i AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS 48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage . .$1995 '40 Pontiac Sedan 495 '41 Pontiac Sport Coupe 745 '37 Pontiac Sedan 345 '42 Olds Sedan 945 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 ,'37 Plymouth Sedan 295 Herrall - Owens Co 660 N- LIBERTY AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE 1936 Ford 4-dr. Conv. Ph 301)22 nays, t,vc. jioij, ,, moj' FUAZEH, R&1I. Now valves. Beat offer ,' ground (1,000. 2800 Peck Ave. ql83" 80 MODKL A 1 door. Ph. 23189. ql83 jit;! CIIEV. co7TvTrtibTeriew tires. New L fop. B & H. No trade. 1216 Cliemeketa. -'r4 182 ;lMtf Mi ton Olicv. panel, Rt. 1, Box 135 on piyr Creek road. Call after 6 p.m. Har y'ifey M. Hill. U83 1W FOKD Convertible. New tiros, bat tery, manes fii seat, covers. uou. um H. 21st Eve. ql86 WANTED; Clean used cars. Bob Marr, 160 South Commercial a' -1 i Eisner Motors Fine Cars S19S5 OLDS. Good condition. 6105 Call 20441 after 6 p.m. . qlti4 tjZEEB'S'UsEu CARS Pa BUY SF.Ll TRADE KB TERMS r,'i!232 Fairground Road Phone 2-fl4fiJ Eisner Motors to Sell 1817 CIIEV. Fleet Master 4-Dr, Sedan, -:.$1275. Excel, cond. Ph. 8-0830. 1030 lier- 1 ry St. . ql82 iiV.M MERCURY 5-Pass. Coupe, 11)40 new i motor. Priced nimt. Hue at ado w. com fine rc 1 a 1 EU , Bn lem . ql83 Eisner Motors to Buy WSOXV WRF.CKINd a '30 Buick, '30 DusotO airriow, 'Stj Bludc, '3H l-oni, '38 oifli., '33 Chev. truck, model A truck, '20 Chev. truck and many other. Ha mm' Auto Wreckere, 1 mile weal on Dunns- Salem highway, Ph. 38400. ql85 f MOTORCYCLES. SCOOTERS HIAWATHA Doodle Bus scooter, (56. Ph. 33775. rial83 FARM EQUIPMENT I GARDEN TRACTOR, 4tt h.p., with plow, disc, apringtootn and cultivators, bar gain. 084 Spruce St. Ph. 2-8670. qbl02 4 TRAILERS 1 1 J - -wvee! MONEY MAKER, butane throughout. Practically new. Sacrifice. Excellent for construction Job. Phone Oregon City, 3733, or write Box 668, Gladstone, Ore. tisa 1 .' FINANCIAL BUILDER WILL Bell $3746, 6'a contract on new home. Sarna (1012.40 Interest In 108 monthly payments of $44.06. Call R. V. Lorcnz, Phone 3-4284. r PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on lamer loans Ions and short time payments ROY H. SIMMONS 136 Sovh Commercial St Phont 3-0161 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO (300 Oar loans up to $500 Come Id or phono Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fa Ira rounds Road Across street from bant No Parking problems Phone 27032 LlO N M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie B-138. and U-338 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS ,138 8 Oommercla St Tel 3-9181 r' FARM AND CTTY LOANS 4HTB and 6 TOOK OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract.: and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. liOl Pioneer Trust Bide Ph. 3-7162 r SEE ua tor ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY i OR 4Mi INTEREST 6 to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State 8t Phone 2-3663 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph 2-2457 Lie No M-15P S-1S4 ' We LIKE to MAKE LOANS We make loans to 4 out of 5 who ask for one and enjoy do inn it. Cash for any ftood purpose. Take up to 20 months to repay. Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan solves a problem, phone or come ni today, PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Salem 518 State, Rm. 125 - Phone 3-2464 C. R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. S-122. M-H5 T184- .TRANSPORTATION DRIVING to Kansas Friday morning. Can Hammomb, Independence Office, Woocl "vw burn. xl84 -DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES repaired Roen 46 Court Phon J-773 -.-APPLIANCE SERVICE ti. iiu.HD ppiiance repair service -$ new appliance. Vince's Electric Phone 3-9239 137 S Liberty St o Spence'e Home Appliance Repair. "Noth ing to Sell But Service." Phone 3-4602 Prompt. ol82 ft AT PR DOOR GRIND IN b .awnmower iharpenin and repairing I Oexter'a. Ph 36833 o AUTO RADIOS AUthorlted Wirrtnh Renalr Atattnn lor all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 153 S. Liberty Ph. S-6955. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE ,f Towing service day phone 1-9:86 Nlgnt j 2-1804. 