10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, July SO, 1949 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (ChaDter 13) When Priscilla and Kenneth ar rived at the Kent home, tney louna Mr. Kent out on the steps waiting to greet them. He was a big, heavy set man with jovial countenance and partly bald head. His florid face droKc into a Droaa gun 115 ne Priscilla by the hand and, without waiting :or any iormanura, no gave her a vigorous welcoming hug. "Come in and sit ycrselves down," he said gaily. "The whole family is waitin' to celebrate yer wed din'." "Thanks, Daddy Kent. We are coming," said Priscilla, responding to his friendliness in the same spirit with which it was offered. "Call me Pop. dearie. That's what the rest of 'em calls me." "O.K., Pop," smiled Prlscilla; mounting the steps beside him. "Nellie, you and Dora met Pris rllla a'readv. hain't va?" Priscilla kissed them both by way of acknowledging that they were ai ready old friends. "Here's Kenneth's brother Dan iel, and his wife Viola, and their little divil of a Laddie," continued Mr. Kent, proudly holding up his grandchild, a handsome little five-year-old, with great brown eyes like his father's and Kenneth's, and silky brown hair like his mother's, and aface as round and red and mellow as an apple. There was a striking resemblance between Kenneth and his brother. Daniel, a few years the elder, was an inch or so shorter and a little heavier, but both had the same laughing eyes and vivacious expres sion, which, as one could easily see, came from their father. Viola was a sweet-faced, boxom young woman about seven years older L' an Priscilla. Her soft gray dress with its red sash intensified the gray brightness of her eyes. There remained only to intro duce Mrs. Kent's sister Hcnny and her husband Conrad Abbott, who were living proof of the saying that opposites attract each other. He was a gaunt, hatchet-faced old man. whose clothes hung loosely on hip lanky frame; she was snuatty, and plump as a dumpling. As soon as i-riscinn and vioin set the table. Mrs, Kent and Dore brought huge platters of food, the savor 01 which made everyBodyr mouth water. Mr. Kent brought cold beer and wine from the re frigerator and they all took their seats at the table, ready to enjoy the feast. Finally the guests departed and Priscilla commended Kenneth'? mother on the fine wedding supper "We all enjoyed it very much, It was such a pleasant surprise," she aid. "It was little enough to do for my Ken. Gawd knows how much longer he'll be with us," respond ed Mrs. Kent, putting her head on Kenneth's shoulder and begin ning to cry again. "Come, Mom," he urged. "Stop blubbering and get Pop up to bed. Dora, you'd better go up too and get through In the bathroom. We'll stay down awhile and listen to the radio. How about it, Babes?" When the others had left the room, Priscilla sat on Kenneth's lap and relaxed happily in his arms. For awhile they sat and listened ostensibly to the radio, but Pris- cilla's mind skidded from one thought to another. She thought of her father and wondered how she would ever see him and little Drusie if her mother was going to make a scene each time she went to the house. For hours Priscilla lay snuggled In his arms while they babbled all manners of nonsense, now giggling