Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 03, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    .1 1
ClOWn PrinCG A1 Schacht- "the clown prince of baseball,"
VlWnll f lllllb wij Drmg njs repertoire of comical base
stunts to Waters park tonight as an added attraction to the
Salem-Victoria Western International baseball contest.
Sacht, who has entertained 70 million people at ball parks
throughout the country, including appearances at numerous
world series, will stage his act before and during the ball
game, which is slated for an 8 o'clock start.
fBy t lip A'.-ocbt Pre.s.ol
Watch out, New York! Shove
over, Cleveland and Boston.
Make room for another claim
ant to the American league
throne the dashing Detroit Ti
gers. A week ago, the odds manip
ulators had written off the pen
nant chances of the Tigers. A
three-team race it was, they said.
Today, these same odds-makers
are issuing a new line with De
troit given a chance to cop, al
beit a slim .one.
Major Standings
(By the Associated Presa) .
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New York fill 3(1 .625 PllikUpllia 54 46 .540
Cleveland 51 40 .5H8 Chicaso 41 58 .414
Boston 55 43 .561 WaslllnRtn 36 59 .37(1
Detroit 55 46 .545 St. Louis 34 64 .347
Keftults Tuesday
Detroit 10, New York 2. (Nisht)
Cleveland 8. Washington 1. (Nlxhl)
Roston 4, St. Louis 3. (Night)
Philadelphia 5, Chicago 2. (Night)
W L Pet. W L Pet.
St Louis 59 36 .608 Phildlphla 50 48 .510
Brooklyn 58 38 .604 Pittsburgh 45 51 .469
New York 51 46 .526 Cincinnati 30 58 .402
Boston 52 47 ,525 04cago . ., ,36,84, ,360
Results Tuesday
New York 3, Chicago 0.
Brooklyn 5, Pittsburgh 2. (Night)
St. Louis 7. Boston 2. (Night)
Cincinnati 11, Philadelphia 3. (Night)
They enhanced their chances
considerably last night, when
they turned back the Yankees,
10-2, in the league leaders' back
The victory gave the fourth
place Bengals a record of 13
triumphs in their last 18
games, a much faster gait than
that of the Yankees, runner
up Indians or third place Red
Sox. It moved them within
seven and a half games of the
Hal Newhouser, who had
failed in six straight July at
tempts to notch his 11th victory,
finally made it with 'a 10-hit
performance against the Yan
kees. The Tigers backed Newhous
er's pitching with a 14-hit at
tack which blasted Allie Rey
nolds from the hill.
Four of the blows went for
the distance. The homer hit
ters were Dick Wakefield, Vic
Wertz, -Aaron Robinson and
Johnny Lipon.
The Indians whipped iweary
Washington, 8-1, as Early Wynn
held his former mates to nine
scattered hits for his ninth vic
tory. Bob Kennedy, Joe Gor
don and Dale Mitchell paced the
Indians' 15-hit assault on Mick
ey Harris and Al Gettel with
three safeties apiece. The tri
umph cut the Yankees' margin
to three and a half gams.
The Red Sox tallied once in
the last half of the ninth to eke
OCE Grid Trio
To Suit Up for
Fourth Season
Monmouth Coach Bill Mc
Arthur reports three footballers
who will be playing together at
OCE for their fourth straight
year this fall. They are Marvin
Hiebert, left end; Gale Davis,
right guard; and W.' Bruce Ham
ilton, right end.
These three players, at the
completion of the 1949 season,
will probably be the first four
year lettermen in the history of
Oregon College of Education.
Tackles Archie Padberg and
Bob McKeever, will be on hand
for their third session, as will
Corky Van Loo and Robin Lee.
ace half-backs.
The above men will form a
nucleus for OCE's 1949 football
Coach McArthur has scheduled
several home games which will
be played on Friday nights under
the lights, with the exception of
the homecoming battle with East
ern Oregon College of Education
that contest will be on a Sat
urday afternoon.
Eye Flag
out a 4-3 win over the St, Louis
Browns. Dom DiMaggio singled
to open the frame, got around to
third, and scored the deciding
run when Vern Stephens rolled
down the first base line while
trying to duck a pitch by Ned
Garver. The hit extended Di
Mag's consecutive hitting streak
through 29 games.
