1 . 8 d n: p- ' it r ' ii Capita Journal, Salem, Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER l rhmtn 15 arisriilo. had worked for the fl' nee company less than a month .en she discovered that she might able to work only a few months iger. Impelled to speak with neone she could trust, she called r mend. M ... , Something's happened. I think, i blurted out as soon as she heard rtrude's voice. "I don't know ether to be happy or Irlghtened -.Hi-, u fHappy or frightened?" ex Imed Gertrude. "Don't tell me, S continued, "you-ve found a new ;of'gcourse not," said Prlscllla .nattpntlv. "It's lust that . . . that hinir T'm irninff to have a baby. No!" Gertrude was silent for a ment. "Look," she said finally, Vve vnu told Kenneth or your tag mother-in-law yet?" 'No," siad Prlscllla. "I don't know w to . . . well, Kenneth Isn't me and ... . . , , nrmi" said Gertrude briskly ow don't tell them until I see oaain t think I can arrange I you to go to the doctor who ed Nancy up . . . 'But Gertrude," she Interrupted, ippose I WANT to have a baby. Inn't. know . . ." 3ertro.de was silent again for a .ment and when she spoke she med to be measuring ner auvitc, nnt h a fonl. honey." she said. Deprived of the reassurance she 3 hoped to get from Gertrude, .scllla decided to walk over to Pris," said Viola soberly, "it may ' that, under these conditions, Ttrude is not so far wrong." VI . began recounting her experl :es with the Kent family, rortun dy for her, she had never been .oprf like Prlscllla. to live with im. Daniel owned a modest ga ! le business and they had been . ,e. from the first, to afford their n place. I hate to say this, Pris," declared la, "but it Is better to know what a are facing. As a result of hav ( run wild during his formative ITS, Ken IS lazy, neaaBwwuUi "u :onsiderate. Daniel took him into . business and tried his best to -elop him but had K give mm as a bad Job. Honey, I . . . Per ns von mav make a man of him. rlscilla felt the tears gather in f eyes. "Oh, Viola, I hpoe so. For lur tile uttujr a mm, nwb mw, i whispered. The following Saturday night scilla and Kenneth drove to a urth of July party, and their be ; alone together In the car ai ded Just the privacy she wanted. I really shouldn't dance tonight, u see, dear, we're going to have ' baby," she said demurely, her is watching him out of the cor s, 'Oolnir to have what?" h ex- ided, almost losing control of tsy. Are you glad, Ken?" . 'Well, I ain't exactly glad. But . l got to give me time to get id to the Idea. Mom'U be tickled . I guess. Maybe you two'll get ' mr better." Vhen they got back, Kenneth, ldenlv hilarious, shouted up the Irs, "You wanna hear sumpln . my. folks? We're gonna have a ! yr " risclUa flinched under the lm it of his coarseness. lis father came down and con ttulated them both, but Mrs. nt seemed little pleased and her y comment was marked by ner ml sarcasm. She ain't never home. Maybe er the bbay comes tmngs ii be ferent," she snarled. Several days later she was try- to decide whether to go to rk late or to make a visit, ln ad, to a good obstetrician, when I heard the phone ring. Assuming it It was Kenneth, she ran down i steps. Ipprehenstvely Prlscllla took the .phone. Don't go away on an ler trip now, said her heart, n't go away and leave me with lr mother. Is It really business ing you away or Is It . . . some ng else? Cenneth's warm tone of voice re ured her. He said that the com ly was sending him on a three :ks' trip to Omaha and back. was telling the truth . . . this ie. she felt sure. Of course, she . want him to stay, but If he had go . . . Don't worry, Babes. I'll be back ore you know it. Just be a good 1 and stop flghtln' with Mom," cautioned. He seemed about to g off. Oh. Ken," said Prlscllla. "I nk maybe I should go to an itetriclan today." -vjCY 2849 : ii llr.rtllttill I v Ore., Tuesday, August 2, 1949 There was silence for a moment. "I don't get it." said Kenneth fi nally ."My God, it's only been a couple of months. How much money do you think I have to spend on uuciorsr' "But . . ." Prlscllla beean. "No buts about it." said Ken neth roughly. "Give me a woman that ain't a weakling. Going to the doctor this early In the game. Huh!" nn smmmea aown tne telephone in her ear. For a week after Kenneth's de parture there was a precarious truce between Prlscllla and her mother-in-law. Finally a letter came from Kenneth addressed to his wife. Prlscllla found the letter on the table in the living-room and took it to her room to read. It wa. lust a short note. He sent his love to ner ana nis parents and sister. The letter was not very exciting cer tainly not a love letter. She ran down the steps light-heartedly to convey the message to Mrs. Kent. "I have a letter fmm TCn " ,hB said cheerfully. "He sends you his I She beean to read it ninnH vvian I Mrs. Kent turned arnnnH anH I snatched the letter from her hand. reaa," sne asserted hotly its too bad my own son has to oeiia me nis love by somebody else I guess ya told him to send his letters to you lnstedda ma " "Why. I didn't tell him anything of the kind," protested Prlscllla "Don't tell me!" raeed the nldar woman, i xnow your lyin', fllrtin' kind." Unable to enrilir flnv mrxvm l her mother-in-law's temper, she self sobblnc. Into her arms un. vi," she moaned, "I can't imvc a paoy in mat terrible place with that horrible old rather die.' NOW Ait down here ripar whll. I work, and trv t. rnlm vnnnalf 1 Then we'll figure this thing out." "I'm practically throuah. slad Viola Innocently. "Be a (rood girl and fro find Laddlo Prlscllla, graeful tor something to , nu uuiojue ana, oy tne timet she returned with him to tur ,,..- yuan sne louna uertrude there "Gee, I'm sorry!" said Gertrude, wnen rriscuia nad told her of Mrs Kent's Jealousv. "I can't hein tit. I ing you again that T (hint m, ouuuiu tscb rm oi tnac DaDy. i uyj wane tn navn a hahv -v plained Prlscllla. "but I wish . '. oh I do wish Kenneth and I could nave our own place." I wonder what chance thera Is honestly, of our ever havina our own place, she thought. Where Is K.ennetn toniitnt7 In what ran ilea of the Blue Dragon Roadhouse, or wnatever tney call It In Omaha? Would Viola's home be the oniv homelike place Prlscllla would ever Know 2850 sizes n The Sllmminr Line The sllhou ette is simple the flared nrlncess siyung. The accent Is smart eye catching scallops, easily finished witn narrow Dinaing. No. 2850 Is cut In sizes 12. 14, 16, 18, 20. 36. 38. 40. 42. 44 and 46. Size 18, 4 yds. 35-ln. send 2ac lor ranmN witn Name. Address, and Style Number. State Size desired. SUMMER is the time for pretty styles the Fashion Book the place to lind tnem. Everything you need for that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country, home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing. Price Just 20 cents. Order your copy now. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number. State Size desired. Address Capital Journal 552 Mis sion St. Snn Francisco 6, Calif ...In Child's Prayers Embroider these morning and evening prayers In easy satin, outline, French knot and lazy daisy stitches. The appealing flower faces, animals and birds will interest children of all ages and make them eager to memorize the well loved words. Pattern Envelope No. R2849 con tains hot-iron transfers for two pictures, each measuring approxi mately 9 by 12 Uiches; color sug gestions stitch Illustrations, material requirements and embroidering di rections. To obtain ti. uancra send 30c I IN COINS Riving pattern number. your name, address and zone num ber to Peggv Roberts Canltal Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco s u&iu. YES, 'BO KAY THIS IS TOUB SISTER ROB6I&1 TvOLTD TURN GOODBYSS K T COME ALONG, STEVE ! YEAH--BUT What an - IN A BLONDE VVK3.' I'M GOING BACK TO BALOV W?"NOWL-. ... V I WANT YOU TO MEET REMEMBER THIS, explosive LINCOLN CITY AND JOIN YOUR FRIENDS' I-I'LL FIND A WAY Ss-UH-ASSCCIATES.' RC6ERTS.' MAKE situation.'t- T AND AS SOON AS I HAVE ENOUGH TO STOP YOU S nS I" T ONE PASS Two " EVIDENCE, IX INFORMING THE LOCAL A , N I AT MY undercover E r N? VX SECRET SERVICEV W' V. --a ' PlGECM workers V W2&& AGENT Jyjife ' ! (?f ft SH VZfo THAW VOULL trying to aA1 A- I LEG- " I LEG- ILS r-P- MAKE-UP v,;. MAKE-U 1 J-. FOR THAT POR TMAl LA 'J 1 ' " cu n . f AnDEIUOH O 1 """1 ff TAKtN- OPF ON A RAPT IS FOOL W 1 SMM LIIE AN EEL, AN 60 CftN fi p IT LIKE AS NOT NOBOCX'LLTgV A i 0 STUFF FOR KIDS, AS A ROLE BUT H) YOU, IF WE HaVE TO- AN WE'RE NOT iij " TO TRACK US-BUT IF THEN WCTft SOT fj Dtt-stKcrl Tt SArtOV" jtrl 1 1 u'Jt wt hcvek iwc v-rwcr D rvo I WISH EM LUCW-. Ai-fft. II 5 J.'W) CHANCES -AND THIS SURE DOES BEST ' Wk. yMVU4C:Z. m, : T . .-iZ WALK-IN'.-EH. SANDY' f- TV,.:-. ' r kfjau S9gm I- f I'M CERTA1MLV FLATTERED Y"THE PLEASURE'S ALL MIME, I I .nOWIWOMDER K . JAxJT& TC COOW TO, OUHCL MEETS TO CCHUOtR M CAV Of yo-moMw. I I 3 V Ip.W ou"l X ffiJW YJ Z 7 Z I I a i c XZZZJ uncinnw H Fill iCF T'AtVDT I A i hDUA i HeyjBFFI THIS CLOCK INYEHI I KNOWJ Yjll RX T AHEAD? NO! CANT I ? NOT Kjf S NINE M OH-1 DON'T KMOW V HOW DO HERE IS FASTI ITS ONLY J r MADE A IT.' I'LL I ITS FAST! EVEfH IF T SET I Y O'CLOCK H THE EXACT TIME XJ KNOVi I IJZi this CLocKser set the clock Uhead seUZ? hours aheap51W ' isn't nine I r lJrSf 5SSJS -v, TtM. "-v. it'll be wonderful,, vtxw job will keep, i'll feel T xj i wEa,ivs jusr ems to sw that SIR -BUT MY JOB BETTER WITH VOU ALONS. ( WHAT. SIR? I CONT THINK VOU'LL FIND IT jl ..AND SO, BILL, I WAMT VOU TO AT MILESTONE J AND ANOTHER THIN(3: UNLESS V PLEASE, MR. TOO "TOLkSH A CHORE 7D BE. trfiW' D 60 ALON-i WITH PATTY, RUSTY AND FARM" jfi I'M COMPLETELY WRON6.I THINK MILES, WHAT LOOKING AFTER EVA! EH? "ft MISS BLAKE, THEY SHOULD HAVE fs I OH, WELL, SKIP IT J ( WERE OU s S U A MAN WITH THEM. BESIDES, J Vj if! . 60IN6 TO -r- - . rfc S ' l1 ES! !ir -2F 5 S?K4 MM I " sr-r. . II I I t, a . I I ii I I HAVE AN UNEASY (y, N0T 5EENK. OF KATHEWNE.'-- DON'T BE iir!5r2Sri 1 FEELING ABOUT DAD.uXS SEEN65, JUNIOR! I fRK5HTENEO,DEAR!.-DRUM I r3- BEBE! - AFTER ALL i Ai TURN ON SOME I WONT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN Sa J -irCJ-rrX1 i could- ftiz i i-!