AUTOMOBILES 1 AUTOMOBILES . SPECIALS Special Low Transportation 41 Ford Tudor, good condition , $695 37 DeSoto Club Coupe, 46 motor , 395 3D Chev. R&H, a dandy , 595 37 Pontiac, excellent motor, B&H i 395 41 Stude Champ Club Cpe. Recond. & Guaranteed . . 895 38 DeSoto Coupe, just right , 395 40 Stude Coupe, it's a real value 395 39 Ford DeLuxe Sedan . . H , 295 47 Crosley Conv. Coupe .'. , 295 38 Olds Coupe ., , 295 30 'Buick, runs good 4 50 31 Studebaker, good transportation 50 37 Plymouth, really worth it ;, . . 295 37 Ford Tudor a good buy' 245 35 Terraplane Coupe pickup - 195 Commericals 41 Ford 'A Ton Pickup ...,. 315 38 Chev. 34 Ton Pickup . . j 315 41 Chev. Vz Ton Pickup . . t 595 SEE AlfT HANSON Eisner Motor Co. Lot 610 North High Salem, Ore. ql79- PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS ,'48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage . .$1995 '40 Pontiac Sedan . . 545 '41 Pontiac Sport Coujpe 795 '37 Pontiac Sedan 345 '42 Olds Sedan i 995 '36 Pontiac Sedan 195 '37 Plymouth Sedan 345 '40 Plymouth Sedan ,. 445 Herrall - Owens Co; 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 24113 Dependable Used Cars Sold By a Dependable Dealer 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1395 1946 PLYMOUTH fiEDAN 1295 1946 MERCURY TWDOR 1295 1946 HUDSON (6) SEDAN 1225 1942 BUICK SUPEll SEDANET 1245 1941 CHEV. SPEC. DELUXE SEDAN . 1045 1941 OLDS 5 PASS 'COUPE (6) ....... . 895 1941 OLDS 5 PASS COUPE (8) 845 1941 FORD 5 PASS COUPE .- 745 1940 DODGE SEDAN 795 1940 PLYMOUTH" TUDOR SEDAN ... 695 1940 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 695 1940 FORD 5 PASS! COUPE 645 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN 695 1939 NASH SEDAN , 595 1939 HUDSON (6) SEDAN 495 1938 NASH SEDAN 495 1937 WILLYS SEDA1R 195 2640 Portland Rd. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SEWING Machine Portable or Treadlfi. Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J20I' ' SEVERIN REALTY CO. Office for rent. Mezzanine office room, Hants, deak. typewriter St file cabinet furnished. 35 per mo. wleai. Phone 34016. 1 FIIMICE BLOCK Bldg. 1250 ft. floor upa-ce. Salem suburb, district. $35 per mo. 16177 6. High. GROUND FLOOR rooma. -ultabfce for frf ilca or stores. Also alley warehouat wJtth elevator STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-4121 I BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. i V DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9Q.03. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bnos. 1410 S 12th. West Salem. p J SINGER ELECTRIC portable s-wlnit tea chine. Reasonable rates. Fire pick up Ss delivery. Slniter Sewint Machine Co. 130 N. Coml. Ph. 33512. J WANTED TO RENT NEAT S-BEDROOM home fc(r 3 BctuHa. Will pay up to $75 and jease. These tenants will be tops. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. " P'sone 23629 ' Home Phone 2-47W3 J1. .IE WARD for suitable 3-be3room house. Phone 3-3253 or 3-7922. -a,?4. BUSINESS MAN. wife, hlj! h. school age son desire 2 or 3 bdrm. home. Furn. or unfurn. Reas. rent. Ph. 3-ill22. Jala Ynt'NG VETERAN, wife and two babie desperately want 3 bdrm.. bouse, furn. or unfurn. reasonable rent. Ph. 39988 !ter 5 or Sat. JalSO S BDRM. unfurn. house for minister and family. Will pay up to 1(110 per month. Ph. 33201 before 5 p.m. or 23738 after 7 p.m. W.U STUDENT St family desire to rent small house, perm, resldinils. Ph. 37788. jalso LOST AND FOUND LOST: 1 Olds lender aklct. Ph. 31491 LOST Ld:M small Benr a yellow void wrist watch with link c:5aln. Ph. 2062 after 6 p.m l"0 MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER CORSETIERE. 