Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 03, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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Banquet Thursday Feature
For Legion Convention
One of the major joint events during the American Legion
and auxiliary convention opening here Thursday will be the
banquet Thursday evening at the armory, more than 800 to be
Honored at this event will be Mrs. Hubert A. Goode of Port
land, national president of the
American Legion auxiliary, and
many other Legion national,
state and district officials as
well as several distinguished
guests from Oregon. A short
musical program is planned dur
ing the event.
Various Salem Legion and
auxiliary members will act as
hosts at each table. The dinner
is being served by Del Post of
the American Legion club with
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pilcher super
vising arrangements.
Among the special guests to
be recognized at the banquet
and their wives or husbands are
the following:
Mrs. Hubert A. Goode, Port
land, national president Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary; B. E.
(Kelly) Owens, department com
mander, American Legion; Mrs.
Mitchell Thorn, The Dalles, de
partment president, Auxiliary;
Governor Douglas McKay; Earl
T. Newbry, secretary of state;
Walter Pearson, state treasurer;
Frank Belgrano, Portland, past
national commander, Legion;
Stephen Chadwick, Seattle, past
national commander, Legion;
Thomas Miller,' national com
mitteeman, Legion, Nevada; Mrs.
Leon M. Brown, national resolu
tions chairman, Auxiliary; Mrs.
Charles Gunn, Portland, nation
al vice chairman rehabilitation,
Auxiliary; Mrs. Craig Coyner.
Bend, national vice chairman of
music, national commltteewoman
for Oregon; Samuel , M. Bowe,
Grants Pass, vice commander for
Oregon, Legion; Mrs. W. W. Gra
ham, Corvallis, department vice
president, Auxiliary; Thomas A.
Collins, Portland, department
adjutant, Legion; Mrs. Mae Whit
comb, Portland, department sec
retary, Auxiliary;
Alfred P. Kelley, Oswego, na
tional committeeman for Ore
gon, Legion; Herschel Taylor,
Eugene, alternate national com
mitteeman, Legion; Thomas
Stoughton, Portland, finance of
ficer, Legion; Mrs. McKinley
Kane, Dundee, department
treasurer, Auxiliary; Father
Vincent .C. Egan, Burns, chap
lain, Legion; Mrs. Beulah Round.
Long Creek, chaplain, Auxiliary;
Cy Hawver, Portland, depart
ment historian, Legion; Mrs.
Hazel Alden, Seaside, depart
ment historian, Auxiliary;
Arthur G. Miller, department
service officer, Legion; Stuart
M. Hulin, Portland, department
sergeant-at-arms, Legion; Mrs.
Floyd Reith, Seaside, department
sergeant-at-arms, Auxiliary; Dr.
M. E. Cooper, Klamath Falls,
Grand Chef De Gare 40 and 8
for Oregon; Mrs. Walter Amann,
Portland, Le Chapeau depart
mental, 8-40.
Major General Thomas Rilea,
adjutant general for Oregon;
Brig. Gen. H. G. Maison, Salem,
assistant division commander
41st Div ONG; George Reid,
regional placement officer, VA;
Charles Langdon, manager Port
land office VA; Richard Smurth
waite, veterans placement officer
for Oregon; Mayor Robert L.
Elfstrom, Salem; Mayor Walter
Musgrave, West Salem; Mayor
Dorothy McCullough Lee, Port
land, Jess Osborn, Portland, Area
No. 1 commander, Legion; Harry
A. Pinkerton, Medford, Area
No. 2; Robert Damon, Mt. Ver
non, Area No. 3.
Woode Hite, Sherwood, Dis
trict No. 1 commander, Legion;
Walter Wood, Salem, District
No. 2; Elmer L. Whetstone, Le
banon, District No. 3; Arthur
Kellert, Kerby, District No. 4;
A. W. Gust, Maupin, District No.
5; Harry W. Kelly, Hermiston,
District No. 6; W. E. Wilklns,
LaGrande, District No. 7; Earl
C. Son, Portland, District No. 8;
George F. Hockenyos, Portland,
District No. 9; Eugene A. Spring
er, Roseburg, District No. 10;
Less Ballard, Burns, District No.
11; Robert E. Tull, Redmond,
District No. 12.
