14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 29, 1949 1 FOR SALE HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSES AUTOMOBILES IAUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES IAUTOMOBILES 'CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! PI Lin. 1H Par Una I tlmaa 400 ! Pal Llna 1 montn MOO outslda 01 Balem iso per una p.' da?. Mln. SOej tlmea mln. 80o a time mln- 11.20. No Kefunda i KCADVBS In LocaJ Newa CoL Onlrt j i: Par Una iQt j fo Flaca an Ad Phone 2-2406 fOR SALE HOUSES - . ,? nnn tnr mitclr nit In. IK UWNnn riivo ,vu i J -bedroom house on high ground over i iooknig pretty view, close to West Ba- lem Extra view building lot (school, Mt. lew). city water, lights, etc. Location: - Turn right oil Editewatcr St. on Rose t inont at corner ol M.K.N. Furniture Store, bo up top of Cascade Dr., turn : left, then a quick right turn, follow dirt road to first lefthand turn, second ; place on right. Roth, Box 104, Kt. 1, : West Salem. aI79 Owner Living m California ; SACRIFICE HEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tito kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Hardwood floors throughout. Full Plas tered basement St plastered garage. Lots ' of storage space. Terraced back yard. . Cost over 118,000 to build. Will sell for il4 800. Terms. Would consider cheaper house or car In trade. For more infor mattoD inquire at Stevens Used Cars 878 6. 12th St., Salem. - al80 FOE SALE BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. home. FH. terms. (800 down. Phone 2-2880, 642 Blller. ft186 ?EW HOME by owner. 2140 Carlton Way. : tj An as to Carlton Way. al05 iY OWNER S I ' Large garden. modern home location. Ph al79' 37804. JEW 4 BR. house, 2310 N. Broadway. 8500 A. E. Headley, aaua . iny. ' " To Trade or Sell ". 3 Bd rm. older home on 4 A. Lovely view in county. S3U.0. fn. yg OWNER Nice old nouse, small barn, acre, fruit ana nuta, on . tlal street. 2 BR up, 2 down, kitchens ana oasns up au uww. be rented out. Best school district in state. Outstanding bargain at 15,000 ejish. 684 West Main, Monmouth. Ph. 420. liv. rm., nice uibi.., biouui. down. 1105 N. 25th. IPEN EVENINGS 7 to 8:30 and Sunday New 2 BR home, large closete, fire- . . i. A rlnnri Hlnlnir mnm utility room in hounc,' plenty cabinet space in khcmcu, . ; elec. range St refrigerator, clcc heat, yard ready for lawn. Located 2455 D St. 1,. nhnna i.iitnn. a!70 OPEN HOUSE By owner in Kingwood Heights new Mom with 2 bdrs., den, 2 U, DR, Kitchen with breakrast nook, bath Si largo dbl. garage, paneled fire placo in L. R., full plastered basement party room with Jireplace, utility room, plumbing rough In for fath, lnndsonpcd. Drive through W. Salem to Kinkwood Drive turn up hill 200 It. to open nuuae mmi u... left to third house on left open 1 to 8. Ph. 24470. a!7D' ji thl very livable home close to hi Si grade sch. Ss new shopping center. Hub many fruit St shade trees, berries, grapes, nice gdn. Lot 66x137. Pvd. St. Sl walks. Full basm. with oil M. and beautiful comp. mdn. apt. Tile buth, sept. ent. plus fplc, den, lg. iln. rm., nice light kit. St nook. Bath & 2 b.r. lor owner. For appointment, ph. 26BU0. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. ai70' FOR SALE OR LEASE BY OWNERS Convenient for business and residence or house can be removed 8 rm full ttasemenet, 41 by 100 lot. Handy to Sears New Shopping Center, on State Highway 99K. 575 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-4540 for appointment. a 187 H1M0 ON LARUE LOT Mice trees, gdn. & berries, lg. ga. with work shop. House nas uuiivy rm. u.-pre-war built Si worth the money. Ph. 20600. 15950 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL Aimrwt now well built attractive 4 rm. house with alt. ga. Si utility rm. Just the pie. for a couple. . huohu. ED bUKlNJJEiAif It HAL Mima 440 N. 14tll St. 8170 BEDROOM house. All modern. Si acre of o-rnnnri. will sell niv emilty. Inquire at Lablflh Trading Post, Va mile past Drlve In Theatre. ol80 4 BEDROOMS walking distance Larue XJR fireplace large D R. den Hwd firs basement automatic hent excellent con struction immcd poss. 110,500 this week Anlv Ph. for BDRointmoent. jarsen Home & Loan Co. Ph. 38380 Eve 37440 or 30080 alflO 'OR SALE or trade for acreage, two sub urban homes, moocm. une new vwu bedroom on two large lots and one two bedroom late built with two guest cot tages or rentnls on tnree inrge ich with plenty of shade, outdoor fireplace. V. D. Moore, 165 Roberts avenue, oil Bilverton Road. a1 i 'REAL family homo, 4 to..., full base- ment, on mrnnce, on un nin.. uu 11200 cash. Bal. like rent. Tel. 34082 a!70 IV OWNER Kelzor Dlst,, near school Si markets, attractive 2 bed room nome, itiAu luted, attached garage, Si acre, ood garden, berries, 10 walnut trws. Immediate po-wesslon. can arrange terms, 14,700. 61)3 Churchdnle. n!70 nn. rm. utility on 1 floor. Base ment Si furnace. Largo lot, close to school, on bus line. Price Includes new deep Ireczo if sold this week. Ph. 20313. B.R. hniix on 50x150 corner lot. Newly redecorated, 214 years old. Owner being transferred. Must sell at sacrifice $4500.00 unfurnished. Call after 5:30 n.m, week days, anytime weekends. 