Monmouth Bank Bought by U. S. The United States National Bank of Portland has purchased the First National Bank of Mon mouth and will operate it as its 40th branch, according to an nouncement by E. C. Sammons, president of the Portland bank. The sale, which has been ap proved by the comptroller of! the currency and by the boards! of directors of the two Institu tions, became effective with the opening of business August 1, The addition of the Monmouth branch marks the fourth unit opened by the United States Na Capital- Journal. Salem, Ore., Monday, August 1, 1949 3 Truant Elephant Back on Show Lot St. Helens, Aug. 1 (fli A cir cus elephant that likes Oregon's verdant countryside led police, farmers and trainers a merry chase near here over the week end. The eight-ton beast was at lib erty 19 hours Friday night and Saturday before being located in a Scappoose gravel quarry. Trucked back to the showlot. Big Babe broke away a few hours later, but was relocated at dawn yesterday and nudged back to the show. The big animal is the same Sammons reported. tional bank this year. On July Established in 1889. this First National Bank of Monmouth was one of the pioneer banking institutions in the state. At the time of the purchase, deposits were in excess of .$1,100,000. Di rectors included H. W. Morlan. chairman of the board: C C. Powell, president; W. R. Gra ham, vict president: Fred J. Hill', cashier; James Riddell, J. B Lorence and Charles Calbreath. 11, a new branch was establish ed at West Salem. With de posits totaling more than $505, 000.000 on June 30, the United States National bank is Ore gon's largest financial institu tion, ranking 20th in size among the banks of the nation. one that staged a similar run out on the show in Albany, Ore., two years ago. Northern Ireland may issue identification cards for voters at elections. Mexico has made use nf the metric system compulsory. Li : Jm , Three of a Kind Here are the three Browning Brothers, Fred, Bill and Ed, who now direct the Browning Bros. Amuse ment company showing this week at the Marion square in connection with the 31st state convention of the American Legion. Browning Shows Set Up fcr Legion Convention Here Nine years before the first American post was formed in Ore gon and 40 years after the original setup in Stayton on July 4, 1909, Browning Bros. Amusement company of Salem is right on the job with its setup at Marion square and will remain during the week as one of the attractions of the 31st state convention of the American Legion, i Not only has it strictly been a family show but it is the oldest one of this kind in the United States operated by the original family. Owners and operators are Fred, Ed and Bill Browning, who inherited the business from their father, Fred Browning, Sr., who died in 1922, and their mother, Mrs. Rosa Browning, who died in 1926. The show started with a lone merry-go-round which was oper ated by the senior Browning. At tractions have been added from year to year until it is a full sized organization which makes its off-season headquarters just louth of the city limits. The show has never been re fused a return engagement and it has always forbidden any type of gambling devices or crooked games of chance on its midway. It has the highest reputation of any show of its kind in the coun try. During the war the two units were combined and now it is possible to play two engagements at the same time when dates are in conflict. The shows operated at Stay ton during the Bean festival and report extraordinary crowds and a fine business. Ginger Rogers Separates ' Hollywood, Aug 1 (U.PJ Screen Star Ginger Rogers was separated today from her third husband, former Actor Jack Briggs. The actress' mother, Mrs. Lela Rogers, announced that Briggs "walked out of the house and is no longer living with her." Demos Assess Dollar-a-month Portland, Aug. 1W) The state democratic executive com mittee has okayed a dollar-a-month club to help swell the party's political coffers. The plan was proposed by Chairman Austin Flegel during sessions Saturday. The committee also overhaul ed the party's state constitution The basic change was a revision allowing mail balloting of state central committe members on party issues, but only if 'a ma jority of the officers or the ex ecutive committee call for the ballot. Jim Goodsell, Astoria news paperman, was confirmed in his job as the party's first paid ex ecutive secretary. He will have headquarters in Portland Plan Rescue of Youth in Mt. McLaughlin's Crater Klamath Falls, Aug. 1 (P) A rescue party on towering Mt. Mc Laughlin prepared this morning to attempt the removal of Ed Freuer, 19-year-old Klamath county farm boy, from a crater-like depression near the top of the mountain into which he fell yes terday. The youth is believed to have broken shoulder as well as other "injuries, and the party which reached him late yester day decided not to attempt to move him in the darkness in view of his condition and the rough terrain. Freuer fell when a snowbank gave away as he clambered over it on the way down from the peak. Companions said he rolled from 500 to 900 feet over lava rock. He stood up just after coming to rest in the depression, but then collapsed and was re ported unconscious when the first help reached him. Freuer had climbed the moun