it Capital Journal, Salem, Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER (ChaDter 12) It was about four o'clock when " they arrived at Prlscilla's home. The ' door opened before they rang the 5 bell and Drusle came running out to meet them. Prlscllla stooped over - and hugged her sister anecuonaie v "Pris, I missed you so much Plpnsn don't ao awav." she beRRed, ,, "Honey, I'm not going away. I'll see you every day. Here's Kenneth. , He's your brother now. Don't you want to kiss him, too?" u Drusie hung her head shyly while a Kenneth lifted her, as he had Dora, and gave her a kiss. They all went li inside, where Lorrlne congratulated them ratner aimaenuy. jvs rris - cilia looked into her sister's sharp, " susDiclous eves, she had a surprls- ' ing flash of insight. I know what's in her mind, inougnt rriscuia. one s ' thinking that Kenneth and I have -:' been having an affair and that we -' had to get married. Priscilla found ?' herself wishing that she could have remained a child forever, if grow- ing up meant seeing into other peo ii pie's minds. She wondered whether - she would soon De line ner lamer who understood people too well, "Mother took Dad to the doc- i tor," said Lorraine before Pris- ; cilia could ask where they were. S "Dad had a bad spell last night ... on account of you." Priscilla ' started as if she had been struck. J Her heart ached at this news, but g at the same tune she had another S unwelcome flash of insight. Lor- ( raine's manner told so plainly that she was glad her father had had a ' bad spell, if Priscilla had been the ; cause of it. Anything, thought Pris- l cilia, pleases her if it puts me in a i poor iignt, Without another word to Lor raine, Priscilla motioned Kenneth ! and Drusie to come with her and . went upstairs to collect her be longings. While Kenneth carried i S down Prlscilla's few precious books i most of them gifts from Dennis '. Drusie help pack her sister's ' , clothes in a worn, little suitcase i i She brought out the dusting pow . i der her birthday gift of yesterday I and, despite Prlscilla's insistence ' ' that she keen It for herself, she ' ! placed it in the suitcase. Then no rested her head aRainst her sister's ., arm and burst Into tears. Priscilla ' consoled her as best she could but only when she promised to come J, often and give her piano lessons uiu Mlbus iiuaic audit; ntguiii. M "Suppose we go downstairs now ana piay tin uaa comes name," sug '' gested Drusie. When she and Drusie entered the living room, Lorraine had gone to the kitchen, evidently wishing to avoid seeing rascuia again. Ken neth was outside, putting Prlscilla's things into the car and she took advantage of his absence to sit down at the piano and play Clair de Lune for Drusie. Drusie. under Prlscilla's gentle toutelage, had learned to love tne classics, Dut as yet sne had not been able to get Kenneth to listen to that kind of music. Whenever she made the attempt, he would grow restive almost Im mediately. "Pep it up, Babes," he would say, "Play Darktown Strut ter's Ball." She had just about given up on mat score. As the last notes of the beauti ful Debussy composition died away, Priscilla heard the front door open. Her father and mother entered the room. Mr. Hayden stood stockstlll Just Inside the living room door way, but Prlscilla's father came over and took her In his arms with out a word of reproach. "Oh, Father," cried Priscilla. She could not say any more for tears choked her throat, as she