i t r4 ' 16 Capital Journal, Salem, C1.A6S1FIED ADVKBTlSlNOl Pet LID, lc Per Line 4 times oc Per Line time 10c Per Ltne 1 month 2 00 Ouulde of Balcm ISe Dr tin pel alia SOc; e time mla boo timej miD 11-20 No Kelund KEADtBS In Local Newt CoL OnlFi Per une oc To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 for sale houses ; FOB SALE BVOMNF.nr New 2 bdrm ; home FH term.. 1600 down Piion' ; 2-2B80. S2 Blilcr. ai? ' NLW HOME oy cner. 2110 Carlton Way n on 99 to Carlton Way. a!95 ' FOB SALE OB LEASE BY OWNERS Convenient loi business and residence : or house can De removed I rm, lull nasemenet, u - i Sears New Shoppina Center, on Btate , ; Huhway 99E. m N. Capitol Bt. Phone j FOB SALE or trade r acreaje. two sua : urban homes, modem. One new two ' bedroom on two larae lots and one two bedroom late built with two iiue.it cot tases or rentals on three larjo lw with plenty ol shade, outdoor Ilreplace. V D Moore. 1C5 Roocru avenue, oil 1 ct...inn nr,H alSl '' U.K. house on 50x150 corner lot. Newly redecorated. 214 years old. Owner belni transferred. Must sell at aacrlllce $1500.00 unfurnished. Call after 0:30 p.m week days, anytime weekends. Jn5 McNary Ave.. W. Halcm. alw BY OWNEH New 5 rm. mod. hse., (4.000, $1500 down, ten years on balance. 2330 Hyde St., Salem. !83 BY OWNER 1 acre. 8 room house, Karaite. chicken house, near Swenle school, nut trees, berries As aarden spot, " Terms could be arranged Rt. S. Box 05 on Brown's Rd. N.E. of Swejle Sch' A Good Investment Large 0 room all modern home, 12x25 L R with fireplace it enrpet. Bnsmt. and new oil furnace. Newly decor"0" ,3 ft. fiontaae. Price reduced to 15300 Call Bon Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors till Ediewater Ph. 35109 Eve. 3OT39 BY OWNER: Oood small home 15150 aleii' 1815 N. Liberty. - g. HIGH ST. Modern home. Has 3 bdrms., den L.R. D R. Comb., kitchen it nook with full basement. Lots of buill-lns. Has fireplace, auto, oil heat, carpeted hdw firs. Lae. well landscaped lot. 112.600. Ph. owner at 3-0196. BRAND NEW 1949 Btilriebaker Tudor, only 150 miles. Unexpected personal affairs necessitate aellliw. Reduced to 1S5 Call 2-0821 alter 5-30 weekdays, all day Saturday and Sunday. aim - SwNVliWell-bulft 2-TLR. house, ifdwrt. floors, fireplace, larse lot suitable lor court Nr. stores, srllools. bus. WalkliiK distance to elalehouse. 1150 Nebraska St. FOB SALE by owner, one-yr.-old 3-B.R. home, 1128 so. It. hwd. lira, oll-flr lurn.. plenty ol bullt-lns. nice yd.. IK. atl. Bar., Ven. ahadea. Close to new acliool t lly bus to door. Pn. water system. $.1.0110 dn. will handle. Full price $10,475 with rims and drapes. $9075 without ruga and drapes. 3130 Bunnyview AveL aim ftTvsiflfBml so rlnhf ln Klcrer. Fol low signs from North River ltd. and Churchdale Ave. to a beautiful new 8-rm. home. Ph. 2-7520. aim- $650.00 Down Nice and clean. 3 bdrm home, w located, on paved street. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 250 N. Hlah Bt., Phono 34129 al81 FOUR CORNERS $8,500 New. beautiful, modern style home. 3 bedrooms, livlnir room, dlniint room, kitchen, bath, attached garime. Ildwd. floors, oil heat, lnwn la in, fruit .-ecs, Inrne lot. If you want ft good homo let mo show you liils. Call or .-.ee Andy inuvorsen Offico 3-8820 Hon 3-7163 McKillop Real Estate realtors New Location Center and High Street i $87J,ft 3 bdrm. on ona floor, full burnt. Two blocks to school, large garden, fruit and nuts. Call Ivan elvers Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 33849 Eva. 31012. alRt illiM Very neat two bdrm. plantereri home with hardwood firs, thruout. Heavily In sulated, shake exterior, ett. garag large lot cant. 6 mo. old. MKiio New ranrh tyl 3 bdrm. on exlra In me lot, hdwd. floors. (Ireplare, elec. heat, nlre lawn, lots of flowers. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commerrlal Ph. 23849 Kve. 25360. al"l BYWNEnEngrewnod DUt., well const. 3-bdrin. home. Full bamt. with goml Turn. Instil., new roof, new redec. About in vn olii- Annrnx. lot fiOxlnO. Bus by door. Lots of shrubs and flowers, garden In. 58450. Ph. a-0.100. FOIt SALE by owner S-roora white shake house and Raraue on '-a arrc. 2 bedroums down, unnnlshed upstairs, hunt wood floors, Venetian blinds, oil clrr.. laun dry iravs. lots or bullt-lns. wired for TBlie. Itniucrd to !iau. smuu nown, or make offer. lit. . Hnx 31S-11. Come out Market Bt. to Swenln ichool. turn rlKhl. then left for mile, i'hone 2-57Hfi nr Orenon City 8030. al2 fiY-OWNKH-Critnpleleiy redecorated, pre war butll. 2-bdrm. home just off Slutr Bt. Lots of Bin ubs. tlBDO, terms. I'll 3-38-19 eve. or 2-iAM dv.v alHU fiobTV-IlDKMrhoiiin floe to school and bus. 1050 3rd St., West Haiem. a INOLEWOOD IJIST.- 3 bdrm., 1..H. with lireplare, dinette, kltrh. with litis of built-in, bath with tub and shower, pecun firs., nil. exlra Ice. nar., Instil, and W.8., aulo. Iieiit. bark yd. femcd, I-'.ll.A. approved: Bet at ItHO ciritnt or Phone 2-bUm. alBS " R A 1 .E B A ( i 1 i 1 F 1 1 ; K H V0 V N K j I Oood location, beautifully landsrnped 3 bedroom house, i batns. win K.tiuip, dou ble Biirarfe. Hell enultv wtlh or wUunit furnl(ure1149 9. Llbeily. alHl Immediate Possession Attractive country home, exi:. location, 1 mile east of Keler -school, 5 A. fum- lly orcJiard. laree shaded lan. ctty and acliool biuiej. Am lea vine slate. JB ullO down will handle, (lea re e A. Hen ev. 111. 2. Hox A'iV, I'll. 2-n&. alHU" TRADE! TRADE Po you have acrence siiliuilinn property? We have several lown piojtcitir lo trade for subur linn HrrcniM'v (Mil us today $1,000 DOWN ! 