IrflnnPfl Dom DiMaggio,
nappcu Bo5ton Red Sox
center fielder is about to be
tagged out by Ken Keltner,
Cleveland Indians third base
man at Fenway Park, Boston,
when Doin was trapped off
third on Johnny Pesky's hit
to right' field. Jim Hegan
(10) Indians catcher, watches.
(AP Wirephoto)
Papers, Marines
And Moorry's Win
Softie Contests
Papermakers downed Post
Office 7 to 4, Marines edged out
Knights of Columbus 1 to 0 and
Mootry's nosed Campbell Rock
Wool 4 to 2 in Softball action on
Leslie field Tuesday night.
The lone tally in the Marine
KC. contest was registered in the
bottom half of the second in
ning. Frank Carruth, who had
gained life with a single, was
scored by Jim Jaqua's hit to
left field. .
Clancy Applegate and Squeek
Nelson proved an effective scor
ing team for the Mootrymen. In
the first inning, Nelson singled
and Applegate, up next, hom
ered. In the third frame, Nelson
tripled, and was driven home by
Applegate s single.
P..permakers 410 000 27 7 4
Post Office 000 301 04 5 6
Farlow and Kephart; McDanieis and
Kn.ght of CoUmbu . .000 000 06 3 1
Marines 010 006 X 1 4 1
Parton and Alley; Carver and Barnholdt.
Mootry'.- ' 201 010 04 7 1
Campbell's '.002 600 02 3 2
Rawlins and Henery; Roth and L.
Ortega Wins Nod
On Jantzen Card
Portland, Aug. 3 W Joe Or
tega, 130. Portland, took a 10
round decision last night from
Buddy Gilman, 127 'A, of Seattle,
in the main event of the week
ly Jantzen Beach boxing card.
Brave Junior, 130, Klamath
Falls, and Mel Engleman, 124,
Salem, drew, 4; Lou Nunes, 151,
Los Angeles, decisioned Al Cliff,
155, Portland, 4; Don Doyle, 138,
Portland, and Frankie Martin,
133, Mexico City, drew, 4; Don
Rogers, 136. Portland, knocked
out Al Moore, 138, Oakland,
Calif., 1.
y ' If v,
Salem-Victoria Split Twin Sill
Ddcusen Keeps
Records Clean,
Kayoes No. 62
Los Angeles, Aug. 3 VP) New
Orleans' never defeated Maxie
Docusen, 134 tS, kept his record
unblemished last night with a
technical KO in the seventh
round over Lem Thomas, 134,
Los Angeles.
Referee Reggie Gilmore slop
ped the fight after Thomas had
gone down four times twice for
a count of nine in the sixth
It is the 62nd fight without a
defeat for Docusen.
Borowy Improved
Philadelphia VP) One of the
most improved pitchers over his
1848 record is Hank Borowy of
the Phillies. As a Cub last sea
son he started 17 times but went
the distance only twice. Through
June 6 he had hurled seven com
plete games for the Phillies, win
ning five of them.
in Stretch Bid
The triumph moved the
third place Bosox to within
six games of the Yankees.
The Philadelphia Athletics
ended a three-game losing streak
and a 27-inning score less
drought, defeating the Chicago
White Sox, 5-2.
The St. Louis Cardinal retain
ed their half game advantage
over Brooklyn in the National
i league race, coming from behind
to defeat the Boston Braves, 7-2.
Red Munger pitched a five-hitter
for his 10th victory. Stan Mu
sial led the 11-hit attack with a
double, triple and single.
PC Leaders Lose,
Official Box I
.. The box:
Oakland BHOA
BHOA Marquez.of 5131
Wilson, sb 5 2 1 4 Shupe, 1 5 16 0
Lavaeetto,3 4 2 1 5 Thomas, 3 3 2 1 0
VnRobys.rf 3 10 0 Rucker, If S 1 3 0 3 14 0 Brovla, rr 4 3 10
Jensen, If 4 0 0 0 Bosinski.2 4 0 3 1
Kryhoski(lv'4v21l l Oladd, " c 1 S--2 9 2
Martin; r4 1 7 S Austin, ss 3 0 11
Kerr, c 3 12 0 Helser, p 10 0 1
Gassaway.p 3 111 Dierlckx.p 9 0 0 3
Rapp, rf 2 10 0 Burgher 10 0 0
Totals 35 12 27 16 Wenner 110 0
Portland Totals 37 11 27 8
Plied out for Austin in 8th.
