Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Tea Honors Bride-Elect Among this week's affairs honoring brides-elect is the in- formal tea for which Miss Mar- ; ian Carson is to entertain next Saturday afternoon to honor Miss Joan Hoereth, who is to be married August 28 to Theo dore Covalt. Guests are bidden between 4 and 6 o'clock, the tea to be at the South Church street home of Miss Carson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Carson. Herb Tea to Be In Dillard Gardens Lebanon The Lebanon Gar den club's 12th annual herb tea is set for Thursday, August lS, rather than the 17th as first an nounced, and the locale is the Thomas Dillard home in the Gore community, instead of the high school campus. Designated by the national federation of garden clubs as one of the nation's "open gar dens," the Dillard place is land scaped in such a manner that varied choice shrubs make ef fective backgrounds for many annual and perennial flowers, and though the effects are care fully calculated, a charming ap pearance o f informality is achieved which results in focal points of complimentary color groupings throughout the flower ing season. Mrs. Oliver Gunderson, gen eral chairman of the affair states everyone may have the opportunity to inspect the gar dens while open to the public during tea hours. A work meeting was held Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ivan Ayers to make lav endar sticks, pomanders and other herb products, and to com plete favors. Other work meet ings will be announced to which all interested to come and bring materials suitable for the mak ing of the product. Mrs. Harry Howe is herb products chairman for the tea, and Mrs. Ayres will plan the tea tables. Betrothal Told Dallas The engagement of Miss Lavina Harder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Unrau of Dallas, to Edward Friesen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Friesen of Independence, has been an nounced. No plans are announ ced for the wedding. The bride elect attended Salem Bible academy and Mr. Friesen attend ed schools at Monmouth. FORTY members and guests attended the semi - monthly party for the Sojourners club Thursday afternoon. The guests were Mrs. J. S. Bonawitz, Mrs. Wallace Mills and Mrs. Louis Ertz. New members welcomed were Mrs. Wendell G. Munson and Mrs. Clyde Warren. Mrs. August Rigby was chair man for the day's committee. The dessert tables were decora ted with miniature lace dolly hats with fresh flowers for trim. Honors at cards went to Mrs. A. P. Collins, Mrs. Mason DeNeffe, Mrs. Bon Cleary and Mrs. J. S. Bonawitz. Mrs. E. J. Church will be chairman for the August 11 meeting. S1LVERTON The Silverton Business and Professional Wo men's club will meet at the city park, Tuesday evening, for a 6:30 family picnic supper. Cof fee and bread will be furnish ed. In informal social hour will follow the supper. Mrs. Irene Roubal, president will be hostess for the members and friends who will be wel comed by the entire member ship. The club plans to send a rep resentation to Portland when the booster group charters a bus under the direction of V. V. Runyan. SILVERTON Jentoft Johan sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Johansen, Silverton, and Miss Jeannine Hadley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hadley of Toledo, exchanged their mar riage vows the evening of July 2d at Trinity Lutheran church the Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr officiat ing at the double ring ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Johansen will make their home in Klamath Falls where he will complete a course in the Oregon Technical Vocational school. Salem Lawn Springling Co. Complete Installation Manual Stmi-Automatie Full Automo'ic Standard or Pop-Up Heads Fret Estimates Absolutely No WE GO ANYWHERE 734 North High St. Women LOWES FISCHEB Ksmwnaonanii Ore., Monday, August 1, 1949 For Visitors Miss Edna McElhaney enter tained Saturday evening at a supper party in the garden to honor Mrs. Fritz Levin of Llnds borg, Kan., and