7fi5 I McNary Ave., W. Snk'in. alfl2 ' 17500. Clean modern 3-HR home Englewood Dlst. Close to Salem Mini). aidwo)d floors, fireplace, full base i mcnt. Immedtnle possession. Call Stanley Brown wllh State Finance Co. Realtors 153 P High St. NEW CHEAP Locatrd close to Sulem Bull Pnrk on 1 the corner with both streets paved. A 2 bedroom homo 26x26 with an mifln- t.ed upstairs; needs some finishing Inside; Hot-point rnnge included at 16,350. Just Call Mattson & Rothlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 1-5838 231 N. High Eve. Ph. 3-7534 - 3-1724 al7 BIT OWNER New 5 rm. mod. lis.. J4.000. 1600 down, ten years on balance. 2330 Hyde St., Salem. al83 J8750. Modern tale biillt 2-BR home, 1 firnplBee. V bllnd.s, oil ftirunce, enr 1 peted wnll lo wall. OnraR. $1,000. down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 1M S. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Evrs 2S!81 alBO' 12050. New modern 2-BR unflnlNhed kome Ea-it. A good buy for someone. Oall Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors t 133 S. High 81. Ph. 3-4121 Eves 235K1 f.EAVlNO STATE SACRIFICE PRICE tJ ThU 4 BR home. Lge, L. Si O. Rms, with a fireplace, offers more for your money -1 'han anything you will find on today's likt. A beautiful setting of lge. fir trees 3 As shrubs. ACRE, cor, lot, extra bid. site on pav. st. Fine assm't of fruit Sz berries. Outside firepl. YES THERE IS a viK,vy hp it looayi uniy a;u. jLarsen Home & Loan Co. 184 S. Com'l St. Ph. 38380 Eve. 37440 al79 jFWo HOUSES for sale or trade. 2 bdrms. acb. Modern. Ph. 2R463. alRO WANT A HOME? I want a good late model car. Let's trade, l bedrm. 3 yrs. old, A a., view. Kingwood annex, Box 264 co Capita! Journal. also- Win a Guest Ticket to See "Champion" Plu "Younger Brothers" AT WARNERS CAPITAL THEATRE MERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title ol this picture cominR soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be )df!ed on sincerity and originality. The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Champion" plus "Younger Brothers," coming soon to the Capitol theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest. FOR SALE HOUSES $6950 2 bedroom home near Leslie school, bsmt., oil heat, large L.R., Kit., Oar. Your ttrma in reason. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years in Salem 260 N. High St. Phone J-4120 aiao BY OWNER 1 acre, 6 room house, garage, chicken house, near Swegle school, nut trees, berries Si garden spot, ?6!00. Terms could be arranged. Rt. 6, Box 85 on Brown's Rd. N.E. of Sweule Sch. al83 A Good Investment Large 5 room all modern home, 12x25 L.R. with fireplace Si carpet. Basmt. and new oil furnace. Newly decorated 65 ft. frontage. Price reduced to 15300. Cnll Bon Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors 1J11 Edncwater Ph. 35109. Eve. 30939 liy OWNEIt: Good small home 5150. IBIS H. Liberty. al83' MOVE RIGHT IN Completely furnished. Two lovely bdrms. LR, DR, Kit., fireplace, piped furnace, large fenced yard, near public and parochial schools; near bus. All for 111,500. Terms. $1500 DOWN For this very attractive home, having basement, furnace, Idy, trays, small child's room (In basement), fireplace, LR, DR, Kit., nook, bath, one BR ground rioor; two BRs up; nice fenced yard, outdoor fireplace; paved st.; sidewalk. All this .7050 SALEM EEALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. High fit. Phone 31060 Cve. Phones 24501 - 26005. al80 $3750 i bedroom home nn 2 lots, near bus line and stores. Some terms, $5250 S brdroom houae, full bnsenient Si sun porch. No. 3 bus. gone. Easy to convert to business St home. HOME & INCOME A very nice modern home with 2 acres i on DOE north. A good placo for a re- I tlnxj couplo who would like a nice homo with some income. (5000 will han- die. G. A. Vicary Real Estate i 818 N. Com'l St. Phone Day or Eve. 20421 FOUR SALEM HOUSES TO BE MOVED OR WRECKED 352 N. SUMMER ST. 370 N. SUMMER 8T, 335 N. CAPITOL ST. 375 N. CAPITOL ST. Information and bidding forms avail able 603 State Office BUlg. Oregon State Highway Dept. alio S. Illtlir RT. Modern home. Hits 3 bdrms.. den, L.R. D.R, Comb., kitchen St nook with full bnsement. Lots of bullt-lns. Hns fireplace, auto, oil heat, carpeted hdw. firs. Lkp. well landscaped lot, $l2,e00. Ph. owner at 3-8198. a!84 IIRANU NEW 1049 Stiulcboker Tudor, only lot) miles, unexpected personal atialrs necessitate nelllng. Reduced to $1850. Cull 2-0821 after 5:30 weekdays, all day Saturday and Sunday. nl81 OWNER Well-built 2-H.R. house. Hdwd. imam, fireplace, larjie lot suitable for court. Nr, stores, schools, bus. Walklnn dlstunce to slatehouse. 1150 Nebraska St. alfll FOR SALE by owner, one-yr.-old 2-11. R. nome, nitH sq. it, hwd, firs, oll-flr lurn., plenty of bullt-hm, mcc yd., ig. att. gar., Ven. shades. Close to new school. City bus to door. Prl. water system. $3,000 dn. will handle. Pull price $10,475 with runs and drapes, $9075 without nigs and drapes. 3K0 Sunnyvtew Ave, aim FURNISHF;DIIJ?E4S00rMAKEoVPERT WILLAMETTE HEAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty, Salem - Phone 3-7113 nl7fl Mi WIKKK and go right In Kier.er. Fol low signs irom north Hlvor Rd iid Churchdalc Ave. to a beautiful iv 5-rin. Home. Ph. 2-7520. $10,(100 NEW modern home at 140 Jud- son Bt. lor ihhou. Telephone owner and builder at 3-0849. al84 NEW 2 BDRM. SOUTH On Neef nve. all elec. H. W. floors thruout. Fully insulated, fireplace. Plenty of cabinet St storage space. 