is 8- at ' pi . th m ic JSc J. ! Ch ; ch j si Cl l. i0 I Si 0 Ti ;k ,te !m !oi ac !a h: Ic: lz :c '0( !s o' il w Sv w I I w cc I 18 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Pet Line 15c Per Line times 4i)c Pet Line 6 time Uc Pet Lint 1 month . . 12 00 Outside of Sale in I5e per line pei day 41 in lOci 1 time mln 60c 0 tunes mln 11.30 No Refund KEADCRSln Local Newi Col Oaly Par line "0e to Place an Ad Phone 2-240U FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER: New ! home. FHA terms. 1500 down. 3-2880. 642 Blller. bdrm Phone KLW UOME by owner. 2140 Carlton Way N on 99 lo Carlton Way. al95 FOB SALE OR LEASE BY OWNERS Convenient loi business and residence or house can do removed 8 rm., full baaemenet, 41 by 100 lot. Handy to Sears New Shopping Center, on State HlBhwa 09E, 575 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-4540 lor appointment. al87' BY OW"EIl New 5 rm. mod. hse., 14,000, 11500 down, ten years on balance. 2330 Hyde St., Salens a!83 BY OWNER 1 acre, 6 room house, garage, chicken house, near Swegle school, nut ' trees, berries St Harden spot, $6500 Terms could be arranged BL. 5, Box 65 on Brown's Rd. N.E. of Swegle Sen. al83 BY OWNER: Good small home J51MJ 1815 N. Liberty. ..fi83 6. HIUII ST, Modern home. Has 3 bdrm.s., den, L.R. O.R. Comb., kitchen to. nook with full basement. Lots of bullt-lns. Has fireplace, auto, oil heat, carpeted hdw firs. Lite, well landscaped lot. $12,600. Ph. owne. at 3-6198. a!84 BY OWNER Englewood school dlst., well const. 3-bdrm. home. Full bsmt. with good furn. Instil., now roof, new rcdec. About 10 yrs. old. Approx. lot 50x110. Bvis by door Lots of shrubs and flowers, gar den In. Ph. 2-0306. 2295 Brcyman. "The Wake of the Red Witch" plus "The Bride.'' al9l MOD. 4-BDRM. home close to school and bus. 1050 3rd BL, West Balem. alB5 ENGLEWOOD DIST. 3 bdrm., L.R. with fireplace, dinette, kitch. with lots of bullt-lns, bath with tub and shower, pecan firs., att, extra lge. ar., lnsul. and W.S., auto, heat, back yd. fenced, F.H.A. approved: See at 1640 Orant or Phone 2-5526. al85" OWNER LEAVING CITY Offers this one year old, 2 bedroom home, modern In every respect. Yard, shrubbery and garden In, automatic oil hent, bent of conditions. Corner lo . $1250 will handle. Balance 155 per m F.H.A, Ph. 22825, 398 Tryon avc. al87 Family Man, Attention Here Is s real buy. 5 B.R.'s, lie. lot, var- den In choice Klngwood HrIs. For only 15900, (1400 dn. will handle and 145 per mo. Don't pass this one up ALSO A handyman's opportunity. 2-story older hse. and 'j acre near Hopmerc, Only $2050. Some terms Fine ground. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 H. Oapltol St. Office Ph 2-aaoa - Eves. 2-2147 or 2-afKfl alB3 B7 Owner Who li Employed elsewhere. Lovely B-room home. Hardwood Uoors and fireplace Attached garage. Fenced in yard, nice flowers and shrubs. King wood Heights district. Lovely view. $4000 equity, some balance. Will give easy terms on equity. Ph. 3-5059, al83 BY OWNER 7 room house, double plumb ing. 2557 Lee St. ill 86 FOR SALE by owner. New 5 room modern house $3000. 11400 down, ten years on balance. Will tako car In. 2330 Hyde St.. Salem. ' a 1 H 11Y OWNER Price $1050 down, bal. $1000 morn ago semi annually for quick sale. 2-bcdroom house on httfh ground over- looKlng pretty view, clone to west Ba lem. Extra view building lot (school, Mt View), city water, lights, etc. Location: Turn rlwht off EdKewater St, on Hone- mont at corner of M.K.N. Ftirnlurc Store, no up top of Cascade Dr., turn left, then a quick rtitht turn, follow dirt road to first Irfthand turn, second plnce on right, Roth, Box 104, Kt. 1 West Siilcrn al80' SToilERN 2 Bdrm. home, leaving town, bargain. 881 Itosemont, W-S. ul8C 3 Bedrooms on 1 Floor Hembllng suburban home. Clowe to bus and school; cement 'foundation, plas tered, V. blinds, a beautiful home. Only 3 years old. Full price $7,000. $l,0UO down. .Rawlin's Realty Hollywood Dlst. - PI). 3-4664 Eve. 2-8013, 3-7138. 2-6757. al83" BY OWNER 2 bdrm. home, L.R. with hardwood firs., nice kitchen, Ven. blinds, Bendlx. Lite, lot. South near stores and bus. $6300. Phone 2-3219. alBfl' NEW 5 KM. house and bath rm. unfinish ed. 3 lots. Just north of West Stayton store. alH7 f3,HA0 CASH 1 Bdrm., Llv. & Dine tie comb., kitchen, lots of bullt-lns. Gar age, barn, IVi acres. 14 yng. fruit trees; lite. Eng. Wal.i Jae. Blk, Wal, 650 Holly wood Ave, alfl4 Leaving the State My 11303 equiyt In 1 yr. old 2 B.R. home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move right in for $500. Bal F.H.A. See 543 Blller Ave. alB7 $7050 Very neat two bed rm. plastered home with hardwood firs. Ihru-out. heavily Insulated, shake exterior, att. (taraKc lame lot east. 6 mos. old. $H80o New ranch ityle 3 brd rm. on ex tra large lot, hwd. floors, fireplace, elec. heat, nice lawn, lots of flowers. JW.loo Beautiful new two bed rm. dream home on extra large lot Lawn & shrubt already In. You should see UiLs. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor BUY NOW COZY 1 bedrm. home, 2 yrs. old. Elec. slove 60 ft. lot. Price 14850. XEIZKR DIST. Practically new 2 bedrm. home, Att. garage; furnace. Large lot. A good buy for 17000. Terms. PAIR MOUNT HILL DIST. 3 bedrm. home; sleeping porch; cement basement: oil furnace. Nice back yard; large shade trees. $6000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 144 State Bt. Ph, 2-3fl3 Eyuilniis cnllJ-6789 or 3-4007. al84 Sy OWNER "3 fad.' r" home" priced toieir Small down payment, bal. 150 per mo. Income of $;f5 per mo. Near parochial and public achool. Ph. 3-3451. al84 COMFY, COZY1 Loveable quarter acrel N. Salem! Close in to Hlway, store A bus! Homey 6 r. house, bathroom, elec. WBter heater, wired for El. rangel 3 great walnuts, fruit, berries Ac fine garden soils! City water, city sewer, paved atreell Posips lon now I Price, $4950, some terms. WALLACE ROAD! J"our big acresl Well Improveedl H m N. of brldgel Look lor slml Price $10,000. Terms. C. W. Stuller, Agt. Salem, Ore. Wallace Road, Vi U. N. of Brldgel ai83 Move Right In Completely furnished. Two lovely bdrms LR, DR, Kit., fireplace; piped furnace, large fenced yard; near public and pt oohlal schools: near bus. All for 111,500 Terms. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 143 N. High St. Phone 3-7860 Eve. Phonej 2-4591 - 3-6605. al84 FURNISHED HOME A two bedroom home completely fur nished with 2 rm. apartment In back. Modem with utility room. 1 block to bus. Place now rented, but look It over nd make an appointment to see 344 North 23rd St. The price Is $5800 with terms. Johnson BURT PICHA, Realtors 79 n. mm at. 0i!k a-s4e XVI. 1-7(51 or 2-1310 .183' Ore., Wednesday, August 3, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "The Wake of the Red Witch" Plus "The Bribe" AT WARNERS CAPITAL THEATRE IIEKE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title ol this picture comlne soon to Salem Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 2: words or less on 'Why I Read The Canital Jour nal Want Ads." with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Wake of the Red Witch" plus "The Bribe", coming soon to the Capital theater. All entries become the proper, ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the Judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elslnore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES ENGLEWOOD DIST, 18000 Nice S bed rm, home, fireplace, full basement, sawdust furnace, alnul Kfirase, Call Ivan Slvers. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 23849 Eve. 37012 a 184 BY OWNER new 3 bdrm. living rm, din. rm. comb. Ildwd firs., hall, bath. L. Inside utility rm. Att. garage. Lsc, lot near school, 3375 Broadway Ph. 3-8A44. a 189 VIEW A lovely 3 bdrm. home. Hdwd. floors Fireplace. Bnsemrnt. Oarage. You will like it. FHA 18000. Price til, 500. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center al83' $8900 Lot 115x228, trees, lawn, 3 bdrm. home Large II vhitt room, kitchen, utility, bath tub fc shower, Oil heat, carpet, Easy terms or trade for West Salem. Chas. Hudkins & Son 250 N. ft!84 'OR SALE 3 bdrm. bung, full ins. car port, att, gar., elec. rge. fc ref. etc. Can take car and house trailer in trade. Smne price cash or terms $8,600. 216 Koons St., Sllverton, Ore. a!86 $350 DOWN Buys iinrinl.ilicd but livable 3 bdrm. hie In city SW. Wired for range, elec. wtr htr, city water, Dblo lot. $500 DOWN Buys house started at edge of city east. Choice district, good construction. water pipca to lot. uooa buy for $iboo, $1000 DOWN Modern, plastered 3 bdrm home north on 'a acre. Utility rm, garage. Price JfiflOO. ON A HILL Cool, clean 2 yr. old 3 bdrm home. LR, DR. hdwd firs, fir furnace, attached gnraHc. Lge lot at edge oX city, Approx zui'i aown COL BATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 34553 al83 NO. JSTH STREET Beautiful home, unf. attic, corner lot, fireplnce, H.W, floors, tile bath, and many other features you will like. Owner works In another town. Priced for quick sale. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 34707 AM Court St. Eve. 2477a - 27283. n.185' Something New to Trade Homo, Business and Rentals. Owner must sell or trade ace. Illness, will take farm or Income property that can he rented. Ask for particulars. Value about $16,500. No phone Information on this one. Salem Realty Co. 140 N. HlBh 184 FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 Briroom home. plastered. L.R., K Balli, Utll. Alt. garage. V. blinds. Lot 155-xfl0'. See by appointment. 33110 Crawford Ave., Salem. a 183 8 ItlMtM. house on $10,500. Pli. 2-7241. acre. Kingwood, a!85 OWNER 2 bedroom house, nice location. 1150 Nebraska. al88 nv owNEiirYRm. 3 b"r, upstairs. 00 Carlton Way. al85 3 GOOD BUYS Lovely home In center of Hollywood dial. Older but very well kept. 2 bdrms,, '1 tkimt., elec. rook A wtr. htr., Ven. blinds, cozy buck yard. Ideal for chil dren. Only $6850. This benutilul 3 bdrm. home Is In the sub close to bus A, school. One story rnmblhtK style. Only 3 years old. Have all modern conven. This won't last long at only $7,000. Good terms. And lat but not least Is this one story 3 bdrm. home in the sub. with j acre of land. Just right to raise chickens. Has a garden spot & family orchard. The Is plnstered, cement founda tion, elec. cook A wtr. htr. One block from city Ar school buses. $6800. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District 3-4(.64. Eve. 2-6013, 3-7128, 2-5757 8185 CHEAP Move In A complete, plumbing A wiring roughed in. 2 bdrms. Well. , A. good soil. Smalt down payment. Full price $3250, C. W. Reeve Realtor 943 S. Comm'l. Ph. 34500. Eve. 3-9536 al85 HIGHWAY PROPERTY Price reduced on Approx, 1 acre on Dallas highway. ? miles from bridge. Lavgr bldg. wtth living quarter St space for store Green hse. Room to build 3 more hsea. Full price $7400. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve, 3-9536 alB5 BY OWNER 3 $5900, 622 N. bdrm. home reduced to 17th St. mfia SMALL unfinished house (16x34), $3250 $200 dn. Will take trailer house In trade. E. A. McGlauflin, Edw. A. Dyck Realtor , N. Commercial St. Ph. 3-3211. 183 IF YOU WANT a brandi7w home" with 3 bdrms. that's extra nice, located north. Call 27530. FOR SALE LOTS LOTS with water, lights, electricity, bos, close to school on Sllverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. 115 down. $15 per month. General Real Estate 3SS Cenlfr Ph. 3-3381). V1HW LOT, 170 It. tronMn Salem mi AVf.tfiflS. Phong 37834. R.18.1 VIEW LOT 85xl8. JMrtoelu tom SalYa H.lglita Ktiool. Ph. 30998. , a.188' HEW LOT, 0x98. IMlrlctMl. Cltr watW Opp. tit, villa Ava. PH. i-uh. aa- IFOR SALE HOUSES By owner, 2 story, 8 large rm. house. Full basement, party room and bed room, l'i bath, 2 car garage, 2 fireplaces. Springier system, fully landscaped. Near schools. Priced to sell. Corner Cottage and Judson. To be seen, Ph. 39540. Period furniture and oriental rugs available. lfM GRABENHORST SPECIALS 2020 SOUTH HIGH Large 2 bdrm, home, llv. rm., with fireplace. 14x24 ft., din. rm.. hdwd. firs., kitchen with nook, )ge, yard fenced in back. On bus line and very close to both Jr. High and Orade schools. APT. HOUSE LOT Best of locations, close to Willamette Univ., State Bldgs. St shopping center, 72.8x156 ft. Ideal for court development. Price $6,750, Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst, NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME RANCH STYLE 3 car sarAge, 2 baths, 3 fireplaces, full basmt. This home Is really priced right. Call Earl West. 325 SOUTHVIEW PLACE 2 bdrms., llv. rm., nice kitchen, hull & bath, 1 yr. old, Qo out Liberty road to Southvlew Place, turn right. Price 17,400, Call Hoy Ferris, GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phono 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-1232 Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter Oelser 3-9968 Ben Rolsen 3-2471 FOR SALE LOTS FAIR MOUNT HILL on Washington St. between Fir and Falrmount streets, facing south. Lovely level lot 50x100 with trees, shrubs and 2-car itnr ane. Only (2150. Call 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. aa!86 $10 DOWN ! ui! loU with water bus service, elec tricity close to school. Sec them today! Reimann Real Estate 201 South HlBh Ph. 3-9203 Sunday and Evenings 3-5908, 3-9712, 2-8241, 2-2332, 2-3738 aal84 FOR SALE FARM 56 A. East All In grasn seed. Goon modern 3 bdrm. home. Oarage, chicken, fine barn. 113,500. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate Co. 355 Center St. b!83 DAIRYMAN $40,000. 30 acres of clover and fescue. 2 bnrns, fenced and cross fenced. Mod. 3 bdrm. home, beautiful oak trees, fam ily orchard. North near Chomnwn. O. W. Reeve, Realtor, 045 S. Com'l., Office Ph, 3-4590 or eve. 3-9536. b!83 BY OWNER Business interests compel us to ro back eaat, no we are selling our country home. There are ten fertile acres with Btrawberrles, blackberries, and red raspberries for Income, also soma young fruit trees coming along. The house Is nearly new. contains two bedrooms, and is of smart modern de sign. It Is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort In living. Price $17,500 mid worth It. One-half mile south of Clear Lnko school, east Hide of road, Reese A. Hall, Route 3. Box 2(14, Salem. b206 FOR SALE ACREAGE L ACHE extending hltihway DUE to old 9i)W. Has a good old building on it. Could be remodeled Into a 5 rm. house. Total price $2500. Will consider a rea sonable down payment. Bal. paid by the month. Inquire at Rt. 1, Box 54A, Jefferson. bblBIi 27 ACRES 14 miles from Salem. A real money maker, Large 6 room colonial with fireplace. Only 4 years old. Clean level, well tilled land, planted with bearing apple, pear, peach, cherry and nut trees. Hal. pasture it farm I:md. Barn machine shed, Karaite & 2 poultry houses, Owner forced to sacrifice due to poor health. Price $10.5(0. Will con sider small house or Income property In Salem as part payment. Call Bon Cleary, Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109; eve. 3-tnart bb!87 REAL ESTATE 5 ACRES Out lith St. Just at edge or City limits. Good 3 bdrm. home, LR with fireplace. Dining rm. Oil fur Barn, 'a A. peaches. 1 A strawberries. Price $10,700. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9.'3ll cl5 BEST BUYS $800 DOWN KEIZEli DISTRICT Almost new 2 bdrm home with unfin ished upstairs. Needs redecorating but well worth the money. Owner leaving city. Price reduced to $7,000. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. APT, BARGAIN Extra special. 3 units plus small home, Close In norlh, One unit furuLshed, In come $160 per month. Will take other property for $4,000 equity. A mood buy for only $11,000. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. $7500 SPECIAL 3 bdrm. house with l acre tot. House in good condition, very clean. Private well, chicken house. Owner will trade for business or what have you?. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 Or 3-3558. FARMS 6 ACRES PLUS 3 rm. house, butlt In 1940. 30x30 barn. Willamette soil. 3 acres berries. Total price only $5250. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. NORTH HOWELL DIST. 70 acres of fine soil. Excellent 8 rm. home Berries, nuts, family orchard. Has extra 4 rm. modern hous ,t cabins for berry pickers. Owner forced to sell because of ill health. A buy for $30,000. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 37830, 24596 3030 Portland Rd. cl4 This Week's Specials A busy grocery store on a good corner, doing cash business, Price includes stock, fixtures and Real Estate. Reason for selling? Sickness In family. Ideal for couple nice 1 bedroom home with bath, living room, kitchen, bullt-lns. Only 3 yars old. $3500. 1mm. Poss. of this house with 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, automatic heat, close to schools. Price $5750 P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 c:iemeketa St. Phona 31543, 3-4896. Even, 2-6686, 3-755 3-7141 L84 IFOR SALE HOUSES SV al83 REAL ESTATE $600 DOWN and 160 a month will buy bdrm. home on a uoxlll lot. St. Vincent de Paul A GOOD 3 BDRM. HOME Aiso a new 3 bdrm, electric home. Terms If desired. Builders Attention We have a good building lot with the casement dug. For sale reasonable. Farms ! Farms ! Farms ! Sec us. Wm. Blivin & Co. R'ltors 647 N. High St. Ph. 2-3617. Eve. 2-8266 Insurance for Every Need Real Estate for Every Purpose . c!83 FOR COURTEOUS ernctwnt service on your real estate problems please call A. E. DANIELSON 168 N 12th St. Ph. 3-5620. C191 FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate, Salem Si vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 5. We make all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 8. High C SPECIAL, $3795 Here's a good piece of property for the price. Located north, on 1 acre of good blnck rich soil, small bnrn, own well, l'it yir old 1 bdrm. home with large living room, kitchen, and utility. House so arranged that an additional bedroom enn be added. Owner would consider good used oar, and we can arrange fin ancing. Don't expect to see a mansion, but you will have to look a long time to find something better for the price. Only $3795. SEMI SUBURBAN Here Is just the place for the large fam ily, a good well built home with full dry basement. Located east, on a paved street, ,-Hh city bus by the door. Size of grounti 250 by 180, If you don't want nil the rrult. nuts and etc., sell orf a lot or two. The price Is low and good financing can be arranged. SUBURBAN DELUX t'i ncre. o: the best land available, good well built three bedroom home 8 years old, full dry basement, living room, din ing mom, fire place, double garage, poultry house, all kinds of fruit trees, nuts, wonderful garden. The owner rants to move out on a good size farm and will consider a trade, or will sell outright to anyone. This Is the type of Placd you look for, but Is hard to find. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8216. C185 NELSON NEWS NEAT A BDRM. COTTAGE $3200 With bank & pant office already in, new ' ide, SaIoui water ifc fire service com- iiu the home in W. Salem will be the tickec fo hundreds of those now living E. of the river. We hope that the one who can make the best use of it gets this neat ? bdrm. cottage only 2 yrs. old. LR, kitchen with din. area, bath, elec. h-.-Ht, wired for elec, range, insulated, V. blinds, pvt. st., sidewalk, garden, lawn. Whole price J3300 with terms on some. GOOD BUNGALOW One yr. old. 2 bdrm. home with lge. LR & DR, kit. with nook. hdwd. firs., V blinds, wired for eleo range, elec. wtr. htr., L trays, oil Mr. furnace, double gar. Extra lot 60x309. Only $1750 down, total price $8950 with $7200 FHA com mitment. EXCEPTIONAL HARDWARE ft PLUMBING BUSINESS This Is undoubtedly one of the best op portunities in the Willamette Valley to get Into a sound profitable, expanding , business without the customary ".rood vill" price. Bldg., fixtures, stock plus 3 bdrm. Liv. guarters. grossing $3000 a mo. I wnn mucn more possible. Cash for stock ft equity In bldg., bal. monthly 4 int. Somebody is going to thank us for years to come lor helping him to get Into a business oppo.tuuity like this. It may as well be yoj. WALNUT GROVE FURNISHED HOM1 $9900 10 A. In Franquet walnuts In good cond. O. 3 bdrm. home with LR. DR, F place, wired tor elec range, elec. wtr. ht? fully furnished wtth good as new furnishings. Including refrlg., elec. range, washing machine, din. rm. set, bdrm. set well with elec. pump prac tically new, car-port, new lawn, (lawn mower, garden hose, ete.t A real coun try home deluxe, ready to move in. Good crop of walnuts in sight. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 702 N. High Ph. 3-4632. cl83 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS If You Are Interested in a Business Location Drive by 1225 N. Sth St., corner of Market and N. 5th Sts. Zone 3 business huge lot, large older style homean excellent investment for J9000. A Dandy Buy Lorated on Fisher Road, over 1 acre land with modern 2 bedroom home complete with basement, furnace and fireplace, real bargain at $9800, Will take In small house as part payment. Abrams Avenue - Neat 3 bedroom home, extra large lot, about 7 years old, $6000. A Real Family Home for Little Money An excellent buy in a good modern 3 bedroom and den (or 4 bedroom) home, has full basement, double plumbing, fireplace, double garage. Owner has been trans ferred and has priced property for quick sale at only 112,000. DON'T MISS IT, Walnuts - Filberts - Cherries If you are looking for a REAL orchard, fully equipped with good modern bulldinns, be sure and ask all about this ranch We think It's one of the best of Its kind. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court at. Phone 24115 - 241H Eve. 28053 - 33632 . 23488 - 25996 c183 SPECIAL 3 bdrm. home, large lot 60x120. Completely furnished, including elec. stove it refrlg. Very cood location north in Hollywood district. Attached garaae & utility room. Immediate possession. Price only 18,000. Easy terms. SUB-URBAN 10 aces with a lovely 1 bdrm. bung, six years old. Dble. garage, all elec. heat. Very nice barn, room for 4 horses, small chicken house it hog house. Year round creek. Priced at J9750. Easy terms'. BUSINESS Auto courts with 9 strictly modern courts plus 3 bdrm, living quar ters. All completely furnished. Located on 99E north. 146' frontage and 480' deep Has ample room for trailer camp. Has good Income, Priced at J35.000. For more information get in touch with us. GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. J. 2EEB 1853 N. Capitol REAL ESTATE $1,000 DOWN ! 2 bedroom home with floored attic. Double garae, sprinkling slstem, cor nei lot. Balance F.H.A. Full price IG.200. No. 252 TRADE! TRADE! Do you have acreage suburban prop erty? We have several town properties to trade for -suburban acreages. Call us today. $1,000 DOWN! 2-bedroom house and 2 separate rentals bringing in J30 per month. Full price 17,500. Large lot, good garden. Close to school. No, 265 $1,000 DOWN! 2-bedroom home on large lot with won derful garden. Nice lawn. 1 block to bus. 2 blocks to school. Full price $5,800. No. 278-A Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-D203 Evenings and Sundays 2-3738, 3-9712, 2-8241, 2-2533, 3-5905 cl83 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need 01 gooo houses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 ca ELDERLY WOMAN wants small old house, not over $2500 or trade for Dallas. Rt. 1, Box 38-A, Dallas. cal83 NOTICEl If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list U with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATK FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S Rlgb 8t ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE 93 A. for apt. house or court. Price $22,500. What have? Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. cbl83" WILL TRADE my 15.500.00 Interest In Port- iana uupiex. Each apt, 3 bd. room, full oasement, 2 oil lurnaces. l'i yrs. old. Rent $150.00 per mo. Price $1750.00 for oaiem nome or good lots. Empire 7342. 305 N.E. 81st. Apt. D-4., Portland. cbl84 EXCHANGE 1 yr. old 2 bdrm house near ijesiie scnooi lor a a or 3 bdrm. house in r.orin oaiem. in. JBH6B or 1015 E, Rural. cbl83 a sesSa-J- .-Vv BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUS DEPOT Service station, grocery store, with liv ing quarters. Also a 2 bdrm. home rent ed. Fine location. Long lease. $8,500. No phone infor. please, General Real EstateOo. 35B Center St. cdl83' GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 3 gas pumps, 6 cabins, 2 ml. N. of underpass on Hy. 99E. W. J. Jarms. Rt. 7, Box 145. Salem. Ph. 24319. cd307 Neighborhood Grocery A real moneymaker, In best location Good equpt., walk-in, large clean stock, health forces owner to sell. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years in Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129. cdl84 RESTAURANT Well located. Fully equipped. Good lease. See us about this good chance to make a good living. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE 331 N. HiRh Ph. 3-5838 Eve. St Sun. Call 3-1724 or 3-7534 cd!83 IDEAL LOCATION and setup for small business combined with living quarters. Price $3500. Phone 3-5109. cdl85 INCOME PROPERTY. $200 per month New bu.ldlng, restaurant, fixtures and going business can be bought. AL-io 3 bdrm. home available. All on 1 acre. Room for 20 trailers ft 12 cabins. On main highway, Salem 1 mile. Wonderful opportunity. Write Box 263 Capital Journa cd!83 FURNITURE FOR SALE KNEE-HOLE desk, practically new. Tod uiuvk ;nnui 11111511, 755 Mc- ary. w. galem after 5:30 p.m. d!88 FIVE PIECE bedroom set of hien(-hrf mahogany plus good springs and mat tress, atso davenport with slip cover Phone 3-3752. 184 NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICFS HIGHEST QIMLITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY SftH OREEN STAMPS You Can t Beat This Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 33797 dlBS' UNTAINTED furniture, cuveout prices WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and mmsnuuo aruciea. motning to Dig or jm, Ph. 365.S8. da207" USED FURN. Check our price. Valley Furn. Co., 385 N. Com'l. Ph. 37472, da 208 HIGHEST PRICKS paid. Phona Gleno at Woodry Auction Uaraet, Pn. I-ill a. da I REAL ESTATE MGR. Phone 3-3031 AUCTIONS GOINO OUT OF BUSINESS CLOSING OUT AT Auction THE ENTIRE STOCK Ss EQUIPMENT OF THE GORTON ELECTRIC ft APPLIANCE CO. OF WOODBURN SALE TO BE HELD INSIDE SPACIOUS Glenwood Ballroom 500 Yds. N. of Ohemawa 4 Corners,. 99E, N, THURSDAY, AUG. 4 8 P.M. ALL GOES NO RESERVE INC. 9 New G.E. Dishwasher, Sink ft Disposal A New Elect remaster Range 9 G.E Automatic Washer Blackstone Automatic Dryer 18' Esco Home Freezer ft G.E. Flat Top Ironer 9 G.E. 32 ft 52 Gallon Hot Water Heater m Metal cabinets (4) m Electric Clocks (8) 0 New Water Pump a New G.E. Vacuum Cleaner H Sump Pump 4 Q,E. Radio A Thcrmatdor Heaters, 3 & 4 K.W. (2) Bendlx Washer, Used 0 Kelvlnator Range, Used K.eivinator Refrigerator. Used 9 3 New Console Radio Phono. Comb. m 4 Used Portable Radios ft New Desk Model EI, Sewing Machine 9 Used El. Water Heater 30 Gal. 9 2 Used Washers 9 4 Electric Motors, H to 1 Horse jjoor cnimes Lite Fixtures H Flouresccnt Fixtures (4) 9 Electric Irons 9 Electric Lamps A Heat Pads 9 Waffle Irons 9 Percolators 9 Vard Lltes 9 Toastmaster 9 Kitchen Fan 9 Office Clock 9 Corn Poppers 9 Germicidal Lamps 81 Lot Tools Wiring 9 Display Counters 9 Office Counters 9 Hot Plates 9 Pressure Cookers 9 Hot Plates HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS THIS IS A BIG SALE OF NEW AND NEARLY NEW ITEMS ALL GOES GOODS CAN BE INSPECTED THURSDAY AFTERNOON Glenn Woodry AUCTIONEER Phone 35110, Salem. ddlfl4' FURNITURE Auction tonight, 7 p.m. Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard, located i-2 nines east or Fairgrounds on Sit vrLion a. 3,UU98- dd!83 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock: buyer. . mLvuuuuaii, 1UI O. 40. ftl. J-H147. ea205 PETS FOR SALE. Reg. Springer pups. Very good. Call 31508. ecl86 ucus ouAHotiu and trained reasonable rates oy nay or month. Trimming and bathing. Free Pick-up ft dellv. LeOray Kennels, Rt. 3. Ph. 3-1398. ecl91 PARTI-COLOR cocker puppy, male. Ph 2-1S80. eel 84 FUEL 8" CHERRY wood 2 cords $28 del. You haul $12 cord. Ph. 31458. eel84" TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 2-7442. We give S ft H Green Stamps. Green 16 In. mill wood. ec SPECIAL Oet your winter fuel now and tave. Sawdust $4.00 per unit. Good dry slab SB.50 load, green $6.00 cord. Dry edg ings. $8.00 load, green $5.50 load. Double load $10.00. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 35533. ee!85 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IH. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee PHILLIPS BKOS Old fir. oak, ash St maple. 4 slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer ratej. rnone Lianas collect. eel94 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT 8AWTMJ6T Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 16444 FOR SALE POULTRY CUSTOM POULTRY DRESSING LIBERTY POULTRY FARM Rt. 9 Box 370 Ph. 23873 1183 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate ot future delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Pb. 3-4969 . f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks erery Thurs. daTPh 2-3861. Lee's Kstcherr f" few. PRODUCE PICKLING cukes, blackberries, .strtoa beans, peppers. llerrUli' Greenhouse. Brooks. mM. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BRAND NEW SINGEF ' ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES from $89.50 up. Budget terms. Liberal allowance for your present model. Com plete course in Home Dressmaking given without charge with the purchase of each new Singer. Come in and select yours now or call for appointment in your home. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. Phone 3-3512 PRODUCE BOYSENBERRIES, U-Plck 5c lb. R. O. Doege, Vi mile E. Liberty School, Rt. 9. 'Box 210. Ph. 23141. ff!85 THORNLES8 blackberries, first picking, U pick 5c. Hi ml. E. Totem Pole. Carl Woodruff ff 187 GRAND ISLAND Golden Jubilee canning peaches. Under the maple tree at west end of Willamette river bridge, ff 185 DELICIOUS TREE ripened peaches are ready at the Jess Math is Orchard and Fruit Stand 6 miles N. of Salem on Portland Highway Fine for eating, can ning or freezing Jess Mathls, Rt. 2, Box 338 Salem. ffl87 BOYSENBERRIES, U-pick, 5c lb. Dr. Davis, beside Friendly Farm. Rt. 7, Box 128E. fflB3 PICKLING Cucumbers, Peaches, BerrleE and Apples. Frlgaards Fruit Farm, hi mile north of Kelzer school.. f f 166 GOLDEN JUBILEE and Rochester Peaches now on. Slappy to follow soon. One mile out on Wallace Rd. Ph. 32216. Moses P. Adams. 