Mrs Orval Ber dan and daughter, Miss Beverly, visitors from Napa, Calif. Other guests included members of the Ecclesia club, Miss Irene de Lisle, Miss Alice Mathey, Miss Golda Wheeler, Mrs. Roy Oh- lund, Mrs. Leo Weir, Mrs. Har old Lattin and the hostess. Wedding in Portland Of interest to Salem friends is announcement of the mar riage of Louise Wheelhouse Mc Claskey to Ora J. Clark, both of Portland, the ceremony being solemnized last Monday morn ing, July 25 in the Mt. Tabcr Congregational church A breakfast was served at the Mul tnomah hotel following the serv ice-.' The couple will live in Port land. Mr. Clark is an engineer with the Archer-Daniels-Mid land Co. Mrs. Clark formerly lived in Salem and attended Willamette university. She is a niece of the late Governor Earl Snell. Home From Trip Home from six weeks in Yankton, S.D., are Mrs. E. A Meola and chuldren, Diane, Ron ald and Dennis. They visited Mrs. Meola's parents, Mr. and Joseph Vinatieri, and her broth ers and sisters. A family re union was held at the Vina tieri home, the first time in 13 years the family had been to gether. In mid-July, Mr. Meola met his family in Yellowstone park and they toured the park before driving home. INDEPENDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wood celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary, and the 25th wedding anniver sary of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elma Agee of Albany at the Agee home, An open house was held the night before for friends of the couples with 24 present, and on Sunday a family dinner was en joyed with 20 present. Members of their families present were Mrs. Fred Antro- bus and three children of Long view, Wash,; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robinson of Tillamook; Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson, Mrs. Dal- vlna Robinson and son, Asa, and Mrs. Ivy Thomas of Independ ence, and Oscar Agee of Al bany. MEMBERS of the TPM club were entertained with a buffet luncheon, Thursday, at the home of Mrs. William McKinney on North 15th street In Salem. Members of the club present were Mrs. Charles Boltorff, Mrs. Rex Pcffer, Mrs. Ralph Hein, Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mrs. Paul Arisman, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs. Elmer A. Terrill, Mrs. Laura Pangcl, Mrs. William Damery and Mrs. William Hart ley. Special guests were Miss Sara McMahon of Waterloo. Iowa, and Mrs. J. Warren Miles. Mrs. Arisman received special birthday honors. WOODBURN Wood burn Camp Fire Girls nt Camp Kilo- wan for two weeks are Charlene Bllnn, Joan Gnviola, Harriett Hooper, Rochclle 'Plnnk and Ruth Marie Applegnte. They left July 25 and will return Au gust 8. Returning Monday after one week at enmp will be Carole Ann Livcsny, Carole Lea Foster and Palricia Hcer. Returning from camp last week were Marilyn Barth. Kathryn Thompson, Linda Peterson, Mnrcle LaBarr, Delene Secley and Jeanctte Wcise. IV PrtRTI.ANn n , rl were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wil son, drlvinir thpre tn mwt thair daughter, Miss Patty Wilson, who returned from Hawaii on the Pan American airlines. Miss Wilson was one nf the Orponn co-eds attending University of Hawaii summer session the past six weeks. OREGON Grape camp. Royal Neighbors of America, Is to meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Obligation PhcM 3-4537 " f W Is Betrothed The engagement of Miss Beryl Pope, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Pope, to Charles Mary, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mary of Dallas, was announced recently. An early fall wedding is planned. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Struck-Massee Event Sunday Afternoon The First Congregational church was the setting for a pretty wedding Sunday afternoon when Miss Mary Constance Massee, daughter of Mrs. Frank A. Massee, was married to James Mor ton Struck, son of Mr. and Mrs. The vows were read at 4 o'clock of the Clear Lake Evangelical church officiating. Gladioluses in white and or chid decorated the church for the wedding and flowers tied with white ribbons were ar ranged at alternate pews. For the music, Mrs. T. C. Ma son and Harold Puddy sang and William Fawk was at the organ. Mrs. John Ward of Portland and Mrs. Eric Carlson of Cor- vallis lighted the tapers. Both wore yellow organdy gowns. In White Satin Calvin Massee gave his sister in marriage. The bride wore a gown of white skinner satin designed with a high neckline, a round yoke edged with gath ered Chantilly lace; long sleeves pointed over the wrist with some of the Chantilly lace for edging; and a full gathered skirt ending in a train. The fingertip veil of net illusion was arranged from a crown of lace and seed pearls. The bride car ried a white Bible used tradi tionally by her family and on top of it was a purple-throated white orchid with white ribbon streamers. With her gown the bride wore a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. Mrs. B. Homer Davis was mat ron of honor for her sister. Her gown was of ice-green taffeta fashioned with a standing ber tha of organdy in the same col or, a full flared skirt of the taf feta with a matching overskirt of organdy. Mrs. Davis carried an arm bouquet of pastel col ored gladioluses. Bridesmaids were Alpha Phi sorority sisters of the bride, Miss Joan Agan of Portland, Miss Gwen Hammersley of Til lamook, Miss Virlee Kuhn of Dundee, Miss Marolyn Rigby of Salem. Their dresses were all alike in deep lavender faille. designed with fitted bodices, band sleeves, V-necks with white organdy berthas, full gored 'MOST ATTRACTIVE CHILD' CONTEST MOTHERS! . . . don't miss this opportunity! If your child is under 7 years of age and over 5 months bring him in for a sitting. No obligation . . . you need no photo . . . the entry photo is FREE! No ap pointment necessary! READ Winners to be chosen by popular vote. All photographs will be displayed at Kennrll-Ellis Studio at end of contest! Entry photo must be made at Kennell-Ellis. Dial 3-7830 "There are No Rtrlng Attached to Contest" ARTISTS PHOTOGRAPHERS KENNELL-ELLIS 420 Oregon Building Salem Wedding George E. Struck of Parkdale. with the Rev. Vernon Zornes skirts of the faille in redingote over white organdy. They wore hairbands of roses and carried baskets of sweet peas. ' Dianne Smith, young niece of the bride, was flower girl, wear ing a frock matching that of the matron of honor in color and style. She carried a basket of rose petals. David Dormeyer of Sacra mento was best man and usher ing were Dan Struck, brother of the bridegroom, Truman Mas see, brother of the bride; Don ald Samuel of Corvallis, Don ald Meyer of Portland. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Massee wore a dusty rose silk taffeta and a corsage of Countess of Stradbrooke roses. Mrs. Struck, mother of the bridegroom, wore aqua crepe with gold sequins for trim and a corsage of Talisman roses. To Be in Corvallis . The reception following was in the church Fireplace room. Mrs. Robert Perigo of Hood River and Mrs. Chester LaMar cut the bride's cake. Mrs. Charles Davis, aunt of Mrs. Struck, Portland, and Mrs. L. J. Chapin poured. The round, tiered wedding cake was sur rounded with a purple French lace ruffle and white stephan otis, and bouquets of sweet peas and gladioluses decorated the room. Assisting at the reception were Miss Nancy Farrar and Miss Joan Schwabbaucr of Sa lem and Misses Joan Lawrence and Harriett Berger of Portland. Miss Patricia Struck, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Mari lyn Jacobs, his cousin, passed the bridegroom's cake. For traveling the bride wore a royal blue gabardine suit with silver buttons, a blue taffeta picture hat, white gloves with navy accessories and a corsage of orchids. The couple will be at home THE RULES Dial 37830 50i I In Cash I Prixes! 