Capital Edited by MARIAN wii'iiiiiiiihj i mm niiwimn 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, August 3, 1949 Year's Committees for SoroptimistClub Named I New committees to serve ! Salem Soroptimist club were and luncheon of the group ' Pheasant, Mrs. Glenn McCormick, club president, announcing the aoDointments. Personnel of t ! Christening Sunday ! Christening ceremonies for I Scott Angus McLeod, six-months , old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod, will be conducted j next Sunday at 1 p. m. in the ( chapel of St. Paul's Episcopal ! church, the Rev. George H i Swift officiating. ' Godparents are Mrs. M. Eu Bene Reed of Eugene and Rus ' sell Renner. Grandmothers of the little boy are Mrs. L. C. McLeod and Mrs. Frank H. ! SDears of Salem and Mrs. Rus- sell Catlin of Salem is the great I erandmother, Following the service the j baby's parents will entertain a ! lew Close irieuus uuu me iam ! Hies at their home. j Newcomer to ! Be Honored 1 Hostesses Thursday morning i for an informal coffee will be i Mrs. Ed Lewis and Mrs. Thomas ! Graham, entertaining at the i home of Mrs. Lewis' mother ! Mrs. A. A. Larson. Honored guest for the affair Is ' Mrs. Brace Knapp, who recently moved here with Dr. Knapp and ! their daughter, Barbara, from 1 Des Moines, Iowa. t The coffee will be between ! 10:30 and 12 o'clock with the fol i lowing invited: Mrs. Knapp, j Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mrs. For ! rest Bodmer. Mrs. S. D. Wiles, j Mrs. George Terry Hill, Mrs, I Leon Perry, Mrs. John R. Wood, ' Mrs. Fred Pickhard, Mrs. James Harris, Mrs. James Schuler, J Mrs. Charles E. Gray. , ;Miss Rutherford iWedJuly28 !, Silverton Mr. and Mrs. I Carl Rutherford are announcing ! Al .. ...... I Miss Marlene Elizabeth Ruther- I ford to William G. Fullwiler, I ion of the Earl Fullwilers, all of 1 Silverton. The ceremony was solemnized at the Vancouver 'Lutheran church, Thursday af Iternoon, July 28, at 2:15 o'clock. t Attending the couple were 1liss Jane Hande and Pete Scy- manski. Mr. and Mrs. Fullwiler left Friday for their new home in ; Klamath Falls where he is en- tering trade school for the com tlng year. j Mrs, Fullwiler was a popular 'member of the June graduating lolass of the Silverton high achool. 'Miss Ingledue Is Bride on Saturday ! The marriage of Miss Mearl 'Blaine Ingledue to Jlmraie Charles Lannigan was solemn ized Saturday evening in t h e ICarrier room of the First Meth 'Odist church, the Rev. Carl ISchulz officiating at the 8 o'clock service. White and pink 'gladioluses and white tapers "Were used In decorating for the Svedding. Claire Maxwell light ed the tapers. ; The bride wore a white suit "With white lace hat, and she car ried a white Bible on top of Which was an orchid, j Honor attendant for the bride was her sister, Miss Alice Ingle due who wore a pink suit with eorsage of gardenias, i Charles Feskens was best man and ushering were Allan Olson jjflFLAVORFRESHl 1 M?n ICE "REAM 'hit 4?Clr Women f L0WR5 FISCHER in i i in ir n ! ' during the coming year in the announced at the business session Wednesday noon, at the Golden the committees follows: program Mrs. lerese nanus, chairman; Mrs. Abner K. Kline Mrs. Henry Kayser, Miss Susan Faherty, Miss Daye Idleman, Mrs. Nell Brennan, Dr. Ruth Jens. Hospitality and social Mrs E. H. Kennedy, chairman; Mrs. D. H. Lawrence, Mrs. Carlton Greider, Mrs. Katharyn Loaiza, Mrs. Eva Rush, Mrs. Laura Pan gle, Miss Lena Blum. Attendance Mrs. Clifford Taylor, chairman; Mrs. Hope Randall, Mrs. Leo Johnson, Mrs Henry Millie. Budget and audit Miss Irene de Lisle, chairman; Miss Mary Brady, Mrs. Clo Johnson, Mrs. Marie Ling, Mrs. Charles Gab riel. Civic obligations Mrs. Eva Rush, chairman; Miss Mary Brady, Mrs. Irma Bywater, Mrs. Eleanor Barbour. Decorations and property cus todian, Mrs. Paul Heath, chair man; Mrs. Hope Randall, Mrs, Clifford Taylor, Mrs. L. M. Ramage. Historian and