'Art Association Fuchsia Tea Hours Between 4, 8.o'Glock A major event for the week-end will be the "fuchsia tea" for which members of the Salem Art association are entertaining tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn, 715 North Summer. The affair is open to all association members and friends. Featured will be the display of fuchsias now in bloom in the Shinn gardens. "Almost unbelievable" is the word from those who have viewed the many blooms in the different garden settings. The Shinns have some 200 plants and more than 75 varieties of the fuchsias now in bloom. The garden tea will be between 4 and 8 o'clock and a silver offering is being taken to be used by the association in promoting its program for the community. Miss Elizabeth Lord is president of the association. Mrs. Lester Barr is general chairman for the tea. Working on various com mittees for. the event are: Mrs. Shinn, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. William H. Burghardt, Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mrs. Robert Letts Jones, Mrs. Henry V. Compton, Mrs. Stewart Johnson, Mrs. James Walton, Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mrs. John Heltzel, Mrs. David Duniway, Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Mrs. Clifford Taylor, Mrs. Glenn McCormick, Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs. Keith Powell, Miss Edith Schryver, Mrs. Frank E. Shafer, Mrs. Richard Grabenhorst, Mrs. George Arbuckle Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mrs. Vernon Drye Mrs. Hubert Williamson, Mrs. Roger Schnell, Mrs. Peery T. Buren, Mrs Robert Brownell, Mrs. Roy Edgerton, Mrs. Donald Fisher, Mrs. Phil Brownell Jr., Miss Sally Barr, Mrs. Maynard Shiffer, Mrs. Horace McGee. 8 and 40 Event First of the American Legion groups staging department conventions here next week will be the Eight and Forty, the service, honor and fun organization within the American Legion auxiliary. The Eight and Forty marche, opens with a departmental pouvoir (executive board) dinner at the Gold Arrow, Mon day, August 1, at 6:30 p.m. This will be followed by a fellowship reception at the Salem Woman's club from 9 to IX p.m. Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. the annual cha peaux breakfast will be held in the Cherry room at the Senatoi hotel. Registration will be all day in the Senator hotel lobby. At 12:30 p.m. the regular business session will be opened by Mrs. Walter Amman, Portland,, le chapeau depart mental, at the Salem Woman's club. Among the distinguished guests will he Governor Douglas McKay, Mayor Rob ert L. Elfstrom, B. E. (Kelly) Owens, department commander of the Ameri can Legion; Mrs. Mitchell Thorn, depart ment president of the American Legion auxiliary; and Mrs. Hubert A. Goode, national president of the American Le gion auxiliary. Dr. HenryNRoe Cloud, regional director of Indian affairs, will tie the main speaker. At 7:45 p.m. a formal banquet will be held in the Mirror room at the Mar ion hotel. Mrs. Earl Andresen is general chair man of the Eight and Forty marche... Mrs. W. O. Green of Aurora is vice chairman, Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, fi-. nance officer. Other Salem women as sisting are Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, rules; chapeau breakfast, Mrs. Mem Pearce; banquet, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg and Mrs, Walter Kirk, co-chairmen; convention hall decorations, Mrs. Frank Marshall; . and housing, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron. Mrs. Andresen is le petit chapeau of Marion county salon, No. 412, Eight and Forty. Jason Lee Wesleyan Service Guild is to meet for its anual picnic Monday eve ning at 6:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hockett, 195 South 21st. Mrs. C. R. Lindstrom and Mrs. Paul Silke will be hostesses. New officers will be installed, includ ing Miss Mary Keefer, president; Mrs. James Tindall, vice president; Mrs. Her man Rehfuss, secretary; Mrs. Samuel Miller, treasurer. Mrs. Frank J. Burke is leaving this week-end for Los Angeles to spend a tew days with relatives. rtrr? ;ts-'r?wti,sr'Jrw .w-.