1900 down, db). 25 yr. F H.A. loan, fly owner. Phone 24238 or 37153. at80 $650.00 Down Nice and denn, 2 bdrm home, well l(.intcd, on paved street. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 250 N. High St., Phone 14139 alHl This Week Only Owner must sell this lge. modern home. Only 15000 full price. Has fplace, hwd firs, 4 Brs, utility rm, lot 75x150. J 1400 dn. will handle bal. 45 per mo. B. Isherwood, Realtor 9007 N. Capttol St. Office Ph.2-38C2 Eves PH. 2-2147 or 2-8838 a!80 Niar Sears shopping center, 5 rm home hnrdwood floors, fireplace, lull basement. Ph, SS'-'BO. General Real Estate 255 Center St. al79 FOUR CORNERS 18,500 New, beautiful, modern style home. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bAth, attached iarane. Hdwd. floors, oil heat, lawn is in, fruit fees, large lot. If you want a good home let me show you this. Call or ree Andy Halvorsen Office 9-86:10 Home 3-716. MeKillop Real Estate REALTORS New Location Center and High Streetx 1B1 GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD Almost new, ranch-style home 2 bdrm., liv. rm., din. rm., brkft. nook, full basmt., with fireplace, extra long lot. Beautiful home. CALL BEN ROISEN. OUR FINEST LISTINGS 1750 North Cottage Street 3 bdrm. it den 111,900.00 "WALNUT PARK Just occasionally a home Is for sale In this exclusive district. Drive to 559 North 24th Street to see the finest 4 bdrm. buy in town, 2 baths, basmt., nice yard. This home has everything. CALL ROY FERRIS. RANCH-STYLE HOME 6 lge. rooms, dble. garage, elec. heat. A real family home. Will consider business or apt. house lot as part payment. Price 116,000. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 B. Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-1232 Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter Gelser 3-0968 Ben Rolsen 2-2471 FOR SALE FARMS FARMS FOR SALE We have a nice variety of farms, some are all stocked St equipped, some as Grade A dairies and some diversified farming. For example here is one of them: 56 acres. 50 acres under cultivation, 6 acres in pasture. All fenced, good spring, creek. Has good 4 bdr. house, large DR St LR, fireplace, modern K. Beautiful landscaped yard with 2 fishponds and all kinds of shrubbery and flowers Also a large older barn with silo, good work shop, chicken house, hog house, garage, gasoline tank in ground with 1 gas pump on, Si etc. What more can you ask for only 112,700.00. Here is a good stock farm. 700 acres, 100 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture St timber. Has 3 barns, 1 poultry house, several springs, big lake, year round stream. Pasture will handle around 200 hea4 of cattle. Large cor ral with boarded fence. Good place for dude ranee. 2 houses, one 2 yrs. old .:. all modern. One older type house Cooking Si w. heat elec. Priced at 130,000. You must see this pluco to appreciate its value. GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. J. ZEEZ, MGR. 1853 N. Capitol Phone 3-3031 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: Pleanant small home; full plumbing ijibu. rn. usuia or sjoj. ai79' FOR SALE LOTS f ; BLOCKS CAPITOL GROUNDS ZONE2 54x 1 10 J2000. ZONE 3 Dlxl46 (4000. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY Real Estate Ph. 3-8B35 aalBI $10 DOWN! on lots with water, bus service, elec tricity, close to school. See them todayl Reimann Real Estate 201 South High Ph. 3-9203 Sunday and Evenlnss 3-5005, 3-0712, 2-8241, 2-2532, 2-3738 aal84 FA1HMOTJNT VIEW Addition, Salem's most exclusive restricted residential district, drive tip Washington St. and see the view. Only a few lots 00x155 at J2500. LARSEN HOME Si LOAN CO. 104 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8380. Eve. 3-7440 aalBI VIEW LOT 85x108. ? blocks from Snlem Heights school. Ph. 20098. anlBB LOT no ft front near store Si bus. On paved St. Ph. 23780. aal79 VIEW LOT, 00x08, restricted. City water. Opp. 645 Vista Ave Ph. 3-4234. aa LOTS with water on Sllverton high way. Why pay rent. Build your own home. $15 down, $16 per month. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3289 aalBO CHOICE VIEW Tract 65x190. Adjoining finest homes, paved drive, no brush, big oak trees. $1800. Ph. 24538. aal81 FOR SALE FARM 5 ACRES - MT. ANGEL Neat clean two bdrm. house, outbuild ings: value $6500. Trade for three bed room house in Salem. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS U0 H. Hinh 3t. Phone 37680 biao 38 ACRES iar00. Rich dark loam, 2 miles from Aum.svlllee, very prod, in dtrnw berries, rruck crops St pasture. Good home, 7 stnnuh. celled Si floored bnrn 3 lge. pltry bkigs. YOU CAN'T '0 WRONG ON 1 HIS SEE IT. LARGE STOCK, ORAIN St HAY RANCH. Very unusual offering of over 1200 acres, only short dl.it. from Salem. Approx. 40P Acres prod, loam In crop bal. in open pasture St Umber (over 2& million ft ) on State Hixhway, all rts. by, all undci woven wire, fine springs, well drained, NOT ROCKY OR ROUGH. 