Sooner at Salem Federal! . . . Money placed In your account during the first 10 days of any month, earns from the 1st of that month. Start now earning our current 2 Me per annum. Saying! FtdarKllr ln.ar.4 "i his 99th " V j RIB ROAST j T-B0NE STEAK j (HIG fliliiliiflitj lAMB $H0UlDER ROfl$T j chuck roastV j Prices in this ad effectiv thru Saturday. f I I " S ' W reierve Me right to limit """""""""" """""""" TS? - J of her family, who resided In the Fairview and Hopewell dis trict, including Robert, Frank and Elmer Campbell, her late brothers. ATHLETES FOOT GERM KILL IT IN ONE HOUR. YOUR 35c BACK, ... Th term urowi uurui. To kill It, you mint BEACH It. Oet TE-OU .t Mv druB .tore. A STRONG lunglclde, m'.J.'Vth V""Uhol, It PWETOATOS. Ruchu Moro permi. Tod.y t J. O. rerrj wiu,i at this diagram, folks! It shows why you get more goody eating meat for your money when you buy Safeway's trimmed - before - weighing meats. Note that you pay only for the portion that properly belongs on each cut not for excess bone, waste, or fat. We prepare other cuts in similar fashion each according to its spe cial requirements. .When checking meat value, it pays to compare trimming as well as price. Safeway's price is always on the trimmed cut. And don't for get Safeway meats are. U. S. Government Graded. The grade is stamped on every cut. ROUND BONE CUT LB. 49' PAN-READY TREATS! FRYERS FOWL RABBITS ( your LB. IV ) pick ONLY Jj Pure Ground Beef Pure Pork Sausage Beef Short Ribs Skinned Hams Smoked Picnics Hstf or Who). Short Sfianfci lb. 39c lb. 49c lb. 29c lb. 59c lb. 45c BACON by the piece lb: 49c WHITING FILLETS lb. 25c SALMON STEAKS lb. 69c HALIBUT STEAKS lb. 49c READY TO EAT! WIENERS BOLOGNA LUNCH MEATS "45' GRAPEFRUIT Highway excellent quality " No. 2 7Q U can. U SAFEWAY'S FRESHER PRODUCE Sunny Dawn 46-oi. can Av No. I can 59 l2-oi. can Tomato Juice ? A ri CnlmMi -u""w" Dutch Harbor Armour Treet Fresh Bread M-Wright-wMte wheat c CampbeUSoup, 134 Paraffin Jelly Seal lee Waxed Paper Soft Drinks Large selection .2o, 10C 1 25-foot roll 19' 2 ,,,27' PORK fir BEANS Sparkling Water white Roc)( 15e Sparkling Water Canada Dry 2 20e Bi relay's Orange 7.ox bettIet 6for25c Nesbitt's Orange bottle, 6for 3Qe GngerAe WhiteRock 28-oz.bot. 20c Canada Dry GingerAle 28.e,bo,20c Pepsi-Cola 2.fullounces5e Coca-Cocrpauj9andrefretll c.0I.6for 25 25c LETTUCE Absolutely garden-fresh. Solid, clean, crispy heads. lb. 7( LUSCIOUS-RIPE PEACHES Slice 'em on your cereal 2-LB. 25c Dennison Brand 3 No. 1 cans Kraft Dinners Porter Saladettes Jm packages 25' 19e l4-ox. pkg. Chow Mein Noodles pkg 19c No. I AQc can 1 7 IMj-oi. 45c 32c 29c Ripe Olives Ebony, ttand. ,!l9i Sweet Pickles Libby.whol, Dill Pickles Celumbia Salad Dressing Ducheil Oregon Walnuts 56-ox. jar pint jar I -lb. pkg. Nob Hill Coffee i-. b0g 45 e2 . 89e Airway Coffee Mb. bag 402 ib. 79' Edwards Coffee Uh: 512 n, $1.01 Tea Timer Crackers 29c Fig Bars plain or whtai , ,lbi pkg 29e Ice Cream Mix Ten.B.Low Rice Krispies Kellogg Cheerios Cereal CRISP, JUICY GRAPES No seeds. 2 LB" 25f Real good MmtKi TOMATOES Ripe field grown, DANISH SQUASH Nice size. lb. 15c Ib. 5c Honeydew MELONS L A lg Sweet refreshing. I lie crisp CAKE MIX enne I-VJNJ J Grade A Small Betty Crocker' Devil Food or party cake mix For wonderful cakes in a hurry I 20-oi. can 37 8-oi. pkg. 19 7-oi. pkg. 16 c RED MALAGA GRAPES Ib. 19c Dew fresh! Extra sweet 33 VINE-RIPENED Cantaloupes lb. 9c flavor CUCUMBERS Summer delight. Cabbage Green local YELLOW CORN Golden Bantam, CRISP CELERY Tender stalks. lb. 10c 5c Ib. Ib. Ib. 7c 10c For the convenience of out-of-town and late shop- Five Convenient Locations Aft pert, SAFEWAY STORES at 2120 Fairgrounds Rood 2120 N. Fairgrounds Rd. 1420 State Street Doi iy ond 1420 State St. are open until 8:00 P.M. EVERY 245 Court Street 1230 N. Broadway EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. 935 South Commercial Junket Freezing Peanut Butter Nestle's Morsels Cracker Jack BORAXO MlX 4-ox. f eflC PETER 12-ox. Cc Semi-Sweet 7oi. fQc A prize in Cc For removing 8-ox. ic 4 flavors pkg. I I PAN Jar ejjf Chocolate pkg. I V every pkg. pkg; 9 stubborn dirt, can I wiWjjfli 02 A