- 8 1 ?rii nci .en at ige c p . f ! . 'So h f i b rtr .ett ti jut tl j " h t: p ti Im ) o e-l Of pat hli ins ! 1 1 ! a 'CK p ow y ed 'Bu ! b. -IPP Ion "Jer ime unc !p h on' I i 1 ! Cl J .la' a 'Pr , - U ! c'.rtr ! b ly j cec i.'sm- V'e. 1 5 t la, t J r ' r . u-s, ion " . b as ps : rlf ' e: . f' ) w The .set urt : a de I 1 i-u I bal !S ' '5. 'Qc dei tsy. An 'W 1 I id " "nu Vh. lde . Ir, .iny yi rlt st I lis itul nb y ml Sh er fen levi : t rk ad, , i h' it I i i tpp sph ier n't lr dn( ng Cer UN ay ek -w. . . Wi ' go Do or 1 a - ca g Oh nk itet :i:2 !! ft. 16 Capital Journal, Salem, C1.ABS1FIED ADVERTISING. Ptr Una 1 Per Lin I tlmu 40c Pei Line timet 40c Per Line 1 month S3 00 OuwWt of 8 lem 15e per line pet day stin tOet tlmu mln 80s times mln tlJtO No Refund KEADYBS In Ucil New Cel Ooln Per une To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FOE BALE BY OWNEB: New 3 bdrm home. FHA terms. $500 down. Phone 3-2880. 642 Blller. 86 NEW HOME by owner. 2140 Carlton Way N. on 09 to Carlton Way. al9i FOB SALE OB LEASE BY OWNERS Convenient foi business and residence or house can be removed rno., lull basemenet, 41 by 100 lot. Handy to Seari New Shopping Center, on State Highway 99 E. Mb N. Capitol St. Phone 1.4540 for appointment. al87 S B.B. house on 50x150 corner lot. Newly redecorated. 2tt year ola. Owner being transferred. Must sell at sacrifice 84500.00 unfurnished. Call after 5:30 p.m week days, anytime weekends. 755 McNary Ave., W. Salem. 182 BY OWNER New 5 rm. mod. hse 84.000. 81500 down, ten years on balance. 2330 Hyde St., Salem. 183 BY OWNER 1 acre, 6 room house, garage, chicken house, near Swegle school, nut trees, berries At garden spot, J6500 Terms could be arranged Rt. 5, Box 65 on Brown's Rd. N.E. ol BwegU Bcn1M BY" OWNER; Good small home 85150 1B15 N. Liberty. J82 g. HIGH ST. Modern home, Has 3 bdrms., den, L.R. D.R. Comb., kitchen At nook with lull basement. Lots of bulit-ins. Has fireplace, auto, oil heat, carpeted hdw. firs. Lge. well landscaped lot. 812,800. Ph. owne. at 3-8196. a!84' BY OWNER -Engle wood Dist.. well const. i j v. tFi.ii Kumt with nnod furn. Insul., new roof, new redec. About 10 yrs. oia. npprux. "J door. Lots of shrubs and flowers, garden in. 8B450. Ph. 2-0308. W1 FOB SALE by owner 5-room white shake house and garage on h acre. 2 bedrooms down, unfinished upstairs, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds, oil clrc, laun dry trays, lots ol bullt-ins, wired for range. Reduced to 88080, 81500 down, or make offer. Rt. 6, Box 318-H. Come out Market St. to Swegle school, turn right, then left for h mile. Phone 3-6786 or Orenon City 8030. '82 r v nwNFii romnleleiT redecorated, pre war built, 2-bdrm. home Just off Stale St. Lots of shrubs. 87600, terms. Ph. 3-3840 eve, or 3-4431 days. a 182 MOD. 4-BDRM. home close to school and bus. 1050 3rd St.. West Salem. al85 JCNOLEWOOD DIST. 2 bdrm.. L.B. with fireplace, dinette, kitch. with lots of bum-ins, nain wnn tuo mm miuwci, pecan firs., alt. extra lge. gar., lm,ul. nd W.S.. auto. heat, back yd. fenced, P.H.A. approved: See at 1640 Grant or Phone a-ana o. "' Immediate Possession Attractive country home, exc. location, 1 mile east of Keizei school, 5 A. fam ily orchard, large shaded lawn, city and school buses. Am leaving alato. 16,000 down will handle. Geiimr A. Flelchsi, Rt. 2, BOX 40 F, Ph. 2-4298. a 181! OWNER LEAVING CITY Offers this one year old, 2 bedroom home, modern in every respect.' Yard, ahrubbery and garden in, automatic oil heat, best of conditions. Corner lot. 81350 will handle. Balance 855 per mo. F.H.A. Ph. 22826. 398 Fryon ave. al80' Family Man, Attention Here is a real buy. 5 B.R.'s, lge, lot, gar den In choice Klntfwood Hats. For only 15000, $1400 dn. will handle and 845 per mo. Don't pass thin one up ALSO A handyman's opportunity. 2-slory older hse. and Va acre near Hopmeve. Only $2950. Some terms Fine ground. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N, Capitol St. Offica Ph 2-3882 - Eves. 2-2147 or 3-BlttO al83 By Ow ner Who If Employed "elsewhere. Lovely 6-room home. Hardwood floors and fireplace, Attached garage. Fenced- in yard, nice nowera ana nruo. iviiik wood Heights district. Lovely view. 84000 equity, some balance. Will give raay terms on equity. Ph. 3-6050. al83- BY-OWNER 7 room house, double plumb ing. 2557 Lee St. alBB rOKSAl.E by owner. New 6 room modern house $301)0. 11400 down, ten yenrs on balance. Will tak car In. 3330 Hyde St., Salem. a!86 bY"ownFr Price $1850 down, bal. $1000 morgage semi annually for quick sale.: 2-bedroom home on high ground over looking pretty view, close to West Sn-1 lem. Extra view building lot (school. Mt. View), city water, tlghti, etc. Location: Turn right off Edgewater St. on Rose-j mont at corner of M.K.N. Furnlure Store, go up top of Cascade Dr., turn i left, then a quirk rlKht turn, follow dirt road to first leflhnnd turn, necond , place on right, Roth, Box 104, Kt. 1. 1 West Salem, al86 ; SfODKRN 2 Bdrm. home, leaving town, ; bargain. 881 Hoiemont, W-8. al6 1 3 Bedrooms on 1 Floor Rembllng suburban home. Close to bus anl school; cement, foundation, plas tered. V, blinds, a beautiful home. Only 3 years old. Full prlca 17,000. 1.000 down. Rawlin's Realty Hollywood tllst. - Ph. 2-4664 Rve. 2-6013, 3-7128. 2-5757. 1B3 BY OWNF.R2 bdrm. home, L.R. with hardwood firs., nlre kitchen, Ven. blinds, Brndlx. Lae. lot, South near store anil bus. 10300. Phone 2-3210. a 183 Kt". wTk M. house" a ndVa't h 7m7il n f I n Lull ed. 2 lots. Just north of West St ay ton store. a 187 83.B.W CASH 1 Bdrm., Llv. & Dinette comb., kitchen, lots ol built -Ins. Gar age, barn, 1U acres. 