installation Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn, chair man; Mrs. L. M. Ramage. Membership Mrs. Marie Ling, chairman; Mrs. Margaret Callaghan, Mrs. Leo Johnson, Mrs. Charles Gabriel, Mrs. Carl ton Greider. Legislative and parliamentar ian Mrs. Walter A. Barsch chairman; Miss Edith Kyle. Music Miss Alice Crary Brown, chairman; Mrs. Belle Nilcs Brown, Mrs. Donald Reinke, Mrs. James C. Stone. Publicity Mrs. Abner K. Kline, chairman; Mrs. Marie Ling, Mrs. Donald Reinke. Service Mrs. John S. Bea- key, chairman; Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Mrs. Belle Niles Brown. Mrs. William Scandling, Mrs. Margaret Callaghan, Miss Lena Blum. Sister club Mrs. Carlton Greider, chairman; Miss Ellen Sangsler, Mrs. L. M. Ramage, Mrs. Laura Pangle. Extension Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, chairman; Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. H. G. Maison. Mrs. Nell Brennan, Mrs. Ethel Lau, Mrs. Clifford Taylor, Mrs, Glenn Mccormick. Bulletin Mrs. Winifred Pet tyjohn, chairman; Miss Lena Blum, Miss Ellen Sangster. Mrs. Henry Millie. Ways and means Mrs. Ethel Lau, chairman; Mrs. H. G. Mai son, co-chnirman; Mrs. Sidney Stevens,- Mrs. John S. Beakey, Mrs. Eva Rush, Mrs. Lee Eyerly, Mrs. Charles Gabriel, Dr. Rutli Jens, Mrs. William Scandline. Mrs. Eleanor Barbour, Miss Sus an Faherty, Miss Irene de Lisle, Mrs. Abner K. Kline. . THE WOMAN'S Missionary society of Calvary Baptist church is sponsoring a no-host picnic supper Friday evening al 6:30 o'clock on the church lawn, all church families being invit ed. Each family is to take its own table service. Mrs. Edna Steen McCall of Portland is to be guest speaker. HERE Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. William A. Marshall of Seattle to visit at the home of their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Mar shall. From there they will go to Seal Rock to spend a time at the WillBrd Marshall summer and Warren Osborne. The reception was held in the Koehler presided at the punch bowl and Mrs. C. McDonald served the cake. Miss Pauline Ingledue passed the guest book. The couple will be at home in Salem following their wedding trip. i ' it - X Lebanon Leaving the chapel of San Francisco's First Presbyterian church after their late June nuptials, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Walter Gentry greeted friends at a Nob Hill breakfast and departed on a Lake Arrowhead honeymoon. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Wilson of Lebanon, was graduated from Oregon State college and at the time of her marriage was a laboratory technician at the University of California Medical school. The couple will make their home in Corona, Calif., where Dr. Gentry is one of the naval hospital staff. Before returning to Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson entertained for their son-in-law and daugh ter at a reception at Forest Hills club. (LoWn Gillette photo) cottage. The Willard Marshalls spent the week-end at Seal Rocks. LEBANON The Lebanon Duplicate Bridge club met at the Howe summer lodge on the Upper Soda with Mrs. Harry C. Howe as hostess. The bridge games were In the living room. Four tables were in play, high score in north and south going 600 DRESSES 600 reasons why you should buy at least . . . and the prices are slashed! 599 799 999 1 I $5 $19 $24 SORRY Schlesinger ' FT J t to Mrs. Harley McKinney and Mrs. H. G. Rulifson. Honors in east and west went to Mrs. Ro bert Patterson and Mrs. Glen Chandler. Guests of the club for the day were Mrs. Robert San ders of Lebanon; Mrs. Claude Williams of Prineville, and Mrs. Robert Miller of Oakland, Calif. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Caughren on August 11. OF ALL Yes, here are over 700 reasons why you should buy your coat and dress now! Lingering styles, presenting intimate detail-you'll love them, and you'll love the savings, too! Come in first thing tomor-row--at this price, this supply won't last long! - ALL SALES FINAL ... NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES ii mwiMiMUAUim w wiiu hi m u mil wm Shower Given Tuesday Evening Mrs. Harvey A. Loveall, Jr., entertained Tuesday evening at a shower to honor Mrs. Keith Mor ris. Mrs. Philip Jackson assisted the hostess in serving the late dessert supper. The party was at the home of Mrs. H. A. Loveall, Sr. In the group were: Mrs. Mor ris, Mrs. C. A. Rust, Mrs. Glenn Morris, Mrs. H. A. Loveall, Sr. Mrs. Joseph Cooncn, Mrs. Dale Pence, Mrs. William Hill, Mrs. Phillip Jackson, Mrs. James Er ickson, Mrs. Herbert Aplington, Miss Barbara Hendrickson, Miss Barbara King of Portland, Miss Joan Blaxall, Miss Charlotte Al exander, Miss Patti Ray, Miss Patty Wilson, Miss Geraldine Woodroffe, Miss Lorraine Poin dexter, Miss Patricia Burrell, Miss Marilyn Hill, Miss Joyce Smith, Miss Marianna Bone steele, Miss Beverly Nelson, Miss Roberta Tussing, Miss Suzanne Huggins, Miss Wanda Hathaway, Miss Luella Campbell and the hostess. Schlesinger & classical silhouettes for fall 'forty-nine Smooth tailored suits with elaborate details, yet slim, uncluttered lines . . . you'll wear this style this fall. Schlesinger THE SCHLESNGER SUKAKAER "ERCHAHDJ one 405 Court C Rainbow Picnic Members of the Order of Rain bow for Girls met at Dallas City park Sunday for a picnic. Girls from Chadwick assem bly, No. 3, Salem, joined the girls from Naomi assembly at Dallas at 3 p.m. Games and swimming were enjoyed. A pic nic supper was held at 5:00, with each girl bringing a hot or cold dish. The first fall meeting for Chadwick assembly will be held September 13 at the Masonic temple. Election of officers will be held, and a short program will be given. Guests from Mt. Scott assembly of Portland will be honored. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. VISITING here for the month are Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Ammann and children of McKittrick, Calif. They are visiting Mr. Ammann's brother and sisters, Mrs. Carl Bartuff, Mrs. Al Wright and Ed Ammann, all of Co. 405 Court & CO. o rr 120 COATS 120 reasons why you should take advantage of this big opportunity . . . reduced to & Co. Mr McKenzie Plans Reception Invitations have been received for an informal reception for which Vic McKenzie of Carmel, Calif.,- former Salemite, is to en tertain Thursday afternoon at the Elks temple. Honor guests will be Gover nor Douglas McKay; B. E. (Kel ly) Owens, who is department commander of the American Le gion; and all past commanders of Capital post No. 9 of the Le gion, Salem. Guests have been invited be tween 4 and 6 o'clock. Mr. Mc Kenzie is a past commander of Capital Post No 9 here, and Is in Salem during the Oregon de partment convention of the American Legion and auxiliary Salem, and Mrs. Bill Edwards of Albany. Mr. Ammann is principal in the schools at McKittrick. He formerly lived in Salem. ROTHMOOR COATS and SUITS for FALL '49 ARE HERE! Pick Yours Now! on Our Layaway Plan or Charge! & Co. (looking ahead to those good old Golden Rule days) THIS ONE'S A MAJOR SUBJECT the famous KAFOURY Blouse with Peter Pan collar. The Everywear Blouse that's as grand in every way . . . even grander, the new low price! 2.98 CLASSMATES YOU'LL ADORE. Add Johnson Skirts in tweeds, strutters, gabardines . . resist wrinkles. All the sizes and colors from 3.98 A BRIEF GLANCE will convince you . . these are easy on the wearer . . . can actually take the place of a girdle and a garter belt for lots of you. By Carter or Holeproof 2.50 IN THE BAG! One Cardigan, one short sleeved slip-on are the imort Bermuda Sweater Set. Zephyr-knit in Copper, Wine, Pine Green, Powder Blue, Royal Blue, Brown ond Pink. t Packaged in a perfect plastic bag the complete affair is but 10.95 Get ready to be the smartest one in the class where everything in fashion's at OttJi Stortfor Ladlti 1 . Mti1A