thought of the suffering she had caused him. "Are you all right?" "Quite," he said, releasing her slowly. "Don't worry about me." She saw, with alarm, that he did not look at all well, not so well as he had looked yesterday when she left. "I saw Kenneth outside putting your books in the car," he said. "I hope you'll be happy with him. I want you to be happy, Pris." At this point a snort from Mrs. Hayden startled them both. They had been so engrossed in their conversation that they at least Priscilla had forgotten about her. R2848 trn a Oregon, Friday, July 29, 1949 "Happy I" snorted Mrs. Hayden. "She ought to have a good, sound thrashing. That's what she de serves." Priscilla, glancing at her father as always for comfort and support, saw the lines around his mouth deepen. To her distress he put his hand over his eyes for a moment and swayed as if he were too weak to stand up any longer. But he recovered, and when he looked at his wile, his gaze Hashed fire. "I hate to sav It. Norma, but I'm afraid you're the one who deserves tne tnrasning. not Priscilla. I con sider you responsible for her want ing to leave home." Things mlRht have turned out differently if Mr. Hayden had been able to continue the fight, but as he finished his last sentence, his voice trailed off and Priscilla saw that his strength was not up to the situation, with her help, he groped his wav to a chair and sat down weakly, putting his hand over his eyes once more. Drusie ran to nun in irlght and began to cry. "Shhhhhl" said Prlscllla to Drusie. "He'll be all right in a min ute. I'll go after some water." As she started toward the kitchen, her heart pounding despite her calm words, Mrs. Havden walked over and stood In her path. "Where do you minis you're going?" she asked. "You'll get him nothing, do vou near,- ner motner almost yelled. Her fury was not Drettv to see "You'll get yourself out of here and never enter this house again you and your common hus band." Prlscllla thrust her mother aside and went Into the kitchen. She did not leave the house until she was sure her father was going to be all right. (To Be continued) Sew-Easv Blouses Your new suit needs a blouse like these! One is a scalloped beauty that takes no more than 114 yards of fabric In any of its sizes. The other has the important plunge neckline. (Two separate patterns.) Ho. 3054 is cut In sizes 10. 12. 14. 16, 18. and 20. Size 18. Hi yds. 39- ln. No. 3053 is cut in sizes 10. 12. 14, 16, 18. 20, 36. 38, and 40. Size 16, 1 yds. 39-In. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Size desired Address Capital Journal 552 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 6, Calif. PATTERN No. R2848 Summer Ahead This flattcrlnir hat casts cool shadows which will help you face the hottest days abend. Crochet it in sparkling white or any of the new pastels and trim with black velvet ribbon. It is easy-to-make and easy on your budget. Pattern Envelope No. R2848 con tains complete crocheting instruc tions, stitch Illustrations and ma terial requirements. To obtain tut pattern send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to PeRgy Roberts Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. rZX 3054 ffV -2m& 5IZES sizes Cm 10 40 JraSOS stS ,rVHwV BEFORE V A a i " 7 (SfV TANNED - h jffjjjfil X JPn TA r upainu-r E , , tCK W VVYVYYHWv C X PREVENTING M " jj Tji LOTION O ET"ffl i t TH JfTTERsn-U BE O. K. WTTHOuTjS if VEP-LISSA'LL HAVE f Iffipf jty If I'LL NEVER LIVE THIS THING 1 ME -PflRM U. BUftX UP-NEW lg A 'FINE HOME HERE" XV '? A R DOWN "ROUND HERE-AND LONG 1 gj MACHN6RV--FENCES-FR6SH PAINT- MgSz t CHE WON'T PEEL UKE Vf ( 7 7 B I S1 STAY FOLKsn-L TAKE THEIR, I itfm 1 BfflTHROOMNEW klTCHENANO 1 AN ORPHAN ANY MORE" F' r ' ' ' " ( 92VNQEKSTMD MVBE YOU SHOULDT 1 " ''OUR KIOXAGE BATIAS ARE 'WILBURS REALLY NTiLH! irT,tcriEirS:Dl Cf5T,Kr.TOiMCLy?5s CMTi THE FIMEST IN THE COUNTRY C50T 50METHIMS .RUCry- . 