33? Center. o Brakes i'fc Mike Panet 275 S Com'l. Ph 3-5161 Fr.f Braka tnrl vVi..i .iir,-in. . -. A 0182 PH. 24113 DIRECTORY BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down puyment Phone 2-4850. o IIUILDINO CONTRACTORS Tongue and groove chmney blocks, wholesale or retail. Mortarlesa Block Co, Ph. 3-7324. o205' Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foundations. Phone 25009. ol83 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling & fine grading. Prompt service. A. L. Ekln. Ph. 3-1264, o207' Oean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 3-4306. ol87 Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear Ins. teeth for brush. Virgil Huekey. 1010 Falrview Ave Ph. 2-3146, Salem 0186' BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE Telephone answering service. Day-nite. Your secretary. Ph. 39133. ol95 ,'ASll ItEGISTEItS Instaiw delivery of new RCA cash reuLstoi Al mates sold fen led. re on ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o" CEMENT WORK For ox port guaranteed satisfaction new or re nalr of foundation, sidewalks. drtvewavs. patios, curbs. wall&. etc Call 2-4850 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Ensiey 771 S. 2lst. Ph. 3-7176. 0182- DRAFTING SERVICES Hnme- plHnned & designed by an ex perienced architectural draftsman. Hour ly basts. 2230 Mill or Ph. 3-4083 o!88 KLhCTKIUAI. CONTRACTING ' VI ice' Electric for electrical wlrlntt contracting rcpalrtng 157 S Llherty Ph 3-0239 o EXC A VATIN DITCHING Hoe, Dragline, shovel. Free estimates. E L. Boatwright, 410 Oregon Bids. Ph. 39fu3. o202 EXCAVATING Si GRADING Excavating & grading. Ren Otjen Si Son, 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o229 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service Ph 3-3056 Lee Cross, 1635 Pearl. olB2 BiRithauDt's lor flowers Dial 3-9179 c INSULATION Jolms-Manvlllc. Phone 3-3748, LANDSCAIT NURSERY B . Doerfler St Sons, Ornamentals 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1322 LA WfJMOWE RS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l. St. o207 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At you: door lawnmowe- sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man PU 3683 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Wat kins Co products Free de tvery 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5395. o MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc, 1633 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. 0188 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes; duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases Pierce Wire Recorders, Roen. 458 Court Spray or brush painting. Ph. 32664, o201 Ext. Painting & Int. Dec. Reasonable rates. Ph. 3-4682. ol90 SI f strom's are equipped to do tout painting Phone 2-2493 o PAPERIIANGING Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-4631. Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H, J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o201 Kemtoning. Interior decorating, free es timates. Ph. 20501 O109 Bldg. maintenance, painting, Ph. 20501. repair ol99 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING Call 2260 handing. . for your Painting Sb Paper Attractive rates. ol9T Painting &s paperhanglng. Ph. 3-5522. Don Lucero, 0193 Phone 3-4360 or 2-6554. Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. ol88 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutcheon Paint Store Phone 3-8887 Fisher, 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. o206 P.IUNING-SPRAYING Phllla W. Belike, h. 2-1208. SAND A GRAVfcL Valley Sand St Qravel Co Silt, sand St Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel At cats Tractor scoop St trucks (or dirt moving. Ph office 34003, res. 37146. o Salem Saw Wrks. Ph, 3-7603 1283 N 5th. o203 SEWErI AND SEPTIC TANKS Electflo Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Razor harp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tank Cleaned Reas Ph 3-5327 or 3-9468 SEPTIC TANKS K -. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain llnrs. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0197 Care taken with lawns. No mileage charge. Call collect Todd's Septic Tank service. ibb state, pnone 2-0734. Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St, W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-6327. 