25 N Winter Ph. 3-5072 mI89 LE SPRINGER, men's hazier 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30 m!82 DENTAL. PLATE .IEPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN M'.'ST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER--DENTIST Adolpb Bid. -State St Ounmerclal 8ts SALEM-Ph out X J311 ' SEE JOE SPURLOCK Phone; 24173 352 N. Commercial St. BUILDING MATERIALS DOORS l-panel, 3-panel, 3 and 8-panel glass doors, screen doors, storm doors, ma hogany ent. doors. Every one a bar gain. C. G. Long, Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Klexer. mal84a INTERLOCKING or mortar pumice and concrete building blocks. Free estimate. Mortarless Block Co., 14th and Hoyt. Ph. 3-7324. mal84 STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. Casement. Double Hung St Commercial Types. PUMILTTE, West Salem. malSB FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatfortn 6c Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. PUMILTTE - West Salem. mal7B ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials. Complete line, quality materials. PUMILTTE - West Salem. mal79 f M.L til 96 Salem, we sell the best Cedar Shinties from Tillamook, Grand Ronde or Cascade high mountain timber. No. 1. 18. No. 2 15. Delivered. Ted Muller, Sa-lem-Indep. Road. ma 18" No. 1 Cedar Shakes. Natural or paint ed Prim coated or stained. Cedarwall Fittite or Bear Brands 19 per sq. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Mull!'. 2-1196. ma 94x10 CEDAR SIDING, any amount. Clear A St B grades. Reas. prices. Cheek our prices. Ted Muller Ph Salem 21196, ma PLYWOOD LARGE stock of sizes, thicknesses St grades. Both Plain Si water proof, r-ncw tart at 5c per sq ft. ALSO GOOD stocks ot " and W Insul atlng boards Low prices on " St tt" sheet rock. Keith Brown, Front St Court Sts., Salem. ma HARDWOOD rioortni, ati grades, from 195 thousand up Keltb Brown. Front St Court bta.. Stlem ma "Champion" Plus "Younger Brothers." SHINGLE 5, No. 1 red mountain cedar 18 per sq. No. 2 15. C. G LONG. Ph. 25831 1 mile North of Kelzer malSl ALUMA . LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer or Call Dist 3-6401 mal97 SPECIAL! Cedar stdlni, V8" Random length. C-rade. 185 thousand- Keith Brown. Front Sm Court SU. Salem ma TUFF STONE mill ends. Suitable for Pa tios. Fireplaces, Curbs, Wall. Steps. Walks, Rock Gardens, Landscaping, etc. 25971. mal83 ASBESTOS SIDING 10 a iq. V- sheet rock 4NC. Sc. Rock lathe 31c yd. Plywood, all thicknesses, low prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 25821. 1 mile N. of Kelzer. maiBJ' NEW SHIPMENT piast board V S'c 6f Q ft Rock latha 46 sq. ft 11.75 MONTOUMERT WARD S&LEM ma AUTOMOBILES $100.oo DOWN And Approved Credit Will Buy Any of the Following Cars YOUR RESPONSE TO OUR AD LAST WEEK ENABLES US TO REPEAT THIS OFFER AGAIN THIS WEEK. A SMALLER DOWN PAYMENT WILL PURCHASE A 37 OR 38 MODEL CAR. 1942 HUDSON Sdn, rebuilt motor, new paint, R&H 1942 NASH Sedan, New Paint, R&H 1942 DODGE Sdn, recond. motor, new brakes, paint. 1941 CHEV. Cpe, clean, new brokes and good motor. 1941 HUDSON Sedan, R&H, good motor. 1941 DODGE Sedan, recond. motor, R&H. 1941 PLYMOUTH Sedan, good motor, R&H. 1941 BUICK Sedan, R&H, very clean. 