Summer We'ddtnMs Still . F SPECIAL Interest for next week end will be the wedding of Miss Margaret Jane Cooley and John Phillip Maulding on Saturday evening, August 6, the ceremony to be solemnized at 8:30 o'clock in St. Paul's Episcopal church with the reception following at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. On Thursday, Miss Cooley is giving a luncheon for her attendants at her home, the affair being arranged for 1 o'clock on the terrace. Mrs. Cooley is assisting her daughter. Places will be marked for Miss Mariann Croisan, Mrs. Richard L. Cooley, Mrs. Lester D. Green (Marylou McKay), Miss Marjorie Meyer of Long Beach, Calif., Miss Jeanne Fos ter of San Francisco, Miss Charlotte Alexander, Miss Jeanne Maulding of Portland, Miss Jean Claire Swift, Miss Marjorie Tate, Miss Lois Frink of Day ton, Miss June Young, Miss Antoinette Kuzmanich of Portland, Mrs. Cooley and Miss Cooley. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Cooley will entertain at a buffet supper In honor of their daughter and Mr. Maulding, the affair to follow the wed ding i-ehearsal which is set for 6:30 o'clock Friday evening. The supper is to be in the Marine room at the Marion hotel for a group of 36. Mr Maulding's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mauld ing of Tillamook, will be here foi the rehearsal and supper. By Marian Lowry Fischer A POPULAR bride-elect for whom much entertaining is being done Miss Pauline Morse, who is to be wed August 7 to Frank Charles Rock, Jr., of Pasadena, Calif. On Tuesday evening, Miss Patricia Za hare will be hostess at a picnic supper at her home for Miss Morse. The group will fete the honoree at a kitchen show er. Miss Zahare is being assisted by her mother, Mrs. A. M. Zahare. On Wednesday Miss Roberta Tussing (who is arriv lng Monday from Honolulu where she has been the past six weeks) assisted by her mother, Mrs. A. S. Tussing, is giving a party Wednesday evening for Miss Morse, a miscellaneous shower be ing planned. A late supper will be serv ed following an informal evening. Attending the party will be Miss Morse, her mother, Mrs. Paul W. Morse, her two sisters, Mrs. Paul Lippold, Mrs. Rafael Venegas, Mrs. F C. Rock, Mrs. A. M. Zahare, Miss Patricia Zahare, Mrs. Sidney A. King and daughter, Miss Bar bara King, both of Portland, Mrs. Jack Henningsen, Miss Jean Gilmer, Miss Margaret Fisher, Miss Sally Smith, Miss Prudence Craig, Miss Diane Proctor, Miss Ruth Fugate, Miss Charlotte Alex ander, Mrs. Tussing and Miss Tussing. Plan Thursday Party Misses Sally Smith and Diane Proctor are to entertain on Thursday evening at the home of the former at a dessert and informal evening party complimenting Miss Morse, the guests to include a group of Pi Beta Phi sorority sisters of the honoree. Invited by the two are Miss Morse and her mother, Mrs. Paul W. Morse, and her two sisters, Mrs. Paul Lippold and Mrs. Rafael Venegas, the latter visiting here for the summer from Irapuato, Mexico; Mrs. Blanche Proctor, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Miss Bernice Haynes of Berkeley, Calif., Miss Pru dence Craig, Miss Avis Roberts, Miss Barbara Miller, Miss Suzanne Huggins, Miss Roberta Tussing, Miss Jack Stark and Miss Barbara Goldman, both of Portland. The regular weekly day of the Salem Women's Golf association will be Wed aasday, play starting at 9 o'clock. - "h- ' Sic" si v 1 i Li 1 .JMten-MUler studio plcturs BRIDE AT a service July It was Mrs. Mar TiD Goodman, the former Phyllis Freres. tins is the dauchter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Freres f Stsyton, Mr. Goodman the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayna Goodman of Coquille. Tha eoaple aro In Salem for the summer and will Mrs la Ortfoa OUr aas fall. I i fecial fctfkiau '.f-T?t f' .a. Jwten-MIUer studio pletur flCTURED HERE In a formal photograph In her wedding; gown ts Mrs. Lester Duane Green, the former Marylou Mc Kay, whose wedding- last Saturday evening, July 23, was the summer's outstanding social event In the capital. The bride is the younger daughter of Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay. Mr. Green is the son of Lester M. Green of Eugene. This picture above was posed in the gardens at the McKay home where a large reception was given follow ing the ceremony in the First Presbyterian church. Candid pictures taken at the wedding were published earlier In the week. Wedding Plans Plans for her wedding are being an nounced by Miss Miriam Shellenberger. She