0183' SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms. All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671. o202 All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3513. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen, 456 Court o TRANSFER A STORAGE .ocal St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal St briquets Trucks to Portland dalTy. Agent for Bekliu House hold goods moved to anywhere to U S o Canada Lanner Transfer St Storage Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Free est Phone 37328 Kimer the Blind man o Venetian blinds made to order as low as 14.50 a blind. Phone Sears 3-9191 for free estimate. ol90 'Salem Venetian Blinds made to order oi reflnkhed. Relnboldt A Lewis 3-3639 WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965, 0132 Journal Want Ads Pay locks Advance I irregularly New York, Aug. 2 (IP) The stock market stretched out its summer rally in a sedate ad vance today. A wide variety of leading shares moved up fractoins to around a point. Automobile is sues were inclined to be bulky. Turnover was at the rate of round 750,000 shares for the tul session, General Motors operated in lightly lower territory through out the day. Brokers figured there was some disappointment over the size of the dividend which GM directors voted yes- lerday. Chrysler also tended to drift lower. Higher prices were paid most of the day for U.S. Steel, Bethle hem Steel, Sears Roebuck, Douglas Aircraft, American Telephone, Dow Chemical, Al lied Chemical, International Paper, Northern Pacific and Texas Co. STOCKS (By the Associated Press) American Can 90 Am Pow & Lt lO'U Air Tul Si Tel 142 4 inacorda 28 Bendlx Aviation 30 'to Beth Steel 27!d Boelna airplane 19 Calif Packinc 33 'jTiiadian Paclf'o 11 V Case J I 36 Caterpillar 32 OhryBler ,. 51H Oomwlth Si Sou 4 Cons Vultee ' , ,., 9'A Continenta' Can 33-14 Crown Zelierbnch 25 Jurtlss Wright 8'4 Doutrlns Aircruft ., ,. 80'4 Dupont de Nem , 474 Genera) Electno (J 37Vj C-ererai Food . 43 Genera) Motors 61 Goody art Tire 41 Vi Int Harvester 28 VI int. Papei 0Mi Ktnnecott 47 Libby McN St L 7 '4 Long Bell "A" 10 Montgomery Ward 33 Mi Nash Kelviiiator l4Vh M Dairy 31 NY C.nrta , 10 Northern Pacific 13 Pac Am Fish Pa Gas St Eleo 32 v Tel A; Tel 00 Penney J O , 494 Radio Corp 24 Rayonter . B jonler Pfd Reynolds Metal 19 Richfield 31 Safeway Stores 24 Soars Roebuck Wh Southern Pacific 37 Standard Oil Co. 6 4 'A studebaker Corp 35 Sunshine Mining 0 Transamerlca 10 Union Oil Oal 30 Union Pacific 81 United Airlines 13 U S Steel 23 wemor Bros Plo 10 Wnolworth 49 Hot Spell Broken By Cloudy Skies Salem perspired through an extremely warm day Monday, although the maximum of 95 was not the season's record, 96 degrees having been recorded on July 14. The day's mean was 78, 10 above normal. Cloudy skies and cooler tem peratures brought relief from the heat Tuesday morning with forecast that the cloudiness would continue tonight and Wednesday, and slightly cooler temperatures would prevail Wednesday. Rainfall continues slightly be low normal for this season, al though the precipitation for the weather year is more than the normal fall. The Willamette river was down to -3.3 feet here Tuesday morning. McCloy Returns to Capitol for Talks Frankfurt, Germany, Aug. 2 WV-John J. McCloy, U.S. mili tary governor in Germany, flew to Washington today for talks with American officials. He is expected back about August 15. McCloy was accompanied by Ralph Nicholson, former New Orleans publisher, who has been named the military governor's director of public affairs. DIRECTORY WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 3 Box 317. Ph. 2-5136. o210 WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order 1 Day Del Relnholdt St Lewis Ph 23639. o WINDOW CLRANTNQ Acme Window Cleaners Windows, walls St woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph 3-3337 347 Court. Lanidoc. Culbertson tnd Mather WOODSAWING Wood sawing. Ph. 2-1575. WOOD & SAWDUST Fuel Co Ph 3-4031. LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN to all per sons particularly Interested and to the general public that a hearing will be held before the common council of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the city hall August 8, 1949. Rt the hour of 7:30 p.m., (DST1, to consider an ordinance changing from a Clnxs II Residential District to a