AUTOMOBILES I AUTOMOBILES PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage . .$1995 '40 Pontiac Sedan 545 '41 Pontiac Sport Coupe 795 '37 Pontiac Sedan 345 '42 Olds Sedan 995 '36 Pontiac Sedan 195 '37 Plymouth Sedan 345 '40 Plymouth Sedan 445 ' Herrall - Owens Co 660 N. LIBERTY Dependable Used Cars Sold By a Dependable Dealer 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1395 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN . . 1295 1946 MERCURY TUDOR 1295 1946 HUDSON (6) SEDAN 1225 1942 BUICK SUPER SEDANET 1245 - 1941 CHEV. SPEC. DELUXE SEDAN . 1045 1941 OLDS 5 PASS COUPE (6) 895 1941 OLDS 5 PASS COUPE (8) 845 1941 FORD 5 PASS COUPE 745 1940 DODGE SEDAN 795 1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SEDAN ... 695 1940 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 695 1940 FORD 5 PASS COUPE 645 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN 695 1939 NASH SEDAN 595 1939 HUDSON (6) SEDAN 495 1938 NASH SEDAN 495 1937 WILLYS SEDAN 195 SEE JOE SPURLOCK Phone 24173 2640 Portland Rd. 352 N. Commercial St. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SPEED QUEEN eiec. washer, old model but good rond. Has drain pump. (30. 835 Norman Ave. Ph. 38033. nlBO FINE PIANO. Very reasonable. lfl90lB. Cottage St. nl80 GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej, Gibson and Montag Appliance at Gevurti TF.EL CLOTHESLINE Posts, railings In stock b made to order, 1145 N. Liberty. nlOO BUT OR SELL Used restaurant equip ment. Ph. 3-4750. niua SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching . Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental lfi B yds 13.00 per hi 10 B H yds 8. B0 per hr D-7 Cat St Dozer 10.50 per nr D-6 Cat St Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat Si Dozei 7.00 per hr Phone Day 1-0408 Eves 3-838 or 3-4400 balera Oregon n FARMERS: Attention-Fence Controller, m'lk pasteurizers, close-out price YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80 LSED Washing machine, rame. refrig era tors, water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlUD' NO WAXING required when you use Plestl Kote, the cellophane-like finish (or your floor or linoleum YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlSO feoTPLATES, fan pressure cooker. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlHO' kl,ECTRlO Sewing Machines. Frea-Wes- tins-house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80' EXHAUST fans. Close out price. if EATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80' DEEPFREEZE Home Freezer $129.95 Si up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80 FENCE POSTS, poles, all type. Shingles, fertilizer St flatrock. Phillip Bros.. Rt Box 118 Ph 68F23 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying (1.45. RetrcHd Tlra Service. 320 So. Lancaster. nalSB WILL STORE spinet or small upright for ute or small rent lor ai iea year 1555 Roosevelt, nal83 wANTri): Chin Closet. Wrlta Roy Phlppa, 716 East 4th St.. Newberg. na!80 WANTED furniture w flue A ptr, Lee eroa- mro Keumamag mo a a-.uu PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Prod'JC 651 ns!,.8,t. Ph 2-54(6. ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua Box U AUroMOBILES WANTED, " 0er. 1M1 Chl. ! Will pay ci,,h. But mull be pod. Ph. 3-9315. I180 1 CHEVROLB)-. s'r Tudor. Ecrt lent condition; .pjwn payment 1465 Balance Terma. Full price 13S.O0 ELSNER MOTOR CO. Willy-Overland 352 N.'HiBh Salem q80 1941 FORD 4-Door Sedan. Radio and heat er 'Aa mntnr Ooorf tires and good con dition. 1575. best offer. Hollywood Auto Court. 1B43 N. Capitol. Cabin 4. ql80 1937 CHEV. Standard Coupe. 3,000 on re- onnrilllnn.r1 mntnr. (Inod tlref. heater. 1225 or best offer. Must sell regardless of price. Grand Hotel, Room 130. q!80 1940 G.M.C. i-Ton Pickup. Excel!, cond, New motor. See L. E. Oler, call eve ning am n nmnt St.. Sllverton. Ore ' qigfl ' STUDEBAKER Com. Conv. Completely equipped. Will accept trade. 338 N. Cottage. ----- i918cn EVROLET Fleetllne 4-Door Seda n . Air-ride tlrea, radio, undeneat heater, seat covers, undercoatlng and other ex i. ff.r in .Yr.iioni. mechanical condi tion! Priced to sell. Ph. 2-183 i" p.m. 4" FRAZER, R&H. New valve. Best offer around 11,000. 3880 reca Ave. X0 MODEL A 3 door. Ph. 23139. ql81 1941 DO-DIE truck 1 ton flat bed. Fltts Market. 1,101 '41 CHEV.. good cond. Best offer takes Ph. 3-5905 or 1090 N. Winter. glwT 3fi FORD 3 dr. Good shape. 1275 or best jffor Pn. 28823. 