Wheat and Corn Firmer Friday Chicago, July 29 W) A firm tone in September contracts helped the rest of the grain mar ket today. September wheat and corn advanced around 2 cents at times. Some buying in wheat came from the southwest. Cash prices in that area gained around 1 to 2 cents. A belief persisted the Kansas City office of the Com modity Credit corporation would soon take a more active interest in the cash wheat market. Wheat closed higher, September $2.06-, corn was Yt-1 higher, September $1.30 1.30, oats were Vi to 1 cent higher, September 65, rye was -1 higher, September $1,5434. Soybeans were 2 to 4 cents lower, November $2.36 2.36 Vt, and lard was 8 to 17 cents a hundred pounds higher, September $12.12-12.07. SALEM MARKETS Completed from report! of Salem deal em for the guidance of Capital Journal Readers, (Itevlncrl dally). Retail Feed Prices Err Mash 15.10. Rabbit Pelleti 34.20. Dairy Feed 13.80 Poultry: Buying prices Grade A color ed hend, 23-2Bc: grade Ai Leghorn hens, 21-32 cents; Grade A colored fryers, three lbs. and up. 32-33c. Grade A old roosters IS cents. Ern Burlnr Price Extra large AA, 62c large AA, 61c; large A, 69-62c, medium AA, 57c; medium A, 5fl-57c, pullets 36-40c. Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale prices 5 to 7 cents above these prices above. Q-ade A generally quoted at- 67c medi um 63c. Butterfat Premium 64-65c, No. 1, 63c; No. 2, 57 58c ibuylng prices) Butter Wholesale grade A, 67c; re tail 72c. Legal Contest on for Girls Mare and Colt District Judge Joseph B. Fel ton was content Friday to listen to verbal evidence rather than to order more solid facts relat ing to a case which appeared on his civil calendar. The property involved in the case was described as a 13-year old sorrel mare with foal. It was allegedly purchased by 15-year-old Betty Satter for $35 from L. C. Edwards with money the youngster earned picking strawberries. "Cricket" Betty's name for the mare became the center of court action in a possession suit lodged by Edwards. Attorneys were ordered to file briefs in the case. DEATHS Robert Wavrfon In this city July 26, Robert Watson, late resident of Portland, at the age of 75 years. Husband of Mary Watson. An nouncement of services later by W. T. Ridon company. Mrs. Roy Maxson M.S. Roy Maxson, at Ordway, Colorado. Announcement of services later by W. T. Rlgdon chtpel. Mlis Luella D. Baker Miss Luella D. Baker, late resident of 990 Oak street, at a local hospital, July 28, at the ae of 74 years. Survived by a suiter, Mrs. Pearl Bengen of Woodburn, Oregon, and several nieces and nephews. Announcement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Charles David Bauer Charles David Saucy, at the Tesldence at 4015 Portland rd., July 28, at the age of 85. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Reynolds and Mrs. Madeleine Ber ger, both of Salem; three sons, David Saucy of Dundee, Ore., and Pierre and Mare Saucy, both of Salem: also 16 grandchildren. Services will be held Sat urday, July 30, at 1:30 P.m. from the Olough-Barriclt chapel with interment at C1W View cemetery. The Rev. Fred O. Bennett will officiate. Mrs. Vivian Rhoades Mrs, Vivian Rhoades, late resident of Salem, July 28 at Portland, at the ase of 47 years. Survived by husband, Cecil L. Rhoades of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. Rex Shulta of Molalla: mother, Mrs. Cynthia A. Browne of Canby; a sister. Mrs. L. G. HelterUne of Eugene, and a brother. Floyd B. Browne of Honolulu, T.H. Announce ment of services later by the W, T. Rlgdon chapel. Judson H, West Judson H. West, late resident of 480 North 24th street, Salem, near Tillamook July 27. at the age of 30 years. Survived by his mother, Mrs. J. H. West of Salem: and three sisters, Beatrice E. Simpson of Salem, Claudine H. Loomls of Eutcene and Velroa Rowland of San Jose. Calif. Ser vices will be held at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Saturday, July 30, at 1:30 p. m. with concluding services at Belcrest Mem orial park. Irl Samuel McSherry Ir Samuel McSherry, at his residence at 770 Hoyt street, July 28. at the acre of 52 years. Surviving are his wife, Ellen M. McSherry of Salem; a son, Barton Mc Sherry of Salem; and two brothers, Frank McSherry of Freewater, Oregon, and Ron ald McSherry of Touchet, Washington. Services will be held at the Clough-Bar-rlck chapel Saturday, July 30, at 3:30 P.m. with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment in the City View cemetery. Rit ualistic services by Capital post No. S, American Legion. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Market (By Valley Packlna Company! Spring lambs S17.00 to 119.00 Feeder lambs $13.00 to $15.00 Ewes 11.00 to 14.00 Cutter cows $10.00 to $11.50 Pat dairy cows $10.00 to $12.00 Bulls $13.00 to $17.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) $14.00 to $15.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) good .. $16.00 tollfl.00 Hogs prices paid within 35c of Port land prices for each type. Top 170-235 lbs. Portland Eaitside Market Peaches sold for $l.CO a six-basket flat on the Portland Eastslde Farmers Whole sale Pfoduce market today. Celery brought $2.75 to $3.00 for stan dard and sturdee crates. corn was $1.75 a (ive-doien ear crate. Danish squash sold for $1.00 to $1.25 a lug. Portland Product Butterfat Tentative, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 66-68c lb., 92 score 64-86c lb., 90 score 57-60c; 89 score, 55c Valley routes and country joints 2c lessthan first. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to vholesalers: grade AA, 93 score, 62c A 92 score 61c; B, 90 score, 69c lb,; O 81 score, 56c. Above prices arc strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whols sule: Oregon singles 384 -47c. Oregon 5 lb. loaf 4l-49c; triplets V6o less than singles. Eggs (To Wholesalers) A grade large flU4-62Mic: A medium. 54Vi-57Mic; grade B large, o3Mi-55l,4c; small, A grade, 44&c Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints 67c; AA cartons 68c; A prints 07c, A cartons 68c; B prints 64c. Eggs Prices to retailers: Grade AA tec 67c doz.. certified A large. 65c: A large, 64c; AA medium, 61c; A medium, 59c; A small, 48c; cartons 2c additional, cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oiegon slnglfs 40Va-49c. Oregon loaf, 6 lb. loafs, 43 ',3 -51c lb; triplets, 14 less than singles Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 quality FOB Plants. No. 1 broilers under 2 lbs. 27-28c lb.; fryers, 2V&-3 lbs., 31-33c; 3-4 lbs., 32c oasters, 4 lbs. and over 32-33c lb.; fowl, leghorns, 4 lbs. and under, 20-22c, over 4 22c; colored fowl, all weights, 23-24C roosters, all weights, 18-20C. Rabbits Average to growers: live whites, 4-5 lbs.. 19-21c lb.; 5-6 lbs., 17-19C lb.; colored 2 cents tower; old or heavy does, 8-14c: dressed fryers to butchers, 65-S7c Country-Rilled Meats Veal Top luatlty, 31-32c lb.: other trades according to weight and quality wi h poor or heavier 24-29c. Hogs: Light blockers, 31-33c lb.; sows 24-26C J ambs: Top quality, 37-38c lb; mutton 10-12C. Beef: Good cows, 23-26e lb; canners- c utters, 2l-23c. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.): Beef- Steers, good, 500-800 lbs. $42-45; ommercial, 135-41; utility, $31-34. Cows: Commercial, $33-36; utility, 29 31. Canners-cutters, $25-27. Beef cuLs l good steers) Hind quar ters $53-55: rounds, $53-55; full loins, trimmed, $65-70: triangles, $36-37; square chucks, $38-40; ribs, $50-53; forequarters $36-37 Veal and calf: Good, $38-40; commercial, $32-35; utility $26-30. Lambs: Good-choice, spring lambs, $44 irj, commercial, $40-42. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs, down, $18-20. Pork cuts: Loins, No. 1, 8-12 lbs. $59 61; shoulders, 16 lbs., down, $39-41; spare ribs. $48-51; carcasses, $35-36; mixed weights $3 lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 124c lb., green 4e lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades, 45c lb. Mohair 15o lb. on 12-month growth, nominally. nides Calves, 25c lb., according to weight, kins 20o lb., beef lQc, lb., bull 4-5c lb. Country buyers pay 2c less. nut (notations Walnuts Franquettes, first quality Jum bo, 34.7c. large, 32.7c: medium. 