14 yna. fruit trees; Ue. Eng. Wal.i lge B1K Wal. 650 Holly wood Ave. a 184 Leaving the State My $1392 equlyl In 1 yr. old 2 P R. home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move rlalit in for 1500. Ral F.H.A. See 542 Bltlrr Ave. al87 (;iiAti Very neat two bed rm. plasterrd homo with hardwood firs, thru-nut. heavily Insulated, shake exterior, alt. anrage, large lot east. 6 mna. old. sjutoo New ranch style I bed rm. on ex tra large lot, hwd, floors, fireplace, elec. heat, nice lawn, lots of flowers. (H.MHi Beautiful new two bed rm. dream home on extra large lot east, Lawn At shrubs already In. You should see this. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 860 S. Commercial Ph. 33849 Eva. 25160 FAIRMOUNT HILL Good, substantlnn 3 B.R. home fire Place, wall to wall carpet In L it., ba.-r-ment, auto -til heat, quiet residential area, only 10750 F.H.A. term.!, loo. Con sider smaller home In swap. . ENGLEWOOD If you want to move Into the Fntle wood school district before school atari, It will pay you to look i thbi fine 3 B.R. pre-war home xlandy corner lot, fireplace, etc. Priced right at (11, 050. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. HUh St. Office 2-3b49 alB Eve 2-5390 or 3-7451. BUY NOW COZY 1 bed r in home. 2 yrs, old. Elec. stove 60 ft. lot. Price 14850. KEIZER DI3T. Practically new 2 bedrm. home Alt, garage; furnace, Larue lot. A good buy for 17000. Terms. FAIRMOUNT HILL DIST 2 bri.rm. home: sleeping purch; cement basement; nil furnace. Nice back yard; large aliadr trees, $8000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 114 State St. Ph. 2-3S63 Evf nines call 3-878P or 3-4007 al84 IYWNi;R"3"bd77home prleedto T sell Small down payment, bal. 850 per mo Income of 135 per mo. Neer parochial and public school. Ph. 3-2451. alfl Ore., Tuesday, August 2, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "The Wake of the Red Witch" Plus "The Bribe" AT WARNERS CAPITAL THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title ol thU picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state, ment of 2i words or less on 'Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads." with your name and mailing address, and delivei or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on jlncerilv and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Wake of the Red Witch" plus "The Bribe", coming soon to the Capital theater. All entries Decome the proper, tv of the Capital Journal and decision of the ludges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elslnore Itieatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest FOR SALE HOUSES ENGLEWOOD DIST. 88900 Nice 3 bed rm. home, fireplace, full haw m pnl, aawdust furnace, single garage, call Ivan Slvers. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 S. Commercial Ph. 23840 Eve. 37012 ai84 BY OWNER new 2 bdrm. living rm. dlnT rm. comb. Hdwd fir., hall, bath. Lite. Inxldfl utility rm. Alt, aaraxe. Lxe. lot near school. 2375 Broadway. Ph. 3-8844. also VIEW A lovely 2 bdrm. home. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace. Basement. Garage. You will like It, FHA $8000. Price 111,500. Ph. 3-3280. General Real Estate 255 Center al8.1 $8900 Lot 115x22B, trcci, lawn, S bdrm. home. Large llvfnxrooni, kitchen, utility, bath tub At sliowcr, OH heat, carpet. Eaay term or trade fur Wc.H Snlem. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Ycnrs In Salem 250 N. lilch St. Ph. 2-4120. nl84 roil SALE 2 bdrm. bung, full Ins. car port, ait. gar., elec. rue. As ref. etc. Can take car and house trailer in trade. Same price cash or terma $8,500. 219 Kooiia fit., Sllverton, Ore. al86 $250 DOWN Buys miflnlMird but livable 2 bdrm. hfe In city SW. Wlrefi for range, elec. wtr htr, city water. Dble lot. $500 DOWN Buys house started at edge of city east. Choice district, good construction. Water piped to lot. Good buy for $1800. 81000 DOWN Modern, plastered 2 bdrm home north on '4 acre. Utility rm, garage. Price 16600. ON A HILL Cool, clrnn 2 yr. old 2 bdrm home. LR, DR, hdwd firs, fir furnace, attached gnrntcc. Lge lot at edge of city. Approx COI.BATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24553 al83 FOR SALE LOTS VIKW" LOT, 170 ft. frontage Salem lit. Ave., $flf)5. Phone 376.14. aalSD FAIRMOUNT HILL on Washington St. between Fir and Fair mount .streets, fncinv south. Lovely level Int 5010(1 with trees, xhrubs and 3-rnr anr aue. Only 12150. Call 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. aal36 $10 DOWN ! t.1 loUl with water bus service, elec tricity close to school. See them today! Reimann Real Estate 201 South High Ph. 3-0203 Sunday and EveninBs 3-5005, 3-9712, 2-8241, 2-2532, 2-3738 aal84 VIKW LOT 83X198. ? blocks IronTsalem Helgtits scnool. Ph. 20998. aalSB '. F.W LOT. 90x08, restricted Clly water Oph ft 4 5 VI.Mn Ave Ph 3-4'.'B4 s FOR SALE FARM Grade A Dairy 37 hrnd dairy stock, 18 milking now. 1044 trnclor and mnchlnery, pickup I ruck, dnlry equipment. 52 A. all till able viilley Innd. 20 A. witter right small rrrek. Mod. 4 BR plastered home OulbUU.v 12?. .100 complete or 116.500 farm alone. Con.ilder trade smaller ac reage or treeuhoil.ie setup. Strout Realty 958 fl. 12th SI 12th SI. Ph. 2-5323. blB2 "Make Offer! i Excellent all tillable 20 acres. Mod. 2 nit home amid Ue. shades. 18 A. pas- ! ture with sprint; branch. All aervlces, ) Consider reasonable trade. Owner with i other lillerp.sLi av "Mntu nffrr " ' Strout Realty 950 S. 121 Ti St. Ph. 2-5133. b!83 56 A. East All in gra.-s seed. Ootid modern 2 Klrm. home. Gnraae, chicken house, fine burn. 113.500. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate Co. 2H5 Center St. bIB3' DAIRYMAN 140,0(10. 36 acres or clover and fescue. 2 barns, fenced and crass fenced. Mod. 3 bdrm. home, benutllul oak trees, fam ily orchard. North rear Chemnwa. o. W. Reeve, Realtor, 945 8. Com'l., Office Ph. 3-45H0 or eve. 3-9536. bl8J nv OWNTIt Business interest! compel us to go back east, so we are selllnp. our country home. There are ten (ertlle acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red rmtphr rrles for income, also some young fruit trees coming along. The houre Is nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and Is of smart modern d tgii. It Is all electric and has manv other attractive special features to make fur comfort in living. Price M7.500 and worth It. One-half mile south of Clear I I, nke srhnol, eaM tide or road. Reese A. Hall. Route 2. Box 264, Salem. b208 :o ACKKM on Skyline paved roid ml I out. i' a-res oak. 3'i acres Royal Ann I cherries; plastered house and bldis. Ford tractor and farm Impts., electric Ihhts and telephone, well and sprlm. 111,000. small down payment and terms. Tel 3-3055 b2 FOR SALE FARMS 1'. ACIU.3 14 miles from Salem. A real money maker. Large 6 room colonial house with fireplace. Only 4 years old. Clean level, well tilled land, planted with bearln apple, pear peach, cherry and nut trees. Hal, pasture & farm land. Barn machine ihed. garase At 2 poultry houses. Owner forced to sacrifice due to poor health. Price $10,500. Will con sider small house or income property in Salem as part payment. Call Bon Cieary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109; eve. s-sbj: bbt87 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 995 TERRACE DRIVE I Bdrm , Ivl. rm, din. rm . hall, bath, nice kitchen, full celled basmt., with inside At outside entrances, home built in 1930. Nice yard, wonderful view of Salem. Drive by Glen Creek Road In West Salem and turn left at Cascade Drive. For Salem's beat buy CALL ROY FERRIS. YOU'LL LIKE THIS Good 3 bdrm. home at only (7,700. Llv. with fireplace, hdwd. firs., full basmt.. wood furnace, garage, lge, lot. An excellent value. CALL PETER GEISER. 5 ACRES Located 5 ml. out, 3'i ac. under cult. At In berries, bal. pasture Ac timber. Very well kept place. Neat 5 rm. home, small barn As chicken house. Prica reduced to 17,050. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT X bdrm. home, full hasmt., with pnrty room, auto-oil heat, nice Ice. fenced-in back yard Price 112,800. CALL EARL WEST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter OeUer 3-9068 Earl West 3-1233 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS If You Are Interested in a Business Location Drive by 1225 N. 6th St., corner of Market and N. 5th BU. Zone 3 business huge lot, large older style home an excellent Investment for 19000. A Dandy Buy Located on Fisher Road, over 1 acre land with modern 3 bedroom home complete with basement, furnace and fireplace, a real bargain at $9800. Will take In small house as part payment. Abrams Avenue . Neat 2 bedroom home, extra large lot, about 7 years did, 16000. A Real Family Home for Little Money An excellent buy In a good modern 3 bedroom and den (or 4 bedroom home, has full basement, double plumbing, flreplnce, double garage. Owner has been trans ferred and ha priced property for quick sale at only 112,000. DON'T MISS IT. Walnuts - Filberts - Cherries If you are looking for a REAL orchard, fully equipped with good modern buildings, be aura and ask all about this ranch We think it's one of the best of ils kind. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 1800 DOWN KEIZER DISTRICT Almost new 2 bdrm home with unfin ished upstairs. Needs redecorating but well worth the money. Owner leaving city. Price reduced to 17,000. Eve. Ph. 2- 0473 or 3-3558. APT. BARGAIN Extra special. 3 units plus small home Close in north. One unit furnl-ihed. In come 8160 per month. Will take other property for 14.000 equity. A good buy for only $11,000, Eve, Ph. 2-0473 or 3- 3558. 17500 SPECIAL 3 bdrm. hou.se with '.i acre lot. 11 ohm In good condition, very clean. Private well, chicken houfle. Owner will tr:trie for business or what have you?. Eve. Ph. 2- 0473 or 3-3558. FARMS 6 ACRES PLUS 3 rm. house, built In 1040. 20x30 barn. Wlllamelte soil. 3 cr berri. Tolnl price only 15250. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3- 3558. NORTH HOWELL DIST. 70 acres of fine soil. Excellent 8 rm. home Berrlea, nuts family orchard. Hns extra 4 rm. modern hou.se At cnbhu for berry pickers. Owner forced to spII because of ill health. A buy for $30,0(10. Eve. Hh. 3-9403 or 3-3.i58. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 37820, 24596 3030 Portland Rd. cl4 NELSON NEWS HOLLY CREST DELUXE SUBURBAN Approx. 3 ac. Ifi of the area In well cared for 10 yr. old holly trees yielding a substantial annual Income. A very well built 6 rm. Cape Cod home, spacious LR with attractive I' place, full b.siut., sawdust piped furnace, elec. wtr, hlr utility rm. Patio with flood Unlit, beau tifully secluded setting with primitive atmosphere. About 250 ft. creek front age. Spring wator. 110,000. RENT TO TEACHERS If you hnd a court or cottage across from the H. school you would have ev ery unit rented constantly A: at a rent al that Would give you Rood return on labor At money .spent. There is only ow lot In front ot the II. achool when you can build that kind of income prop erly. Right now somebody is going to get a bargain on this 80x151 ft. lot. BROOKS FARM FOR SUBURBAN 23 ' A. 20 A. cult.. 2 A. woodlot pasture. 