1 12 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADYBBTlSlN Ol Pet Una -- Per Line 8 time 0i Per Uqi time Per Lint 1 month ,. WOO Outside of Salem IB per line ps Mln. I Oo i I timw min. IN I times mln 11 .20. No Refund READERS 1 Local Ntwi Cot. OdIti PM US - To Place an Ad Phone 8-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Owner Living m California SACRIFICE NKW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tito kitchen, batii upstairs and I down. Hardwood noon throughout. Full plas tered basement St plastered garage, low of atoraga space. Terraced back yard. Cost over 118.000 to build. Will sell lor 114 900. Term. Would consider oheaper '' house or car In trade. For more infor . matlon inquire at Steven Used Can. eia 8. 12th St., Salem. o FOB 6 AXE BY OWNER! New S bdrm ' home. FH term. $600 down- Phone ooort Hi Ulnar alOO r:NEW HOMB by owner. 2140 Carlton Way. N. on 90 to Carlton Way. "g ' ":. no irm WT OWNERS run orifo a.... - Convenient for business and residence r or house can at remoyeu . i besemenet, 41 by 100 lot. Handy to 1 - nh.niH nntr on State Highway ME. 575 N. Capitol fit. Phone . -Htin fnr nnnintmem. 1 BEDROOM house. Ah modern. U acre of ground. Will sell my equity. Inquire at : WDian -rraaing Y T.otr aiBO' n i... i.-D. n n dun Hwd fin 11 basemen automatic heat excellent con- , itruction .mmed poss. siw.nwu wiw only Ph. for appolntmeent. 'Larsen Home & Loan Co. Ph. 38380 Eve 37440 or 19989 aiBO !j FOB SALE or trade for acreage, two sub- . . uroan nuinca, iuvwiu. wmv - - -bedroom on two larte lota and one two ,c bedroom late ouut wiw mo ., tages 1 or rentals on three large lots wun plenty oi mbuc, uuia.w. --. y- V. D. Moore, 185 RoberU avenue, off r,- Silver ton Road. 1 . B.R. house on 00x150 corner lot. Newly redecorated. aft years old. Owner being J ?- transferred. Must sell at sacrifice . $4500.00 unfurnished. Call after 8:90 ' ...... l, 4.ua anvtlma weekends. 755 v mnp Ave.. W. Balem. 182 I70UU. uiean (noun. . Snglewood Dlst. Close to Balem High. -. Taidwo?d Hoors, fireplace, full base- ment. Immediate possession. ; Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. ; ' Realtors 183 P High St. Ph. 1-4121 Eves 25561 al80 nanvmn VI. b mjul he a. II (10 fl $1500 down, ten years on balance. 2330 Hyde Bi., aaicm. I87B0. Modern iate built 2-BR home, fireplace, V blinds, oil furnace, car peted wall to wall. Oarage. 11,000. down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. " Realtors m lb! 8. High St. Ph. 1-4121 Eves 25581 also i i 13050. New modern 3-BR unfinished home Ea.it. A good buy for someone. Call Stanley Brown with ; State Finance Co. Realtors . IBS 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Eves 25581 also TWO HOUSES for sale or trade. 2 bdrms. each. Modern. Ph. 26483. alBO WANT A HOME? '1 1 want a good late model car. Let's " trade. 1 bedrm. 3 yrs. old, Vt a., view, , - Klngwood annex, Box 264 co Capital ' Journal. . . $6950 " 2 bedroom home near Leslie school, "' bsmt.. oil heat, large L.R., Kit., Oar. u' Your terms In reason. - Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Tears la Salem 150 N. High St. . Phone 2-4120 alBO ifr OWNER 1 acre, room house, garage, chicken house, near Swegle school, nut trees, berries & garden spot, 18600. A' Terms could be arranged. Rt. t, Box 65 on Brown's Rd. N.S. of Swegle Sen. alB3 A Good Investment Largo B room all modern home, 12x25 , L.R. with fireplace & carpet. Basmt. and new oil furnace. Newly decorated 1 5 ft. frontage. Price reduced to 15300. ' Call Bon Cleary. ; WALTER MUSGRAVE ' Realtors , 1111 Xdiiwatcr Ph. IB109. Iv. I3t al81 ' BY OWNER: Oood imkU hom. SS180. .' 1I1B N. Liberty. 183' MOVE RIGHT IN Completely furnished. Two lovely bdrms. LR, DR. Kit., fireplace, piped furnace, large fenced yard, near publle and " parochial schools; near bus. All for 11 1,600. Terms. $1500 DOWN " For this very attractive home, having M basement, furnace, idy. trays, small child's room (in basement), fireplace, LR, DR, Kit., nook, bath, one BR ground floor; two BRs up; nice fenced yard, , outdoor fireplace; paved st.j sidewalk. All this .7050. - SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 1 N. tilth St. Phon. liato Sve. Phonu H1 - 3a09. 180 $3750 I bedroom house on 2 lots, near bus Ime and stores. Some terms. $5250 t bedroom house, full basement A sun porch. No. 3 bus. gone. Easy to convert to business Si home. : HOME & INCOME - A very nice modern home with 2 acres on 99 E north. A good place for a re- tired couple who would like a nice home with some Income. 15000 will han ' die. G. A. Vicary Real Estate 111 N. Com'l St. Phone Day or Eve. 20421 al80 HIGH 8T. Modern home. Has 3 bdrms., . den, L.R. D.R, Comb., kitchen it nook with full basement, Lots of bullt-lns. . Has fireplace, auto, oil heat, carpeted .. hdw. firs. Lge. well landscaped lot. , $13,600. Ph. owner at 3-0196. al84 RAND NEW 1040 Btudebaker Tudor, only 160 miles. Unexpected personal affairs . necessitate selling. Reduced to 61850. ' Call 2-9B21 after 6:30 weekday, all day - rMiuraay ana ttunaay. aisi sSwNER Well-built 2-B.R. houu. Hdwd floors, fireplace, large lot suitable for court. Nr. stores, schools, bus. Walking distance to atatehouse. 1150 Nebraska St. , alBl FOR SALE by owner, one-yr.-old 2-B.R, - home, lias sq. ft, hwd. firs, oil-fir furn.. " plenty of bullt-lns, nice yd., lg, att. gar., ' Ven. shades. Close to new school. City bus to door. Prl. water system. $3,000 dn. will handle. Full price 810.476 with rugs and drapes, 60975 without rugs and drapes. 3130 Sunnyvlew Ave. alSl BE WISER and go right In Kleser. Pol low signs from North River Rd. and - Churchdale Ave. to a beautiful new - 5-rm. home. Ph. 2-7520. alBl $650.00 Down Nice and clean, 3 bdrm home, well located, on pavrd street. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 150 N. Hllh St., Phon. 2 119 111' NEW 2 BDRM. SOUTH On Nttf .re. .11 dec., H. W. (loon turnout. Pullr liuulftted. flr.pl.cr. Plentr of cabinet A etoraee p.c. 9oo 4own, dm. 25 ft. F.H.A. lofcn. Mf tmner. PhOM lOU or 21191. .110 Oregon, Saturday, July 30, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket- to See "Champion" Plus "The Wizard of Oz" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture comlnR soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality. The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Wlz zard of Oz," coming soon to the Elslnore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges Is final. Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest. FOR SALE HOUSES This Week Only Owner must sell this lge. modem home. Only $5000 full price. Has fplace, hwd firs, 4 Brs, utility rm, lot 75x130. 814O0 dn. will handle bal. 45 per mo. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph.2-8862 Eves Ph. 2-2147 or 2-8B36 aI80 FOUR CORNERS $8,800 New, beautiful, modern style home. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, attached garage. Hdwd. floors, oil heat, lawn 1 in, fruit ees, large lot. If you want a good home let me show you this. Call or cee Andy Halvorsen Office 3-8820 Home 3-7183 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS New Location Center and High Streets al81 (TRI. 1 pirlrm nn one floor, full burnt. Two blocks to scnooi, large garacn, sruit and nuts, can ivan sivers Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 23840 Eve. 37012. 1B1 17950 Very neat two bdrm. plastered home witn narawooa nrs. mruout. in sulated, shftke exterior, att. garage, tarn Int sast. A mo. old. I880O New ranch style 3 bdrm. on extra large lot, nawa, iiaors, urepiucv, cicu. heat, nice lawn, lots of flowers. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 000 8. Commercial Ph. 23840 Eve. 25260. alBl ENGLEWOOD Why don't you drive to 23rd and Market (N.W. corner!, look over the outside of this fine 3 B.R. home. Beautiful yard, hdwd. firs., fireplace, oil heat. Please don't disturb occupants but you can see the Interior by calling 2-5390 eve nings or Sunday. SWAP FOR CITY Lovely new ranch home, 2 B.R., den, fireplace, double garage, 6 ml. out priced right at 18400. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 370 N. High St. Office: 2-3840 Evening: 2-B300 or 3-7481 a!80 BY OWNER Englewood Dlst., well const. 3-oorm. nome. run oasmi. wun guuu furn. Insul., new roof, new redec. About 10 yrs. old. Approx. lot 80x180. Bus by door. Lots of shrubs and flowers, garden In. $8450. Ph. 2-0386. alOl NEAR DALLAS, new 2 bedroom home, choice location, l'A acre tract walnuts and fruit. 13000 down, balance like rent. Phone 2973, Ray Olesbrecht, Rt. 1, Box 411-A, Dallas. Oregon. alBO FOR SALE by owner 5-room white shake nouse ana garage on v acre. oca room a down, unfinished upstairs, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, oil clro laun dry trays, lots of bullt-lns. wired for ranee. Reduced to $6050. 81500 down, or make offer. Rt. 6, Box 315-H. Come out Market St. to Bwegle school, turn right, then left for Vt mile. Phone 2-5766 or Oregon City 8930. alB2 OPEN EVENINGS 7 to 8:30 and Sunday. New 2-B.R. nome, targe ciosets, nre nlace. hardwood floors, dining room. utility room In house, plenty cabinet space in aiicnen, wun or wunout new elec. range and refrigerator, elec. heat, yard ready for lawn. Located 2455 D St. or Phone 37800. al60 BY OWNER Business Interests compel us to go back east, so we are selling our country nome. mere are ien lerme acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries for Income, also some young fruit trees coming along. The house Is nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and Is of smart modern de sign. It Is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort in living. Price 117,500 and worth It. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 2, Box 264, Salem. a206 BY OWNER Completely redecorated, pre war bum, 2-bdrm. nome just on mate St. Lots of shrubs. 87800, terms. Ph. 3-3B49 eve. or 2-4431 days a 182 MOD. 4-BDRM. home close to school and bus. 1050 3rd St., West Salem. al85 ENOLEWOOD DIflT. 2 bdrm., LR. with fireplace, dinette, Kitcn. witn lots oi bullt-lns, bath with tub and shower, pecan firs., att, extra lge. gar,, lnsut, and W.S., auto, heat, back yd. fenced, P.H.A. approved: See at 1640 Orant or Phone 2-5526. al85a SALE SACRIFICE BY OWNER Oood location, beautifully landscaped 3 bedroom ' house, 2 baths. Workshop, dou ble garage. Sell equity with or wlhout furniture. 1440 8. Liberty. al81 Immediate Possession Attractive country home, exc. location, 1 mile east of Kelser school, 5 A. fam ily orchard, large shaded lawn, city and school buaes. Am leaving state. 