will be married to Theodore R. Flook of Portland on Saturday after noon, August 20, at a ceremony set for 4 o'clock in the First Congregational church, Rev. Louis E. White officiating. Mrs. James Phillips is to be matron of honor and the bridesmaids will be Miss Shirley Flook, sister of Mr. Flook, and Miss Joanne Fitzmaurice. Richard Ran dall of Portland is to be best man for Mr. Flook. He is a cousin. The ushers will be Dan Torrey of Lebanon, George Gornick, Roger" Hopkins, Jr., and Fred Schmaling, all of Portland. Verne Esch is to be soloist for the wedding. The reception following will be at the church also. Miss Shellenberger is the daughter of Mrs. A. G. Malhcrly of Salem. Mr. Flook is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore R. Flook of Portland. Mrs. I A. Fu'gate and daughter, Ruth Pauline, have returned from a sojourn at Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Jten-Mlller ttudlo pletur. A BRIDL' on July 11 was Mrs. Gilbert C. Ward, who was Marjorie Ann Hobblo brfora her marriare. The wtddlnr was In tho First Baptist rhurrh. Mrs. Ward la the daufhter o Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Blanohsrd and Mr. Ward tho son of Mr. and Mm G. C Ward, Tha soufls wiM Uts kata. ' r' ivrV- .V j Lr-:-.;:. I I V' ,v 111 '. II Feature In T EVERAL informal parties are plan- ned for the new week. ' On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. L. C. McLeod and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod, will entertain at an informal tea at the home of the former complimenting Mrs. George Mark McLeod, visitor from Berkeley. About 30 old-time friends of the hon oree are invited to call between 3 and 5 o'clock. Mrs. Bert Hulst and Mrs. James T. Brand are to pour. Assisting at the tea will be Miss Irene McLeod and Miss Janet Lindley. Mr. and Mrs. George Mark McLeod are to arrive Tuesday to spend the week here with his mother. Thursday Event Mrs. Harold O. Schneider and Mrs. Edward Williams are to be hostesses on Thursday for a dessert and bridge party at the home of the former. Guests for three tables have been invited. Mrs M. M. Magee entertained a group of friends at a buffet supper at her coun try home at Macleay last evening. In the group were Mrs. Rena Bush, "Mrs. Joseph Krauth, Mrs. Maude Space, Mrs. Myrtle Moffitt, Miss Ruth Rawlings, Miss Ruth Moore and the hostess. Loikn-Mirkham plcturt, Portltnd. VME MARRIAGE of Mrs. James A. Garson was solemnised last Sunday ovoninf In Port land. The bride is the former Kathryn B. Raley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Raley of Walla Walla and Dr. Garson Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Garson of lasa, Tha ssaals will Mro as Fariland. Social News -ISS Phyllis Schnell, bride-elect of Robert Strebig, will be honor ed at a brunch for which Miss Jeanne Foster and her mother, Mrs. Eu gene I. Foster, will entertain next Satur day at 11 o'clock at their home, a kitchen shower following. Miss Foster is arriving Wednesday evening from San Francisco, coming north for the wedding of Miss Margaret Jane Cooley and John Phillip Maulding which will take place Saturday eye ing. Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay will return this week-end from a few days' stay at their beach home at Nes kowin. On Tuesday and Wednesday they will be in Ashland to take in th opening of the Shakespearean Festival, Tuesday evening. Preceding the open ing play that evening the McKays will be honored at a dinner to be given by Ashland city officials. Upon their return, Governor and Mrs. McKay will take in many of the pro gram events planned in connection with the state American Legion convention in Salem next week. State Representative and Mrs Earl Hill of Cushman have been v'siting her a few days with their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Irvin B. Hilt. Miss Beula Arnold, who is to be mar ried August 21 to James Williams, will be the honor guest for a bridal shower and party for which Miss Irene McLeod and Miss Crystal Huntington will enter tain at the McLeod home on Monday evening. Dessert will be served, fol lowed by an informal evening. Feting Miss Arnold will be Miss Janet Lindley, Miss Josephine Caughell, Miss Joan Hoercth, Miss Frances Baum, Miss Marian Carson, Miss Marilyn Burris, Miss Virginia Lewis, Miss Donna Lam bert, Miss Eva McMullen, Miss Cathy Cooper, Miss Janyce Baker, Miss Gale Juve, Miss Jean Pickens, Miss Nancy Snyder, Miss Ruth McCall, Miss Ruth Holtzman, Miss Marilyn