' ...... A 8 Capital Journal, I , 'Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, August 2, 1949 What Is the Communism Dean Acheson Refers to? By DeWITT MacKENZIE I Secretary of State Dean Acheson made a statement Thursday about communism which is likely to cause puzzlement among . some intellectuals who have been viewing the Red ism as a Utopian c political ideal In makine a olea before the house foreign affairs committee for approval of the administra tion EuroDean arms program, . the secretary pointed out that r "throughout this struggle there , has been in existence Denina the Iron Curtain the greatest i peacetime combination of mili tary forces the world has ever I known." I Then a bit later he said: l "The fact is that the appeal I nf international communism is not, contrary to the self-serving ' assertions of the Soviets, an ap- peal to the minds of men. J "International communism I has made its gain in Europe not J by any intellectual or spiritual I attractions but by the threat that i derives from the existence of large forces, and the ruthless ap I plication of force wherever this j has been necessary to achieve ' its objectives." I ... ' That strikes me as calling for I a definition of "communism." i As pointed out in previous ; columns, the original commu . nism of generations past was a ' beneficent ideology abolishing ! private property and establish- ing a social order in which it ; was one for all and all for one. t However, by the beginning of l this century communism had been split into two sections j the bolshevists, who were the . majority, and the menshevists, i who were the minority. I t The bolshevists, led by Lenin adopted the doctrine of direct action. They held that the rule of the proletariat could only be achieved by actual revolution and bloodshed. This was exemplified in their successful revolution in 1917 when the czar was overthrown and "liquidated" with his imme diate family. Since then the bolshevists have been in power in Moscow, first under Lenin and for the past quarter century under Sta lin. Direct action and strong arm methods have prevailed. That s what Mr. Acheson re fers to as "the ruthless applica tion of force." It is one of the cardinal tenets of communism as practiced by the present bolshe vist regime. The original brands of com munism and socialism, of course, had much in common. We get the reflection of this fact in the name of the Russian commonwealth Union of Sov iet Socialist Republics. However, there's a wide breach between socialism and communism these day. Bailing Out at 15 Feet The propeller wind stream sends this trainee out of his plane into the bail-out net in ground practice at the Naval Air station, Alameda, Calif. Pear Picking Starts Mcdford, Aug. 2 VP) Picking of the Rogue river valley's multi million dollar Bartlett pear crop began yesterday, after one of the most successful growing seasons in many years. Contracts Let for Santiam Culverts Portland, Aug. 2 Among highway contracts let by the commission at Portland today are: Marion county Constructing reinforced concrete box culvert at milepost 59.08, Tunnel creek culvert on North Santiam high way above Detroit, R & M Con struction company, Central Point, $9255. Polk Paving .22 of a mile of the Dallas paving project; United Contracting company, Portland, $8310. Off on a 2,485-Mile Ride Italian Boy Scouts line up in Milan at the start of a 2,485-mile motorcycle ride to the International Boy Scout convention in Oslo,' Norway. I, I Age, 119 Years William Pringle (above), of Johannes burg, South Africa, who re cently celebrated his 110th birthday, is still active and hopes to live for many years. Graduate Forums On OCE Campus Monmouth, Aug. 2 A scries of graduate forums dealing with problems in education discuss ed at the Oregon College of Ed ucation will be broadcast Aug ust 2, 9 and 16 over station KOAC, it was disclosed Tuesday. The last of the forums on the Monmouth campus is to be held Wednesday afternoon. It deals with public opinion research in to problems of education. Other topics which will be aired on future radio programs dealing with subjects studied in the for ums at Monmouth arc: balances of extremes in education, schools for all children, and problems of preparing students for college. Jefferson Mrs. Henry Powell moved into her new house which her son Alfred built for her lust nortli of his house. The house has five rooms, kitchen, dining and living room combined, bed room, shower, and toilet. Miss Janie Mulchings has moved to Salem and is now em ployed by the telephone com pany. Three other members of her class are also employed in Salem, M a x i n e Armstrong, Yvonne Roseneau, and Jean Farman. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cochran received word that they have' a grandson born to their daugh ter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Lcland Pittim. He has been Monte Glenn and weighed six pounds nine ounces. YDU BET, WE ALVtAVS) DATE WE WILL BE THERE AS SURE AS FATE DOE Australian Strikers Clash with Police Sydney, Australia, Aug. 2 W Two hundred police clashed with 1000 demonstrating wharf laborers in Sydney streets today. 1 welve men were arrested. The incident was a side issue in , Australia s crippling coal strike now in its sixth week. Soldiers, airmen and some sail- ors began at midnight to get coal from open cuts in the coal fields (Advpri'."nent) ADD 10c FOR MAIL ORDERS 3 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. 