Doubled for Dlerickx In fttli.
Oakland 210 200 010 7
Hits 411 220 11012
Portland Oil 001 001 4
Hits 023 012 01211
Losing pitcher: Helser.
IP Ab R H Er. So Bb Wo
Gassaway 9 37 4 11 3 13 0
Helser ,....,...3 17 6 7 6 4 2 1
Dierickx 5a 18 1 4 16 10
Errors: Kryhoskl, Christopher, Kerr.
Runs: Wllian, LavageUo, Van Robays, j
Kerr 2, Gaasaway, Marque?,, Brovla 2,
Wenner. Runs batted in: Van Robays. i
Kryhosk! 2, Austin, Shupe. Kerr, Lavaget- !
to. Gladd, Wilson, Thomas. Two base ;
hits: Gassaway, Marquez. Shupe, Brovla, :
Wenner. Home runs: Kerr. LavaKetto.
Sacrifices- Christopher '2, Gas.saway. Dou-i
Die Plays: Martin to Krytioski: Wil
son to Martin to Kryhoskl. Left on base.:
Oak. and 7: Portland 9. umpires: Orr, 1
Ford and Gordon. Time 2:13. Attendance I
All nln4it names.
Hollywood 000 000 000 00 4 1
Seattle 000 000 000 V 1 9 0
(10 inn ins . vi
R a made 11 and Unser; Fletcher, Ardlzloa
(2) and Warren.
Sacramento 000 000 0000 6 1
San Francisco 013 000 OOx 4 9 1 I
Gillespie, Freitas (5) and Raimondl,
Plumbo 15) t Dempsey and Jarvls. !
3in Diego 000 000 1102 6 3
Los AllJteto 000 010 02X 3 8 0'
Flores and Ritchey; Stephens, McLish 1
'9l and Novotney.
Sac Pitcher Nabs
Coast- Loop Lead
For Hurling Work
San Francisco, Aug. 3 (Pi .
With 15 wins and 5 losses. Ken
Holcombe of the Sacramento
club tops Pacific Coast league
Willie Ramsdell. Hollywood
was second with 11 and 4, while
in third place was Guy Fletcher.
Seattle, with 18 wins the most
in the league to date and 7 de
In the strike-out department.
Charlie Schanz of Seattle was
top man with 113. San Fran
cisco's Con Dempsey.had an even
The top 10 pitching records,
including games of Sunday, July
W L SO Pet.
15 .1 89 .750
11 t J7 .733
18 7 109 .720
16 7 99 .696
13 6 84 .684
14 7 104 .667
8 4 45 .667
4 2 22 .667
4 2 15 .667
2 1 17 .667
15 8 33 .652
9 9 82 .500
8 8 45 .500
4 4 32 .500
, 8 6 23 .400
. 2 6 31 .330
2 1 33 .222
Holcombe. Sacto. .
Rnnwdell, Holly. ...
Helper. Po.-t
Barrett. Sei.-S.D. .
Opplit.aer. Sea
Fc.dman, S. F. ...
M''on, 8 F. ...
POTtlaiiil Pitchers Included:
Saltzman, Port. ...
Bridges, Port
Lynn, L. A. -Port. ...
Flemlna. Port
Dl Biasl. Port
Moot-, Port.-S. D.
Llslta. Port
Pesco Homecoming
Santa Clara, Calif. & Nine
teen years ago a clever young
basketball player left Phoenix,
Ariz., to enroll at Santa Clara.
Next January the same man
Ray Pesco, now head basketball
coach at Santa Clara, will re
turn to Phoenix to lead his
Bronco quintet in two games
against the Arizona Wildcats.