3 -bedroom home and 2 sepnrnle renUK large lot 1th wonderful t:n!rn. Close to school. Immediate po.seMon. Ku.l price. $..fino. 70 Kairhuven Ave. HOME MAGAZINE! Plrturei describe this 2-bedroi.m modem home with nil the extras and Imaum tlve Interior decorm hk I'ltlio, Uue yard with trees. Ui'iidix go-.v Pr;,-e onlj $8,150. F.I I. A. No. Utiil-A . YOUR HOME! Should have 3-brdroom. latue lit ins room and dining room. l'i baths, dm. 2200 feel of floor spnre. Leather up holstered brtaktaat nook, double gsrae. patio and barbeque. I blo k to liui. Lot 170x225. Hii.dix and ilrver goes. Immellate possession. We hae it on F.H.A. terms. tli,J.0fl. No. 340-A REIMAN FOR REAL ESTATE 101 8. High St. Phone 3-9203 Sundays and Evenings 1-3738 - 3-8241 - 3-3532 - 3-5D05 3-0713 m alnl OWNER LEAVING CITY Of fere this one year old, bedroom home, modern In every respect. Yard, ahrubbery and garden In, automatic oil heat, best of conditions, corner lot. 11260 will handle,, ,. lia'Aiira 4-Ptu mo. 1.h.a. Ph. 328.ii.3ya lijon ftv. aia Ore., Monday, August 1, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Champion" Plus "The Wizard of Oz" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARK THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and tlnd the title of this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want ao in which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 23 words or less on 'Whv I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Wiz ziird of Oz," coming soon to the Elsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the Judges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elslnore rheatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest FOR SALE HOUSES WANTED 3 BUYERS Wo have 3 new homes almost finished, til hai i nn with hwri flrn.. flrenlace. uilllty rm. and auto, oil furnace. If you! are looKing lor a ncuer uum. new uumi you are sure to like one of these. They nhould all sell before finished. May we dhow you thru, then make a down pay ment If you wan't to be sure of get linn one ol these line nnnies. no pnone in rnritintlon. nlea.iel Call 2-3649 for an pnlntinent. Three prlee mimes to choose from, S 13.500, 115,000 and 15,750, Ktg- atns. BURT PICK A, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office: 3-.HI49 Eve: 3-7451 or 2-5390 alHl Family Man, Attention Here Is a real buy. 5 B.R.'fl, lae. lot, car den In choice Klnawood Huts. For only $5900, 1,1400 dn. will handle and $45 per mo. Don't ia.s.t th!.s one up ALSO A handyman's opportunity. I-story older Jwe. and t acre near Hopmere. Only J '23 50. Some terms. Fine u round. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capllol St. Office Ph. 2-3862 - Eves. 2-2147 or 2-RB3H alt3 lly Owner Who U Kmployed elsewhere. L.oveiy a -room nome. tiaruwooa uoors and fireplace. Attached garae. Fenced in yard, nice flowers and shrubs. Klng wond Heights district. Lovely view. (40110 equity, some balance. Will Rive en.ny terms on equity. I'll. 3-9051). al83 HV oWNl.tt 7 room house, double plumb ing. 2bti Lee m, a itnt VOn BAI.K by owner. Nrw 5 room modern house SiUKK). $1400 down, ten veurs on balance. Will take car In. 2330 Hyde St.. Sit I cm. alfifl ItV OWNI.It --Price $)ftfi0 down, bill. $1000 moruHiie nenil aniiimiiy lor uiiick . 2 -bed room house on IHrIi (.round over look l or pretty view, clo.se to ivef.1 .jj fem. Kxtra view building lot (school, Ml. View), city water, llght.H, etc. Location: Turn right off Edgrwalrr St, on Kose mont at corner of M.K.N. Furnture Store, go up top of Cascade Dr., turn left, then a quick right turn, follow dirt road to first lefthnnd turn, second plucfl on light, Roth, liox 104, lit. 1. West Sat cm. al86 VtODKHN 2 Bdrm. home, leaving town. nargam. hhi Kosemont, w-a. a ion 3 Bedrooms on 1 Floor Kcmbllntt auburbnn home. Claw lo bus nod M-.I100I: cement foundation, plas tered, V. blinds, h beautiful home. Only 3 years old. Full price 17,000. (1,000 down. Rawlin's Realty Hollywood OL,t. - Ph. 3-4A04 Eve. 2-6013. 3-T12B. 2-&1.M. ata3 Room for Everyone Wa have a 4 B R, home at 1980 8. High cln.se lo schools and bus. There are three nice R.R. and full bnlh with collered fixtures uivstalrs and one B.lt. wtlh full bath down. The Lit. Is 30x15 and there Is aLso a lante D.R. You will find an mi to nil furnace In the full hsnil. The full price Is $12,800 and $3,500 Will HOME AND INCOME A neat little 2 B R. home in good loca tion elate to Snlem and 2 pump gas station, acre of ground and you can have it all tor $1,500. Call for further Information. MADE FOR CHILDREN Three B it, eight year old North sub urban home on one acre of dandy sol). Excellent dial., lovely yard, family (rult and berries. The owner would like you to w this home and no reasonable of fer will be refikM'd. Sullivan Realty Co. 3385 Portland KC, Ph. 3-3U..5, Eve. 3-1778 aim FOR SALE LOTS FA III MONT llll. I. between Pir A l-'iiirmoui si. facing south, on Wiishlnnlon 8t. between Fir St Fair in on! at. hickiiK nouth, lovely level lot 50x100 with trees, .shrubs and 2-car tiaras'. Only JJIM). I'll. 3-4016. eve. 3 Hiil.i. aal86 F.H.A. Approved District BUILD NOW!!! Drive out to the Hni Lomond area and nee our signs on these vacant tots; in. ido clt v limits; city water; desirable clean district; MeKlnley school; priced $11.0 to t:i500. You can't go wrong on these. See Matron & Roethlin a.u n. men Ph. j-M.il Kve. and Sun. Call 3-7M4 or 3-1724 aalRl $10 DOWN! t.i. lots with water, bus service, elec Inrlly ckv,e to idiool. Sep them today I Reimann Real Estate 301 South HI it I. Ph. 3-9303 Sunday and Kventne.i 3-5905, i912, 3-8241, 2-3.i33. 2-3738 aa!84 I UIOItM t VIMV "Add llloii. Salem's most cxi-hilve reMrl.-ted residential ilt.sti let, ill ive up Wmhiimton St. and c' the view. Only a few lots 90x155 al tattoo. I.AHSFN HOME A I OAN CO. 164 S. Cuin'l. St. Ph. 3-8.180. Eve. 3-7440 aatftl VIKW LOT a.lxlUS. 