East Salem residents Need Permits to Start Bonfires East Salem, Aug. 3 New residents of East Salem who live in the Four Corners rural fire zone are being reminded that it . is necessary at this time to have a permit from the fire de partment to have any bon-fire what ever. Several have been burning dry grass, some along the road side, and with permits -the fire department is alerted 'Atomic Cocktail' I. S. Randall, New York advertising and sales executive, holds cup containing radioactive iodine which he says apparently has cured him of hopeless thyroid cancer. Randall, writing in i the American Magazine, says he had gone to a hospital to die, when the iodine drink, or "atomic cocktail," was tried. It cured his back pain quickly, . and in a few months the thy- . roid cancers disappeared. Now he says he is feeling younger and : more jaunty than for years. The iodine drink is or- dinary water containing a very small amount of radioactive iodine produced at atomic energy plants'. (AP Wirephoto) Radioactive iodine Cures Thyroid Cancer New York, Aug. 3 W) I. S. Randall, New York advertising and sales executive, told today in the American magazine how drinking radioactive iodine ap parently has cured him of hope less thyroid cancer. The iodine drink is a glass of ordinary water containing a very small amount of radioac tive iodine. Before the war this iodine was made by cyclotrons and was scarce and expensive. Now it is made by atomic energy plants, at Oak Ridge, Tenn., and at Chicago, and is much easier to get. Randall's case adds one more to a small list of spectular and almost miraculous recoveries, due to radioactive iodine drinks, he wrote. His thyroid cancer had spread to his spine and to shoulder bones. He had gone to a hospital to die when the iodine drink was tried. It quickly cured his back pain and in a few months the thyroid cancers disappeared, he said. Reports Given Society The Unionvale Woman's Mis sionary society with ten mem bers present held the monthly meeting at the church. The three members, Mrs. Clark No ble, the president, Mrs. George Millen and Mrs. Clarence S. Crawley, who had attended the annual convention at Jennings Lodge, each gave reports. The next meeting will be at the church August 18. "Japan" will be subject of missionary study for next year. Rev. George Mil len, the local pastor here was re-assigned. Heavy demand from the Unit ed States for cinchona bark, from which quinine is made, has caused prices for the bark to rise in Ecuador. for any emergency. Middle Grove the largest club family picnic this season for members of this community was that of the Ametie club pic nic held at Stayton park Sunday. Members and their families in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Patterson, Lewis, Steve, Karen and Carrie Jean: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Van Cleave, Dale, Gaylene, and Garry; Mrs. Mil dred Hammer, Marie and Tommy; Mr. and Mrs. William Kleen and Dena Lou; Mr. and Mrs. John Schaffer, Bobby, Jean and Freddy; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts, Donna, Johnny and Nancy; Mr. and Mrs. Esch- leman and Leona; Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. E, H. McElroy; Mr. and Mrs. John Van Laanen and Dale; Mrs. Anna Hammer; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wikoff, Jack and Jaunita Mc- Debbit; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kuunzi and James; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dow; Mr. and Mrs. John Anglin and Sue; Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Schardein; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anglin, Mickey and Linda; Mrs. Roy Scofield; Mrs. Anna Wirsch- ing and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bas sett and Donald. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Har old Anglin, Jonney, Donnie and Connie; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Emvdt; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kuenze; Mr. and Mrs. L. Grein, Sears to Choose Lady Shopper The average lady shopper at Sears will be chosen Friday and Saturday and will assist the mayor of Salem and West Sa lem in opening the gigantic new store at 10 a. m. August 11. This typical woman customer will be announced Monday, and will receive a dress from the Sears new dress department, a charmode slip and bra, three pairs of Royal Purple hosiery, a pair of Kerrybrooke high style shoes, and a lovely hat from the brand new stock of the new hat department. She will also receive her choice of $2.50 worth of candy from Sears new candy depart ment and two rolls of still film from the new camera department. World War II Veteran Looms As Candidate to Head Legion The Oregon department of the American Legion may have a World War II veteran as commander for the first time when the 31st annual gathering of the veterans of both wars concludes Saturday night, according