1940 Dodge Sedan, new paint. 1940 HUDSON Sedan, R&H, good motor. 1939 STUDEBAKER Sedan, very clean. 1940 FORD Sedan, new bearings and paint. 1939 FORD COACH, new paint. 1939 BUICK Sedan, R&H, new paint. We have most makes and models to choose from starting from 29 s to 49's. Two Lots Open Evenings for Your Convenience. SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY This Time Its Hudson Highway Sales Yard Down Sales Yard 3020 Portland Road Where Chemeketa goes to Church Phone 27023 Phone 37922 When Driving SMOKE Carefully and Keep Oregon Green. For Your Protection BE SURE AND BUY FROM A CERTIFIED USED CAR DEALER 1947 Stude. Land Cruiser, 18,000 miles One owner & clean. Seat covers, radio, heater Must see to appre ciate. Only $1895 Lincoln Sedan like new 2700 miles. Seat covers, R&H, W.S. Washers, Overdrive New price ?3400 .. .$1695 Mercury Sedan, R&H. Sport lamp. This car has appeal $1295 Dodge Coupe : $845 Plymouth Sedan $745 Buick Sedanet $795 Buick Sedanet $695 Ford Deluxe Sedan, clean S695 Ford Tudor $445 1946 1946 1942 1942 1942 1941 1940 1939 Several Cheaper Cars . Warner Motor Co. SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION 545 CENTER BUILDING MATERIALS USED BRICK. Call 3970: or 24389. mal94 SAVE On ROOFING Let Wards five you compieu IN STALLED price on rout roofing need Wide range of colors Call ovir outside salesman lor frei estimate Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM. OREGON ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Majestic radio, phono - wire recorder comb. Table model, si 80 mil price. Used 6 mo. A-l shape. Make offer. Ph. 2-5874 nlB1" ELEC. IRON new( and toaster, dishes. trim jars, dareno. m. niHtr DISTILLED white vinegar for all pIckllnB purposes. "Keeps your pickles krlsp." Also old time pure apple cider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works. n204 I BURNER Si oven apt. zt tfls ranee. In very good condition. $50. 20 ftal. Mis sion sas hot water heater 25. White enamel tr&s-h burner (40, 160 Highway Ave., or ph. 28563. nlBl FURNACE, Pavne gas, 90,000 B.T.U. Like new. Fully automatic, complete with all controls, grills, etc., 1125. Trader Louie, 3055 Fortland Rd. nl84 VOOD AND cohI kitchen range with pipes, coils is tank, S25. Ph. 38112. nl81 OAS STOVE, good cond. 156. S20 States man St. Ph. 35210. nlSl HYDRAULIC HOIST, exc. cond. Make an offer. Ph. 20015. nl81 ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana ave. BUNGALOW PIANO 50" rosewood upright. Re fin is tied. re. strung, and rebuilt. A good buy at 1250.00. Stone Piano Co. "The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road. Salem. nl82 WOMEN'S GOLF Clubs. Call at 502 N. Winter, evenings. nl79 EASY WRINGER type washer. Exc. cond. Ph. 24206 after 5. nl79 WHITE ROTARY Elec. Cabinet .99.50 Terms Trade." on New and Used. Re pairs all makes. Your Sewing machine Is my business. W. Davenport Ph. 37671. n!79 SPINET PIANO Almost new Kimball consoiette. Queen Anne design, mahogany. A striking In strument, 1150 saving. Stone Piano Co. "The Valley's Finest Store." 1540 Fairgrounds Road. Salem. nlB2 6bSEDWorldbl cycle, $307l525Cne mekcta St. nl79 DATENo7GOOD cond". $60. Vlady's 8 u Its S15. Lady's coat $10 all size 11. Ph. 20335. nl79 SI ALL SHOWER, 2385 Claude St. Ph. 25512 niao SPEED QUEEN elec. wahr, old model but good cond. Has drsln pump, 130. 