Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 02, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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A g
l,iirhtlv fantastic An unscneauieu act was in ciossoin
Time" at the Amphitneater in Louisville, Ky., when Betty
Anee Busch's pantaloons fell during the first act. The audi
ence applauded Miss Busch's recovery and the play went on.
With the distressed Miss Busch is Ramona Robinson. (AP
$35,000 a Year
Paid to Senator
Washington, Aug. 2 W) Sena
tor Bridges (R., N. H.), is paid
$35,00 a year as trustee of the
coal miners' welfare fund; con
gress was told yesterday.
So is Ezra Van Horn, the
trustee who represents the coal
The third trustee is John L.
Lewis, head of the United Mine
Workers union. However, Miss
Josephine Roche, director of the
fund, said Lewis doesn't take the
In answer to a question, she
said the money is paid to those
trustees "who accept it, of which
Mr. Lewis is not one."
Miss Roche appeared before
the senate banking committee.
It's looking Into the miners'
pension fund, supported by a
royalty of 20 cents on each ton
of .coal mined.
Cones, Pop Might Go
Well in Bean Yards
The suggestion is being made
that someone, possibly a dis
abled person with a car, could
make pretty good money selling
refreshments to bean picking
crews st the yards.
Ice cream cones, pop, and
possibly sandwiches made avail
able o the workers, especially
the youngsters, about mid-forenoon
and afternoon, it is said
would be very welcome to the
pickers and should net a good
profit to the salesmen.
What the reaction would be
among the yard owners is a lit
tie uncertain, but the practice
is said to be used extensively in
California by the "Good Humor"
men and to have been good in
its results.
India is reported to have ship
ped 20,000 tons of castor beans
by sea to other countries in the
last year.
324 Attended
Night Classes
Night classes for adults given
in Salem during the school year
1948-49 attracted 324 persons,
according to a report just issued
by Vlron A. Moore, Eugene,
head of the department of state
wide classes, general extension
division, state system of higher
Only Eugene and Klamath
Falls had larger enrollments.
A sharp increase in popular
ity of the adult education classes
was noted throughout the state.
Much of the instruction was in
the form of teachers' workshops
followed up by additional lec
tures and study which resulted
in credit toward degrees or certification.
Exclusive of Portland exten
sion center and correspondence
study, 5084 persons were enroll
ed in state-wide classes,' compar
ed with 4268 in 1947-48. Num
ber of classes increased from 289
to 405; towns giving classes, from
59 to 67; and instructors, from
149 to 203.
The instructional staff came
from a variety of sources, in
eluding 10 Oregon colleges and
universities. University of Ore
gon contributed 24 teachers; Or
egon State college, 24; Southern
Oregon College of Education, 14
Oregon College of Education, 12
Eastern Oregon College of Edu
cation, 8; and Willamette univer
sity, Reed college, Linfield col
lege, Lewis and Clark college
and Pacific university, one each.
Guests Entertained
At Specht Residence
Silverton House guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Specht at
their suburban home over East
Hill, are the members of the
family of their son, Mr, and Mrs.
Raymond Specht and sons
Ramey and Randy, and Mrs.
Specht's brother, Theodore
Brown of El Segunda, Calif.,
where Specht is in charge of the
transportation department of
the school district.
The visitors plan to remain in
Silverton until August 11, on
vacation. Enroute here they
drove by Boulder Dam area,
Salt Lake City and in Boise
where they visited briefly with
relatives of Brown and Mrs.
Other members of the Carl
Specht family to make up a
complete reunion of the group
arriving this week are Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Munro (Louise
Specht) and Kathy and Jackie
of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs, Lyle
Specht and Mark of Tillamook,
and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Specht
and Susan of Salem,
Lyle Specht, a major in the
Marine Reserves has just re
turned from a fortnight's school
ing at San Diego. Oscar Specht
spent two weeks at Salt Lake
City taking an advanced course
in insurance methods, returning
home this week.
The Spechts are remembered
here for their interest in high
school and college athletics a
few years ago.
Stanley Connell, aged 19, has
been appointed organist of two
church parishes in Northern Ire
Leukemia Victim
Dies in Hospital
Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 2 W)
Albert Wyman, 5-year-old
leukemia victim of Woodland,
Wash., whose last Christmas
lasted seven months, died at a
hospital here today.
Albert received presents daily
when his plight became appar
ent about Christmas time. The
Christmas tree stayed up, and
his parents and friends made
every day a special occasion.