7 blocks from Salem H.-Ulits school. Ph. 30'.1UB. BA188 iKW I.Ol. B0x98Treslrlcted City" water Upp VIM a Ava I'll 3-434. aa (IIOKK Vli;V Tract 65x190. Adjoining (luest homes, paved drive, no brunh, big oak treea. $1800. Ph 34M8 aal81 FOR SALE FARM DAIRYMAN $10,oni). 36 acres ot clover and fescue. 2 bairts. feurrd and crojss fenced. Mod. 3 bdrm. home, beautiful Oik trees, fam ily orchard. North near Chemawa. C. W. Reeve. Realtor, 91S S. Com'l., Office Ph. 3-1590 or eve. 3-9S36. MBS' Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS SPECIAL If you are lookinc for a beauty spot where you can have a ftth fond, etc. aee this 5 acres with 2 sprint and nice stream, ft rm. home and good barn. Some Dice timber. Price 15,300. Call O. H. ORABENHORST, JR. , TRADE 4 bedroom home, good condition, corner lot. close in location. Owner would like trade lor 3 bedroom home In city. Call ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST' BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty at. Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Cal, Roy Ferris 3-8010 Peter Getser 3-0988 Earl West 2-1333 FOR SALE FARMS BY OWNER Business Interests compel us to ro back east, so we. are selling our country home. There are ten ferlllt acres with strawberries, blackberrlea. and red raspberries lor Income, also some young fruit trees coming along. The house Is nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and Is of smart modern de sign. It Is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make lor comfort In llvlna. Price 17.S00 and worth it. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 2, Box 264. Salem. b20S BEAVERDAM Real Beaverdam, 24 A. all in onions, looks like one of the best crops In years and ' crop to buyer. Very good onion barn on Vi A. upland, This place should net 15 to 20 on your Invest ment. Full price with hi crop $35,000, and $30,000 without crop. 21 ACRES NORTH Close to Hubbard with city water, all Willamette silt soil and 1 A. Beaver dam, about 12 A. new cleared land and bal. In pasture and around 75 M ft. sal able timber. All year creek, small house wired for range and bath, small barn, new 18x38 shop. If you are looking for a bargain In good lang don't pass this one up. Full price only $5,500. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255. blSl JO ACRES on Skyline paved road, 8 ml. out, 4M acres oak, VM acres Royal Ann cherries; plastered house and bldgs. Ford tractor and farm Impls., electric lights and telephone, well and spring. $11,000, small down payment and terms. Tel. 3-3055. bl82 FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 ACRES Good home, elec, heat, fireplace. 2 bdrms., full attic finished, full base ment, elec. wtr. htr., elec. cooking, beautiful setting, pavement by door. Price $11,500. Rawlins Realty Hollywood Dlst. - Ph. 34884, Eve. 33536 hblSl REAL ESTATE 10 AC UK S. 3 bedrm. house. Furnace. Elec. water system, Year around creek. Barn, chicken house. Family orchard: shrubs. Clone to Salem. Price $11,000. Terms, HLOSE IN N. Summer Street home. bed- rms.. large L.R., fireplace, dbl. plumb ing. Corner lot. Price $15,500. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS '34t State St. Ph. 2-3(183 Evenings call: 2-4007 or 3-87B9. cl81 FOIt COIIRTKOUb efficient, service 00 rour real estate problems please call A. E. DANIELSON 118 N 12th St. Ph. 3-5820. clfll BEST BUYS SUBURBAN V A very close In East, modern home 1 block to bus. Several fruit trees. 3',i A. .idjoinina available. P.H.A. terms. Total once $8500. Ph. 20473 or 33558. TRAILER HOUSE WANTED If you have a good trailer house to .rada for an almost new 3 Bd. rm. home, In a good location. Call at once we have a very good deal. Ph. 20473 or 13458. 18000 FULL PRICK Almost new home. Close In, near bus, school At store. Very easy terms. Ph. 20473 or 33S5B. SEW1NO MACHINE BUSINESS If you are Interested we have Just whet you want. Large slock of parts, loots, good futures. Oood location. Owner forced to sell because of 111 health. Everything goes for $8500. Ph. 20473 or 33558. HIGHWAY FRO NT AO E 136 ft on BOB. 3 Bed. rm. house. Small store building fast growing location. A good buy for only $7000. Ph. 30473 or 33558. FARMS I' you want a farm. We have several or them from 1 to 100 Acres. Ph. 39403 or 33358. 4 ACRES No bunding!. 1 A. In Walnuts. M A. berries, family fruit Irees. Total price only 11.800, or 1 A. more and an un finished house. Available all for $4,500. Ph. 39103 or 3355B. 6 ACRES S rm. house 2Vfc Acre cleared A. atrawberrlei, every thing goes for 13, 200 Ph 30403 or 33558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 37820, 24506 3035 Portland Rd. ciai This Week's Specials A busy grocery store on a good corner. doing cash business room for gas pump and another store. Price Includes stock, fixtures and Real Estate. Reason for elllng? Sickness in family. Ideal for coupe nice. 1 bederoom home with bath, living room, kitchen, bullt-lns. Only 3 years old. $3500. Imin. Puss, of this house with 3 bedrooms bath, living room, dining rmtu, kltcnen, automatis heat, close to schools. Price $5750. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemrketa St. Phone J-1545, 3-4S9A Eves. 3-6686, 3-7565, 3-7811 cm- Look $2350 buy 3 room turn, work shop. ah. -ouse, (rult, acre. LOOK 1300O buys 3 room. bath, close bus. gar age, pavini, $1500 down. LOOK So250 buy near new 2 bedrm.. bath, paster, hdwd. floors, eleo. heat, loe. In Englewood $1300 dn. I $4 1 IP ind a real ouy 3 bdrms. lit. dm. kit. bath, fireplace, piaster, age 10 irs. loc. aububan north $1100 down. LOOK 11 .300 ours 6 unit motet on 99E near Salem. Income 600 mon. alec, beat, part terms. LOOK $16 000 buys new 4 unit motel lots of "on for expansion a real buy for you. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com' I. Ph. 2-4619 3-5497 CIS!' FOR YOUR SAVING Investment buy a ftrt mortgage on real estate. Salem at yiclnlty. Examine security yourielf Amojnts 1500 lo several thousand dol lars, nel Investors We make all col lections for you It desired. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. High e WANTED REAL ESTATE LOT N. 18th St. Inq. 191S N. 18th or naved St. Ph. 23180. calSl ffl ARK in need 01 cooo nouses to Ml) In or neat Salem li you wish, to list your property for sale sea CRAIltNHORST BROS.. RKALTOU 134 S Liberty St. -Phone 2-3471 ca II A V KA B it YE R with $1 00 0 cash 10 pay down on home. What have you? Call me. F. H. WEIR ' 1341 V Com'l. Ph, 3-I4U Will IFOR SALE HOUSES Ben Roisen 3-2471 Bll WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your proirty is for sale, rent or exchange list It with us We have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S HIgb St caa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE A WELL LOCATED Vi A. Young fruit trees, nice lawn. A good home built for comfort. Lies llv. room, din room, kit. with plenty or bullt-lns, 2 bdrms and a large gar. Will trade for place In town. F. H. WEIR 1247 8. Com'l. Phone 3-9411 cblSt' EXCHANGE 1 yr. old 2 bdrm house near iea lie acnooi lor a i or j oarm. nouse In North Sulem. Ph. 398G5 or 1015 E. Rural. cbl83- 21fc ACRES at Wood burn, also business bldg. on corner at Salem. For small sub. home near Salem. Phone 29907. cblBl RESORT PROPERTY MDBN, 1 bdrm. home, corner lot, close -e beach, good ocean view. 3 blks. off 101. Must sell quickly. $4000 cash or $2000 Jc terems. C. Allum, Wecoma. cc!81 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INCOME PROPERTY One of Salem's best located Trailer Court i. 20 spaces, modern In every way with nicely furnished electric heated home. This property must be seen to appreciate Its real value. A. C. Bunger townert, iooo south 3lst St., Salem, Oregon. cdlSl EXCEPTIONAL BUY! This very profitable suburban grocery store win pay lor men in i ;t years. Owner operates with after-school helD only Ideal for a family set-up. Grossed si 00.000 in 1B4B. Good, long lease, and draws from best farm trade in the val ley, price $8,250 plus stock. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 8. High St. Ph. 3-9203 Evenings and Sundavs 2-3738 - 2-8241 - 3-2532 - 3-5905 - 3-9712 cdlSl NELSON NEWS 19000 BARGAIN With 19000 cash for down payment you can get 2 new bldgs. with 6 rentals producing an Income of $235 a month. The property Is self-operating. The to tal pries Is only $17,000 because the owner wants immediate cash. This u one of the best, perhaps the very bfls. residential Income buy In Salem. If you want a substantial Income with a small investment check at once on this. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service oy Men Who Specialize 702 N. Hlah. Ph. 3-4632 edlfll MODERN 8-CIIAIR RAHnKB SHOP for sale ot trade on Salem suburb prop erty, good business. 83 '.i 8. W. Morrison, Portland, Oregon. cdlfl2 IDEAL LOCATION and setup for small Duntness comDinea witn living quarters. Price $8500. Phone 3-5109. cdl65 FOR SALE or trade, body and paint shop, j rm. nouae. 36o unerry Ave. Ph. 2-2022. $1,300 down. - , . cdl82 SPECIAL Grocery store In fast growing commun ity Doing good business. Will sell slock and fixtures for 18,000 and give good lease P. H. BELL, Realtor 361 Ctiemeketa St. Ph. 31545-34896 Eve. 28886 -.36576 - 37841 cdiai WANTED LOCAL PARTY OR PARTIES Interested In an exclusive franchise for your city of Salem. Please write Box 384, Capital Journal. This li your opportunity for an exclu sive and specialised business, same as now operating In Chicago Kansas City Denver San Francisco Reno and thirty-six others. Save this advertisement, It's the one and only Insertion. cdl82 USED CAR LOT, complete with office, lien A equipment. All hardtop surface with ir without used car stock at cost. Will cons Inn ?ar stock. .Reasonable leate. Phone 21802. cdlSl BY OWNER: Mack's Landing, 8 ml. from Kernvtlle on Sllets river. 1 !fc A. 19 boats, 5 motors, new boat house, 6 furn. cabins. Intl. pickup. & rm. Iv. quarters store handling groceries, tickle, soft drinks. B.C. beer licenses, $19,500. Cash or trade in part for good Salem property. cdlBl VENDING MACHINE route for sale. 7 Practically new Alcuna 4 column gun and candy machines. Good return on Investment for a few hours a week. Ph. 35544 or 28793. Ask for Jim. cdlSl INCOME PROPERTY. $200 per month. New bu.ldlng, restaurant, futures and going business can be bought. Also 3 bdrm. home available. All on 1 acre. Room for 20 trailers Si 13 cabins. On main highway, Salem 1 mile. Wonderful opportunity. Write Box 263 Capital Journa cdlfls RENTAL BUILDING, leased tor 5 yrs. at $2.S0 per mo Will sell for 1 20. 000. $8 000 down, bal. $100 per mo. Box 266 Journal cdlSl WELL EQUIPPED grocery store. Fine lo cation Good reason for selling. Write Box 285. Capital Journal ed!81 FURNITURE FOR SALE WALNUT DINING room set. Ph. "31241. dlS2 UNPAINTED furniture, cioseout prices WOODHOWS 4.S0 Center St d" WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEfT PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Voodr Auction Msmet Ph 3-5110 da" AUCTIONS Furniture and Appliance AUCTION Tuesday, Aug. 3 . t p.m.. Glen wood Ballroom. 200 yds. north of Dilve-In Theater. Large lot furniture and appli ances. Sea Monday's add for complete Uat. GLEN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER We Pay Cath or Sell on Commission P.one S-Mlo ddldl LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED lives tockbuvi7 K. C. McCandlistl, 1127 8. 