Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 29, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
flMrs. King Is
mmmmammamm i imp1
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Friday, July 29, 1949
Junior CDA
Elects New
Meeting In St. Joseph's hall
this week the Salem court of the
Junior Catholic Daughters of
America elected their officers
for the coming year.
Miss Dolores Brunkel, who
will be a senior at Sacred Heart
academy, was elected president;
Miss Marjorie Davey, vice presi
dent; Miss Grace Cory, secre
tary, and Miss Nancy Brown,
reporter. Miss Lois Schwab,
president of the Junior court
for 1948-49, presided over tne
A social hour followed the
business. A moving picture of
the girls taken at their summer
camp at Silver Creek, also a reel
taken of the 1949 graduating
class at Sacred Heart academy,
were shown.
Miss Reiling
Wed at Detroit
Silverton Mrs. Gregory
Reiling is announcing the mar
riage of her daughter, Eulalie,
to Lt. Robert McCormack, June
18, at Detroit, Mich., at St.
Paul's Catholic church in a 9:30
morning ceremony.
Mrs. Reiling made the trip
east to attend the wedding of
her daughter, remaining as a
house guest at the home of an
other son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pike
(Thelma Reiling).
Mrs. McCormack is remem
bered in Silverton for her serv
ice as registered nurse, serving
with the air corps during the
last world war, going from lo
cation at the George Wright hos
pital in Spokane, to Percy Jones
hospital in Battle Creek, Mich.
She was two years on location in
Osaka, Japan, with the rank of
lieutenant. Lt. McCormack re
cently has been at the Panama
Canal Zone. They are to make
their home for some time near
Sacramento, Calif.
During her stay In the east,
Mrs. Reiling was guest of the
Wallace Pikes on a six weeks'
travel tour of Canada, visiting
in Quebec and Montreal, meet
ing the newlyweds at Niagara
Plan Herb Tea
Lebanon Mrs. H. A. Faller,
president of the Lebanon Gar
den club, has appointed Mrs.
Oliver Gundersen general chair
man for the twelfth annual herb
tea given by the local club. The
affair will be held in the gar
den at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Dillard, route 2, on August 18,
The Lebanon club has won
national recognition with this
event, and in 1947 was awarded
a purple ribbon from the Na
tional Council of Garden clubs.
This year when the national
council met for its annual con
vention in Portland, the Leban
on club was asked to serve tea
on Oregon day to the 300 dele
gates and representatives. Mrs.
H. A. Faller was chairman for
that event, assisted by Mrs
Women of the local club are
now busy on products for the
tea at the Dillard country home.
Falls, and spending some time
In Vermont, New Hampshire
and New York before returning
to Michigan. She reached Sil
verton during the past week.
WORD has been received by
local relatives of the arrival of
Mrs. Bertha Hamer and her
daughter, Joan, in London, Eng
land. They visited for some time
in Salem at the home of Mrs.
Hamer's brother, S. H. Isher
wood, and with her sisters, Mrs
Annie Hysler and Mrs. Phyllis
Tucker, also in Yuba City, Calif,
with another brother, Norman
Isherwood. They took the bus
across country from Yuba City
to New York City and Halifax
Nova Scotia, sailing from the
latter city on the Aquitanla
Miss Hamer visited the United
Nations at Lake Success, being
a representative to the U.N.
from Richmond, England.
SHERIDAN Sheridan Me
thodist church was the scene
Sunday for the marriage of Miss
Jean Broadwell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Broadwell of
Ballston, to Omar A. Henton,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hen
ton. After a honeymoon at the
beach the young couple will be
at home in Sheridan. Both arc
graduates of the Sheridan high
White Shrine Supreme Head
Visits Here on Thursday
Willamette Shrine, No. 2, While Shrine of Jerusalem, met
last evening at the Masonic temple for a special session with Mrs.
Zelma M. Kah, Middleton, Ohio, supreme worthy high priest
ess of the order, making her official visitation at that time.
Mrs. Wilbur Pintler, worthy high priestess of the local shrine,
and Stanley Brown, Watchman
of the shepherds, presided.