75 bearing walnut tree. A. filberts. Lse plastered mo;, home, f pi nee. barn, nr., near atore, pavrd rd. Price 112,500, aome terms. For sale or exchange. NELSON & NELSON Multiple) LUtlng Renltors Persnnat Service by Men who Specialize 702 N. Hielt Ph. 3-4(122. ctH2 This Week's Specials A busy grocery store on a good corner, doing cash business. Trice Includes stock, fixtures and Ren I Fsialc. Reason for sellfnt? Sickness In family. Ideal for nounle nice 1 br-dronni home with bnth, living room, k lichen, bull' -Ins. Only 2 yarr, old. 13500. 1mm. Posi. of this house w!lh 2 bedrooms, bnth, hvIiir room, dliun1 room, kitchen, nulomallc hent, close to schools. Price 15750 P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Cliemtketa St . Fhfne 2-1545, 3-4896. Eves. 2-6C86, 3-7585 3-7841 cl.'M FOR mimTFOti?. etrir..( sen ire on I'tir real estate problems pira.se call A. E. DANIELSON 8 N 12th St Ph 3-5620 CI31 FOR VOITR SAVINGS Investment buy H tint morUatte on real estate Salem & "iclnlly Examine security vo'lrself Amunts 1500 to st-veral thousand dol lars, net investors 5 We make all col lect -ons for you it desired STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 8 Hlh WANTED REAL ESTATE tVt. KHV. in mto oi gooi' nouses to c. in or neai Salem U you wish to l. jour properly foi ale re GRARENHORST BROS. HF.A1TOKK 1346 Liberty 81 Phone 3J1471 ra OTICEf If your properly Is for laie rent ot exchange llsi ll wiin us Wr have ah Kinds ol casn buyers .TA I FINANCE CO RKA1.TOKH 153 8 Hlir 81 ea' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE CONSIDER TRADE For small farm, home, or business. 15 RM apt hse with high net return. 2 RR owners apt and 5 rentals. Rentals nicely furnished. T.Re lot close In paved street near bus. Priced to sell or con sider trade within reason. STROUT REALTY 958 8. 12th St. Phone 25133 cbl82 TRADE 9S A. for apt. house or court. Price 132.5O0. What have? Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. cblB3 W1M, THAOE mv $5,50O'O0 Interest In Port land Duplex. Each apt. 2 bl. room, full basement 3 oil tu maces. IS yrs. old. Rent.- 1150.00 per mo. Price HI 750 00 for Salem home or good lots. Empire 7342 305 N.E. 61st. Apt. D-4., Portland. cbl84 EXCHANGE 1 yr.'old Vbdrm houW'near Leslie school tor a 2 or 3 bdrm. house in North Salem. Ph. 39865 or 1015 F. Rural. cblB.V BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUS DEPOT Service station, grocery store, with liv ing Quarters. Also a 2 bdrm. home rent ed. Fine location. Long lease. 18,500. No phone intor. plea.'e. General Real EstateCo. 2S5 Center St. cdlftj' 'OR SALE or trar, bodv and paint shop, 3 rm. hnue. 3600 Cherry Aw. Ph. 2-3022. 11,300 down. cd!82 IFOR SALE HOUSES (REAL ESTATE Phono 24115 24116 23188 - 259S6 cl83 BUSIN ES S Qpp OR T U N IT I E Neighborhood Grocery A renl moneymaker, In beAt location. Good equpt.. walk-In, large clean stock, health forces owner to sell. Chas. Hudkins & Son Ovrr 27 Ycnr.. In SrIpiti 250 N. HlBh St. Phono 2-4129. cdlS4- RESTAURANT Well located. Fully equipped. Good lease. See us about this good chance to mane a good living. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE 231 N. Hhh Ph. 3-5838 Eve. & Sun. Call 3-1721 or 3-7534 cdl83' MOIILKN 8-cilAIR BARBER SHOP for sale oi trade on Snlem suburb prop erty, good business. 63', S. W. Morrison. Portland. Oregon. cdl82 IDEAL LOCATION and setup for small uu.Miica.t coiuomca witn living quarters. Price 185(10. Phone 3-8108. cdl85 WANTED LOCAL PARTY OR PARTIES Interested In an exclusive franchise for your city of Salem. Please write Box .ttH, uapuai journal. This Is your onnortunltv for an xrin. sive and specialized business, same as now operating in uniCiiRo Kansas City Denver San Francisco Reno and thirty-six others. Save this advertisement, it's the one i.vomv Insertion. cdl82 INCOME PROPliRTY. S200 per month. New building, restaurant, fixtures and koIhr business can be bouirht. Also 3 bdrm. home available. All on 1 acre Room for 30 trailers At 12 cabins. On mam highway, Salem 1 mile. Wonderful opportunity. Write Box 263 Capital cd!83 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 PM. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHTNfiS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY tREE DELIVERY SH GREEN STAMPS You Cnn t Brnt ThLi Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 13.")0 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 33797 dies I.Vi:lOKT, Dlnlim rm. set with 4 chairs. 2 small tables. 1100 Chemekela. Apt. No 400. 182 WALNUT U1NINO room set Ph. 31241. dl82 rNl'AIN7i:i furniture cioseoui prices wommows 4,in met at a WANTED FURNITURE HIGin'.sT prices paid for furniture and nnusenniri articles. Nothing to big or sm 1'1- 3558. da207' IIICIIK I'RIt'KH paid Phone Glenn f Woc1r VirriOT Muriel Ph 3-.M10 dn- FUEL li" ciif.rr'y wood 2 cords 128 del. You haul 12 cord. Ph. 314.S8. eel84 TRUCiTY FUEL Fiesh tut -.iwdust. P'ompt delivery. Ph 3-7142 We give S A: H Green Stamps. Green Ifi In. null wood ec SPECIAL Get nur winter fuel now and save Pnwdus (4.00 per unit Good dry slao 8.50 oad grern 16.00 cord Dry eds inis 58 0(1 lo"d. green J5 50 loid Double load tlOOO. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35513 eel85" West Salem Fuel Co. tP IN UttV OR GHKKN PI.P WOOD OKV PLANFR ENDS OLD GROWTH SLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUFT RURAL DELIVERIES DI1WEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Filem 2-4031 Abo pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St. West Salem ee PHILLIPS BUGS Old fir, oek, ash .V maple. 