25. Ph. 3-8147. a205 pCTC FOR SALE. Reg. Springer pups. Very good. can J13UO. tells DCGS nOAKDED and trainedreasonable rates by day or month Trim mint and bathing. Free Pick-up ft dellv. LeOray Kennels. Rt. 1. Ph. 3-1398. eel9l FUEL , TRI-CITY FUEL Presh tut sawdust, Prompt delivery. Ph 3-7443. Wa give B a H Oreea Stamps. Oreea 18 in. mill wood. m REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS If You Are Interested in a Business Location Drive by 1225 N. 5th St.. corner of Market and N. 5th Sts. Zone 3 business huge lot, large older style home an excellent Investment lor $9000. A Dandy Buy Located on Fisher Road, over 1 acre land with modern 3 bedroom home complete with basement, furnp-e and fireplace, a real bargain at $9800. Will take in small house as part payment. Abrams Avenue Neat 3 bedroom home, extra large lot, about T years old, $6000. A Real Family Home for Little Money An excellent buy in a good modern 3 bedroom and den (or 4 bedroom) home, has full basement, double plumbing, fireplace, double garage. Owner has been trans ferred and has priced property for quick sale at only $13,000. DON'T MISS IT. Walnuts - Filberts - Cherries If you are looking for a REAL orchard, fully equipped with good modern buildings, be sure and ask, all about this ranch We think It's one of the best of iu kind. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve. 38053 - 33632 FUEL SPECIAL Get your winter fuel now and gave. Sawdust $4.00 per unit. Oood dry slab ta.SO load, green $6.00 cord. Dry edg ings, $8.00 load, green $5.50 load. Double load 110 00. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 35533. eel85' West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Silem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash St maple. Ph. 6BF22. FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates. Phone 2353 Dallas collect. eel94 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood. Ph 36444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY YX2 YOUNG red fryers $1.25 or will drexs Rt. 7, Box 434A. McCain Ave., off Silverton Rd f 181 CUSTOM POULTRY DRESSING LIBERTY POULTRY FARM Rt. 9 BOX 370 Ph. 22873 1183 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks tor Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. NEW HAMPSHIRE chicles every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. f PRODUCE GRAVENSTF.IN apples. Hand picked and sprayed. $1.50 per box. 2505 8. Com'l. Ifl83 BOVSENBERRIES, you pick, 5c, 2 miles N. of Clear Lake. Alfred Watther, Rt. 2. Box 208. fflBl ROYSENBERKIES. U-pick, 5c lb. Dr. Davis beside Friendly Farm. Rt. 7, Box 128E. ffl83' PICKLING Cucumbers, Peaches, Berries and Apples. Frlgnards Fruit rarm. ' mile north of Kelzer school.. f f 186 TILTON APRICOTS. 30 lb. box $1,49. Green Apple Market. 2 miles north on Highway j9. ffl83 BO Y S ENBfilt II I ES , U-Plck 5c lb. R. G. Doege. Vi mile E. Liberty School. Rt. 9, Box 210. Ph. 23141. ffl82 HELP WANTED HOP PICKKRS wanted, 3A ml. east of Woodburn on Mt. Angel Rd. Start Aug. 4th. Harold Bushman, Ph. Woodburn 1430. al88 HOP PICKERS register now. Free excel lent campground facilities. Jerman & Civttenden, Rt. 1, Box 825, Salem, Ore. g!84 SEVERAL OPENINGS with national or ganization, men or women, car and sales experence preferred but -not ne cessary, steady Income. For Interview see Mr. Knudsen, Senator Hotel, Mon day evening between 7 and 9. gl81 ADULTS INTERESTED In picking pole beans thru a long season. Please can 35865 after 8 p. m. Bug transportation furnished gij; LADY OR MAN. pleasant work. Car necessary. uooa earnings, no exp. necessary. Writs Box 34B capital Jour nal. gl66' MIDDLE AGED man to batch part time r.n rancn and milk two cows and do a few other odd Jobs. Board, room and small wage A good home for the right party. Arthur s. Green, Gervau, Ore., Rte No. 1. gll HELP WANTED MALE BOYS 10 YRS. to set pins. All winter Job. good pay. B & B Bowling, 3085 Portland Rd. V83 FURNACE INSTALLER, experienced. Must have car and tools Pn. a-seez ior ap polntment. gal4 HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL FOR general housework. Ph. 27581 gbiai- NEED WOMAN for care of children, 0 and 2 from 12 to 5. Ph. 35073. gb!83 OPPORTUNITY lor permanent position with a future for girl with lumber in voicing experience, musi appiy in per son. 355 N. Liberty. See Mrs. Pickett. gb- CLERK TYPIST, with working knowledge of bookkeen ng. Give age. experience, marital status St salary desired. Write box 270 Capital Journal. go1 3 MARRIED women. Part time to make telephone contacts in our Salem office. Either 9:30 to 12:00 a.m. or 8 to 8:30 p.m. Earnings explained during Inter view. Write Capital Journal Box 287. gblfi2' WANTED SALESMAN WE HAVE an opening for an aggressive experienced salesman. Above average earnings. Opportunity for advancement to management position for men who qualify on the Job. For appointment write Box 347. Capital journal. ggtH4 MAN WITH car to contact local farmers Fc. opportunity. Ph, 20594 between 8 ft 8 p gain: SAI-KSMAN who la capable of taking charge of our flat roof dept. Must have pievious flat roof experience, own car, and be able to furnish reference. Apply In perton only. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ask tor Mr. BondeU. WILLAMETTE VALLEY ROOF CO. 30 Lana Ave. I EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POStTtON't CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 3tt) Stite 81 n l-MU f WANTED POSITIONS REFINED LADY wishes work In home In Salem. Where adults worn, consider eare ot elderly person. Uvf In. No children. Ph. 34741, ask for Mrs. Miller. h!81 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. 