27.2c: second quality jumbos, 30.2c; large, 28.2c nK-dlum, 26.2c; baby, 23.2c; soft shell, first nuuiny targe, zs.ic; medium, zo.'jc; sec ond quality large, 27.2c; medium, 34,7c: baby 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 20o lb.i large, medium, 16c; small, 13c . Slocks Decline Irregularly New York, July 29 WV-Faint signs of a comeback developed in the stock market late today after a slow early decline. Gains were either trimmed or eliminated for many leading shares. Business was slower than any other day this month, with turnover at the rate of only 600,00 shares or so. Bethlehem Steel's record earnings report for the first half of the year, announced after the close yesterday, had just as little effect on price trends as did the excellent in come statements of U. S. Steel and General Motors earlier this week. Bethlehem Steel common dipped around at one time but other steels held steady. ' Trending to hold back were U. S. Rubber, Montgomery Ward, American Smelting, Dow Chemical, American Woolen, Santa Fe, and Standard Oil (N.J.). International Silver took a bad spill in the wake of a poor earnings report. ADDING MACHINES APPLIANCE 8ERVICE . BUILDINO CARPENTRY BUILDING CONTRACTORS STOCKS BUSINESS A PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE (By the Associated Press) American Can Am Pow it Lt Am Tel & Tel Anaconda Bendlx Aviation ..' Beth Steel 18o; Portland Grain Portland, July 29 (ff Cash wheat (Did): sort white a.ll'A: oft whit (ex cluding Rex) 2.11 V4; white club 2.1146. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.11; 10 per cent.2.11W; 11 per cent 3.11;. 12 per cent 2.14. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2.14: 10 per cent 2.14; 11 per cent 2.16; 12 per cent 2.18. Today's car receipts: Wheat 124: bar ley 9; flour 5; corn 5; oats 4; mlllteed 11. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. Julv tun . wklv Cattle: Friday salable BO: ealva ir supply mostly cows; market steady; fairly ni.wc. i,uii nuu common veaiers a.uu to 15.00; good and choice quotable 20.00 to 21.00 or above. For five days, salable 2900; calves salable 450. Hoes: Frldav salable in? atrlv- rm " oicauie lot guoa ana cnoice IW id, feeders 24.50; few 25.00. eneep: Friday, salable none; nominal. Chicago Livestock Chicago, July 29 01. Livestock market: Hogs salable 5.000. Active. 2fi to Kti nt mostly 60 cents higher on all hogs, but iruae uneven ana instances ud more: top $23.25; most good and choice 180-240 22.50 to 23.00: 250-3110 Ihn 31 nn tn 22.50; few 290-325 lbs. 20.00 to 20.26; and around 400 lb. weights 17.50; good and H.U11.C ouws unaer jou JDS. ja,7B u 20.00; lew choice under 300 lbs. 20.25; 350-376 iub. uioniiy io.uu 10 lB.OO; 375 to 400 lbs. 17.00 to 18.25 : 400-450 lbs. Id an tn 17 5R- few heavier weight sows as low as 13.00 iwr uuu neaa over boo ids.; good clearance. Cattle salable 1,000; calves 300. Slaugh ter steers and heifers slow, about steady other slaughter ela.,.. mmtiu unoVi , . few loads of medium to good slaughter steers and heifers 23.00 to 26.25; latter price for a load of around 900 lb. mixed yearlings; common to medium steers and heifers, mostly around 18.00 to 22.50; common and medium beef cows, mainly 15.00 to 17.00; few good cows 18.00 to 19.00; canners and cutters 11.50 to 15.00 bulls and veaiers 20.00 and 26.00 down respectively. Sheep salable 300. All classes steady with week-end advance; no loads offered; supply mainly medium to choice native lambs selling at 22.50 to 25.00; latter price top; common to good ewes 7.00 to 9.50. Few big weight ewes below 6.50: no yearling wethers offered. .....91 .142H .1424 ,..304 Boelnt Airplane ,..1914 Calif Packins 32 Canadian Pacific 124 Case J I 36 Caterpillar 32 Chrysler 5034 Comwlth & Sou 4 Cons Vultee 9 Continental Can 33 Crown Zellerbach 24 'i JttrtLss Wright S4 DoukIbs Aircraft 604 Dupont de Nem 47 Si General Electric 3T.4 Oererai Food General Motors 6Hi Goodyear Tire nU Int. Harvester 254 Int. Paper 50 Koinecott 48 H Libby McN & h 7 Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator 133 I il Dairy am NY Ctnrta, " Northern Pacific 134 1 Pac Am Fish 12 Pa Gas it Eleo 32 H r Tel & Tel 96 Penney J C 494 Radio Corp 10 Vi Rayonler 24ai P:onler PTd auwt Reynolds Metal ;....19 Richfield 30-4. Safeway Stores ....24Vi Sears Roebuck 40 4 Southern Pacific 37H Standard Oil Co 63 Studebaker Corp 22 Sunshine Mining 9 Transamerlca 10 Union OH Cat 29 Union Pacific 79 United Airlines 13H U 8 Steel Warner Bros Plo 10 Woolworth 49 FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 1300 Car loans up to 1500 