Oregon, Wednesday, August
Burre Legion 9
Wins Berth for
Portland Meet
Butte, Mont., Aug. 3 W)
Butte won the Montana Ameri
can Legion junior baseball cham
pionship last night by flattening
Great Falls 17-5 in the final
For the second night in a row
the home team rode to victory
behind Pitcher Johnny Franki
no, who allowed nine hits to
night while his mates banged out
The win sends Butte to the
western regional playoffs open
ing at Portland Aug. 12.
Yanks Keach 1,000,000
New York P) The New
York Yankees passed the mil
lion mark in attendance this
season with their 34th and 35th
games on July 4 when the total
soared to 1,005,343. In 1948
they passed the million mark
in game No. 33.
The Brooklyn Dodgers down
ed the Pittsburgh Pirates, 5-2,
behind the five-hit pitching of
Rex Barney. Gil Hodges hit a
home run and double to drive
in three Dodger runs. Bob Che
nes was the loser.
The Cincinnati Reds exploded
with 15 hits to swamp the Phila
delphia Phils, 11-3.
In the only afternoon contest,
the New York Giants shut out
the Chicago Cubs, 3-0, for their
fifth consecutive victory. Shel
don Jones pitched a three-hitter
for his ninth success.
San Francisco, Aug. 3 (U.R)
The Pacific Coast league lead
ers fell while the laggards
pounded on the cellar doors in
series openers last night but the
front-running Hollywood Stars
still have that six and a half
game lead.
The Stars, although dropping
a 10-inning 1-0 decision to the
Seattle Rainiers, didn't lose any
ground as the Sacramento So
lons obligingly bowed under 4-0
to: lowly San Francisco.
Seattle fans were treated to
a pitching marathon that saw
Willard Ramsdell, leading Hol
lywood righthander and one of
the league's best, edged by Se
attle Reliefer Rugger Ardizoia.
It was the second time in a
row that the Hollywood main
stay has lost a duel by that mar
gin. Last week Portland's Roy
Helser bested him. Last night,
however, Ardizoia gave the tilt
an added flourish when he belt
ed in the winning run with a
A large crowd of 10,000
turned out to see ex-Sud Man
ager Jo Jo White cavort in
the fields for the Twinks.
They weren't disappointed
he rapped out two of the four
Twink hits, one off Guy
Fletcher who started the
game and another off Ardi
zoia, who relieved grumpy
Guy in the second. Fletcher
left the game with a pulledt
back muscle.
San Francisco's Con Demp
sey tossed six hit ball to blank
the Solons 4-0. It marked the
seventh consecutive trimming
the Solons have absorbed in the
Seal stronghold this season.
They were trimmed six games
last May in the Bay City series
Los Angeles rose out of the
depths to hand San Diego a 3-2
loss in a game featured by four
homers. The payoff tally how
ever, came in the eighth frame
when Johnny Ostrowski sin
'B League Win, Losses
Put West Salem in Front
A victory by the West Salem
Lumberjacks combined with de
feats for the Keizer and Salem
Realtor Junior B leaguers gave
the Polk county crew the top
slot in the loop.
West Salem clipped Mayflow
er Milk, 6-2, in their fifth vic
tory of the season compared
with one defeat. Leith Linegar
pitched the winner on four hits.
Salem Heights topped the Keizer
Merchants with a score of 7-3
League Teams and Individuals Interested in
League Play Please Check with us at once
3085 Portland Rd. TOM WOOD, Owner Ph. Z4438
3, 1949
Tests Channel
France of Somerset, Mass.,
tests the water of the Eng
lish Channel at Dover, Eng
land. She is training at Dover
for an attempt to swim the
channel from Cape Gris Nez,
France to Dover.
' ffv I
Bevos Set Back
gled home Cecil Garriott. Pre
viously, four baggers had been
clouted by Padres John Ritchey
and Al Rosen and Pitcher Bryan
Stephens and Carmen Mauro of
the Angels,
At Portland the Oakland Oaks
started out with a three-run
splurge in the first inning and
were never headed as they edged
the Beavers 7-4.