senselessly, now tittering over mere nothings. Neither of them could re member when, or how, slumber over came them, but it was nearly noon when they finally came down stairs. "Good morning, Mother Keint. I hope you slept well," said Pris cilla cheerfully. "Good mornin'," grunted Mrs. Kent. "Ya sure musta been tired, leepin' this late." Kenneth went over and put his arm about his mother. "Give us break, Mom. We just been mar ried and besides, It's Sunday. How 'bout rustlin' us up tome breakfast?" "All right, sit down," said Mrs. K.ent wearily. "Mom," said Kenneth, "you need not 1 ix anyuiing ior us tonight. We're goin' out to paint the town rea. "You oughta tole me last night. snapped Mrs. Ken. plainly exas perated. "Guess now we'll hardly ever see ya a tan." I'm sorry, Mom." He walked over and hugged her. "I didn't inniK 01 it last night. And you'll proDaojy do seein' more 01 me than ever. Besides, you'll have Priscilla here, when I'm away, to keep you from beln' lonesome. Mrs. Kent shrugged her shoul ders. After a quick breakfast, dur ing which Mrs. Kent's behavior made her feel more like an inter loper than a new daughter, Pris cilla welcomed Kenneth's sugges tion that they take a little walk, to "stretch their legs," ai he put "Ken. you're a life-saver." sh exclaimed, as they started out brisk-1 ly. "At iirst I though I was get ting into your mother's good graces but she already seems to resent me. I don't know why." "Don't worry, Babes. She'll get u.icu lu uie iaea ana men every thing will be hunkv-dflrv." They stopped at the dru store and Priscilla called Gertrude, her nest iriend. "What's In the wind?" asked Ger trude immediately. "You coo like a aover "I have a surDrlse for vnu." luuKiieu irriscuia. "Be still, my heart there's trouble brewing. Well, let's have it." "I'm married." For a moment there was silence at uertruae's end of the nhone. Priscilla was afraid that sha had lost Gertrude's friendshlD. but after she explained the circumstances, her iamnys oDjectlons, and how she and Kenneth had run away, Ger trude was her old affectionate self again. Ciertrude reassured her. "I rla hope you'll be happy ... but don't lorget, Mammy done tole you." Priscilla dismissed Gertrude's last remark as a Joke and did not think of it aaaln until late that night when she was trying to get Lii'miem to leave me niue uragon ftoadhouse and go home. They had been, as Kenneth put it, "painting the town red" for manv hours. priscilla was dead tired and Ken neth, though she hated to admit it to ncrsen, was unmistakably drunk. no tie uontinued) Triumphant Team Versatile Jumper, fitted In the bodice, youth-1 tuny flared in the skirt- No. 2419 Is cut In sizes 10, 12, 14, 10, 18, and 20. Size 16 Jumper. 3' yds. 54-ln.: blouse, 1 yds, 38-in. SUMMER Is the time for pretty styles the Fashion Book the place to find thein. Everything you need ior mac wonoeriui two weens wun nav. nlus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country, home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing. Price Just 20 cents. Order your copy now. Send 250 for PATTERN with Name. Address and Style Number Stale Size desired Address Capital Journal 652 Mis Ion St. San Francisco 6, Call! PATTERN No. 1W815 Infant of Prague This Infant of Prague panel is embroidered in cross stitch using Jewel