4 BR,, home lge. roomy barn bldgs. Water pi peed to bldtrs. Because of country roads through Ac around, will subdivide profitably. Heavy Insurance loan avail able. DON'T PASS THIS UP AT $30 PER ACRE. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings personal Service 184 S. Com'l S. Ph. 3-8300 Evs. 3-7440 bl70 too ACHES of farm land 12 miles 6. of Salem on highway 99. Botton land, can b irrigated. Year around stream. Terms. See owner. 2310 Cherry Ave. blBO Hayesville District 10 Lne acres of fruit & berries Si pa.sfre St a nont clean 4 rm modern h.se $15 000 orw ill consider town prop irtly in trade. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Til, 2-3B62 Eves 2-2147 or 2-8R36 FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 ACRES Good home, elec. hent, fireplace. 2 bdrms., full attic finished, full base ment, elec. wtr. Mr., elec. cooking, beautiful selling, pavement by door. Price SI 1,500. Rawlins Realty Hollywood DLit, - Ph. 24864, Eve. 33538 bblBl' $3450 'a acre east, 1 B.R. houe. L.R., Kit.. Hniii, Utility, workshop. Nice St clean. Quick possession. Worth the money. Call D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years In Snlem iJO N. Hlsh St. Phone 2-4129 bblHO reamestate' " These Are Bargains Hard to Beat Now Offered by The Homeseeker Agency About 'it A. mostly In enne berries, 5 room A bath, plastered concrete bnsement. dirt floor, gas water heater, gnrage. $47.iJ.fl0. 18 A., 16 under cultivation, 4 rm. house, utility room and garage, electric wnter system, water in house and chic ken hoise, drilled well, stocked and equipped, $7200.00. 5 rm. A bath, unfinished basement. Mastered, redecorated Inside, new auto matic gas water heater, price 14000.00. 'it A., 7 rm. St bath, service porch wltb' work trays, continuous rock foun dation, celled gas wnter heater, gar agi chicken house, oil heater hooked u 200 gal. tank, 14500.00. VERY SPECIAL IV, 12 large walnut trees, family fruit. S rm. Si bath, wired lor range, electric wateer heater, 13,800.00. (For Rmt Homes, cabins, & apartments! Homeseekers Agency Silverton, Oregon Phone 161 C179' Mil' COl'RTEOUa efficient seVvlceon niir real estate problems please call A. E. DANIELSON 16$ N. lath SU Ph. 1-5830. al79 FOR SALE FARMS REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS SUBURBAN A. very close in East, modern home 1 block to bus, Several fruit trees. 3',i A. adjolnlnz available. F.H.A. terms. Total price $8500. Ph. 20473 or 33558. TRAILER HOUSE WANTED If you have a good trailer house to .rade for an almost new 2 Bd. rm. home, in a good location. Call at once we have a very good deal. Ph. 20473 or 33558. $6000 FULL PRICE Almost new home. Close In, near bus, school St store. Very easy terms. Ph. 30473 or 33558. SEWING MACHINE BUSINESS If you are interested we have Just what you want. Large stock of parts, tools, good fixtures. Good location. Owner forced to sell because of 111 health. Everything goes for $8500. Ph. 20473 or 33558. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 126 ft. on O0E. 3 Bed. rm. house. Small store building fast growing location. A good buy for only 17000. Ph. 20473 or FARMS If you want a farm. We have several or them from 1 to 100 Acres. Ph. 20473 or 33558. 4 ACRES No buildlniis. 1 A. in Walnuts, A. berries, family fruit trees. Total price only 118,000. or 1 A more and an un finished house. Available all for $45, 000. Ph. 39403 or 33558. 6 ACRES 5 rm. house 2 'a Acre cleared 4 A strawberries, every thing goes for $32. 000. Ph. 30403 or 33558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 37820, 24596 3035 Portland Rd. Look $2250 buys 2 room turn, work shop, ch. 13000 buys 3 room, balli, close bus, gar- $5250 buy near new 2 bedrm., bath, imwu. noors, eiec. neat, ioc. In Englewood 11500 dn. J47'J0 and a real ouy 2 bdrms, liv. din. -..v. unui, urcpiace, piaster, age 10 yrs. Ioc. sububan north 11100 down. T.nnif Uj.300 buys 6 unit motel on 90S near oaiciu, income ouu mon. elec. heat, part terms. i.nntf $16,000 buys new 4 unit motel lots or oom for expansion a real buy for you E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l ,Ph. 2-4649 2-54D7 This Week's Specials A busy grocery store on a good corner, doing cosh business room for gas pump and another store. Price Includes stock fixtures and Real Estate. Reason for selling? Sickness in family. Ideal for coupe nice I bederoom home with bath, living room, kitchen, bullt-lns. Only 2 years old. $3500. Imin. Poss. of this house with 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, Kitchen, automatic heat, close to schools. Price $5750. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemekcta St. Phone 2-1545, 3-4896 Eves. 2-6686, 3-7585 3-7841 cl8i; 10 ACRES. 3 bedrm. house. Furnace. Elec. water system. Year around creek, Barn chicken house. Family orchard; shrubs. Close to Salem. Price lit. nnn. Twm. CLOSE IN N. Summer Street home. 4 bed- inw., inrife ii.K., nreplace, dbl. plumb ing. Corner lot. Price 115,500. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3603 Evenings call: 2-4007 or 3-6789. cl81 $1,000 DOWN! 2 bedroom home with floored attic. Double garage, sprinkling system, cor ner lot Balnnce F.H.A. Full price 16,200. No. 252 TRADE! TRADE! Do you have acreage suburban prop erty? We have several town properties io trade for suburban acreages. C.ill us today! $1,000 DOWN! 2-bedroom house and 2 separate rentals bringing In 130 per month. Full price S7.500. Large lot, good garden. Close to school. No. 365 $1,500 DOWN! 2-bedroom home on large lot with won derful garden. Nice lawn. 1 block to bus. 3 blocks to school. Full price 15.800. No. 27B-A Reimann for Real Estate S(U South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Evening and Sundays 2-3738, 3-9713, 3-8241, 3-2533, 3-5905 , C179 ARE YOU IN THE DOQ HOUSE? Solve your problem by buying this 2 BR. hm on M A. close to schl. bus by door. Swell little 2 Rm. hse In the rear to go to when the going gets lough. This to a good buy at 18500. A DANDY little sub. home, plnat.. hwd. firs Ven. blinds, uttl. Rm. off of Kit. 2 BR, lge LH., elec. heat, insulated, W. stripped. Fine garden spot, near store A bus. Only 19250. Terms. IF MY WIFE liked to fool with a cow. some chickens Ss spend some time on the working end of a hoe I'd buy this s a.. re myself. The house is small but comiy. I'd take the barn and convert Into a shop. You must see It Only 15350 on the outskirts of twon. ONLY 1500 down 135 per mo. Late build 1 BR. home on 'a Acre, Pacific hyway, fruit, bcrrlts. new well ONLY 13500. LIVE IN THIS now and build the rest later. What has been butlt Is com pletely finished. Plans and some lum ber on hand, lot 100x197. Be sure and see this. 14000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S, Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389: Eve. 37440 cl8fl Phone 2-2406 To Place Classified Ads LOOK! Best Automobile Buy in town today 1948 Packard 130 Deluxe 4 Door Sedan. This beautiful low mileage 4 door sedan is like new. Has white wall tires, radio, heater, defrosters, back up light, mirrors, undercoating, W.W. and many other accessories. This car sells new for over $3,000.00. This Can Be Yours for only $2195.00 Lee's Used Cars 240 N. Church Gheck These Prices 1946 Ford Tudor Sedan .$895 1941 Olds 4 Door Sedan 595 1940 DeSoto 4 Door Sedan 395 1937 Ford Tudor . 95 OTHER GOOD VALUES PRICED RIGHT 1949 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1947 NASH AMBASSADOR 4 DOOR 1942 BUICK SUPER SEDANETTE 1941 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR SEDAN 1941 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR SEDAN 1941 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE 1941 OLDSMOBILE SEDANETTE 1940 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE 1939 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR SEDAN 1939 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1937 NASH COUPE Capps Used Cars 1253 Union - N. Side Marion REAL ESTATE LAST CHANCE 4Va Acres at 2545 Lancaster Drive. 2 bedroom home, bnrn, poultry house. This property has tenatively been leased effective Aub. 1st, If it is not sold. Owner will give liberal terms and ac cept a low down payment. We are In structed to present any reasonable offer, to Its up to you Mr, Buyer on this one, if you are Interested present offer and we will get in touch with distant owner, otherwise come August 1st and off the mnrket it soeg. $4,000 Neat family home, on one acre of p round i ortli, small barn, water system. The pome is neew and is being lived li. at the present time however there is some finishing work to be done, which could be accomplished by anyone handy with hammer and saw. Owner will take in good used car as part down payment. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 38216 C17B- FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy h first mortgage on real estate. Salem St vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors 5. We make all col lections for you if desired. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. High C BY OWNEIt: Small unfinished house, Va Acre $1850. $200 Dn. Ph. 25211 or 23203. cl79 IMPORTANT Buyers here is your opportunity. A fine 60 acre farm good oldgs. St fences for sale priced right must sell. Good Filling Station equlpt. Also hse. 'f wanted, terms. House in city, large St small. Also bids, lots fine location (cheap) . Some very good small acreages near cl'y cheap. For particulars call R. A. McFarlane 3-6732 2115 State St., Salem WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT CIIHAP HSR. or suburban lor cash. ARent, Ph. 3-7113. cal70 LOT N. 18th St. Inq. 915 N. 18th or cn 181 paved St. Ph. 237B0. WANTED Small acreage near T.B. hos pital. S4500 to $7500. Has 11000 cash. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Phone 2-3629 Home phone 2-4789, cal80 WE ARE lo need oi gooo nouses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for tnle see r.RABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 d Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca VIEW LOT, 170 ft frontage Salem Hts. paved St. Ph. 23760. cal80 NOTICE! tf your property is for sale rent or exchange, list it with us Wr have all kinds of cosb buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 15! S Hlcb St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 'iU ACRi:s at Woodburn, also business bldg. on corner at Salem, For small sub. home near Salem. Phone 20907. rblfll RESORT PROPERTY MBRN. 1 bdrm. home, corner lot. close bunch, good ocenn view. 3 blks. off 101. Must sell quickly. 