1 i 16 mcrc-hftndlM X $ prlies & Sunday Tea Of Interest A large group called for the "fuchsia tea" given by the Sa lem Art association Sunday aft ernoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn the affair being between 4 and 8 o clock. A bit of rain caused some re arrangement of the tea table, and prevented some from view ing the unusual arrangement of fuchsias in the gardens, but even so the association deemed the tea a successful one. The serving table, arranged by Mrs. Keith Powell and Miss Edith Schryver, was set with . a pale green cloth and decorated with ribbons striped in pink, lavender and soft blue, flowers in blue vases carrying out the same color theme. Another event on the week's calendar for the Art association will be the informal tea Tuesday afternoon to honor Miss Con stance Fowler, who has an ex hibit of her work in Elfstrom's art galleries this week, the tea to be between 3 and 5 o'clock in the Gift Box near the galler ies. , Kitchen Shower Miss Iris Proudfit was honored with a bridal kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Clayton Gibb on Hollywood drive with Mrs. Harold Holler assisting hostess. Honoring the bride-to- be were her mother, Mrs. Rus sell M. Proudfit, Mrs. Paul Bar- ham, Mrs. Lloyd Laudie, Mrs. Kenneth Sides, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. Cecil Frame, Mrs. Melvin La Due, Mrs. Oscar For- gard, Mrs. Wilson Biles, and the hostesses. A BABY daughter was born Sunday, July 31, to Lt. and Mrs. Lynn F. Cronemiller, Jr., at Sa lem Memorial hospital. Grand parents of the new arrival are Mr. and Mrs. Lynn F. Crone miller, Sr., Dr. Fred Thompson and Mrs. Nora Thompson, all of Salem. There is another daugh ter in the family, Nancy Jean. Lt. Cronemiller left recently for Yokoto, Japan, with the army air forces. HERE for the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. George C. Alex ander, Eugene, visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepard. They arc driving south this week to San Francisco and Burlingame, Cal., Mrs. Alexander to be an atten dant at the wedding of a former Stanford classmate, Miss Paula Nusser, the wedding to be Sat urday evening. VISITING in Salem from Kirksville, Mo., over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Kilgore and daughter, who were guests at the home of Mrs. Kil- gore's great aunt, Mrs. J. H. Gray and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worth. The Kil gores, making the trip from Missouri to Oregon by auto, will go to Coos Bay from Salem to visit relatives of Mr. Kilgore. ARRIVING over the week end to spend the week here were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Currey and children, Bill and Cathy of Eu gene. They are guests at the home of Mrs. Currey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gilbertson, and also are visiting Mr. Cur rey's mother, Mrs. Olive M. Currey. in Corvallis in the fall, Mr. Struck being an instructor at Oregon State college, and the bride to finish her senior year at Oregon State college. They will be in Parkdale, after Aug ust 15, until the opening of the college in September. WE SALUTE WARREN W. COOLEY 1253 Elm St., West Salem Phone 2-6657 Led the entire field force of Guarantee Mutual Life of Omaha in production for June, 1949. Mr. Cooley Is a member ot the E. J. Knutson Agency in Portland, The Progressive Guarantee Mutual Life Co., Omaha, Neb. Life, Accident, Sickness, Hospitalization Golf Event Twenty-five couples were out for the two-ball foursome event at the Salem Golf club, Sunday. Prizes, went as follows: low net, W. T. Waterman and Mrs. Leon Perry first; Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hodges, second; low gross, a tie for Dr. Harold M. Olinger and Mrs. Werner Brown and Mr. Brown and Mrs. Olin ger; low net for foursomes, the Watermans and the Perrys; clos est to pin on No. 1 and longest drive on No. 17 foi women, Mrs. Werner Brown; closest to pin on No. 12 for men, Ingvald John son; putts, on No. 4, Mrs. Ar thur Enckson and Frank Burl ing - special prize, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cannon. Class Picnic The 7-S Sisterhood class of the First Christian church staged its annual picnic dinner last week with Mrs. Alice Hilderbrand as hostess at her home on 24th street. Those present