Mrs. C. Harold Moyer, Astoria,
District No. 1 president, Auxil
iary; Mrs. Robert S. Kreason,
Dallas, District No. 2; Mrs. Clif
ford Cruson, Oakridge, District
No. 3; Mrs. B. L. Badden, Kerby,
District No. 4; Mrs. Harold L.
Leach, Bonneville, District No.
5; Mrs, M. J. Pinney, Pendleton,
District No. 6; Mrs. Joseph 'W.
Boyer, Baker, District No. 7:
Mrs. John Parodi, Portland, Dis
trict No. 8; Mrs. La Verne C. Van
Ausdell, Troutdale, District No.
9; Mrs. H. F. Hatfield, Roseburg,
District No. 10; Mrs. Ernest Sie
loff. Burns, District No. 11; Mrs.
R. E. Tull, Redmond, District No.
Charles H. Huggins, command
er Capital post No. 9, Salem;
Kenneth Potts, commander
Salem post No. 136, Salem; Mrs.
Harriott Belcher, commander
Pioneer post No. 149, Salem;
Brazier C. Small, Chef le Gare
Voiture 153, Salem; Mrs. Bert
Walker, president Unit 136,
Salem; Mrs. Helen McLeod, pres
ident Capital Unit 9, Salem; Mrs.
Earl Andresen, La Petit Chapeau
Marion Salon 412, 8 and 40; Mrs.
I. N. Bacon, convention commis
sion chairman, American Legion
Auxiliary; Onas S. Olson, execu
tive secretary convention com
mission. Legion.
Charles E. Piersall,- Sous Chef
de Chemin de Fer, Washington
state; Everett A. McKee, Grand
Chef de Train, Washington state
William D. Chandler, Grand
Chef de Frain, Washington state.
Junior Women Plan
For Style Show
Silverton Mrs. Jerry Gas
tineau, president, was in charge
of the outdoor meeting in the
city park, Friday evening, for
the members of the Junior wo
man's club. The principal fea
ture of the business hour was
the arrangements for the au
tumn style show to be Thursday
evening, September 15, at the
Eugene Field auditorium. Mrs.
Wilson Johnson is general chair
man of the show. Those model
ing for the spring fashion show
will give special help to the
personnel in the parade for the
autumn event.
Mrs. Wilson named her dec
orations committee to include
Mrs. E. Schell, Mrs. Gerald
Smedsted, Mrs. Al Rasmussen,
Mrs. Kenneth Olson and Mrs.
Lowell Hoblitt. On the ticket
committee are Mrs. John W.
Myers and Mrs. Paul Innes.
Aside from modeling done by
members of the club, a number
from the membership from the
Silverton Woman's club, a sen
ior group, eight children of pre
school and lower grade ages,
and teen age girls will have a
part in the parade of models.
The members voted to change
the time of their regular meet
ing nights to the second and
fourth Mondays of each month
at the Chamber of Commerce
rooms in the Washington Irving
The annual family picnic is
announced for Friday, August 5,
late afternoon and evening at
the city park. A 6 o'clock sup
per will be served to members
and their families. Named as
picnic committee chairman of
entertainment is Mrs. James
Nelson, assisted by Mrs. Edward
Handy and Mrs. Bob Morford.
To provide music for the eve
ning will be Mrs. Justin L. Dy
rud. Arranging for coffee and
soft drinks are Mrs. John W.
Myers, Mrs. Ronald Wood and
Mrs. Paul Innes.
As a permanent project the
club is planning a story hour
for kiddies, Mrs. Allan Foster as
chairman to arrange with the
school board for space for the
hour. Mrs. Justin L. Dyrud was
elected as corresponding secretary.
(By ths Aasocnted Pres)
If you like to serve soup and
salad luncheons in hot weather,
here are two new recipes for
you. The soup entry is a
version of that old perennial
"Borscht." The salad is a parti
cularly delicious combination of
July fruits with a creamy new
kind of mayonnaise. Since it's
a good idea to serve at least one
hot food on each menu, even
in torrid weather, you can let
the soup preface a casserole
dish. When you serve the salad
you may wish to precede it with
a warm soup.