Frank Kerr, the ex-Sacramento
catcher, and veteran Cookie
Lavagetto paved the way for the
Acorns with homers, helping
Charlie Gassaway to his 12th
win of the campaign. Joe Bro-
Worried Yanks Try to
Curb DiMaggio Masher
New York, Aug. 3 (U.R)-Joe
DiMaggio, the New York Yan
kee baseball club and a beau
teous blonde showgirl com
bined today to bare the de
tailed story of a girl crank
plaguing the famous baseball
Bearing in mind the tragic
shooting of Eddie Waitkus by
a demented girl fan, the Yan
kees have decided to take ac
tion. The female eccentric in
question, according to Yankee
spokesman Arthur (Red) Pat
terson has been deluging
DiMaggio with mash notes and
has contributed items to Broad
way columnists detailing the
progress of a reported rom
ance between Joe and lovely
Junior Stand ish, a dancer at
West Salem 000 204 06 6 6
Mayflower 200 000 02 4 2
Llnegar anl Wlnetr; Martin and Cohen.
Kclaer 000 100 23 7 3
S. HeiMiU 003 202 7 6 3
Province and Enale: Merchant and
Realtors 322 000 07 7 3
..aiindry 21 001 48 10 5
Mneaar and Winter: Martin and Cohen.
Pearce and Paae: Kins and Wlneuar.
while the Salem Laundry team
edged the Realtors, 8-7. The
Realtors and Keizers shared the
lead for a week with the Lum
berjacks. The Heighls nine won on the
pitching work of Steve Mer
chant. A homer by Eldon Harms
and a two run single off the
bat of Bill Walker highlighted
the Laundry effort over the
Solons Win Pitchers' Duel,
A's Collect Wild Nightcap
A scattered gathering of 454 baseball fans saw one top
notch pitchers' duel and one wild base-runners' battle as
Salem and Victoria split a Western International league
doubleheader at Waters park Tuesday night.
Cal Mclrvin of the Senators and Toby Tobias of Victoria
were mound opponents in the
fastly - played opener, with Sa
lem squeezing out a 2 to 0 vic
tory on the strength of two un
earned runs in the fifth.
A total of 29 hits were bashed
in the nightcap, 19 of them by
Victoria. The Canadians finished
on top, 12 to 8.
Mclrvin and Tobias gave up
but three hits apiece in their
brilliant performance. Salem's
two runs in the fifth came on a
single by Mel Wasley, a balk
by Tobias, two walks and three
The visitors threatened in the
top half of the seventh. Up until
then, they had managed only a
single hit off Mclrvin. a single
bv Gil McDougald in the second.
Then in the seventh Mclrvin
was nicked for two blows, but
twirled himself out of the sit
uation with calm smoothness.
Ray Jacobs opened the frame
by singling to left field. McDou
gald flied to right for the first
out, then Johnny Hack singled
to right, sending Jacobs to third.
That put runners on first and
third with only one out. But Mc
lrvin forced both Lenny Noren
and Frank Matoh to pop up to
Catcher-Manager Bill Beard and
end the ball game.
Three Victoria players each
banged out four hits in the sec
ond game. Vic Buccola had a
double and three singles, while
Noren and Matoh had four sin
gles apiece.
Jacobs cracked a three-run
homer in the eighth.
No Senator got more than two
hits in the game, and there were
no extra-base'blows on the Sa
lem side of the ledger.
The two teams meet again at
8 o'clock Wednesday night, fol
lowing a half-hour performance
by Al Schacht, "the Clown
Prince of Baseball."
Elsewhere in the WIL Tues
day, Yakima dropped a 7 to 3
PCL Standings
IBy the Associated Pros")
W L Pet. W L Pet,
Hollywood 77 54 .588 Portland 63 65 .402
Sacramnlo 6B 59 .530 Seattle 64 67 .480
Oakland 68 61.527 BnFrncBCo 57 72 .442
San Dieuo 64 65 .496 LofiAngela 56 75 .427
Results Tuesday
Seattle 1, Hollywood 0. (10 inninga)
Oakland 7, Portland 4.
San Francisco 4, Sacramento 0.
Loa AntieliK 3, San Diego 2.
via, hitting three for four and
scoring twice, paced the Bea
vers' attack. Roy Helser suf
fered his eighth loss against 14
wins. Dr. Frank Dierickx fin
ished for the Bevos.
the latin quarter. DiMaggio
and Junior have dated fre
quently but deny they are "a
"This woman obviously is a
mental case," said Patterson.