923 S. Hlth. qH 4H BUICK SEDANETTE Super, $1895. One wner 630 Union St. ' .k pi-inn aia rmh r?niine low mile' 9 mom mirnnn nlnr CQUlPPed . Down payment l5 Full price mm 1795 00. ELSNER MOTOR CO. Willy-Overland 352 N. Hish Salem 180' PH. 24113 AUTOMOBILES 41 CHEV. Special Deluxe 3 Door, R&H. good mechanical condition, I860. 180 Highway Ave, or Ph. 2-8563. q!81 18 PLY. sedan. '42 Dodge motor. Runs good. 645 Pine. - q 1 80 IM7 CHEV. convertible. New tlrrs. New top, R St H. No trade. 1215 Chcmeketa ql82 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 34 Ford Station wagon. 2348 Cherry Ave. Ph. 28847. 1943 CHEV. 4 dr &p, De. 1750.00, or 1939 Bufck 4 dr. Century, 9550. Both In good anape, private party. 2325 Maple. Ph 26880. qlftO 194g W ton Chev. panel, Rt. 1, Box 135 on Olyn Creek road. Call after 8 p.m. Har vey M. Hill. ql83 FOR SALE '47 Chevrolet Convertible. Leaving for Europe must ael my low-m ease car What am I offered? Call 3-7370 after six. 60S S. Church. q!80 89 OLDS . door "8". Very clean. Priced to sell. Rt 1, Box 312. Ph. 37373. q!81 '3(1 FORD tudor (210. Must sell. Ph. 22326. Box 187, Wallace Rd. after p.m. 0.180' 1940 BUICK Super. Excellent cond. 1825 Ph. 26583 or 360 S. Lancaster Dr. ql80 '48 PACKARD deluxe club sedan. Fully equipped. Low mlleagee, like new. Will accept .rade. 1495 N. 4th after 5. q!80 CROdLEY, 1947 Sedan Just oi.dltlon.ha new car appearance J Ideal for that 2nd car, Down payment 1250. Pull price 1495, ELSNER MOTOR CO. Willy-Overland 352 N. High Salem '4f PLYMOUTH to?., 1985. Meter, tot llahta. etc. It's clean t Phone 2-8790 or aee st 2155 Center St. qlSl 1LYMOUTH 1948 SPEO. DELUXE 1 DR.. HTR., A ONI OWNER CAR. UUARANTEED. 11H5.00. STAN BAKER MOTORS S.W. Cor. High St Union Ph, 22468 ql80' ODOB 1941 COST. 4 DR. SED., 1 A BEAUTY, AIRCRUISER RED 1 FINISH, RADIO, ALLWEATHER DUAL FRESH AIR HEATING SYSTEM. LIFEGUARD TUBFS, OTHER EXTRAS. GUARAN TEED, i 165.00- STAN BAKER MOTORS S W. Cor. High St Union Ph. 22468 ql80 M ERCURY 1947 DR. TOWN SEDAN. R St H ORIGINAL FINISH, CLEAN THROUGH OUT, WRITTEN GUARANTEE. J 14 05. 00. STAN BAKER MOTORS S.W. Cor. High ft Union Ph. 22468 q!80 WANTED; Clean used can. Bob Marr. 2160 South Commercial 4 4 JEEP Pane 1948 The economical, easy to nandle untl, ha low mile age and new car appearance. Yours at a nuie savings. Full price 11095.00, ELSNER MOTOR CO. Willy-Overland 352 N. High Salem qlB0 Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1935 OLDS. OOdd condition. I1SS C.ll 30441 aftrr fl p.m. qlHi D ODOE 1S47 CUST. t DR. HTR.. ONE OWNER CAR. LOW MILE AO E, ORIOINAL STONEBEIOE FINISH. OUARANTEED. 11645. STAN BAKER MOTORS S.W. Cor. High St Union Ph. 32468 ql80 1940 BUICK tuper 4 door, R&H. For sale or trade. Ph. 28463. '40 PONTIAC club coupe, 745 Judson. Ph. Ph. 20634. 0180" ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT - SELL TRAD! TERMS 331 P.lrrrounO Road Phon 1-64&4 Eisner Motors to Sell Eisner Motors to Buy '37 DODGE 4 dr. sedan S325. Terms. R&H, spotlight, new seat covers. Body and motor In very ajood cond. 1155 Colonial Ave. (Off Market & McCoy). ql80 1948 SUPER DELUXE maroon Ford 5 paju. coupe. R At H. Fot lights St seat overs. A beautiful one owner car. Like new. W'll ell at attractive price. Rt. 1 dox 280F BrkJ". Ph. 21116. John Bobtci at Holm'i convalescent home. 4180 AUTOMOBILES 194? CHEV. Fleet Maater 4-Dr. Sedan. S1275. Excel, cond. Ph. 2-0620. 1930 Ber ry St ql82 1940 STUDE. Champ 4 Dr. Sedan, over drive, neater, sxcei. seat covers, log lite, good paint, etc. Good buy. 795 Corby St., Wood burn. qlBO 1939 MERCURY 5-Pass. Coupe, 1948 new motor, rricea rigni. att at ass n. com mercial St., Salem. ql82 II FORD COACH, bet offer over 1535. May be seen evening. between 6 and 7:10 at 226't McNary, West Salem, ql80 NOW WRECKING a '39 Bulck, '36 Desoto airflow, '36 Snide., '38 Ford, '38 Old.., '38 Chev. truck, model A truck, '29 Chev. truck nod many others. Hamm'a Auto Wreckers, 1 mile we?t on Dallas Snlem hlahway. Ph. 38466. ql5 MOTO RCYCLES, SCOOT E RS MOTOR BIKE has 1947 BrtiM Sz St rat ton motor, new tires. Sacrifice 165.00. 550 Wnier 9t.. Snlem, Ore. qa I HO FARM EQUIPMENT bXsElplCKliP baler! Good cond, 1600. Ray Salter. Ph. 22925, QJ,181 GARDEN TRACTOR, 4Va h.p., with plow. olsc, -prlngtooth and cultivators. Bar (tain. 984 Spruce St. Ph. 3-8679, qbl82 FOR SALE Ford.