Soloms 11th Inning Homer by Bud Peterson Decides Opener Vancouver, B.C., July 29 Managers Bill Beard and Bill Brenner maneuvered pitchers like pawns on a chessboard last night as they sought to capture the first game of the last series of the season between the two clubs at Capilano park. Each side threw four moundsmen into the struggle before the Salem Senators edged the Caps 9 to 8 in 11 innings. Gene Peterson, third Solon to occupy the hillock, got the win while Bob Costello who follow ed Bob McLean and Hunk An derson, was charged with the loss. Stu Fredericks, Manager Beard's initial choice, went into the ninth nursing a 6-4 spread, but his control,' which had been virtually perfect, deserted him and he walked the first two men up. Both scored without bene fit of a hit on an infield out and an error and Cal Mclrvin came in to pitch. He immediate ly walked Charlie Mead to load ' the bases and 'Jene Peterson was assigned the job of facing Dick Sinovic. This he did right suc cessfully as he forced the Cap center fielder to ground out. Sinovic had previously hit a home run and two singles. Neither side got a man across in the 10th, but in the 11th, with one out, Marty Krug reached first on an er ror and went to third when Bill Beard hit the right field wall for a single. Bud Peter-, son hit the first pitch for a home run over the short right field fence and three runs clat tered across the plate. The Caps came right back at the Solons and after Bill Bren ner, pinch hitting for Pitcher Jim Hedgecock, had been re tired on a fly ball to Snyder, Jim Robinson drew a base on balls. Ray Tran's single sent Robinson to second and when Len Tran was issued a pass on four straight pitches the sacks were loaded with one out. Peter son again pitched four balls to force Robinson home. Bob Drilling came in at this stage of the game and Sinovic hit the first pitch on the ground forcing Mead at second as Ray Tran scored. One run short of knotting the count Bud Sheely a 337 hitter, sent up a fly to Bob Cherry in short center. Bud Peterson hit two home funs and Marty Krug one as they took advantage of the Caps' 275 foot right field fence. It was Bud Peterson's bobble of Ray Tran's grounder that per mitted the Caps to knot the count in the ninth, but the Solon shortstop more than made up for it as he blasted his three run homer in the 11th. Vancouver's defeat, coupled with Yakima's split at Vic toria dropped the Caps five full games behind the league leaders. Salem, however, climbed into a tie for sixth with Victoria. The Bears dropped the first Kama, 5-0, but won the night cap, 9-3. At Bremerton the Bluejackets made it three in a ro over Spokane in winning, 9-7 for their sixth straight tri umph, Tacoma also posted a series sweep with Wenatchee as the victim, 6-5. Official Box ftlem AB I Berd,6 4 BPtrAonj 6 S Wuley.lf I Hditon.Sb I Snyder, rf 3 WPtraonJ S Fredrka.p 4 Mclrvin, p 0 OPtrson.p 1 Drillinf.p 0 Vancouver H PO A AB H PO A I 11 1 RobLsn.S ft 1 S 1 R Trail, M ft 4 L Tran.2 I 0 Mead.rt 4 1 Sinovic, cf 4 Stieely.c S a 4 3 McLean. 1 4 5 RSnyr.p 3 0 Andaon.P 0 0 CastHo.p 0 0 Hedeok.p 0 XKBrenr 1 i a 0 14 0 1 Total U IB 33 31 Total 43 13 33 17 Popped up for Hfdiecock In 11th, Scora br limine alem 100 311 100 031 Vancouver 013 010 003 03 V 'Vlnnlna pitcher; a. Peterson Laslnt pitcher: Coat r 11 o Pitcher lp abo ho raa r xob bbo Fr'tierlcK MII!i 34 10 3 ft 3 Mclrvin 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 O. Peterson ..1S I 3 33 0 3 T..llln 3 0 00 0 0 Hedgecock .... 3 0 0 0 0 0 R Snyder 6 27 1 B B 1 3 Anderson , ... 