4' fir, 18" slab and roKliiKS. Ph. 31458. ee FRI'SH CFT sawdust deliveredr"summer rates Phone 2253 Dallas collect. eel94 CAM HToilVAYFUlitFOR lllesei and Stove Oils FHEPH CUT S.XwniiST Ory Slab Wood Dry Plalnei Ends At Block Wood Ph 16444 FOR SALE POULTRY CUSTOM" POULTRY DRESSING LIBERTY POULTRY FARM Rt 9 Box 1',Q Ph. 22873 f!8S NEW llAMPSIIIltF. chicks tor Immediate" m luture delivery. Hatches every Tues. Ftx Hatchery, 3S30 State St. Ph. 3-4969 r. S'l'IV HAMl'SHIRK chicks every Thur. clay Pn 2-2881 Lees Hatchery P PRODUCE PICKLING , cukes, .blackberries, .string bcims. pepper. Merrills' Greenhouse. Brooks. ff 186 TIIOHNI.ESS blackberries, first picklngT U pick 5c. 1 'i ml, E, Totem Pole. Carl Woodruff. f S 137 1K. LIC 101' S TRE Er I re n7dpVach7jP are ready at the Jesjt MaUits Orchard and Fruit Stand 6 miles N. of Salem on Portland Hiahway Fine lor eat Int. can ning or freerlna. Jess Mathls, Rl. 1. Box 338 Salem, ffl87 C.KAVFNSTFtN koples. Hand picked and jprayed. 8150 per box. 2505 8. Com t 11183' HELP WANTED REGISTER FOR WORK WEDNESDAY, AUG., 3, 1949 10 A. M. TO 1 P. M. At 335 S. Church St., Salem Hops Harvesters, Inc. WILLIAMS & HART PRODUCE BOYSEXBEKHIKS, U-pick. 5c lb. Dr. Davis. oesine rricnuiy rim. n. i, ffl33 PICKLING Cucumbers, Peaches. Berries and Apples, f rigaaras rruit rarm. mile north of Kelzer school.. If TILTON APRICOTS, 30 lb. box 11.49. Green Apple Market. 2 miles north on Highway 00. ff!83 BOYSLNBERRIES, U-Pick 5c lb. R. O. Doege. mile E. Liberty School. Rt. 9, Box 210. Ph. 23141. f(182- AUCTIONS High Grade P'urniture Auction Tonliht 8 p.m. sharp. Sale is held In side spacious Glenwood Ballroom, 200 yds. north of Chemawa 4 Corners. Con slstinit of over 3000 stock of new and used furniture and appliances as fol lows: Orean 4 La rite 48 Delux Refrlserator 0 U.sed Electric Washer $ Klectrolux Vacuum Cleaner Small Appliances tjl Plywood Boat 9 All Metal Trailer 4 Three New Daveno Sets Three Bedroom Suites Q Three Springs and Mattresses ft Mu.silarm Radio Table Radio 0 Johnson Outboard Motor A Two Crome Dinette Sets t) Four Runs, One Axmlnster Wardrobe Trunk f Oak Kncehole Desk f Coffee Table ft Lnmps HiRh Ornde Sectional Davenport 0 Droplenf Extension Table Maple Hutch O Extension Tables 4 Drum Tables Man's Bicycle ffl 75 lb. Ice Box . 0 Bunk Bod Sets C Chest of Drawers H Linoleum 9 0x18 Wool Carpet Throw Rubs Used Daveno Set 0 Kneehole Desk Brum your conslanments Tuesday af ternoon. Wo pay cash or sell on commission. Notice HUGE APPLIANCE AUCTION THURSDAY OP THIS WEEK GLENN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER ddl82a FURNITURE & LIVESTOCK AUCTION WED.. AUG. 3. AT 10 A.M. Ai 1 P.M. 6 Piece Bedroom Set $3 Piece Wnlnut Bedroom Set 6 Combination Sectional Book Case & desk Roll Top Desk 0 7 Piece DlnlnK Room Set 0 3 2-Piece Davenport Sets tjHxlG Wool Rubs At Throw Runs 0 WnshliiK Machines 0 Dressers A; Chest of Drawers 0 Beds At Coll Sprinits 0 1 Lnddcr Back Clialr At Acc. Chair 0 Floor Lamps At Table Lamp Oil. Wood At Elec. Stoves 0 Dxi2 Linoleum 0 Paint 0 Tools 0 Produce 4 Ferguson tractors wilh disc At plow. 2 Oliver tractors on rubber, tandem disc, rod weedcr, cover crop disc. Chickens At rabbits. Feeder A; Wcaner pigs. Calves and veals, hollers, cows ft horses. LANE SUDTELLS Auction Sales Yard Located IM mile E of Salem on Silverton Road 'To Buy or Sell Call 3-fi0!fT dd!32. HELP WANTED BEAN PIC'KERS Start tomorrow, pay 2's 1 mile northeast of Kcizer. Frank Tonev. Rt. 2. Box 40B. Kl84 HOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island Hop Co., 5 miles S. of Salem. Piekinft starts Auk, 13. Ph.3-7953 or 2-3107. nlB7 HOP PICKERS wanted, 3'i ml. east of Woodburn on Mt An'fl Rd. Slnrt Aug. 4th. Harold Bttshman, Ph. Woodburn 1430 it IBB HOP PICKERS renLster now. Free excel- ent ram pit round fncilitfes. .lerman At -n'ttcn lni. Rt. 3, Box 825. Snlem, Ore I gl84 I ADULTS INTERESTEl) In picking pole oepns miu a long season, f lease can 35805 after 8 p. m. Bus transportation mrnisnen gisj I LAI) YOR SI AN pleasVnt worlT Car I necessary. Good earnings. No exp. ! necessary. Write Box 348 Capital Jour I nal. glflfi t HELP WANTED MALE HAVE WORK for 3 men. Must be neat, I acaresstve At able to be bonded. Car is I necessary. See Mr. Merke at 480 N. I Church St. Thurs. or Fri 8:30 a.m. I BOYS ifi YRS. to set pins. AlTwinter Job, good pay. B At B Bowling, 3085 Portland Rd. gal83" FI RNArE INSTALLER. cxperiencecT" Must have car and tools Ph. 2-8663 for np pnlrtmrnt. gal84 HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESWOMAN "to demonstrate " At sell ap pliances on shop floor. Must have some selling exp. Will be given course in train ing. Prefer woman who sews. Opp. for cap. saleswoman. Apply 8 to 10 A, M. only, singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. gbl84 CO MPTOMKTER0 1'ERATOR Miwtbe experienced, fast and prrmnnent. Good Position to on who can qualify. Capital Journal Box 271. gbl82 NEED WOMAN forTare of "Children.- b" and 2 from 12 to 5 Ph. 35072. gbl83 OPPORTUNITY tvr permenent position wiin k niiure lor girl with lumber in. voicing experience. Must apply In per- auu. jjs . uoeriy. isee Airs. ricKett. gb- .CI.KKK TYPIST, with working knowledge . of bookkeeping. Give age, experience, marital status A salarv desired. Write I box 370 Capital Journal. gb1 t MARRIED women. Part time to make teiepnone contacts in our Salem office. Either 9 30 to 12:00 a.m. or 6 to 8:30 p ni. Earnings explained during Inter ! view. Write Capital Journal Box 267. I 1 cbl82 LIVESTOCK WANTED .'BONDED AMI I ICENSFB livestock buver. E. C. McCAiidllfh, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147. ea205 PETS FOR SALE, Keg. Springer pups. Very Rood. Call 31508. fcl86 liCGS BOARDED and trained ressono rates by day or monih Trimming ar.d bahin. r"r-e Pick-up ft dellv LeOrsy Kennels. R! . J. Ph ecl91 WANTED SALESMAN A SALESMAN. A good product and good money for the rUht man. Phone 3-6(01 for interview. 