635 Norman Ave. Ph. 38633. nlflO SINGER ELECTRIC cabinet sewing ma chine, guaranteed, thoroughly recondi tioned with new walnut cabinet and motor. Perfect sewing condition. Bar gain 1105. terms arranged. Singer Sew ing MacJilne Co., 130 No. Commercial. nl79- USED Crawford electric range, beautiful and guaranteed. 150.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North Liberty. nl79" NEW Zenith radios at GEVURTZ, 275 North Liberty. n!7B "RADE IN Vacuum Cleaners for xale for -s low as 12 to 17.50. Sears, Roebuck. Vacuum Cleaner Department, 484 Slate Street. Salem. n!79 TAPnSTR YDAVNPORTS & chairs. New tapestry daveno, coffee table and new & used popular records. Call mornings Sz !ening after 8. 2-3193. nl79 MA HOG. VENEER secy desk Reg. 99.60, but Is 'lightly damaged, to clear at 69.88. Or ten stamps. SALEM HOMX FURN. CO. 137 So. Commercial. nl79 fine riXNOVerrreaionabler1690fl Cottage SL nlSO IAUTOMOBILE5 Ph. 33012 ql7S' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I' L AT FORM ROCKERS" in "veloiir& tap" entries. Reg. prices to 69.50, Priced for i lea ramie 39.88 Si 49.88. Green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN, CO., 137 So Commercial. nl79 H O OK TWIST RUGS 22x42 Rubberised back. Blended yarn In blue, green, tan, Specially arlced at 2.98. Green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Commercial. nl79 USED Westlnghouse washer, guaranteed $47.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North Liberty. nl79 FREE WITH new 1948 model Crosley range, one Royal vacuum cleaner. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North Liberty. nl79 SAWDUST BURNER St controls. Cheap. rn. jozo. niSO WONDERFUL selections at GevurU' "clean up sale on traded-ln appliances. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North Liberty. nl79" GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson and Moo tag Appliance at Gtrurta NEW 1048 G-E refrigerator. 6 cu. ft. only $189.75. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 175 North Liberty. nl79' ST PEL CLOTHESLINE Posts, railings In met ex maae io orner, H15 N. Liberty nl90 BUY OR SELL Used restaurant equip ment. Ph. 3-4750. nlBB FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357 n!82 SALEM SAND St OKAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer ax Basement Equipment Rental 18 B tt yds 12.00 per hr 10 B yds 9.60 per hr D-7 Oat St Dozer 10.50 per hr D-8 Cat St Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Oat St Dozei 7.00 per hr Phone Days 1-9408 Eves 3-82-6 or 3-4400 ha Jem Oregon n FARMERS: Attentlon-Fenct Controllers milk pasteurizers, close-out prices Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80' I BED, 1 radio console, 2 rocKrrs. 1 dress er Ph. 27813. 130 Carlton Way. nl68 LSED Washing tuacnlnes. ranges, refrig erators, water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80 NO WAXING required when you use Plasti Rote. the cellophane-likt finish for your floors or linoleum YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlSO" HOTPLATES fans pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO nl80' ELECTRIC Sewing Machines Free-Wes- tlnzhouse. YEATER APPI.IANCR CO. nlBO EXHAUST fans Close out prices YEATER APPLIANCE CO DEEPFREEZE Home Freezers $129 95 Sz up YEATER APPLIANCE CO nl80 FENCE POSTS, poies. all types Shlnglei fertilizer St flatrock Phillips Bros.. Ri 8. Bos 118 Ph 68F22. n FREE WITH each sale of new O-E range, Model CDI-F1, one 4-piece set of West Bend aluminum ware. Limited supply GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North Liberty. nl7D i sed electric refrigerator, for your sum mer nome. Only $25. a. is. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North Liberty. nI79 USED Cros'ey refrigerator, guaranteed 169.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 North Liberty. nl7 USED Norga refrigerator, guaranteed (79.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 North Liberty. nl79' NEW 1949 G-E range, full sire, only 1179.95. includes lamp Si ciocg lre GEVURTZ PURNITURE CO. 27. North Llbertv nt79 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS GIIIL'S BIKE, 20-Inch wheel. Mint be In good working condition. Alio 24-Inch boy-i bicycle. Ph. 3-8255. nal79 WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 11.45 Retread Tire Service. 320 Bo, Lancaster nal98 AUTOMOBILES Put Down That Paper and Pipe Get Out of That Easy Chair Don't Delay Act at Once Be The Lucky Fellow On One of These Buy's 1947 FORD DELUXE TUDOR. HEATER. RA- . DIO, SEAT COVERS. A DINGER. $1095 1946 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN. COLOR BLUE. HAS WEATHER EYE HEATER. A REAL CLEAN CAR. NEW SEAT COVERS. $1095 1941 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN. NEW RINGS, BEARINGS. MOTOR TUNE. BODV A LITTLE ROUGH. HAS SEAT COVERS. $695 HEADLINE WINNER FOR A MAN OF DISCRIMINATION 1949 FORD LINE BUS. COUPE Just Like New Sea Mist Green Color Magic Air Heater - Undercoat $1695 THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY Valley Motor Mart HIGH & CENTER SPECIALS 1947 1946 1946 1941 193 1940 1937 1339 1947 Uj.'iS STUDEBAKER SEDAN, overdrive . . NASH SEDAN, overdrive PLYMOUTH Sedan, radio, healer . . . BUICK SEDAN STUDEBAKER SEDAN, Champion .. STUDEBAKER SEDAN, Commander CHEVROLET COUPE STUDEBAKER COUPE, Commander STUDEBAKER Mi Ton Pickup FORD Hi Ton Flat Bed 1941 CHEVROLET Ton Bonesteele Sales & Service 370 N. CHURCH WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WILL STORE ftlnet or umall iiprliht lor or small rent (or it least year 1.155 Rooaevrlt. nalR3 WANTED; China Closet. Write Roy Phlpp., 716 fca.'t 4th St.. Ncwberg nalSO wanteiT" furniture uTitlue A .eplr Le Broi Furn ReflntBhlng va pq 3-7001 H'ltNITURi: Phnnt "-918.1 PERSONAL 555 Crew St P192 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous BOX 724 3-5334 plflf. AUTOMOBILES WANT K II, from ownrr. 1B41 Chev. Sedan. Will pay cash. But must be good. n. 3-9315. ql0 Kill FORD 4-Door Sedan. Radio and heat er. '49 motor. Goori tires and Rood con dition. $575. best ofrer. Hollywood Atilo Court. 1942 N. Capitol. Cabin 4. ql80 "7 i CIIKv7Standard Coupe. 2.000 on re conditioned motor. Good tire, heater. $225 or best offer. Must sell regardlex of price. Orand Hotel, Room 120. ql80 IJI40 G.M.C. -Ton Pickup. Excelt. cond. New motor, see u. k. uier, can eve nings, 400 N. Grant St., Silverton, Ore. ql9 '4fl BTUDEBAKFIR Com. Conv. Completely equipped. Will accept trade. 738 N. CotUiie. ql8i! l71 SCI I F. V R)i7kt FleeTilne 4-Door Sedan. Alr-rlde tires, radio, undersrat heater, seat covers, undrrr.oatlnR and other ex tras, Car in excellent mechRnlral condi tion. Priced to sell. Ph. 2-1838 arter fl p.m. ?18! V FRA'F.R, R&H. New valves. Best offer around $1,000. 