3 13 2 0 0 0 1 Ctwlello H S 2 3 3 0 1 Error, B. Peterson, Hedintton 3, Chart t. n. McLean, Costello. Hit by pitcher, o, Snyder by R. Snyder: LOB, 8 9, V 10; HR. Sinovic. Krui, B. Peteraon 3; SB, Hedlnaton; RBI, Waatey. Sinovic 3, Had Inp.ton. W. Peteraon. Kru. Pratt n P'teraon 4, Robinaon, Mead. SH, L. Tran, Anderson; DP R. Tran-McLean; R. Tran h. Tran-McLean; RR. S B. V ft. Tim 3:30, wmpirei, necen, neneaien, Short Score: TaKtma 000 000 t--4 1 3 virion 140 000 x ft T 0 8wp'it and Orteit; I,obu tnd Monan. klm 0U J03 1013 14 3 Victoria 001 010 1003 S 1 Bporer and Tornaj; Proust, Toblaj (tl ind Morgan. Oivikane 003 003 011 1 11 3 Bremerton 1 10 103 30x 0 13 1 Kimball. Babbitt , Adanu lit and Parka: Simon; Marahall (Oi and Ronnlna. "rnsuenre ioo 030 30 ft S Tacoma .... 031 010 OH 10 McCollum and Winter; Carter and Gard ner. Silverton Sox Slate Last Home Game Saturday Silverton Th ln .t. ite league game for the Silverton ited sox at the home (McGinnis) field, will be with Kwr-.t Unm. here, Saturday night at 8:30 O ClOCK. This arrangement has been switch from tht formerly a nounced play at Sweet Home. The game should be good as Silverton is leading the state league and Sweet Home is second place. In uttmaneuver Caps, 9-S WIL Standings (Br tht Associated Press) W. L. Pet. Yakima 69 37 .651 Vancouver 62 40 .608 Spokane 55 50 .524 Wenatchee 49 56 .467 Bremerton 48 57 .457 Victoria 48 58 .442 Salem 46 58 .442 Tacoma 44 63 .411 Games Thursday Victoria 5-3, Yaklmp. 0-9. Tacoma 6, Wenatchee 5. Bremerton 9, Spokane 7. Salem 9, Vancouver 8, (11 in nings) . Bremerton Fans To Study Chance Of Holding Team Bremerton, July 29 ff) In terested businessmen were to meet with officials of the Bre merton Western International League club today to see if the team is a good investment. ' A meeting was set for 1 p. m. The businessmen and fans be came interested in the purchase when Willis Shepherd, majority stockholder, announced several days ago he had his interest up for sale. Several other north west communities reportedly are dickering for the franchise. Bevos (Br thi United Press) The best pitching duel of the current Pacific coast league sea son was resolved last night when Portland's Vlnce Shupe singled in the 13th Inning. Shupe's one-bagger drove across the only run of the game PCL Standings 9 (Br the Associated Press) W L Pot. W L Pet Hollywood 74 53 .587 San Diego 12 tl .500 Sacr.mnto SB 55 .553 8tUl 63 64 .403 OkklAMl 64 60 .516 SnFrnclco 54 70 .435 Portl.nd n 61 .603 LiAntelu 53 74 .413 Rcknlti Thurtd.r Los Anaele, 5-3, SRor.m.nto 4-3 PortLnd 1, Hollywood 0. 13 Innlnift Sa.ttlft 5, Oakland 0 San Diego 6, Sen FrancUco 9 Nestucca, Nehalem and Wilson Listed for Bites Bast fishing prospects in the Salem area for the week end should bo in the Nestucca, Nehalem and Wilton rivers in tidewater according to the weekly bulletin of the state garni commission. All streams in Tillamook county are in good shape fol lowing the recent rains. Fair catches of cutthroat have been taken daily from the Nestucca and Nehalem. While water conditions on the McKenzie and tribu taries are reported "excellent," spotted fishing has re sulted on the tide streams and "good" catches have been made on the main stem. Clear and Linton lakes are spotty with few big fish caught. Across the mountains in the Deschutes area best fish ing is reported from East, Paulina, Craine Prairie and South Twin lakes. The fish are mostly small. HACK AWAY DUFFER! Barron Recalls Whiffing Four Shots on One Hole By FRANK ECK (AP NewAleettiree Sport Editor) New York W Have you ever swung at a golf ball and hit nothing but thin air? Forget it if you have. It happens to the best golfers. Herman Barron, popular pro at the Fenway Golf club at White Plains, N.Y., once missed four