colors to give a princely effect. It measures 13 by 10 Inches and will be greatly admired in your home, or much appreciated as a gift. Pattern Envelope No. R2815 con- 2815 tains hot-iron transfer for panel, color chart, embroidery Illustrations and finishing directions, To obtain tne uaciern send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number your name, address and fcone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif ROOM AND BOARD 1VE BfcEN GOIM AROUND 1UH kf IN (JIFFLRENT LUNCH COUNTERS, AN' YER WtbNtt-HO S fiOlN' OVER. LIKE A BRIDGE' SO FAR, I'VE ATE IN I4- LUNCH COUNTERS AN DEY J ALL FEATURE DA "WEENEE-PO'ON THEIR. MENUS Bv Gene Ahpm :?gg7 1VE BEEN GOIN ABOUND enf .,- V- M TUH EAT IN DIFFERENT 3f l&iT "VC" II :? LUNCH COUNTERS, AN' YER. V - -THE IDE 7? 'WEENEE-PO' IS GoVn' CERTAINLY GOT ?A OVER. LIKE A BRIDGE ' tS- I V. SO FAR, I'VE ATE IN 14- J;. bX?? I fe. LUNCH COUNTERS AN' DEY q5 n -Kic S SfeSfcA ALL FEATURE DA o CORfSI Mmjf "WEENEE-PO-ON ( - V mt J WS$r- -V t1 menus ) Ju- . y -ssg WELL -SO YOU CASED J YEAH -THESE -HE 1 T-THE FUMS I SHOT CF BALDyj I W&iT i Sl. , SteVES ROOM,BALDYb(HAD 'EM HID IN A AM) TH QUPMNT M Hlj UNWRAP EM (I S. fcQ et mui& in iwitim-) vni ssmmii i 1 1 i j.t 1 -s 1 v-v-va e-x-,1 i w I IM Ml hsBf IV WxsV wm r nk.ify mn wrs ftm mmJ t"i J I v I I " I tjTNeer) ,y JT TTl h T A I 1 1 1 Sill O - I IT NOT MUCH MONEY"-FEW A f THREE HOURS TILL DAYU6HT a ' V-S0 " W I HOTtS COODBYS BUT I LEFT rl W BUCIS AND SOME CHANGE- I TIME ENOUGH TO BE WELL ON f :U R I'EMA UTTL6 NOTE SO THEY WONT III BUT WEVE BEEN BROKE I OUR WAYCOME Oa SANDY- "i76 I WORRY.AND-1 KISSED LISSA (SOODBY 111 BEFORE-WE ALWAYS MAKE I SHALLWE SHOVB OFF? SHE t-)IDN"r WftKE UP'-' J I IL ?.ME..,.yr gpl Y 7:5" i a i mmmm Jti&mm sm 111? A roSffll VjTI - ttmf!3L ai vfvsrWXli I I I I KM 2M?1 -4 113 . . J 1 11J-U i Vri ri 11 K I V . na l dr 1 SS . I L n OS trsa v I III! i I L r v ' I 1 II II I I II WW li. IP YOU'D CAIF vm o "V.1 1 1 fAkit daicct "Lass Y.vt T K.iriT.ic x 1 1 avblht tub SJSWiJS PRICE TO THREE BUCKS. I'Dll PB1C6. RUDY. I'M SOOESUT KtiMETO SPEND IT-IV1 . ,, Jm t (customers aOSav kP AL.M..r T5!PLe Jrf3 mwev now-the J mean mavejo twiUc of, EE A H Wilbur VI I LWINIAK6ifcH KSnskato ffi -r CAPPA I'M RUBE. OLDBER&. SPIRIT OF COMIC STRIPS PtST.T j VSB.LL-THAT WISH HAS BEEN U f YOU MEAN-I'VE GOT ANOTHIH A 100 FOR YEARS. YOU'VE BEEKI HAUNTED BV THE ONK-B,Ul.T ! 6RACIOOSLY ORANTEO BY CHANCE f OHr-SB-TEU. . QlH J0NES MYSTERY STORY tOU WANT A CHANCE TO DO IT )i THE COMMITTEE OF COMIC I THE COMMITTEE I'LL MAKE. 7!'5 I OVl AOA1K1- AND, DO IT RIGHT- WITH THE ENDING IT ' STRIPS PAST, CONSISTING OF iiOOD THIS TIME l-l-MNOW HOUUO HAVE HAD THE ENDINQ YOU THOUGHT OF TOO J FO)W GRANDFA, HAPPY HOOLK3AH J IT'S UNAMERICAN OF ME TO m g :00 I T . --Wit. 'I 1 , LMTKXf J BUSTER BRCMK1, AND THE -n-ifs CRY- BUX I (s'trr) C-CAN'T lp: . II iE3ESmi S GRANDEST OF THEM ALL . J HEU T,rT- I'M S-SO tWMtff 11 WM 7Zt OQ HMUTT j ' P n ii J 7'" Iwutt-you "vzf o.k., what's this Vthis is not ftSXJI let's RUSTY? VNaTHIW' POIN'I m'"""- M I uTMIE SINC lLGT 1 YOLJf?EDoiN'2) tmI Iic'nuc ' I Vllll VDOVE SiNPLV WERE ARE 7W 1RJGHJ! BUT ii ,c ucdc Vn.K,ii I . i aid-Kin nv JJ I GOT TO TAKE i-uiuur wure ikicw xli. mm T ' Hmmi LVA attSmVt, hieLF!,,, : H i 'IWM 3ca F . 