When Albert wanted water
melon, Spokane housewives sent
him canned melon by airliner,
then another leukemia victim,
young Ronnie Calvert of Rich
mond, Calif., sent him two whole
melons, which he in turn had
received from well-wishers In
Last week the parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Ed Wyman put an an
other Christmas trr" ':
ening Albert did not respond.
AW. Angel
The Misses Dolores Ebner,
and Cleo Turin and Pauline
Turin, all of Salem, daughters
of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ebner
and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turin of
Mt. Angel have returned from
a week's vacation trip spent in
San Francisco. They made the
trip on the new Shasta Daylight
Miss Angela Olivottl of Yrcka
Calif., has arrived here to spend
the summer at the family homo
in Mt. Angel. Her sister, Miss
Anne Olivotti of Portland is
presently here on vacation.
Mrs. Kate Kruse and daughter
Miss Laura Kruse, R.N., will
leave about August 1 for a visit
at Mankato and other Minnesota
cities. Arriving by plane for a
visit at the Kruse home was
Miss Nan Kurtz, R.N., of Long
Beach, Calif. Miss Kurlz and
Miss Kruse served together in
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 2, 1949 7
I:cx Barker holds Brcnda Joyce, in this jungle love scene
from RKO's new "Tarzan's Magic Fountain" at the Grand
tomorrow, with "Shadow Valley."
(he Army Nurses Corps in the
European theater during the
Pfc. Ralph Bochsler, with the
U. S. Marines at Bremerton,
visited at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Bochsler over the weekend.
Doctors Find Body Odor
on 13 Parts of Body
Read how this soap with purifying
ingredient gets skin cleaner,
gives longer all-over protection !
It's true-though very few people realize this
unpleasant fact! Body odor is not confined to
the underarms. To guard popularity and avoid
humiliation all day every day your daily bath
must give 13 parts of your body top protection.
Doctors find that the cleaner you get every
part of your skin, the safer you are from
"B.O." (body odor). And by comparing daily
baths with different soaps they found one soap
gets skin cleaner, protects you best
Popularity is priceless. Don't ever lose it!
Today, these doctors can advise you how to
protect popularity 24 hours a day-how to be
sure of the longest afterbath security. They
proved Lifebuoy Health Soap gets skin cleaner
stops "B.O." as no other leading soap can.
Most soaps remove all the dirt you can see.
But Lifebuoy with its purifying ingredient is
more effective than any other leading soap
against the "invisible dirt" that brings on
"B.O." It cleanses and guards all 13 trouble
spots where body odor occurs.
Make friends with Lifebuoy these hot days.
Get that clean, clean Lifebuoy feeling. Get big
NEW bath size Lifebuoy today.
So mild so GOOD for your skin!
Lifebuoy is milder, too . . . safe even for a
baby's tender skin ! No wonder countless love
ly women Bay it's wonderful for complexiom!
Enjoy the rich white lather from Lifebuoy's
coconut oil.
Buy Lifebuoy at your store. Another Fine
Product oj Lever Brotliera Company.
Gets Skin Cleaner. . . Stops " B. 0."
as No Other Leading Soap Can
Miller's Department Store
brings you the newest of the wonderful PLAYTEX Girdles
amazing., . and unlike any girdle you have ever worn
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Pi.aytex proudly presents pink-ice
not as a color, but as a brand new
kind of girdle that's so shimmering
smooth you literally slip into it inn flush.
Just touch it and you'll feel the differ
ence. It's cool as a frosty drink, smooth
as mountain ice, light as a snowflakc.
And it washes in a matter of seconds,
pals dry with a towel.
PLAYTEX PINK-ICE is made of pure
liquid Intex with on oil-way power
stretch that dynamically molds your
figure along its nottirot lines, controls
your figure when you ore sitting, a
well as when you're stnnding or'
Invisible under your briefest swim
. suit, your sheerest summer dress,
PI.AYTEX PINK-tCE becomes a living
port of you, giving with every motion
of your body, supporting you in the
most complete comfort.
Ask (or this sensational new pi.aytex
girdle pink-ice now. See bow it
gives you back your own true figure
inches slimmer ond trimmer in cool
summer comfort. You'll love the new
2nd Floor
Corn In (or your PLAYTIX PINK-ICI OIBOU now.
Phono Ul lor your PLAYTIX PINK-ICE OIRDLI now.
panty cisdli with garters . $4.95
. $5.95
Pink Tubes
1 5?S