shots on one hole. And It wasn't so long ago, either. Fifth of a Series "Let me tell you about the nine I had on one hole in a tour nament at the Dallas, Tex., Country Club," says Barron. "It was the par S ninth hole. I had no penally shots no out ol bounds drives, no unplayable lies and there were no water holes. "On Inn fairway I whiffed twice at the ball, never even touched it. Then one of my shots went against a tree. I never even came close to hit ting the first shot at that spot. Then I was against a fence. And there I whiffed a shot. That was In 1944." Two years later Barron won the richest prize in golf, taking down $10,500 in Chicago's Tarn 0 Shanter tournament. Thai same year he missed winning the National Open by one stroke at Canterbury in Cleveland. Last year at Wykagyl, New Ro chelle, N.Y., he won the famed Goodall Round-Robin against a field of IS of the world's best golfers. "That nine has taught me nev er to laugh when a golfer even a duffer misses a stroke," says Barron. "I missed four in 1944." 1 Tomorrow Snead and Locke. ill : Gar Wood Honored ltl:l left), former holder of the Harmsworth Trophy (foreground) discusses the current race with owners of the four boats that will open the current competition. The meeting LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES 8 Toil O Frames, Top Stars as Roy Helser of Portland knocked Willy Ramsdell of Hol lywood out of the league's pitch ing lead by besting him 1-0. Neither pitcher deserved to lose, with Ramsdell holding Portland to seven hits and Helser allow ing only eight. Helser, in winning his 14th game of the year, fanned 13 Hollywood batters and walk ed only one. Ramsdell got his fourth loss against 11 wins. Guy Fletcher of Seattle also did a neat job in winning his 18th of the semester. He fanned eight to take the lead in the loop as he blanked the Oakland Oaks 5-0. Th driving Sacramento Solons HERMAN BARRON "1 Wniffed Four Times" OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Hlih Low tut It 1:16 e m 3 0 16:03 e m. -O f 4:33 p.m. 1.0 10:33 p.m. 1.1 juir 3 4:30 e.m. T.4 10:43 a.m. 3:06 p.m 6.3 11:33 p.m. 0.6 July 31 5 Jo e.m. 6 7 11:37 a.m. 0.6 3:30 p.m. 3.4 Aur. 1 6 37 a.m. 6 0 0:37 e.m. 0.3 6:40 p.m. 6 3 13:13 p.m. 14. . W Am. S 7:44 a.m. 3 3 1:44 a.m. 0.3 1.11 p.m. 34 1.14 pjau 3J Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 29, gained a half-game on Holly wood by splitting a doubeheader with Los Angeles. The Angels won 5-4 and then the Sacs triumphed 3-2 in a pair of well played contests. San Diego best ed San Fransico 6-5 on Orestes Minoso's second home run of the night in the bottom of the ninth. Luis Marquez, Portland out fielder, shared the laurels with Official Box Hollywood AB H O Portland A AB H O A 6 2 14 1 MarqeE.OI S 1 Fallon.ab 6 3 8 Norn,cf 6 2 4 4 Shupe. lb 6 Olhmaa.ijfl S 0 Rue Veer, If 5 0 Peng In rf 5 lBaslskl. 2 5 0 Gladd.e 4 7 Austin, 1 4 Helser, p S Brovla.a 1 MuUen.3 1 1 10 0 Kellehr.lf Baxea,3b 2 3 5 13 uiuer.o S Gorman, rt fi O'NellM S Ranulll.p 3 0 11 0 1 Totals 45 S ;38 IT Totals 44 7 39 13 y Two out when winning run scored, a Brovla singled tor Austin In 8th. Hollywood 000 000 000 000 00 H1W 001 130 010 010 28 Portland 000 000 000 000 11 Hits 010 010 011 010 37 IP AB R H ER SO BB RairisdeU 12 44 1 7 1 $ 2 Helaer 13 45 0 8 0 13 1 Errors Ramsdell, Shupe, Thomas. Runs Marquei. Run batted In Shupe. Two bat hit Rucker. Stolen base Marques. Sacrifices Ranudell 2, Kelleher, Austin. Double play O'Neu to Fallon to Stevens. L-tlt on bases Hollywood 10, Portland 8. Wild pitch Ramsdell. Umpires Df ever, Engrln and Doran. Time 2:44. Atten dance 8567. Twin Softie Is Set for Dalias Saturday Might Dallas