Mrs. -uh was escorted to the
east and given honors. Other su
preme officers were Mrs. Tillie
Seaman of Palestine shrine,
Cleveland, Ohio, supreme her
ald; Mrs. Emily Perkins of Ce
celia shrine, No. 3, Oakland,
Calif., supreme second hand
maid; Mrs. Laura May Brown,
Bethlehem shrine No. 4, Eugene,
supreme chairman of material
objective committee.
Supreme district deputies in
troduced were Mrs. Zilda Bren
nan, Bethany shrine No. 5, Van
couver, Wash.; Mrs. Marie Strau
bel, Oregon shrine, No. 1, Port
land; Mrs, Pearl Specr, Willam
ette shrine, No. 2, Salem; Mrs.
Charlotte Martin, Naomi shrine,
No. 5, Klamath Falls. Supreme
honorary officers introduced
were Mrs. Blanche Barker, Na
omi shrine, Klnmalh Falls, su
preme queen's attendant; Miss
Katherine Blood, Oregon shrine,
No. 1, supreme page; Mrs. Wil
bur Pintler, Willamette shrine,
supreme page; Stanley Brown,
supreme king's guard; Mrs. Ruth
Beezley, Bethany shrine, su
preme page; Mrs. Odessa Garri
son, Bethlehem shrine, Seattle,
supreme page. Also a large group
of past worthy high priestesses
and past watchmen of shepherds
were introduced.
Initiated into the order were
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Phelps
and Charles Graves.
Talks were given by Mrs. Kah,
Mrs. Seaman, Mrs. Perkins and
Mrs. Pintler. A degree was
given in honor of Mrs, Kah, the
king's guards and queen's at
tendants spelling out her Initials
and forming of a heart in which
Mrs. Kah was presented with a
gift by Mrs. Pintler. Solos were
given by Ronald Craven, accom
panied by Mrs. Ronald Craven.
A tap dance was given by Miss
es Shari and Zelma Kah, daugh
ters of the supreme worthy high
Many visitors from other
Shrines Included: Klamath
Falls: Mrs. Blanche Barker,
worthy high priestess, Mrs. Nina
W. Currier, Mrs. Charlotte Mar
tin, Nell Retterath, George Ret-
leralh, Irene Markham, Kate
Peyton, Beatrice Dennison, Ora
Simmons. Eugene: Dr. Charles
E. Hunt, Mrs. Lucile Lansing.
Mrs. Rosa A, Hart, Mrs. Mata
Swcetman, Mrs. Ruth Inkstcr,
Mrs. Viola Bentlcy, Mrs.
Blanche Herbig, Mrs. Ida Hln
shaw, Mrs. Eunice Hathaway,
Lyman C. Palmer, Harold B.
Jensen. Vancouver, Wash.; Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice M. Yost, Mr.
and Mrs. W-. E. Lambert, Arlie
Ginder, Hattic Jackson, Ella
Kcliey, Llna Gray, Ruth Beaslcy,
Mable Schuman, Hannale C. Lee,
Louise Hill, Mayme Mead, Nan
cie E. Sherman, Alice King, Car
rie Swick, Minnie Swan. Port
land: Adeline Vita, Jcannctte
Hallock. Marjorie A. Winters,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jacobson,
Robert A. Fuller, Marie Strau
bel. Seattle: Edna M. Hood,
Hazel Williams, Odessa Garrison,
Ruth Williams. From Clinton.
Iown were Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Hopkins; Patricia Ragsdale, Van
couver, B. C; Carrie E. Gray.
Iowa City, Iowa; Ora M. Sim
monds, Indianapolis, Indiana,
Helen Anthony, Toledo, Ohio.
A luncheon was given in hon
or of the supreme worthy high
priestess at 1 o'clock at Silver
Creek Falls lodge, Thursday aft
ernoon. Thursday evening at
the Masonic temple the -rooms
were decorated in white and
pink gladioluses and sweet peas.
Miss Mildred Christenson en
tertained at two informal affairs
this week to compliment her
sister, Mrs. L. M. King, who
recently came west from Birm
ingham, Ala., with her family to
reside in Oregon.
Friends were invited for an
informal coffee both Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons. On
Wednesday, Miss Leila Johnson
poured and on Thursday after
nook, Mrs. H. K. Stockwell and
Mrs. Kenneth Perry presided at
the urns.