-i:- y i a csn t m 'ttmvTm. unworn vy"yn ''V-?, i R AND MRS. Dewey F Davis will entertain next Friday eve ning at their Lansing avenue home to honor their daughter, Miss Mary Carolyn Davis, and her fiance, Norman E. Mann, who are to be married August 6. The party will fol low the rehearsal which will be at 7 o'clock Friday evening. The wedding is to be Saturday evening in the First Baptist church. In the group for the Friday gathering will be Miss Davis, Mr. Mann, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd T Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Breakey, Miss Jean Hatfield, Miss Shirlee Reimann, Miss Ellen Rey nolds, Daryl Willecke, Raymond L. Guthner, Walter Judd, Miss Nancy Buren, Mrs. James Duval, William Fawk, Miss Beverly Kenney, David Lawrence, John Seitz, Kenneth F. Sides, Robert Goffrier, Robert Cook all of whom will have part in the ceremony; Mr. Mann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor man A. Mann, who are to arrive that evening from Walla Walla, and Mr. and Mrs. DeSota Davis of Pendleton, uncle and aunt of Miss Davis, who will ac company the Manns to Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Arriving next Saturday morning for the wedding will be Mr. and Mrs Hugh Watron of Phoenix, Ariz., uncle and aunt of Mr. Mann. .' Mrs. Byron B. Herrick plans to leave next Saturday for Napa, Calif., to visit at the home of her son - in - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brin kerhoff, a.nd to greet a new grandson, Peter Adrian Brinkerhoff, who arrived July 12. An event for next Wednesday evening will be the Rotary club picnic for mem bers and families, the event to be staged at the YMCA Silver Creek camp. The no-host dinner will be served at 7 o'clock, although some groups plan to go at 4 or 5 o'clock to view the recreation area before the dinner. Tinkham Gilbert is the general chairman from the club for the picnic. A surprise shower was given by Mrs. Thaine L. Olson and Miss Ilene Allen Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. E. Whitney Morgan. . Those honoring Mrs. Morgan were Mrs. W. B. Allen, Mrs. Lincoln Olson, Mrs. Ellen Allen, Mrs. Earl Roddenhouse, Mrs. Niel Niesbett, Mrs. Florence Rags dale, Mrs. Davis Allen, Miss Bertha Al len, Mrs. Wayne Allen, Miss Phyllis Medler, Mrs. Leo Olson, Mrs. Kenneth Byers, Mrs. J. O. Gritton, Mrs. Morgan and the hostesses. Event At Jesten-Mlller studio picture SOMETHiyr. UNUSUAL and interesting A in garden scenes is In store for those at-. rending ine "lucnsia tea" or tne Salem Art association Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert E. Shinn, hundreds of fuchsias now being in bloom in the varied garden settings for the flower. M Mrs. Shinn is shown above in one of ths sections for the fuchsias. The Sunday tea is for all association members and friends interested and will be given between 4 and 8 o'clock. Miss Eliza beth Lord, at left, president of the Art association, and Mrs. Lester Barr, general chairman for the tea are shown, right above, in another scene in the fuchsia section of the Shinn gardens. Other arrangements of the fuchsias are being viewed by Miss Lord, Mrs. Shinn and Mrs. Barr In the lower right photo. Few gar dens have featured fuchsias to the extent they are in the Shinn gardens. D For Miss Fowler An event for Tuesday afternoon will be the informal tea for which members of the Salem Art association will enter tain in compliment to Miss Constance Fowler, who has an exhibition of her water colors and paintings up in the Elfstrom Art galleries for the next two weeks. The tea will be between 3 and 5 o'clock Tuesday in the Gift Box corner just off the galleries, and all friends of Miss Fowler and of the association are invited. Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, Mrs. W. E. An derson, Mrs. George Kaye and Mrs. Donald A. Young will pour. Mrs. Keith Powell is arranging the tea table and assisting in serving will be Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Mrs. Chester M. Cox, Miss Edith Schryver, Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mrs. John Heltzel. Miss Elizabeth Lord, president of the association, will assist in greeting guests. Soroptimist club's regular business meeting and luncheon will be Wednes day noon at the Golden Pheasant. Silverton Mrs. William Duncan of 401 West Main street was hostess Friday at a dessert bridge afternoon, assisted by Mrs. Virgil E. Pettit. Guests