Corns in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 27032 Lie. N M369-S39S Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. l FINANCIAL AOTO LOAMS WTLLAUETTE CREDIT CO. 1S3 & Cburch Parking . Plenty Ph 1-3437 Lifl No U-I9I S-154 DIRECTORY All makes used mi chines, sold, rented repaired Roan 454 Court Phone l-rm ELECTB1C ROME appliance repair service new appliance, rince's Electric Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 3-9239 137 8 Liberty St o Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth ing to Bell But Service." Phone J -4 602. Prompt. ol82 AT UR DOOR GRINDING Tawnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter's. Pn 36833 o AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8. Liberty Ph. 1.6955. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-9286. Night 2-1804 333 Center o Mike Panefc 275 8 Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aliening specialists 0182 Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment Phone 2-4850. o TonRUe and groove chmney blocks, wholesale or retail. Mortarless Block Co. Ph. 3-7324. o205 Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foundations. Phone 25909. ol83 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 3-4306. 0187- Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear Ins, teeth for brush. Virgil Muskey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem 0186 Telephone answering service. Your secretary. Ph. 39133. Day-nlte. 0195 CASH REGISTERS ' tnstam delivery of new RCA cash register Al makes sold rented, re-pa!-ed Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o DIRECTORY MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-759 0188 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, tiles and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief eases Pierce Wire Recorders, Roen. 456 Court Spray or brush painting. Ph. 23664. o20) Ext. Painting & Int. Dec. Reasonable rates. Ph. 3-4682. ol90 lfstrom's are equipped to do painting Phont 3-2493 PAPERHANGING Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-4631. Expert Paperhanglns and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est. o201" Kemtonlng, interior decorating, free es timates. Ph. 20501 0199 Bldz. maintenance, painting. Ph. 20501. repair, 0199 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING Call 22608 for your Painting & Paper hansine. Attractive rates. ol97 Paintine Si paperhanglng. Ph. 3-5522. Don Lucero, 0193 Phone 3-4360 or 2-6554. Painting and pa per hang In ft. Frea esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. olB8 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Phoue 3-6697 Rutcheon Paint Btore Fisher, 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. PttUNING-SPRAYING Phills W. Belike, h. 2-1208. SAND A GRAVEL Valley Sand & Grave) Co Slit, sand & Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel & cats Tractor scoop Si trucks tor dlrl moving Ph office 24002, res 37146 c Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603 1293 N 5th. O203 SEWERS AND SEKTIC TANKS CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walla, etc. Call 2-4850. o SEPTIC TANKS CniMNET SWEEP Furnace chimneys Ensiey 771 S. 21st. vacuum cleaned. Ph. 3-7176. ol82 DRAFTING SERVICES Home planned St designed by an ex perienced architectural draftsman. Hour ly basis. 2239 Mill or Ph. 3-4083. ol88 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SEWING MACHINES Vince' Electric for electrical wiring, contracting repairing 157 & Liberty Ph 3-9239 o EXCAVATIN DITCHING Hoe, Drafcllne, shovel. Free estimates. E L. Boatwrlght. 410 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 39503. o202 EXCAVATING A GRADING Excavating & grading. Ben Otjen It Son. 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o229 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056 Lee Cross, 1555 PearL ol82 Breithauot's for flowers Dial 3-9179. o INSULATION Johns-Manvllle Home 33748. Free est. Insulation. Ph. LANDSCAPF NURSERY N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor Ph. 2-1322, o1 P A. Doerfler A Sons, Ornamentals. 