3 Entertain
For Zonta
Miss Lena Belle Tartar, Mrs.
Phil Brownell and Mrs. M. Theo
dore Madsen, Jr., were hostesses
last evening at a dessert for the
meeting of the Salem Zonta club
entertaining the group at the
suburban home of Miss Tartar.
This was the business session
for the group. Attending were
Mrs. R. W. Land, Mrs. Herbert
W. Winkler, Miss Edna Lucker,
Mrs. Harry W. Scott; Miss Gene
vieve Morgan, Mrs. C. W. Sta
cey, Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss Dor
othy Pearce, Miss Mary Larson,
Miss Maxine Burcn, Mrs. Rob
ert McEwan, Mrs. Karl Becke,
Mrs. Paul Rockenfeller, Mrs.
Walter Musgrave, Mrs. I. N. Ba
con, Mrs. James Bunnell, Mrs.
Margaret Rosecrans, Mrs. Ben
Lambert, Dr. Lucille Fortner,
Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, Mrs.
Robert M. Fisher, Jr., Mrs. Frank
J. Burke, Miss Mabel Savage,
Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs. Mad-
sen, Mrs. Brownell and Miss Tar
For the August 11 meeting the
group will be entertained at
the annual dinner given by Miss
Mabel Savage on the lawn at
receding tne club session
last evening board members met
at dinner at the Marion hotel,
Visitor Is
Honoring Mrs. William
Schultz, who has been visiting
here from McCook, Neb., Mrs.
A. W. Bmegar entertained Wed
nesday evening at an informal
bridge party and late supper.
In the group were Mrs,
Schultz, Mrs. Clinton Standish,
Mrs. Verne Robb, Mrs. Delbert
Schwabbaucr, Mrs. Irvine Cap-
linger, Mrs. A. A. Hager, Mrs.
Retha Hager, Mrs. Ira Fitts and
the hostess.
Mrs. Schultz and son are leav
ing this week-end to return to
their home.
a a
Junior Women- Set
Fall Style Show
Silverton At a special meet
ing the first of the week, called
at the city park by Mrs. Jerry
Gastineau, president of the Sil
verton Junior Woman's club,
plans were begun for their sec
ond annual style show, to be at
the Eugene Field auditorium
Thursday evening, September
At a meeting later in the week
the last year's models will dem
onstrate the fashion parade and
will endeavor to improve in pre
paration and complete plans for
Mrs. Wilson Johnson will
serve as general chairman of
The autumn opening has been
announced for Friday and Sat
urday, September 18 and 17, by
the Chamber of Commerce, V
V. Runyan, president.
DAYTON On Sunday, July
24, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Louis
celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary. On Sunday eve
ning they were guests of her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr
and Mrs. Vernon Foster, for a
Darty. Those attending were:
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell, Inez
Mortensen, Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Foster and Eunice, Mr. and Mrs
Frank Wright of Newberg and
Miss Elizabeth Rooper of Pen
dleton. The honor guests re
ceived a number of gifts and
Mr. and Mrs. Louis have lived
all of their married life in Day
ton. Mrs. Louis is an assistant
in the local postoffice and Mr.
Louis is the rural mail carrier
on route 2.
- r.'rv .'i JLr - fiw; . - VsHt -y Oil 1 V -
Salem Girls in Hawaii Among the more than 40 Oregon
co-eds attending summer session at University of Hawaii
are these five from Salem, pictured here during some of their
recreation hours on the beach. Left to right they are: Miss
Marianne Bonesteele, Miss Patty Wilson, Miss Suzanne Hug
gins, Miss Geraldine Woodruff, Miss 'Roberta Tussing. Miss
Tussing and Miss Huggins are University of Oregon students,
the other three Oregon State college students. The girls
will be home soon. They flew over and will return by plane.
(Northwest Airlines photo)
Jeannette Kirkwood Bride
Sunday at Amity Church
Amity One of the pretty weddings of the summer was that of
Miss Jeannette Kirkwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirk
wood, and Lamar Aldridge, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Sterling Aldridge,
of Amity. The service was solemnized Sunday afternoon, July
24 at the Christian church at 3 o'clock before an altar decoratea
with a white arch and baskets-
of all white flowers. The young
couple exchanged their vows in
a double ring ceremony. Rev.