16,000 down will handle. Oearge A, Fletcher, Rt. 2, BOX 49 P. Ph. 2-4308. el82 FOR SALE LOTS FAIRMONT HILL between Fir tt Fairmont St. facing south, lovely level lot 50x1 W with trees, shrubs and 2-car garage. Only 83150. Ph. 3-4016. , eve. 3-8213. aal86 ONLY . BLOCKS CAPITOL GROUNDS ZONES 64x1 1013000. ZONE 391x14814000. WALTER SOCOLOF8KY Real Estate Ph. 3-8835 aalSO F.H.A. Approved District BUILD NOW HI Drive out to the Ben Lomond area and see our signs on these vacant lots; Inside city limits; city water, desirable clean district; McKlnley school: priced $450 to $3500. You can't go wrong on these. See Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE 231 N, High Ph. 3-3638 Eve, and Bun. Call 3-7834 or 3-1724 aalSl $10 DOWN! ifti lots with water, bus service, elec tricity close to school. See thrm today) Reimann Real Estate 201 South Hllh Ph. 3-0303 Sunday and Evenlnss 1-3905, 3-9713, 2-8241, 2-2532, 2-3738 alii FOR SALE HOUSES ATTENTION Open Sunday, 4 Until Dark 220 CANDALARIA BOULEVARD 1 year old, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen with plenty of room for breakfast table, bath, lots of closet space, patio, and double garage with storage room, insulated with DuPont fiber glass, forced air oil heat. Price $13,730. F.H.A. terms. By owner. Ph. 3-1241. no. GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1750 N. COTTAGE ST. 4 bdrm. 12 yra. old, Uv. rm., din. rm., htll and b.th. I bdrnu. down and X u, bamt., auto, oil heat, patio, beautiful yard, clos. to Catholic and publlf achoola. Today' but bur at 111,100. CALL ROY FERRIS'. ENJOY THE BEST Live In this exceptionally fine I bdrm. home, spacious rms., 2 fireplaces, lull burnt., dole, garage, oil furnace, excellent View. CALL PETER OCT8ER, ENGLEWOOD Almost new, ranch-style home, 2 bdrms., Mv. rm., din. rm., brkist. nook, full basmt. with fireplace, extra long lot. This Is a beautiful home. CALL BUN ROI8EN. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Evenlnra and Roy Ferrla 9-0010 Zarl West 2-1231 FOR SALE LOTS fairmount VIEW Addition. Salem's most exclusive restricted residential district, drive ud Washington St. ana see the view. Only a few lots 00x165 at LARSKN HOME lt LOAN CO. 184 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8380. Xv. 3-7440 aaiar VIEW LOT 85x108. 7 blocks from Salem Heights scnooi. en, tobsb. aaina- VIIW LOT, 00x98, restricted. City water. Opp. 84 vista Ave rn. i-tas. aa- LOTS with water on Silverton high way. Why pay rent. Build your own home. flB down, 815 per month. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3280 aalSO CHOICE VIEW Tract 88x100. Adjoining finest homes, paved drive, no orusn, big oak trees. $1800. Ph. 24836. aaiai FOR SALE FARM 5 ACRES - MT. ANGEL Neat clean two bdrm. house, outbuild ings; value 86500. Trade for three bed room house In Salem. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 148 N. High St. Phone 37660 bl80 20 ACRES on Skyline paved road, 6 mi. out, iVi acres oak, 3M acres Koyai Ann cherries; plastered house and- bldgs. Ford tractor and farm lmpls., electric lights and telephone, well and spring. 811,000, small down payment and terms. Tel. 3-3058. bl82 FOR BALE 37 acres, B miles from Salem. Modern 5 room house, unnmsnea up stairs. 10 acres pasture with spring, balance in fruit. Will consider trade for house in Salem. View. Ph. 2-2243. bl80 100 ACRES of farm land 12 miles S. of Salem on highway 99. Botton land, can b Irrigated. Year around stream. Terms. Bee owner. 2510 Cherry Ave. bl80 POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY Would consider late model trailer house or car as down payment on improved Vh acre farm. Balance 350 monthly. Almost new 2 bdrm. home, barn, spring water system, fruit trees, etc. L. L. Hughes, owner, 2210 N. Church. Ph. 23710. blBO Hayesville District 10 f .ne acres of fruit it berries & oajfi"re Se a neat clean 4 rm modern hse. $16 000 orw ill consider town prop 4rt)y In trade. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862 Eves 2-2147 or 2-8838 blBO FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 ACRES Oood home, elec. heat, fireplace, 2 bdrms., full attlo finished, full base ment, elec. wtr. htr., elec. cooking, beautiful setting, pavement by door. Price $11,500. Rawlins Realty Hollywood Dlst. - Ph. 34664, Eve. 33536 bb!81" $3450 acre east, 1 B.R. house, L.R,, Kit., Bath, Utility, workshop. Nice & clean. Quick possession. Worth the money. Call D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years In Salem 0 N. High St. Phone 2-4120 bbl80 REAL ESTATE ARE YOU IN THE DOO HOUSE? Solve your problem by buying this 2 BR. hme on Vt A, close to achl. bus by door. Swell little 2 Rm. hse in the rear to go to when the going gets tough. This is a good buy at $8500. A DANDY little sub. home, plant., hwd. firs Ven. blinds, utll. Rm. off of Kit. 2 BR. )ge LR., elec. heat. Insulated, W. stripped. Fine garden spot, near store Ai bus. Only $0250. Terms. IP MY WIFE liked to foot with a cow, some chickens A spend some time on the working end of a hoe I'd buy this ' Vt acre myself. The house Is small but comfy. I'd take the barn and convert Into a shop. You must see It Only $5250 on the outskirts of twon. ONLY fSOO down 135 per mo. Late build 4 BR. home on Acre, Pacific hyway, fruit, berrlts, new well ONLY $2500. LIVs! IN THIS now and build the rest later. What has been built is com pletely finished. Plans and some lum ber on hand, lot 100x107. Be sure and see this. $4000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 87440 C180 1$) ACRES. 3 bedrm. house. Furnace. Elec. water system. Year around creek. Barn, chlck'n house. Family orchard; shrubs. Close to Salem. Pric $11,000. Terms. CLOSE IN N, Summer Street home, 4 bed- rms., large L.R., fireplace, dbl. plumb ing. Corner lot. Price $16,800. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3863 Evenings call: 2-4007 or 3-8789. clBl $1,000 DOWN! 2 bedroom home with floored atlc. Dou ble garage, sprinkling system, corner lot. Balance F.H.A. Full price $6,300. No. 253 TRADE! TRADE! Do you hare acreage suburban propertyf We have several town properties to trade for suburban acreages. Call us today I $1,000 DOWN! 2- bedroom house and 3 separate rentals bringing In $30 per month. Full price $7,500. Large lot, good garden. Close to school. No. 165 $1,500 DOWN! 3 - bedroom home on large lot with won derful garden. Nice lawn. 1 block to bus. 2 blocks to school. Full price 85.800. No, 2 78 -A Reinmann for Real Estate 201 South HI ith St. Ph. 3-9203 Evening and Sundays 3-1738, 3-9113, 2-8241, 2-2532, 34903 el80 FOB COt'RTIOUa erncirot service on rcur real estate problems pita. call A. E. DANIELSON 111 Myilh (k Ph. 1-H10. clOl IFOR SALE HOUSES Phone 9-1471 Sundays Call Peter debar I-U Xan Rolaen 1-3471 110 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS SUBURBAN Vt A. very close In East, modern home l block to bus. Several fruit trees. 