- 8 c P , ' h f t! tl r " h tl rp ti lk I I I t n ! a !i Mir ! i I a ' l n ; b I P- ii b ! t 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 2, 1949 New Ring Syndicate Head Is Old Hand at Promoting By FRANK ECK (AP Newsreitursa ftporU Editor) New York It seems strange to see anyone but Mike Jacobs sitting in one of the chairs from which he promoted 26 world heavyweight title fights. But James D. Norris sits there these days. Detroit millionaire Norris is the new president of the Inter national Boxing club of New York. And if anybody thinks the son of James Norris, a na tive of St. Catharines, Ontario, who made his fortune in wheat, Is a new hand at promoting he's all wet. Norris, who looks much younger than his 42 years, has been connected with various ports promotions "for about 17 years," as he puts it. "We promoted Joe Louis fights before Mike Jacobs ever heard of him," says Jim rather modestly. "We put on about six or eight of his fights in Chi cago and Detroit before Joe be came champion. Promoted Dempsey Fight "We also promoted Jack Dempsey's last fight in Chicago It was a four-round exhibition with King Levlnsky In 1932, the second year of Dempsey's first comeback." The "we" Norris talks about Includes his father who is presi dent of both the $6,900,000 Chi cago stadium and the $5,000, 000 Olympia Arena in Detroit and has owned the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League since 1933, and Arthur M. Wirtz. Young Jim Is execu tive vice president and secre tary of both arenas. Wirtz, more famous for his Sonja Henle Ice productions, is In a number of business ventures with young Norris. They have the Indianapolis Capitols of the American Hockey League and the Oma ha Knights of the U.S. Hockey League. They also operate New York's Center Theatre and both are In the IBC. In Detroit It's the IBC of Michigan and in Chicago It's the IBC of Illinois. Here in the big city the boxing writers refer to the IBC as the OBHM (One Big Happy Monoply). But Jim Nor ris takes It all in stride, even to the extent of joking with the boys who say this is a bigger boxing monoply than Uncle Mike Jabobs ever dreamed of Markson IS New York Head Norris' right hand man in New York is Harry Markson, who ran the Twentieth Century b. during us final year of ex istence. He is the IBC's man aging director here while Al Weill, former fight manager, is matchmaker. Although Norris and the IBC II V tS$ '' llil fc'ni ! ililii nlli lln ' lit i ll In Joe Louis Arthur M. Wirtz rf ' " r M i I i&T""- ''" I f W y t wy j if I James I. Norris gained much prestige by pro moting the Ezzard Charles-Joe Walcott heavyweight title fight in Chicago, he says his biggest promotion was the second Rocky Graziano-Tony Zale fight Indoors in Chicago Stadium in 1947. The bout drew $422,918. The IBC, he says, made about $50,000 on the Charlcs Walcott bout but "lost a cou ple of thousand dollars" when Jake LaMotta recently stop ped Marcel Credan of Casa blanca for the middleweight crown in Detroit. Norris believes the IBC, de spite cries of monoply, will be a boon to boxing. He thinks there's still time this summer for .'.'three or four big outdoor shows. The big attraction, of course, is the heavyweight battle be tween Charles and Gus Lesne- vlch in Yankee Stadium on Aug. 10, even though New York's boxing commission remains firm In refusing to recognize the win ner as champion. -I !12w, hLMt Ezsard Charles Gus Lesnevich taafcsil , , v. i- Lee Savold Bruce Woodcock Robinson Holds Wide Margin in National Batting New York, Aug. 2 WP) Nearly every week, it seems, another challenger looms up to take a whirl at Jackie Robinson, but the star Brooklyn second base man still holds a wide margin in the battle for the National league batting title. Six men now have tried to dislodge Jackie, since he took over the lead late in May. The latest being Enos Slaughter of the St. Louis Cardinals. Through games of last Sun day, July 31, Robinson owned a torrid .364, 36 points higher than Slaughter's runnerup .328. The Cardinals' flychaser led teammate Al (Red) Schoen dienst by one point. Corners Defeat Knots Three 'C League Squads A defeat of the Four Corners "C" leaguers Monday night by the Midget Markets threw the league into a three way tie for first between those contenders and the Keizer Oilers. The Markets blanked the pre viously unbeaten Corner crew 4-0 on the one-hit pitching of Dan Feller. In the only other game of the league the Oilers slammed out 11 hits to collect a 16-6 win over the Schreders. Triux Oileri 544 J 16 11 0 Schreder' 040 2 0 3 7 Kepplnner, 8hafb (2) and Ntwlon; Smith and Syrlm. 