o. , 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, August 1, 1949 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER RADIO PROGRAMS I BORN OP THE STORM I ir!hnntr 141 As the first days of Priscllla's married life slipped ay, sne inea f valiantly to make a go of things ! with the Kents and with her hus- band. She pretended to be unaware i of her mother-in-law's rudeness, 1 and kept up a running play of ! pleasantries with Mr. Kent, who ! seemed to enjoy her vivacity as ! much as his wife disliked it. Since I Kenneth's work as a truck-driver 1 kept him away sometimes lor a mil t week at a lime, rnscina ttejjv i.e.. self busv improving her mind. in K.ennems aoseuce sue mw something of Gertude and she wrote long letters to her former high school mends wno naa gone else where to work. After some hesita tion and several torn-up pages, she achieved a prim little note announc ing her marriage and sent it off to jjennis in new uneans. Weekdavs were busv. for Pris cilia spent those in business school, and also working part-time for an insurance man. One Saturday, when Priscilla thought she could not stand the drabness of her bedroom any longer, she went downtown and se lected rues and draperies. She ar ranged to pay for them on the installment plan. "I'll get a job as soon as I grad uate," she thought. "A real Job, fulltime, and then I can pay oil the last half of it all at once." Priscilla arranged to have the furniture and other things deliver ed on a day when it suited Viola to be at the Kent home to supervise the operation, and when Priscilla came home they worked together on the room. "I doubt if Kenneth will recog nize his room, Pris," said Viola. "He's never had anything like this before." "I do hope he likes it, Vi." They said good-bye to Mrs. Kent and. with Dora and her school- books, they drove off in Viola's little car. A ten-minute ride took them into a neat suburb with rows of pretty detached cottages, shaded by fine old trees. It was a cozy place, its snugness emphasized by the white picket fence. A quaint flagstone walk with moss-grown seams led from the road to the steps and then turning off around the side of the house, continued back to tiic ga rage. "If I only had a place like this I" exclaimed Priscilla. "You must love it here, Viola. It's so bright and cheeriul and everythlngs at your finger tips." Her inspection was interrupted by a tug at her skirt. "Come play piano for me," lisped Laddie. "Yes," broke in Viola, "I prom ised him thnt you would play. He's very fond of music." Priscilla was delighted with the beautiful little spinet piano in the living room. She played and sang several nursery songs. More," he cried, when she rose from her seat, "That was really fine," respond ed his mother, "but, if you want any dinner tonight, we must go to work in the kitchen right now, After dinner Priscilla helped ixra witn ner lessons and Viola played with Laddie while Daniel read his paper, Priscilla was more ( pieasea man ever with violas house-wlfery and conjured up a ' similar menage for herself In the I not too distant future, p Kenneth was home in the eve i nings for the next few weeks and J tht time passed rather pleasantly J for Priscilla. Even the friction J with Mrs. Kent seemed to have uosiaea. Her worst contention resulted from her efforts to improve Ken neth's English. If she took Ken neth to the bedroom to study, Mrs. Kent objected on the grounds that she was never allowed