-on tractor with hUh tension mag. Cheap Ph. 23179. qblSl TRAILERS ROYAL HOUSE TRAILER and 1948 Jeep. Will sell one or both. Excellent buy. Rt. 4, Box 660, Boone Road, mile east of 99E South. tlBO MONEY MAKER, butane throuphdut. Practically new. Sacrifice. Excellent for construction Job. Phone Oreuon City, 3723, or write Box 558, Gladstone, Ore. 1182 FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 8-I23-M-165, C.R. Allen, Mgr. 519 State - Rm. 125 rlBO BUILDER WILL sell $3745, 5Va contract on new homo, sarna (1012.40 interest in 108 monthly payment ol S44.05, Cell R. V. Lorenx, Phone 3-4284. r- PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and term on larger loan lona and short time payment ROY H SIMMONS 138 Soih Commercial St Phone. 3-9181 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loans up to S500 Come In or phont Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problem Phone 27032 Lie N M369-S291 Flod Ken yon, Mxr T GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-138 and U-33B and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S Commercla St Tel 3-9181 r' FARM ANX cm LOANS 4 and 8 VOiJR OWN TERMS ol rrpajment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract.' and Second Mortgage CAPITOL SECURITIES CO jOI Pioneer Triwt Pldl Ph 3-7182 r SEE Oft FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4',ir. INTEREST B to 40 Year and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 2-36M r' AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph 2-2457 Lie No M- ISB S-IS4 ' DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes uaed mtehlnea sold, renUd. repaired Roen 458 Court Phone I-S773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aervlcr new appllanem. Vlnce's Electric Phone Free estimate Trade-lna accepted on 3-9239 137 S Liberty St o Spence's Home Appllanca Repair. "Noth ing to Sell But Service." Phone 3-4602 Prompt. 0182- AT-UR DOOR GRINDING ft wn mower sharpening and repairing Dexter' Ph 36833 ' AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warrant) Repair Station for all make of Auto Radio Morrow Radio Co.. 153 S. Liberty Ph. 3-8955. e- UARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing aervice day phone S-9288 Nlgnt 2-1804. S33 Center. 0 Mike Panek 275 S Com'l. . Ph 3-5161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist 0182 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Term. No down payment. Phone 3-4850. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Tonsue and groove chmney blocks, wholesale or retail. Mortarless Block Co. Ph. 3-7324. 20S Alt Bros. Also housep raised. New foundations. Phone 25909. ol83 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4308. 0187 Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huiltey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3146, Salem 0186 BUSINESS A PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE Telephone answering; service. Day-nlte Your secretary. Ph. 39133. ol9V CASH REGISTERS Instam delivery of new RCA eash regtstei Al makes sold rented, re pa :-ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o CEHENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walla, eto. Call 2-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Purnlce chimney vacuum cleaned Erwiey 771 8. 31. Ph. 3-7178. ol82 DRAFTING SERVICES Home planned St designed by an ex perienced architectural draftsman. Hour ly basts. 2239 Mill or Ph. 3-4083. ol8l ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vinci' Electric for electrical wiring contracting repairing 157 8 Liberty Ph 3-9239 e EXCAVATIN DITCHING Hoe, Dragline, ahovel. Free estimates. E L. Boatwrlght. 410 Oregon Bids. Ph. 395(13. O202 EXCAVATING St GRADING Excavating St grading:. Ben Otjen ft Son, 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o320 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph 3-3056 Lee Cross, 1555 PearL 0183 8tr:thauDt'r for tloweri Dial 3-9179 o INSULATION! Johna-Manvtll Home Insulation. Ph. i:.7t8. Fret ut. Shut-in Veterans and Old American Legion members in the Salem area may follow the coming stale Legion convention August 3, 4, 5, and 6 with special convention programs and materials being distributed by local convention headquarters. Above is E. S. Lawrence, Amity, now in the state TB hos pital receiving a convention kit from John Kerrick, convent ion commission general chairman, center, and Onas Olson executive secretary, left. Lawrence was in the air corps dur ing the first war. Other shut-in vets may receive their kits by contacting the convention headquarters in the Senator hotel. DIRECTORY LAN DSC AIT NURSERY A Doerfler Si Sons, Ornamentals t Lancaster Dr at Cor Ph 2-1322 LAW N MOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed aervice. New power and hand mowers Call Harry W. Scott. 