3880 Peck Ave. ql83 ItiP MODEL A 2"doorPh. " 23 199 q 1 S 1 inn DOD'jE truck .arket. ton flat bed. Fitts ql81- 41 CHEV.. good cond. Rent offer takej. Ph. 3-5905 or 1090 N. Winter. ql81" '36 FORD 2 dr. Good shape, 1275 or best offer Ph. 28825. 933 S. Hlth. qUl 18 BIlTck-SEDANETTESuper, $1995. One owner 830 Union Bt qt80 II CHEV. Special Deluxe 3 Door. R&H. zood mechanical condition, $850. 160 Highway Ave. or Ph. 2-US 03. qlfll FOR BETTER DEALS DEAL WITH RON'S 1946 CHEVROLET 2 door, clean. One owner car 11295 1941 MERCURY SEDAN, radio, heat er, defroster, new paint, clean. 1941 CHEVROLET N TON PICKUP in very Rood shape. 1919 BUICK Clun Coupe, Radio and heater A real buy. 1939 MERCURY 2 Dnnr. Radio and heater Clean. New white fiide wall tire. '938 FORD Club Coupe. Heater and fendei Jtklrts. 1917 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Radio and heater 42 motor. 2 PANELS 1938 Chevrolet and 1935 Ford. 1338 CHEVROLET Pickup 1185 $50 Down Specials 1934 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR. Rebuilt motor. 19.14 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR. New rings, pins Ac valve vrlnd. 1938 GRAHAM SEDAN. Healer. 1934 FORD SEDAN. Ron's Motor Co. General Automotive Repair CHEVRON PRODUCTS Lubrication - Steam Cleaning 340 8. mOM 8T. PH. 1-4598 ql7B To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 (AUTOMOBILES 1947 ""'COLN 2D,A CUPE. I OW MIU- ACE RAH OVERDRIVE. THIS IS THI B-,Y OF THE YEAR $1595 1947 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN. RADIO. HEAT ER. A-l CONDITION. THIS IS A BAR GAIN AT $1265 1941 STUDEBAKER COMMANOF.R SEDAN. RADIO. HEATER, A-l MOTOR. WILL BE SOLD TO SOME LUCKY PERSON. $495 PHONE 3-3147 una $1395 1195 1395 1095 545 795 245 395 1095 445 795 PH. 3-9277 AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE Motor Co. IS GIVING Terrific Deals On New 1949 KAISER-FRAZER CARS "THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN" DRIVE TO .155 N. LIBERTY FOR APPRAISAL ON YOUR CAR WE HAVE THE AMAZING NEW KAISER TRAVELER FOB IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WHY NOT TREAT YOURSELF TO A FREE TRIP AND TAKE FACTORY DELIVERY. WE CAN ARRANGE IT. TEAGUE Motor Co. 355 N. Lloertr Phone 2-4173 q.179 West Salem Here are some more of those real clean, Used Car Bargainr and as usual (or less money. CHEV. CLB. OPR. BLACK, RH. M CHEV, AERO REDAN, very lOod. tvo-tone, lot extra ItflOf It PLYMOUTH Ollib cp like nc. 4' FORD SDN. CPE RfeH. meroon. Hm everything In cxtrns 11705 CHEV. 4 dr. Sdn. Extra I1I4J 44 CHEV. 4 dr Hdn. One onner end In perlecl condition $1395 41 CHEV. Sdn R&H. harp IH9S 41 CHFV. Clb. Cpe. R&H. clean. 40 CHEV. Sdn. RAH only 149S J PLYMOUTH Sedan, new paint ..1345 40 FORD bdn RAH. clean . 1SS We can trade if your car is clean Can't handle the rough one. Also discount for cash, no trade. Kannier's Used Cars 1395 RdRfwatw Ph. lanoi AcroAj from MKN Furniture ql79 l"JI7 PACKARD "8' . Can be boualit lor 1 ' down or will rxrept mod. I A a down paymrnt. Innnlrr J Ai B Drive-In after a p.m. or Ph. 25sSa, QI7B' Capital Journal, Salem, Orecon, Friday, July 29, 194915 AUTOMOBILES Sensational? We think so. Some of the best Used Car values on the entire west coast. If you haven't found out for yourself, come down and look these two over. 1941 Packard Deluxe "110" four door sedan. Packard radio & heater and many other features. This beautiful sedan has just had a complete motor recondition by one ot the northwest's largest Packard repair Depts. Price I is only $895. $300 down will handle. 