tain with five other youths, all of them students or ex-students fof Henley high school. They pent Saturday night at Kla math Falls and went to the peak yesterday morning, reaching the top without incident. When they started down they left the regu lar trail and begain the ascent of an extremely steep area about three quarters of a mile from the summit. Three of the boys, Glenn Hil yard, Harold Balin and James Inman, made their way down over snow and rocks. They found the going extremely pre carious, and called back to the other three Freuer, Dean Wells and Marvin Newell to advise them not to attempt the steep descent at that point. Just as they called, the snow bank gave away and Freuer fell. The startled witnesses said they aw his body bound into the air as it struck projecting rocks. Search Mountain For Missing Man Government Camp. Ore.. Aue. 1 W) Search parties resumed combing Mount Hood's south west slopes today for an elderly kstacada man who disappeared in the area last Wednesday. A sweater believed owned bv J. H. Tracy, 76, was found yes terday by one group of some 50 foresters and woodsmen. It was located along the upper Salmon trail near where Tracy's car was found last week. While others went to the in jured youth, Hilyard and Balin made their way down the moun tain to get help. I PLUMBING : CONTRACTING $ ! f Featuring Crane ; and Standard Fixtures ' ij Call 3-8555 '$ Salem Heating & ; jjj Sheet Metal Co. jj Jj 1085 Broadway !j i FREE ESTIMATES 5. New Out-A-Sight Hearing If You Have Hesitated securlm better hearing because you did not want to be seen wearlni that little hearing "button" In your ear, hesitate no lonaerl it' out of slghtl Mail Coupon Now SONOTONE j 1933 State St., Salem, Ore. I Without obligation I would llkt ft l Home tryout of Invisible Hearing. 1 Please furnish me with further J information about Invisible Hear- Ins i NAME ! ADDRESS CITY .4"M'W44 'I T ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 iit-'' J WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. MAN.' ORDERS 5 HOURS ONLY ADD 10c FOR MAIL ORDERS This coupon and 68c entitles the bearer to one Genuine Indestructible VACUUM FIL LER SACKLESS FOUNTAIN PEN. Curvex Tip. One special size to be used by ladies, men, boys and girls. TELEVISION. "YOU SEE ALL THE INK." Zip, only one pull and It's full, 25,000 words with one filling. Visible ink supply. INSTANT TOUCH-WRITING. NO MORE LEAKING! NO MORE SHAKING! Mfgr's 5-Year Guarantee with Each Pen This pen holds 200 more ink than an ordinary fountain pen on the market. You can write 3 months on one filling! No lever filler! No pressure bar! NO RUBBER SACK! THIS COUPON GOOD ONLY WHILE ADVERTISING SALE IS ON Limit No More Than Two Pens to Each Coupon Bring This Coupon. THIS OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED. POSITIVELY NO PENS SOLD AT THIS PRICE AFTER SALE. If you cannot come at these hours 68c and pen will be laid aside. 63' SALEM DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTIONS . G. W. NELSON 333 State St. Phone 3-9011 Salem, Oregon 3 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. 6c gum inn ,iuiiiiiiwi.iiiiiwMi miii iiii mm ji mmi f r 1 r - in i i i ir minim mii "' 1 1 1 mtm &am & cos L , -fL MYL Ja ?M) if hijf"'''-'lW"' j y: ---' - Jt M t t f WASHER r- tews; Mi n-- It It 1 'it Our Home Laundry Department sales personnel pictured above, left to right, Walter C. Cole, Dale Kettle, Cliff Severson, Ferd Rue and Doug Baker Hogg Bros, are proud to pre sent a New Washer Miracle a product of half a century manufacturing experience with the Famous Maytag Gyrafoam washing action proven in more than 5,500, 000 washers. We are so sure that you will be delighted with the per formance of this washer that we urge you to prove every claim made for it by actual test on your own clothing. i $ , l -Ss . - i jli ,vr- 1 v " r- ' J Completely Automatic Operation All your work is done for yon! Just set two simple controls for time and water temperature. Your time is your own until you're ready to take out your clothes. Gets Clothes Really Clean Maying's famous Gyrafoam washing action the same ac tion that has sold millions of standard Maytag washers washes everything from lin gerie to overalls with complete safety. And It's So Easy to Operate Top loading eliminates bend ing. When Safety Lid is raised, operation stops at once; starts again when lid is closed. Clothes can be added or removed at any time. IP mm NOW. . . llic completely automatic washer that gels clothes really clean! automatic washer Beautiful - Dependable - Thrifty Liberal trade-in . . . Easy payments This wonderful Maytag automatic makes washday drudgery a thing of the past. Famous Maytag Gyrafoam washing action gets clothes really clean. A new spinning action flushes dirt up, oyer and away from the clothes, instead of through them. Remember So easy to operate. So fast it takes only 26 minutes, on the average, from the time you put your clothes in the tub until they're ready to take out. We're eager to show it to you ... so why don't you stop in today? OPEN 'TILL 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY NITES. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. Immediate Delivery WILLAMETTE VALLEY'S LEADING APPLIANCE I HONE FURNISHERS L SALEM OREGON CITY Friendly Service 115 SO. COMMERCIAL ST. PH. 39148