147 So. Co.n'l St oI81 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At you: door lawnmowe Dexter the lawn mower man Rhnrpenlna Pit 36811 3 Fireplaces. Ph. 15968. chimneys St block laying HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Walk in? Co Ivery 1717 Center products Free Ph 3-5395 MATTRESSES Capita, Beddlux Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSON S 3panl.h and Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St, Ph 3-7569 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and tiling nuppne.v afes, duplicators and supplies desk lamps typewriter stands brief ea;.es Pierce Wire Recorder. Roen 456 Court Sprai or brush painting. Ph. 22664. o201 Ext. Painting & Int. Dec. Reasonable rate. Ph. 3.4682. ol90 Tlfstrom's are equipped to do tout painting Phone 2-2493 o PAPERHANOING Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-4631, Expert Paperhnntln's and painting. H J.Woodworth. Ph. 2-fifl68. Free est. o201' Kem toning. Interior decorating, free es timates. Ph. 20501 0199 Bids. maintenance, painting, Ph 20501. ; PAPER HANGING Call 22608 for your Painting liana me. Attractive rates. Paper 0197" Don Lurero. 0193 Phone 3-4360 or 2-6554. Paintlnit and papernanttlng. Free esti mate. Ph, 3-9513. Or.7 Shipping. olflB PICTURE FRAMING Picture framlna Phote 3-6687 Sutcheoo Paint Store Fisher. 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. ol80a PtlUNING-SPRAYING Phlln W. Belike h. 2-1208. SAND GRAVEL Valley Sand St Gravei Co Silt, sand Si Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel St cats Tractor scoop At trucks for dirt movlni Ph office 24002, res. 37146 Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603 1293 N 5th. O203 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Razor Jharp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Sep tie Tank Cleaned Reaa Ph 1-8)27 or 1-9468 SEPTIC TANKS K -. Hamel. Septic tank cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Ouaranteed work. 1143-8th Sr., West Salem. Ph, 3-7404. ol97 Cara taken with lawns. No mileage charge. Call collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2545 State. Phone 2-0734. 0 Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned, Roto Rooter Service on Sewnrs, 1079 - Elm St- W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5327. 0183 SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms. All makes. W. Davenport, Ph. 37671. O203 All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3513. ' o TYPEWP ITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under, wood portables All makea used machines Repairs and rent Roen, 466 Court o TRANSFER STORAGE 'ocal St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal St briquet Trucks to Portland dally Agent for Beklna House hold goodj moved to anywhere In US o. Canada Lartncr Transfer St 8tore Ph 3-3131 ea VENETIAN BLINDS Made li Salem Free eat Phone 37378 Elmer the Blind man o Venetian blinds made to order as low aa 14 50 a blind Phone Sears 3-9191 fot free Mtimate. 190 alem Venetian Blinds made to order or reflnutfied Relnholdt Lewis. 3-3639 WEATHERSTRIPPING Free eatlmatas. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5985. 0182 WELL DRILLING Fred Wrmore. Rt 3 Box 317. Ph. 3-5135. o210 WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made to order 1 Oel Relnholdt St Lewi Ph 33(139. WINDOW CLEANING Acme Indow Cleaner Windows, wail woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 1-3317 147 Court Lanrdoo. Culbertsoo and Mather WOODS A WING Wood sawing. Ph. 2-1575. WOOD A SAWDUST West Salet Fuel Co Ph 2-4031. LODGES l.O.O.P meets every Wed nesday night. Visitor! wei come. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem l.lvpftliwk Market (By Valley Packing Company) Spring lamtw f-17.00 to 119.00 Feeder Iambi 113.00 to 118.00 Ewes S1.00 to 14.00 Cutter cows (10.00 to $11.50 Fat dilry cows 110.00 to 113.00 Bulls 113.00 lo J17.01I Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) 14.00 to 1)5.00 Veal (150-300 lbs. I good . $1(1.00 toJlfl.00 Hogs price paid within J5r. of Port land prices for each tvpr. Top 110-225 lbs Portland Produce Huttrrfat Tentative, subject to Imi.ia- Otnte change. Premium quality maximum to .35 lo 1 percent acidity delivered in Poilland 66-68c lb., 93 score 64-66c lb., 90 5coree 57-60c; 89 score, A5c Valley routes and country oints 2r less than first. Butler Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to 'holcsaWs: grade AA, 93 score, 62c A 92 f-core 61c; B, 9(1 score, 59c lb.; C 8S score, 56c. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whols .'.'e: Oeicon singles 38'-47c. Oregon 8 lb. loaf 4:-49c; triplets Vio less than s Indies Eggs (To Wholesalers) A grade large 6 l.-61l,ac: A medium. &414-57c; grade B taige, 53'V55Vjc; small, A grade, 44to Pii.'tlAnri Dairy Market Butter Price to retailer?: Grade AA print 67c: AA cartons 68c: A prints 67r. A cartons 68c; B prints 64c. Est Prices to retailers: Grade AA urge, 67c doz., certified A large, 65c; A large, 64c: AA medium, 61c: A medium, 59c; A small. 48c: carton 3o additional chitons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailer: Portland Oiegon slnal" 40'i-49c. Orecon loaf. lb. Ion la, 43 -51c lb; triplets, lVi less than .singles Poultry- Live hickfn NO. 1 quality FOB plants, No. I broilers under 2Va lb. 37-2B(? lb.: fryers. 2-3 lbs., 31-33c: 3-4 lbs., 32c roasters, 4 lbs. and over 33-330 lo.; iowi, leghorns, 4 lbs. and under, 20-22c, over 4 lbs., 22c; colored fowl, all weights, 33-24c roosters, all weights, 18-20e, Rabbits Average to growers: live whites, 4-5 lbs., 19-21c lb.; 6-6 lbs.. 17-10c lb.; -olored 2 cents tower; old or heavy does. 8-1 4c: dressed fryers to butchers, 65-7c Country-Killed Meats Va Top lii.lllty, 31 -32c lb.; other grade according to weight and quality wl h poor or heavier 24-29c. Hog: Light blockers, 81-33c lb.; sows 24-26C lambs: Top quality, 37-38c lb; mutton 10-12c. Beef: Oood cows, 33-36e lb; canners- cutters. 2l-23c. Ftenh Dreised Meata (Wholesaler to retailers per eWt.t: Beef- Steers, good, 500-800 lbs. 142-45; ommerclai, ;35-41: utility, 131-34. Cows: Commercial, $33-36; utility, $31 31. Cannera-cutlera, 125-27. Beef culs good steers): Hind etiar ters $53-55: rounds, 153-55; full loins, trimmed, 165-70: triangles, 136-37: square chucks, 138-40; ribs, (6063; f orequarters. $36-37. Veal and suit: Oood, $38-40; eommirelal, $32-36; utility $26-30. .jambs: Good-cholre, spring lamb, 144 46. commercial. $40-42. Mutton: Oood. 70 lbs, down, 118-30. Pork cuts: Loins, No. I, 8-13 lb. $59 61: shoulders, 16 lbs., down, $39-41; gpare rlb. $48-51; carcasses, $3536) mixed weights (3 lower. Portland Mltllanoi Caicara. Bark Dry 13 'A e lb., green 4e lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grade. 45c lb. Mohair 75o . on 12-month growth, nominally. Hides Calves, 35c lb., according to weight, kip 20o lb., beef loo lb., bulls 4-fic lb. Country buyers par 2e lass. Nut Quotations Walnuts, first quality Jum bo, 34.7c, large, 32.7c; medium, 37. 2: second quality Jumbo. 10.3c; large, 36.2c medium, 26.2c; baby, 33. 3e; soft shell, first quality large, 29.7c: medium, 26.3c; sec ond quality large, 37.3c; medium, 34. 7o: babv 72. 2c. Filberts Jumbo, SOe Ib.j large, lie; medium. 16c; small. Lie. Production of wood creosote and liquid glucose has just been started in India, LEGAL ADMINISTRATOR' fTNAf, NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that OR CAR D. OI-flON, as admin Intra tor of tha tat of BENJAMIN HOWARD LAROENT, dfteeaicd. haa filed hla final account aa such, and by order of tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon Coun ty, Aumiat 30. 1049, at 10:00 o'clock In tha forenoon ot laid day haa been ftxtd aa the time, and the con rl room of laid court haa been fixed aa the place for tha hear ing of objection to Id final account and tha lettlament of aald aatat. OSCAR D. OLON, AdmlnUrator of the Ect.ata of Benjamin Howard Lament, dee'd. RHOTKN Si RHOTEN SAM r, SPEERSTRA Pioneer Trust Bulldlnc Salem, Oregon Atlornevi lor Administrator. July 23, 30; Am. I, 13, 30. NOTICE TO CREDITOR Nolle la hereby alven that the Under lined hi been appointed Admlnlatratrli of the Estate of Raymond H. Freeman, dceaMt. All persona havlm claim aaalnnt that estate are hereby notified lo preaent the same, duly verified and with proper vouoherj, to the Adminis tratrix In care of R. B. Carmlehael, l&S West Lincoln atreet, 8alm, Oregon, within six t monlhj of the date of the flrat publication of this notice. Dite of flrat publication July 10, 149. MELISSA CALVERT, Administratrix of the Etale of Raymond H. Ere em in. Deceased. R. B. CARMICHAEL, Attorney for Esiate U. a. National Bank Building, Sprlnafield, Orejon. Capital Journal July 30, Am. I, 13, 30. 