&j-'vp-- . wr RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY 'KSLM i"o'KGW IT.flO L-nii.n ic.u Jr Wmbb'i Secret RhTlhm Rneh Curt Maney :xJwi Rlcb.rd H.rkntH Sport Pe L.rrr LeSuer m :00 R.Bar Brand Muiietl CockUil Cndlellfht and Kno M.nnln " Z 16 B-B Br"d Mu.leal Crktil Silver Bnd. sn P,r.d, ft "d" ! Cta-i. M. and J.ni. New. Chet Huntle, ":4 Mule Me and Janle Iik Willon Newi 7 l (l.brifl Heitter Martin A Lewli Pat O'Brien Lynn Cola 1 SiiC." ?. Martin Uwi. B.b.!l r.bprU" h :J0 Muile K'"' MeB Bueball It Paya to be A& Music Klnt'i Men Baicball lrnornt T66 Mlcln. Drama Hollywood Theatre Baiebajj Jekpot It Mu,ie Hollywood Theatre Bateball Hit the Jackpot Riders In the Sky Id Vour Hand. Bandstand ""I""" ; Rider, in the Sky In Vour Hand. Pmout Dope Orche.tra 9:00 Monte trmt Supper Clob """l! Lowell Thoma, " 1ft Monte Cri.to New. of World m, i ' ;S0 Favorite Story Hofan'a Daughter Baieball Mr. A Mrs. Nertl : Favorite Story Hoyan'. Paafhter Bairbill Mr. Mr.. Nortfc ;W Zl Sew. Ba.eball Fiva Star Final lfl wt Sport. Pare rinal New. Bound Up Myatery Theatra 1 11:30 Select Local Newi Band, of Land Track llflO Myatery Theatre I V;45 MusJe Band Baton Track 1IW Spin to Win 00 Fulton Lewi.. Jr. Sam flaye. Track 14M Serenade ' 11 IB Bob Poole Show Wax Mu.eum Track 14t You and World I l;30 Bob Poole Show Wai Mu.eum Track MM Orchestra I - :46 MujIc Wax Mu.eum Track M80 Newa U:(ie slun Off 5'rn Q Sign nt WEDNESDAY 6 A.M, TO 4:45 P.M. -00 New. Ilodfo Podn New. 15 Dawn Patrol Hod Fedn KOIN Kloek in N W New. New. KOCO Klock KOIN Kloek 4fl March Time Hodxo Podw KOCO Klock KOIN Kloek loo Dawn Patrol farm Time Tex Kilter KOIN Klock "lo Dawn Patrol Farm Time Neva A B porta Newa SO Dawn Patrol The Old Sonca Top O' Morntnt News Ai Sew. New. Top O' Morning Fred Beck 8:00 New. Smooth Mu.la Weitern Melodies Consumer New lb Breakfast Gani Smooth Musle Western Melodies Art Baker 30 Breakfast Gans Riders of Sane The Stars Sinn Robert Lewis 45 Top Trade. Sam Hayes Church In Wild Robert Lewis T66 Bart a In Counter Second Cup Melody Time Vocal Varieties ;, Mornlns Special Second Cup Melody Tims News ;30 Son. of Pioneers Jack Berch Musio Grand Slam 4n Music New. J. Charles Thomas Ro.cmary -h :00 News Tommy Dorsey Guest Artist Wendy Warns 11 Kate Smith Tommy Dorsey N.W. Report Aunt Jenny 111-30 Pastor's Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent IV :43 WUcs Walts Time Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday -oo New" Lope. Orch. Gla.a Wax Bla Sister 11-IA GosP' Slneer. Lopes Orcb. Glass Wax Ma Perkins E I :30 Musle Today's Children Glass Wax Young Dr. Malona E I .45 Walt. Serenade Lor a Lawton Glass Wsx Guiding Light - A oa Top Trade. Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo News " 1 O 1ft N'ew'1 Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo Coma A Get II I : Q"0 to D Newa N'ews Vorah Drake 3 V :4A Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Pre.ents Brighter Day 5 Ladies First u(e Beautifol Mac's Melodies iad Mr. Burtoa ,5 Ladle. First Ro,a of Life Mac's Melodies Perry Mason 30 New. Pepper Young Mac'. Melodies Pat O'Brien AH Bob Ebcrly Show Happiness Mac'. Melodies Alr-flo TOO Tel1 Neighbor Backstage Wife Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air ,fl John.on Family stella Dallas Mae's Melodies Newspaper of Air 30 Organ Reveries Lorenso Jones Mac's Melodies Winner Take All :tft Bint Sings Wlddcr Brown Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yours TOO A1!"! the Storm A Girl Marries Mae's Melodies News " :18 Against the Etorm portia Faces Llfs Mae's Melodies Meet tho M lis as 30 Music Just Plain Bill Mac's Melodies Meet tho Mlssua -4R On Parade Front Page Farrell Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4:00 Say It with Musio Welcome Travelers Movlellmo Arthur Godfrey tfi Say It with Muslo Welcome Travelers Friendly Arthur Godfrey 30 Songs of TJmee Aunt Mary Spotlit. Husla Arthur Godfrey We Love fc Learn Spotllrhl on Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: lPV Tuesday P.M. S:00, Squirrel Cage) lU ti:M, Johnny LuJ LuJackt 6:00, Keep inr Up With