included Mrs. Taylor Hawkins, Salem, and of Silverton Mrs. Lloyd Lar sen, Mrs. P. A. Loar, Mrs. R E. Klein sorge, Mrs. Howard Morrison, Mrs. C. A. Hande, Mrs. Norman Eastman, Miss Betty Kleinsorge, Mrs. Francis Johnston, Mrs. L. C. Eastman, Mrs. Peggy Scott, Mrs. George Hubbs, Mrs. R. A. McClana than, Mrs. Henry Pritzlaff, Mrs. Ethel Brown, Mrs. Harry Carson, Mrs. Harry Carbon, Jr., Mrs. Robert Duncan, Mrs. Lettie Steelhammer, Mrs. W. L. McC-in-nis, Mrs. C. R. Wilson, Mrs. L. Brown, Mrs. E. Ross, Mrs. C. W. Keene, Mrs. E. J. Adams and Mrs. Alfred Adams. Woodburn The contest in play at the Woodburn Golf club Thursday in the women's division was for the longest drive on hole No. 7 with Mrs. Lettie Steelhammer winning in Class A, Mrs. Ray Glatt in Class B and Mrs. Matthew Mochel in Class C. Hostesses at the luncheon hour were Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo and Mrs. Leland Plank. For next Thursday the commit tee will be Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. Clark C. McCall. A family golf party will be held Tues day, August 2, with a mixed two-ball foursome starting at 5 o'clock p.m and a no-host supper to follow at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Matthew Mochel is chairman of the serving committee. All golfers, both men and women, are invited. Being welcomed in Oregon to spend the remainder of the summer at their country home, Fircone, are Mrs. Charles L. McNary, widow of the late United States Senator Charles L. McNary, and her daughter, Miss Charlotte McNary. They arrived the latter part of the week from Washington, D. C., to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Marshall and Mrs. - Walter Stolz and have gone to Portland for the week-end, planning to return here Monday 'Shinn Gardens On Sunday 1 fc in ii in i rri rfT TUTTTf f rn ONE of the highlights of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary department convention will be the tea to honor Gold Star Mothers next Friday after noon in the gardens at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Smith, the affair to be between 4 and 6 o'clock. In the receiving line will be Mrs. Mitchell Thorn, The Dalles, department president of the auxiliary; Mrs. Rose A. Smith, state president of the Gold Star Mothers; Mrs. Hubert A. Goode, Port land, national president of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary; Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs. B. E. Owens, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, national second vice president of the American War Mothers. Introducing to the line for the first hour will be Mrs. Helen McLeod, presi dent Capital Unit, No. 9, American Le gion auxiliary, and for the second hour, Mrs. Harlan A. Judd, junior past presi dent. Salem Unit 136, American Legion auxiliary. Greeting the guests outside the gardens will be Mrs. William De Vail and Mrs. James Bacon for the first hour and Miss Margaret Gabriel and Miss Ellen Reynolds for the second hour. A-string trio will provide music throughout the gardens during the aft ernoon and soloist will be Wayne Mer cer playing marimba selections. Assisting in the gardens will be mem bers of Salem chapter of Gold Star Mothers. For the first hour there will be Mrs. J. D. While, Mrs. George Pro, Mrs. Howard J. Smalley,' and Mrs. Lin coln Olson; and for the second hour Mrs. Ben Larkins, Mrs. Florence A. Rogers, Mrs. A. H. Lightncr, and Mrs. Martha Thompson. Mrs. Merle Travis is general chair man and will be assisted by Mrs. Al bert C. Gragg, Mrs. Clyde Kaiser, Mrs. Anson Ingels, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf, Mrs. George Gabriel, Mrs. Ray Bassctt, Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngarden, Mrs. F. A. Wil liams, Mrs. Leon M. Brown, Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs. Roy Reynolds, Mrs. E. W. Richey, Mrs. Harold Perkins, of Tacoma, a past president of Capital Unit No. 9. The tea is for all auxiliary members and friends. Tom Steeves is returning Tuesday from spending the summer at the Shat tuck summer camp at Fairibault, Minn. His mother, Mrs. Conrad Paulson, will meet him in Portland, Monday. "lirOINING the ranks of brides-elect p i) is Miss Charlotte Best, her engage ment to Charles Raymond Johnson being announced this afternoon