Class III Business District the following de scribed premises: Beginning on the North line of Block Six 6, Robert's Addition to Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, at a point 120.00 feet East from the Northwest corner of Block 6; running thence East erly along the North line of said block, 39.85 feet to the East line of the North west one-quarter of Block 6i thence Southerly along said East line 158.00 feet, 3 Inches to the North line or an alley running Easterly and Westerly through said block; thence Westerly along the North line of said alley 39.6S feet; thence Northerly parallel with th East line of said Northwest one-quarter of Block 6, 158.00 feet, 3 Inches to the point of beginning. BY ORDER of the Common Council: ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Capital Journal Aug.2, 3. 4,1949. LODGES I.O O.P meeta every Wed nesday night. VLslttra wel leume. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company) Cutter cows 110.00 to 111.50 Fat dury cows JlO.oo to 112.00 Bulls 113.00 to U7.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) S14.00 to S15.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) good ..$18.00 to 621.00 Hews prices paid within 350 of Port land prices for each type. Top 170-225 lbs. Portland Produce Butterfat Tentative, sunject to imme- dlate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 63 -66c lb.. 92 score 61-64c lb., 90 score &7-60C; 89 score, 65c Valley routes and country joints it less man urst. Butter Wholesale fob duik cuoes to vholesalers: grade AA, 93 score, 62o A 92 score 61c; B, 90 score, 69c lb.; O tu score, 56c. Above prices are strictly nominal. rhnnut sniiinff oricB to Portland whols- sale; Oregon singles 38,.4-41c; Oreson 6 sm, loaf 4H'3-42c; triplets life less than singles. Em (To Wholesalers) a grace large 6-63Vici A medium. 54-57Vic; grade B laige, small, A grade, 44c. Portland Dairy Market f Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA orlnts 67c: AA cartons 68c; A prints 67c. A cartons C6c; B prints 64c. Eies Prices to retailers: ur&ae aa ..rc A7r dnz.. certified A large, 65c; A large, 64c; AA medium, flic; A medium, 59c: A small. 46c; cartons c aaaiwQiiiw. cartons 3c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: fortiana Oregon singles 89-42C Oregon loaf, 5 lb. loafs 44U-4&0 lb.; triplets, li less htan singles. (Does not include premium brands). Poultry Livo Chickens No. 1 quality FOB plants, No. 1 broilers under 2',i lbs. 26-27c lb. fryers 2la-3 lbs., 30-32c; 3-4 lbs., 32-33C roasters, 4 lbs. ana; over 32c lb.; fowl, leghorns. 4 lbs. and under. 20-22c, over 4 lbs. 19-21c: colored fowl, all weights 23c roosters, all weights, 18-20C Rnliliils Avcrnie t growers; live whites, 4-5 lbs 18-20 lb.; 5-6 lbs. 16-lBc lb; roiored 2 cents tower; old or heavy does, 3-14C1 dressed fryers to butchers, 53-67c. CountrvKUled Meats viiii Tno quality. 31-32o lb.; other grades according to weight and quality wi h poor or heavier 24-2flc. Hons: Light blockers, ai-jjo iq.s auw ai-36c I ambs: Top quality, a i-aao io, muttuu 10-I2c. Beef' Good cows, 33-300 ioi canncrs- cutters. 31-23C. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailors per cwi.n Beef steers, good, 500-800 lbs. $43-46; uinmercla., ?35-tl: utility, (31-34. Cows- Commercial, $33-30; utility, $29- 31. Canners-cutters, $35-27. Beef outs 1 good steers): nina quar ters $63-56: rounds, $53-55; full loins, trimmed. $70-$76; triangles, $36-37i square chucks, $38-40 ribs, $50-63; forequarters $3B-37 Veal and :alf! Good, $38-40i commercial, $33-35; utility $26-30. Lambs: Oood-ohoice, spring lamos, o- 46; commercial, $38-40. Mutton: uooa, -'u ids, nown, ib-?u. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs. $60- 73; shoulders, 10 lbs. down, $40-43 spare ribs. $4U-51i carcasses, 36-36l mixed weights $3 lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cnscara Bark Dry 13io to., green o id. Wool Valley ooarae and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair i6o lb. on 12-montn growtn, nominally. Hides calves, aao it according to weight, kips 20o lb., beef lOo lb., bulls 4-6c lb. Country buyers pay 2o less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franqueltei, first quality Jum bo, 34.7o large, 33.7o; medium, 27.2c; second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 28.2c irudlum, 28.2c; baby, 23.3c; soft shell, first quality large, 29,7c medium, 26,2c; sec ond quality large, 37.2c; medium, 34.1a; baby 33.