'ALWAVS ATisocr-f SflrijI MJWEBATMS IN THE JAFFORO AND IT COSTS A LQT TO J WHY DONT YOU TALK TO ) H HIS LOT OF MUD WITH BATHS J T tBATU-HOUSE ' vMAKE A DEAL jr m Wlnn Wl. ffi villi 1 wR THERE'S ONE. PART OF AH 1"-' - HE WEREI55f4 NDHSoS77!ioaNTrA -lOOR LIFE fcOft I WISHj REMEMBERS) ABSOLUTELV ) WHOLE WORLD -I ENDED IT 1A SlCSTOPPiST- - RIE OLOBERS )i I COULD LIVE OVER yy (uaH.r,) PERFECT- WAITED, WRONG.? IF V IS FIN'SHECD.1r- AN' TV SPIRIT OF SmiC ' L AGAIN-I MADE A ) (him.':' ( ECEP' HE HAD WaTHLESSLY ONW I COULD ) TOftS's V 1tr PS S? J TKRR1BLK MI&TAKE- s. 2B 7 ONE (l"tn. J TO FIND OUT .LIVE THAT "fiifiV NOTHIN "S. "'"a wal '1 BACK IN 4-3-WHEM ) 2L ( FAULT.'.'-J WHAT THAT ADVENTURE. 1 ,)tXS NOBODY KIN -irslM 5-? L THERE'LL BE SOME IMP0RTANTf.AND N0W. LITTLE JEFF. X ( HMM-JEFF'S P J I PARDON MP Wmf? I t'm a "0 mm PEOPLE AT THIS PART WILL PLA HIS ARRANGE- K ) PLAVIN6 HAS sTr-.Vre uZ Mi ,c. Tl f M . . TONIGHT--SO MENT OF a. 1 ( THE OLD GENT r7 SIR ARE f HECK , MUSICIAN) 1 0 PO VWBEST' IOLT ' KEL j " .S SORRY you CANT WELL, I HAD A BIT OF A SEA TRIP? 1 OU SEE.IlH THINNS OF MAKING A " rT - u STAY AND 6ET IN A AN IPEA. THE KIPS WERE WHAT HAVE VOU PICTURE ON AN ISLAND OFF THE LOWER , WELL, OUENTIN, I'VE SETTLED FOR I LITTLE FISHIN6, BUT QUITE A LOT OF HELP IN AnT tu Mtun i CALIFORNIA COAST. T'M (HARTFRlNrt A i R TOE PURCHASE OF THE CANM3N, I THINK I CAN SEE I CLEARING UP THIS "HAUNTED I T.X.? A YACHT TO LOOK IT OVER. I COULP A r. r- U NOW I THINI IP BETTER 6ET V VOUR POINT- Jk CANYON" MATTER, HOW PC TAkE QUITE A PARTY. WHAT a ' j 1 i s'V i I I 1 'CtS?y li S ' v" 'OH, THAT'S CAPTAIN SJ2n&Z-- 1$V. Io'1! " vAv)ni V HEY, WHO'S iTIJONESOF ) f7'jfTT . 1 iWV,e 'N THE JOINT SjSVTHE... ,i.C S V, O-r " O ' r ( ABOVE AAE? SL'tfiv ifdth)h) ' f HE'S CLOAAPIN' ,7 f P 7- 0 , l AROUND LIKE ftf Tl'W X'V 50 V.jMRy DONTG0 FAR.JUNIOR!. T''"' ffiT 5PRAWW 'AND.IN THt NEXT ROOM, FLAM E5 LICK AT THeJ ANT, I SHOIILOTmroP HELL NEED V0U"-BUT y HAIMJNC0NCI01W ACRQ6S HI6 BED- LIGHTER WHICH HE HAS 5AVAGELY FLUNG ON fj t.FORAwIl OLyou'LLHAVETOBETHE nBBi 1 THE HEAP OF BURNING POEMS Bfl M SIGHT- -FOR A WHILE!T FIRST TO OFFER YOUR J I SttJ w, I 1 1 "MWlliBU1 KJ,jryJLf " RADIO PROGRAMS KRIDAr KSLM HID I KGW UBS 5: Fnlton Lewli, Jr. Wtmin'i Secret Rhythm Rftneh Curt MC7 Frank Heminsw7 Sunny Side Rhrthn Kaaeb The Lltllt Show M Fftiilnc Parade Newt ' Bine Croabr Sonta f Frstrl Carmen CTal)ero Richard Harknesa Sport Pate Larry LtSuer 6100 Ted Drake Elrfat by Request Canain Vitht A Knox Manninv : Ted Drake Eliht by Request Silver Bands on Parada ' Adv. ( Chan. Paletta at Plana News Chat Buntley M Maale Elmer Peterson Flsheaaler News 7J Gabrlet Keatter Webster Says Pat O'Brien This Is Broadway lift Northwest News Webster Says Bandstand This Is Broadway (M Ftshinr, Hunting My Good Wlfa Top Band This Is Broadway j Fishing, Hunting My Good Wlfa Ton Band This la Broadway 8:99 Old Barber 8ho Dr. I Q Bandstand Playhouse IS This Is Husla Dr. I Q Bandstand Playhouse :S0 cisoa Kid BUI Stern Dugout Dopa Dance Oreh. M Clica Kid Rhythm Time Baseball Dance Oreh. 9:00 straight