12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, August 1, 1949 Fouled Horse Is Given Handicap Win at Longacres Renton. Wash.. Aug. 1 U.B I Blue Tiger, owned by C. J. Se bastian of Seattle, won the 14th : running of the $5,000 added Seattle handicap at Longacres Sunday on a foul. Track stewards ruled that Jockey Delmar Jones on Blue Tiger was forced to pull up i sharply near the finish line . when Two-and-Twenty served : toward the rail. : Two-and-Twenty ran the mile .rand l16th in 1:42 45, beating Blue Tiger by a length. Blue Tiger paid $4.60 to win, $3.50 to show, and $2.40 to place. Two-and-Twenty paid $5.60 and $3. Third place Pagan Star paid $2.40. Hot Rods Thrill 1200 in Opener At Holly Bowl Spinouts and hub-to-hub jock eying for positions provided plenty of thrills for the 1200 fans who sat in on the Inaugural roadster races at Hollywood Bowl Saturday night. Max Humm of Salem, pilot ing the "73" car owned by Don Waters, also of Salem, came through with a clean sweep victories In the main event, the fast heat and trophy dash. He also posted fastest time trial of the evening, 16 seconds flat. Second in the 25-lap mainer was Len Sutton, with Howard Osborn flashing across in third " position. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Hub Aug. 1 0:27 a.m. e.O 0:40 p.m. 8,3 AUK. S 7:44 a.m. 6.5 7:36 p.m. 6.3 Aug. 3 0:07 ah 6.3 8:37 pin 8.2 Aui 4 10:26 am 6.4 6:42 am 8.1 Aui. 6 11:38 am 6.7 10:42 pm 8.1 SPORTS ROUNDUP- Low 0:37 a.m. 0.6 12:16 p.m. 14. 1:44 a.m. 0.2 1:14 p.m. 2.2 2.54 om -0.2 2:24 pm 2.R 4:02 am -0.B 3:30 pm 3.1 6:03 am -0.0 4:40 pm S.l Odell, Sweet Home Ousted from State Semi-Pro Tourney Portland, Aug 1 OP) Two more teams tumbled out of the state semi-pro baseball tourna ment last night. They were the Odell Firemen, ousted, 10-2, by Albany's de fending champions, and Sweet Home, eliminated, 3 to 1, by the Portland Red Sox. That left 19 clubs still in the tourney. Jim Hudson, Pacific univer sity pitcher, hurled a no-hit seven-inning game to give Banks a 3-1 victory over Archer Blower & Pipe. Hudson, who scored his third straight win, struck out eight. The opponents' lone run came in the opening inning, when Hud son walked his opposing pitcher and then committed an error on an attempted sacrifice bunt. Corners, Midgets Meet in C League Crucial Monday The undefeated Four Corners club and the once-beaten Midget Market team clash in a crucial junior "C league encounter at 6 o clock Monday night on Les lie field. At Olinger, in another 6 o'clocker, the Keizer Truax Oil ers vie with the Schreder's Four Star Market outfit. The Oilers have dropped but one game this season. Four tilts are scheduled In the "B" division. Keizer Merchants tangle with Salem Heights at Salem Heights, West Salem Lumber and Mayflower Milk meet at Leslie, and Salem Laun dry goes up against Salem Real tors at Olinger, all games sched uled for a 6 o'clock start. Admission fees were first charged in 1922 for the U.S. Open and 15,087 paid to see Gene Sarazen's first victory. Weight-y Problem is Over for Gus By FRANK ECK "'7 . " t , j 151" An M ' j mi I- ?S'AJ 42" V ' 13" AGE WilGHT HEIGHT NECK REACH BICEPS .34 J- 16" , lf l f 72" ' Summit, N. J. OP) Gus Lesne- vich wlil be free of the big worry that has dogged his ca reer when he meets Ezzard Charles for the NBA version of the world heavyweight cham pionship. Weight worries are over for the Cliffside Park Pole. Although Charles, recent win ner over Jersey Joe Walcott for Joe Louis' vacated title, will be favored in the first defense of his National Boxing association crown, the Cincinnati Negro may be fighting the Lesnevich of 1947 when the two square off in Yankee Stadium, Wednes day, August 10. That was the year that Les nevich was awarded the Ed- It's Easy to Second Guess Tribe New York, July 29 VP) Cleveland second-guessers are wondering why Lou Boudreau didn't call on Mike Garcia in stead of Bob Feller to pitch Wed nesday's big game against the Yankees especially after what happened to Bobby . . . Mike, just a rookie who wasn't expect ed to do much this season, has taken up a lot of slack in the Indians' pitching staff and has specialized in winning the tough ones . . . starting only seven times, he has pitched two (hutouts and two one-run games and that's the kind of hurling he Tribe needs when nobody is hitting . . . Mike has been de scribed as a big, affable kid who likes to play baseball and who "never hurt himself by reading his own stories.". . . Against Boston he fanned Vern Steph ens and Ted Williams with the tying run on base and he did the same sort of thing once against the Yanks ... of course, it's n tough choice for Boudreau. He hasn't a real big winner on his mound staff, but five guys have won more than seven games apiece . . . Lou could almost pull them out of a hat and do okay. coaches at Wisconsin, Navy and North Carolina Mate, respec tively, and George Krause, Notre Dame athletic director. . . . An English clothing trade journal takes a notably dim view of the Walker Cup golf team adopting a uniform but no headgear for its meeting with the Americans next month with this comment: The Walker Cup team have let the side down pretty badly by forgetting that no outfit is com plete without headwear." . . . 1 say, old bean. . . Coley Wallace, whose golden gloves fights had the pro managers popeyed, will make his first professional ap pearance on the Charles-Lesne vich card Aug. 10. 8o Long Mike and Sklppy Two athletic sons of Harry Stuhldrchcr, Wisconsin nth letio director, wont be around to help keep the wolf away from their dad's door for the next few years . . . Harry, Jr., otherwise known as "Sklppy" will enroll at Michigan this September after having at tended Kiska prep . . . he'll be a candidate for the football and hockey teams. . . . and Mike, a June graduate of Mad ison West high, has won a scholarship at Yale, where he'll go out for track and swimming. Sports Before Your Eyes Chuck Bernard, recently ap pointed assistant to Earl Brown at Auburn, played in the first Chicago all-star football game in 1934. His teammates included Ivan Williamson, George Saucr nd Benttie Feathers, head From this distance, It ap pears our Virginia friends are unduly stiff-necked in "re jeeting" the NCAA sanity code . . . maybe it can't be enforced, Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "There's someone on the line, but I'll Interrupt If you really think this Is an emer gency I".,. To make emergency calls over bupy lines, simply explain the circumstances to the other person. ...Pacific Telephone. -By HUGH FULLERTON but why not give it a try until something more effective can be worked out? . . . sounds like, say, one racing associa tion "rejecting" all anti-gambling laws just because folks persist In betting with the bookies. . , , and while we're asking, isn't that two-rounds-a-day grind In the USGA ju nior golf championship a bit tough for 11 and 15-year old kids? FOREARM FIST WRIST CHEST CHEST (p) WAIST THIGH CAIF INKLE ward J. Neil memorial plaque for his contribution to box ing. It was the year In which he stopped Billy Fox in 10 rounds in his fourth title de fense. And it was the year In which he stopped Melio Bet tlna's comeback in one round and. twice beat heavyweight Taml Mauriello. Although Gus won the light heavy crown in 1941 when he beat Anton Christoforidis, hitch in the Coast Guard and the weight bugaboo forced him to limit his campaign among the light heavies. Each time he put his title on the line he was forced to scale down to the 175-pound limit. "I weigh 186 pounds now,' says Lesnevich, "and will come in around 180 for the Charles fight. I fight best at that weight. Making 175 pounds was too much." An example of how much en ergy Lesnevich drained out of his system by making weight is best exemplified by the words of his chubby manager, Joe Vella. "The day he tost to Freddie Mills in London Gus said he weighed 175 pounds but he hid the scales on us," says Vella. "When I finally got to weigh him he was 176 'A- He had to walk around Hyde Park for an hour and it was London's hottest day in 45 years. Ask Freddie Flerro, his trainer." "He walked around Hyde Park for two hours," said Fler ro. "I know. I walked with him." "And that fight in Cincinnati with Joe Maxim for which we got $35,000 and not $50,000, Gus walked six hours," says Vella. "Making the weight has taken too much out of him He's through with the light heavy weights." For both the Mills and Maxim bouts, Lesnevich weighed in of ficially at 174y4. For his last fight with Mauriello he scaled 180 '4 because his title was not at stake. Lesnevich stopped Mauriello in seven rounds in the Garden. Lesnevich oozes confidence as he goes through his paces at Ehsan's training camp, a spot once known as Madame Beys, where such fighters as Max Schmeling, Primo Car nera, Mickey