"We're going to see to it that
she stops bothering Joe but I'd
rather not say what kind of
action we're contemplating."
DiMaggio's close friend,
George Solotaire, a theater
ticket broker who introduced
Miss Standish to Joe, said he
knew who the crank is.
"The other night I had a talk
with her and tried to tell her
to stop meddling but I don't
know how much good it did,"
Solotaire said.
WIL Standings
(By the Associated Press)
W. L. Pet.
Yakima 71 40 .640
Vancouver 65 43 .607
Spokane 58 53 .623
Wenatchee 55 56 ,495
Victoria ..51 60 .459
Salem 48 63
Bremerton 48 63
Tacoma 47 66
Games Tuesday
Vancouver 7, Yakima 3.
Salem 2-8. Victoria 0-12.
Spokane 8, Bremerton 6.
Wenatchee 10, Tacoma 9.
decision to Vancouver as Yak
Manager Joe Orengo and Catch
er Ray Orteig were hustled to
the showers by the umpire for
disputing Umpire John Young's
decision that Vancouver's Ray
Tran was hit by a pitched ball.
Spokane defeated Bremerton
8 to 6 and Wenatchee edged Ta
coma 10 to 9.
Wenatchee's Jim Warner
picked up two home runs against
Tacoma to pass Dick Greco of
the losers in the league's circuit
clouting race Warner now has
29, Greco 28.
First game:
Victoria (0) (?) Salem
Wnlseth.u 3 0 3 2 Krug, 1 3 0 7 0
Buccola, 1 3 0 7 0 W.Petrsn,2 3 0
Jacobs, rf 3 2 2 0 B.Petrsn.s 3 0 0 2
McDougld.2 3 1 2 3 2 2 a 0
Hack, if 3 10 0 Wasley,lf-3 3 14 0 v 3 0 1 0 Hedingtn,3 1 0 0
Matoh, 3 2 0 0 2 Snydr.rf-lf t 0 0 0
Day, c 2 0 3 1 Beard, c 0 0 4 0
Tobias, p 2 0 0 2 Mclrvln.P 2 0 0 1
Buckley, If 0 0 1
Total 24 4 18 10 Total 18 3 4 8
Victoria 000 000 00 4 3
Salem 000 020 X 2 3
Balk. Tobias.
Pitcher Ip Ab R H Er So Bb
Tobias 8 18 8 2 0 2 4
Mclrvin 7 24 4 0 0 2 1
Passed balls: Beard.
Left on bases: Victoria 4, Salem 3, Er
rors: McDougald 2, Day. Runs batted In,
none. Sacrifice: Beard. Double plays: Wnl
seth to McDougald to Buccola: Walseth
unassisted; Hedington to W. Peterson to
Krug. Time 1:20. Umpires: Skullk and
Second name:
Victoria (13) (ft) Ralem
Walaelh.aa 4 13 1 Knitr, 1 4 2 10 0
Buccola. 1 4 4 6 0 W.Pctr3n.2 5 13 3
Jacobs, rf 3 1 a 0 B.Petrjsn.a 5 2 6 6
McDoUBld,2 6 13 5 4 0 2 0
Hack, If 4 14 0 Waley,3 S a 1 2 5 4 2 0 Buckley.rf S 1 0 1
Mathoh, 3 5 4 0 0 3 0 10
Morttan.c 5 18 0 Carlson, c 3 15 2
Ward, p 3 0 0 1 Fredrcks.p 4 10 0
Blnknahp.p 2 10 1 FoAtr,p 0 0 0 0
Mcxrvin- l u u u
Total 40 19 27 8 Total 31 10 27 14
Grounded out for Buckley In 9th.
Victoria 0 003 04112 19 2
Salem 010 052 000 8 10
Winning pitcher: Blankenshlp; loslns
Ditcher: Fredericks.
Pitcher Ip Ab H R Er So Bb
Ward 4 22 8 8 3
Blankenshlp 4a 15 2 2 1 2 1
Frederick 7 Plus 32 14 -10 8 5 0
Foster 3 8 5 3 2 0 1
Wild Pitches: Ward.
