14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Angust 3, 1949 SPORTS ROUNDUP rrmwtmr"W',Pll0 "jaassMWMBss 'it To Hit 'Sanity Code' Violators s Bay nd fcol 1 I"' lit. w lo st 5c Boston, Aug. 3 WV-At least. a half dozen of some 160 college athletic powers which subscribe to the NCAA "sanity code" are In for a rude shock Aug 12. On that day from Chicago thev will be cited for violations of the code governing athletic rjolicies. The rebukes develop- after last week's meeting of col leee athletic commissioners at New Castle. N.H. Generally, the NCAA compli ance committee is enthusiastic about conditions in intercollegi ate sports. More Collegiate Athletic Headache Summer baseball for many years has been a sore subject with colleges, the athletes and promoters of summer leagues. Two years ago players in the jurisdiction of the eastern col AA were banned from the northern league, an independ ent circuit In Vermont and New Hampshire. Now the college fathers are . casting suspicious glances at the Borscht basketball circuit in the Catskills where many collegians have jobs as wait ers and play considerable bas ketball. Batting Around . Tennis intimates hereabouts think one berth on the United States Davis Cup team will be determined by the showings of Frankie Parker and Pancho Gonzales in the coming play at Newport, R.I., casino, the better man winning. . . . Red Sox players and coaches think Cleveland outfielder Bob Kennedy has as good a throwing arm as any outfielder they've ever seen and that goes for those who saw Bob Meuscl. . . , Satchel Paige insists a fast ball is the best pitch. "Curve's only a fooler, says Satch. "Yuh gotta be smart, though. Yuh gotta watch the good hit ters. They step outta the box and get in again with their feet different. And yuh gotta throw that fast ball where ya want It or they'll hurt. But it's a better pitch than a curve." Satch will bet "00 per cent of home runs are hit on sliders and curves." Ken Keltner made one single in 20 times at bat against the Red Sox. Cleveland scribe Ed McCauley polled some of the Indians and they were virtually unanimous in their opinion Bou dreau should play third and Rookie Ray Boone should play short. Raising the Roof Les Canadiens of the Na tional Hockey league are rais ing the roof in their home city of Montreal. The forum cover is being elevated to make room for 3,000 seats. Come the hockey season 12,000 of les habitants will be able to sit in new, leather cushioned seats. There will be standing room for 3,000 more. Still Chasing the Fuck By JOSEPH B. KELLEY Johnny Crawford, popular de fense veteran of the Boston Bruins is Frank Selke's first choice as player coach of the new Cincinnati club in the west ern division of the American Hockey league. But the Bruins want a young player, or players, in return as Bruins think John ny has two more playing years in his rugged system. Early Governor Vermont Governor Ernest W. Gibson has filed intentions early for his annual court ap pearance. He has entered the Vermont state tennis cham ionships at Burlington which begin Sept. 8. He was eli minated in an early round last year. Back to School Maurice McDermott, lanky and classy Red Sox rookie left handed Is going back to . school on a scholarship by mail. Officials of a corre spondence school presented the 20 - year - old hiirlcr his scholarship at Fenway park. Maury left St. Patrick's high school, Elizabeth, N.J., in June, 1945, to pitch for Scran ton, Sox farm In the eastern league, and never earned his diploma. Where Will He Play? Just before the Cleveland In dians left New York for Boston Manager Lou Boudreau told writers he would play first base against the Sox. Lou played short through the five game se ries. Before he left town last night he said he would remain at short for some time. Asked directly "who'll you put on third?" He replied, "I can't answer that right now." Governor Billed As Attraction at Legion Tourney Albany Governor Douglas McKay will be here to highlight the opening ceremonies for the state American Legion Junior baseball tournament next Satur day, it was announced Tuesday by Zed Merrill, chairman of the Legion committee handling the tourney. The Shrine band from Port land will also be on hand for the opening, Merrill also said The ceremonies will start at 7:15 p. m., at Hudson field. The first game will start at 8 p. m Entries will be the Byerly team from Portland, Vale, from eastern Oregon, Hillsboro, and the Drain nine. The series will run through the first part of next week, it was announced. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport mm Aug. S 9:07 ah 8.3 8:87 pm 8.2 Auff 4 10:28 nm M 9:42 am 8.1 Aus. ft 11:38 am ft.7 10:42 pm 8.1 Low 2 14 am .0.2 2:24 pm 2.8 4:02 am -O.Ii 3:39 pm 3.1 6:03 am -0.9 4:49 pm 3.1 , f t i . - mi Ross Collects Mat Win on Foul Al Williams, a tattoed rough ian with little respect for rules, lost his professional wrestling match to Tony Ross on a foul In the local armory arena Tues day night. After each grappler had taken a fall, Williams repeatedly yank ed Ross out of the ring and ap plied full Nelsons Referee Jack Mitchell finally stepped in and awarded the victory to Ross. In other matches, All Szasz defeated Buck Weaver and Tex Hager won over Billy McEuin. Aussie Horse to Invade New York UP) Bernbrook, a full brother to the Australian horse, Shannon II, for which a syndicate of Kentucky breeders paid $300,000 last year, is being prepared for a trip to the United States with the Santa Anita Handicap as his goal. A stakes winner in Australia, Bernbrook runs well over the mile distance. . Bernbrook, by Midstream out of Idle Words, is ownod by A. O. Romano, Syd ney Restaurateur, who also raced Bernborough, regarded by Australians as second only to the immortal Phar Lap. Bequests totalling $44,000 to help past and present members of his old regiment, the Royal Fusiliers, were left by Brigadier Howlctt of Bradfield, England. To Berlin American mili tary government sources said Maj. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, (above) chief of staff of Amer ican army forces In Europe will succeed Brig. Gen Frank L. Hnwley who has aske dto be relieved as American Com mandant In Berlin one of the hottest spots in the east-west cold war. (AP Wirephoto) A1vertltmrn: First Aid to Sore Eyes Lavoptik Stop Jlttlo local eye troublm before thev net bin. Vac jioothing pic m ant Lavoptik. 30 years aticcejm. Prompt relief lor note. Inflamed, Itcitlntr, burning eves or money refunded. Also .soothes granulated eyelids. Praised by thousands. Get Lavoptik today. I Eye-cup Included). At all druggists, 1 A. iKXibr V: f .... ! -rfV ' '? i . 1 c w I - -.n t. r- It's a Crime (On the Beach) Roy Miffleton kisses his pretty wife, Eleanor, at their Washington, D. C, home and contends it is his privilege at home or on the beach. It was on Sunday that Miffleton kissed his wife during an outing at Mayo beach on Chesapeake bay and was arrested for disorderly conduct. No kissing on the beach, he was told. The Miffleton children, Eddie, 12 (left) and Arlene, 6, look at the home kiss and agreed it wasn't any different than the beach kiss. (AP Wirephoto) Third Best East Lansing, Mich. UP) Michigan State's 1949 baseball team produced the third best winning record in the 25-year coaching career of head men tor John Kobs. The team won 19 and lost eight. Kob's best team was that of 1946, which won 21 and lost five. Al gckackt Baseball's Greatest Comedian WATERS FIELD TONITE, 8 P. M. Schacht will make you roar and laugh with his antics. See him perform before and during the Senators-Victoria game. COME fisr and get there 4 times as fast. and your best dollar buy Is when you fly mm SAN FRANCISCO 4Vi hours LOS ANGELES 8 hours And "ALL THE EAST" Airport Terminal Call Sal.m 2-2455 Or, on aufiorzrf travl agnr flow in 111 jSJTin 1 CADI Vf 1 "V mm I 19 Of. tmm on authorized travel aaent IS WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS I ' ' $3 (P IP A fo) With Your Favorite I ! J 1 W ARROW COLLAR I A J f ALEX JONES I J)J C X l k)J 121 North High St. I 1 LJ U U W (SI WILL BE V3 Lb Vi xdf Lb LI Aug. EASY DOES IT! Whether you're washing clothes or windows or bath Better See KEITH BROWN: Steel Clothesline Posts All welded joints 8' high with a iW cross-arm drilled to hold wire. Easy to install, has a rod on bottom to keep post froni twisting. $O00 The complete pair 1 SOLID STEEL STRANDED Clothesline Wire Kt .... No. 9 100 ft 100 feet SPRING t,l-.l.-,: - First quality Galvanized Wire Aluminum Wire TYPE (3 doz.) 35c 00 39c New "Wonder Wand" Window Washer Handles Windows or Car With Ease This new fountain-brush is perfect for washing the out side of hard-to-reach windows. 4 foot aluminum tubing, hose connection on one end. 6" Black Bristol Brush on the other. Especially useful for giving the car a thorough cleanup and the $95 price Is right And All at That Convenient Location So 1 I H hDm. N lARP. Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. Here's par light and livelg refreshment in a new convenient package! Now 500 can enjog Blitz Weinhard in cans as well as bottles... whichever gou prefer. Bug it hg the case for home, picnics and outings. KITT WltNHAW COMPANY, PORTLAND, OKCON DISTRIBUTED BY GIDEON 8TOLZ COMPANY 8-9-10 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday TO GREET YOU THUR. AUG. 11 At SEARS Grand New Store And HOURS ON Thurs. -10 to 9 p. m. Fri. - 9:30 to 9 p. m. Sat.-9:30to5:30p.m. The Average Lady Shopper at Sears will be chosen Friday and Satur day who will assist the mayor of Salem and West Salem in opening the gigantic new store at 10 a. m. August 11. This typical woman customer will be an nounced Monday and Will receive a dress from our new dress department, a char mode slip and bra, three pair of Royal Purple hosiery, a pair of Kerrybrooke high style shoes, and a lovely hat from the brand new sfock of the new hat depart ment. She will also receive her choice of $2.50 worth of candy from Sears new candy department and 2 rolls of still film from the new camera department. c&&KgftgtW pott. m? Atai" ff 1 A