8Vi A. adjoining available. F.H.A, terms. Total price $8500. Ph. 20473 or 33551, TRAILER HOUSE WANTED If you have a good trailer house to .rade for an almost new 3 Bd. rm. home. in a good location. Call at once we have a very good deal. Ph. 30473 or MS 58. $6000 FULL PRICE Almost new home. Close In, near bus, school fc store. Very easy terms. Ph. 20473 or 335S8. SEWINO MACHINE BUSINESS If you are Interested wo have Just wnac you want. Large stock of parts. tools, good fixtures. Oood location. Owner forced to sell because of ill health. Everything goes for $8500. Ph. 20479 Or 33538. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 126 ft. on 90E. 3 Bed. rm. house. Small store building fast growing location. A good buy for only $7000. Ph. 20473 or 33398, FARMS If you want a farm. We have several of them from 1 to 100 Acres. Ph. 39403 or 33558. 4 ACRES No buildings. 1 A. In Walnuts, U A. berries, family fruit trees. Total price only $1,800, or 1 A. more and an un finished house. Available all for $4,500. Ph. 39403 or 33558. 8 ACRES B rm. house 2' Acre cleared U A. strawberries, every thing goes for 13, 200. Ph. 39403 or 33958. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 37820, 24598 3035 Portland Rd. c!81 This Week's Specials A busy grocery store on a good corner, doing cash business room for gas pump and another store. Price Includes stock, fixtures and Real Estate. Reason for selling? Sickness In family. Ideal for coupe nice 1 bederoom home with bath, living room, kitchen, bullt-lns. Only 2 years old. $3500. Imm. Poss. of this house with 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, automatic heat, close to schools. Price 15750. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-1545, 3-4898 Eves. 2-6686, 3-7565, 3-7B41 clBl Look $2250 buys 3 room furn. work shop, ch. ouse, iruu, ft acre. LOOK $3000 buys 3 room, bath, close bus, gar- sc, paving, ioou jown. LOOK $6250 buy near new 2 bedrm., bath, Piaster, nawa. floors, elec. heat, loc. in Englewood $1600 dn. LOOK (4T10 and a real ouy 2 bdrms, Hv, din. mi. Dam, nrepiace, piaster, age 10 yrs. loc, aububan north $U00 down. LOOK $1000 buys 6 unit motel on 99E near Haiem, income f800 mon. elec. heat, part terms. LOOK $18,000 buys new 4 unit motel lots of oom for expsnslon a real buy for you. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 8. ConVl. Ph. 1-4S41 1.5497 CHI' SMITTY'S SPECIALS Wise is the MAN who SAITH, MY year's rent GAINETH ME NOTHING WHEN YOU OAK BUT A t BDRM. HOMI CLOSE TO SCHOOL, CHURCH ES AND STORES, JUST OPr OP HIOHWAY. BUS AT CORNER. JXKC. HEAT, ATT. OAR., ALL POR 14950. ALSO e 2 ACRES ALL KIND OF BERRIES, FRUIT AND FILBERTS. LOVELY 2 BDRM. HOME, SUNKEN DEN WITH FIREPLACE, DOUBLE OARAGE, CLOSE TO STORES, SCHOOL AND CHURCH ES. BUS AT CORNER. JUST OPF OF HIGHWAY. BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAP ED. DRIVE OUT TO 4580 N, RIVER ROAD TO Smith's Real Estate or phone 38266 for Information. c!B0 FOR TOUR SAVINGS Investment buy lint mortgage on real estate. Salem vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 8. We make all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. High e IMPORTANT Buyers here is your opportunity. A fine 60 acre farm good bldgs. As fences fot sale priced right must sell. Oood Filling Station eautpt. Also hse. f wanted, terms. House In city, large ft small. Also bids, lots fine location (cheap). Soma very good small acreages near cMy cheap. For partlculara call R. A. McFarlane 3-6732 111S State St., Salem WANTED REAL ESTATE LOT N. lltll St. Ine. 191S 14. llth or paved St. PA. 19710. cam WANTED Small acteate near T.B. hoa pltal. Mioo to moo. Haa 11000 caah. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 4U court St. Phon. 1-Hie Home phone 1-47IJ. c Ho rn ARE In nenl 01 aooo nouaee to eeli IB or near Salem If rou .lab to Uat ,iu? property tor 1.1. .--flRABENRORST IIIIS. IIAI TORS lit . Uoeiti St. moo. l.ltu FOR SALE FARMS FARMS We have a nice variety of farms, soma are all stocked ft equipped, sou as Orado A dairies and some diversified farming. Tot example hero is one of them: 56 acre. B0 acres under cultivation, acres in pasture. All fenced, good spring, creek. Has good 4 bdr. house, large DR LR. fireplace, modern K. Beautiful landscaped yard with 2 fishponds and all kinds of shrubbery and flowers Also a large older barn with silo, good work shop, chicken house, hog house, garage, gasoline tank In ground with 1 gas pump on, 4s etc What more can you ask for only 312,700.00. Here Is a good stock farm, 700 acres, 100 acres under cultivation, balance la pasture dc timber. Has 3 barns, 1 poultry house, several springs, big Jake, year round stream. Pasture will handle around 200 head of cattle. Large cor ral with boarded fence. Good place for dude ranee, 2 houses, on 2 yrs. old sebII modern. One older type house.Cooklng is w. heat elec. Priced at 130,000. You must see this place to appreciate Its value, GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. J. ZEEZ, 1853 N. Capitol WANTED REAL ESTATE VIEW LOT, 170 ft. Irontaie Satem HU. .paved St. Ph. 237S0. cal0 AVE A BUYER with 11000 eaih u pay down on home. What have you? Call ue, F. H. WEIR Ph. 1-0411 cam NOTICE! II rour property la for aale, rent or .zenana., Uat It with nx We bare all klnda of eaan buyera. STATS FINANCE CO.. REALTORS IBS S. Rltb St. ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE A WELL LOCATED A A. Youni fruit treea, nice lawn. A good nome bunt for comfort. Lea llv. room, din room, kit. with plenty of butlt-lna, 1 bdrms and a large gar. Will trade for place In town. F. H. WEIR Realtor 1147 S. Com'l. Phone 2-9411 cbl81 3li ACRES at Woddburn, also business bidg. on corner at saiem. ror smau sub. home near Salem. Phono 29907. cblBl RESORT PROPERTY fifDKN. 1 bdrm. borne, corner lot, close .n beach, good ocean view. 8 bits, on 101. Must sell quickly. $4000 cash or $2000 terems. C, Allum, Wecoma. cciai BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INCOME PROPERTY One of Salem's best located Trailer Courts. 20 spaces, modern In every way with nicely furnished electric heated home. This property must be seen to appreciate its real value. A. C. Bunger (owner). 1005 South 21st St., Salem. Oregon. cd!81 NELSON NEWS $9000 BARGAIN With $9000 cash for down payment you can get 2 new bldgs. with 6 rentals producing an income of $235 a month. The property Is self-operating. The to tal price Is only $17,000 because the owner wants Immediate ; cash. This Is one of the best, perhaps the very best residential Income buy in Salem. If you want a substantial Income with a small investment check at once on this. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High. Ph. 3-4622 cdlBl IDEAL LOCATION and setup for small business combined with living quarters. Price $8500. Phone 3-B109. cdl&5 FOR SALE or trade, body and paint shop. 3 rm. house. 3880 cnerry Ave. rn. a-auaja. $1,300 down. cd!82 SPECIAL Grocery store In fast growing commun ity. Doing good business. Will sell stock and fixtures for $6,000 and give good lease. P. H. BELL, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph: 21545-34898 Eve. 26686 - 36575 - 37641 cdlfll' WANTED LOCAL PARTY OR PARTIES Interested In an exclusive franchise for your city of Salem. Please write Box 364, Capital Journal. This is your opportunity for an exclu sive and specialized business, same as now operating In Chicago Kansas City Denver San Francisco Reno and thirty-six others. Save this advertisement, it's the one and only insertion. cdl82 USED CAR LOT, complete with office. sign ft equipment. All hardtop suriace with r without used car stock at cost. Will consign car stock. Reasonable lease. Phone 21602. cdlSl BY OWNER; Mack's Landing, 8 ml. from Kernvllle on siletz river. IT a. i boats, 5 motors, new boat house, 6 furn. cabins. Intl. pickup. B rm. Iv. quarters store handling groceries, tftckle, soft drinks. B.C. beer licenses. 319.300. Cash or trade in part for good Salem property. cdlBl TAVERNS Wo have two good ones. It would be good If you could come in and talk with Mr. Bean about these. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37680 cdl80 VENDING MACHINE route for sale. 7 practically new Alcuna 4 column gun and candy machines. Oood return on Investment for a few hours a week. Ph. 35544 or 26793. Ask for Jim. cdl81 INCOME PROPERTY, $200 per month. New building, restaurant, itxtures ana going business can be bought. Also 3 bdrm. home available. All on 1 acre. Room for 20 trailers to 12 cabins. On main highway, Salem 1 mile. Wonderful opportunity. Write Box 263 Capital Journal. cdl83 A" ERN This is one or Salem's HOT SPOTS situated in a busy dlst. with plenty of foot traffic. This place Is favorably known with a select trade, a proven money maker. Has 5 yr. lease at $100 per mo. If you are Interested In a fast paying business be sure and see this. See Mr. Stevenson. SALEM CROC. CHOICEST LOC. Buy Stock te lease bldg. s fixtures, $85. per mo. On busy intersection. Doing $140 pr day netting $600 per mo. Exception ally clean stock, fixtures complete Se mod. Your best buy In the city, today. Br Mr. Moore. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 114 3. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 35066 Cdl80 RENTAL BUILDING, leased for S yrs. at $250 per mo. wiu sell for $30,000. $8 ooo down, bal. $100 per mo. Box 266 Journal. cdl81 WELL EQUIPPED grocery store. Fine lo cation Oood reason for selling. Write Box 265. Capital Journal. cdlSl NEW SERVICE station and motel for sale or trade will taxe nice nome in or near Salem or small business. Terms. Ill health forcing me out. On hlway 20 between Lebanon A Sweet Home. Ph. 1862 or 70 Eaton. Lebanon. Oregon. rdlflO FURNITURE FOR SALE WALNUT DINING room set. Ph. 31241. dl83 BLOND DINETTE set. Like new. 135. Ph 2-5131. H1B0' UNPAINTED furniture, cloaeout prtf WOODROW'S. 450 Center St WANTED FURNITURE HIGHKfT PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodrv Auction Maraet Ph 3-5110 da LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. alcCandliah. 1111 S. IS. Ph. 3-1147. aioa' IFOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE MGR. Phone 3-3031 RABBITS 4 ANGORA BABBITS, 13 unit butch E diahea, 030 Union. eblSO PETS FOR SALE, Reg. Springer pupa. Very good. Call 31508. telBO DOGS BOARDED and trained reasonable rates by day or month. Trimming and bathing. Pre Pick-up fe deliv, LeOray Kennels, Rt. 3, Ph. 2-1398. esUl TROPICAL FISH several kinds. Baby Angels, Catfish, Creecents. Ph. 2-7331. Rt. 5, box 483 on the McClay rd. 3 . nlles from Lancaster Dr. Visitors wel come. celBO FUEL TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh out sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 2-7442. We give S & H Green Stamps. Oreen 18 In. mill wood. eo SPECIAL Oet your winter fuel now and gave. Sawdust $4.00 per unit. .Good dry slab $8.30 load, green $6.00 cord. Dry edg ings, $8.00 load, green $8.50 load. Double load $10.00. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 15633. eel85 West Salem Fuel Co. 18 IN. DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-XN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phono Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1535 Edgewater St., West Salem PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak, ash 6 maple. Ph. C8F23. FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. eel94 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH OUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends 6 Block Wood, Ph. 18444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY FAT YOUNG red fryers $1.25 or will dress. Rt. 7, Box 434A. McCain Ave., off Silverton Rd. 1161 CUSTOM POULTRY DRESSINQ LIBERTY POULTRY FARM Rt. 0 BOX 370 Ph. 22873 1183 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. f PRODUCE BOYSENBERRIES, you pick, 5c, 2 miles H, oi Clear Latte. Aiired waitner, Rt. a, Box 208. ff!81 BOYSENBERRIES, U-Plcfc 5c lb. R. G. Jjoege, Y2 mue . jjioerty scnooi. ai. 9, Box 210. Ph. 23141. ffl82 CUCUMBERS, torn., apples, peaches, etc Leon rruit stand. 4805 H. Kiver Rd. ffiao WANTED: PRODUCE to sell on commis sion. Leon Fruit Stand, 4905 N. River Rd. fflBO' HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS wanted, 3 mi. east of Woodburn on Mt. Angel Rd. stare Aug. 4th. Harold Bushman, Ph. Woodburn 1430. gl88 HOP PICKERS register now. Free excel lent campground facilities. Jerman It (Mi'ttenden. Rt. 3, Box 835, Salem, Ore. gl84 SEVERAL OPENINGS with national or ganization, men or women, car and sales experience preferred but not ne cessary, steady Income. For Interview see Mr. Knudsen, Senator Hotel, Mon day evening between 7 and 0. gl81 MIDDLE AGED man to batch part time rn ranch and milk two cows and do a feh other odd Jobs. Board, room and small waeeo. A good home for the right party. Arthur E. Green, Gervals, Ore,, Rte No. 1. gl81 CORRESPONDENT representative to write credit reports in saiem lor national concern. Knowledge of local business conditions preferred. Write Mr. R. E. Deagle, P.O. Box 111, Portland 7, Ore. gl80 HELP WANTED MALE FURNACE INSTALLER, experienced. Must nave car ana toois trn, a-ceoa lor ap pointment. gal84' HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL FOR general housework. Ph. 27581. gbisi" OPPORTUNITY for permanent position witn a iuture ior gin witn tumoer in voicing experience. Must apply In per son. J30 A. UDerty. see Mrs. ncen, lb 2 MARRIED women. Part time to make telephone contacts in our Salem oiuce. Either 9:30 to 12:00 a.m. or 6 to 8:30 p.m. Earnings explained during inter view. Write Capital Journal Box 267. gb!82' FOR A BIG EXTRA INCOME SELL CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 Exnerlence unnecessary. 21-Card "Lead er" Assortment sells Itself at II. Up to 100 profltl PLASTIC Cards, Gift Wraps, Everyday, etc. Christmas Cards with name, 50 for $1 up. Imprinted Floral Notes. Nankins. Get "Leader" on approval, FREE Imprint samples. Btyl- art, lJltJ Baniee i-ept. jo, xk Angein 55. Calif. gblSO TEACHER FOR countrj school all 8 grades, lu mues norm oi oeiem. ti. i BOX 630. gD 10W WANTED SALESMAN WE HAVE an opening for an aggressive exnerlenced salesman. Above average earnings. Opportunity for advancement to management position for men who qualify on the Job. For appointment write Box 347. Capital Journal. "The wisard oi os. ggiM' MAN WITH car to contact local farmers. Ftc. opportunity. Ph. 20594 between 6 st 8 p.m. win' SALESMAN who Is capable of taking charge of our flat roof dept. Must have oiev oua flat root experience, own car, and be able to furnish reference. Apply In person only, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ask for Mr. Bondeu. WILfaAMETTE VALLEY ROOF CO. 30 Lana Ave. SALESMAN Responsible man for local protected territory. Our men contact inausines, inswiuwon. ruroa, eic., offerlne a scientific maintenance serv ice. Unlimited earnings on commission basis. Constant repeat business assures you an opportunity oi ouuaing a per manent income considerably above aver age. For details write United Labora tories, Inc.. Cleveland 12. Ohio. gglBO SALESMAN WANTED. Electrolux Corp. 1C79 Broadway. Ph 24078. ggl83 TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVE experi enced In the sale of athletic equipment to contact Institutions in this state. Reply iv own hand writing giving ex perience, age, education, family status, height, weight, and date available for work. Must nave car and be able to tarnish bond. Salary and expenses plus commLulon arrangement to top man with proven ability. Writ Capital Jour nal Box. 363. gglBO EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 880 State St Ph 1-1488. rt' WANTED POSITIONS REFINED LADY wishes work In home In Salem. Where adults work. Consider care of elderly person. Live in. No children. Ph. 3-4741, ask for Mrs. Miller. WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. Jonn rayne, 348 8. Church. Ph. 26014. hi 64 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN, 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. nao. WASHING ft Ironing, 75o per hr. Rea sonable. 