William F. Morse, pastor of the
church read the service. Mr
Kirkwood escorted his youngest
daughter down the white car
peted aisle and gave her in mar
riage. The alternate pews were
marked with sprays- of white
gladioluses, tied with white sat
in ribbon. Just before the cere
mony, Mrs. Jessie Kirkwood
Beaty of Salem, cousin of the
bride, sang. Mrs. Winnifred Ban
tsari played the wedding music.
The bride wore a wedding
gown of white nylon marqui
sette, fashioned with close fit
ting bodice, long sleeves, round
neckline, closed in back with
small satin buttons and a full
skirt, extending into a court
train. She wore white gloves.
The fine net veil with embroi
dered edge was held in place
with a halo of the same net
pleated. Each pleat was tipped
with a pearl. The bride carried
a white Bible on the top of
which were white gardenias, and
carnations, showered with white
satin ribbons and sweet peas.
Her only jewelry was a rhine-
stonc bracelet, a gift from the
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Robert Shields, sister of the
bride, gowned in a pale yellow
nylon dotted Swiss floor length
dress, that was styled with a
close fitting bodice, short puff
sleeves and low round neckline.
She carried a crescent bouquet
centered with an apricot colored
begonia encircled by pompon
dahlias and tied with orchid
The bridesmaids were Miss
Yvonne Kirkwood, niece of the
bride, and Miss Phyllis Jorgen-
son. They wore frocks of pale
green nylon dotted Swiss in the
same style as the matron of
honor and carried nosegays of
mixed flowers.
Denna Shields, niece of the
bride, was flower girl She wore
a while taffeta dress with petti
coat of lace showing at the edge
of the skirt and carried a mini
ature nosegay of white centered
with a yellow flower.
Best man was George Watts.
cousin of the bridegroom
Ushers were Ewart Callendar
and Frank Sattlich,
The wedding party formed a
line at the back of the auditor
ium and greeted the guests.
They then went on to the coun
try home of the bridegroom's
parents, where the reception was
held on the patio and lawn.
Mrs. Glenn Watts, aunt of the
bridegroom, cut the wedding
cake, and Mrs. Ersel Kirkwood,
Salem, aunt of the bride, pre
sided at the punch bowl, Mrs.
Nolan Wanless, sister of the
bride, and Mrs. Clinton Schoe
maker, sister of the bridegroom,
assisted with the serving.
The couple left for a few days
wedding trip to the Oregon
beaches. For going away the
bride wore a two - piece satin
suit of the new fall shade of
blue, white hat, corsage of gar
denias and white accessories.
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Kirkwood wore an after
noon dress of silver gray with
black hat, black accessories and
corsage of deep wine gladiolus
es. Mrs. Aldridge wore a rose
crepe afternoon dress, black hat
and corsage of contrasting
The couple are graduates of
Amity high school. He has just
completed a year at the Univer
sity of Oregon. They will be
at home in Amity after Au
gust 1.
Thouaandi now chew ttea1r, corn, applea
without fc ar of iltppinf pUteilThey um
TAZE, amazing new cream in a bandy
tubal STAZB aeala adcea TIOHTI Help
keep out annoying food particles!
Money-back guarantee. Get 35a STAZB I
Room Full of Roses
Whose Girl Are You?
Object of My Affection
Red River Valley
Blue Bonnet Blues
I Don't Care
And Many Others -
Downstairs Oregon Bide;.
State and, High 3-8632
Party Given
Honoring Mrs. Oliver T.
Mansfield, Mrs. Vern- F. Davis
entertained Tuesday evening
with a surprise shower at her
Guests included Mrs. S. H.
Mansfield, visitor from Clev
eland Heights, Ohio; Mrs. Dave
Barry, Mrs. Max Taylor, Mrs.
Harold Brack, Mrs. John Holtz
man, Mrs. P. J. Meaney, Mrs.
Joseph Bernard, Mrs. Frank
Geiermann, Mrs. Dale Maxwell,
Mrs. Frank Selders, Mrs. How
ard Patterson, Mrs. Frank Smith
all of Portland; and from Salem,
Mrs. Leon Margosian, Mrs. Wil
liam Johnston, Mrs. Farley Mo
San, Mrs. Sam Campbell, Mrs.