Arrow Supper Club Baseball chai. Colltnrwood !15 Straight Arrow News ! World Baseball Cbleogoans :30 Mualo Tree In Brooklyn Baseball Summer, St. Louis ' Musle Tree In Brooklyn BiitbM Summer, St. LoaH W:00 Newa News Baseban Flro Star Final :1ft Select Local News sport rag Final News Round-OF Sports Spotlight ;30 Newa Bg Town Studio Party Spin to Win Mmi" Big Town Studio Tarty Spin to Win n:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. Sam Hayea Studio Party Serenade :1S Bob Fool Show Wax Museum Studio Party You tnt World :S0 Bob Pool Show Was Museum Studio Party Orehestrs :i Mmle Wax Museum Studio Party Orchestra lt:t Hlrn OH Sign OK 1:00 A.M., Sign" Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:0O Newa Hodg Podg Newa ilS Dawn Patrol Hodg Podg KOIN Klaeh :80 NW Farm Newa News KOCO Kloek KOIN Klock ;4ft March Time Hodg Podg KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7:00 Dawn Patrol Now Hear This Tex Ritter Koln Klock :1S Dawn Patrol Now Hear This News News ;S0 Dawn Patrol Tho Old Songs Farm Mkt. RF. News :ift News Newa Extension flenrlo Consumer Newi loo Newa TBA Selene Excursion Musio for Ton :15 Breakfast Gang TBA Popular Varieties Muale for Jmm :80 Breakfast Gang Jerry Marlowa Western Melodies Broadway Boat ;4ft Top Trades Sam Hayea Western Mcladlea Broadway Bat loo Bargain Counter Fred Waring Show Haven of Best News :1ft Newa Fred Waring Show Haven of Rest Let's Pretend 80 Sons t Pioneer Ed McConnell Mono Without Junior Mist :4ft Musi Ed McConnell Words Junior Miss loo Northwest Newt News Crol of Song Theatre of Today :1ft Muale Public Affair Cycle of Song Theatr of Today :S0 Pastor's Call Orchestra Concert Favorites Grand Central :4ft Muslo Orchestra Concert Favorites Station m m JOO News Farm-Home Hour Saturday Serenade Stars Over 1 1 :1ft Garden Guide Farm-Home Hour Saturday Serenade Hollywood I 1 :80 Kiwanls Choir Mary Lea Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Tak m Kiwanls Choir Mary Leo Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Tak afnv:00 Top Trades Young Oregonlans At the Opera News "J :1ft Newt Young Oregonlans At the Opera Drivers Playb's I X:S0 Doc, Platter Jock News .v snorts Meet the Missus ":4ft Doe, Platter Jock Report on Europe Ted Dale Presents Meet the Missus 1:00 Doe, Platter-Jock Musleana Saturday Matinee County Fair :1ft Doe, Platter Jock Musleana Saturday Matinee County Fair :S0 Northwest News Musleana Saturday Matinee Dance Oreh. :4ft Bob Eberly Show Musleana Saturday Matinee Dance Oreh. 2:00 Smokey Mt, Your Health Memory Theatre Newspaper f Air ;1S Hayrid Bits of Hit Memory Theatre Newspaper of Air :30 Newa Contrasta Memory Theater Sat. at Chaae 45 Blng SInga Contrasts Memory Theater sat. at Chase 3:00 Guest Star Burgess Oreh. Chin-Up Corner News :1ft Veterans Frgrm Burgess Orcb. Chin-Up Corner George Towne :30 Alrforce L. Cotton Slngg Chin-Up Corner Ted Black Oreh, . 4R Alrforce Horse Race Chin -Up Corner Ted Black Oreh. 4:00 Bob Poole Show News Little Bit of Jazz Griffin Bar croft' :1ft Bob Poole Show Guest Star Little Bit of Jaiz Herman Quintet :S0 March Tim University Theatre Spotlite on Music Dell Trio :4ft News University Theatre Spotlite on Music John Daly DIAL LISTINGS: KEX 1190; KOAC, 550 Friday P. M. ft:00, Squirrel Caxet Keeping up With Sports i 6:15, Home Edi tion News) 6:30, Modern Romances: 7:00, Edwin C. Hill; 7: IS, Elmer Davis: 7:30, The Sheriff! 