Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY F1SCHKB 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, August 2, 1949 Miss Gregg Recent Bride Bride on July 22 was Miss Lillian Gregg of Salem, daugn ter of Mrs. Annie Gregg of Nys sa, Ore., her marriage to Leo L. Baton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Bishop of Salem being solemnized that date at an 8:M0 o'colck service in the evening at the First Baptist church, the Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson offici atinc. For her wedding the bride wore a white taffeta gown, de signed with bustle effect in back and a train. The fingertip veil was arranged from a bandeau . with orange blossoms at the sides. For her flowers, the bride carried a crescent bouquet of Vanda orchids, Rapture roses and white sweet peas. Mrs. Howard Paschall of Mit chell was matron of honor for her aunt, She wore a sky blue taffeta dress, and Miss Vera Jones was bridesmaid wearing a teal blue marquisette frock Both carried crescent bouquets of Rapture roses and pink and white sweet peas. Flower girl was Judith Hansen, wearing a pink taffeta dress. Edwin Watkins of Hillsboro was best man and ushering was Ray Guthner. Vic tor Gregg, a nephew of the bride, Nyssa was ring bearer Lighting the tapers were Miss Mary Carolyn Pavis, wearing a white gown, and Miss Pearl Combs, who was in blue. Both wore Rubrum lilies in their hair hair. For the music, the Rev. Mrs. Brickwedel sang and Mrs. John Schmidt, Jr. was at the organ. The reception following also was at the church. Mrs. V. L Loucks of Scio, sister of the bride, cut the cake. Miss Ardith Combs poured and assisting with the serving were Miss Myrl Gramse and Miss Betty Holland Following a trip to Lake Louise and Banff the couple are at home in Salem until the fall when they will go to Portland to live. Mr. Baton is a civil en gineer. HOSTESS yesterday at an In formal luncheon and bridge aft ernoon was Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, a group of eight being invited to her home. AMONG those entertaining at the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Linn C. Smith, who invited a group for a supper in their garden. "a$C i I ' 1' . j" Guthner-Gramse Wedding Sunday Miss Myrl Gramse and .Ray Guthner were married Sunday evening at a simple service in the First Baptist church, the ceremony being solemnized at the close of the young people's service with Dr. Lloyd T. Ander son officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown of Portland attended the couple and others standing with the bridal couple were Miss Alice Bailey, Miss Mary Carolyn Dav is, Walter Judd and Norman Mann. The bride wore a green suit with gray hat and carried a white Bible on which was placed an orchid. The informal reception was held after the church services The young couple will live in Portland, Mr. Guthner to continue his studies at the Mult nomah School of the Bible. Clan Reunion Dallas The 1940 meeting of the Humphreys clan was held in the Dallas City park, with 72 members present. The family includse descendants of Thomas Melvin and Jane Humphreys. The event opened with a no- host dinner, the business meet ing following. Ernest Savage presided. The Dallas City park was selected as the meeting place for the 1950 gathering The same officers were re-elected, Ernest Savage, president; Claude Ashby, vice president; Alma Ashby Knower, secretary- treasurer. A genealogy of the family from 1734-1949 was pre sented to the group by the his torian, Jennie King Humphreys. An interesting part of the meeting was the viewing of old family portraits brought by dif ferent members of the group. Present were the honor guests, William H. Humphreys, of Stayton, 94 years of age; W H. Humphreys of Portland, 82 years of age: L. Anna Hum phreys of Portland, 80 years of age. Other members attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hofstet ter, Wiley Humphreys, Lois Humphreys of Vancouver. Wash.; Mrs. Florence Lauer, Bob Lauer, Maxine Holroyd and Mr. and Mrs. John Savage of Port land; Peggy Wightman of Hep- pner; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Humphreys of Eugene; Mrs. Dor othy Humphreys, John and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. Wal Ince Humphreys, Sandra, Wally i-anv and uan, Cavort Hum phreys, Mr. and Mrs. Blynn Humphreys of Stayton: Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Champ of Lyons; Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Humphreys of Sublimity; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Grey, Nancy