. . V v,w ,il .imW yi ) I -fT " 1 AVA School Clothes Choice Jone Pedersen (above), "Miss Cali fornia of 1949," chooses these outfits designed by Stephanie Koret as the proper attire for the University of California in Berkeley, where she starts the fall semester as a freshman. At the left she wears a corduroy set featuring a topper with a huge, windswept back. Jutting collar and generous cuffs. On the right she wears a matching pleated skirt and shirt. This heather grey wool jersey creation features a triangular Eaton collar, shirtmaker sleeves and gunmetal buttons. (Acme Telephoto) East Salem Groups Holding Social Calendar Spotlight East Salem, Aug. 2 Club, family picnics and family reunions with picnic dinners were the highlights for social activities in East Salem over the week-end. The Merry Minglers club held their annual family picnic in the Dallas park. UVW 1U1 H IS- 'Vll.i.b UMf...- . lib v LlutR "SIC Mr. and Mrs. J. Irvin Wagers; Mr. and Mrs. Vicar Wagers and Johnny; Mr. and Mrs. Henry ; Sprick; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Page, Shirley, Marilyn and Day rlj Mr.' and Mrs. Cleo Keppinger, Gay Lee and Toni; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagers; Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Fabry and Joanne; Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy; Mrs. Sarah Wright; and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wagers and David. Following the eating of supper four short contest games were played with Mrs. Robert Wagers winning two and Lee Wagers and Cleo Keppinger each one. The first regular meeting of the club for the fall will be September 15. The first family reunion for the new members of the Charles E. Siegmund family was Sunday when all children and grandchil dren met at the family home on Garden Road for an outdoor pic nic dinner. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Siegmund; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Siegmund, Thomas, Shirley and Robert of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Siegmund, Charles and Sara 'Jane of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Siegmund, James and Martha of Astoria and Mr. and ',Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Sharyn and -Allan of Salem. Several young folks of East rfialem are at church camps this week. Marvin Cage of Middle 'Grove is at Jennings Lodge for the young peoples program at the annual camp meeting. Driving '. up for the services were Mr. and Mrs. John Cage. The annual summer conference for the Am erican Sunday School Union is .'being held at Turner this week. Donna Mae Brandt from Swegle 'community is attending and Ed die Page and Dale Van Cleave from Middle Grove. John Stark !of Swegle attended the Baptist jchurch camp near Tillamook the past week. Mrs. Ella Brown of Cutler City is visiting for a few days in the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George .Drown on ijaraen roaa. iney au 'attended the annual Pugh fam ily reunion of Mrs. Ella Brown's sister held at Silver Creek Falls en Sunday. Monmouth Finds More Dwellings Monmouth Building has been going on in good progress In I Monmouth with the building of twelve new houses and about nine are under construction and some more are planned in the near future. Following are a list of permits taken out at the city recorders office. Dwelling at Powell and Cat tron by C. A. Clemenson of Can by. A dwelling by E. C. Jacob son at east end of the city. A dwelling by W. F. Johnson at 495 South Broad St. A dwelling by Lars P. Larson on Craven street. A dwelling on MacDon old Lane and Whitman street by John H. Marr. A dwelling on South street by George W. Cooper. A dwelling by Ralph Hicks on Powell and East streets. An office-house by Dr. R. Bow ersox on West Main street. Other dwelling permits taken out since January 1 include houses for Mrs. Cora Miller, E. C. Jacobson and Constock and Allen. Alteration and repair permits have been taken out by W. J. Stockholm, Mrs. Florence W. Hutchinson, Harry Barzee, E. W. Staats, G. N. Prime, Lloyd A. Cook, R. B. Loomis, Mrs. Beulah Pike, Earl Conkey, Frances Cole man, Ed Warrick, Charles N. Moore, H. T. Ficklin and E. T. Earhart. Delayne T. Paulsen took out a permit for a storage building for machinery and trucks. Many