16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, August 3, 1949 A PRINTING AND ENGRAVING NEITHER YXZA T CARCD OUT OF THE HILLSIDE. YOU SEE , SHOP IN AGARAGEP-THAT5 I YOU, STEVE . 4f,ij-"2S- ST& SOUNDPROOF, BULLETPROOF AND NOT VERY BRIGHT, BEAVER SHUT VOUR l2K T-lfta? ESCAPE-PROOF, FOR ANY EMPLOYEE T Wfflt'' oraYOUR 4 'yTSggj jscSLWHO MUCHgTr i RADIO PROGRAMS Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER IT WEDNESDAY P.M. KGW ,S KOCO KSLM nn i IROIN ra OBJ UB0 I mi IV Be r So p I'3 rhinln 18 A lew day later, when a second lAt.tor Mm from Kenneth without any direct message lor Mrs. Kent, the old woman became o violent in her resentment tnai, at times, Prlscllla was actually afraid going to the extreme of locking her bed room door at night. Kenneth's second letter was a loving one. If Prlscllla had been an older woman, she might have de tected this sudden sweetness on his part as induced by the pangs of a guilty conscience, but instead It gave her young heart new hope. He wrote In a tender, If Illiterate, manner ending the letter with: "I believe the boss appreciates me more now. Maybe I will get a raise and you and me can have our own little home." Hiere was only one jarring note about the whole thing. The letter had obviously been opened and resealed. For several days an unusual calm pervaded the Kent household. Mrs. Kent had nothing to say but it was like the silence of a crouch ing tiger waiting for a chance to spring upon its prey. Priscllla de termined to spend as little time during the next week at her mother-in-law's as possible, but it was hard to avoid having breakfast there. One morning at breakfast she could tell by Mrs. Kent's face that a storm was brewing. She excused herself from the table and left for work, but that evening she could not avoid uie issue any longer, Mrs. Kent stood with arms akimbo, bar. ring the way to the stairs. "Well, did ya find a place to live?" sne asRea sarcastically. "You had no right to open my letter," responded Prlscllla. "No right, eh?" Mrs. Kent glared at her defiantly. "Yer a common onery flirt. I know'd it from the first time I seen ya. Ya want to get away, so I can't watch ya." "You know that's not true, Moth er Kent. We are certainly not hap py togetner. you snouid Be glad tnat Kennetn and I Intend to leave. Besides, that's a long way off." "We was happy enough afore you come," retorted Mrs. Kent, her voice rising, -a-tryin' yer dirty wicks, to taxe my son away. Ya can't do lt-I tell ya," she shrieked. "He'll stick by his Mom. He loves me mor'n you and alias will." During the succeeding months Mrs. Kent never relaxed for a mo ment her efforts to make Priscllla uncomfortable, and It was quite evident to Prlscllla that Kenneth's words in his letter about their mak ing a home for themselves had af fected her. She wanetd Priscllla to go and Kenneth to stay, that much was obvious, and the fact that she would soon have a new grandchild did not seem to make any differ ence. As it happened, Mrs. Kent need not have worried about the young couple making a home of their own. Kenneth did not get the raise he thought was due him. Thus, the remaining summer months, especially after Kenneth's homecoming from his trip to Oma ha, passed uncomfortably for Pris cllla. Her figure had begun to show her condition and in earlv Renum ber, she resigned from her Job. She was sorry wj resign, as sne had liked the company