8:00, Bernie Green i 8:30, Your FBI: 9:00, Fat Man: 9:30, 'Neath Western Skies: 10:00, Richfield Reporter: 10:15, Intermezzo; 10:30, Concert Hourj 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow) 12:00, Xtra Hour: 1:00, Sign Off. 1 FY Saturday A.M. 6:00, Dawn Down rt beatt 7:00, Round-up Boys; 7:16, Time Tempos: 7:45, Adventures In Re search) 8:00, Deep River Boyst 8:15, Mar tin Agronskyt 8:30, Home Demonstration Agent) 8:45, Frankle Carl; 9:00, Johnny Olsen Get Together) 9:30, Toyland Tunes: 10:00, Stars of Tomorrow) 11:00, Girls' Corps) 11:30, American Farmer) 13:00, Treasury Band Showt 12:30, Fascinating Rhythm ) 1:00, Ballad Box i 1:15, Horse Races) 1:80, Band Boxi 2:00, Tea and Crumpets) 8:00, 101 Ranch Boysi 8:30, Meet the Band) 4:00, Junior Junction) 4:30, Jazzy Concert. Smithfield Portland visitors at the James Copp home includ ed Mr. and John Hutchins and their daughter Mrs. James ACROSS L Kind of lettuo 4. Son of Seth 8. Loud notf 12. High: muslcaj 13. Rail bird 14. Medieval lyric poem 16. Meadow 16. Four-aided figure with no two aide parallel 18. Flickering 20. Avails 21. Equality 22. Genua of sw&ni 24. Biblical garden 26. Persia 27. Mongrel 80. Device for climbing 12. Rotate 84. Caustic alkaline 16. Crusted dishes 87. On the ocean 18. Unmarried woman's title 89. Astern 40. Subject 43. Twisted 47. Exaggerate 49. Become sleep? 60. Story fit, Pertaining t the ear 62. Deity 63. Young plgat dialectic 14. East African coin 18. Watch secretly 7 U 13 WM I' I )7 : f 0 " l SO p p" -TTm 1 1 TSftt ROOM AND BOARD fey . va . "fe fl COMPOSED INSTEAD OF A CHECK, W TO LET "OJ OUT WILL VOU PLEASE H ON FIELDING W SEND A AAONEY ORDER. M THAT BOUNCING FOR 300. AS I K UNCLE II THE CHECK AT THE BANK, , WOLFGANG 11 AND BECAUSE OF A NOTE THE BANK HOLDS ON ME, 7 I NAOULD ONLY REALIZE A, P.M. oiKOCO ItH I K0IN II OBS KOAC Friday P.M. 5:00, On th Upbeat) 5:50, 650 Sports Clnbi 6:00, News) 6:15, Dinner Melodies) 6:30, Music of Cxeohoslovakla; 7:15, Evening Farm Hour) 8:00, Research Report) 8:15. Here's to Veterans) 8:30, Great Songs I 8:45, Logger)' Fire Weather Forecast) 9:00, Musio That Enduresi 0:45, Lift Up Thr Voice; 10:00, Adventures In Research) 10:16, Serenade) 10:45, News) 11:00, Sign Off. lOAf Saturday A.M. 10:00, Ncwn IWSMVrf 10:16, Especially for Women) 11:00, The Concert Hall) 12:00, News; 12:18, Noon Farm Houu 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy) 1:80, Voice of the Armyi 1:45, Melody Lane) 2:00, Music of the Masters) 8:30, Science News) 3:45, This Is South Africa t 4:00, Driver's Playhouse) 4:16, Songs f th West; 4:45, Children's Theatre. Young and her daughter, Caro lee. They also had with them, Mrs. Hutchin's mother, Mrs. Carrie Rouget who is 88 years old. obo cIXl adrT r k n ec AprfT vHIat a I g t yb elvle NmBlHS a y g RQpTe" apt ray n e m Hsri IsIIsIa vm lo p aUIIt e eWa Lrrpn e t eIIo n eIJy i Hi Solution of Yssterday'a Puxzlt DOWN L. Summon' S. Genua of the olive X, Sudden dlsom ganixed flight 4. Ethereal salt I. Any of the Norse FatM (L Bloquent speaker T. Undermln) L Shaving Implement I. Part of a mln-4 strel show 10. Border 11. Male sheep 17. Blackwood 19. Company 23. Falls behind 24. Old cloth measure 25. Period of tlm 26. The rainbow 27. Metal objects shaped In molds 28. American Indian 29. Turmerio 81. Long narrative) poems 8S. Log float 36. Condition 38. Covers with mud 19. Asiatic palm 40. Plane handle 41. Egg-shaped 42. Skin 44. American general 45. Ring 46. Whirlpool 48. Summit Bv Gene Aherr EXCELLENT, 5 YDU CLEVER. ROGUE- - IT'S PERFECT. AND DOESNT 5 HOW WE nOllRT U15 -i r "" ;