of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. js. xi. Hcrrell, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doerfler, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Savage, Mrs. Milton Savage and Jurhee, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Savage, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Cole, Cheryl, Bess Shanks bhelton and Mrs. W. E. Knower of Salem. ON VACATinTNT for tvun unutkn is Miss Genevieve Cockerline who went to San Frnnei sen In join friends to drive to Nevada ana otner southwest places of lnieresi. Town Smoothie Dressmaker eoat in gray Venetian covert with tiered hip pockets, by Monte Sano. RECORDS New Releases FORO anil GOON BONES Sweet Jennie Lec Oh, You Beautiful Doll BILLY KCKSTINK I Love You Good-Bve T. TEXAS TYLER Show Me the Way Country Boy -riind 'many others I Downstairs Oregon Bldg. State and High 3-8632 KAILES CLEARANCE Final Reductions on COATS and SUITS VALUES TO $64.95 . . . NOW To hrlnff vnn fh dpi,i( imI,,.. , --o tniuca ue nave offered this year. . . . Finnl and drastic reductions have been taken on a selected group of women's fine all wool Coats and Suits. Materials and Styles to wear now and later, too. See them. Many Other Unadvcrtiied Bargain! All Sales Final ... No Refunds ... No Exchanges, Please. 2295 KAILES APPAREL SHOPS 320 Court St. Other Stores in Albany, Eugene and Portland Y C ' '"' h tr - :Al . f 1'" jr"ma?r (TV Vj j J 'j? if ' . M V v ' 1 ' ' f ." fox . H Is Bride-Elect The engagement of Miss Mavis Eggens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Eggens, to John Petty, son of Mrs. Maude Petty of Gladstone, was announced recently. The wedding is planned for the late fall. (Jesten-Miller studio photo) Picnic on Sunday Honors Visitors A group of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worth Sun day, a picnic dinner being serv ed in honor of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Kilgore and daughter Betha Jane, visitors from Kirksville, Mo. Attending the gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Kilgore and Betha Jane; Mrs. Nora Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Tony George, Mr. and Mrs. M. Magce, Miss Margaret Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nicholson, all of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Iwn Smith, Mrs. Addie Smith, Mrs. Ellis Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson and Jimmy and Linden, all of Scotts Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Magee, Bud dy, Linda and Jimmy, Mrs. Myr- tie McCoun, John McCoun, all of Aumsville; Mr. and Mrs. Louie Magee of Dayton; Don Poulsen of McMinnville; Diane, Louise, Nancy and Tommy Worth and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worth. ARRIVING this past week end to spend the month of Au gust here were Mrs. Ivan Hunt and children, Charles and Elaine of Marysville, Calif. They are guests at the home of Mrs. Hunt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eyre. Mr. Hunt is to come later to join his family for a stay before returning to Marysville. Two Birthday Dates Observed at Dinner S i 1 v e r t o n Mrs. Amanda Thomas and Mrs. Howard Ench were special birthday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Akin home in North Second street, observance of the anniversaries of their joint.birth days. Present were the Howard Ench'es and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hilton and son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Pendegrass, his mother, Mrs. Anna Pendegrass and Sam Pendegrass, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Akin. Miss Donna Kletzing Given Kitchen Shower Independence Miss Donna Kletzing was honored with a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. John Irving Jr. . ' After playing games and opening guts the guests were taken to the home of Mrs. Ruth Reich wherp a "hriinph" wn served by Mrs. Reich to Misses Marilyn mix, Phyllis Craven, Delores Hultman, Barbara Klet zinir Virginia Rnchv Mrs Ralph Kletzing, Mrs. Elmer Ad dison and Mrs. Irving, all of In- deDendenop. Miss lVTnrinl WnrH Miss Elsie Barrett of Portland; Mrs. Betty Allen, Mrs. June Hanks, Mrs. Jean Anderson and Miss Charlene Meier, nil nf Sa lem. Miss AdolpK Wed July 28 ' From the south comes news of the marriage of Miss Joanne Frances Adolph, daughter of Rex Adolph of Salem, to Fred erick Howard Field, son of Mrs. Frederick H. Field of San Fran cisco, the wedding taking place July 28 in Carson City, Nev. The bride has been living in San Mateo and San Francisco since in the spring. Miss Ruth Jackson and Burt Delavan of Sacramento attended the couple. The couple were here over the week-end at the Adolph home and left yesterday for San Fran cisco. Mr. Field is to attend the University of Southern Cal ifornia this fall. The bride was graduated from Salem schools and is a member of the Spinsters club. Mr. Field attended Menlo Park Junior col lege. . Miss Heenan To Be Bride Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heenan are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Rita Hee nan, to Wallace E. Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elfin Ross of Sa lem. The wedding will take place in St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church on September Z In honor of Miss Heenan, Miss Minnie Dauenhauer, Miss Ann Bartole and Mrs. Henrietta Bai ley entertained with a linen shower Friday, at the Dauenhau er home. Games were played and several times during the eve ning, the honor guest had to lo cate a ringing alarm clock with which her gifts were hidden. La ter, a supper was served. The guest list included Miss Rita Heenan, Mrs. Edward Hee nan, Mrs. Elfin Ross, Mrs. Ralph Meyers, Mrs. Arnold Claassen, Mrs. Charles Nelke, Mrs. War ren Miles, Mrs. Ernest G e r i g, Mrs. Harry Poole, Mrs. Ned Bur- ris, Mrs. Alvin Stein, Mrs. John Stalnaker, Mrs. Monty McCar ger, Mrs. Dona Ritchie, Miss Ir ene Lough, Miss Kathy Haskins, Miss Cathy Cooper, Miss Erma Cowden, Miss Connie Michaels, Miss Mary Heenen, and the host- UNIONVALK Friends have received invitations for the wed ding of Miss Anna Lois Hibbs and John Orin Becker, the cere mony to be solemnized Sunday afternoon, August 14 at 3 o'clock in the First Methodist church, McMinnville. Miss Hibbs is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Wesley Hibbs, who have lived in Union- vale many years. The bride- elect was graduated from Day ton Union high school, class of 1947, and has since been em ployed at Oregon Mutual Insur ance company at McMinnville Mr. Becker is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Becker of Mc Minnville, and received his schooling in Montana and is em ployed at McMinnville. If , ' is V. y,fS fc. V I ' A Ladylike Look Soft suit of gray flannel with pocket flaps and belt. Designed by Coppola. Picnic Event Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae sponsored their annual summer picnic Sunday at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Sullivan at Lincoln beach. Attending were: Miss Eliza beth Odle, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin L. Peterson and Kent and Ste phen; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Thede, Jimmy, Janice and Jody; Dr. and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tiernan and Kent; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Flory and Karen and Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Maynard A. Nelson, Gary and George; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dilatush and Vicky; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Groff, Janice and Stephen; and Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan and Nancy and Stephen. Birthday Party Allen Kay Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Wright, celebrated his sixth birthday anniversary, Saturday, with a party at his home on North 4th. Pink, white and blue featur ed the table decorations. Follow ing an afternoon of games the traditional b i r t hday luncheon was served. Joining Alen Kay in obser vance of the day were his sis ter, Sharon Wright; Roberta DeWeese, Gill Roger Vaughn, Lynn Fairbrother, Donna Nel son, Lynda Nelson, Donnie Dyer; also Mrs. Don Nelson, Mrs. Keith Dyer, Mrs. Joe Chapman, Susan Chapman, Clarence Fairbrother, Mrs. Blaine Chapman, Mrs Clarkson and Mrs. Wright. At Auxiliary Convention convention activities taKe ine spumum in oaiem uic umi icw days with the American Legion and auxiliary gathering here for their annual department event. Starting off events for the department meeting of the auxiliary Wednesday will be a meeting of the executive committee at 10 a. m. in the state senate chambers. Members of the executive committee include; Mrs. Mitchell Thorn, The Dalles, department president; Mrs. W. W, Graham, Corvallis, vice president; Mrs. Mae Whitcomb, Portland, secre tary; Mrs. McKinley Kane, Dundee, treasurer; Mrs. Craig Coyner, Bend, national committeewoman; and the following district presi dents: Mrs. C. Harold Moyer, Astoria; Mrs. Robert S. Kreason, Dallas; Mrs. Clifford Cruson, Oakridge; Mrs. B. L. Badden, Kerby; Mrs. Harold L. Leach, Bonneville; Mrs. M. J. Pinney, Pendleton, Mrs. Joseph