Sports; 6:15. Home Edition 6:30, Modern Romances: 7: INI. Home Edi tion) 7:1.1, Elmer Davlst 7:30, Report to the People: 7:4.1, Musle by Boverot 8:00, Counterspyt 8:30. Town Meeting; 0:30, Monitor Newst 9:45, Book Adventures) 10:00, Richfield Reporter: 10:15, Intermes tot 10:30, Concert Hour: 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow; 13:00, Xtra Hourj 1:00, Sign IlCY Wednesday A.M. 6:00, Early lCA Bird; 6:45, Dirt Doctor; 7:00, News; 7:15, Band Box; 7:30. Bob Hasen Show: 7:45, Time Tempos: 8:15, Martin lAgronskyt 8:30, Zeke Manners; 8:45, Trop- Ilcana; 9:00. Breakfast Club; 10:00, News; 10:15, Stars of Today; 10:30, Melody Promenade; 11 -int. Ted Malone; 11:15, Ga- Drake: 11:30, My True Story; 12:00, I Betty Crocker; l'i:15. News; 1-2:30, Bauk hase Talking: 12:15, Nancy Craig; 1:00, North westerners; 1:30, Kay West) 2:00, Breakfast in Hollywood. Degree Work Offered Amity Amity lodge No. 67, conferred the Third Degree up on Fay Morrison at the regular meeting. Special guests were A. R, McLaughlin and Hugh Lewis, grand patriarch and grand junior ACROSS 1. Granted 8. Poorly t. Steal IJ. Worship 13. Pedal diptt 14. The milkflsh 15. Grew to bo IT. Heated 19. Tropical bird ?0. Olden times 22. In favor of 23. Was not tiftbt 26. Sepulcher 29. Back of a boat 31. Swab 33. Female deer 34. Negative 35. In name only 33. Father 59. Pointed tool 41. Floor covering 42. Upright part of a stair 44. Insect 46. Present 45. Daily 60. Follow 61. Yellow oehar 64. Room 67. Gyrate 69. Everythlni 6I. Low 62. Entitles 61. Remunerate 64. Orb of day 65. Stalks DOWN 1. Workbasket 2. Paradise S lb Hp '7 It 127 las I " r43 47 gM JEzriijm 1 ROOM AND BOARD AOTHERL LUNCt4 gg THCXJHT TD GET IT I- , . "T" PATENTED, I'D AStC VM' ROYALTIES FOR. THE ) TODAY'S . " Ji37e f ju- EATING II " Q-T-H-R.I-L-L M i sl t; THE -"IMI liij'WEENEEW'? P.M. I3U I HBO l K0C0 lUt I K0IN 1 KEX, 119Q; KOAC, 650 lOAf Tuesday P.M. 5:00, Ob tha Upbeatt 5:50, 550 Sports Clnbi 6:00, News; 6:15, Dinner Melodies; 6:30, 'Round the Campflrei 7:15, Evening Farm Hour; 8:00, O.C.E, Forum; 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast; 9:00, Musle That Endures; 9:45, Lift Up Thy Voles; 10:00. Excursions In Science; 10:15, Serenade, 10:45, New.; 11:00, Sign Off. lf"Ap Wed A M"- News; 10:11, IWSA- Especially lor Woman 11:M, Coneert Ball; 11:00, News; 1S:15, Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15, Va riety Time; 1:30, This Day; 1:45, Melody Lanei 8:00, Cavalcade of Drama; t:15, Memory Book of Music; 8:00, News. 2:30, Easy Aces; S:4ff, Meet tho MajoJrst '4-00, Surprise Package; 8:30, Bride and Groom: 4:00. Ladies Be Seated; 4:30. Add-a-llne. I warden of the Grand Encamp ment. There were visitors from Beaverton, McMinnville, Day ton and Yamhill. Several mem bers of Canton Yamhill No. 8 P. M., assisted with the cere mony. Solution of Yesterday' Puzzis Easily man aged Ago 6. Behavior (. That thlnf T. Baaa S. Part of a plant I. Accessory of a muizla loading gua 10. Have debts 11. Poor 1 6. Wild animal 18- Decay 21. Popular her 24. Sea bird 26. Spanish gentleman J7. Act out of sorts 28. Endure 29. Difficulty 30. Village 32, Types f perfection 36. Mire 37. Ignited 40. Recently 43. Open 45. Pull 47. And not 48. Sweet potatoea 52. Article 53. Minus 54. Circuit 65. Old musical note 66. Person addressed 68. Make edging 6L Along Bv Gene Ahern RlIllAjTlOlPflElRiG IE A SHIP E A SlAlN T S U S AlEllSjT RIB C AV E RNsnM "Qltl-t,! E V E NTllA fl AmIaIr - 9. NfCMt c sa l. a MZolini A U O N pIOinMCL TED E M 0tT O n SfOAiriA -315 ill A CT D puel1o1bTsUree D