Commodity Credit Sells Flax Locally Washington, Aug. 2 W The agriculture department an nounced Monday sale ot about 57,583 pounds of flax fiber to the Salem linen mills of Salem Ore. The flax fiber had been ac quired by the department under a price support program. The department's remaining stocks total about 178,000 pounds. Tragedy Befalls Family The Entriken family lines up in Portland Ore., to have its picture taken after the group hadn't eaten for two days because they were without funds after Mr. Entriken left for California in search of a job and was stranded in Eugene, Ore., after his car broke down. Further tragedy came to the already hapless family when Nancy, 13 (right, rear row), went swimming in the Columbia river and drowned the day after this picture was taken. (Acme Tele-photo.) Mrs. John Irving Honored at Shower Independence Mrs. John Irv tog, Jr., was honored with a (bower at the home of Mrs. Oma Belle McBee Thursday evening. Hostesses were Mrs. Thelma Tallent, Mrs. Vernus Carr, Mrs. Pam Lohbeck, Mrs. Olga Bar thomy, Mrs. McBee and Miss Mary Donaldson. Mrs. irving was then pre sented with the gifts. Albany Field Grain Fire Most Serious for Season Albany, Ore., Aug. 2 One of the worst field fires of the sea son burned more than 60 acres of rye grass on the Joel Ropp property south of Albany at the end of Marion street, according to Fire Chief Don Hayne. Ropp claimed partial damage to 25 sacks of rye grass seed that were lying in the field ready to be hauled away. However, Burlineham-Meeker Seed com pany, handling the grain report ed that only 138 sacks ot ap proximately 350 in the field were hauled out before the fire swept over the grain. Chief Hayne also estimated that there were approximately 150 sacks of grain in the field. Rodd said that most of the burn ed-over grain could be salvaged. The loss was not covered by in surance. Four trucks from the Albany fire department answered the alarm as a brisk south wind spread the blaze through three 25-acre fields. The fire jumped two roads, but damage other than to the sacked grain was limited to fence rows and cut fields, Hayne reported. Hayne gave the department's radio system major credit for keeping the Ropp blaze and an other fire southeast of town from doing serious damage. Both fires were burning at the same time, and Hayne said that if the radio system hadn't been available to direct the fire men to points where they would be most effective one of the fires would have caused serious damage. The other fire started on the Leslie Cade property on Route 1, near the Price school, in a field that was being threashed by combine. Before any damage was done, the blaze jumped to the Barrett estate, now being farmed by Milton Zehr. More than 1400 sacks of rye grass seed were lying in the fire's path in one of Zehr's fields, but the fire was brought under control by Albany fire men before it reached the sack ed grain. The grain was val ued at more than $12,000. Two trucks answered the alarm. At the office of Salem Linen mills it was said Tuesday that the purchase of 57,583 pounds of flax fiber was Oregon flax on which the commodity credit corporation made advances sev eral years ago. later took over and is now selling to the local mills. Similar purchases have been made before. Wayne Scranron Host Independence Wayne Scran ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scranton, celebrated his tenth birthday when he entertained his neighborhood boy friends. After refreshments they at tended the drive-in theater in Salem. Those helping him cele brate were Peter Luthy, Charles Monson, Bobby Tom, Freddy and Owen Lamb. WHEREVER v ou may roam ... on land, sea or H foam . . . this vacation be sure you include your Capital jkJournal EL PASO B MIAMI BROWNSVILLE yxuui. TIA JUAN A t Salem it Leasing ..awspaper COLLEGE PORT g SAN JOSE & LOS ANGELES PEEKSKILL JF TIMBERLINE jT JjSr 8 CASPER MORRISON VANCOUVER iff & BEAR LAKE BOISE & -ZSZr CHICAGO KALAMAZOO ff COLUMBUS . jr HOME t M NEW YORK & TOPEKA SS " W tS.E,UR.UK. JOT MINNEAPOLIS si" LAtUS JjUUlSJS GREEN RIVER CALDWELL SUN VALLEY DENVER AND STILL KEEP ADVISED OF THE HAPPENINGS AT TOPEKA MEMPHIS GALVESTON With Your Favorite Capital Journal Feature Mary Worth, Orphan An nie, Mutt and Jeff and others. Fearless and timely edi torials on local, state and national happenings. Sports news. 1 tu y-gf - Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 2, 194915 Seed Producers Revise Estimates Portland, Aug. 2 VP) Seed producers today revised rye grass seed crop predictions for Oregon upward by ten million pounds. A survey indicted a harvest of more than 40,000,000 pounds This compares with an earlier prediction of 30,000,000 pounds and last year's total harvest of 27,000,000 pounds. Linn county growers, who produce much of the crop, credited favorable weather plus extensive use of chemical fertil izer and weed killers. They said the application of the weed and fertilizer chemicals helped the crop recover from a hard winter. Market sources said producer pVices were 9 Mi to 0 cents a pound. birthday when her parents en tertained for her at dinner. Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs . James Cobine and sons, Henry Rafferty, Mrs. E. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Rafferty, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Callies, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Miller and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Winn and son of Albany. Gambling Club Damaged by Fire A three-alarm fire gutted the second story Sportsman's club in Portland, Ore., causing heavy damage to eight shops in the two-story brick building. Damage was estimated at $100,000. (Acme Tele-photo.) Mrs. Faul Hostess Amity Mrs. Fremont Faul was hostess for a luncheon at the M. E. church parsonage. At tending were Mrs. Henry Otto, Mrs. C. W. Slacey, Salem; Mrs. Harry Lindgren, Corvallis; Mrs. C. E. Oldham, McMinnville, of ficers of the Salem district, WSCS. Plans were formulated for fall. Amity Rev. Fremont Fadl is in Tacoma, Wash., attending graduate school for ministers of the Methodist churches. Sharon Cobine Honored Independence Sharon Co bine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cobine, celebrated her first (Advertisement) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment, itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears Imme diately Sanitone Ointment is jlso wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale at Willett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone 3-3118 Where Does Your Money Go? ? 01 H HI en H a n w o i That's the big question. , . . solve the puzzle put your savings to work at Salem Federal! . . . then watch It grow as the dividends pile up. Ill ' CURRENT RATH ll Q ft Vi PER ANNUM fo : I Journal Want Ads Pay NOW! Dental Science Reveals a Startling Discovery in the Fight Against Tooth Decay PROOF THAT BRUSHING TEETH RIGHT AFTER EATING IS THE SAFE, EFFECTIVE WAY TO 1HJP STOP MM will (Colgate Pemtal Cream X-RAYS SHOW HOW PROPER USE OF COLGATE'S HELPS STOP TOOTH DECAY! Local news; keep in touch with the home town. Drew Pearson, the na tion's foremost columnist. Crossword puzzle. And All for 25c per Week! CIRCULATION DEPT. CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon I Send me the Capital Journal while I'm an my vacation. From (date) to (date) AT (Vacation Address) . NAME I HOME ADDRESS CITY STATE Eminent dental authorities supervised 2 groups of college men and women for over a year. One group always brushed their teeth with Colgate's right after eating. The other group followed usual dental care. X-rays were taken at regular intervals. The average of the group using Colgate Dental Cream as directed was a startling reduction in number of cavities far lest tooth decay! The other group developed new cavities at a much higher rate! Regular visits to your dentist are necessary for com plete dental care. No home method can help everyone; nor can it stop all tooth decay or help cavities already started 1 NO OTHER DENTIFRICE OFFERS PROOF OF THESE RESULTS The Most Important News in Dental History! Exhaustive Research on Hundreds of People by Eminent Dental Authorities Proves How Using Colgate Dental Cream Helps Stop Tooth Decay Before It Starts! NOW dental science offers scientific proof that hrushing teeth with Colgate Dental Cream right after eating is an effective, tafe way to help prevent new cav ities, greatly reduce tooth decay! More than a year's con tinuous research hundreds of case histories makes this the most important news in dental history! For now the same tooth paste you use to clean your breath while you clean your teeth offers a safe, moved way to reduce tooth decay I Colgate's h Safe Not An Experimental Formula! Colgate Dental Cream has been proved to contain all the necessary ingredients including an exclusive pat ented ingredient for effec tive daily dental care. No risk of irritation to tissues and gums! The Colgate Dental Cream now at your dealer's is the same formula that was used in the tests. You can use Colgate's with confidence. And using it as directed is a safe, proved way to avoid needless cavities actually help stop tooth de cay at home! To The Dental Profeuion The research described here was conducted in loading denial clinics under the supervision of some of America's foremost den tal research authorities. A detailed report of the tests is now in preparation and will he available for your use and study in tho near future. If you wish a copy, send your request on your own professional letter head to Colgate, Jersey City 2, N. J. These studies represent the most exhaustive evidence ever offered to the dental profession of actual reduction of cavities. They present scientific proof that always brushing teeth right after eating is one of the most effective ways yet known to help stop tooth decay before it starts. And Colgate Dental Cream is the only dentifrice that can prove the statements reported here. NO CHANGE IN FLAVOR, FOAM, OR CLEANSING ACTION I Millions know that Colgate Dental Cream cleans their breath while It cleans their teeth. That its wonderful wake-up flavor is preferred over all other dentifrices tested. That no other toothpaste does a better job of clean ing teeth. And there has been no change in Colgate's famous flavor ill mar velous foaming quality or its safe and thorough cleansing action! Mother! Children Love Colgate's Flavor I It's Easy to Start Them On The Colgate Way To Reduce Tooth Decay! "T 9 out of 10 children have one or more de cayed teeth by the time they enter school. So don't wait another day to start your children on Colgate Dental Cream. Teach them the importance of always brushing their teeth right after meals or snacks. They'll love Colgate's flavor so it's easy to get them to use Colgate's correctly, give them all the benefits of this safe, proved way to reduce tooth decayl THIKI IS ONLY ONI COLOATI DINTAL MIAMI fOUK DIALER HAS IT NOW IN THI (AMI FAMIIIAI PACKASt Always use Colgate's to Clean Your Breath While You Clean Your Teeth and HELP STOP TOOTH DECAY ! lljkuntr iiilil