W. Boyer, Baker; Mrs. John Parodi, Port land; Mrs. LaVerne Van Ausdell, Troutdale; Mrs. H. F. Hatfield, Roseburg; Mrs. Ernest Sieloff, Burns; Mrs. R. E. Tull, Redmond. Big event of Wednesday evening for the Legion auxiliary groups will be their annual ritualistic contest, set for 8 p. m. in the Wil lamette gymnasium. The ceremonies present installation and initiation services. Mrs. Don Apperson is general chairman. The public is invited. A special event for Friday afternoon in the auxiliary con vention will be the " '49'er Hour," honoring those who obtain ed five or more new memoes in their auxiliary. The event will be between 5 and 6 o'clock in the Merlaine Dance studio, 155 South Liberty. The '49'er theme will be featured at th) party. Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, membership chairman of Capital Unit No. 9, Salem, is general chairman for the " '49'er Hour," and on the committee with her are Mrs. Sam Harbison as co-chairman; Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Mrs. Carl Chambers, Mrs. Theodore Ul lakko, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. Ira Pilcher. The program will feature Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs. Bert A. Walker and Mrs. Ira Pilcher in special numbers. j "Dan McGrew and the Lady Known as Lou" invite past and present secretaries and treasurers and their friends to a miners' breakfast in the "Malamute Saloon" (Salem Chamber of Com merce, really), reads the notice for the 1 a. m. breakfast to be given Friday to honor units' treasurers and secretaries. "The menu will be in keeping with the theme and the program promises to more than keep you awake" says the invitation. Mrs. Bert A. Walker is general chariman and on the committee with her are Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs. E. Jack Simpkins, Mrs. Kenneth Shomaker, Mrs. Homer Lyon, Mrs. Robert DeArmond, Mrs. Rose mary Henningsgard. Salem and Silverton members of the American Legion Auxiliary Juniors will serve as pages at the business sessions of the conven tion. Carol McLeod is to be personal page for Mrs. Mitchell Thorn of The Dalles, state president. Carol is the daughter of Mrs. Helen McLeod, president the past year for Capital Unit No, 9, Salem, Patsy Cameron is to be personal page for Mrs. Mae Whitcomb, Portland, department secretary. General pages will be Gail Dorr, Mary Cecile Rocque, Joan Polster, Sharon Laverty, Dianne Miller, Marilyn Olson, Doris Rohland, Jackie Romm, Joan Fabry, Dolores DePhillippi, Joan Windishar, Kay Lovell, Grace Corey, Vera Nell Bowman, Mary. Ann Fisher, Gail DeBow, all of Salem, Vivian Reenes and Lois Porter of Silverton. . Members of the auxiliary Juniors will present a floral tribute to Mrs. Hubert A. Goode, national auxiliary president, Friday fol lowing her address. The group presenting the tribute will include Edith Gayle Brown, Sue Arlene Wilson, Lynn Nystrom, Larry Lou Osterman, Diane Emigh, Sheryl Boyd, Mylrea Mulcahy. - THE WOMAN'S Society of Christian Service of the Leslie Methodist church is sponsoring a no-host dinner at the church at 6:30 Wednesday evening with members and friends of the church as guests. The program is on Korea with Mrs. Byung Koh, a Korean, speaking on that country. By ung Koh will present vocal numbers. Mrs. S. M. Laws will conduct the devotional program. Members of the society are IC4UCSLCU LU Clb 1,111.. IUI a business session to precede the supper and program. MAIN FLOOR SHOE DEPT. Discover why millions' of women coll them 1 y most 1 4f A Umfortablc . shoes 1 M iic 1 m orUr Thm RHr. Let this trim, new Red ( Gold) Cross Shot take you swinging through busy days, tinUssly, with an eager, young step. In butter-soft black or brown calf. Sizes 3y to 11, AAAA to D. Only $10.9$. tUMNOII, I10.W Thm Smxanmm. There is no other shoe in the world like it for solid comfort, smartness end value. In soft black kid, sites 3lA to 10, AAAA to E. Only f 10.95. Th Famttdatlom Millions of grateful women say there's no other shoe like it for heavenly comfort . . . effortless walking ease. Needs no "breaking in." Crafted in soft black kid, sizes 3x to II, AAAA to EEE. vniy Cross Shoes I the cm Sculptured Suit No. 6600 - Shapely little Faille suit that looks "carved out"l New curved details such as rounded revers . . . arched tabs . . . scroll fronted peplum, Youthfully slim skirt Black, Evergreen, Cunmetal Grey, Bark Brown. 12 to 20. 3. V ' il L 1 M GuaroBtttd byA 11 yGood HouMknpinf J 4 Old.r AUrrti MaanV 1 I Ortii. fa Mil,,,' 4 Credit Extended to Suit Your Needs 115 North Liberty