A double header, de signed to bring the local soft ball association finances into the blac, has been scheduled for Sat urday night with the first game set for 7:30 and, according to Howard DeVoe, prexy of the group, both games have all the earmarks of grudge affairs. Opponents are the Willam ette Valley Lumber company, currently in second spot in the local league, and the Willamette National team of Foster, the Rickreall Merchants and the Sheridan Merchants Advance notices claim a good playing rec ord for the Sheridan visitors and emphasises the fact that the team takes a strong delegation of rooters on their "away" trips. Impaled Racing Driver Taken Of Critical Lists Yakima, July 29 (fl Allen Hobson, Cornelius, Ore., racing driver, was taken off the criti cal list at a Yakima hospital yesterday for the first time since he was run through by a 2 by 8 inch plank last Sunday. Capital Alleys MIXED DOUBLI LEACH'S A 11.7 CM (31 L. Albrlch 443. J. A! brkh 607. D. Olney 438, J. Olner 308. Greajy Pour (Ot S. Iron 375. J. Irons 539 A. Thompson 436, K. Clerk 490. Luckr Strikes U C. Ptusehl 440, Bow .rs 316. 34. Jonrs 463. I. Jont 308. All. 7 Pst 13) 31. MIlfoM 436. J. Ulllord 496, Scott H. 407, r. Scott 486. Splits (3) Oerberlno 834. Oltne S4.7. Olbbs 487. McDowell 484. Schmoos II) Orentort 303. Clerk W. 431. Wnlt worth ?19. Chrrlniton 436. Oruome Foursome (1) Muellhsupt 431. areiorr 334. whlttsker 411. More; 494. Cyclones I3 R. Whltorth 367, Coe men 470. L. Scott 476. S. Scott 463. 3 Hits At A MUe (7) Gardner 401. Ferrer 379. S. Gartner 366. W. Centner 333. Mud Daubers (1) F. Wlllard 436, S. Wll lerd 416. 8. Lawloes 390. N. Lawless 346. Mien Ind. Men's series: Joe Albrlch 607. Hlih Ind. Woman's series: Vlrelnla Oerberlno 634. Hlih Slnele Women feme: Vtrelnta Garbertno 160. Hlih SUtila Maa'A lame: Jos Albrieh took place at a dinner in Detroit, honoring Wood. Group includes, left to right, driver Dan Arena and owner Jack Schafer, of Such Crust I; Wood; Ernest Wilson, owner of the challenger Miss Canada IV; Horace Dodge, owner of My Sweetie; and R. Stanley Dollar,, owner of Skip-a-Long. (AP Wirephoto) 1949 Helser and Shupe. The speed- merchant singled in the 13th and then stole second to put himself in position to score the winning run for the Bea vers. The Rainiers gave Fletcher all the support he needed by bomb ing Charley Gassaway for five runs In the first two innings. The grumpy righthander ran his strikeout total to 113 to surpass teammate Charley Schanz, who gets a crack at the whiff leader ship against the same team to night. The hot Solons came from be hind to tie the first game with Los Angeles at 4-all after seven innings, but succumbed in the eighth. In the nightcap Tom Cards Await New Crucials In Nat Race; Yanks Climb (Br the Associated Press) Bring on the Dodgers! That's the cry in St. Louis, where the sizzling Cards, on an eight-game winning streak, welcome anoth er showdown with Brooklyn for the National league lead. The Cards nudged the Brooks out of first place at Ebbets field last week-end. They open a three-game series at Sports man's park tonight with a game and a half lead. The park is sold out and most St. Louis hotels are booked full through Sunday. The Cards warmed up for the Bodgers by smothering the Phil lies yesterday, 10-2, for a sweep of the series. They roughed up Kenny Heintzelman, who had won nine in a row and forced him to retire after a five-run second inning. Brooklyn drew hope from Ralph Branca's route-going job against the Chicago Cubs, 7-1, his first complete game and first victory since June 29. Gene Termanski's homer with three men on and the score tied 1-1 ruined Bob Rush