348 S. Church. Ph 26014. MS4 TKLKPh7NKCALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. S-507JLh3O4 WASHING A Ironing, 75c Per hr. Reg sonable. 506 8. 19lh. Ph. 29815. hlSS DENTAL NURSE Graduate of 8. F. Dental Nurses School. Ph. 3-5573. nice Painting To Be Done? R ra.tr nb It rales. Guaranteed aatlsfae- llon. 8. W. Dyer, Ph 3-6830. hl84 NOW lsTh time to plant lawns for fcesl results. 1 hav the equipment. Reason able rates. Ph. 32190. C. R. Smith. h!62 DR e"sMA KING A alterations. Ph. 3-9340 after 3 h3i)3 a eneraiT1:a1ue j-tj it HI 83 I REAL ESTATE Phone 34115 - 34116 C183 23488 - 35996 WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE. 1180 N. 34th Ph. 38885, hl81 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- ing. ins. op. work guar. w. H. McAllts. ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h301 VTEMOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6798. h201 CHILD CARE 1180 Bhlpplng, Ph. 3-9924. hl92 PLOWING & Discing. Ph. 31404. M88' CARPENTER WK. New Repair Ph 3-2093 1.187 PLASTERING. PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 39702. Free estimates. hl87 CMMENT VTORK wanted Ph. 2-4850 b PLOWING, DISCING. Al Mosa. Ph. 22957. h202 Mimeographing-Typing POE'8 665 North 16th Phone 3-3643 M81 IRONING at home, 75c nr. Ph. 28685. 1180 N J4th. hl81 EDUCATION WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDINO SCHOOL 520 NE Sacramento, Portland - MIT 9680 hh008 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM. Phone 3-7176. jlclSl ROOMS, ladles only Kitchen privileges. 520 Statesman St. Ph. 35210. jk!84 SLEEPING RM. PH. 34335. SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr. Si Ph. Day or month. 1505 N. Capitol. Ph. 33425. Jk204 SLEEPING rms. for employed gentlemen. Attractive, lnsul., reasonable. Near Cap ital Shopping Center. Ph. 3-4248. jk!84 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2G35 McCoy Ph. 36093. jklOR" FOR RENT APARTMENTS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for em ployed lady. Close In. 1209 Court St. Phone 3-5925. jplBl RM. FURN. Apt. Adults. 570 Union. jpl83' SMALL s-ROOM apt. furnished, part rent al allowance tor care 01 lurnace and yard to steady middle aged couple. Ph. 3-0595 Sat, and Sun. jpl82 NEW 3-ROOM and bath court apartment. an eiec, unturn. except range and re frlg. Laundry room included. Located S. 13th, apply at 1555 McCoy. JplSl 3 ROOM unfurn., prvl .bath, elec, stove & noai. west uaiem. rn. jojvb. jpiaj 3 ROOMS newly dec, part furn, or un- iurn. apt. seperate ent, & prtv. bath, 4 blks. to state offices. Ph. 39617. Jpl83 FURN. APT. at 1935 N. Capital. Jpl83- NEW 2 BR. DUPLEX with Oar. Range. Ref. it Ven. Blinds. Call 3-9934 8 to 4:30. JP187 FOR RENT HOUSES HOME 6 room newly decorated. Wired for range, lull cement basement, new auto matic furnace, elec. hot water heater, garage. Write Box 269 Capital Journal. Jml83 3 BDRM. Unfurn. Duplex. $60 per month nortn 01 town. rn. 25586. jml83 3 RM. MOD. furn. cottage. Ph. 26618. JmlBl FOR RENT $100. Owner transfered. Larse home, hardwood floors, double plumb ing, fireplace, oil heat, excellent neigh borhood. Close to schools. Will consider selling or trade. Ph. 20988. jmlSl FOR RENT or lease. 17 acres with modern house. Creek, garden In. filberts. Phone 3-7125. JmlSl WHY PAY RENT? New homes. Terms like rent. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. St Sun. Ph. 3-0343 or 3-0126 Jm FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. j FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Wai-d. j TO DO a good job rent a good floor sand r We ell everything to complete the job. HOWSER BRQ8 - Ph. 3-3646 J OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. J OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692. I SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J203 SEVERIN REALTY CO Office for rent. Mezzanine office room, lights, de.sk, typewriter St file cabinets furnished. $35 per mo. wlease. Phone 34016. J182- GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of fice ot stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-4121 ) BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. V DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 S 13th. West Salem. j SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up, St delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com 1. Ph. 33512 J" WANTED TO RENT i EMPLOYED ladles and 1 child need un furn. hse. Ph. 3-7933. JalSl A CLEAN 4 or S ROOM furnished house or furnished apt. by responsible couple. Ph. 27654. Jal86 RESPONSIBLE family, 3 children, want a bdrm home with lear s lease and op tion to ouy $40 to $50. Ph. 38434. JalSJ1 t or 3 ROOM furn. apt., close in. about Sept. 1. Write Box 268, Capital Journal. jalfli REWARD for suitable 3 -bedroom houte. Phone 3-3253 or 3-7922. jal84 YOUNG ENGINEER, wife and 7 year old daughter urgently need 2 bdrm. furnish ed house by Aug. 15 Ph.23495. Jal86 WANTED TO RENT 3 or J bdrm. un furn. home. Will pay up to $70 per month. Call Salem Hotel 3-3161. Jal83 BUSINESS MAN.'" wife, high school age son desire 2 or 3 Pdrm. home. Furn. or unfurn. Reas. rent. Ph. 3-1122. Jal84 3 BDRM. unfurn. house for minister and family. Will pay up to $60 per month. Ph. 3S201 before S p.m. or 33738 after 7 p.m. JaiSl LOST AND FOUND LOST Reward for return of black Corde purse, contents of value to owner only. Ph. 37025. kl83 LOST near C,apltol Bldg. Chluahua St Pek inese female dog. small l' lbs. long hair, borwn. ans. to name Ginger. Re ward, call Independence 100R or Write Mrs. Ruth Irving, Independence R 1. Or4 kl86 LOST AND FOUND STRAYED from Rt. 4, box 118, one 3-year-old red Durham white faced heifer. Reward for information leading to whereabouts. Ph. 26403. klB2 MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER CORSETIERE. 