to speak to her own son. Besides, Kenneth himself soon became quite Impatient with the work. "Ya don't give the boy a chance V enjoy hlsself," grumbled Mrs. Kent. "Why ya always pester him so?" "Don't you want him ever to amount t oanything?" Priscilla bit her tongue. The question the accusation had slipped out be fore she realized it. The very next day the rift opened up again when Priscilla found a letter addressed to her and post marked nearly a week before, half hidden in a bowl on the buffet. It happened to be a note of congratu lations from Dennis. Not only did the older woman resent being asked about the let ter, but she gave Priscilla a good piece of her mind about getting mall from another man. Priscilla was not yet back from school when Kenneth came home. When Priscilla opened the door she found the whole family, In awaiting her. "Why, Kenneth," she said. she kissed him lightly, "this is a pleasant surprise." "Ain't you got' nothin' else to tell me?" demanded Kenneth ab ruptly. Priscilla looked around at her . . tribunal. In Mrs. Kent's fishy eyes there shone a gleam of satis faction, which seemed reflected in Dora's countenace. li was some what of a shock to find that she had nicurred Dora's enmity, too, after all the effort she had made to win her good vlll. "Kenneth," she said, with more composure than she felt. "I be- lieve I know what you mean. Would not it be better to discuss this upstairs, in private?" "I think we got a right to know what our son's wife is doin'. writ ln' to another man, don't you?" asked Mrs. Kent maliciously. "All right." exclaimed Priscilla angrily, as she rase from Ken netns lap. Ill let you read tne letter." As he read, his face be came ambarrassed. The letter was very short. "De lighted to hear the wonderful news oi your marriage, Dennis had writ ten. "I hope you ll be very nap- ov." "All right, all right," growled Kenneth, evidently realizing that his mother had made him play the fool, "you needn't get so sore about it." As Kenneth glared at his mtoher, Priscilla happened to glance at Pop Kent. To her sur prise Pop grinned at ner and slow ly winked his eye. Prom that, mo ment on she knew that, even though Pop was the most uncouth man she had ever known, he had his sterling qualities. He knew how to be a friend and Priscilla was sure she could count on him. Two months after her elope ment, Priscilla finished her busi ness course. Applying for her first "real" Job loomed. Priscilla was scared when she started out one morning, directing her brown-and- white pumjis toward the business district. But she needn't have been frightened. Before eleven o'clock she was in a telephone booth calling Gertrude. "Yours of the first instant re cveived," she said before Gertrude had time to speak, "only that isn't good form any more." "OI course," said uertude. "By the way, what are we talking about? "My new job I" cried Priscilla. "At the Finance Company. I'm a business woman." Gertrude chuckled. "You cer tainly are, kid," she assure Pris cilia. Priscllla's elation lasted only a short time. It wasnt a week be fore she had called Gertrude again, this time in a somewhat less happy mood. (To Be Continued) 2482 SIZES 6 Back to School Sturdlnesa and style go hand In hnnd In this school- golng version of the shirtwaist dress. No. 2482 Is cut In sizes 6, 8, 10, 12. and 14. Size 8. 