27, 1949. Grain Prices Listed Weaker Chicago, July 30 VP) Grains got off to a weak start and nev er showed any rallying power on the board of trade today. Denl- the first 30 minutes, but ofter""" "V"" . UBlurllOM 01 that the market just loafed along with the trend lower. In wheat there was some dis appointment over trade reports the Kansas City commodity cre dit corporation office had not bought any cash grain yesterday, as some traders had expected it would. The cash grain price was lowered in the southwestern market today. Wheat closed l'.n-1'Jit lower, September $2.05-$2.04, corn was 1!s-Hb lower, September $ 1.28 4 -i , oats were "s-Vn low er, September 65 't-'lti, rye was 2',i-3',i lower, September $1.51- soybeans were unchang ed to lower, November $2.35- 'A-Va, and lard was 3 cents low er to 30 cents a hundred pounds higher, September $12.37. Woodburn Demolay Mothers Plan Book Woodburn The regular meeting of the Mothers Circle of DeMolay was held in the Ma sonic parlors with Mrs. George Rogers presiding. Plans were made to publish a book of the favorite recipes of the members and at the next mcething, Au gust 25, each member is to bring her favorite recipes for this project. Following the meeting the mothers served refreshments to 18 DeMolay boys, Lester Keller and Harlow C. Dixon of the ad visory board and George a Rog ers, who was a guest. Mrs. Fred Odgers was in charge of serv ing, assisted by other members. At the DeMolay meeting the boys planned to hold another picnic on the Willamette al Buttevllle August 14 for mem bers and their families. The next regular meeting of both the DeMolay and the Moth ers' Circle will be held August 25. Halls Start Trip For English Visit Sllverton Th parents of Mm. Lloyd Lanham, Mr. and Mm. E. W. Hall of Seattle were house guests of the Lanhams over the week-end on the first lap of a six-months travel trip Hall, born In England, and leaving there at the age of 21 year, accompanied by Mrs. Hall, Is fulfilling a desire of many years, to make a return visit to his native land. The Halls entrained Monday for New York from where they will sail directly to England. Included in their travel itincr ary, In all the countries are rel atives they hope to see, are Scotland, Switzerland and the smaller European countries. Having sold their Seattle bus iness interests, the Halls have not completed their plans for the future following their re turn to America. SALEM MARKETS Completed from rrpnrl at Salem deal' rs for the ittlrianr tf Tapltal Journal Reader. (Revised rtIUt. Retail Feed Prleee Ks Maah 1S.10. Rabbit Pellets 1430. Dalrr Feed 13.10 Peallry Buying prlrea Orade A color ed hens. 33-2Ac; grade A I , shorn hena, 21-33 cents; Grade A colored fryers, three ib. and up, 33-33c. Orade A old rooatcr IS CIDU. Eggs Baying P rleea Extra large AA, lc large AA, 01c: large A. S9-Mc, medium AA, Sic: medium A, ht-ile, pulletx 38-40c. Wholesale Prleet Egg wholesale prlrex A to 7 cents above ihexe prtres above atd A generally quoted at 67c modi im He. Buttftrfat Premium 64-Sfte, No. 1, 0.1e; No. 2, 57 69e 'buying price 1 Better Wholesale grade A, tic; re all 13c. Part la ni Grain Portland, July 30 "i Wheat futures and cash grain unquoted. Cash wheat b1d: Soft white 2 11; soft white (excluding re if 2.13 . white club 3,13; weilern red unquoted. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 12; 10 per cent 3.12; 11 percent 2.12; 13 percent 2.14. Hard white Heart : Ordinary unquoted: 10 percent 2.10; 11 percent 2.10; 12 percent 2,20. Todsv's receipt: Wheat ISA; barley I; flour 3; corn 9; oata I. Capilal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Mike Elliott and Wife Make Defense on Radio Portland. Ore.. July 30 (U.R) Elliott implied last nlKht In a his ouster feared the Investigation The sheriff and his wife made land station KXL in his first reply to a citizens' group seeking a recall election. ' The broadcast was an appeal lo the voters of Multnomah county to "decide for yourself and by yourself." "Could it possibly be that they (those seeking his recall) are us ing every power at their dispos al to try to sway and prejudice you to recall me before I have a chance to complete my findings and lay them before you, the people? Could it be they are fright ened at what I will uncover, that some shady deals might come to light and that you will be al lowed to see some of the deal ings which have taken place?" In a caustic tone, Elliott de scribed those opposing him a "politicians" whose "gibbering' might sway the people of the county, He appealed to his constitu ents to ignore these "politicians' and refuse to sign the recall pe titions. Mrs. Elliott was even more outspoken in her defense of her husband than was the sheriff. She declared angrily: "They are persecuting my chil dren, these gossip-mongers, by uieir vicious lies and their mis innocent mistakes." Mrs. Elliott went on to de scribe her husband's character as "on the highest plane." I he broadcast was sponsored by the "Committee for Fair Play," and was transcribed elec trically at noon yesterday for broadcast last night. Child Stealer Held in Jail Tulsa, Okla., July 30 OT A 2!)