Left on baflea: Victoria 10. Salem T.
Errors: B. P?teron, Carlson, Wsl.ietti, Mc
Dcuanld, Home run: Jacobs. ' Two bnse
'hits; Buccola. McDoucald, Wrflsetli, Hack.
Runs batted In: McDounald 4, Hack,
Mathoh 2, Morgan, Fredericks, B. Peter
son, Wasley 3, Buck ley, Carlson 2, Ja
cobs 3, Buccola. Sacrifice: Walseth. Stolen
bases: Buccola. Double plays: B, Peter
son to Krun; Walseth to McDougald to
Buccola; W. Peterson to B. Peterson to
Krua 2. Time 2:15. Umpires; Flammla
and Skullk. Attendance 454.
Short scores:
Vancouver 001 100 1047 9 0
Yakima 000 031 0003 8 3
Anderson and Sheely; Swlger. Savar-
ese (fi), Bradford (01, Sporer (91 and
Ortfia, Tornay (9).
Bremerton 200 201 100 6 16 2
Spokane 031 031 00X 8 13 0
Da hi, Pirack (fl and RonnlnB; wer-
bowsk and Rossi.
Tacoma 033 000 120 9 12 1
Wenatcliae 018 001 02x 10 15 3
Fortier, Lazor (3), Johnson (9) and
Sheets; Greenlaw, Meyers (3t and Winter.
that popular favorite of the East
. 4mX ili ii
TheMhoC.rc. jjK
says jjfc moiB n
Jary Girls Win
11th Straight in
Portland League
The Jary girls' Softball crew
came through with their 11th
straight victory Tuesday night
in Portland league competition
when they drubbed upper
Sandy, 13-2.
The Salem entry put on one
of its best hitting exhibitions
of the year as they pounded
out a total of 12 in collecting
their. 13 runs. The slugging,
combined with the four-hit
pitching of Jackie Gardner
provided an unbeatable com
bination for the Sandys.
Sandy 2 4 5
Salem 13 12 0
Stringfellor and Blivens;
Gardner and Wadsworth.
Win, Silverton
Loses in Meet
Portland, Aug. 3 Kerchei
Lumber of Forest Grove and
Portland's Kool Spot fell from
the state semi-pro baseball tour
nament last night.
Reedsport advanced with s
third victory in defeating Sil
verton 2 to 1, the first loss for
the latter.
The defending champions ol
Albany had but two hits both
by center fielder Bob Jacobsen
in edging Kercher Lumber, 2
to 1. Jacobsen's blow in th
third, plus wildness by the
pitcher, scored both Albany
Dallas-Valsetz dumped Kool
Spot, 1 to 0, with pitcher Corky
Van Loo getting the only hit, a
single, to drive in the lone run
for his team while shutting oul
the Portlanders.
Three Reedsport singles and
two errors by Silverton's first
baseman Bob Christiansen gav
Reedsport two runs in tha
fourth. The lone Silverton run
came on two doubles.
Confident Gus
Soys He'll Try
To Kayo Charles
Summit, N. J., Aug. 3
Confidence oozes from Gus Les
nevich as he trains for his titl
fight with Ezzard Charles, th
the NBA heavyweight champ, at
Yankee Stadium a week from to'
I'm going to beat him," said
muffinjaced Gus. "I'll go foi
a knockout if I can."
"I like Lesnevich," commenteJ
Jimmy Braddock, former worli
heavyweight king. Jimmy al
ways has a good word for every
body. "Gus can win with his, body
punching," said Whitey Bim
stein, veteran trainer who is her
working with Rocky Graziano,
"That's the way Joe Baksi hur(
'I'm satisfied the way he came
along the last few days," said
Joe Vella, Gus' roly poly mana
ger. In Any Language
That'a Lotsa Yen
Tokyo, Aug. 3 (P) A pay
off of 277,770 yen on a 100 yen
ticket at Tozuka race track
near Yokohama yesterday was
the sensation of the season. In
American money that's $633
for 28 cents.
The winning tickets were on
two horses selected in the same
race to finish one-two.