2 Yds. 35-ln.. 1 yds. ric rnc. SUMMER is1 the time for Drettv styles the Fiushlon Book the place to una them. KverytmiiR you need for thnt wonderful two weeks with pny, plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brines you over 150 nnttern desiens for nil Hues and occasions, ana an ciesiKiiea lor easy sewtne. Price just 20 cents. Order vour copy now. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Stvle Number State Size desired Address CnpUni Journal 552 Mis. 1310 HBO MONDAY P.M. KGW no NBO 00 Fulton Lewd Jr. Frank Hemincway Pasting Parade Music Ted Drake Ted Drake Adv. of Champion Mnslo cludine Kenneth. sittliiR gravely slon St., San Francisco 5, Calif Irish Rose Inserts Irish crochet V VsSr,'3 """"" "1 rose fln(1 effectively placed solid VJkfeKpr f leaves set In a lacy, white back- fQb i4l ground mnke a handsome design rjf a g-J 1 1 H for bpd linen and bureau scarves. JzTJfriH1 T1,F delicate charm of the set will OtT VC xJVl make it a most cherished gift of j i $yJ u'e briie-l0-be- f JSi a ft, . Vl Pattern Envelope No. R2039 con- . V "Jf Lc 1 tains complete, easy-to-follow, ac- X'rir J curate crocheting Instructions for A X rV l " mt1" "d edging, stitch illus- v oV Ty-M A tratlons and complete directions. S V To obllun tl,e Patwrn send 20c L ff jflr IN COINS giving pattern number . AO vVk. vollr nnme. address and zone num- yWvJ X 7fcv ber 10 PegRv Roberts Capital Jour- wXi rial, 828 Mission Street. San Fran- Gabriel Beatler Northwest News Music Music Woman'a 8ecrel Sunn? Side News' Richard Harkneaa Musical Soiree Musical Soiree Voice of Flrestooa Telephone Hoar Telephone Hour Jane Pickens Jane Pickens Contented Hour Contented Hour Badio City Playhouse Supper Club News of World One Man'a Family One Man'a Family Newa Sports Pace Final Orchestra Orchestra bam BuytM Was Museum Was Museum Wai Museum K0C0 .4." 'KOiM Rhythm Ranch Curt Masaey Rhythm Ranch Little Show Dint Crosby Sonts of Prairie Sport rase Larry LeSuer Candleilcht K"i Mannlns Silver Bands on Parade News Chet Huntley Troptcana New Pat O'Brien Leave It to Joan Baseball Leave It to Joan Baseball Breakfast With Baseball Burrows Baseball Straw Hat Con. Baseball Straw Hat Con. Bandstand Blue Barren Orch Dug-out Dopt Blue Barren Orch Baseball Lowell Thomas Baseball Chicaroans Baseball Vounr Love Baseball Youns Love Baseball F'va Star Final News Round Up Inner Sanctum Track 1490 Inner Sanctum Track 1400 Spin to Win Track 1400 Serenade Track 14o You and World Track U'M Orchestra Track 1400 Ncws Sign Off ilent TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Tea Rltter New A Sports Top a' Mom ins News Western Melodies Western Melodies Stars Sing Church In Wild Time for Melody lime for Melody Music Without J. Charles Thomas Guest Artist Concert Miniature Concert Miniature Glass Was r.im nB I Glass Was Glass Was Hollywood Muslo Hallvwiuiii m.i. Ted Dale Presents Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Man'a MIa.ii.. Mac's Melodies Mae's Mslnittaa Mac's Melodies Mao's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mrtvle Time Phllojophcr Snntllrhl Umli Spotllrht Musle Newa KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock News News Fred Beck Consumer Newa Art Baker Make believe town Make believe town Feature Story Grand Slam Rosemary Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday Big Shier Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Guldlna Light Duncan MpIaI Com Jb flat it Morab Drake Brighter Day 2nd Mrs. Burton ferry Mason Brieht A l.irhft Alr Flo Newspaper of Air Newspaper of All Winner Tabu