4 Corner 000 000 1 3 MldveU 220 Ox 4 1 1 Llndberc. Bprtels (2) and SchrensMt; Peller and Oborn. Ned Irish "We figure the fight will pay off around $150,000," says Nor ris, "and will do $175,000. Ring side seats, about the first 20 rows, are selling for $16.50." (Some experts figuie the fight will do well to draw $100,000) "The big heavyweight attrac tion of the future, though, will take place when the winner of this bout meets the Lee Salvold Bruce Woodcock winner, It should be here next June. It's too big a match to hold in doors." Savold and Woodcock meet in London on Sept. 6. Norris plans for other outdoor shows this year in clude a Sept. 14 match be tween Rocky Grnzlano and Charley Fusarl, a possible middleweight title bout In the Polo Grounds "the end of September" between LaMot to and Ccrdan; a test between welterweight champion Ray Robinson and Steve Helloise and a rubber match for the featherweight crown between Willie Pep and Sandy Saddler. The IBC includes some of the biggest names in sports. Ned Irish, Madison Square Garden executive vice president, has the same title with the IBC, Tru man Gibson, Chicago negro, is secretary of each IBC. Louis is director of boxing. The board of directors in clude Norris, Wirtz, Louis, Irish and Gen. John Reed Kil patrick, Garden president. Have Exchange Rights Norris explains that when r i m V. m r " Medford's Sewa&e Plant Operates MpHfnrH Aue. 2 (flV-For the first time in its history, the city of Medford did not dispose 01 sewage in free-flowing streams today. A newly constructed trunk line sewer to the camp White sewage plant went lnio service. The nlant capable of handling sewage for a city of more than 40,000 people, was built during a t&'W p it's t pfm w Teacher Leads Parson jtI Scandinavia on a six-weeks preaching tour, is beaten by Arne Andersson, Sweden's "flying school teacher," in an exhibition 1000-meter race at Stackhlom. (AP photo.) Louis officially retired In March, he had a chance to tie up with the Tournament of Champions. "I thought we'd be better off to get Joe Louis in with us," says Norris. Two months later Mike Jacobs sold his Twentieth Century Sporting Club interests to the IBC. The syndicate then took over the T. of C. and tied in with the Garden. Thus, be sides exclusive boxing rights to the arenas in Chicago and De troit, the IBC has Yankee Stadi um, the Polo Grounds, Garden and St. Nicholas Arena for box ing In this city. Norris, who attended three prep schools Lawrenceville, Blair and Roxbury but "never got to college," has always been interested in sports. He played some football and baseball. When he was 21 he turned to horse racing. Today he Is master of the Spring Hill Farm at Paris, Ky., where he has 12 brood mares and three stud horses. He has a dozen horses in train ing. Best horse he ever own ed is Nell K, a homebred bay filly. Nell K, a 3-year-old daugh ter of the obscure Crowfoot who cost $3,000 at a 1939 dis posal sale, won $42,275 this spring by taking such filly stakes races as the Acorn at Belmont, the Prioress at Ja maica and the Gazelle at Aque duct. "Horses are my own idea," says Norris. "Some people say it's a sucker's game, but not me." "Well, you have years when you break even," he says rather proudly. Williams-Ross In Mat Mainer Al Williams and Tony Ross are billed for the main event in the Tuesday rassling show at the Salem armory in a bout which is scheduled to give the winner a crack at Frank Stojack. Al Szasz and Buck Weaver are listed for the semi-final with Tex Hager and Billy McEuin listed for the opener. Corvallis Woman Golf Medalist Portland, Aug. 2 VP) Gracie De Moss of Corvallis is the wo men's medalist in the 1949 City golf championship. Miss De Moss tied yesterday with Helen Thompson of Med ford in an 18-hole round. Each had 70s. They went an extra nine for the honor, with Miss De Moss carding 39 and her rival 41. Get Ready for Hunting Season Sporting Goods Clearance Sale SLEEPING BAGS 5 Deluxe Double-Up Can be used at a tingle or zip 2 bags together to make a wide double. 