1S4 VM F4MAN ANTH.F:ectrolux Corp UT9 Broadway. Ph. 24078. iclSi HELP WANTED WANTED SALESMEN WE HAVE an opening for an aggressive experienced salesman. Above average earnings. Opportunity for advancement to management position for men who qualify on the Job. For appointment write box 347, capital Journal. ggmv MAN WITH car to contact local farmers. Fvc. opportunity. Ph. 20594 between 6 At 8 pm. KRIS! EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 3A0 State St Ph 2-1488 wf WANTED POSITIONS FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-5522. 11207 Mimeographing-Typing TCNE-UP MAN, exp. with Sunne equip ment 5 years exp. with Chrysler prod ucts. 74X4 Dayton. hl84 TREE WORK, toppina. trimming, re moving, insured operator, jonn rayne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 26014. hl84 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h204' WASHING A: ironing, 75c per hr. Rea sonable. 506 S. 19th. Ph. 29815. h!85 DENTAL NURSE Graduate of S. F. Dental Nurses School. Ph. 2-5573. hl8fl Painting To Be Done? Rra.rnabie rates. Guaranteed satlsfnc' tlon. S. W, Dyer, Ph 2-6B30. hl84 NOW IS the time to plant lawns for best results I have the equipment. Reason' tble rates, rli. 22190. C. R. Smith. hl8I DRESSMAKING St alterations. Ph, 2-9840 after 3 h203 GENERAL CARPENTER work. Ph. 3-1330. hl85 THEE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 h201 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h201' CHILD CARE 111 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924 hl92 PLOWING "Az DiVcin TPh31404. h 1 86' U A RPE NTE BW K . NewRepair Ph 2-2093 hisi 'LASTERING. PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 39702. Free estimates. hl87' i) 51 F.N T WORK wanted Ph 2-4850 Q PLOWING, DISCING. Al Moss. Ph. 22957. h202 IRONING at home. 75c hr. Ph. 28685. 1180 N o4th. hl8:i EDUCATION WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school In NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 620 NC Sacramento, Portland - MU 9680 lihJOO FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING room, men. 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. jkl84 ROOMS, ladles only! Kitchen prlvllest-.N 520 Statesman St. Ph. 35210. Jk!84 SLEEPING KM. PH. 34335. Jk201 SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr. At Ph. Day or month. 1505 N. Capitol. Ph. 33425. Jk204 SLEEPING rms. for employed gentlemen. Attractive, insul., reasonable. Near cap ital Shopping Center. Ph. 3-4248. Jkl84- UOLLYVVOOD rms 2035 McCoy Ph. 36003 jkl&S' FOR RENT APARTMENTS PART FURN. 2 rm. apt. Az bath, modern elec. heat. Adults, l.no Mnnison. ipivi- i RM. FURN. API., private bath, un ities furn. for 1 single person. Ph. 2-0138 after 6 p.m. Jpl84 CLEAN 2 RM. furn. upstairs apt. Ample storage, adults. 1375 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-8613 JP182- FOR WORKING COUPLE. Nicely Turn, 2 rm. apt. 145. OaS S 12tn. Jplfl-' NEW 3 RM. court apt. unfurn. except rHiige At refrli. Beautiful .ici.. . Utility rm. Ph. 3-5367. jpl84' FTRN. APT. for 1 or 2. Light At clean. Ph. 2-0201. 760 N. Church. R2l ATTRACTIVELY furnished, close in. pri vate bath. Two adults. 168 N. 12ih Pt JP1S4 NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. Prlv. bath. 690 S. Commercial. Phone .i-bb... . iRMFURN.Apt. Adults. 570 Union. JP183 SMALL 3-ROOM apt furnished, part rent al allowance for care of furnace and yard to steady middle aged couple. Ph. 3-95P5 Sat. and Sun. Jpl82 :i ROOM unfurn., prvl .bath. elec. stove & heat, West Salem. Ph. 36398. JplS3 3 ROOMS newly rice, part furn. or un furn. apt. seperatc ent. k prlv, bam. 4 blks. to state offices. Ph. 39617. JP183' FURN. APT. at 1935 N. Capital. Jpl83' NEV"2BR71UPLEX with" Gar. Range Ref, Az Ven. Blinds. Call 3-9034 8 to 4:30 JP187 FOR RENT HOUSES 4 ROOM HOUSE. Close In for 2 adults. Ph. 26094. J 111 184 FOR RENT 1100. Owner transferred. Large home, hardwood floors, double plumb ing, fireplace, oil heat, excellent ne-icli borhood. Ciose to schools. Will consider selling r-r trade. Ph. i-uiaS. Jml84 BY OWNER: Small (15x24 unfurnished house; north, 11950 $250 Dn. Ph. 2.i211. 23203 Jml83 HOME 6 room newly decorated. Wired for range, lull cement basement, new auto matic furnace, elec. hot water heater. garage. Write Box 269 Capital Journal. Jml83 WHY PAY RENT? New homes. Terms llk rent. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 40 N Church Ph 2-7642 sve A sun. Pn. 3-0.143 or 2-0120 I FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT: Office or s-.ore or storace space E. A. McGlaufiln. Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 328 N. Com"l St. Phone 23211 , J182; POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howler Bros. Ph. 3-3646 TO DO a good Job rent a god floor aand r We ell everything to complete ih Job HOWSER BROS - Pn. 3-3848 J' oop i sfppTanos. h Lstifr j OFFICE space and de.sk spaces. Ph." 256? F0R SALe MISCELLANEOUS BRAND NEW SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES from $89.50 up. Budget 1 terms. Liberal allowance for your present model. Com plete course in Home Dressmaking given without charge with the purchase of each new Singer. Come in and select yours now or call for appointment in your home. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. Phone 3-3512 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SEWING Machine Portable or service on . m.. eg. ..... . nr. (TV t'ti OWe, ior rent. MeK.nln. ofllce room ",nts. lfk. typewriter & (lie cabinet, lumped. US per mo. wleaae. Phone unit n" GROUND FLOOK rooma, aultable tor ot (ice oi atorea. Alao alley warehoua, with """"STATE FINANCE CO. Phone BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. 1' hp i t melts, ears. Ph. 2-9103. i TRAILERS J2.00 per day. Howser Bros. ..m c iith West Salem. ' SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up At delivery Sinner Sewlm Machine Co WANTED TO RENT i B.R. house or apt. Will lease. Respon sible couple wun year om 4"""Ja EMPLOYED ladles and 1 child need un furn. hse. Pti. a-(u.u. A CLEAN 4 or 8 R005I furnished house or furnished apt. oy reopai-BiMio Ph. 27654. JalBfl RESPONSIBLE family. 2 children, want 2 bdrm nome wun .ear a " tlon to ouy 40 to lan. rn. sow. jbq ! or 3 ROOM furn. apt., close In. about Sept. 1. Write Box 268, Capital Journal. J&182 REWARD for aultable 3-bedroom house. Phone 3-3253 or t-tviz. YOUNG ENGINEER, wife and 7 year old daughter urgently neea 2 norm. iu"-;-ed house by Aug. 16. Ph. 23485. Jal86- t'ANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bdrm. un furn. home. Will pay up to 870 per month. Call Salem Hotel 3-3161. Jal83 BUSINESS MAN, wife, high school age son desire 2 or 3 bdrm. nome. rum. or unfurn. Reas. rent. Ph. 3-1122. al84 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD AND RM. 850 E 8t. Ph. 3-8106. JJ'Ul LOST AND FOUND LOST SMALL Toy red male dos Sunday eve. Rewnrd. Phone 3-9453. K , . LOST Reward for return of black Corde purse, contents of value to owner oniy. Ph. 37025. tl83 LOST near Capitol Bldg. Chiuahua As Pek inese female flog, smaii 1:2 10s. ioiib hair, borwn. ans. to name Ginger. Re ward, call Independence 100R or Write Mrs. Ruth Irving, Independence R. 1. Ore 'The Wake or the Red Witch." plus "The Bribe."; k!86 STRAYED from Rt. 4, box 118, one 2- year-old red Durham white laced ncner Reward lor information leadhiR to whereabouts. Ph. 26403. k!82' MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER CORSETIERE. Wlntei ml89 Ph. 3-5072. LES SPRINGER, men's hatter 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30 mint- DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOS'l CASES DR HARRY 3 EM LER DENTIST Adolph Bldt, State At Commercial 8ts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m" BUILDING MATERIALS DOORS l-panel, 2-pnnel, 3 and 8-panel doors, glass doors, screen doors, storm doors, mahogany ent. doors. Every one a bar gain. C. G. Long, Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kiezer. mal84 INTERLOCKING or mortar pumice and concrete building diocks. free estimate. Mortarless Block Co., 14th and Hovt. Ph. 3-7324. mal84 BxKxIfi PUMICE block with 1 shell. Also various sizes and types including chim ney blocks. 12th St Block Co. Ph. 25363. mal85 I.L SIIDK Snlem. we sell the best Cedar Shh.les from Tillamook, Grand Ronde or Cascade hizh mountain timber. No. 1 SB. No. 2 15. Delivered. Ted Muller. 8a-lem-Indcp. Road. ma" 18" No I Cedar shakn. Natural or paint ed P.lm coated or stained. Ccdarwall Flttite or Bear Brands tfl per sq. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Mull. 2-1196. ma islft CKDAR SIDING, any amount. Clear A B gradps. Reas. prices. Check our pnees. ted Muller Ph Salem 21196. ma PLYWOOD LARGE stock of .sizes, thicknesses & grades. Both olain At water proof friaet start at 5c per sq ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of V and lh" Insul- aim boards Low prices on At V sheet rock Keith Brown. Front At Court Sts.. Salem. ma HARDWOOD floorim. ah irrades. from J05 thousand up Keith Brown. From St Court bts Salem ma SHINGLES. No. 1 red mountain cedar 8 per sq. No. 2 S5 C. G LONG. Ph. 25G2I 1 mile North of Kelzer malSl ALITIA LOCh - ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE The modern permanent roof ing See yout dealer or Call Dist 3-6401 mal97' SPECIAL; Cedar sidlnn. i"x8" Random ler ath C-grade 185 thousand Kc'th Brown Front At Court Sls. Salem ma TUFF STONE mill ends. Suitable for Pa tios. Fireplaces. Curbs, Walls, Steps. Walks, Rock Gardens, Landscaping, etc. 25971. mal83 ASBESTOS SIDING $10 a sq. sheet rocg 4c, 'V 5'ie. Rock lathe 31c yd Plywood, all thicknesses, low prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 25821. 1 mile N. of Keizer. mal83 NEV. SHIPMENT piasi board V Sic H' 6r q rt Rock lathe 45 q rt II 75 MONTGOMERY WARD ma USED BRICK Call 3970a or 24389 mal94 SAVF On ROOFTNG Let Wards give you eompiete fN STALLED price on your roofing need Wide ranze of colors Call our outsldr talesman for trer astlmttt Pbonf 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD At CO SALEM OREGON FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IX T. HEALTH presure cooker, excel lent condition, tb. One cream enamel Hardwlck rane J15. See at 810 Hoy: St. or phone 3-3961. nl84 GOOD scrond-hand used bathtub lor sale. ii. jom. iodj uwe niB MUST SELL TABLE SAW, 10 inch Walker Turner with 6 inch dado heads. 5 saw blades, extension table. 1 horse motor. Like new. Cost C57, sell for J200. SKILL SAW. 8 Inch, almost new with 3 blades Az 50 ft. H.D. cord Cost $156. sell (125. DELTA 4 inch JOINTER with 't h.p. motor for only S47. FILING CAB INET with 42 drawers. Oood ctmd solid oak. $15. OUTBOARD MOTOR, single, runs trood. only J22.50. CIRCU LATING WOOD HEATER $15. CARPEN- TKH Tf"i-Yf e h-i 1 1.1 l. , ainuu K.aiirA, UIUCK pianTS. lartre Stanley miter box & saw 130. Stanley 45 plow plane with all bits like new 15. GARDEN TOOLS, all good MOTOR. 19. 