5 HOURS ONLY ADD 10c FOR MAIL ORDERS This rnupnn and 68c entitles the hearer to one Genuine Indestructible VACUUM FIL LER SACKI.KSS FOUNTAIN PEN. Curvcx Tip. One special size to be used by ladies, men, boys and girls. TELEVISION. "YOU SEE ALL THE INK." Zip, only one pull and It's full, 25,000 words with one. filling. Visible Ink supply. INSTANT TOUCH -WRITING. NO MORE LEAKING! NO MORE SHAKING! Mfgr's 5-Year Guarantee with Each Pen This pen holds 200 more Ink than an ordinary fountain pen on the market. You alV.'f,'e 3 n,onths on one '''ling! No lever filler! No pressure bar! NO RUBBER SACK ! THIS COUPON GOOD ONLY WHILE ADVERTISING SALE IS ON Limit No More Than Two Pens to Each Coupon Bring This Coupon. THIS OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED. POSITIVELY NO PENS SOLD AT THIS PRICE AFTER SALE. If you cannot come at these hours 68c and pen will be laid aside. 68 SALEM DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTIONS G. W. NELSON 333 State St. Phone 3-9011 Salem, Oregon 3 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. 68 KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste When disorder of kidney function permits poiaonoiu matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, get ting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or Scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes Bhowa there Is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait I Ask your druggist for Bonn's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 60 years. Doan's give happy relief and will help the 16 miles of I kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from ; your blood. Get Doan's Pills. j 'Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types , Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 on an order from the federal gov ernment. Call Urgent for Bean Pickers With an acute shortage of bean pickers Tuesday it looked as if the bean producers were going to have to depend on lO' cal help instead of transient la bor to harvest the crop. , The employment service of fice at 710 Ferry street sent out 231 pickers Tuesday morning. but that wasn't nearly enough. West Stayton alone wants 300 more pickers than are now at work, and there n also a call from the yards around Salem, and from Independence which is going in more for beans. The bean acreage has increased by 25 per cent over last year. The beans are coming on irom tne grouna to the wire and the picking is good" is the report from the yards. Bean picking was scheduled to start about July 15 or 18, but Slsg1 100 to 1000 Auto or Personal C OAUV1E RCIAJL CREDIT PLAN INCORPORATED Salem Agency: 400 N. Church St. Tel. S4168 a cold spell came on that delay ed the crop, and people who naa come here for the harvest left the community. So it is now necessary to depend largely on local help. To Eliminate Smog Medford, Aug. 2 OT The pos sibility of controlling soot, smoke and ashes from lumber mills and industrial developments in the Medford area will be the sub ject of a meeting of landlords and owners here tomorrow. ITCH Advertisement) (Scabies) Is Bliur con tinue for III h net stopped. Its sal Is the Itch-mite which is immune to ordinary treatment!. EX ORA kills the Itch-mite almost Instantly. Only three days EXSOBA treatment hi required. "Mall orders slven aromtft Ueatloa. At all Fred Meyer Dm Section sad oth er GOOD Drug Stores." Mmi2io WESTINGHOUSE BE LUXE 9 As Little as 12.35 Per Month 29.95 Down MEET THE 0 LAWN CHAMP WEED & FEED Double action for one price this dry compound destroys broad-leaved weeds as it feeds the grass to richer color and thicker growth. Harmless to lawns, including bentgrass, when put on at economical rate specified. Easily applied with a Scotts Spreader. Handy Shaker Box $1.00 largt Sox. trcoli 3300 lg ft . $3.50 ScjtU SPREADERS provide quick, toiy lawn application!, rub. txr tir.d J10.83 and SI7J0. Fill In voldi Uff by dying wnch with cfOL ftlpb ckanad iiid. 1 lb 9,000,000 twdi . F. A. Dberf ler & Sons Nursery ISO N. Lancaster Drive at 4 Corners Phone I-1J2X lisin the Super Freeier freezes food QUICKER stores frozen foods SAFER freezes ice cubes FASTER keeps ice cream HARD in the Food Com partment keeps all foods SAFER MEAT KEEPER . . . holds 18 pounds of meat. HUMIDRAWER ... keeps vegetables fresh. FLEXIBLE SHELVINO . . . for every storage need, 5-YEAR PROTECTION PLAN you CAN 8E SURE.. if iT'sWfestinghouse ' tLcmci Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty Phone 3-4311 WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR NEW STORE! I 000tK 1 Only JQUflDW At work or at play. . . night or day. . . it's the ivorld's most useful car! ULsiiscrfDVsivelci4 The ... World's only 2-cars-in-one - - A'eie Here't double-talk that maket sense . . .You can own "2 cars" for the price of one...i cargo van for work, a smart sedan for play. Maket butinett a pleaiure ! Best 'handy man' you ever had. With its roomy 10-foot hold, your Traveler pays its own way. ..hauling sacks of lime or stacks of lumber... feed, flowers or furniturel Pretto, Change . ; . in 10 seconds, your Traveler becomes a big, six-passenger luxury sedan ! Feel the power of that thorough bred Thunderhead engine. ..with its gas-guarding 7.3-to-l compression ratio. Feel the deep comfort of seats 10'4Vi"wide; the smoothness of 123" wheelbase. lust drive it and see. Luxury model Kaiter Vagabond... Last word in elegance! 2-ears-in-l, plus overdrive, 112 h.p. Thunderhead engine, lavish reflnements. KaiMer. wlotretl-priced big car in the world! Itt'mcntry ctaiMMdMd qmipMt. fmUnl Ms jMtd. 7rntporftu. total lain fifvtyi WL Ask your neighborly Kaiser-Frazer dealer for a demonstration ! 01141 tatlttw.mt I ALU toi. lua tu. xia, "