an I Tunefully Yours Newa Meet the Missus meet tne Mlssui Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey 1 I TOO BAD YOU EXPOSED T VERY WELL. STEVE 1 f BUT. IF WE EVER CATCH rxi IV h,. ,w W u,.uUCoC a i;nao I ! - THAT SUPER-SENSITIVE I ILL BUY YOUR J PHOTOGRAPHING ANYTHING OTHER I 20 Riverby -YOUR rSl REIT'S BLONDE 5 FILM, BEAVER-THE GUV EXPLANATION AN D Jj THAN MONEY YOU'LL GET A BED L&nSnim- ' PvL7kE mFnE J- 7 WHO SMUGGLED IT OUT J-WvOUR TAlNTS.1 WITH A MARBLE r- ' 1 ' 1 l!lLJl!! e OF AUSTRIA IN A TALCUM ' HEADBOARD IS THAT -LM- ThvJ vll illff E CSAJDITWASJ M ii CLEAR? J 2SI5V m lMr WMM v fwjss!.. h-nr m mr& mm v kslm T-T I 1 r r, I Cl" K" I l"l I pO-A I I II I I I I IT 0 I lel Otmm Do It .. M LOV6 7 . ' 1"H LL IflMs .,... . 1 . I D I . k. II I f 1 r-w.s l I -J c. H vN I ft " THIS Day IfiTl-. fj' S VJgSa X. ' OS :w Dawn Patrol Form Tlmo tali? J Caui n I " D.o Patrol Farm Time J c..k...,w-. anoerSx P ! 2" p"" V" 014 1 ' 1 1 lib News Newa O FIP"!"-05 P Breakfail Ganf K!S!oth Huil'e JTTT?? V B I J HA! WHADO YUH KNOW ! III AH-H I THIS OLD BOARD A B f. m Breakfa.t Can. Rlderi of Sace R if VESSIti, 6AMDV.T'S AN OLD 1 f A SWELL LONG POLE MADE 1 111 IT'LL DO FOR A PADDLE -IN 1 I i5? Top fradei Sam Hayea P Hi D"K"J ","U"1 I" MHT 8 11 TO ORDER-BUT A POLE'S NO K III CASE WE NEED ONE O. K.- - I A Bi.l. Co-Die, Second Co r m DRIFTWOOD". HM-M-M JJ. 19 1 1 GOOD IN DEEP WATER." yiar? Ill ALL AROODn THAT'S nolfj' Hy I II its Mornin. Special Second Cop t Im&mmmmiil WZW'-m Da nl''", ;sss lljs "' -y," I JQjj ?Lji?& fiT0 ' ' Charlie Splvak Tommy TtV'm 1 " -2. . Tt N(thbo " Backstaie WKe 'SIMCEIBE IS IT TRUE THAT WILBUR) I I HE MI6UT.1 SUSC5ESTED M 1 1 SHOULD HOPE rJOT l5U2Sj ornEe.ri'i. L.r'in..DJor.'.. J bathiwsim might raise ms price ittohmbuthewasmtJ hwREE dollars a '"C i; Sji T WILBURS LOT ) FROMrflSS AM HOUR TO3SS) TOO PLEASED WlTU V Kb rnn, TS, ....... - .' H TrlS LrA 7 DEA-r VjH I THE MUD!. T A '7 7; i E FEET OM THE GROUND IF I ) (MJ V sA Kl OUTRAGE! : J m mu.ic Front r... r.r.eii KPIDSTT l-IAVE ARCHES INI J X J? tJt (W 1 s M M s" w"n M"'lc Welcome Travclera . kIV SHftpS C.A I OJ stg. 17 I I I I It ' Sa " w"n ""1' Welcome Travelers I W . li t.lLl-- II T V .rXN UVi f V. I l", AZ ss&bf I I IC -W t ? eX rV' - V THAI llfiTINRB KW 11 oa r vl. rrWiY i i ( '"Tns. ato ur: v --1 isL.Tn vj i j r .jffrJ6s&brm i " " '"v v v x1- .sw( i j r i i i 11 7 i i yc t ojv .i "v . 1 - "iLmi Ymmjiuwm rT. bM Railroad Houri 8:110, Ella Mae Morse i 9:4b! - ' 'if .1.1 mm Henry J. Taylor, 10:00, Richfield Eeport- I"" mmm naMH l"""l!1ir"'"TM""""T' T'J""f' '"W 10:15, Intermezzo) 10:30, Concert Hour, DKjkOiJ-t-. AH ALONE Lt'L ORPHIN jl is WBESp5rSLlfv J wZZwiAtoJ vSwaXwtRe LfH Hour. lVwh SID Off. " KOAC I VJdpiric m-f om). m wwrtLiy.'.' AUNtH j in uuMmiH j iucimlk I NNU T HARD I AN CUTI. " itiea Pit 1- J I VO HAIN'T TOWN COUNCIL.'.' vf FAMBLV WHO I ORPMIN AiTWO SOMEONE K FX Tt"", A.M..-OIO0, Early Blrdl I fj . j . 1 I ALONE." FORARD. MARCH.' ) WILL TAKE THIS J like 1 men MIGHT ,X 1-N 7:00, Nenai J:15, Band Boil 7180, L ru. d.yu. e -lvt K. NEW- V 7 7 7S I OFF O'TH'TOWH i ME EATS EATS A4 A SHINE P' . ' "on,k'' 8L?0' u mrMjI-.Iv.itL ' 1 V I l I AN-ADOPP likEA MUCH I T'HIM - Manner.! 8:10. Tronlcanai OlOO, Breakfaat TKc RIGHT TOTK. y1. 3 li2 S'l V HIM" HAWG' 1 ASSIX' BUT HE'S c1udi 10:0. News. 10:15, Stara of Today; . mii-4"ONI-rULT JONES? aaWlitS XL tT ) '., I f main t' S BiC AS '"!30. Melody Promenade; 11:00, Ted A 1 L58iA I TSA: 'lvJ I ' n NO PROFIT I A Malone: 11:15. Galen Drake. 