Picnics Woodburn Park Woodburn Around 500 peo ple took advantage of Settlemier park Sunday for group picnics and close to 300 more enjoyed the War Memorial swimming pool. At the fourth annual picnic of the Social club of Evergreen chapter, Order of the Eastern Star for Stars, Masons and fam ilies, more than 100 gathered ! for a picnic. Arrangements ; were in charge of the presi dent, Mrs Nettie Johnson, and the men of the group served the coffee. Among those from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. Neal BUtterfield and family of Van couver, Wash., ' Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hill of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Loney of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baillie of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mat- tson and children of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bentaas and son of Vancouver, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Peterson of Halsey, Mrs. W. E. Gilbert of Albany, Mrs. David Wright of Salem, Mrs. Emil Born of Dav enport, Iowa. About 150 members were in attendance at the Church of God picnic. Special guests were Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Skinner of Portland, former pastor of the local church. Another group from the Lu theran Sunday school included between 75 and 100 adults and children. About 50 attended the picnic of the Aid Insurance group for Lutherans. In addition there were several smaller private groups and ev ery table in the park was occu pied. Patty Home Scene Of Birthday Dinner Amity Mrs. George Patty gave the annual family dinner at the Patty home in commem oration of her 75th birthday Sunday. Her daughter, Mrs. Florence Kirkwood, came from Beaverton to assist. Her imme diate family, presented her with a new Hot Point electric range. Attending were her brothers Will and Jim Mlddleton. and their wives from Rick real! and Lafayette. Robert and Glenn Patty and their families. Mrs. Florence Kirkwood and son Ralph, and wife, a sister Mrs. Mark Blodgett, Cutler City; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sutton and Joyce of Cutler City, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roserinff, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Allen. Barbara and Sandra, Rickreall, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Dusenbery, Diane- and David, Mrs. Roy Shields, Port land, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Robson, Hills boro, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Baunhman and three cnildren. HillBDoro, Mr. ana Mrs. J. D Oman and two children, Portland. Mr and Mrs Ernest Olbbs, Mr and Mrs. Al Newby and Sharon Rosenbalm. India has a new process for cooking vegetables, dehydrating them, then pressing them into briquettes, which may be kept indefinately in containers. Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Tuekdfi?. 'Aftgiist J, 19493 Satire on Pact Moscow, Aug. 2 VP) "The Mad Haberdasher" is the title of a new play now in rehearsal and scheduled for a mid-August premiere. The newspaper Eve ning Moscow describes it as a satire on the North Atlantic pact. Electrician Killed Astoria, Aug. 2 UP) Electrici an Robert E. Ebert, Portland, slipped against the main bus bar of a 25,000-volt power line here yesterday and was killed. He was helping a construction crew cut in a feeder line for the Pa cific Power and Light company at the main plant here. fjHHFF t IAKE LOUIS E oucicc -jC J( iltTTll w : it MAGIC CIRCLE '"vios Be your own travel magician! Route yourself East via world-famed Banff! Enjoy magnificent scenery, marvelous food, superlative service coost-to-coostl Then follow your Magic Circle West again! By any direct route... or deeper no aoutn, ouii states, sunny taiuorniai For Magic Circle reservations, consult Angeles your local agent or see.. "twroiK i THANK HEAVEN iCan , I HEARD EVERY WORD THE PREACHER SAID! "And oh, what a blessing itis! I miss nothing at church or the movies. I never ask people to re peat. "A new life be nan for me when a marvellous free book told me ill about correcting hearing loss." You too, should learn the full facts. Come in for free demonstration today. James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 218 Oregon Bldg. Salem. Oregon Setter MONO-PAC Ai advertised in LIFE ,l,mm Ifinlf W V CMUU 207 Amr.con Bank Hdg Portland Watavt WatortaU CHtttl. 