425 N. Winter Ph. 3-5072 ml89 LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 484 Court We close Saturdays 12:30. ml82a DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EULER DENTIST Adolpti Bldg. Stale St Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS DOORS l-panel, 3-panel, 3 and 5-panel doors, glass doors, screen doors, storm doors, mahogany ent. doors. Every one a bar gain. C. O. Long, Ph. 3-5821. One mile north of Ktezer. mal84 INTERLOCKING or mortar pumice and concrete building blocks. Free estimate. Mortarle Block Co., 14th and Hoyt. Ph. 3-7324. mal84 CONCRETE MIX gravel. Ph. 3-1160 eves. ma lao ftxKxIA PUMICE block with 1 shell. Also various sizes and types including chim ney blocks. 12th St Block Co. Ph. 25363. ma 185 f all 31100 Salem, we sell the best Cedar Shli.tes from Tillamook, Grand Ronde or Cascade high mountain timber. No. 1. ts. No. 2 $5. Delivered. Ted Muller, Sa-lem-Indep. Road. ma 18" No. I Cedar Shakes. Natural or paint ed P.'im coated or stained. Cedarwall Fittite or Bear Brands 19 per sq. UP. De Ilvered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Mull'v. 2-1156. ma" 3,.10 CEDAR SIDING, any amount. Clear A A: B grades. Re as. prices. Check our prices. Ted Muller Ph Salem 21198. PLYWOOD LAROE stock of sizes, thicknesses St grades. Both plain Si water proof, fr.ee start at 5c per so. ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of V and W Insul ating boards Low prices on V Si Si' sheet rock Keith Brown, Front Ss Court Sts., Salem. ma HARDWOOD flooring, a.i grades, from $95 thousand up Keith Brown, Front Si Court bus.. Salem. ma SHINGLES, No. 1 red mountain cedar $8 per Sq. No. 2 $5. C. G LONG. Ph. 25821 1 mile North of Kelzer mal81 ALUM A - LOCK - ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing See yout dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401 mal97 SPECIAL: Cedar sidln. i"x8" Random lerxth. C -grade. $35 thousand. Keith Brown. Front At Court Sts. Salem ma TUFF STONE mill ends. Suitable for Pa tios, Fireplaces, Curbs, Walls, Steps. Walk, Rock Gardens, Landscaping, etc. 25971. ma!83 ASBESTOS SIDING $10 a sq. " sheet rock 4n.c, '.a' 5'aC. Rock lathe 31c yd. Plywood, all thicknesses, low prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 25321. 1 mile N. ol Kelzer. ma!83 NEW SHIPMENT piast board 4" Sttc; 'V 6c sq ft Rock laths 45 aq. ft $1.75 MONTGOMERY WARD 8 LETd ma USED BRICK. Call 39703 or 24389. mal94 SAVE On ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for free estimate Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM, OREGON ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A new Smith-Corona type writer and Chicago roller skates with case. Call 3-4033 after 3:00. nl85 FOR SALE Majestic radio, phono - wire recorder' comb, Table model. $180 full price. Used 6 mo. A-l shape. Make offer. Ph. 2-5874. nl8I ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana ave. :tnn gal. outside wnite Paint. $2.90 per gal. 1125 Norway St. nl86 48 PIIILCO DFKP FREEZR. 0 cu. ft. Good condition. $137. 817 Mill St. Phone 24065. nl83 FOR SALE 7x9 Walkli Cooler, complete with unit, shelves, 3 side reach-In doors. Ph. 37243 after 6:30 p. m. nl86 HYDRAULIC OIL AUTO LIFT. You take out. 1100 Pressure oil burner furnace and pipes, $200. All disassembled. Tel. 330.53. nl82 DISTILLED white vinegar for all pickling purposes "Keeps your pickles krisp," ALso old time pure apple elder vinegar. Puritan Cider Works. n204 AUTOGRAFT white trash burner 830. 1175 n. uin. rn. 3-6344. nl82 ITIIOR WASHING machine, exc. cond., 333. I ocemc view urive niB2 BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC Aladdin lamnii -:a- in. laii. wnite. green, coral and dubonnet. Whip-o-lite shade. Special $5.95. 2 for $11.50. We give Green cinmps. SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 137 S. Commercial n!82' G. E. KKFRIU. $110. Ph. 20403. nl83' SENTINEL BATTERY radio, mnhnir fin. laii, mDie moaei. Keg. 545.00. Clearance price $29.88. Comb, radio chair-side ta ble with drawer, mahog. veneer. Reg. $58.95. Clearance price $39.88. SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 137 S. Commercial nl82 BURNER Si oven opt. size gas range. In very good condition. $50. 20 gal. Mis sion gas hot water heater $25. White enamel trah burner $40. 160 Highway Ave., or ph. J8563. nl81 FURNACE, Fame gas. 90.000 B.T.U. Like ne. Fully automatic, complete with all controls, grills, etc., $125. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland rid. n!84 RUGS, 9x1 a, green, freize. Like new. Cost $126. will take (55. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. nl83 VOOD AND coal kitchen range with Pipe, coils fc tank, $25. Ph. 38112. n!8l GAS STOVE, good cond. $55. 520 States man St. Ph. .25210. nl81 HYDRAULIC HOIST exc. cond. Make an offer. Ph. 20015. nl81 BUNGALOW PIANO 50" rosewood upright. Refinished, re - rung, and rebuilt. A good buy at J25u.no Stone Piano Co. The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road, Salem. nl82 SPINET PIANO Almost new Kimball console tte. Queen Anne design, mahogany. A striking In strument. $150 saving. Stone Piano Co. The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1S40 Faint rounds Road. Salem. nl82 GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej, Gibson and Uontaa Appliance at GevurU STEEL CLOTHESLINE Posts, reillngi In stock St made to order 1145 N. Liberty. nl90 BUY OR SELL U.ed restaurant equip ment Pn 3-4750 nlBB WATERFALL DINING set. Table. 