11:80. My r S'ii tX.t.mK tyyj"1 "VlrA y J fit CTTyT I -JSl' (i'ij. I K ' -$3 ADOPTW j HOSS.'.' True Story. 12:00, Betty Crocker; 12:15, cZZ- S 'frA 1 fAV? S Cool Weather Hits It stEMs that li'l abnews mammy T V ViL 'fjW ' hriM hi . i Xx WliiTif t Silverton Reports from the anopaowweiw. presumed to rjTB fi fjfcl cy, , rTIV Jt5 local labor oitice at Washington 1 . , , ',' ' .." ' ... Irving building of which Mrs. 'jeff said HE got A job AS I JEFF, let ME V we're out of W r W MOTT-MAVBE I eAN Kall I WANT Voh I'M f "ow where Do l Lewis HaU is supervisor, are M A PRUS STORtT SALESMAN! HAVE A (I MUSTARD! SA1E) INTEREST YOU IN A IS A MUSTARD I SORRV sTO GET aawstar t hat cool weather and rains have U rm-Z MUSJ?FOl l"5"Tct J NEW ALARM CLOCK PLASTER TOR Jbjt this 1 plaster? delayed the picking of beans - t"-NygYveNKNOW ySs yy3 Snow eH W0S MKB MXCHEST! (SA DRUG mTZgZZ? ' mm-m T what J . i&raXl w Zst? : rr leather goods, STORE- Fc-Ey-S ;-.. s. WTic A JSf Wl tfySfiiPd ivami.i'. ToUg 4 SjPMgJ 'Vf' (1! miWw L Seed colerlnE J5. W."""""1 ED I -I I 't' I ' I I I' lAX V . "-,11 mil 'W II l.l-l T jl. Caves sv. Clualerot MQWjWEg A Pll''WMff "e t poi lie's I Ywtebom.wmyr tex and 1 have to I Lo you know bill W whv PA-rry what . Ha"Seen,bbr IS- 5!f" JT . .. 6RATEFULTOVDU8OTHFOR ALLOFUS?, TAKE THE NEW HOUSES 60IN6 WITH US? r i SdS mv II ArScloa HOwlri. JEEPERS, FM?0y ! DO VOL! HELPING CLEAR UP THE L. TT BACK HOWS, BUT I'M BET THAT POESNT yrfl BV uciVi 29. Deface 58. Tennis shota DOWN J. R REALLY MEAN THAT ABOUT CANVON AFFAIP. - SO J BTfJ I SENDIN6 MISS BLAKE AND VWKEVOUMADl fl l a MEAN 12. Welaht M. Tall Eras, atom t Noah', r.fut. . u 6'y -is 75- t I I iijiiteiujn fgwLroi r ' PTTtTr IW--lp JUL,,: alr'-- j- ll,,. fyi, TNGER HUT-ANS S(JS' I I HAVE CALLED THE-. coon' BUT FIND AnTI tJ STEADY NOW, KATHARINE.1. . I P'SSST,OTS51 "viri-il' !at M THE DEPARTMENTOf H AX--CWICKLY1 j-' DRUM ALWAYS TOOK. GOOD CARE ST V IjSllfl WEENEE"PO VN5 3 1 U,,Lcry IICSI1CC TV KOAC, 550 KOAP P.M. 5:00, On tbe Upbeat; 6:50, 550 Spoil. Club. 6:00, New.. 6:15, Dinner Melodies. 6:80, Mnste of Czechoslovak!.. 1:15, Evenlnf Farm Hour. 8:00, The Beaver Tale. 8:16, Great Son... 8:45, LoK.er.' Fire Weatber Forecast. 0:00, Muslo That Endures; 0:45, Lift Up Thy Voice. 10:00, News. 10:15, Serenade. 10:45, News. 11:00, Slsn Off. aav a oi (o 4.46 a.as.i 10 News. 10:16. For Women. 11:00, Concert Hall. 13:00, News. 12:16, Noon Farm Hour. 1:00, Rlde'em Covbori 1:15, Variety Time. 1:30, Melody Lane. 9:00, Cavalcade of Drama. 2:15, Memory Book of Musiot 8:00, The News. Kay West. S:00, Breakfast In Hollywood; 2:30, Easy Aces. 2:45, Meet the Menjous. 8:00, Surprise Packare. 8:30 Bride and Groom. 4:00, Ladies Be Seated, 4:30 Adda-Line. for several days, with the pro duction better however for these conditions. Hop picking and the cucum ber harvest promise to vie with harvesting of beans and prunes within a week or so and will demand as many workers as will apply for jobs. snsop Elio d b IhIo liy e t 8olutlon of Saturday's Puzzl Fish egfc The yellow bugle Diminish Quivering Draw Leaven of the y palmyra palm One in charge of the mat) Ancient slave Network Tale of adventure Exist Svnthetlfl Whale English river SelF Auctions Exist Ingredient of beer Medicinal plant Part of a shoe Consequently ' Vinegar mad from ale Favorite Atmospherlt vapors Dispatch Australian bird: variant Easy gait Commotion Pen point Top card Recline Find the tun