150 LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. power and hand mowers. Call Rarry W. Scott, 147 So. Com'l St. ol81 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At yout door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 16833 0 Fireplaces, Ph. 35968. chimneys tt block laying. El ec trio Roto-Router Exclusive Patent Razor harp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tank Cleaned Reaa Pb 1-5327 or 3-9468 K . Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0197 Care taken with lawns. No mileage charge. Call collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2545 State. Phone 2-0734. o Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St- W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5337. 0163 Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms. All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671. o302" All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial. Ph. 3-3312. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court o DIRECTORY TRANSFER STORAGE '.ocal St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal ss briquets. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent for Beklna House hold goods moved to anywhere In U.S 0. Canada. Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph. 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Free est Phone 17328 Elmer the Blind man. o Venetian blinds made to order as low as 14.50 a blind. Phone Sears 3-9191 for free estimate. ol90 Salem Venetian Blinds mads to order or reflnlshed. Relnboldt A Lewis. 3-3639 WEATHERSTRIFPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-3365. 0133 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. RU 2. Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. 02 10 WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller. Made to order. 1 Day Oel Reinholdt A Lewis. Ph 23639. o WINDOW CLEANING Acme Indow Cleaners Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph 3-3337. 347 Court. Langdoc. Culbertson and Mather WOODSAWING Wood sawing. Ph. 3-1575. WOOD I SAWDUST West Salec. Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031. LODGES I.O.O.F meets every Wed nesday night. Visitors wel- A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & ?&A.M. M.M. Degree Friday, July 29, 7 p.m. 179 LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 have been appointed by the Circuit Court ol Marlon County, Oregon, Probate Depart ment, as Administrator of the estate of INA S. ADSIT deceased, and have quali fied as such Administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are no tified to present the same, duly verified, to me at 415 Oregon Building, Salem, Ore son within six months from the date ol hL. notice Dated this 1st day of July, 1949. BRUCE W. WILLIAMS, Administrator of the estate ol INA 8. ADSIT, Deceased. BRUCE W. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Salem, Oregon. First publication: July 1, 1949. Final publication: July 29, 1949. July 1, 8, 15, 22, 19 NOTICE NOTICE HEREBY IS GrVEN that by an ordr of the Circuit Court of the State f Oreson for the County of Marlon. In Probate, duly made and entered on the twenty-seventh day of July, 1949, THE UNITED STATES NATIONALL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) was duly pointed as executor of the last will and testament and estate of ROBERT D. PARIS, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, duly verified and with proper vouchers, to said execu tor at its Ladd A Bush Salem Branch Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 29, 1949 IS banking house, corner of State and Com mercial Streets, In Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, within six months after the date ot the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published the twenty- ninth day of July. 1949. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) By L. B. ST AVER Trust Officer EXECUTOR AFORESAID Allan G. Carson and Wallace P. Carson Attorneys for Executor (July 29. August 5, 12, 19, and 26, 1949.) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LIGHT AND POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Oregon College ot Education Se3.ed bids will be received by the Secretary of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at the President's Office. Administration Building, Oregon College of Education. Monmouth, Oregon, until 10.00 A. M Pacific Standard Time, Thurs day, August IB, 1949, for the construction of a light and power distribution system for the Oregon College of Education at Monmouth. Oregon, on behalf of the Oregon otaie Board of Higher Education, ana win men ana mere be opened anl publicly read aloud. Bids received after thi. hour set for the opening will not be c .Hide red. Plans, specifications, and forms of Contract Documents may be obtained in the office of Cornell, Howl a nil, Hayes and Merrylieid at the Rennle Building, Cor v all is, Oregon. upon deposit of twenty- ve oouars (na.uuf, aim additional sets may also be' obtained with a deposit of twenty-lve dollars ($25.00), per set. the runus deposited for the set or sets will refunded upon return of the documents in good condition. Bids will be received on the basis of a General Contract ,.nly. Alt contractors shall comply with all State Laws pertaining to the qualifica tions oi bidders, and particularly to Title re, Chapter 1, Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated. Each bid shall bo made out on a bid fo m contained In he contract documents and shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond made payable to the Oregon State Board of Higher Education in an amount not less than 10 of the .ital amount of the bid. The Oregon State Board of Higher Education reserves the right to rej-ct any or all bids and to waive all formali ties No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening or before the award of the contract unless said aari is deived for a period exceeding 30 days. OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION By: Carles D. Byrne Secretary, Eugene, Oregon (Advertisement) Stops Years of Gas And Bloat 'For 10 years I was a victim of gas and bloat caused, I be lieve, by my constipation." said lone lady who had tried many things for her trouble. she con tinued by saying: "I was full of gas all the time. Stomach was swollen. Why, I took more soda for this gas than a bakery shop. My stomach was simply raw from soda. But thanks to KAL-O-DEX, now all my gas bloating is gone. This medicine also has a fine action on a per son's bowels. I only had to take 2 bottles and I feel like a new personl" KAL-O-DEX is an Herbal formula containing medicinal juices from 5 Great Herbs; these herbs cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish intestines and kidneys. Miser able people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffer ing, uet KAL-O-DEX at au drug stores here in Salem. :l;; :::..:: . ; PLUMBING ; CCNTRAfTlNG ;. J Featuring Crane H and Standard Fixtures Call 3-8555 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. ; 1085 Broadway J FREE ESTIMATES Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, use out Chines remedies Amazing success for. 600t rears tn China. No matter with whs aliments you are afflicted dtsurd" sinusitis bean lungs llvei Kidnrv 40s. constipation ulcers dlnbetet rheumatism gall and bladder, fevet iKin 1'tnaie complaints CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB CO Office Hours S to t Ties and Sat. Only 284 N Commercial Phone 21R30 SALEM. ORE. 40 ir m flmmmnm At yrwr octff dntgaJsf r wrlf dint r.n.'i.ii ,i f.ntiiii ii'i., GENERAL FTRANCB CORP. LOANS Lie S-138. and U-338 and ROT R. SIMMONS XNSURANOS AND LOANS 130 fi Commercia St. Tel 3-9101 FARM AND CTTT LOANS 4V4 and b FODB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contract. and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. MX Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 3-7183 r' , SEE US fOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. ' REALTORS 344 State St Phone 3-3683 OBITUARY Mrs. Bessie E. Tapp Sil verton Concluding services for Mrs. Bessie X. Tapp, 87, who died at the 611 verton hospital Thursday, will be held at Tacoma, Wash, with funeral services Friday afternoon from the memorial chap el of the Ekman funeral home. Surviving are a brother and sister. Mrs. C. R. Smith Union vale Mrs. C. R. Smith, 73. died erlr ' Friday evening. Funeral services will be held at McMlnnvllle Saturday at 3:30 o'clock with burial In the Hopewell cemetery. John William Richardson Albany, Ore. John William (Jack! Richardson, 83, 837 East Fifth avenue, died at the Albany General hospital 1 Sunday. Mr. Richardson