arid enjoyed her work, but she knew she could not longer remain mere, one was gratified, however, when her employer told her If she ever wanted to come back, there would always be a posi tion there for her. By the time September came Prls tllla had paid for the furniture and draperies she had purchased lo hopefully In April, but it left her without any money of her own ind Kenneth still refused to give her the money to go to a doctor. Bhe had managed to see her father unce or twice, but she kept that lituatlon from him for she knew he would want to give her the money and she didn't feel that he lould afford it. He was still making weekly trips to the doctor because f the after-effects of his illness ind she knew the injections he was retting were expensive. Meanwhile Prlscllla's position in the Kent household was precarious. She and Kenneth had grown so far ipart, she despaired of their ever ovlng one another as they had in he days of their courtship. She thought of their first night to gether, remembered the way he had been then, tenderly possessive. Now he behaved as if she had become unclean in some way. He seldom touched her. September passed and October turned the leaves to gold and sent tnem scurrying underfoot. Prlscllla worried about the baby's clothes. As yet she had nothing beyond gift irom tne girls and the blue sweater, which was now finished and wait ing for Its owner to arrive. Kenneth had no money and with good rea son for he was out every night spending it as fast as he made ll and nad lately shown an aversion to any mention of the babv. Pris cllla hoped that, when the baby came, he would feel differently, but, with a new maturity she found in herself, she had made up her mind" mat ii ne didn't, sne would go back to work and Dav Viola to take care of the child. The last time she mentioned the coming baby to Kenneth was one morning before breakfast while the two of them were still In their bedroom. Prlscllla was looking around the room speculatively. K.en, sne said suddently, 'If we moved the dresser over there. don't you think we could squeeze a bassinette Into that space. Of course, I guess pretty soon it'll need a Dea, but then we could . She never finished her sentence. Kenneth strode over to her and grabbed her by both arms, his pow erful fingers reminding her of that aay . , , tnat awiui day of the picnic. "If you say one more word about that baby," he said, "I'm gonna leave here and you'll never see me again. I ain't so sure I won't do it anyhow." And with that he walked down the stairs and out of the house without even waiting to get nis oreaiuast. iTiscina was fright ened more than she had been the day he had shaken her into Insen sibility, and she did not bring up tne suoject again. (To be continued ) 2489 SIZES 2 Ruffled All 'Round One of the most graceful of young silhouettes I The fitted basque bodice sets off tne lull sKirt, rumes run all the way around the hemline for a quaint iiavor. No. 3489 is cut in .sizes 2, 4, 6 and Size 4. i yds. 35-ln.. 2 vds ruffling. SUMMER Is the time for Drettv styles the Fashion Book the place to una tnem. ,Terytning you neea for that wonderful two weeks with pay, plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country, home. The 8UMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over ISO pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed lor easy sewing. Price Just 20 cents. Order vour copy now. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number.1 Slate size desired. Address Ganliai Journal 652 Mis sion St.. Ban Francisco 5, Calif Hindtnm, Hunting Pnnnl Pom-I per the head of the house by pre senting him with this distinctive embroidered hunting scene for his den. Richly colored in shades of yellow, brown, green, blue, violet, rea ana orange, the picture is em broidered in running, outline, lazy daisy ana satin sntcnes. pattern Enveloue No. R2268 con tains hot-Iron transfer for design measuring 11 by 14 Inches; color cnart, stitcn illustrations and com plete embroidering directions. To obtain ti.e pnewrn send 20c in (JOINS glvmg pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Cauf I . II I, -. .i KT " 1 niiiiiiiiiiiaBnaaBaiiHaB nniiiimiiHiii imMmM ft itP , . f BUT NO DAMS AHEAD THAT " I If AND CLEAR TO TH' OCEAn7ml 1 if "ROLLIN' DOWN TO RIO.'-" II I KNOW OF OUST A QUIET I' III IP WE KEEP FLOATIN LONt; lSfsll K J riNlv rr tunw-r feB Dkt.n"t I ne 1 I i rr-n e Dnco Rtrr MmiM cacu 1 a rfV PNnl ten lNr NOT A LICK NrVfcrlm. fi53 p i PK3WEED CITY NEXT--TWENTV.EIQHT L . H M AND SHACW TO A gGGER RIVEP JL.JIBu O' WORK FOR US TO DO WW "Pi - SrrTHTCEWSUl as L"j I WILBURS REALLY Y T0OK A MUD BATM LIKE I I WMM-IT CERTAINLY I IX BE-CAUSE (ZeEF" . ( SOT .SOMETHING YOU SUGGESTED AMD MV FUNNY" THAT COMMOM ) WHISS-PURRRRR7TT; IN "THAT LOT fl BURSITIS IS BETTER w MUD CAN HAVE p- S - UKK'!!!yREAUY? T I OF MUD.RUDVV T "THAN IT MAS BEEN ) SUCU CURATIVEIT ISNT V ZTHAT NEVER H j . (L "T FOR DA5S r- POWERS XRJNNVAT V. EVEN ENTERED ) E 5 : y rOOLISMHUFT K fcS rf rvrN&J L1 "a. 1 0DIN' T' TH' LAW A ) MCBBE-INSTEAD O' ( M-MEBBE T'Ar?OPPTu?T ? J y (i HIM.' OBBMIN KIM ONLY M J BEIN' A ORPHIM- A AH'D L MOtSeRLEsI CHILE' A Iie2 ) 3HDl R ff ADOPTED BY A fS YOD CRUTHER BE V D-DRUIHESf l " "y l S j s - Ik LI I 'rnuertMiiriM&HMu;..ArmyWBS0T T'MMAai irr- rrttmwuTOTc wiar uc uAMxa , lllPly 'ARE VOU CAPTftlN NASHgLHAVE THE ME6SASS. T:" fJS0 J BAPLUCK J NB ALL SET, FOLIOS ? MR .TATE Vk. ASHIP J, OF THE "COMET'? 1 6OT ATSEA. SAVSTOBE SEEM IT FAIL R SAIP WE'RE lb 60 RIGHT ON TTlIm r A MESSAOE TOR &), J?" V FMS fjJPfJi "UB 6UBSTS TO ALWMe HATS y ATTQrr R , I a! Qs I fyOU BELTTER-V LKE A N fl'M SORRy ToVy! I II fTHE VviiMDOw")! 1', II W? RUN.UNCA C? COWAR.O.' HAVE BROKEN VihC WAS OPEN-' 1 n V SM5 DONALD.' ff NO, SON, I'LL VOUR. WINDOW (-. h . 70 MORE, ) h U xv V -iv. xr7 -- SHOW VOU SIR, AND WISH fS VS rr PAL , (?. A L o ve' X Cwow these thin&s to PAY vou 6 w Jl T-.X, ii Vfe JsS ,v-tLare handled . foithb JAy i K ryfcv ? -Ay zmcWi k rl, Lf r , rO VwU "rJ t...tJ M Kl ewn -ftr l I CS 'j FTT7777TTI!T!T7 ( fnora worth! 4urflvvou M rAr-AMitc uimi...viu M Gr -T"1 "E 5:00 Frank Uemlnvwar Woman! Secret Rhrtbm Raneb Cnrt Mailer .10 Paiilnt Parade . On Snnnr Side Rhrtbm Raneb Mr. Information :S0 Carmen Caralbilr Cb'ek F'lter, Newi BIni Croabr Sonra of Pralrlo :45 Ted Drake Richard Harkneai Sport Pare Larrr LcSucr :00 red Drake Chicken Everr Candle Llaht and Knoa Mannini- 10 Adr. ol Cbamp. Sondar Sliver Band! on Parada sn Muale Moiclal Coektalli Newi C"et Hantler 40 Moilc Elmer Petcnon Troplcana NCWB :00 Gabriel neatter Hcnrr Morion Pat O'Brien Lewjiobn Concert :10 Northweit New! Hcnrr Morian Bandiland Lew lobn conein :30 Mmle Ronald Colman Bandstand Lew lohn conetrt AS Muile Ronald Colman Duionl Dope Lewliobn concert :M 7oait Surrer The Bli Storr Here'! to Vcta Lewliohn