-year-old mother was in Jail today because she refused to tell where she had hidden her daughter she had stolen from its adopted parents. Mrs Nellie Beshears says she wouldn't tell where her seven-year-old daughter, Ona, is hid den "if they were fixln' to hang me." She has been unable to post bond of $1000 after being charg ed with taking the child. Mrs. Beshears said she did not know she was consenting to Rive up the child altogether when it was adopted July 5 by Mr. and Mrs. Luther Whitley. The woman, who is divorced told police she took the little girl when informed she could no longer see her. "They told me I could have the child any time I wanted her and that I could take the child back when I wanted to," she de clared. I can't have any more chil dren and I'm going to hang onto my little girl as long as I can," Mrs. Beshears said. She works nighls as a cotton mill spinner in suburban Sand Springs. Mill City Rebekah Lodge Next Host Stayton Eva Rebekah lodge met in short session and ad journed early so that members could attend the crowning cere mony for Jack of the Beanstalk of the Santiam Bean festival. Mrs. Velma Limbeck, noble grand, presided. It was announced that the an nual district Rebekah conven tion will be held in Mill City August 31. The Rebekahs are operating a food stand at the carnival grounds during festival week and D. George Cole, a member, has rigged up a concession in which balls thrown at a certain spot gives a ducking to the one sitting on a special seat In the back of the stand. Cole, himself, is the victim. Scotts Mills The Strom re union was held July 24 at the home of J. C. Strom in Scotts Mills. Those present were J. C. Strom, Jim and Bill, Herman Strom and family, H. C. Strom and family, Betty and Albert Skely, Peggy Compton and fam ily, Agnes Garrison and boys, Ben Bleaphey and daughter, Henry Martin and family. Beryl Kdon also Clifton Strom and family and Anna Emra and family were unable to attend. A reunion will be held on the fourth Sunday of July each year hereafter. OBITUARY Mm. Wllej Mutliett Albany, Ore. A former resident of Al bany, Mr. Wiley Miidset 1le1 July II In Lockney, Tex., according to word received here by friends. m. V, R. Kmllh Unionvnle Mrs. C. Tt. Smith, 12, died at tier home lit the St, Joe district, flhe a member of the McMlnnvllle Metho dist rhurcli. Olive Grace Hewitt wai born AuRiixt 27, 1R76, to Mr. and Mra. Andrew Hewitt at the place now owned by Jacob 9. Roth In the Unlonvate district and was married to Clarence Raleigh Smith, July 29, 1S9S at the home of her parenta. For manv years their home was In Unlonvate (mulct. They celebrated their Golden wedding three yearn ago. Three children were born, the eldest, a aon, died In In fancy. Hurvlvlna are her widower; two riauehtern, Mm. Ernest eheltitirn. Raker Creek near McMlnnvllle; Mra. William War minx ton, 81. Joe; etftht grandchildren ; brother. Hoy Hewitt, saiem Elmer Hewitt. Alhanv: two slate m, Mri. T,. M. CoaLi, Union vala, Mra. Henry Kerr ot Saturday, July 30, 194915 Multnomah county Sheriff M. L. radio address that those seeking he is currently undertaking. a 15-mlnute broadcast over Port Rites Held For McSherry Ritualistic rites for Irl S. Mc Sherry, 52, past commander of vttlJLitu rusi iu. u niucri luctit re gion, were held at City View cemetery Saturday afternoon following funeral services at the Clough-Barrick chapel with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. McSherry, long prominent in American Legion and civic af fairs, died in his sleep late Wed nesday night at his home, 770 Hoyt. At the time of his death he was state director of the Ore gon chest, a position he had held since 1943. Active pallbearers were Allan G. Carson, Arthur Johnson, Fred Gahlsdorf, B. E. (Kelly) Owens, O. E. (Mose) Palmateer and Brazier C. Small, all past com manders of the post. Honorary pallbe a r e r s were ueuige w. rtvercu, nooin uay, Carl Gabrielson, Rex Kimmel, H. G. (Fod) Malson, Claude Mc Kinney, John A. Olson, Justice E. M. (Blng) Page, Lawrence Osterman, Ira Pilcher and Gov ernor Douglas McKay, all past commanders; A. C. Haag, Charles A. Sprague, former