at a party and shower honoring Mrs. Richard Springer. Miss Best and Miss Bernice Orwig were hostesses for the party. Miss Best is the daughter of Mrs. H. C. Walling of Salem and O. H. Best of Newberg. She is a graduate of Oregon State college and the University of Ore gon school of nursing. Mr Johnson is the son of Mrs. Mary K. Johnson of Cottage Grove. He was in the navy during the war and is now a senior in electrical engineering at Oregon State. The wedding is planned for Decem ber 23. The Saturday party was given at the Walling home. Little corsages were given the guests, a card in each bearing the names of the engaged duo and the date for their wedding. The guests included Mrs. Richard Springer, Mrs. L. R. Springer, Mrs. Her bert W. Winkler, Mrs. C. S. Orwig, Mrs. H. C. Walling, Mrs R. Wherley, Mrs. W. Frost, Miss Lois Hilton, Miss Wilma Crawford, Miss Doris Orwig and the two hostesses. Mrs. Charles South, Mrs. J. A. Fehler and Mrs. Cecil Kernes entertained last evening at a miscellaneous shower to honor Miss Patricia Elliott, who is to be wed in September to John Basil Wallace. The party was given at the home of Mrs. South. Guests at the parly were Miss Pa tricia Elliott, Mrs. A. J. Elliott, Mrs. C. R. Pierce, Miss Ruby Pierce, Mrs. Archie McKillop, Mrs. Walter Karsten, Miss Shirley Karsten, Mrs. Barbara Karsl, Miss Cleo Walker, Mrs. Charles Wag ner, Mrs. A m a Muncpy, Mrs. Edna Shepherd, Miss Iva Mae Speed, Mrs. George Speed, Mrs. Mablc Cupper, Mrs. J. M. Lamb, Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. M. R. Cady, Mrs. Reid Carter, Miss Marjorie Wiltsey, Mrs. Alberta Black, Mrs. Ray mond Hart, Mrs. Arthur Cummins, Miss Faith Priedy, Miss Mary Schocttlc, Mrs. Frank Hoyt, Mrs. Francis Stanley, Mrs. Gilbert Anderson, Mrs. William Walk er, Mrs. Dora Pratt, Mrs. Vera Harra, Mrs. Vernita Lanke, Miss Jo Ann Lanke, Mrs. Genevieve Sorensen, Miss Ann Barr, Mrs. James Tindall, Miss Agnes Drummond, Mrs. W. W. Wadsworth, and the hostesses. Afternoon JesUQ-MIUer studio plctur : st mi TPs'. Jcfltcn-Mllter fttudto plctur Golf Afternoon Another of the two-ball foursome events at the Salem Golf club is on schedule for tomorrow afternoon, start ing at 1 o'clock. Following the golf a picnic dinner will be served in the eve ning. Among those making reservations for the afternoon are Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Foucliek, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ingvald Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Dr. and Mrs. F. F. Bodmer, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Dr. and Mrs L. M. Hammerstad, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Perry, Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Musser, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whitmore, Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Waterman, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry, Mr. and Mrs Edward Roth, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pekar. Dr. and Mrs. George T. Hill, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Crothers, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Egel ston, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cannon, Dr. and Mir. Charles Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nccdham, Dr, and Mrs. James Haworth. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Wilbur, Mr. ana Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulson. Mrs. Hope Randall and daughter, Joyce, are expected to arrive home Thursday following six weeks' trip to Hawaii where they visited Mrs. Ran dall's son-in-law and daughter, Lt. (jg) and Mrs. Charles Strong. They left by plnne Thursday evening, planning to be a few days in San Francisco before com ing north. Silverton Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Gil patrick of the Silverton Hills area arc announcing the marriage of their daughter, Miss Zella Giipatrick, to Ber nard Light, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Light, Silverton, July 1, at Vancouver, Wash., at the home of friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Crumb, who were attendants for the couple. Members of the Immediate families attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs, Light are making their home in the Hills district. 1 I I