Coneert .16 Coait Surrer Tbe Bli Storr Top Band Concert :30 Clico Kid Curtain Time Top Band go Urwood Muilo AS Clico Kid Curtain Time Baicball Hollrwood Mmlo ibo What'! the Name Supper Club Baseball I"tw,J.i.iCh'"'" 10 of tbat Soni News of World Baicball The Cbleaaoani :S0 Varlctr Time Archie Andrew! Baseball enr it an AS Varletr Time Archie Andrew! Bsirbi.ll Dr. Chrlitlan :00 Newi Ch'ek P'ster New! Baseball . s'' ln1 II ll Select Local Newi porti Paie Final Newi Round Bp N'' Editor ll:30 Newi Mr. Dili. Atlorner Track H00 W :45 Music Mr. Dlst. Attomer Track 1400 Spin lo Win lox) Fulton Lcwli, Jr. Sam Hares. Rep. Track 1400 Serenade :IB Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 1100 . Worn :S0 Bob Poole Show Waa Museum Track 1490 Orcbeitrn :4ft Mmle Wax Muienm Track 1400 Newi 12:00 Sign Off Sign Off Slra Off Silent THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6: n 8 9: 10 II 12 li 2 I 4: Newi Dawn Patrol North went Newi March Tim Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol News Newi Rreakfaat Gang Breakrait Gang Top Trade Bargain Counter Morning Special Sons ol Ploneei Music Northweit Newi Kate Smith Pastor'. CJaP Cbarllo Splvak Newi BennU Walker Wllea Organalltlu Walti Serenade Top Trades News Queen for a Day Queen for a Day Lad ifi First Ladles First Northwest News Bob Eberly Show Tell Neighbors Johnson Family Organ Reveries Bint Sings Against the Storm Against the Storm Music Musio Say It With Musle Say It With Music Muslo News Hodge Podgo Hodre Podgo Kneass, News Hodge Podge Farm Time Farm Time The Old Songs Kneass w. News Smooth Muilo Smooth Musle Rld'rs P'rp. Sage Sara Hayes The Second Cup The Second Cup Jack Bereb Kneass w. News Tommy Dorsey Tommy Doner Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Lopes Orch, Lopes Oreh. Today's Children Lora Lawton Double r Nothing Double 'r Nothing Kneass w. News Light of World Life Cn Be Butlfl Road of Life Pep. Young Fam. Right to Ha'p'ness Backstage Wife Stella Dallas Lorenzo Jones Yng Wldder Brwn When Girl Mar'ies Portia Faces Life Just Plain Bill Front Pg. Farrell Welcome Traveler Welcome Traveler Aunt Mary We Love Si Learn KOCO Klock KOCO Kloek Tex Rltter News Sports Top O Morning Top O' Morning Westers Melodies Western Melodies The Stars Sing Chreh In Wildwd Haven of Rest Haven of Rest Without Words John Ch. Thomas Guest Artist Northwest Rport Concert Miniature Coneert Miniature Glass Wax Glass Wax Glass Wax Glass Wax Hollywood' Musle Hollywood' Muslo Hollywood Muslo Hollywood Music Mao's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mao's Melodies Mao's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Movie Time 'bllosopher Spotlit on Muslo dpotllte on Muslo News KOIN Kloek KOIN Kloek KOIN Kloek KOIN Kloek News News Fred Beck Consumer Newt Art Baker Make Believe Make Believe Feature Storr News Grand Slasa Rosemary Wendy Warrea Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Bandar Big Bister Ma Parking Young Dr. Malm Guiding Light News Come . Get II Norab Drake Brighter Day 2nd Mrs. Barte Perry Mason Bright A Light Alr-flo Newspaper of Air Newspaper of Air Winner Take All Tunefully Yours News Meet the Mlssm Meet the Missus Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 rV Wednesday P.M. 5:00. Squirrel IV LA Cage, &:30, Sky King 6:00, Keep ing Up With Sportst 6:15, Home Edition Newsi 6:30, Modern Romances) 7:00, Headline Edition 7:1(5, Elmer Davis; 