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 20o tb.i large. IBo; medium, 16c; small, l3o. Portland Grain Portland, Aug. a (U,PJ Cash grain: Bar lev No. 2. 45-lb B.W. 61.60. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 3.11; soft white (excluding rex) 2.11'; white club 2.1H4; western red 2.10. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.10: 10 per cent 2.11: 11 per cent a. is. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.17; 10 per cent 2.19: 11 ner cent 3.21. Today's car receipts: Wheat 222; barley 10; flour 4; corn 3; oats 2; miuieea 7. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Aug. 3 (U.PJ Livestock: Cattle salable 100; holdover 100; calves 50: sunnly mostly odds and ends; trade slow; few sales about steady; canner and cutter cows iuuy do cents lower at iu.uu to 12.00; few common beef cows 13.00; good mature cows Monday to 16,60; young cows to 16.00 and above; odd common steers 18.00: scattering cutter and common steers and heifers mostly dairy-type 13.00 to 15.50; calves active, steady; goon ana choice vealers 21.00 to 23.60; common down to 12.00. Hogs salable 200; market steady; gooa and choice 180 to 230 lbs 34.00 to mostly 24.50; few 250 to 280 lbs 31.50 to 22.5D; 155 to 165 lbs mostly 22.50; good under 350 lb sows 17.00 to 17.50; few 370 lbs to 18.00; choice 80 lb feeders 25.60. Sheep salable 500; holdover 600; mar ket slow; weak to 50 cents lower; good and choice spring lambs mostly 20.00; few high good and choice above 20.50; good feeders 17.00; good light ewes salable 6.50 to 7.00. Chi sea go Livestock Chlcairo. Aug. 2 m (USDA) Salable hogs 10,000; fairly active and uneven but generally steady on both butchers and sow; some early sales lightweight butchers steady to 25 cents lower; top 23.25 for one load choice 226 lb. weights; bulk good at choice 180-350 lb. 2Z.50-M3.uo; smau num bers medium to choice 150-175 lb. 20.50. 22.25: good and choice 260-280 lb. 21.50. 22.60; 280-300 lb. 21.00-21.75; few loads and lots heavier weights down to 19.25; good and choice sows under 375 lb. 18.00 19.50: few choice under 300 lb. to 20.50: good 375-400 lb. sows 17.00-18.25; 400-450 ID. 16.00-17.36; 475-860 ID, 11.UU-iO.0u; heavier weights scarce ranging down to 13.UU. Salable cattle 10.000: salable calves $00; slow: slaughter steers and heifers steady to 50 cents lower; steers 1,100 lb. off most; beef cows weak to 50 cents lower; canners and cutters about steady; bulls steady to weak; vealers steady; several loads choice yearlings and medium weight steers zh.ou-zh.'Jb-; top aa.ao; moBc gooa and choice steers 25.50-27.60; common and medium kinds 17.60-24.00; load choice 921 lb. heifers 37.25; bulk good fed heifers 25.00-26.50; common and medium grass beef cows 14.60-17.36; canners and cutters U.50-14.50; practical top good sausage bulls 20.00: common to choice vealers u.uu-tt.uu; stocicers ana xeeuers active, iuuy steady, Salable sheep 2,000; not enough done to make a market; scattered lots medium to good natives 33.00-24.60; asking 35.50 tor gooa to cnoice Kinas ana aoove n&.au for four loads choice western lambs; load medium western ewes fully steady at 9.00. Justice Murphy's Estate Only $2100 Washington, Aug. 2 UP) The late Justice Frank Murphy left an estate here of only $2,100 and $1,600 of that is due the Washington hotel where he lived. This was disclosed today In papers filed in a District of Co lumbia court. George Murphy, the jurist's brother, previously had said that Murphy left only a small estate in Michigan. Justice Murphy died July 19 in Detroit, without leaving will. His only survivors are his brother George, a sister, Mar guerite Murphy Teahan, and I niece, Sharon Murphy. All live in Michigan. To make a Nesselrode frost ing for a white cake add a little rum flavoring, some chopped drained marashino cherries, and a few chopped marrons to a boiled frosting. Sprinkle the top of the frosted cake with shav ings of sweet chocolate. J i Costume Look Coat and suit harmonizing tones of Linton tweed. Suit is new feather weight tweed. SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports of Salem deal- era ror tne guiuanee oi uapiiai Journal Readers. (Revised