in the sixth inning. Jackie Robinson and Duke Snider homered in suc cession off Reliefer Walt Dubiel in the seventh to end the scor ing. The New York Giants again poked their heads into the first division, displacing the Phils, with an 8-6 edge over Pitts burgh. They blew an early five run lead but fought back to win on Sid Gordon's 20th homer with a man on in the sixth. Warren Spain coasted to his 12th win, beating Cincinnati 11-2, while his Boston mates put Why Not Go Boating? Good boars for rent that do not leak. Try our courteous service at tht SALEM BOAT HOUSE 160 Chemekets, Listen to Don Harger, KOCO, 6:45 P.M. Friday, for Lowdown on Blue-backs. Far West League Team to Disband After July 31 San Francisco, July '29 W.R) The Vallejo Chiefs of the far west league will be disbanded July 31, league president Jerry Donovan announced to day. No action has been taken on the use of the Vallejo charter by another city, Donovan said. The Vallejo team has been a "road club" since July 12 when it was locked out of their home park following a financial dispute with the owners. Donovan said "the league paid the salaries just as long as it could. We finally reached the bottom of the bar rel and had to call it quits," Wood burn Paper To Hold Golfing Tourney, Week-End Woodburn The 3rd annual Woodburn Independent handicap golf tournament will be held this Saturday and Sunday, July 30 and 31 at the local golf course according to Clyde Smith, club president. Clifford Shrock will be the defending champion. Golfers may play either Satur day or Sunday and are to turn in an 18 hole handicap score. Tro phies and prizes will be given. Those planning to enter the tournament are asked to reg ister immediately with Tony De Jardin, tourney chairman, or with President Clyde Smith, Golfers without handicaps may receive one by turning in an 18- hole card. Rose threw a four-hitter at the Angels while his mates got 15 hits off Booker T. McDaniels to give the Capital nine an even break in the pair. McDaniels also hit a home run in his own behalf, but without a man on. Snort Scores: Seattle 330 000 0005 11 1 Oakjand 000 000 000 0 8 3 Fletcher and Warren; Ga&saway, Nel son (3) Tote (9) end Fadiett. Sacramento 000 012 104 7 1 Lv Ameles 030 010 015 9 3 (8 Innings) Gillespie, Comer (6) Freitas (7) and Raimondl; Stephens, Gables (6), Anthony (7) and Bur Brink, Novotney (8). Stforamento 003 001 0003 15 0 Los Ameles 001 010 0003 4 Rose and Plumbo; McDantels and Novot ney. San Francisco 300 003 0005 10 I San Dleio 300 003 1016 7 1 Dempsey, Lien (9) and Jarvls; Resclmo, Thompson (7) and Moore. the slug on Ken Raffensberger and two successors for 16 hits, five by Ed Sauer. ' The dependable Allie Rey nolds - Joe Page combination . pitched the New York Yanr kees to a 3-2 decision over Cleveland, splitting the vital series and restoring the Yanks' four-game lead. Page put down a Tribe uprising in the ninth with the help of a sensational throw by Cliff Mapes who caught Roberto Avila trying to advance from second to third on an outfield Major Standings (By the Associated Press) AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet W. L. Pet New York 56 33 .637 Detroit 51 45 .531 Clevelend 54 37 .593 Chlcaso ' 39 55 .415 xBoston 51 41 .554 zWashltn 35 55 .389 Phlldlphla 53 43 .547 8t. Louis 31 63 .333 x Does not Include Incomplete tame ol .' 