1942 Nash 600 4 Dr. Sedan with overdrive, radio and heater. This beautiful car is a one-owner doctor's car with only 46,000 miles. Priced at only $895.00. Lee's Used Cars 240 N. Church AUTOMOBILES 1 CHEVROLET. 1947 Tudor. Ecel lent condition. Down payment S465 Balance Terms. Full price (1395.00. ELSNER MOTOR CO. Willy-Overland 352 N. High Salem 2 FORD 1049 Club coupe low mile Mite maroon color. equipped Down payment (&95 Full price V1196.00. ELSNER MOTOR CO. Willy-Overland 352 N. High Salem 30ROHLEY, 1947 Sedan Just re-oi.ttltlon.lia- new ear appearance -MpmI lor that and car. Down payment 1350. full price 1495. ELSNER MOTOR CO. Willy-Overland 352 N. High Salem Qiao. 4 JEEP Panel 194 The economical, enay to nandle unll, has low mile me and new car appearance. Yotirt at a nunc savings. Full price $1095.00. ELSNER MOTOR CO. Willy-Overland 352 N. High Salem 3A ri.Y. aedan, '42 Dodge motor, good. 645 Pine. Run a qlBO New 1M1 rilKV convertible rJew Urea, op, R Si H. No trade. 1215 Chemeketa ql82 FOR SALE OR TRADE: '34 Ford Station Waaon. 2349 Cherry Ave. Ph. 28B47. Wilson's MORE FOR LESS 17 OLDS 78 SEDAN, hydramatlc $1745 17 PONTIAC Strmlnr Sedanet 'i'725 (7 PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDAN 169! 17 BUICK SUPER SEDANET 15 BUICK RDM8TR. SEDAN 16 BUICK SUPER SEDAN ... 1695 ' 1595 1575 10 PONTIAC STRMLNR SEDAN 1525 17 CHEV. FLEET. 2 DOOR 1395 10 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 875 12 DODOf SEDAN 585 'II TERRAPLANE COUPE 365 17 PONTIAC SEDAN 275 a CHEVROLET SEDAN 225 .14 CHEVROLET SEDAN 150 Otto J. Wilson Commercial at Center FOR RALE 1931 Pn. new '40 motor. 424 Everareen. PI). 34MM. q79 IF You Feel Late Model Used Car PRICES TOO HIGH Consider Instead a FACTORY DELIVERY New Oldsmobile $1747 Club Coupe (4 dr. Sedan $1847) Delivered to You at Lansing, Mich. SAVE $270 to $307 Freight Costs Loder Bros. Your Oldsmobile Dealer 465 Center Ph. 3-4119 i IDC LIIKV. 4 dr ?v. D-. 1 7 SO 00, or 193B Buick 4 or Century. Idha. Both In goixl Khno. Private party, 2325 Maple. I'D 3Brtafl. nlflO H ton Chev. panel, Rt. 1. ttnx 13S on Cilyn Creek road. Call alter 6 p.m. H-r-vey M. Hill. nlBS FOR SALE 47 Chftvroel Convertible. Leaving (or Europe mu.'t xdl my low-ni lipase mr Wh:it am 1 offered? Call 3-7370 after .ilx. 606 8. Church. qlSO Stt OLDS . door "8". Very clean. Priced to jell Rt 1. Box 312. Ph. 27272. qlfll IW FOItll tiidor 1210. MiMt Jtell. Pit. 2232f Box 187, Wallace ftd. ittor 6 p.m. nlB0 AUTOMOBILES Ph. 2-1527 .AUTOMOBILES 1!110 BUICK Super. Excellent cond. 182. Ph. -JShSl or 260 S. Lancaster Dr. ql80 IS PACKARD deluxe club. sedan. Full'' equipped. Low ml If a aee. like new. Will accept .rade. 1495 N.4th after 5. qi80' IBPL YM O IT T li 4 i .. J085. Heater, loi Itahtit, etc. It's clean! Phone 3-8790 or see at 2155 Center St. qI8l PLYMOUTH 1B46 SPEC. DELUXE 4 DR., HTR., A ONE OWNER CAR. GUARANTEED. 11105.00. , STAN BAKER MOTORS S.W. Cor. Hlih St Union Ph. 324 fiS ql8D D A BEAUTY. AIRCRUISER Rl FINISH, RADIO, ALLWEATHER DUAL FRESH AIR HEATING SYSTEM, LIFEGUARD TUBES, OTHER EXTRAS. GUARAN EED. 11845.00. STAN BAKER MOTORS S.W. Cor. Hlsh Sc Union Ph. 224(18 ql80 M ERCURY 1947 DR. TOWN SEDAN. R St H., ORIGINAL FINISH, CLEAN THROUGH OUT, WRITTEN GUARANTEE 11495.00. STAN BAKER MOTORS S.W. Cor. Hlsh St Union Ph. 224 M ql80 WANTED: clean luted cars. Bob Uarr, 2160 South Commercial Eisner Motors Fine Cars: 19.1(1 OLDS. Good condition, S195. Call 20441 after 6 p.m. qlB4 D ODGE 1947 CUST. 4 DR. HTR, ONE OWNER CAR, LOW MILE AGE, ORIGINAL 8TONEBEIGE FINISH. GUARANTEED. 