Nichols, Miss Mary Arnold, Mrs. Lloyd(Arnold, Mrs. Harold Dickey, Mrs. Robert Wagers, Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod, and the moth ers of the two hostesses, Mrs. L. C. Mc Leod and Mrs. Hollis W. Huntington and the hostesses. A wedding for tomorrow will be that of Miss Mary Massee and James Struck of Parkdale, the ceremony to be sol emnized at 4 o'clock in the First Con gregational church, the Rev. Vernon Zornes of the Clear Lake Evangelical church officiating. The reception following will be at the church also. Among out-of-town friends and rela tives expected to attend are Miss Mary Bash of Corvallis, Mrs. E. A. Sparks and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sparks of Hood River, Robert Dunn of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. ' George Mulkey of Ariel, Wash.; Mr. Struck's aunt and cousin, Mrs. Ben Ja cobs and Miss Marilyn Jacobs of Hood River; Jim Johnson of Hillsboro; Miss Massee's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith of Mapleton; Mr. Struck's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brunquist of Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tetlow of Eugene. Miss Massee is the daughter of Mrs. Frank A. Massee of Salem, Mr. StrucV the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Struck of Parkdale, who will bt hert ar lb wadding. . iiiiMM mn jmu i im, muni i jirnrniiim ,ili:"n"'.iniJ BUI "rr"T"'"'-' ""'T KEsI&ISlS Auxiliary Awaits State Conclave Opening in Salem Next Week Climaxing many weeks of planning on the part of Salem committee women will be the annual department conven tion of the American Legion convention in Salem next week. Preliminary events include the meet Ins of the department executive com mittee in the state senate chambers at 10 o clock Wednesday morning and the ritualistic contest that evening a 8 o'clock in Willamette university gymna sium, Mrs. Don Apperson in charge. Convention sessions proper get under way Thursday to continue through Sat urday hundreds of women from units in all parts of the state to be here for the event. Mrs. I. N. Bacor. as general chairman and Mrs. Helen McLeod and Mrs. Harlan Judd as co-chairmen have headed the convention commission from the Salem units arranging for the auxili ary convention. National Head Here Mrs Mitchell Thorn of The Dalles is the state president to preside at meetings and a special honor puest for the con vention will be Mrs. Huberl A. Goorte, Portland, national auxiliary president. The Thursday prosram starts off with the district presidents' breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at the Senator hote1. Mrs. Earl An dresen of Salem as chairman. A joint memorial service and the joint opening of se;.sions with the American Legion will follow in the Elsinore theater. At noon, a buffet luncheon is to be served in the American Legion club. Thursday afternoon starts the varied business ses sions at the senate chambers, including presentation of the national president, Mrs. Goode, and introduction of other officials and distinguished guests, fol lowed by various reports. Thursday evening brings the conven tion banquet for the Legion' and auxili ary at the armory at 6 o'clock, follow ed by the drum corps contest at Sweet land field and the grand ball at 10 o'clock in the armory. Among the honored guests at the ban quet will be Frank Belgrano of Port land, past national commander; Mrs. Hubert A. Goode, Portland, national auxiliary president; Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay, B. E. Owens, Salem, state commander of the Legion; Mrs. Mitchell Thorn of The Dalles, state aux iliary president, and many other na tional and state officials of the Legion and auxiliary. For Friday Friday's calendar features the 1 a.m. breakfast for secretaries and treasurers in the Chamber of Commerce. Business sessions for the auxiliary take up at 9 o'clock in the senate chambers, nomina tion of officers to be held just before the noon recess. Mrs. Goode as national president will give her message Friday afternoon when the convention reconvenes, and follow ing will be reports from various con vention committees. The afternoon also brings the district caucus meetings. Highlighting the Friday afternoon program will be the garden tea to be given between 4 and 6 o'clock by the department auxiliary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Smith to honor Gold Star Mothers. The auxiliary that . evening participates in the grand con vention parade and takes in the vaude ville show at the State Fair grounds. For Saturday morning comes the elec tion of officers, followed by various re ports, the installation of new depart ment officers to take place in the after noon. -Chairmen Listed In addition to Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. Mc Leod and Mrs. Judd as the convention commission, other chairmen working on plans for the convention include: Mrs. Don Madison as secretary for the commission; Mrs. Lloyd Demarest as corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ethel Lewis as treasurer. Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, chairman for ( ' icu L V ' -il I Jestni-Minw studio slctura WED JULY M at a beautiful weddlnr ceremony in St. Boniface church at Sublimity was Mrs. Orrille B. Lnlsy, the former Dmsula Mlnden, daufhter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M Minden. Mr. Lalay is the son ( Mr. ansl Mrs. K. B. LuUy at Rnbttmity. badges; Mrs. Helen McLeod and Mrs. Harlan Judd as co-chairmen for the banquet; Mrs. Frank Marshall as con vention hall chairman; Mrs. Earl Andre sen, chairman for the district presidents' breakfast; Mrs. Leon Brown, chairman for the distinguished guests; Mrs. Harold Streeter, chairman for decorations; Mrs. Clara Poland, chairman for exhibits; Mrs. Glenn Porter, finance chairman; Mrs. John E. Wood, flags and standards chairman; Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, chairman for the "'49er Hour": Mrs. Merle Travis, chairman for the Gold Star Mothers' tea; Mrs. Paul Ficke, hos pitality chairman; Mrs. Malcolm Camer on, housing chairman; Mrs. O. E. Palm ateer, memorial service chairman: Mrs. J. D. White, chairman for pages; Mrs. Ray J. Bassett, program chairman: Mrs. Michael Panek, publicity chairman; Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, registration"1 chairman; Mrs. Don Apperson, ritualis tic contest chairman; Mrs. Bert A. Walk er, chairman foi the brcakiast for sec retaries and treasurers; Mrs. Kenneth Shomaker, chairman for trophies and awards. The chairmen have been assisted by a large group of members from both iapuai unii ino. ana unit io 130 in arranging convention activities. Plan Open House Dr. and Mrs Roy A. Fedje are to be hosts at an informal open house next Tuesday evening at their residence to honoi their son, Ray N. Fedje, and his fiancee, Miss Elizabeth Louise (Betty) Thompson, who is to be here for a few days next week from Buhl, Idaho. The open house will be between 8 and 10:30 o'clock. An informal invita tion is being extended through the press to all campus, town and church friends of the young couple to call during those hours. Pouring during the first period will be the two sisters of Miss Thompson, Mrs. Brooks Moore of Salem and Mrs. Eb Martin, Buhl, Idaho, who is accom panying Miss Thompson to Salem. Mrs. G. Herbert Smith and Mrs. Harry W. Scott will pour during the second hour. A group of high school girls in the First Methodist church will assist with the serving. Mr. and Mrs. Gan Thompson, parents of Miss Thompson, will be among out-of-town guests here for the reception, coming to Salem with their daughter. The Fedje-Thompson wedding will be an event of August 31 as an evening ceremony in the Methodist church at Buhl, Idaho. Following the wedding the young couple will leave for Boston, Mass., Mr. Fedje to be in the Boston uni versity school of theology and Miss Thompson in the Boston university school of music. Both attended Willam ette university this past year and their engagement was announced on tha campus during the school year. Mr. Fedje has been director of youth work in the First Methodist church here. Planned for the afternoon of Satur day, August 13, as a garden ceremony is the wedding of Miss Betty Lou Jones and Charles Hunter, the service to be at 2 o'clock at the residence of Miss Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne R. Jones. The Rev. Samuel H. Jones will officiate. The reception following also will be in the garden. Mrs. Neil Hamilton is to be matron of honor and young Miss Janice Jones will be junior bridesmaid for her sister. Rob ert H. Jones, a brother of the bride, is to be best man. Among out-of-town guests will be Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Portland, grandparents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Hodgen of Santa Barbara, uncle and aunt of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Martin of Sonoma, Calif., uncle and aunt of Mr. Hunter.