104 TILTON APRICOTS, 30 lb. box J1.49. Green Apple Market, 2 miles north on Highway flfl. ffl83 HELP WANTED BEAN PICKERS Start tomorrow, pay 3 'a 1 mile northeast of Kelzer. Frank Toney. Rt. 2, Box 40B. gl84 HOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island Hop Co., 5 miles S. of Salem. Picking starts Aug. 12. Ph. 3-7958 or 2-3107. gl87 HOP PICKERS wanted, 3 'a ml. east of Woodburn on Mt. Angel Rd. Start Aug. 4th. Harold Bushman, Pb Woodburn 1430. gl88 HOP PICKERS register now. Free excel lent campground facilities, Jerman ft Oh'ttcnden, Rt. 3, Box 825. Salem, Ore K184 ADULTS INTERESTED In picking pole beans thru a long season. Please call 35865 after 6 p. m. Bus transportation furnished glB3 GOLDEN JUBILEE Peaches. Picking Aug. 5th. Bring boxes. Al Townsend Orchard. Mission Bottom. gl84 LADY OR MAN, pleasant work. Car necessary. Good earnings. No exp. necessary. Write Box 348 Capital Jour nal, pi HELP WANTED MALE FARM EXPERIENCE REQUIRED A salesman will be hired by major feed company for permanent, full-time work In this county. Home nights. No stock or credit to carry. Bctler-than-averane earnings. Thorough training on Job. Must have dependable car. Age 25 to 50. Only sober, serious-minded, reliable men will be considered. For confi dential appointment, reply to Capital Journal Box 3C5. gal84 FRY COOK nlte shift, man preferred. piub ijine uaie, aiu unemexeta. gaiB4 HAVE WORK for 3 men. Must be neat, aggressive ft able to be bonded. Car Is necessary. See Mr. Merke at 480 N. Church St. Thurs. or Fri., 8:30 a.m. aal84 BOYS 18 YRS. to set pins. All winter job, good pay. B & B Bowling, 3085 Portland gal83 FURNACE INSTALLER, experienced. Must have car and tools Ph. 3-8662 for ap- gaiai HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESWOMAN to demonstrate "ft sell ap pliances on shop floor. Must have some selling exp. Will be given course in train ing. Prefer woman who sews. Opp. for cap. saleswoman. Apply 8 to 10 A. M. only, Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. gbl84 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Must be experienced, fast and permanent. Good position to one who can qualify. Capital Journal Box 271, gbl82 NEED WOMAN for care of children, 6 and 4 irom 13 to a. pn. 35072. gbl83 OPPORTUNITY lor permanent position win. n juiure mr gin witn lumber in voicing experience. Must apply in per son. 355 N. Liberty. See Mrs. Pickett, 8b EXPERIENCED lingerie and sportswear saiesgin. Apply at Sallys. gbl85 CLERK TYPIST, with working knowledge vl uuunivccjJiiiH. uive n,ge, experience, marital status ft salary desired. Write up i iv uapicai journal. WANTED SALESMAN A SALESMAN. A good product and good money for the right man. Phone 3-6401 for Interview. girl 84 SALESMAN WANTED, ElectrolUX Corp. 1079 Broadway. Ph 24078. ggl83 WE HAVE an opening for an aggressive experienced salesman. Above average earnings. Opportunity for advancement to management position for men who qualify on the Job. For appointment iiieijQx jr, t,apnai journal. ggl84 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 3-1488 rf WANTED POSITIONS FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-5522. h207 Mimeographing-Typing FOE'S 665 North 16th Phone 3-3643 TUNE-UP MAN, exp. with Sunne equip ment 5 years exp. with Chrysler prod ucta. 74X4 Dayton. hl84 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator, John Payne, 348 S. Church. Ph. 26014. hl84 WILL CARE for ambulatory women. 2245 . Lioeny. hl88 NEAT, ATTRACTIVE, middle aged widow, anugnier 13, wisnes position as house keeper for refined gentleman. Exper. cook and excel, home maker, will enn. sider out or town position. 479 State St.. co State Hotel. Mrs. Powers. h!85 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h204 WASHING ft Ironing, 73c per hr. Rea- sonqble. 506 S. 19th. Ph. 29815. hl85 DENTAL NURSE Graduate of S. F. Dental wurses scnooi. rn, 2-5573. hl86 Painting To Be Done? Rra.,rnab!e rates. Ouarante'd aatlsfac tion. S. W. Dyer. Ph 2-8630. h!84 DRESSMAKING & alterations. Ph. 2-9840 alter j 1,203 GENERAL CARPENTER work. Ph. 3-1339. II185 TREE WORK, topolne, trlmmlns, remoT ln. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllls t.r. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h201 ISTETIIOB PAINTING. Exp. Ph. J-8796 h201 CHILD CARE 1180 Bhlpplnf. Ph. 3-9324. h!92 PLOWING A Discing. Ph. 31404. hl8' CARPENTER WK. New Repair. Ph. 2-2093 h!87 PLASTERING. PATCIIWORK and chim ney bulkilne. Ph. 39702. Fre. estimates hl87" EXP. WOMAN wants housekeeping & cooking position. Ph. 3-3181. Rm. 159. h!83 IIMENT WORK wanted. Ph 3-48S0 PLOWING. DISCING. Al Moss. Ph. 32957. h302 IRONING at homt, 7S hr. Ph. 1110 N. J4th. 28S85. hill' EDUCATION WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 520 NE Sacramento, Portland - MU 9680 hhaoa FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING room, men. St. Rear Woodrow Bldu. 448 Center Jkl84 ROOMS, ladies only! Kitchen privileges. 