to political rumors on the eve of the department's opening sessions. ' Southern Oregon Legion- naires are making a strong bid for the 32nd convention and are launching a strenuous campaign not only to hold the 1950 con vention in Grants Pass but also to have a Grants Pass man as the next department commander. Sam Bowe, World War II vet eran' and a member of Grants post No. 28 who is serving as state vice commander this year, is the candidate of the southern Oregonians. He is a young attor ney an da graduate of Willam- Richard Howell, Eddie Page, Doris Reynolds, Edwin Stahl Kathy Siedler and Mrs. Fern Schultz. The annual family picnic for members of the Garden Road Neighborhood club will be held Sunday at the Earl Wood sum mer home on the Little North Fork of the Santiam. Mr. and Mrs. . Richard T. Wicklander have as their guest their daughter Mrs. H. D. More land of Baltimore, Md. She flew north from Mexico City and will spend a few weeks with her parents. Want Better Heat? Let us show you how your home can have real " Wincer Air Conditioning" with a Delco-Heat Oil-Fired Conditional ! SALEM HEATING & SHEET METAL CO. Dial 3-8555 1085 Broadway Authorized Repreientativt in Did You Know That . . . You Can Take an Option to BUY When Renting TYPEWRITERS or ADDING MACHINES at KAY's? Yes! Initial Rental Payment Applied Toward Purchase! New or Used Portables, Used Standards, New or Used Adding Machines NEW QUIET DELUXE Royal Portables ONLY 050 M Dowi Down Balance on Easy Terms Quiet Deluxe with Carrying Case We guarantee our prices on new portables are as low as any local store, chain or mail order house. ROYAL - UNDERWOOD - CORONA PORTABLES Exclusive Representative for the Royal Standard KAY TYPEWRITER CO. "ACROSS FROM THE SENATOR HOTEL" 223 No. High Ph.3-8095 ctte university. Backing their candidate and home town for the next conven tion, the Grants Pass delegation is scheduled to make a wide and judicial distribution of gladio luses as part of their campaign. Eugene, originally believed a seeKer for the convention, is now thought to be in the mood to delay its campaign and be content to be host for the 1951 convention. Turning to the 40 ct 8 conven tion, the grand promenade at its caucus tonight is thought to be favorable to W. E. (Windy) Wilkins. chef de gare of the La Grande voiture, as grand chef ue gare. Faborable report of tht findings of the caucus is tanta mount to election and merely a formality at the grand voiture or business session of the organ ization the next day. Wilkins has been active in the grand voiture for many years and has also served as president of the tri-stato voiture composed of voyaguers in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho. Capital Journal. Snlcm, Ore., Wednesday, August 3, 1949 3 trude Shoemaker missionary to Africa was read by Mrs. Hoppe and several articles were read by the group. Mrs. Hope Letter men was reappointed by the president to serve as librarian and group leader. Those present were Mrs. Bob Nelson, Mrs. Richard Paul, Mrs. Ethel Guth ridge, Mrs. Hope Letterman, and Mrs. Hoppe. The next meeting will be the annual breakfast at the home of Mrs. Richard Paul in August. Church Society Meets Falls City The Women's Mis sionary meeting was held at the Christian church with business in charge of the president Mrs. R. Paul. A letter from Mrs. Ger- DUE- TO- POPULAR - REQUEST w 4. . rmmnwr imm. SALEM, ORE. . WILL REMAIN OPEN FRIDA Y MIGHTS UNTIL 9 P. M. During Back to School Season WILL CLOSE FOR AMERICAN LEGION PARADE CLOSING OUT GORTON APPLIANCES CO. AT PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY, 8 P. M. - No Reserve Refrigerators Ranges Washers Glenn Woodry, Auctioneer Glenwood Ballroom All Goes Deep Freezer Dishwashers Hundreds Items At awrn GIVES YOU A FULL-WIDTH FREEZER COMPARTMENT 95 IN THIS 7 CU. FT. 739 ONLY umMAN'S ANGLE 1 7 w n 'I..,- WITH FUU-W0TH . . ...,re-rt.mCED KffWW?,! cuflMROOR Talk about a bargain! Here's what this beautiful; new low-ow-priced Crosley gives you : the shelvador the famous, exclusive Crosley feature that doubles your "front-row" space stores constantly needed foods at your fingertips keeps little things from "getting lost." A FULL-WIDTH FREEZER COMPARTMENT that's a regular storehouse for frozen foods. Think of this modern feature in a refrigerator of this size at this low price! big storage capacity full seven cubic feet... over fourteen square feet of shelf area! full-width transparent crisper for leafy greens, vegetables, leftovers, and other foods that need high humidity. electrosaver unit, precision-engineered and manufac tured in Crosley's own plant; hermetically sealed for long, quiet, trouble-free, economical operation. Free Delivery Anywhere! l . W , iom . f.M. Ml. " W SHELVADOR REFRIGERATORS . . . KITCHEN FREEZERS... tANSES ... RADIOS .. . RADIO PHONOGRAPHS . . .TELEVISION Better Productt for Happier Living NEW Low Terms! 1