gov ernor; Hedda Swart and Loyal Warner, all of Salem; Hey Cor gan, Jesse Gard and Ralph Reld, all of Portland; A. W. Norblad, Astoria, former governor; John Sell, The Dalles and Victor Mc Kenzle, Carmel, Calif, and for merly of Salem. Jean McKee Harvey Dies in Portland Jefferson, July 30 Jean Mc Kee Harvey, former Jefferson resident and resident of Port land since 1937, died suddenly at her home in Portland Friday. Mrs. Harvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKee of Jeffer son, was born at Jefferson Au gust 29, 1916, and spent her entire life there until moving to Portland. She was a craHunle of the Jefferson schools. Janu ary 14, 1947, Jean McKee was married to Charles Harvey, Pnri.lnnH Attnrnpv. wlm tmrirlwna her. Surviving besides the hus band and parents are two daugh- Up. ITi;VnV.arN tJn..A.. I Katherlne Harvey, both of Port land. Announcement of services lat er by the Howeil-Edwards chapel. McMlnnvtll. PimerBl .rrvleeH wra at S:30 p.m. BlttirtlM ftt McMlnnvillft hom. Rev, K. Heckmiin. her Dnfttor. offlc atari. nnrini was in in. tinpewiMi Floneer centa ury bj the aide of her aon. John nulllckion Woodburn John OiilllcWaon. M. died Friday night, July ?, at hla home a ahort dlatanco anat of Woodburn wher ho had lived for tha paat 10 year. Born In Nor way September IS. 1859 and umi to Ore- won from Wlseonaln nl 1910. Member ot tha Lutheran church. Survivor Include one aon, Henry Gulllckaon of Woodburn: a al.iter ingrld Qiialley of Madlion. Wis consin, and a brother, Ole Oulllckaon In Norway, Funeral aervkeji will ba Monday 1 p. m. at the Rlnxo chapel with In ter man t In Bella Pm1 cemetery at tha gravMide or hla wila, Mary QuUlekaon, who died In 193B. DEATHS Rett art Wiuta ,ate resident of Portland, at tha aia of IS year. Huaband of Mary W a toon. An nouncement of aervieaa Utar fey W. TL R ldon company. Hn, JflMiBbln F. Maiaon Mra. Josenmne, F. Maxiton. ai or a way. Colorado. Services will ba held Monday. An ft nut l, at a p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdna napei wnn concilia. ng icrvicei in hi. crest Memorial park. Mil Luella D. Baker Mlut Luella D. Baker, lata resident erf D90 Oak jitreet, at a local hospital, July 38. at the ana of 74 yearn. Survived by a, Liter, Mra Pearl Bengen of Woodburn. Oregon, and aeveral nieces and nephewa. Service will ba held at the Howell Ed ward chapel Monday, Aug. 1, 1:30 p. ; Private eoncltidlng aervlcea at the Port land Crematorium. Mra. Vivian Khoadea Mr. Vivian Rhoade. lata resident of Aalem, July 3ft at Portland, at the age ot 47 year. Survived by husband, Cecil L. Rhoade of Salem; a daughter. Mr. Rex Shu It a of Molatla; mother, Mr, Cynthia. A. i-rowna of Cinbv; a slater, Mr. L. O. Helrerllne- of frugene, and a brother, Floyd R. Browne oft Honolulu. T.H. Servlcea will be held Monrfiy, August I. at 10:10 a.m. at me w. t. Rigdon chapel, with con cluding wrvlcki in Belcrest Memorial park. , Irl llama el Meftherrr Ir Samuel McSherry. at hi residence at 770 Hoyt street. July 38. at the age of year. Surviving are hi wife, Ellen McSherry ot Salem; a inn, Barton Mc Sherry of Salem; and two brothers, Frank Mc&herry of Freewater, Oregon, and Ron- nld McSherry of Touchet, Washington. Service will be held at the Clougli-Bar- rlk chapel Saturdny. July 30, at 3:30 p.m. with Rev, Dudley Strain officiating. Intei ment In the City View cemetery. Rit ualistic, aervice by Capital post No. ff, American Lesion. Ambrone EMha Slmpton Ambrose Eli una aimuson. at Long Beach. Calif., July 39. Survived by four sons. Kirc Simpson or saiem. winarti u. simp- on of San Franc xro. L. Paul SlmDSon of Coqullte, Oregon, and Charles H. Simpson ol Athena, Oregon, and right grandchil dren. Announcement of lervlcea later by uiougn-uarrica company. Jean McKee Harvey Jean McKee Harvey, at her home In Portland July 39, at Ihe age of 33 years. rviveu by ner nnsDanti, cnaries Har vey of Portland; two children, Elizabeth and Katherlne Harvey, both of Portland ana ner parent, Mr. ana Mrs. raui Mc Kee or Jeflerson. Announcement of er- vlcea later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Mm, Rthel S. Murphy In thU city July 39, Mrs. Ethei 8. Mur phy, late resident of St. Helens, Oregon. Survived by husband, Keber William Mur phy of St. Helens; a daughter, Elaine A. Murphy of Salem; a brother, Ewnrt Scott or Nlagrg Fails, n. y.; and a sister, Mr. Onas S. Olson ot Salem. Services will be held at Uie W. T. Rigdon chapel Mon- , August i, at .1:10 p. m, with Inter ment in Beicrest Memorial parit. i