7:30, Heinle and His Band: 8:00, Lone Ranger, 8:30, Stars In the Nighti 9:00, Steel Pier Orch.i R:30, One for the Book; 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10: IS, Intermezzo, 1(1:30. Concert Hour, 11:30, Memos to To morrow) 12:00, Xtra Hour; 1:00, Sign Off. lrv Thursday A.M. 6:00, Early Bird; IX C A 7:00, News; 7:15, Band Box; 7:30, Bob Hazen Show) 7:41., Time Tempos) 8:15, Martin Agronsky; 8:30, Keke Manners; 8:-i5. Tropicana i 9:00, Breakfast Club) 10:00. News) 10:15, Stars of Today: 10:30, Melody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Malone 11:15, Galen Drake; 11:30, My True Story. 3:00, News. 1 r A P Wednesday P.M. 6:00, On the lWMV Upbeat; 6:50, 550 Sports Club; 6:00,Newsi 6:15, Dinner Melodies) 6:80. Headlines In Chemistry) 6:45, Guest Stan 7:00, Farmers' Union; 7:15, Evening Farm Hour) 8:00, Artistry In Classlesi 8:80, Vet erans' News Review; 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast; 9:00, Musle Tbat En dures; :45, Lift Up Thy Voice; 10:00, Adventures In Research i 10:15, Serenadtl 10:45, News) 11:00, Sign tiff. lAAf Thurs. A.M. 10, News; 10:18. lwMU For Women) 11:00, Concert Hall) 12:00, News; 12:15, Noon Farm Henri 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy; 1:15, Variety Timet 1:30, Melody Lane; 2:00, Cavaleade ! I Drama; 2:16, Memory Book ef Musle i Guests Allen Home Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thompson of Glendale, Calif., have arrived for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Allen. They are enroute home from a vacation at Yellowstone park. Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Allen are sisters. ACROSS L Public con- veyancei t. Crustacean 8. Wild Bheep of India 12. Spoken 13. Cerenl 14. Vandal 15. Rationally 17. Return 19. Beverag 20. Beats 21. Spring 23. Owns 24. Comparative ending 25. Limb 26. Dance step 27. Malicious burning 80. Among XI. HumoroURly 53. Partake ol reality K. Aromatic wood 26. Collection of facts S7 Not many 38. Electrical unit 3fl Clumsy boat 40 Puts down 41 Make believe 44. Gypsy 45. Jointed po4 46 Apprise 49 Poem 60. French river 52. River mussel 5.1. Marry 54. Gael 55. Witnessed DOWN L Variety of lettuce I. Southern constellation CEDE DflT J LflR O B BBCAM EffW ARME D A n i Be "mpiip o Cj ' p A Kj E PHT O M B s ter nHm ofpflp 0 e nohnoCT i Nfrkjp A a wfUn wugq r i Is E r InIaItH do n a t iH JtiJL 1 wa yBr ot ate al LflM ofpflN A NEI WYUSUNU8TEM Solution of Yesterday'! Puzxli t. Boxer weigh ing not more than 188 pounds 4. Slumber 6. Weep ' F ill5 F FF WMf ,r " Ts ST J27 38 5- psr m !w S.3 I Smallest stAtet abbr. T. Land measures) I. Kind of meat I. Cutting implement 10. Pain 11. Insects 16. Note of the 18. Singing bird 20. Coward 21. Not profes sional 22. Sea eagle 23. Head covering 26. Mohammedan saint's tomb 27. Wing 28. Mind 2d. Late informa tion XI. Squander 32. Writing fluid 35. Considered 37. Dearth 39. Caper 40. Flowering water plant IL Implement for turning tbe soil 42. Was borne 48 Grandson of Adam 44. Artificial language 46. Meshed fabris 47. Expression of Impatience 48. Distant KL Therefore ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gen Ahrn W WEENEE-PO -A NAME I I1 .. I ORIGINATE!! AND THESE PIRATES I TAKE FREE USE OF IT WITHOUT I l. I ; SO MUCH AS IF NOU PLEASE Sr- f . L, Jill I A WRF---I'M GOING HOME AND j ? """-SSsSKPJ SUUK IN THE CELLAR, FOR. J i SS KS)3:ieA'Q r liiilkH I HEYkE AU. ACOPTl4S