Man Admits He Sold Daughter Bessemer, Ala., July 29 M B An unemployed miner was held for investigation here after he admitted selling his 3-year-old daughter for $500 and spending the money on a used ear. Police said that Leman Alvin Edwards, 26, signed a confession admitting that he sold his daughter, Viree, for adoption. Edwards also admitted in his statement that another daughter 16-months-old Sandra Lee, was up "For Sale." W. H. Sessions, operator of the Stadium Grill here, said he had started adoption proceedings for Viree but added that the $500 he gave Edwards was a gift rather than a purchase payment. Sessions and his wife said they wanted to give the little girl a good home and had paid Edwards the $500 in hopes that he would leave town and stay away from the child. When questioned by news men, Edwards denied that he intended to "sell" Viree but ad mitted that he spent the money on a 1036 model automobile. k Judge Snoots Attorney John Lockwood, an attorney, lies in an Atlanta, Ga., hospital after being shot in the face by Judge Robert Carpenter, Carpenter's estranged wife, Mrs. Helen Carpenter (center) and her mother, Mrs. Minnie Sul livan (right) and George Thomas (left), Mrs. Carpenter's attorney are at his side. Carpenter and Lockwood were for mer business associates, but in recent months had become bitter opponents in nine court actions. (AP Wirephoto) Free Flight Model Airplanes Compete Woodburn A free-flight model airplane meet will be held t the Woodburnoirport all day Sunday, July 31, under the iponsorship of the "Doodle Bug" club of Portland. A large turn out of contestants is expected and the public is invited to at tend. The Woodburn model club plans to sponsor a precision flight meet at the local airport starting at 2 p. m. Sunday, August 14. Smithfield Youngster Wins Snapshot Prize Smithfield John Barth, sor of Mr.' and Mrs. Milton E. Barth received the first prize in class1 "D" of an amateur photograph ers contest In Portland. His en- Itry was a kitten in a basket which he had taken and develop ed by himself. He is only 11 years old at this time. He has been photographing and develop ing his own pictures ever since he was eight years old. $100 EXTRA for 2 weeks "jut in cote" COSTS ONLY $1.40 Get $100 from Personal on sal rp furniture, or car. If used re pay Personal in monthly amounts. If not used, return it after 2 weeks and pay only $1.40 charges. Loans made to pay bills, medical expenses, repairs and other needs. LOANS $25 to $500 on Auto T&n&onal FINANCE CO. 518 State St. Room 125 C. R. ALLEN, Mgr. Lie. S-122 M-165 PI,...,.. nojt"' Leans mads to mldenls of ill Mimundlno town Grasshopper Fund Raised to $3.5 Million Washington, July 29 OT The senate boosted grasshopper fighting funds to $3,500,000 to day and sent the measure back to the house. The department of agriculture now is fighting a grasshopper infestation in the west and mid dle west with a $1,000,000 fund that will be used up this month. okip v,-. t-. jfaa iil THANK HEAVEN I HEARD EVERY WORD THE PREACHER SAID! "Andoh.whac blessing it is! I miss nothing at church or the moTies. I never ask VSS tf. people to re s$&$&2m$ "A new life be it an for me when a marvellous free book told me ill about correcting hearing loss." You too, should learn the full facts. Come in for free demonstration today. James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 218 Oregon Bldj. Salem. Oregon MONO-PAC WYOU,Lt NEVER BUY . It's been true over 40 years . . . It's true today .-. . it will be true in the future: YOU'LL NEVER BUY A BETTER BREAD THAN FRANZ. Finest ingredients, baking skill and every modern technical improvement are used at all times to make FRANZ the good, fresh bread it is. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday. July 29, 1949 11 AT PENNEY'S Salem, Oregon SHOP SATURDAY AND SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY Shop Penney's Shop and Save with Confidence Women's Better Dresses FINAL CLEARANCE! PRICES SLASHED! 2.98 ns now Yes, ladies, hurry before it's too late ... for at these un believably low prices these lovely dresses won't last long! They're all well made higher priced dresses and are in this summer s most wanted styles and fabrics. Cool cotton and rayon sheers, rayon crepes, clever cottons, butcher rayons and pure dye silks. The colors are just grand, too! Better hurry in and pick yours from this fine collection while they last! DOWNSTAIRS STORE mm Women's and Girls' Short Slacks OF STURDY 8 OZ. BLUE DENIM SIDE ZIPPER, COPPER RIVETED BUILT FOR WEAR STYLED FOR PLAY SECOND FLOOR NOW 1. 00 WOMEN'S BETTER GOWNS RAYON KNIT JERSEY, RAYON SATINS ASSORTED COLORS, SIZES 32 TO 50 SHOP EARLY AND SAVE SATURDAY MAIN FLOOR NOW 2. 00 WOMEN'S SPORT SHORTS SPORT DENIM IN FADED BLUE FOR CASUAL WEAR AND PLAY SANFORIZED WOMEN'S SIZES SECOND FLOOR NOW 1. 00 WOMEN'S RAYON KNIT SLIPS A SPECIAL SATURDAY FEATURE BLUE, PINK, MAIZE, WHITE 36 TO 46 NOW SHOP SATURDAY AND SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY MAIN FLOOR 1.00 Women's and Children's Shoes SANDALS, SHOES, CANVAS FOOTWEAR BROKEN LOTS AND SIZES ALL ARE OUTSTANDING VALUES DOWNSTAIRS STORE NOW 1.99 MEN'S T SHIRTS WHITE COMBED COTTON T SHIRTS STOCK UP NOW AT THIS LOW PRICE NOW SPECIAL FEATURE FOR SATURDAY ONLY MAIN FLOOR 50c STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 Monday Thru Saturday GOOf) IN EVERYWAY!