'Hfcr AOH.t, -K7J ra li I lli 'uVf lLLW lSIT POkVN' CHILPREN, SOMETHIN6 HAS f JEEPERsJ I NO, ITS NOT THAT, PATTY. wow; A TKIP " r.., k. .GkS niJP VACATION. AND I'M rtfilNrt-TO nnwtT iaawt taic vmi ow U.C VAur I nrrl ,-r maMrTcc S- 1 1 LEAVE THE PEOSION ENTIRELY TO 60 MOMe! IFOR A CRUE IN THEA-. Jl'fiLIPERi 0 iL ToeffiSV"' 'afA WE to.:.1!? all rjoht a ypovou? pacific- feii W!Mf -Sfl-TOI H M .S'lll -llllilll ' v 95ffSi KSi f ys- I IWHAT'SA DIFFERENCE? ) I K-OUCH.'-H I I l' WHAT'S V shuT ubv , nn 01 it7tuT TLTP Vit's AFTER. YLIH.' ) STINO..WHILE JCTJ) .1 SOME MORE ( UP J l2. I 1 FEEITAM' BAD ABOUT THEE5,)0AD'S WNITHWl I BUT..ATTHI5 MOMENT.IN DRUM'S SUITE-. I III 111 1 IlljW I R aa Va5aTNO? V CHANCE TO HEAL-. ru" r"r" "JTl- " -1 I TTfc'C-J'T TJ R M WAiNur WHILE WE GRAB A - SiaWKlll I d9mmmmmmt-J I J C.WI iLfe a A s-r0NG DELAYED HONEY- tTtr? ijji gJEia- " RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY t.Nx. 'KSLM Jio 'KGW n'ailKOCO 'i? IKOIN It OM 5:M DiiTtn Plrhi UniviriltT Theittai KoMnd U Tin Treimry 8hw til rk lBrwT Unmraltr Thafttr Eeund Dp Tim Trciiurr lhaw :M Blnrt Bindi f Und Curtiln Oilli Dantcr Ahead til Sm.kt EIiih Bandi cf tand Curtain Callc Orchcctra 6IM Hawaii Cilli Bands ( Und Candlftlif ht and Red Barber :fl Hawaii Oalla Bandi cf Land Silver Orcheitra :! Grcferr Heat Hcrc'a U Vcta Newi Orcbeatra tU Orcrcry Heed Blaicr fcicracn Traplcati Ncwa 7:H Hmle Sit Parade " Orlfer'i PUfhouaa Mails for Tc til rabcrnaclc Kena Hit Paradt Tune TIma Muilo far Tai iM Conodr PlaTheutB T B A Top Band Muilc Mrmnw :4 Comady Playheuaa T B A Tap Band Dick Haymw 8iM Take m Nambtr Dick Powell Banditand Sing It Aula :tl Take a Number Dick Powell Bandstand Sim It Aral tit Voice of Train Grand Ola Opry Dourout Dope Sln It Again tl Volet of Truth Grand OU Opry Baicball 8ln It Again 9 lit Life Begins at SO Vie Damon Sbow Baseball Vangna Monroe :IS Lire Begins at 80 Vie Damono Show Baseball Vaughn Monro :M Meet the Press Dance Orchestra Baseball Geno Antry til Meet the Press Dance Orchestra Baseball Gcno Antry A ICQ News Direo. Playhonse Baseball Fin btar Final lfltlS It's the Ton Dires. Playhouse News Eound-Up Qtng Busters 1la:M News Three Sons Dancing Party Gang Bu stirs ia Mails Bollln Trio Dancing 1'arjy Jantien Beach n:H Open House Wax Moseam Dancing Party Jantico Beach :1 Open Hons Wax M use on Dancing Parly Serenade tSO Open House Wax Muieuu Dancing Patty Orchestra :U Open Homo Wax Museum Danclnp Party Orchestra ' 11 :s Sign Off Sign Oft Sign Off Slgn-Ofl SUNDAY Musis Muile Musis Ctnt. Lutheran Blbls Highlights Bible Highlights Chnreh In Home Church In Homo 1st Baptist Ch. 1st Baptist Ch. Votee of Prophecy Volee of Prophecy News Horn. Serenade John Dee's Mnsle Radio Bible Class Radio Bible Class Lutheran Hour Lutheran Hour News Orchestra News Milt Berth Trio Tons Tapestries Tone Tapestries Sunday Favorites uanary ret Sbow News Musle Mystery Hall Mystery Hall House of Mystery House of Mystery Trne Detective True Dctectlv Under Arrest Under Arrest Fix-It Congress Report News Story to Order Cam its of Music Cameos of Music Silver Strings Silver String Eternal Light Eternal Light Glenn Btelley Glenn Shelley Chicago Round Table News David Rose Orcb. Design for Listening Living 1949 Living 1949 Boston Sympbny Boston Sympbny Boston Symphny Boston Symphny Who Said That Who Said That Music of Masters Music of Masters