2 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, August 2, 1919 Fa m bus Ki I ty Ban d, As hid n ft Real Scottish Organization There's nothing phony about the costumes and bagpipes in the Kilty band of Ashland, which will appear several times during the Legion convention this week. The bagpipes' personnel are true Scotsmen, too. Clothing and equipment used by the colorful band is imported direct from Scotland. when it was first organized 16 And perhaps some of Salem's Scotchmen are familiar with these Scottish "tribes," all of which are represented in the Ashlnad Kilty band: Cameron of Loshiel, Gordon, Seafordh, Stewart. The band is comprised of members of Post No. 14, Ash land, and has been in organiza tion continuously since 1932, making it one of the oldest Legion bands in continuous ser vice in the United States. Four members of the band were members of the group years ago. The bagpipers have appeared in two national conventions and several state conventions in Ore gno and California. Their ap pearances have not been con fined to Legion gatherings, how ever, as numerous groups re quest their appearance at con ventions and carnivals every year. The Kilty band will be seen in Salem this week in the 40 et 8 parade Wednesday afternoon, the drum corps contest on Sweetland field Thursday night, llGrand The defending champion Am erican Legion drum and bugle corps from LaGrande post No. 43 will be on hand to defend its state title in the official contest on Sweetland field Thursday night. Always one of the most col orful events of a Legion con vention, this year's competition is expected to be especially keen, with several challenging corps ready and oh-so-willing to take home the coveted title cup. The contest, open to the pub lic, begins at 8 o'clock and the grand parade Saturday evening. And, being true Legionnaires, the Ashland aggregation will probably blow and march about the streets of Salem in an im promptu parade occasionally, also,- day or night. f 4 - h Leading the Ladies Wilda Thorn, who is department president of the American Le gion auxiliary of Oregon, and who will preside over all ses sions of the auxiliary in their, convention in Salem this week. JSlage.&owis Slated For Next Friday Night Entertainment - loving fans who like talent "in the flesh" will have opportunity to witness a first-class stage show from the State Fair grounds grandstand at 8:30 Friday night. It's the "Convention Caval cade," one of the many high lights of the 31st annual Ore gon State American Legion con vention. Feature attraction on the Cavalcade production is Eddie Dean, comedy star who needs no introduction to stage, screen and radio fans. And to delight the children, there will be Cheeta, the trained champanzee, and his comical master, Tato the Clown. Includ ed in Cheeta's act are a trained Shetland pony, a trained fox terrier, and one ot the world's few trained mules. Wdc come eaionnciireS ! May we take this opportunity to join the many fine folks of Salem in extending a warm welcome to all of you Remember ... if you lose your shirt in a game ... if you wear your socks out . . . if that lovely, bold tie gets clipped, see us . . . Salem gentlemen's clothiers since 1890. MAY YOUR VISIT HERE BE A PLEASANT ONE We can completely outfit you with anything in men's clothing from socks to a whole wardrobe SJx& II A IS90 145 North Liberty Salem, Ore.