0w SfttM In Mafcffny, Tw-Tv mm c n utm nun ituim i "nuiti i mi riii.tim SALEM OREGON CITY VMM north liberty MY WEDNESDAY ;S3 59c Value Cannon AQc BATH TOWELS. . . 39c Value OQ PRINT YARDAGE 49c Value OOc MEN'S SOX X7 69c Value "Salem AQ( Hi" T SHIRTS 59c Value )Ac PLASTIC APRONS JLzf 59c Value OO4 BOYS' SOX JLrw CROCHET COTTON 49c Value 29 PILLOW CASES. .. A7 49c Value AQ( GIRLS' ANKLETS. . 39c Value OfV HANDKERCHIEFS A7 69c Value Aq LADIES' SCARFS. . A7 49c Value OOe WASH CLOTHS. , . JmT 89c Value WASH An CLOTHS, 4 for. . . JLtW 89c Value Anc GIRLS' VESTS JLrf 69c Value Anc GIRLS' PANTIES. . JLzT 50c Value One HAIR PINS, 5 pkgi. Jm7 69c Value PLASTIC YARDAGE 29 69c Value OO RAYON HOSE A7 79c Value VESTS.... 29 69c Value AQc LADIES' PANTIES Z7 8.95 Value Ladies' 5199 WHITE SANDALS. . 1 12.95 Value $99 GIRLS' COATS f 7.95 Value $99 LADIES' SLIPS H 6.95 Value LADIES' SKIRTS. . . . l 6.95 Value $99 LADIES' BLOUSES. . H 9.95 Value Peasant $99 Skirt and Bolero Set f 9.95 Value . $99 LADIES' DRESSES... H 8.95 Value Cotton $99 BEDSPREADS H 7.95 Value $99 Part Wool Blankets. . T 79c Value China PLACE MATS 75c Value Men's SHORTS, large 75c Value Men's BRIEFS, large 2.98 Value MEN'S SWEATERS 2.50 Value SON GLASSES 79c Value BOYS' T SHIRTS. . 98c Value Boys' PLASTIC BELTS. . . 98c Value Nobby Weave PANELS. . . 1.98 Value MEN'S FELT HATS 69c Value SURF DENIM 1.50 Value MEN'S NECKTIES. 1.00 Value Receiving Blanket. 1.00 Value BOYS' SUITS 1.00 Value INFANTS' SHOES 2.98 Value OILSKIN COATS. . 1.00 Value LADIES' GLOVES. . 1.00 Value PANTIES 98c Value ANKLETS 1.00 Value . LADIES' VESTS. . . 69c Value COTTON HOSE. . . 89c Value Boys' SWEATSHIRTS... QUO i V, I 5.98 Corduroy $Q99 PEDAL PUSHERS. . . 3 WOOL SKIRTS. 6.95 Values Ladies' $Q99 WHITE SANDALS. . 3 GIRLS' COATS. LADIES' GOWNS. . . LADIES' SLIPS J $5.95 Value Ladies' $Q99 BED JACKETS 3 5.95 Value Men's $99 SPORT SHIRTS 3 5.95 Value Famous $0 99 Name Swim Trunks m) 5.95 Value $J99 LACE TABLECLOTHS O 99e 99e 1.98 Value BATH RUG SETS. . 1.49 Value CHAIR SEAT PADS 2.95 Value Men's QQl DRESS SHIRTS W $149 Fancy T SHIRTS. . I $149 6.98 Value MEN'S SWEATERS 2.98 Value Tom Sawyer Pants 99c 99e 1.98 Value Boys' QQ SPORT SHIRTS. . . 77 1.59 Value Short QQc Sleeve Work Shirt. . ZFzf 1.98 Value Boys' AAc COWBOY HATS. . W 1.98 Value QQC BOYS' PANTS 77 1.98 Value Boys' Flannel Pajamas. . 2.98 Value BOYS' SWEATERS 1.98 Value Boys' COWBOY SHIRTS 2.98 Value Ladies' HANDBAGS 2.98 Value LADIES' SLIPS.... 1.69 Value NYLON HOSE 1.98 Value COTTON SKIRTS. . 1.49 Value COTTON HALTERS 3.98 Value Assorted' Shoes and Slippers 2.98 Value GIRDLES 1.95 Value BRASSIERES 2.95 Value JOCKEY CAPS.... 1.95 Value FEATHER PILLOWS 1.49 Value DOT SNAP KIT. . . 99c 99c 99e 99c 99e 99 99' 99 99c 99c 99e 99e 99e 99 4.95 Mexican $99 Pattern Tablecloth. . Jm 3.98 Value $)99 BOYS' CORDS X. 4.98 Value BOYS' SWEATERS. . JL 4.98 Value Boys' $)99 BASEBALL SUITS. . 5.98 Value $0 99 COTTON SKIRTS. . . Mm 4.98 Value $)99 GIRLS' SWEATERS. . JL, 4.98 Value $)99 GIRLS' DRESSES Mm 4.98 Value 99 LADIES' GOWNS. . . M. 4.98 Value $" LADIES' GOWNS. . . Mm 4.98 Value 99 BATISTE GOWNS. . Mm 4.98 Value 99 MEN'S CORDS Mm 4.98 Value 99 SWIM TRUNKS . . . . Mm 2.50 Value Men's UNION SUITS. 2.98 Value BOYS' PANTS 2.98 Value Boys' CORDUROY CALLS 2.98 Value Girls' COTTON SKIRTS. . 2.98 Value LADIES' SLIPS 2.98 Value LADIES' GOWNS, , 1.98 Value SHORTS 2.98 Value Cotton Crepe GOWNS..., 1.95 Value NYLON HOSE. 1.95 Value HALF SLIPS. ., 2.98 Value WORK PANTS. 2.98 Value JERSEY SLIPS. . 2.98 Value BOYS' CORDS. 2.98 Value BLOUSES $-49 $49 $-49 $J49 $49 1 1 $49 $J49 $J49 $49 49 $49 $149 $149 2.98 Value INDIAN BLANKETS 2.59 Value 72x108 PEQUOT 2nd SHEETS $199 $99 4.50 Sport and Dress $1 99 ARROW SHIRTS. .. I 3.50 Value Men's NIGHT SHIRTS. . $199 2.98 Value Tom $199 Sawyer Sport Shirts . . I 2.98 Value Men's $199 STRAW HATS I 2.98 Value Women's $1 99 BLUE JEANS I 2.98 Value Boys' $199 WOOL SHIRTS I 2.98 Value $199 SPORT BLUE JEANS I 2.98 Value $199 GIRLS' DRESSES I 3.98 Value $199 GIRLS' SKIRTS I 3.98 Value Women's $199 COTTON DRESSES. . I 3.98 Value $199 LACE PANELS I 3.98 Value $199 LADIES' SLIPS I 2.98 Value $199 LADIES' GOWNS. . . I Welcome American Legionaires!