Summer Fruit Plate
Arrange attractively on an
individual salad plate, a banana
cut in half lengthwise and dip
ped in lemon juice, slice of
honeydew melon, seeded grape
halves, or pitted cherry halves.
diced cantaloupe, and fresh pine
apple cut In matchstick pieces.
Top each serving with -cup
creamed cottage cheese. Gar
nish with sprigs of watercress
and serve with fruit salad may
Fruit Salad Mayonnaise
Ingredients: cup condensed
milk, Yt cup lemon juice, Vt cup
orange juice, Vi cup melted but-
rtW fn
i !
Miss CI ine Wed Saturday
At Independence Ceremony
Independence Miss Mary Rosalie Cline, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Monroe Cline, was married to Pvt. Kenneth D. Fuller, son
of William H. Fuller of Ridgefield, Wash., July 30 at the Metho
dist church. Rev. Melville Wire of Salem officiated at the double
ring ceremony, which took place under a white arch trimmed
with gladioluses, .red wood-
, u. j t 9-an nMnMfiof the bride, Mrs. Harold Wal-
UUUgllS, Oltu it....,
Recent Bride The mar
riage of Mrs. Charles K.
Prinslow, the former Jeanne
Ertelt, was solemnized July
23 in St. ' Mary's Catholic
church at Mt. Angel. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl S. Ertelt of Mt.
Angel, Mr. Prinslow is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Prinslow of Woodburn. (Jes-ten-Miller
studio picture)
Rebekah Event
Mrs. Justina Kildee, noble
grand, presided over the regu
lar meeting of the Salem Re
bekah lodge No. 1 Monday eve
ning. The reception committee
for the August meetings was ap
pointed, Mrs. Luther Milton,
Mrs. Clarence .Kimball, Mrs.
Francis Jackson, Mrs. Lawrence
McClure .and .Mrs. .Clarence
The drill team will meet for
practice on Tuesday afternoon
next and the degree team will
meet for practice on Tuesday
evening. It was also announced
that the Marion county IOOF
picnic will be held next Sunday
at the Stayton park. Mrs. Lloyd
Wood gave an account of a visi
tation from this lodge to the
Albany Rebekah lodge Friday
evening. She outlined the talk
given by the state president.
HOME from a trip to Yellow
stone park and Sun Valley are
Mr. pnd Mrs. Chester Johns,
their daughter, Beverly, and
Mrs. John's father, F. A. Far
nam, all of 1275 North 16th.
They went first to La Grande
to visit at the home of Mr. Far-
nam's son and daughter-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farnam, then
motored on to Yellowstone, re
turning by way of Sun VaUey
AMONG visitors here for the
department convention of the
American Legion and auxiliary
is Mrs. Harold Perkins of Ta
coma, former resident of Salem
and a past president of Capital
Unit No. 9, auxiliary. Mrs. Per
kins is the guest of her mother,
Mrs. Effie Capps, and of her
sister, Mrs. Gertie Hazel.
VISITORS here for the after
noon Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs.
George Van Natta and sons, Rob
ert and Fred, of St. Helens. Mrs.
Van Natta is a sister of Mrs. Paul
Heath of Salem.
ter, 1 egg yolk, Yi teaspoon salt.
dasn of cayenne pepper, 1 tea
spoon dry mustard. .
Method: Put condensed milk
lemon juice, orange juice, melt
ed butter, egg yolk, salt, cayen
ne pepper and mustard into mix
ing bowl. Beat with rotary egg
Deater until mixture is well
blended and thickened. If thick
er consistency is desired, chill
Before serving. Makes 1 Vi cups,
uniued Beet and
Sauerkraut Soup
Ingredients: 2 cups beet luice,
2 cups sour cream, 4 cups chick
en bouillin, 2 cups sauerkraut.
salt and freshly ground pepper
(.to taste).
Method: With a rotarv beater
thoroughly combine beet juice
ana lVi cups sour cream. Add
chicken bouillin, sauerkraut and
salt and pepper to taste. Chil)
morougniy. just before serv
ing top each portion with a
spoonful of the remaining sour
cream. Makes 4 to 6 servines
in the afternoon
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a white sat
in gown fashioned with a fitted
bodice and lace yoke neckline
and long sleeves, trimmed at the
cuff with lace. The full skirt
fell softly in a full length train.