dally). Bstall Feed Trleo, Ekk Mash (5.10. R.bblt relicts J4.30. Dairy Feed 13.83. Poultry! Buying prices Orada A color ed hens, 32-350; grade A Leghorn hens, 20-33o; grade A colored fryers, three ids. ana up, 32-330. uraa. A old roosters 15 cents. Egri Buying Prleea Extra large AA, 62c large AA, 61c: large A, 58-020, medium AA, 57c; medium A, G0-57c, pullets 30-400, Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale prices to 7 cents above these prices above. Qi-ado A generally quoted at 07c medl- im 03c. Butterfat Premium fl4-03o. No. 1, flsoi No. 2, 57 i0o .buying prices) Butter Wholesale grade A, 07o; re all 720. Birthday Present Planned for Hoover Washington, Aug. 2 W) A proposal that congress give for mer President Herbert Hoover an official "Happy Birthday" greeting on August 10 when he will be 75 came today from Senator H. Alexander Smith (R-NJ) and Rep. Herter (R Mass) . They want congress to pass a resolution t o pass a resolution extending "Cordial Birthday Greetings' to the only living former president. The resolution also expresses "admiration and gratitude for his devoted serv ice to his country and to the world." Both lawmakers have been associated with Hoover in num erous humanitarian undertakings since world war one days. Ship Repair Plant Closed by Kaiser Portland, Aug. 2 (P) Swan Island shipyard, last local build ing repair and scrapping opera tion of Henry J. Kaiser, will close finally this month, ending I almost eight years of Kaiser op erations that made waterfront industry history here. Albert Bauer, general mana ger of Consolidated Builders, Inc., a Kaiser affiliate, said no work was in sight and the firm's lease on the yard expires this month. WANT-AD sm I read Capital Journal Want Ads because I am looking for a house to rent, and I find many good bargains in the Produce and Miscellaneous Ads. Mrs. James B. Buchanan, Rt. 2, Box 411, Salem, Oregon. Capitalijournal Wheat and Corn Show Weakness Chicago, A u g. 2 VP) Wheat and corn futures were under some selling pressure today and were off most of the session. Soybeans and lard featured early trading with another ad vance, although profit taking cut into the upturn later. Oats were firm most of the time. Export interests reported no business developed in wheat and flour overnight, despite the first announcement of wheat subsi dies yesterday. This caused dis appointment and led to same sel ling of wheat, traders said. Wheat closed $2.04 'A -Vi, corn was H down to V4 up, Septem ber $1.28-$1.28V4, oats were higher to Ya lower, September 66Vi-'A, rye was off lVt to 2, September $1.50Vi, soybeans were lower, November $2 3SV4-, and lard was 13 cents a hundred pounds higher to 5 cents lower, September $12.82. Fire in Corvallis Plant Corvallis, Aug. 2 W) Fire de stroyed the crushing bunkers of the Corvallis Sand and Gravel company here early this morn ing, causing damage estimated bv Operator John Gallagher at about $40,000, partly covered by insurance. DEATHS Mrs. Eldora Lem m on Mrs. Eldora Lemmon, late resident ot Los Angeles, at Portland July 30 at the age ot 73 yonra. survivin? are ner son, Oral M. Lemmon, Snlcm; a sister; Mrs. J. D. Murphy, Coolidae, Aria.: a grand daughter, Mm. Preston Smith, Seattle; and a great granddaughter, Sherrlo Smith, Seat tit?. Bervicea will be held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Wednesday, August 3, at 10 a.m.. the Rev. John L. Ooodcn berser officiating. Interment in Olty View cemetery. Albert Zlelcsch Albert Zlelcsch, late resident of route 1, box 44, Rlckreall, Ore., at Dallas, July 31, at the age of 82 years. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Loulae Zlclesch of Rlckreall; a brother, Ernest Zlelesch of Salem; and two grandchildren, Winona Kroeger and Albert Kroeger, both of Salem. Services will be held at the Ciough-Barrlclc chapel Thursday August 4, at 10 a.m. with Rev. Mark Getzendaner officiating. Interment In the City View cemetery. Mrs. Julia Maude Kelley Mrs. Julia Maude Kelley, late resident of 1173 N. 4th St., at a local hospital August 1. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Esther May Patton, Oresham, and Mrs. Mary R. Prunk and Mr. Irene A. artwrlght. both of Salem; three sons, Rex P. Kelley, Boise, Idaho, ana ucorge E. and Harold L. siacK, Dotn oi sniei sister, Mrs. Elisabeth Bush, Hastings, Nebr.: and 17 grandchildren and eight crent urandchlldren. Servlcfs will bo held Wednesday. August 3, at i:3 p.m. at te Clough-Barrlck chapel with the Rev, Dudley Strain officiating. Mnvhell Rnnner Maybell Cooper, at her residence at 390 Missouri avenue, Salem, August 1, at the age of 61 years, survived oy nusnana. .Tnhn B Pfinncr of Salem. Member of the Christian church. Announcement of services lator by the Howell-Edwar us oh a pel. Ira Rundla Ira Rundle, late resident of 555 South 15th street, at a local hospital, August i ot. thn nan nf 74 years. Announcement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. OBITUARY John Davidson Albany John Davison, 78. died Sunday, at his home on RPD 1, near Jefferson following a two-months Illness. Funeral services are to bo held Wednesday at 2 p.m., from the Fisher funeral home. Bur- al will be in tne jeneraon cemetery. ir nnvisnn wns born May 8. 1873 at Iowa and had lived in Missouri ana uttin-. homa before coming to Oregon in iimy. married Myrtle woraen, uciooer 3. 1D03 near Falrview, Okla., who sur vives as do four children. Vesta Sever ance, Cherryvllle, Ore; Lester Davison, ADDleniite. Ore.i Everett Davison, Jeffer .ion RFD 1, and Cecil Davison, Scio RPD 2; a brother, three nau-orotners ana a half sinter also survive as do 11 grand ohlldren and three great grandchildren. Ralph Orln Smith Dallas Funeral services lor Raipn onn Smith, native of Polk county and the son f pioneers, will be held from the Henkle and Bollman chapel at 3 o'clock Wed nesday, Rev. Kenneth Johnston officiating and burial In the Smith cemetery at Mon mouth, Smith died Sunday ot a uaiias hospital after an Illness of several years. He was born In Dallas July a, 1875, and married Ada Voght, deceased. Smith spent uch oi nis nte in romana out mane his home In Falls City since 1038. He was a. member of the Christian cnurcn. Bur vivlng are a daughter, Mrs. Ivy Taylor. Seattle; son, Chester Smith, Salem, and two sisters. WONDERS tack of a phone was no problem to a man who thought the piano Harold Mitchell offer ed for sale In the Clas sified section of a Bre merton (Wash.) news paper might be Just what his church need ed. He used his am ateur radio set to get a message to Mitchell to hold the piano until a church committee could inspect it. Classified Advertising's popularity stems from Result-Action embracing ev ery conceivable kind of personal and commercial need. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., 'In Spite 01 Painter Arnulf Stegman, head of a publish ing house in Munich, Germany, called "In spite of," which gives jobs only to disabled persons, works on a sketch with pencil in mouth. His arms have been paralyzed since childhood. Unique Cleaners Burglarized for $50 Burglars entered the Unique Cleaners establishment at 1554 Fairgrounds road early Tuesday morning, jimmied a cash regis ter and escaped with $55 to $60 E NATURES WOOD RECOMMEND RESINIZED jm country freight to pay. Af a woll board Chapco paints up with a higher gloss, no grain showing. Rnisha lika porcelain. Perfect for cabinet making, shelving, and any interior con struction calling for any easy working board that Is both hard and shrink-resisting. Chapco stands up better and finishes off to perfection. Chapco has proved itself In outdoor wo. Completely prac tical for garage doors, farm buildings, walls, etc., if painted. Widely used for sheathing, concrete form liners, etc. Available in l8", 316", "4" thickness, 4'x8' site . . . Save money and get a better job with Chapco board. Buy as little or as much as you need for your job. Your Tuesday, August 2, 1949 17 tl ' j! in cash, , Detectives were called to in vestigate the burglary after it was discovered in the morning. The crime was believed to have taken place about 2:00 a.m. The cash register was remov ed from the front of the shop to a clothing storage area in the rear where it was pried open . with a pair of long nosed pliers. IMPROVED 100 FOLD The 100 Oregon Made HARD BOARD Here's a wonderful hard board that works up beau tifully, yet Is so low cost that you can use lt for any job inside or outside. Mad In ftw) Wett no cross Ask about COPELAND Easy Payment FINANCE PLAN tft HmpL. It's iwy. No go- rnm.nt red tap. or delay. All .boat today. LUMBER YARDS Friendly Neighborhood Yard