508 B. 19th. Ph. 20815. hl85 Painting To Be Done? Keaaonabla ratca. Guaranteed aatlafae Mon. S. W. Dyer. Ph. 3-66311. hist NOW 18 tb. time to plant lawna for beat reaulta. X bar. the equipment. Reason able ratea. ph. 3310. c. R. Smith, hiai DBES9MAXINO A alteration., ph. 3-9840 after 1. h303 CHILD CABS. 1180 N. 14th Ph. 38685, hiai- TREX WOBK, topplna, trimming, remov. inr. ina. op. wore t uar. w. u. ucAuia ter, 140 Trade, ph. 1-1419. h301- CHXLD OARB. 1180 Bhlpplnt. Ph. 1-1334. m.3 CAJtriNXEK WK. Near. Repair. Ph. 1-3093. hlST PLASTOUNa, PATCHWOBK and chlm- n.r bulldtna. Ph. 39701. Free eatlmatea. hl87 CKHINT WOBK wamrt. Ph. 3-4850. h PLOWTNO, DISCINa. Al Moil. Ph. 13957. DMA Mimeographing-Typing POr& 668 North 16th, Phong 3-3S4S. hlBl TIMBER or wood cutting by hour or con tract with power saw. 1 tree or 100. Ph. 3-4830. hl80 IRONING at home, 75c hr. Ph. 28685. 11B0 N, J4th. hl83 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM. Phone 3-7178. J 181 BOOMS, ladles only I Kitchen privileges. 520 Statesman St. Ph. 35210. JklS4 SLEEPING RMS. Light St clean. Restau rants at bus. Men or employed couple. Some homo privileges. 1076 Highland Ave. IklSO SLEEPING KM. PH. 3335. jkaoi' SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr. Se Ph. Day or month. 1505 N. Capitol. Ph. 33425. Jk204 SLEEPING ROOMS, 1908 N. Summer. Ph. 20855. JK180 PLEASANT Sleeping room for gentleman. ioso worway at. fit. acv. jaw HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy Ph. 36093. JK198" FOR RENT APARTMENTS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for em ployed lady. Close In. 1209 Court St. Phone 3-6925. JplBl" 3-RM. APT., furn. Outside ent. 817 Mill St. Ph. 3-4932. JP1UU SMALL 8-ROOM apt. furnished, part rent al allowance lor care oi iurnace ana yard to steady middle aged couple. Ph. 3-9595 Sat. and Sun. Jpl82 UNFURN. 2-RM. apt., kit, bus by door. Adults. 1310 Madison. jpiau- 3-ROOM furn. apt., 2nd fl., front, utili ties turn. Employed couple, . aau in. 18th. Ph. 26787. Jpl80 SHALL FURN CABIN, shower, toilet, wood range, 827.50. aao a. lBtn. fa. mini. jplSO FOR WORKING couple, nicely furn. 2- rm. apt., 845. 059 s. mm. jpmu' NEW 8-ROOM and bath court apartment, all elec, unfurn. except range and re frig. Laundry room Included. Located S. 13th, apply at 155B McCoy. Jpl81' 3 ROOM unfurn.. prlv. bath, elec. stove & heat. West Salem. Ph. 36398. jpuo NEW t BR. DUPLEX with Gar. Range, Ref. & Ven. Blinds. Call 3-9934 8 to 4:30. Jpl87 WHY PAY RENT? Trade your lata model car as down payment on my 3 year old 1 bedrm. home. Vi A., view, Ktngwood annex. Payments 141 mo. Write Box 264 Capital Journal. JplBO FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT or lease, 17 acres with modern house. Creek, garden in, illberts. rnone 3-7125. Jml81 PARTLY FURN. house. West Salem, ISO. Small family. Inquire 030 Union St. Jml80 PRACTICALLY NEW 4 bedroom brick house, double plumbing, basement ana garage. Two blocks from Balem Oen. Hospital. Price 81001 per mo. Ph. 3-9589. jmlBO WHY PAY RENT? New homes. Terms like rent. j L. E. Klumpp, Kealtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. St Sun. Ph. 3-0343 or 3-0126 WHY PAY RENT? Trade your late model car as down payment on my 3 yr. old 1 bedrm. homo. Vt A., view, Ktngwood annex. Payments 841 mo. Box 264 co Capital Journal. JmlSO FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. J FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. i TO DO a good lob rent a good floor sand' :r We ll everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 j1 ;OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25602, SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle, service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J202" SEVERIN REALTY CO. Office tor rent. Mezzanine office room, lights, desk, typewriter St tile cabinets furnished. 135 per mo. wlease. Phone 34016. 1182 PUMICE BLOCK Bldg. 1250 ft. floor space. saiem suouro. District, sjd per mo. itm S. High. J180 GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of. flee or stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-4121 1 BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS 82.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 8 12th, West Salem. J LINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up St delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33513 ' WANTED TO RENT NEAT t-BEDROOM home for 3 adults. Will pay up to 875 and lease. These tenants will be tops. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 45B Court St. Phone 2-3629 Home Phone 3-4789 JalOS t EMPLOYED ladles and 1 child need un furn. hse. Ph. 2-7933. jei.81 RESPONSIBLE family, 2 children, want 2 bdrm home with lears lease and op tion to buy $40 to $50. Ph. 38434. Jal82' UNFURNISHED 1 or 2 B. R. house by couple. Refa. Approx. $50. Ph. 23480. JalBO MODERN 3-CHAIR BARBER SHOP for sale oi trade on Salem suburb prop erty, good business. 63 Vi 8. W. Morrison. Portland. Oreeon. cdl82 t tr ROOM turn, aot., close In. about eepi. i. write coi aoe, uapttai journal. JalSJ REWARD tor suitable 3bedroom house. Phone 3-3353 or 3-7023. Jal84 BUSINESS MAN. wife, high school age son desire 3 or 3 bdrm. home. Furn. or unfurn. Reas. rent, Ph, 3-1122, jal84 WANTED TO RENT WANTED to get In touch with the party who wanted to rent th rural placa from phone 21607. Got the wrong ad dress and failed to locate you Friday morning. JalBO WUNG VETERAN, wife and two babies desperately want 2 bdrm, house, furn. or unfurn. reasonable rent. ' Ph. 39988 after 6 or Sat. Jal80 S BDRM. unfurn. house for minister and family. Will pay up to $60 per month. Ph. 33201 before 5 p.m. or 23738 after 7 P.m. Jal81 W.U. STUDENT Se faintly desire to rent small house, perm, residents. Ph. 37788. JalBO LOST AND FOUND LOST: l olds fender skirt, light color. Ph. 31492. kl80 STRAYED from Rt. 4, box 118, one 2-year-old red Durham white faced heifer. Reward for information leading to whereabouts. Ph. 26403. klB2 LOST Ladles small Benrus yellow gold wrist watch with link chain. Ph. 30652 after 8 p.m. in 80 MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER CORSETIEBE. 