The fingertip veil was held in
place with a seed pearl tiara and
the bride caned a wnite uiDie
with gardenias and white satin
Mrs. Richard Williams, sister
of the bridegroom, was matron
of honor and carried an arm of
orchid gladioluses. Miss Betty
Ann Cline, sister of the bride,
and Miss Margaret Mills were
bridesmaids and carried arm
bouquets of yellow gladioluses.
All three girls wore peach moire
taffeta gowns fashioned with a
tailored bodice and full skirt
trimmed with three rows of ruf
fles. Little Carol Buker, cousin
of the bride was flower girl and
wore an aqua taffeta floor length
dress styled with a fitted bodice
and a ruffled apron effect. She
carried a white basket of gar
den flowers.
Four-year-old Eddie Wilson
was ring bearer and wore a
white suit. He carried the rings
on a white satin pillow. Cpl.
Robert D. Fuller, brother of the
bridegroom, was best man, and
ushers were Calvin Cox, cousin
of the bride, and Arlene Fuller,
the bridegroom's brother.
Mrs. Cline, mother of the
bride, wore a shell pink gabar
dine suit with a pink hat and
morocco accessories. Her cor
sage ,was pink rubrum lillies.
Preceding the ceremony, Paul
Dodd sang, accompanied by Mrs.
M. J. Butler. Mrs. Melville
Wire played the wedding march
and recessional. ,
Following congratulations at
the church a- reception was held
in the yard of the Cline s coun
try home. The lace covered
serving table was centered with
a beautiful four-tiered wedding
cake. Mrs. Muriel Warner of
Salem, cut the cake after the
couple had cut the traditional
first piece. Mrs. Clara Lemmon
and Mrs. Clarice Stensland of
Salem, poured. Assisting were
Mrs. Sally Staats and Sandra of
Parker, Miss Irma Lockhard of
Salem, Mrs. Lester Cline, aunt
ler, and Mrs. Allen Purvine of
Independence and Mrs. Percy
Lamb of Monmouth. The guest
book was passed by Miss Ber
nice Ralph of Stayton; and Mrs.
John Buker and Mrs. Harold
Sutton, aunts of the bride, were
charge of the gifts. Mrs.
Woodrow Wilson of Albany was
in charge of the wedding ar
Pvt. and Mrs. Fuller will
spend their honeymoon at the
Oregon beaches and will be at
home in Tacoma, Wash., after
August 7. Pvt Fuller is station
ed at Ft. Lewis, Wash. For
going away the bride Wore a
pink faille dress with white ac
cessories and a gardenia corsage
Out-of-town guests among the
120 who attended the reception!
were Mrs. Mary Buker, grand
mother of the bride, Mr. Wil
liam Fuller, Barry and Arlen,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sutton,
Gene and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Williams, all of Ridge
field, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Arth
ur Buker and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Cunningham of Portland. Mrs.
Marian Chambers and grand
daughter Judy Jones of Aloha
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred - Oatman of
Eugene. Mrs. S. A. Tartar. Mrs
Pet M. Fisher, Mrs. J. A. Wilt
sey, Mrs. Muriel Warner, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Wacken and Clif
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph
Wacken and Lois, Mr. and Mrs
T. R. Wacken, Larry and Mar
lene and Mr. and Mrs. Herman
C. Wacken, all of Salem.
THE LADIES auxiliary to Pa
triarch Militant Canton, Capi
tal No. 1, held its regular meet
ing in the IOOF hall, with Mrs.
L. A. Wood presiding. Two new
members, Mrs. John Wiler of
Salem, and Mrs. Blanch John
son of Portland auxiliary No. 1
were Initiated into the order.
There were 14 guests from
Portland; also the junior state
president, Mrs. Viola McLaugh
lin of Dayton, several other past
department officers and Mrs.
Collette Miller, vice president
of the department of Washing
ton. The refreshment committee
for next month will be Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Erickson, Mrs. Allura
Chance, Mrs. Ada Pomeroy and
Mrs. Victoria Stiffler.
Thursday and Friday, July 4-5
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Fall Semester . . . September 12, 1949
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