14000 cash or 12000 St terems. C. Allum, Wecoma. ccl81 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INCOME PROPERTY One of Salem's best located Trailer Courts. 20 spaces, modern in every way with nlrely furnished electric heatetl home. This property must be seen to appreciate its real value. A. C. Bunger (owner), 1005 South 21st St., Salem. Oregon. cdlBl GROCERY STORE 2-pump station. Living quarters. 1 acre of ground. Good location. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate . 358 Center St. cd 179 USED CAR LOT, complete with office. ln St equipment. All hardtop surface with ir without used car stock at cost. Will conslun car stock. Reasonable lease. Phone 21603. cdl81 BY OWNER: Mack's Landing, 8 ml. from Kernvllle on Sllets river. I 'i A. 19 boats, 5 motors, new boat house, 6 furn. cabins. Intl. pickup. 5 rm. Iv. quarters store handling groceries, tackle, soft drinks. B.C. beer licenses, 119.500. Cash or trade in part for good Salem property. cdl81 RENTAL BUILDING, len.sed for 5 yrs. at 1250 per mo. Will sell for 120,000. 18 000 down. bal. 1100 per mo. Box 266 Journal. cdlSl WELL EQl'IPPED grocery store. Fine lo :atlon Good reason for selling. Write Box 365, Capital Journal cdlSl TAVERNS j We have two good ones. It would be good u you coma come in ana ihi with Mr. Bean about thf?e. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 Cdl80 VENDINfl MACHINE route for sale. 7 practically new Alcuna 4 column gun and candy machines. Good return on Investment for a few hours a week. Ph. 35544 or 36793. Ask for Jim. cdlSl' GROCERY STORK BULBING: fixtures, 2 as pumps. 6 cabins 2 miles north of underpass on Highway 99. W. J. J arms Rt. 7, Box 14ft. Ph. 3 -43 19. cd!79 Ph. 2-1527 Park. Ph. 36143 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunity We have an exceptionally good invest ment in business property on South 12th St. Lot has 2 business rentals Si a 6-rm. house. Total price for all 113,500. Own er will lease back for 5 yrs. at 1150 a mo, This looks very good. Klgglns. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451. cdl79' INCOME PROPERTY, 1200 per month. New bu'.ldlng, restaurant, fixtures and going business can be bought. Also 3 bdrm. home available. All on 1 acre. Room for 20 trailers Si 12 cabins. On main highway, Salem 1 mile. Wonderful opportunity. Write Box 263 Capital Journal.. cdl83 'A'ERN This is one of Salem's HOT SPOTS situated in a busy dlst. with Plenty of foot traffic. This place is favorably known with a select trade, a proven money maker. Has 5 yr. lease nt 1100 per mo. If you are Interested in a fast paying business be sure and see this. See Mr. Stevenson. SALEM GROC-- CHOICEST LOG. Buy Stock Si lease bldg. Si fixtures, 18B. per mo. On busy intersection. Doing 1140 p.r day. netting 1000 per mo. Exception ally clean stock, fixtures complete St mod. Your best buy In the city, today, sre Mr. Moore. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 114 3. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 3506S CdlBO MOTEL, 6 units St store. Steam heat. Partly Furn. 99E, Hubbard. Ph. 2721. cd!79 START RIGHT in mak'ng money. Rest. At Conf. stock, fix. St equipment. Small liv. quarters, doing good business on paved hiway leading to Detroit dam. 12250.00. Long lease. Will take truck or trailer house as Part pay. Write Aums ville One Rt. 1, Box 125 or phone 183R, Stayton, Ore. cdl79 12 t'NITS St 6 room living quarters, all mod. St carpeted, paved drive, tile baths. NOD - A-WAY MOTEL, Salem. cdl79 NEW SERVICE station and motel for sale or trade Will take nice home in or near Salem or small business. Terms. Ill health forcing me out. On hlway 20 between Lebanon St Sweet Home. Ph. 1862 or 70 Eaton, Lebanon, Oregon. cdlSO SALES MANAGER With direct sales ability and $2500 Investment. If you qualify, we will show you men making 11500 per month with exclusive insulation franchise. Write Box 299. Capital Journal. cdl79 FURNITURE ' FOR SALe'"" NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDd. THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL S p.m. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS ..OWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASY TERMS FREE DELIVERY S&H GREEN STAMPS You Can't Beat This Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 15E0 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 33797 d!79 UNPAINTED furniture, closeout prices WOODROW'S 450 Center St d WANTED FURNITURE HKinEFT PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Maricet Ph 3-51 10 da LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer It C McCandllsh U27 S 35 Ph 3-8147 al79 RABBITS 4 ANGORA RABBITS, 12 unit hutch St dishes. 630 Union. ebl80 PETS FOR SALE, Reg. Springer pups. Very good. Call 31508. ecl80 DCGS BOARDED and trained reasonable rates by day or month. Trimming and bathing. Free Pick-up Sz dellv. LeGray Kennels, Rt. 3, Ph. 3-1398. ecl91" TROPICAL FISH several kinds. Baby Angels, Catfish, Crescents. Ph. 2-7321. Rt. 5, box 483 on the McClay rd. 3 nl es from Lancaster Dr. Visitors wet come. cel80 FUEL f TRI-CTTY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 3-7443. We give S & H Green Stamps. Green 16 In. mill wood. e SPECIAL net your winter fuel now and save. Sawdust 14.00 per unit. Good dry slab 18.50 load, green 16.00 cord. Dry edg ings, 18.00 load, green 15.50 load. Double load 110.00. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 35533. eel85 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 1-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Photlt Slem 3-4031 . Abo pick up wood at 1525 Edcewtter 8t West Sftlem ' WE HAVtt IT! Dry old fir. 16-lnrh. Prompt dellvtrr. FH. 1-U3S mm! 1-1039. Mil' . Keep Your Cows & Goats & Mules WE'RE NOT IN THE LIVESTOCK BUSINESS We Have New & Used Trucks for Sale 1946 FORD 2 TON, 2 SPEED AXLE, 8.25x20 TIRES 1946 CHEV. 2 TON, 2 SPEED AXLE, 5 SPEED CLARK, 8.25x20 DUMP TRUCKS 1949 FORD 4-5 YD., 2 SPEED, 8.25x20 12 PLY REAR. THIS TRUCK HAS ONLY 350 MILES ON IT. YOU CAN SAVE SOME MONEY ON THIS ONE. 1948 FORD 4-5 YD., 2 SPEED, 8.25x20 TIRES. LESS THAN 10,000 MILES ON THIS ONE. 1941 CHEV. 4 YD., 2 SPPED, 8.25x20 TIRES 1940 CHEV. 4 YD., 2 SPEED, 8.25x20 TIRES. CAB OVER ENGINE'S 1947 C.O.E. STAKE BODY, 2 SPEED, 8.25x20 TIRES. 1941 C.O.E., C.C. SINGLE AXLE. 7.50x20 TIRES. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE Valley Motor LIBERTY AT MARION FUEL PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash it maple. Pb. 0BF22. FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. eel94 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOB Diesel and stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dn Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends a Block Wood. Ph. 10444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY FAT YOUNG red fryers 11.25 or will dress. Rt. 7, Box 434A. McCain Ave., orr snverton Kd. fiai CUSTOM POULTRY DRESSING LIBERTY POULTRY FARM Rt. 9 Box 270 Ph. 22873 1183 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4960. NEW HAMPSHIRE chicles every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. ! PRODUCE BOYSENBERRIES, you pick, 5c, 2 miles N, of Clear Lake. Alfred Waltfitr, Rt. 2, Box 208. fflSl BOYSENBERRIES, you pick, 4c, brill 6 container. Lancaster Dr., Mi mile nortn of Silverton highway. John Satter, Rt. 6, Box 860. No Picking on Sun. ff 179 CUCUMBERS, torn., apples, peaches, etc i,eon f ruic Biana. tuuc- n. mver hd. moo' WANTED: PRODUCE to sell on commis sion. Leon Fruit stand, 4906 N. River Rd. H180' CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. Franlc Bello. Ph. 20279. 580 Hollywood Ave. II179 BOYSENBERRIES U-Plclc So lb. R. O. Doege, Va mile E. Liberty School. Rt. 9, Box 210. Ph. 23141. mif HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS wanted, 3 ml. east of woodburn on Mt. Angel Rd. start auk. 4th. Harold Bushman, Ph. Woodburn 1430. - cl88 HOP PICKERS register now. Free excel lent campground facilities. Jerman St Ch'ttenden, Rt, 3, Box 825, Salem, Ore. 8184 SEVERAL OPENINGS with national or ganization, men or women, car and sales experience preferred but not ne cessary, steady Income. For interview see Mr. Knudsen, Senator Hotel, Mon day evening between 7 and 9. &181 MIDDLE AGED man to batch part time cn rancn and milk two cows and do a fev other odd jobs. Board, room and small wages. A good home for the right party. Arthur E. Green, Oervals, Ore., Rte No. 1. BlBl CORRESPONDENT representative to write credit reports in saiem lor national concern. Knowledge of local business conditions preferred. Write Mr. R. E. Deagle, P.O. Box 111, Portland 7, Ore. HELP WANTED MALE FURNACE INSTALLER, experienced. Must nave car and tools fii. a-eeoa jor ap pointment. galB4 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING We are looiclng for three men for this teriitory who want to make more than average wages. New men are earning $75 week and up. Must be good worker and have car. Year round work with Pl-nty of opportunity to advancee. We train you. Investigate this. See Mr Handwerk, 5&S N. Front at 9:30 a.m. ga!79 HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL FOR general housework. Ph. 27581. Ebl81 PASTRY COOK for rolls, hot bread and dessert. Nohlgren's Restaurant. gbl79 1 LADY not over 40 yrs of age. To work with our outside salesman In adjoining towns. 5 days a week, no selling, hrs. Irregular. Salary and commission. Must furnish references. Apply In Person 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ask for Mr. Bondell. WILLAMETTE VALLEY ROOF CO. JO Lana Ave. gb TEACHER FOR country school all 8 graaes. iu mues norm oi tsaiem. Kt. l Box 650. gb!80 WANTED SALESMAN WE HAVE an opening for an aggressive experienced salesman, Aoove average earnings. Opportunity for advancement to management position for men who qualify on the Job. For appointment write Box 347, Capital Journal. ggl84" MAN WITH car to contact local farmers. Frc. opportunity. Ph. 20594 between 6 Sz 8 pm. ggl83 SALESMAN who is capable of taking charge of our flat roof dept. Must have ptevlous flat roof experience, own car, and be able to furnish reference. Apply in person only, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ask for Mr. Bondell. WILLAMETTE VALLEY ROOF CO. 30 Lana Ave. gg SALESMAN WANTED, ElectrolUX Corp. 1C79 Broadway. Ph 24078. 