7. Respite Thursday New York 3. Cleveland 3 Boston 6. chtcaEO 1 Detroit 13. Washlnito 7 St. Louis at Philadelphia, rain NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet W. L. Pet St. Louis 57 36 .613 Phlldlphl 47 47 .500 Brooklyn 55 37 .598 Ptsbrih 44 48 .478 Boston 50 45 .536 Clnclnatl 37 55 .403 Ntw York 46 45 .503 Ctlloio 36 59 .379 Respite Thursday Brooklyn 7, Chlcaeo 1 St. Louis 10, Philadelphia 3 New Yoik 8, Pittsburgh 6 Boston 11, Cincinnati 3 v - J Collegiate Sportsmen i Veto Proposal on Czar New Castle. N.H.. July 29 VP . Athletic commissioners gov erning more than 160 of the na tion's colleges were on recon today as opposed to a suprem national supervisor for intercol legiate sports. The college sports neaas voic ed unanimous disapproval of r with the broac powers professional baseball has given A. B. (Happy; L;nanaiei as the 11th meeting of the Na tie. rial Aftf iatinn of Collegiate commissioners closed yesterday. As soon as the idea oi a na tional supervisor was mention ort Rprnie Moore of Birming ham, Ala., the southeastern con ference's representative, sound ed his opposition. His nine co pnmmissioners nodded their heads in agreement. Earlier, the commissioners nlerleed their assistance to the NT r? A A "sanitv code." design ed to curb eligibility violations. The college sports neaa with Victor O. Schmidt of the Pacific coast conference who declared that "there is a need for legislation by the OP&P Noses Oils In Softie Race; Wools Forfeit Oregon Pulp and Paper, run ning neck and neck with Moot- ries for City Softball league leadership, nosed Randle Oil Thursday night, 4-3, as two er rors and a base blow by Gordy McMorris accounted for two runs in the last half of the sixth Up until that time Q.P. & P. was trailing, 3-2. The Campbell Rock Wool Golden Pheasant tilt went to the latter via the forfeiture route when the Woolers failed to produce a full team. An ex hibition contest went to Rock Wool, 8 to 2 in five innings. Hagadorn, a Pheasant player, operated under the Rock Wool flag in the exhibition and slammed a homer in the fifth with the bases loaded. Clear Lake dumped Paper Mill, 5-2 in an Industrial league fray. Friday night's schedule: In dustrial, 6.30, Teamsters vs, Naval Reserve; City league, 8:00, Mootry's vs. Marine Reserve; 9:00, 12th Street vs. Knights of Columbus. Randlo Oil 000 003 13 7 3 O. P. A P 000 303 X 4 6 3 Enoch Maen and Applesate; Kniiht and Woodworth. Clear Lak 310 000 15 13 3 Paper Mill 100 010 03 4 a KiUlncer and Bressler; Farlow and Kephart. Cleveland left the stadium for a five-game series at Boston. opening with a day-night dou- bleheader today. With Dom DiMaggio on a 23 game hitting streak and leading the league with a .344 average, Boston again is in a position to challenge. Joe McCarthy's team lost a win yesterday when American League President Will Harridge ordered the Sox and Washing ton to complete a six-inning game on July 7. Boston led 8-3 when the game was called to permit the Sox to catch a train. They'll play the final three' in nings before their August 20 game. McCarthy got another well pitched game yesterday from Ellis Kinder, who scattered sev en Chicago hits for his 11th vic tory, 6-1. He might have had a shutout but for an error by Vern Stephens. Dizzy Trout's homer with the bases full featured a seven-run ninth-inning Detroit rally for a 13-7 victory over Washington. A scheduled St. Louis - Philadel phia night game was rained out. WeMootB In the Majors What they did Thursday: AB R H O A E RBI resgy Red sox .... 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 Doerr, Red Sox .... 3 3 3 1 3 0 1 Gordon, Indians .... 4 0 1 3 4 1 3 Jansen. Giants, pitched Thursday but win not creciieu 10 -mm. N.C.A.A. against tryouts of pros- tective student athletes $3.35 Qt. $2.10 Pint 0 ''' lij The price is way down here . t- . . FIRST OF Alt... FOR FLAVOR FINE BLENDED WHISKEY ,A 86 proof. 724 grain neutral spirits. Frankfort Distillers Corp., N.Y.C. '4 1 314,