was born In Albany, March 35, 1867. His parents, the lata Mr. and Mrs. William P. Richardson were pioneers in the Linn county area. Mr. Richardson spent his early boyhood in the Sandridge community before leaving fo Eastern Oregon and Boise, Idaho, where ha spent most of his life. He was employed by the Morrlson-Knudsen con struction company for 37 years while tn Boise. He returned to Albany in February 1948 to live with his niece, Mrs. Chester Hlle. Survivors are two nephews, Wlnn--ield Parker, Toppanlsh. Wash., and Danlal H. Bodine, Portland; and five nieces, Mrs. Lee Burkhart. Mrs. Naomi Hoel. and Mrs. Vernetta Hlte. aU of Al bany; Mrs. Margaret Si fie y. Eugene, and Mrs. Lawrence Rlckert, Corvallls. Mr. Richardson was never married. Funeral services were held Friday In the Fort-miller-Frederic ksen chapel, the Rev. E. James Kinasley, pastor of the St. Peter's Episcopal church, officiating. Burial In the family plot at Riverside cemetery. DO THE JOB YOURSELF AND SAVE We Rent TOOLS FOR MOST ANY JOB See or Call Howser Bros. Your Power Tool Rental Headquarters 1410 S. 12th Ph.3-3646 DON'T LET MONEY SLIP THROUGH I g YOUR FINGERS! 1 I IK xes , . . n taxes money 10 p g make money ! ... so enjoy p w Salem Federal's better 5 - rates. Put your money to S Ol work by starting a regular B 2. savings account or Invest- tf 2 ! CURRENT RATE Q v tSVh PER ANNUM 13 1 mm, J100t.J100(h"o.. Auto or Penonal COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN 460 N. Church St Ph. J-4161 vo u ""'STS- I I ioo "Twsrl I soo j,.0; it.fg m itagJjj HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watkliu Oo products. Pre, de dverr nil Center. Pb. 3-5399. o MATTRESSES Capltfti Bedding Phonr 9-4OS0 $$ MONEY $$ FHA w m Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S21 3-522 cfieft? your b'fchen! ... for tangy Duchess Salad Dressing is made the way famous chefs make their dressing from costly ingredients expertly seasoned and skillfully blended. That's why it tastes so good. And only 10 Vi minutes after each batch is started it's on its way to your store . . .guaranteed fresh. Enjoy Duchess today! 7 y. mz' ' Hi DRAMEX IS WONDERFUL FOR. WHAT WONDERFUL DECORATIVE I START-AND-STOP PAINTERS... . FINISHES VOL) CAN GET WITH P BECAUSE DRAMEXfcOLORS ARE DRAMEX! AND HOW QUICKLY AND ' TRUE, THROUGH AND THROUGH. M ,, j BEAUTIFULLY IT DRIES.' YOU CAN 3, 5; YOU CAN STOP AND START AGAIN i4'7 MOVE FURNITURE BACK IN JUST "e H0URS LATER WITH N0 STREAKS (', Udffin 4 HOURS. IF YOU HATE THE SMELL vv SHOWING ; : p(wf OF PAINT, YOU'LL LOVE DRAMEX '4 (i'i 1 V- : WATCH THOSE PLASTER CRACKS AND ?h-dT ?! . NAIL HOLES DISAPPEAR. ORAM EX WT y DRAMEX MIXES WITH WATER, PATCHES, RESURFACES, AND COLORS, 2r 'i !S) RIGHT FROM THE FAUCET.' ; ALL IN ONE EASY COAT. AND FOR W"?v y--mrii AND STAYS MIXED WITHOUT ' v AS UTTLE A5 $4.65 WHEN THE ,W lrn'Vl RESTIRRffJS. WONDERFUL FOR Vf ROOM'S AVERAGE ITfYpT jj (rla RETOUCHING. Sl 1 . 1, U UJI U LJ It's Happening in the Best Homes in SALE AT LAST.' A L0W-C05T WAY TO COMPLETE THOSE UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS ROOMS. DRAMEX MAKES COLORFUL "LIVING ROOM" WALLS OUT OF ORDINARY DRAB WALLBOARD... HIDES ALL THOSE TAPED SEAMS AND BLEMISHES.' if nrrrtOA-rne ffl -f The makers of Bondex now bring you for those PROBLEM WALLS! colors like paint resurfaces like plaster all in one coat t!t Fills plaster cracks j!r Hides wall defects ft Patches nail holes j!r Covers taped seams in wallboarrl fo Colors without streaking jJr Mixes with water fr Stays mixed without restirring fa Dries in 4 hours . . . becomes plaster-hard fr Has no paint-y odor -fa So easy, so economical to . . . -LonaNBWmtLd GT YOUA FRBS DRAMEX COLOR CARD AT... V 1 packaga makai a gallon. Avtrag room can b rt flnihd for at littlo at Aurora Building Supply Aurora, Oregon R. L. Elfstrom Company 340 Court Street Epping Lumber Company 660 Fisher Road Ferris Building Supply Jefferson-Stayton-Mill city Ifulcheon Paint Store 162 North Commercial Kclser Building Supply Co. Salem Route 8 Btayton Building Supply Stayton, Oregon Longbell Lumber Co. Hubbard, Oregon Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Avenue F. O. Repine Co. 2558 Portland Rd. $465 THE REARD0N COMPANY Sl.Uwfl Otlcag Ut Ansr Bayanrt, N. J. Manlr!