were: Mrs. Katie Elgin, Mrs. C. F. Hein, Mrs. Syl via Richter, Mrs. Estella Smith. Mrs. Ethel Wright, Mrs. Evva Gearheart, Mrs. H. B. Marke, Mrs. Wyn Dyer, Mrs. George Heckart, Mrs. Frank Barnett, Mrs. B. M. Morlan, Mrs. E San ders, Mrs. E. A. Steinke, Mrs. C. F. Doane, Mrs. Margaret Ellis, Mrs. I. J. Sawyer, Mrs. Carrie Palmer, Mrs. Emily Moore. Mrs. Nadine Ellis, Mrs. Effie Barber, Mrs. Jessie Morgan, Mrs. C. S. Utterback, Mrs. Ethel Brooks, Mrs. C. B. Johnson, Mrs. Rosella Wilkins, Mrs. . Anna Meier, Mrs. Idella Nevins, Mrs. D. B. Simpson, Mrs. D. D. Olm sted, Mrs. E. M. Capps, Mrs. Ellen Godfrey, Mrs. E. Case, and Mrs. Alice Hildebrand. Special guests were Mrs. Pearl Devoe, Mrs. E. W. Cooley, Mrs. Ima Wittemore, Mrs. John Schmidt, Rodney, Kathleen and Gloria Schmidt, Rev. Dudley Strain, Mrs. Strain, C. F. Doane and H. Morgan. AMONG those to be In Ash land tomorrow for the opening of the Shakespearian festival will be Mr. and Mrs. William E. Healy. Mr. Healy was execu tive secretary for the Festival association when the group was revived a few years ago. While in Ashland the Healys will be guests of Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Weller and will be among those attending a ban quet to be given in the evening honoring Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay. ANN JUDSON Missionary circle of the First Baptist church met Friday evening, at the home of Mrs. Chris Seeley, dessert being served on the terrace. A White Cross work meeting fol lowed. Mrs. Gus Klempel led the devotions. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Gerald Christofferson, Mrs. Mildred Morris, Miss Harriet Broman, Mrs. Frank Meyers. DR. AND MRS. J. Harry Moran and grandson, James Reed of Portland, have return ed from a 5,000 mile trip taking ing in Denver, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Zion Canyon, Merca Verda Catacombs, Las Vagas and Reno. They spent several days in San Francisco. SILVERTON Mrs. Cleva Lehr is announcing the betrothal of her daughter, Miss Joan Lehr, to Robert S. Kemper, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kemper. The date of the wed ding is August 27, Saturday, at Immanuel Lutheran church. Miss Ward, Mr. Bielenberg Wed at Church, July 28 Mt. Angel Holy Rosary church at Crooked Finger was the sceen of a wedding ceremony on Thursday morning at John Ward was married to Anthony Bielenberg, son of Mr. 8:30 o'clock when Miss Darlene Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward was married to Anthony Bielenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bielenberg, all ' of Crooked Finger. Rev. Vin cent Koppert, O.S.B., assistant pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church, Mt. Angel, officiated at the nuptial high mass and read the vows before a large number of relatives and friends. Serving the mass were Donald Schmidt and Kenneth Wachter of Mt. Angel. Miss Stella Dummer was organist for the Mt. Angel girls choir, singing the mass, and played the processional and recessional marches. Mixed summer flowers and lighted cathedral tapers decorated the altars. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of white satin fashioned with net yoke on fit ted bodice, with wide lace bertha collar, long sleeves, a peplum of ruffles over the hip- line, and a full skirt terminating in a long train. Her fingertip veil, edged with double row of lace, was held in place by a cor onet beaded with white pearls and she carried a white prayer; book topped with two white or chids and satin streamers. Miss Barbara Thompson of Portland was maid of honor She wore a dress of pink mar quisette with appliqued flowers. large collar on fitted bodice and floor-length skirt. Her head dress was a matching braided coronet with pearls, and she carried a bouquet of peach color ed gladioluses tied with a pink ribbon. Mrs. John Splonski, sister of the bridegroom, was the brides maid, wearing a blue marqui sette gown with square neck line on fitted bodice and full floor-length skirt. Her braided coronet headdress with pearls was in