11845: STAN BAKER MOTORS S.W, Cor. High St Union Ph. 2248S ql80 lllin BUICK super 4 door, ale or trade. Ph. 28483. St H. For ql80. '10 PONTIAC club coupe, 745 Judson. PH, Ph. 20(134. ql80 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRADB TERMS laa Fairground.. Road Phone 3.6454 Eisner Motors to Sell 10 MHUl TUDOR SEDAN. R&H. Lota of rcc.worles Exc. cond. Clean. Low mlle asf. Ph. Jeffer.on 500. Tom Pllcltcr, Rt: I flnx 3SA. Jeffer.on. Ore. qlBft KM 7 CIIKV. Fleetmnster 4 door aedait 11271V. Exc. Cond. Ph. 30620. 1920 Berry. ql79 4 DOOR Plymouth sedan late 1940, ona owner, good clean car I650. See at 1625 N 19th after 5 p.m. JL179 FORSALrf ortrnrte f or" equltv. 1039 pTyV tudor. Value $425. Ph. 173 Aumvlll Oarnue, Aunisvtlle. Ore. 0.178 1IY OWNLR: 41 PlymouinTkadlo licaW er. See at Chevron Station, corner ot Silverton Rd. A: Lancaster Drive. ql83. 1040BUICKSUPER4 DR. SDN. " Top niechanlral condition, recently ot-" erhnulcd. $7h0 or best offer, Phoiia 2-K020, 21.45 Mnple Avenue. ql79 lim lOltli triiclc with dual tires "lrT run iiIiir condition with 1pk1 IIrIHs, re Hector, Insurance and farm llccnue un til Jan. 1, 1050. Good bed 13'i ft., and a hlnh lark. Cnn be a standby trut:K' In bean field, elc. (.100. Dale Carol her', 1st hoiiKe KiihL of 90N on HayesvllItT Drive. l''j ml. N. of city. n.17 FOK SALK If 1 3 ft Ford 4 dr conv. See at 3075 Kalraround Rd. till 5 pm. qna Eisner Motors to Buy ;t7 DODGK 4 dr. aedan $12.1. Terms. R&H, pot 1 1 In, new seat rovers. Body ana motor In very Rood cond. 1165 Colonlnt' Ave. (OfT Market As McCoy). ql80 9 In SHI'FR DFLUXK maroon Fofd h, P11.SA. coupe. R Si II. Fob liahta Si aeatv. invent. A beautiful one owner car. Llka new. W'll ell at attractive price. Rt. V box 280P Brooks. Pli. 21116. John Boblcr)' at Holm' convalescent home. qlBD !( FORD CPR. trade tor boat or deer ririe or .-ell on time. fi41 N. 16th. ql7!) MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS MOTOR bYkF ha 19"47BriER7"A7st ration motor, new tire. Sacrifice 165.00. 650 Water St.. Salem, Ore. qalflO 'IK W. Tlarley Davidson motorcycle or trade for older model 74 llarlcy. Ph. anOJO. qal7! FARM EQUIPMENT CASK PICK I P baler. Good cond. 1600. Hity Sntter. Ph. 2L1925. JiblBl II Tit ACTOR TlltF S, pomilnr sizes, t? 00 and up. MonUonicry Ward A: Co ,' .Sftlfin n.bl70' ALF 1)11 Til A HE for ncrenne. T. D. 6 " lul l tr,Trtor with do.rr. Porfect cond. " Si ft tt. Int'i combine with pickup after.-" ment new. Uaed on 40 A. only. 54a Ford St. 'Ml 3fi;t0fi. Sale 111. qbl79 FOR SALE Ford-on tractor with hUh . t.!n.lon niair Cheap Ph. 23179. qblBl BOATS'' NI'.W It) Neptune nuthnarrls. l"-t h.P, M4.55 del.: 10 h.p. $152.55. Other anea. Free cntnlOT. R4- -9 Ft , SF. qq!79 TRAILERS IS 2 1-FT. House Trailer cheap. Ph. 3BR14. 1181' qt'H.T. SIIMIV trailer space. Ph. 25093. JHiia Mtipir Ave. 11 is- FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO, Lie. S-122-M-165, C.R. Allen. M(l. . 510 State - Rm. 125 rlflO" ni'll.DEK WILL sell S374S, 5rj contract on new nome. '--aras 5 1012.40 interest .n 10S monthly payment. of 144.06. Cull ' R V. Lorenz, PTione 3-4284. r-" PRIVATE MONFY k, Special rate and term on lari ei lonna loni and hort lime payment. ROY H SIMMONS w 136 3o'-'h Commercial 8t Phon 9-9161 (Continued on Page 13) ;