520 Statesman St. Ph. 35310. Jkl84" SLEEPING KM. PH. 34335. 3ROOM apt. Elec. heat ft range. Utilities furn. Ph. 26081, Jpl85 SLEEPING ROOM, 4G1 N. High. SLEEPING RMS. for men. Priv. entr. ft Ph. Day or month. 1505 N. Capitol. Ph. 33425. Jk204 SLEEPING rms. for employed gentlemen? Attractive, msui., reasonable. Near Cap ital Shopping Center. Ph. 3-4248. jkl84 HOLLYWOOD rms, 3035 McCoy Ph. 36093. J tit inn t FOR RENT APARTMENTS PART FURN. 2 rm. apt. ft bath, modern eiec. neat. Aauits. uio Madison, JplB4 RM. FURN. APT., private bath, util ities furn. for I single person. Ph. 3-9138 after 6 p.m. Jpis4 IMMED. POSS. 2 rm. apt. Walking dist. to State Bldg, $40. All utilities paid. Ph. 23483. jpl85 FOR WORKING COUPLE. Nicely furn. apu o. won a. lain. JP184 NEW 2 RM. court apt. unfurn. excent range ft refrlg. Beautiful view. Refer. Utility rm. Ph. 3-5367. JP184 NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. elec. heat Near Capital. Ph. 34288. Jpl83" ATTRACTIVELY furnished, close In, prl- vfco uatn. iwo aauilS, IBB N, 12th St. JP184 NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. Priv. bath. 680 o. uommerciai. Phone 3-6985. Jpl84 i RM. FURN. Apt. Adults. 570 Union. JpI83 .( ROOM unfurn.. prvl .bath, elec. stove ft heat. West Salem. Ph. 36398. Jpl83 0 NE ROOM ft kitchenette furn. apt. Near State House. Adults only. Priv. ent. Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 34419. Jpl83" r URN. BASEMENT apt. For employed couple or gentleman. 575 D St. jpiae- FURN. APT, at 1935 N. Capital. jpl83 UPSTAIRS APT, for rent or lease. 1 bdrm. r ' unm. aiec. neat, oak floors. Very nice. Adults only $50, NEW 2 BR. DUPLEX with Gar. Range. Ref. ft Ven. Blinds. Call 3-9934 8 to 4:30. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT, large house, corner lot, near high, Jr. high ft grade school. Completely furnished Including Ben dlx, dryer, ransre, refrlg. $125. Ref re quircd. Ph. 2008B. Jml85' F9"...RENT 2 btrm home In Woodburn wm exchange rent for home In Salem. Ph. 20490 Balem after 5:30 P. M. JmlBl bdrm. UNFURN. home. EleZheaT, fireplace, utility rm, garage. Adults pre ferred. $80 per month. 1025 N. Church. Jml86" 3 rf?DlRM' IIOUSE- Lnrse living room ft M.Uiu6 luum, iiuuR, uumy room. Elec. heat, double garage, double plumbing. Water furn. t85 per month. 34th ft D Sts. Ph. 21255. imi85 FOR RENT $100. Owner transferred. Largo nuiiir. imrowwra noors, double plumb ing, fireplace, oil heat, excellent neigh borhood. Close to schools. Will consider selling or trade. Ph. 3-0988. Jml84 BY OWNER: Small (15x34) unfurnished. I"Y "u,k"' lV0V u un. pn. 25311, Jml83" HOME 6 room newly decorated. Wired for Yemeni paHement, new auto matic furnace, elec. hot water heater, garage. Write Box 269 Capital Journal! JmlB3 WHY PAY RENT? New homes. Terms like rent. L. E. Klumpp, ' Realtor 480 N. Church ph J-78J Eve. ft Sun. Ph. 2-0343 or 2-0128 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. J FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand r We ell everything to complete the job HOWSER BROS, - Ph. 3-3648 J -OOP USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. J- OFFICE spaces and desk space. Ph. 25692. SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle. """" " a" mattes, rn. 3-7671. J202 GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of fice or stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator STATE FINANCE CO. i Phone 3-4121 J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J- U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Broa. FR KNT: Ground floor office space: St. Pi: jiju.-"- "mmYl. .lauLK klectric portable sewlni ma cri.nea. Reasonable rates. Free pick up fL"'.!""'" air":or Sewln Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512 j. WANTED TO RENT wun year ow child. Ph. CLEAN 4 or S ROOM furnished house or furnished apt. by responsible couple. Ph. 27654. , IM REWARD for suitable 3-bedroom house. Phone 3-3253 or 3-7922. Jal84 YOUNG ENGINEER, wife and 7 year old dRURhter urgently need 2 bdrm. lurnlsh- " """ ftug. id. rn. 33495. Jal86 MAN AND WIFE want 1 or a bdrm. house, duplex, apt. Ph. Mrs. Jones, Jal85 wanted to rent 2 Bd. rm. house. Good location. For 3 adults. Good refer. Call Mr. G. Tookey at the Capital Journal. jalSB wanted TO RENT 2 or 3 bdrm. un- "'u nuiei j-jioi. laiHJ business MAN, wife, high school age son desire 2 or 3 bdrm. home. Furn or ROOM AND BOARD BOARD AND RM. 850 St. Ph. 3-8708 r r, -r,, J.1?0.'' LOST AND FOUND r,''J J J REWARD for return or Information lead- .... iu inurn oi my i tuning poles ac cidentally left on bank of Salmon river at Thompson's Landing near Otis Sun day 31it. A. A. Larsen, 2825 Hulwy kl83 i-uM small Toy red male dog Sunday. eve, wward. Phone 3-9453. kl84" LOST Reward for return of black cordt n 01 Tlue 10 owner only. Ph. 37025. fc183. (Continued on Page 19) A A A