1 0 lb. 1 00 wool, size 36x80 $0 O CA full zipper bag, reg. $30.00, now .... ZZ(3U 8 Ranger, tame at above except lighter weight. Size 36x78. Regular $34.50 $16 50 1 48x80 all wool, regular Slrt fC $34.50, now I V ,fj 1 48x80 wool and cotton, $11 regular $17.50, now I ,jLD TARPAULINS 1 8x9 heavy canvas, $C QC regular $8.25, now 4a7af 1 6x6 heavy canvas, $ O K regular $5.50, now 1 9x10 21-oz. heavy canvas, $1 O regular $15.00, now lJ,wJ 1 7x9 21-oz. heavy canvas, $it AC regular $10.00, now OuJ GUNS There will still be a shortage of deer rifles tee our selection now. OUTBOARD MOTORS 1 Used Evenrude. $"TC AA Perfect condition. . D JJ PICNIC KITS 2 wicker or washable aeroplane cloth covered. Complete with un breakable utensils. $14 Reg. $25.00, now It.7 BOYS' BACK TO SCHOOL JACKETS 100 all wool, dark green with knit collar, cuff and waistband. Sizes 6, 8 and 10 yeart. Regular $8.95, now $4.95 GOLF IRONS Oddt and ends. Valuet up to $9.50, now $4.50 GOLF WOODS $6.95 Attorted models and makes. Valuet up to $12.50, now. . Howard Maple Sporting Goods 372 State Street Phone 3-6042 Dignified Chamber Heads Acts As 'Victim'-and Then Is Los Angeles UH Harry G. Bolin, dignified 47-year-old president of the Eagle Rock Chamber of Commerce, didn't know what he was In for when he volunteered to be the "victim" of a mock hanging. To publicize the Eagle Rock Wild West Centennial celebra tion, Bolin let them dangle him from a parachute harness by a hook attached to a portable crane. Two hundred spectators applauded, thinking it was part of the act when the winch on the crane slipped and Bolin fell 10 feet to the ground. He was treated for a broken ankle and a two-inch gash on his head. the war for the army camp, it was acquired recently by thi city from the war assets admin istration. In addition to Medford, thi plant serves the veterans admin istration domiciliary center a' Camp White, and will serve Cen tral Point when that town con nects with the main trunk line. Medford has in the past dump ed much of its sewage into Beai creek, which is a tributary ol the Rogue river. Central Poinl also uses this method of disposal . 111) 'iMiffiOH: a. r ' 'Wm HE8E . Einlt'inWT-'- -nn-aai -otiriwiiai'imirir , i 'ffiril RnnfC fltln anmPPrince Bernhard, consort of Queen VVVli HMU JUUWIfe Jullana o Holland weighs in before riding in one of the events of the International Horse show at White City, London. Salem Lawn Sprinkling Co. Complete Installation Manual - Semi-Automatic - Full Automatic Standard or Pop-up Heads Free Estimate! Absolutely No Obligation WE GO.ANYWHERE 734 N. High St. Ph. 34537 W ft t 'i 1 AcTiV3Tea Shell Premium is the most powerful gasoline your car can use! 9 i w mi Activation makes the difference Shell splits molecules: Shell scientists take the finest available crude activile the molecules b splitting them and rearranging the atoms according to Shell's formula for a perfectly balanced gasoline. The result Shell Premium, the most powerful gasoline your car can usel YES, many of today's engines have been stepped-up . . . they call for more powerful gasoline! Now Shell gives you the most powerful gasoline your car can use Shell Premium it's "activated." No other fuel can top its power in your car! This is made possible by Shell's own, spe cially produced power components and by Shell's own blending methods! Actually, Shell splits molecules to get more power for today's more powerful engines. So you get a gasoline that's "activated" 3 ways! 1. Activated for knockltus poworl Pulling hard in low gear or traveling at full throttle. Shell Premium delivers full, quiet power! 2. Activated for fast "getaway." Shell Premium delivers the extra. power you can feci no "balking," no "stuttering" you gol 3. Activated for full mileage. Shell engineers "balance" Shell Premium so (hat ' every drop of fuel goes to work for joul 'Service is my business 14