4 Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday, August 2, 1949 : : v v.v.v. j llhSiii' i ftir;!: 11 kas& . gajs&gsss Now Has Permanent Home In a ceremony Wednesday, as a feature ol the American Legion state convention, this French 40 et 8 boxcar will be enshrined at a selected spot on the lawn of Legion hall. The above picture was made when the car arrived in Salem as part of the French "Thank You" train. Parade for Children Friday The Legion, always interested in the welfare of children, has given the younger set their own part in the 3 lsf annual Legion convention. Top event on the kids' pro gram is the Legiokana parade, scheduled to leave from the Elks temple at 1:30 p.m. Friday. The parade Is open to all youngsters, with registrations now being taken at convention headquarters in the tent on the courthouse lawn. A fat list of prizes awaits par ade winners. First, second and third prizes will be awarded winners in the band, drum and bugle corps and junior drill team divisions. Prizes also will be awarded the three best dressed individuals; the best trike, bike or wagon; and the i . . rfv Publicity Boss In charge .of publicity for the 1949 American Legion department of Oregon convention is Dave Hoss of radio station KSLM. Hoss also edited the elabor ate convention souvenir program. $$ MONEY $$ 4V4 Real Estate Loam Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8 llih St Lie. S21 3-SKf Judge Latourette Wins Lawyers' Poll Portland, Aug. 2 UP) Judee Earl C. Latourette. a democrat of Clackamas county, is the best junior float divisions of the Legiokana event. At 10 a.m. Friday a children's field day will be held at Marion square, with prizes to be given in such old fashioned events as three-legged race, potato and spoon race. choice of attorneys of the Ore- gon state bar for appointment to any third federal bench in Oregon. The proposal for a third fed eral court in the state is now be fore congress. Any appointment will be made by President Tru man. Judge Latourette received 400 first choice votes in a mail bal lot cast by 1352 of the state's 1930 active attorneys. Second choice was Robert F MaGuire, Portland, who re cently returned from 18 months service on the allied military tribunal in Germany. Third choice was Hugh L. Biggs, Port land, a former U.S. district attorney. Al ckackt Baseball's Greatest Comedian WATERS FIELD WEDNESDAY -8 P.M. Schocht will make you ronr nH louoh with his onlics. See him perform before and during the Senators-Victoria game. COME EARLY! 40 ef 8 Car Will Se Enshrined The Oregon boxcar of the French "gratitude train" will be officially enshrined as a per manent monument on the Capi lal Post No. 9 American Legion clubhouse grounds at 11:45 a.m., Wednesday, in one of the more serious events of the 31st annual Oregon state Legion convention. The "gratitude train" was pre sented to the United States as a token of appreciation from the French people for the "friend ship train" which the Americans sent to them. The "gratitude train" was made up of one boxcar for each state in the Union. Oregon's car was presented to the 40 et 8, and by vote of the grand cheminots, was en trusted to voiture No. 153 and arrangements made with Capital Post for placing of the boxcar on the poet's club graunds on 99E in sortk Salem. Wednesday's ceremony will be brief, with a patriotic theme. Barber Shop Opened Unionvale "Chuck" Hollo way of Vancouver, Wash., the new barber at Unionvale, is lo cated near the E. M. Demaray Grand Island Service Center store adjoining the Dayton-Sa-lem highway. A railway under consider ation in Wales would further unite northern and southern Wales. WELCOME LEGIONNAIRES & . . . FOR SPOUTS fnJsiS 'm Spectator sports and outdoor iSMr :JPlm wear for the s,urdy con v Jvjijj yn struction "" ruggc' Si i"1 l NTHROP'S il t ...FOR DRESS Jlj 5& .rtv"J Business wear and social doings "Ml lo? 5?S demand cleancut, neat styles and jjjl I ''53 easy-going comfort such aIm iSS i&Sv you'll find in this b& ' lgpSteJ&k Sixes M 1 MARILYNS I 387 Court St. Phone 3-8155