4 chairs, and buffet, $50. Trader Louie, 3055 Port land Rd. n!83 DAVENO, WINE colored, in excellent con dition. 135. Trader Louie. 3055 Port land Rd. nl83 WEST I Noli OUSE Deluxe range. 185: Cold spot ref rig., $95; Icebox, $4. Choice of wood ranses at $30. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. nl83 KROEHIER occasional chair, like new, $16. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. nl83a REFRIGERATOR, lee. range. Call 3-1892. nl83 SALEM SAND St Oft AVEL COMPANY Contracl Work Road Clearing Ditching -Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental 13 B 4 yds 12.00 per hr 10 B S yds 9 60 per hr D-7 Cat A Dose 10 50 per nr D-6 Cat St Dozer 8 40 per hr D- Cat A Dos-i 1 00 per br Phone Dara 3-9408 . Kves or J-ttOO " bam, oreaoa 8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FULLER brushes. 1745 OranL Ph. 3-83S7. 0182 FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles, fertiliser St flat rock Phillips Broa Bt. 6. Box 118 Ph 68F32. n" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED junk batteries. Paying $1.45. Petread Tire Service. 320 Bo. Lancaster. nal98 WILL STORE spinet or small upright for bse or small rent for at least a year 1555 Roosevelt. na!83 WANTED furniture to flue repair. Lee Brae urn Kerioianing uo "a - ivui. "The Whsard'of Ob." USED FURNITURE. Phone 19185. PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products. 555 Cross St. Ph 3-5446. P193 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Box 734. 1-5234. P185 AUTOMOBILES 1034 PLYMOUTH. good condition. '47 motor, sibs. m. 2003 aveningi. qiaj FOR SALE 1935 Ford 4-dr. Conv. Ph. 35622 days. Eve. 34843. ql83' 1940 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Coupe. Immac ulately clean tnrougnout. ruuy equip ped with Deluxe radio, heater and white side wall tires. Call 3-3808 weeka days before 8 p.m., 3-7435 after 6. qlSl FOR BETTER DEALS DEAL WITH RON'S 1946 Chevrolet 3-door, clean. One owner car, $1295, 1941 Mercury Sedan. Radio, heater, de froster, new paint, clean. 1941 Chevrolet -ton pickup, In very good shape, . 1939 Bulck Club Coupe. Radio and hoat-J er. A real buv. m 1939 Mercury 3-door. Radio and heater. tiean, new wnite sme wan tires. 1938 Ford Club Coupe. Heater and fender skirts 1937 P;: 011th Coupe. Radio and heater 42 motor. Two Panels, 1936 Chevrolet and 1931 fora. 1936 Chevrolet Pick-up, 3185. $50 Down Specials 1934 Chevrolet 2-door, rebuilt motor. 1934 Chevrolet 4-door, new rings, pins and valve grind. 1938 Graham Sedan. Heater. 1934 Ford Sedan. Ron's Motor Co. r General Automotive Repair CHEVRON PRODUCTS Lubrication - Steam Cleaning 240 8. High St. ph. 3-4598 Q1B1" 1910 G.M.C. ?i-Ton Pickup. Excell. cond. new motor, see l. c. uier, call eve nings, 400 N. Grant St., Silverton, Ore. q!96 STUDEBAKER Com. Conv. Completely equipped. Will accept trade. 738 N. Cottage. qlBl" 1918 CHEVROLET Fleetllne 4-Door Sedan. Air-rme tires, radio, underseat heater, seat covers, undercoatlng and other ex tras. Car In excellent mechanical condi tion. Priced to sell. Ph. 3-1838 after 6 P-m. qiei V FRAZER, R&H. New valves. Best offer around $1,C0Q. 2880 Peclc Ave. ql83 30 MODEL A 1 door. Ph. 23189. 941 DODGE truck 1 ton flat bed. Pitts friarket. ql81 '36 FORD 2 dr. Good shape, $275 or best offer Ph. 28825. 923 8. High. ql81 41 CHEV, Special Deluxe 2 Door, R&H, good mechanical condition, $850. 160 Highway Ave. or Ph. 2-8563. ql81 U.47 CHEV. convertible. New tires. New tap, R St H. No trade. 1215 Chemeketa. V qi82 1918 Vi ton Chev. panel, Rt. 1, Box 135 on 1 Glyn Creek road. Call after 6 p.m. Har vey M. Hill. qi8S 39 OLDS . sell. Rt door "6". Very clean. Priced to 1. Box 312. Ph. 27272, qlBl 1940 FORD Convertible. New tires, bat tery, brakes in seat covers, 65D. 1145 N. 21st Eve. ql86 4(1 PLYMOUTH 4 Or., $985. Heater, log lights, etc. It's cleanl Phona 3-8790 or see at 2155 Center St. ql81 WANTED; Clean used carg, 2160 South Commercial. Bob Marr, Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1935 OLDS. Goid condition. 5195- Call 30441 after 6 p.m. qlRi" ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL - TRADB TERMS 233 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-6454 Eisner Motors to Sell Eisner Motors to Buy 1947 CHEV. Fleet Master 4-Dr. Sedan. $1275. Excel, cond. Ph. 3-0620. 1920 Ber ry St. ql82" 1939 MERCURY 6-Pass. Coupe, 1946 new. merclal St., Salem. q!82 NOW WRECKING a '39 Bulck, '36 Desoto airflow, '3d Stude., '38 Ford, '38 Olds., '38 Chev. - truck, model A truck, '29 Chev. truck and many others. Hamm'i Auto Wreckers, 1 mile west on Dallas Salem highway. Ph. 38466. ql85 FARM EQUIPMENT CASE PICK UP baler. Oood cond, $600. Ray Salter, Ph. 22925. qbl81 GARDEN TRACTOR, AVt h.p With plow, disc, sprlngtooth and cultivators. Bar gain. 984 Spruce St. Ph. 3-8678. qbl82 FOR SALE Fordson tractor with high tension mag. Cheap Ph. 23179. qbl81S7 TRAILERS ?Jt Siu.nLY MAKER, butane throughout. rraciicany new. sacrmce. Excellent ior construction Job. Phone Oregon City, 3723, or write Box 556, Gladstone, Ore. tl82 At 34-FT. Houst Trailer cheap. Ph. 38814. 1181" FINANCIAL BUILDER WILL sell 33745. 5tt contract on new home. Saras $1012.40 Interest in 108 monthly payments of $44.03. Call R V. Lorens, Phone 3-4284. r PRIVATE UONKY Special rates and terms on target loans long and short time payments ROY H S DAMONS 136 So"b Commercial St Poona 3-9161 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 TORN ITU RR. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loans up 10 I5J0 Come in or phone j Hollywood Finance Cos 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 27033 Lie N M 3 69 -8391 Floyd Kenyon. Mar r (Continued on Page 17) pig