Walker and Tony Galento prepared for title bouts. "I've seen Charles fight three times," says Gus. "I don't think he punches too hard but he punches fast. I hit harder, If opportunity knocks III go after it. At least you can say it'll be a good fight because we both like to fight. I don't be lieve in hitting and running. I like to force the fighting. Charles is on thai style, too. He'll have a few pounds on me To Hold Diamond School at Bevo Stadium for Kids Portland, Ore., Aug. 1 U.R) The third annual baseball school will be held August 15th and 16th at Portland's Beaver sta dium, Portland Manager Bill Mulligan said today. The school will be limited to boys 14 years of age and olderj Out-of-town boys will be housed at Portland university in the 50 places open in the dormitory. Abandoned Skiff Drifts Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 1 U.R The abandoned gillnetter Grier Starratt was drifting off the British Columbia coast to day after striking a reef near the entrance to Queen Charlotte sound, the Royal Canadian air force air-sea rescue station reported. and is a few inches taller. But outside of that I think it's a good match." So does the International Box ing club. It will be its 'first attraction in the big city. Nobody connected with the fight appears worried over Cin cinnati Promoter Sam Becker's threatened court action. Beck er lost $40,000 on the Maxim Lesnevich bout and both agreed to a return fight in Cincinnati on September 19. "We had to sign to get our dough from Becker," says Vella. The coming bout should clear up the situation one way or another. If Lesnevich wins he could go back to Cincin nati for a non-title bout. If he loses to Charles it Is doubt ful that Promoter Becker would care to take another gamble. j : prT7 MM M 1 fin Clark Congratulated Attorney General Tom Clark (right), President Truman's selection to fill a supreme court vacancy created by the death of Justice Frank Murphy, receives the congratulations of Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin as both leave the White House after a cabinet meeting. (AP Wire-photo) OPEN - AUGUST 1st DUCK PIN BOWLING - BILLIARDS FOUNTAIN LUNCH League Teams and Individuals Interested in League Play Please Check with us at once B AND B BOWLING COURT 3085 Portland Rd. TOM WOOD, Owner Ph. 24438 DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist PAINLESS PARKER GDHKTDM IrW 15 Months to Pay IMMEDIATE RESTORATION . . . enables you? to wear your plates IMMEDIATELY after teeth are extracted. NOW you don't have to go toothless while waiting for Dental Plates ! Modern, convenient "Immediate Restoration Service" eliminates the em barrassment and annoyance of "Toothless Days" prevents loss of valuable time from your job. Ask Your Dentist NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY Come to the office when convenient for on ex amination. Credit terms apply to all types of dental work ... Plates, Extractions, Fillings, Crowns, Inlays or Bridgework. Get needed dental work NOW...ujo your CREDIT. DR. L. B. WARNICKER Manager Now associated with Dr.Painless Parker, Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon DRs PAINLESS PARKER Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone Salem 3-8825 Offices in Eugene and Portland also in all principal Pacific Coast cities YOU GET mm I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v nrrrrTfm j rf MUM BOP IN A ill-po i FREEZER COMPARTMENT FRESH FOOD SECTION DRY STORAGE BIN BUT Not only is this the refrigerator value of WAIT! the year but there's a bonus offer besides! A BONUS OFFER OF A BEAUTIFUL 35-PIECE DINNERWARE SET in the dainty Meissen pattern of soft pastel colors in rich ivory glazed domestic china from Crooksville Potteries. ALL THIS IS YOURS when you select your extra-value ZENITH REFRIGERATOR. YOU GET ALL THIS BEAUTIFUL CHINA with either the ZENITH SUPER-DELUXE or DELUXE ... AT NO INCREASE IN PRICE! AND THAT'S NOT ALL! If you act right away you'll also receive an EXTRA BONUS of an 8-piece GENUINE PYREX REFRIGERATOR SET! See and compare the features of both ZENITH REFRIGERATORS with other nationally advertised models that sell from $20.00 to $40.00 higher. SEE THE SEAL-TITE DOOR LATCH, THE EXTRA LARGE CRISPERS, THE EXTRA FLEXIBLE FOOD ARRANGE MENT and, in the SUPER DELUXE, THE EXTRA CAPACITY FROZEN FOOD STOR AGE SPACE. Big Zenith Super Deluxe $299.95 And all at that Convenient Location HOI I)