Ralph Atwood, Mrs. Carl Wood,
Mrs. Denver Young, Mrs. Max
Alford, Mrs. Holly Jackson, Mrs.
Lawrence Brown, Mrs. James
Hardie, Mrs. D. C. Burton, Mrs.
Homer McWain, Mrs . Floyd
Crabtree, Mrs. Robert John
son, Mrs. Larry Fitzgerald, Mrs
Richard Lockard, Mrs. O. D.
Youngquist, and the honree and
Picnic Set
By Cosmis
The Cosmis dance club an
nounces a picnic for all mem
bers and families next Sunday,
July 31, at Paradise Island, fes
tivities to begin at 12:30 o'clock.
Races, ball games, swimming
and dancing are on the sched
ule as well as the picnic dinner.
Charles Wright, Alfred Do
mogalla and Mrs. Frank Finney
are on the committee making
arrangements for the event.
Today's Menu
(By the Associated Press!
Friday Fare
Cold salmon with mayonnaise.
Crisp potato sticks.
Buttered broccoli.
Bread and butter.
Raw vegetable bowl.
Buttermilk lemon pudding.
Buttermilk Lemon Pudding
Ingredients: cup sugar, 1
tablespoon all-purpose flour,
grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 table
spoon lemon juice, 2 eggs (sep
arated), 1 tablespoon butter or
margarine (melted), JA teaspoon
salt, 1 cup buttermilk.
Method: Put the sugar and
flour in a mixing bowl and mix
well; add the grated lemon rind,
and lemon juice. Beat the egg
whites until they form peaks
that curl over slightly when ro
tary or electric beater is slow
ly withdrawn; without washing
egg beater beat yolks until thick
and pale colored. Add the beat
en yolks, the melted butter or
margarine, the salt and the but
termilk to first mixture; stir
well. Add egg whites and fold
in until no white blobs remain.
Pour into custard cups; set in
a pan of hot water and bake in
moderate (350 F.) oven for
about 45 minutes. Chill, invert
on individual serving dishes if
desired; there will be a cake
like base and a custard-sauce
Miss Widmer
Wed July 24
Woodburn Miss Pearl Wid
mer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Widmer of Woodburn, and
Morley King, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jake King of Hubbard,
were united in marriage July 24
at 2:30 p.m. in the' Zion Men
nonite church east of Hubbard.
Rev. Chester Kauffman officat
ed and music was by an octet
and two soloists, D. M. Widmer
and Mrs. Earl Wyatt, brother
and sister of the bride.
The bride was given In mar
riage by her brother, Urbane
Widmer. She wore a white ny
lon marquisette gown with lace
inserts and fingertip veil, and
carried heart-shaped bouquet of
orchids surrounded with step
hanotis from which fell white
satin streamers.
Miss Alene Widmer, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor
and bridesmaids were Miss Na-
dine Widmer, another sister, and
Miss Lois King, sister of the
bridegroom. Best man for Mr.
King was Donald Yoder of Al
berta, Canada, and ushers were
Harold Bender of Hubbard and
Donald Lauber of Sheridan.
A reception at the home of
the bride's parents followed the
ceremony. Mrs. Clifford Con
rad served the bride's cake, as
sisted by Mrs. Amos Lais, Mrs.
Will Kenagy, Miss Alice Gar
ber, Miss Faye Hooley, Miss Lu
gene Whitaker, Maurice Bender,
Wendell Zehr and Ray Hooley,
Mrs. Dwight Yoder was in
charge of the guest book.
After a honeymoon in Cali
fornia Mr. and Mrs. King will
be at home in Woodburn. For
traveling the bride wore a suit
of pink gaberdine with white
accessories and orchid corsage.
Glen Williams Orchestra
a!.t.W. i
10 PiVniCS
I- yfjof j-vfx-fVttt.
Journal Want Ads Pay
you ilflUC MACHINE
Naturalizers, Pennants
Penaljos and Life Stride
Values to $11.95
Dress Shoes, Walking Shoes,
481 Stat Street
We Invite
To Open
Select Your New
at the (t flfc0D
115 North Liberty Street
Lace and tricot in
white, tea rose and
black. Reg. $2.95.
All sizes.