183 TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVE experi enced In tne sale of athletic equipment to contact Institutions in this state. Reply Id own hand writing giving ex- - perlence, age, education, family status. height, weight, and date available for work. Must have car and be able to furnish bond. Salary and expenses plus commission arrangement to top man with proven ability. Write Capital Jour nal Box 363. ftglSO EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICS AND CLER1CAI POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency spo State St Ph t-148B tf WANTED POSITIONS REFINED LADY wishes work in home in Salem. Where adults work. Consider care of elderly person. Live In. No children. Ph. 3-4741, ask for Mrs. Miller. hill' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 26014. M84 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN, 24 nr. serv- Ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 1-6072. H204' Truck Dept. PHONE 3-3147 OH9 WANTED POSITIONS WASHING St ironing, 75c per hr. Rea sonable. 506 S. 19th. Ph. 29815. M85 Painting To Be Done? Reasonable rates. Guaranteed satisfac tion. S. W. Dyer, Ph. 2-6630. hl84 NOW IS the time to plant lawns for best results. I have the equipment. Reason nble rates. Ph. 22190. C. R. Smith. M82 DRESSMAKING Ss alterations. Ph. 2-9840 aiter a. h203 PRACTICAL NURSE, hospital experience, niuwjicro. .merve case preierreo. Ph. 37870. hl79 CHILD CARE, 1180 N. 24tb Ph. 28685, hl81' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h201 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 1-6796. h201 NEAT EFFICIENT middle age woman would like work as laundress, cook or general cleaning Tues., Wed., Thurs, St Fri, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 15.00 per day pre fer working mothers, no batehelors. reference furnished. Write Box 262 Can. ital Journal. hl79 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. J -903 4. hl2" CARPENTER WK. New. Repair. Ph. 3-2093. hl87 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 39702. Free estimates. hl87 HOUSE WORK by hr. Ph. 39901 before hl79 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph, 3-4850. b PLOWING, DISCING. Al Moss. Ph. 22957. h202 EXPERIENCED stenographer desires va cation or pare time work. Ph, 22515. . M79- Mimeographing-Typing FOB'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 1-3643. TIMBER or wood cutting by hour or con tiact with power saw. 1 tree or 100. Ph. 3-4830. hlBO IRONING at home, 75c hr. Ph. 28685. 1180 N. J4th. hl83 FOR RENT ROOMS BLEEPING ROOM. Phone 3-7178. JklSl ROOMS, ladles only! Kitchen privileges. 520 Statesman St. Ph. 35210. Jkl84 SLEEPING RM. 2 blocks from down town. 195 S. Cottage. Ph. 36316. Jkl79" SLEEPING RMS. Light Sz clean. Restau rants Sz bus. Men or employed couple. Some home privileges. 1076 Highland Ave. jkiao 3 RMS. partly furn. 1st floor. Garage. 2255 N. 6th. Jkl79 SLEEPING RM. PH. 34336. SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr. St vn. uay or month. 1005 N. Capitol. Ph. 33425. Jk204 SLEEPING ROOMS, 1906 N. Summer. Ph. 29855. JklSO PLEASANT Sleeping room for gentleman. HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy Ph. 36093. Jkl98 FOR RENT APARTMENTS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for em ployed lady. Close In. 1209 Court St. Phone 3-5925. jplSl" FOR WORKING couple, nicely furn. 2 rm. apt., $45. 959 S. 12th. JplfiO" NEW 8-ROOM and bath court apartment, an eiec, uniurn, except range and re frlg. Laundry room Included. Located S. 13th, apply at 1655 McCoy. JplBI 3 RM. furn. Apt. Ph. 25093. 2605 Maple Ave. JP17B" 3 ROOM unfurn., prlv. bath, elec. stove Si heat, West Salem. Ph. 36398. JplSO NEW 2 BR. DUPLEX with Gar. Range, Ref. St Ven. Blinds. Call 3-9934 8 to 4:30. JPI87- WHY PAY RENT? Trade your late model car as down payment on my 3 year old 1 bedrm. home. A view, Kingwood annex. Payments 141 mo. Write Box 294 Capital Journal. jpl80 NICELY FURN. two and three rm. apts. Close In. Reasonable. 1434 Ferry St. JP179 NEW APTS. 2 rooms St bath. Partly furn. 1047 Madison. Inl7fl FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT or lease, 17 acres with modern house. Creek, garden in, filberts. Phone 3-7125. Jml81" PARTLY FURN. house. West Saiem, 350. Small family. Inquire 630 Union St. JmlSO WHY PAY RENT? . New homes. Terms like rent. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7643 Eve. St Sun. Ph. 3-0343 or 2-0126 Jm 3 RM. COTTAGE with bath. Wood range. 3255 N. 5th. Jml79 WHY PAY RENT? Trade your late model car as down ' payment on my 3 yr. old 1 bedrm. home. a A., view, Kingwood annex. Payments 141 mo. Box 264 co Capital Journal. Jmiao- FOR LEASE: 2 bdrm. hse. with garage to coupie mat ouys lurnuure. fa. 3B7J7. Jmno MODERN 3 rm. furn. house. 326 W. Wil son. Jml79 NEW bdrm., unfurn., elec. heat, fire place, adults. Ph. 38934. Jml82' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand r We ell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 J- "OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. J" OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Pb. 35692. (Continued on Page 15) A