blue and she carried a bouquet of peach colored glad ioluses tied with blue ribbon. Fred Bielenberg served as best man for his brother, and John Splonski was an usher. Mrs. Ward was dressed in a dark blue suit for her daughter's wedding, and she wore a cor sage of white carnations cen tered with Cecil Brunner roses. Mrs. Bielenberg wore a black silk print afternoon dress, and her corsage also was of white carnations with Cecil Brunner roses. The breakfast and dinner were held at the home of the bride groom's parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. A. Bielenberg. An arrange ment of summer flowers with lighted tapers guarded the wed ding cake centering the bride's table. Serving were Miss Jean nean Fulton, Miss Cheryl De Ment and Miss Donna Williams of Portland. A reception was held at the Mt. Angel Legion hall during the afternoon, and a wedding dance held in the same place during the evening. For going away the bride wore a tan wool tailored suit with tan straw hat and white accessories, with her corsage of white or chids. Following a wedding trip down the Oregon coast and re turning through central Oregon, the couple will reside at Scotts Mills where he is in business. HOME from a vacation trip are Mr. and Mrs. T E. Borkman and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Buss of Des Moines, Iowa. They went to Crater Lake, Reno, Sacramen to and San Francisco. PAY YOUR BILLS BY CHECK- the safe-convenient way. A cancelled check it your receipt of payment. The stub serves u a reminder of bills paid and is a record of the balance of your account. Too, a checking account builds your business reputation sod credit standing, WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANK Salem's Independent Bank Interest J Picnic Event The Sons of Union Veterans and auxiliary enjoyed a picnic supper on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Adams last week. At the meeting fol lowing, Frederick Davis of Eu gene entertained at the piano. Group singing and stories fol lowed and the national com mander of the Grand Army of the Republic, Theodore Penland, now 100 years old sang and told incidents of his life. Other guests present were Mrs. Frederick Davis of Eugene, department 'president of the auxiliary, Mrs. Zellah Lindgren of Seattle, Mrs. Hster Cook and Mrs. Cliff Kern of Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. Pearl Gress, Mrs. Hattie Gaylord, Mrs. Rosetta Buchanan, Mrs. Daisy Bevens, Mrs. Lois Huddleston, Mr. and i Mrs. Stanley Olin all of Port- M land. From the Salem group those present were Mr and Mrs. Charles Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bennett, 'Mr. and Mrs. Lee . Birch and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. William Hagedorn, Mrs. Lu lu Boring, Mrs. Clara McDer by and her two sons, Mrs. Plan che Stuart, Mrs. Lura Tandy, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Prescott, Mrs. Doe Stafford, Mrs. Katie Inman, Mrs. Viola Tyler, Mrs. Ida Traglio, Mrs. Mae Ivie, Mrs. Avis Perrine, Mrs. Edna Water man and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Adams. Today's Menu (By the Associated Pres.) The Boss Comes to Dinner Jellied Consomme Fried Chicken with Mushroom Gravy Green Peas Brown Rice Avocado and Cucumber Salad Quick Cream Biscuits Fresh Pineapple Cake Beverage Quick Cream Biscuits Ingredients: 2 cuds sifted cake flour, 4 teaspoons baking pow der, teaspoon salt, 1 table spoon sugar, 1 cup less 2 table spoons heavy cream. Method: Mix and sift th cake flour, baking powder and salt. Pour in the cream and mix vigorously with a wooden spoon until dough forms. Flatten out somewhat, gently, in bowl and mark off with a spatula in 12 portions; put half of each por tion in a separate mound on a greased baking sheet with a ta blespoon. Bake in a hot (450 degree) oven for 12 to 15 min utes, until lightly browned. Serve hot. Makes 12 droD bis cuits. NEEDLES Oil BELTS PARTS COR YOUR AUTHORIZED AGENCY EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES M7Vs Downstairs X 1990 Fairground Rd. Phone 3-9281