Hollywood Calls Hollywood Calls Deep River Boys News Fellowship Voice Fellowship Voice Chapel of Air . Clark Dennis Ave Maria Hour Ave Maria Hour Churob fn Organ Loft Sacred Heart Wayne King Wild. First Baptist Cb First Baptist Oh Fit Baptist Ch Kirat Haptist Ch. Serenade for Strings News Guy Lombarde Words Music Words 8$ Musle Muslo Daydreams Music Daydreams Showcase Bands Showcase Bands Sunday Music Sunday Muslo Warwick Theatre Warwick Theatre Sunday Serenade Sunday Serenade Roy Rogers Roy Rogers Nick Carter Nick Carter Music for Sunday Mualc for Sunday for Christ For Christ Alexanders Media tlon Board VD Radio ProJ. News Seeret Mission Secret Mission Family Theatre Family Theatre Murder by Expert Murder by Expert Medical Hilites Northwest News Twenty Questions Twenty Questions Burl Ives Lanny Ross News Musle Muslo News Hollywood Calls Hollywood Callt Surprise Serenade Surprise .serenade Voice Events Voice Events Orchestra Orchestra Star Playhouse Star Playhouse NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC Symphony IDA TBA Take or Leave It Take or Leave II Horace Heidt Horace Heidt Pescha Kazan Clifton Utley Kympnony Hour Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Nathalie Hour Catholic Hour News Mary Ann Mereer Wax Museum Wax Museum Sign Off Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Dallas Ministerial Lnnd of Free Musle for America Musle for America Frontier Town Frontier Town Frank Race Frank Race Warwick Theatre Warwick Theatre Frank DeVol Frank DeVot Ave Maria Ave Maria Dave Dennis Dave Dennis Sunday Concert Sunday Concert Sunday Concert Sunday Concert Slxlng Up Sports News Round-Up Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sign Off Biggs, Oranlss Biggs, Oranist Trinity Choir Church of the Air Churob of the Air Church of the Air Church of the Air News Howard Smith Gallery Gosiln News Invitation , to Learning A People's Platfoml People's Platform ! Salt Lake Taber, Salt Lake Taber. Treas, Bandstand Treaa, Bandstand Chorallers Chorallerg Magio In Musis News CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony Orchestra Orchestra My Serenade News Symphonette Symphonetts Family Hour Family Hour Yours Truly Yours Truly Hit Parade Hit Parade Call the Police Call the Police Rooky Jordan Rocky Jordan ' News George Fisher Corliss Archer Corliss Areher Our Miss Brook Our Miss Brooks Life With Lulgi Life With Lnlgf Hit Parade Hit Parade Philip Marlowe Philip Marlowe The Whistler The Whistler Five Star Final Sam Spade Sam Spade St. Francis Hour Serenade Miss Oregon Orchestra Orchestra Sign-Off lry Saturday P.M. 5:00, It's in the ramllyj 0:10, Let Freedom Rlngi AlSO, Dixieland! 6:00, Hera's to Vetsf 6:15, Home Edition Newsi 6:30, Modern Ro mances) 7:00, Musical Etcnlngsi 7:80, John ny Thompson) 7:48, Bert Andrews! 8:00, Lone Ranger) 8(30, The Eyei 9:00, Break, the Bank) 9:30, Pat Novak for Hlrei 10:00. News i 10:15, Some Like It Hot) 11 ISO, Bev erly Hills Orch.i 12:00, Extra Houri 1:00, Sign Off. It CY Sunday A.M. 7:00, Morning A LA Melodies! 8:00, Fine Arts Quar tet: 1:80, Muslo Time i 9:00, Revival Hour; 10:00, Parade of Hltsi 10:30, Volee of Prophecy) 11:00, James Roosevelt! 11:1(1 Romance of Highways! 11 :30, National Vespers! 12:00, This Week Around the World! 13:30, Piano Playhouse! 