438 N. Winter Ph. 3-5072. ml8f LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. nl83 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES t DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST J Adolpa Bidg. State St Commercial ata, SALEM Phone 2-S311 an BUILDING MATERIALS DOORS 1 -panel, 2-paneI, 3 and B-panal glass doors, screen doors, storm doors, ma hogany ent, doors. Every one a bar gain. C. G. Long, Ph. 2-6831. One mtla north of Kfezer, mal84" INTERLOCKING or mortar pumice ndl Mortarless Block Co., 24th and Hoyt. Ph. 3-7324. ma 184 STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. casement. Double Hung St Commercial Types. PUMILITE, West Balem. mal89 CONCRETE MIX gravel. Ph. 3-1160 eves. BiaiBS FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform and Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. maiso REINFORCING STEEL and Blok-Mesh In , o ana s" wiatns. puhiute. West Bo'em- mi! 180 8x8x16 PUMICE block with 11& shell. Also various sizes and types including chim ney blocks. 12th St Block Co. Ph. 25363. ma!85 CALL 21106 Salem, we sell the best Cedar BniKzies irom Tillamook, Orand Rondt or Cascade high mountain timber. No. 1, 18, No. 2 15. Delivered. Ted Muller, 6a-lem-lndep. Road. ma" 18" No. 1 Cedar Shakes. Natural or paint- en trim coacea or stained, cedarwall Flttlte or Bear Brands S9 per gq. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph, Ted Muller. 2-1198. ma WxlO CEDAR SIDING, any amount. Clear a fl graces. Keas. prices. Check our prices. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 21198. ma PLYwnnn LARGE stock of sizes, thicknesses traces, aom plain te water proof. Prices start at So per sq. ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of H" and " Insin uating Doaras Liow prices on " s tt" sheet rock. Keith Brown, Front it Court Sts., Salem. jnR HARDWOOD flooring, a7i grades, from M wiwuanufl up. RXHD urOWD, Front Sz Court fats- Salem. ma SHINGLES, No. 1 red mountain cedar $8 ver Sq.. no. ii 5. c. a LONG, Ph. 25821 1 mile North of Keizer. malBl ALUTIA LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK umiiuuD, mo moaern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401. mal97" SPECIAL. Cedar sldlna, ?i"x8". Random lenaui, u-graoe, JS5 tnousand. Keith Brown, Front St Court Sts, Salem. ma TUFF STONE mill ends. Suitable for Pa- iiuo, jiiepiacea, ajuros, wans, steps. Walks, Rock Gardens, Landscaping, etc. 25971. malB3- ASBESTOS SIDING $10 a sq. " sheet ui.a. ttc, -a ovac. kook latne 3lc yd. Plywood, all thicknesses, low prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 2SB21. 1 mile N. of Keizer. NEW SHIPMENT piut board. H". Aei 7i , ou an, it. hock lame, b sq, it, 11.75. MONTGOMERY WARD. SALEM ar USED BRICK. Call 3970a or 24389. ma!94 SAVE On ROOFINO Let Wards give you eompleu IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phon 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD s OO. SALEM. OREGON ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Majestic radio, phono -wire xecuruer como. -raoie model. 8180 lull price. Used 6 mo. A-l shape. Make offer. Ph. -2.5874. nlSl HYDRAULIC OIL AUTO LIFT. You taka out. S100. Pressure oil burner furnace and pipes, 3200. All disassembled. Tel. 33055. nl82 ONE KALVINATOR 7-ft. refrig. One side oven. Universal gas stove. Both in good condition. Ph. Sat. or Sun. eve., 37063. niao" ELEC. IRON new) and toaster, dishes. Jra, uaveno. rn. af-JO.17. nieO" DISTILLED white vinegar for all pickling purposes. "Keeps your pickles krisp." Also old time pure apple cider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works, na04 AUTOCRAFT white trash burner 330. 1I78 N. 13th. Ph. 2-6844. D182 THOR WASHING machine, exc. cond., 832. oee at jppa occnic view Drive nlB2 BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC Aladdin lamps. - a .ii. kau. wniwe, green, corai ana i dubonnet. Whip-o-llte shade, special -.1 35.95. 2 for 811,50. We give Green T Stamps. ' SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. U7 s. commercial nlB2 G. E. REFRIG. $110. Ph. 20403. n!82' RUG, exceptional value, $130 value, $66. Dcaumui, pmm-raisin oroadioom, like new, 7x15, pan included. Ph. 3-5493. BABY BUGGY, good condition, $10. Ph. SENTINEL BATTERY radio, mahog. fln- inuHi iiiuuci. eg. dio.uu. Clearance) price 829.88. Comb, radio chair-side te. ble with drawer, mahog. veneer. Reg. 459.95. Clearance price $39.88. SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 137 S. Commercial nl82 4 BURNER St oven apt. size gas range. In very good condition, $50. 20 gal. Mis sion gas hot water heater $25. White enamel trash burner $40. 160 Highway Ave., or ph. J8563. nlSl FURNACE, Pavne gas, 90,000 B.T.U. Lika new. Fully automatic, complete with all controls, grills, etc., 8125, Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. ni84 VOOD AND coal kitchen range with Pipes, colls At tank, $25. Ph. 38112. nl81 GAS STOVE, good cond. $55. 320 Sfates man St. Ph. J5210. n!81 HYDRAULIC HOIST, exc. cond. Make an -muia. nlBl" BUNGALOW PIANO 50" rosewood upright. Re finished, re strung, and rebuilt. A good buy at $25u.oo Stone Piano Co. The Valley's Pinest Plsno Store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road. Salem. nlB2 SPINET PIANO Almost new Kimball consolette. Queen Anne design, mahogany. A striking In strument, $150 laving. Stone Piano Co. J "T . Valla'. C. ni b. ., . Knu fairarounda Road. Salem. 11113 SI ALL SHOWER, 3335 Claud. St. Ph. 25M3. nuo (Continued on Page 13)