1780 N. 20th. Pru 2-8323 afler 7 p.m. ni82 WOOD range. . cond . boy's bicycle "iirria. rn, iiPii. Ki. , BOX 06. gam- nl84 Journal Want Ads Pa 1F08 SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLOSING OUT on Garden Pal tractors. new 3 H.r cost i3B7.au, jell 8289. Ona used S horsepower disc plow, cultiva tor and sickle bar S150. One used horsepower disc. At cultivator 8125. Howser Bros., 1410 8. 12th. Ph. 33646. n!87" PRACTICAL NURSES NEEDED JjfcAKn UU1UKLY AT HOME Instruction. Spare-time training plan itarts you In interesting career. High school not needed. Many earn while learning, rttam information. WRITEI Wayne School of Practical Nursing, Reg lstrar, 2526 Sheffield, Chicago 14 nl82 5V4-FT. GENERAL Electric, 885. 1320 Edge- waier. nlin FOR SALE A new Smith-Corona type- wuier mnu wnicsao roiier axataa with case. Call 3-4033 after 3:00. . nl85" 300 GAL. OUTSIDE White Paint. 12 90 per gal. 1125 Norway St, ') ni86 48 PHILCO DEEP FREEZE, 0 cu. ft. Good 20- nl83 FOR SALE 7x9 Walklh Cooler, completa with unit, shelves, 3 side reach-in doors Ph. 37243 after fl:30 p. m. ni86 HYDRAULIC OIL AUTO LIFT. You take out. 1100 Pressure oil burner furnace and pipes, $200. Alt disassembled. Tel. 33055. nigj DISTILLED white vinegar for all plckl.ni I Plekl.Sm n204 H"'t" ucrwa your - picxies Also 01a time pure apple cider puritan cider Works. AUTOCRAFT white trash burner 830. 1175 THOR WASHING machine, exc. cond $32" See at 3655 Scenic View Drive niai BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC Aladdin lamps' j ,a in. vviiive, green, coral and dubonnet. Whlp-o-llte shade. Special 85.05. 2 for 811.50. Wa give Green Stamps. SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. ' u( a. (jommerciai nl82 t G. E. REFR1G. $110. Ph. 20403. ril82i" RE NTT NR I. HATTPPV 77T imi, moie moaei. eg. siD.oo. Clearance price $29.88. Comb, radio chair-side ta ble with drawer, mahog. veneer. Reg SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 137 S. Commercial nl82 FURNACE, Pavne gas, 00,000 B.T.U. Like new Fully automatic, complete with all vuntroiA, urnia, etc., lino. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland rid. nitu RUGS, 9x12, green, frelze. Like new. Coat a-ii. mil i.ato tog, iraaer JjOUIC, 3055 Portland Rd. nl83 BUNGALOW PIANO 50" rosewood upright. Reflnlshed. re. strung, and rebuilt. A good buy at H Stone Piano Co. "The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 'V 1540 Fairgrounds Road. Salem. nlBJ' SPINET PIANO Almost new Kimball consolette. Queen. Anne design, mahogany A striking n-al atiument, iau saving, j Stone Piano Co. i "The Valley's Finest Piano Store" I 1540 Fairgrounds Road, Salem. nlCK) GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej. G11m3 ana uoinag appliance ince- at Gevurtt y K Posts, raillngi liul?-. nir.r.i. t,i,uillt.3LINr, fOSlS, rBlllngl UU1 .3 . stock At made to order. 1148 N. LibertfAA BUY OR SELL Used restaurant equip-' ment Ph 3-4750 n WATERFALL DINING set. Table. 4 chalK? and buiret, 50. Trader Louie, 3095 Po' land Rd. nlS-: DAVENO, WINE colored, in excellent C0iiS dltlon. $35. Trader Louie, 3055 Port-P? land Rd. nUllt WESTINGHOUSE Deluxe range, 185; ColT spot refrig., $95; Icebox, 14. Choice wood rancex at 820. Trader Louie, SOrTtl Portland Rd. nl' KROEHLER occasional chair, like mkw) 816. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland R t nlB-M REFRIGERATOR, ilec. range. Call 2-llf-? SALEM SAND At GRAVEL COMPANY : Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer Ar Basement Equipment Rental l., 15 B H jl 12.00 Ptr h. 10 B yds 8.60 per n.7 ri riiw.f in in m r. D-6 Cat Ai Dozer 8.40 per D-4 Cat At Dozei 7.00 per t-.a Phone Days I-940B Eves 3-836 or 2-4400 balem Oregon FULLER h rushes 1745 Grant Ph 3-83!" Olfl FENCE POSTS, poles, all types ShinglV.fl lernnzer ea tiatrocK fnunps Bros.. 6. Box 118. Ph. 314R8. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 11., Retread Tire Service. 320 80. Lancast nal;. WILL STORE spinet or small uprlg'rt for use or small rent for at least year 1555 Roosevelt. nal8"' WANTED furniture 10 Hue Jb rmmlr V Broi Fnrn Reflnlahlng Co 2-10J FURNITUttr Phone S-9I85 PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Producta 555 Cross ii.- Ph 2-5446 PIE-4! LCOHOLICS Anonymous Box 724 3-521 AUTOMOBILES NOW WRECKING 39 Nash Srdan. 39 Bulck Coupe. 37 Pl-V!? mouth Two 37 Chevrolet Sedans. Chevrolet Sedan. 37 Nash Rerinn. Vs Willys. 36 Plymouth. 35 Plymouth, ') Dodtre. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 145 Center, next to the bridge. ql8 BRAND NEW IP4B Studebaker Tudor, oc 150 miles. Unexpected personal affa: necesltBte selling. Reduced to $18f 1 Call 2-9821 after 5:30 weekdays, all d"': Saturday and Sunday. fllCl FORCED TO sell my 41 Ford. Runs , j lnnk cntvl hut it? Tn ... W 2261a McNary, W. Salem. Come evening- 'l nil-- $.V USED CAR lot. Any car on the ' 150 At your old one. 12th St. Junctlot q20: 1940 BUICK SUPER 4 DR. SEDAN iop mechanical condition, recently erhnuled. S750 or beat nffer. PhnH 2-5020. 2645 Maple Avenue. qlP 51 '47 FORD Convertible, r&h, new t !' sKirw, spotuie, etc., 11,225.00. 1560 Rot- sevelt St. qiH j Ifi35 FORD Convertible ph. 3-5622 dan. 3-4813 cvts. qiR1 1 WANT '37 PONTIAC FLAT BACK SEDAK. Pf iuai b UbliAN! TEXACO SERVICI 1 STATION. 2C5 CENTER ST. qlH 3d DODGE SEDAN, '42 motor, bullt-ll mum, jjo. ian anernoons and ve nings only. 395 N. 14th. Rm. 2. q 1 ll 1934 CHEV., In good condition. 550 It. Winter St. Phone 3-4224. qisr HMM PLYMOUTH. good condition. '41 mwmr. nwa. rn. wsqs evenings. qlP 1D40 G.M.C. 4-Ton Pickup. Excell. cond. New motor. See L. E. Gler, call eve ", iw . urint at. , Silverton. CM- Page 17) (Continued on