1:00, Newsi 1:15, Foreign Reporter i 1:30, Hour of Falthi 3:00, Opera Album! 3:30, Mes sage of Israeli 3:00, This Changing World! IS ft AS Saturday P.M. 6:00. On the IXWW Upbeat! 6:110, 660 Sports Clnbi t 00, Newsi 0:15, Look at Australia! 6:80, London Letter) 6:45, Holland Today and Tomorrow) 7:00, Light Opera Tonight) 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast! 9:00, Dance Parade) 10:45, News), 11:00, Sign 0'j -,,-L,-, 3:15, Song Salesman! 8:30, Sunday with Y'Ut 4:00, Let's Listen to Musle) 4:30, H Itywood .By-line) ,4:45, .Fantasy .in Melody I 6:00, Stop the Music) 6:00, Think Fast; 6:50, Navy Hour) 7:00, Burl Ives; 7:15, Louella Parsons i 7:30, Chance ttf ft Lifetime) 8:00, Jlmmlo Fldlen 8:15, Ted ttalonet 8:30, Guest Star) 8:46, Roadsid Chapeli 9:00, Washington Merry-go-Round; 9:15, Monday Morning Headlines! 9:30, Burl Ivesi 9:45, Intermezzo! 10:00, Richfield Report! 10:15, Washington Merry-go-Ronndi 10:30 Jantxen Beach Orch) 11:00, Nocturne) 11:80 Claremonf rob., 12:00, Xtra Hour! 1:00, Sign Off, Girls Hold Outing Monmouth A group of girls from the Monmouth - Indepen dence Methel No. 34 met at the Dallas park. The evening was i spent in swimming, visiting and roasting wieners. Mrs. Ira Mix of Independence and Mrs. Earl Conkey of Monmouth accompa nied the girls. Band Will Appear Amity The Amity nign school band will play for the Gaston jamboree Sunday. The shoulder pads for the uniforms arrived in time for appearance at the Dayton Pioneer Buckarof last Saturday. Farm Safety Urged Woodburn Motion pictures on farm safety were shown at the Woodburn Rotary club Thursday noon by George Ev erts of the Birds Eye - Snider cannery as a feature of farm safety week. A. W. Beckford was program chairman. Re ceived recently as a new mem ber was Ralph C, Pickering. After only one look at an existing powder mill, Paul Re vere -was able to build a dupli cate, according to the Ency clopedia Britannica. tonagffl mm ACROSS 1. Fairy 4. Pet anlmall 9. Soak 12. Bland In th. Aexa& II. Join 14. Poem 15. High pointed hill 16. Hackneyed 17. Kxtlnct bird 18. follow 20. Vigilant 82 Celestial sphere U. Kind of dot 55 City In Switzerland S7. Indian or Tlerra del Fuego 19 Rxrlamatlon 32 Lan U3. Animate IS Kind of hum mingbird 36. Kestored 19. Exists 40. Played the first card 41 Permit 42 Symbol for neon 43. Become 44. Corded fabrlo 46. Obstruct 41. Complement ol a mortise SI. Koom in a harem 6.S. Uroff old 6. Heather 57. Little drlna 6S. At once 69. Kingly 60 Still L E AffT R ape Z T uU T UA M BE NlTBB O O Ts ISElisiloJt "ttaiJal E P E nHTTrJa Nile UH L A P PjE RH6 YR A Tjiil L Y EflP I ElsklA S EA I I"' "'11 top i 'cHtor t ' O V E RlajT A T EflN O P -t I T I 'Clfg O D eIuItIsUp EsTAitaiP y DOWN 1. 'Grafted: heraldry 1. Wild animal ' F P P P IHH' Ye ' L, L 1 J g25 p-i pi H 11 32 3tT 37 38 Iff 44,o ti I WwA 1111 Solution of Yesterday' Puzzl S. Indeed t Medicinal cigarett i. Collection of facts I. Racket 7. Greek letter L Uysterloui word In the Psalmi t. More or lea 10. Scent U Fuel 19 Vase 21 African worm 23. Firm 24. Pick (law. 25. Hindu woman' irartntnt 2B Chili? 28 Nothlna 30 To 5ii ch a decree tl Constructed 33 Instigator 14. Everlasting 37 Beverane SS Partook ol a meal 3 Raised 45. Small hurs 46 Prohibit 47 Gone bv 49 Before 50 Dress atone 51. Edible tuber -, 53. Stamping form Si. French commune