10 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 29, 1949 Camp Meetings Occupy Churches Silverton Churches locally are observing out-door meetings and camp meetings, together with regular social activities lor the coming week. Rev. S. L. Almlie of the Im- manuel Lutheran church is an nouncing the Lloyd W. Swantz "Rambling Through Europe" education talk and showing of films in colored movies with narration in more than an hour's program taking the audience through places of historical and religious interest in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Great Bri tian, Holland, Belgium and France, emphasing the expand ing of Lutheranism among the DP's. Devotions will be by Hilmar Mostel, national financial secre tary of Luther Student associa tion of America. Swantz spent two and one-half years in Europe with the 8th Air Force. The program will be at Immanuel church Wednesday, August 3, at 8:30 in the evening. Ladies Aid circle meets Thurs day 2 p. m., hostesses, Mrs. John Harstad and Mrs. A. B. Ander son. Zion circle meets Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Fireside room, Mrs. Tom Ander son and Mrs. Oscar Loe, host esses. Youth room is to be dedi cated to the memory of Harlan Nerison and Harold Odman Sunday evening, July 31, Rev. Luther Borgen, Salem, speaker. No Sunday school classes at Trinity Lutheran. Ladies Aid will hold a picnic in the church park Wednesday, beginning at noon. Calvary Lutheran Ladies Aid meets Wednesday, 2 p. m., the committee serving at the church Luther League convention is at Puget Island at Fir3t Luther church, August 5 to 7. Rev. Ben F. Browning of the Methodist pastorate, is attending a ten-day refresher course at Tacoma, with Prof. T. S. Roberts of Salem giving a musical pro gram Sunday, July 31, at the general worship hour In the ab sence of the pastor. Youth Rally Planned Monitor Rev. E. C. Shilling of Monitor is sponsoring an in terdenominational youth rally in the Monitor I.O.O.F. hall Sat urday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev Arthur Hoenisch of the Chris tian Missionary Alliance church of Dallas will be the speaker Special music will be featured including numbers by the Dal las band. The public is invited jalem d L hurched St, John'i Lutheran (Mo. Synod) North letn and A sts. Rev. h. w. uross, pas tor. Morning: services at 10 a.m. Sun day school at 0 a.m. Talbot Community Talbot, Ore. Rev, R. Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Divine worship, 11. Message: "Some Were Bewitched." Young people's service. 7. Mrs. John rlniay, director. Evening ser vice, 8. Sermon: "No Accommodation Without Reservation" First Baptist Marlon at Liberty. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E. Brlclcwedel. assistant castor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. "The cnurcn at corintn," Dr. Lioya Anderson. Youtn meetings. e:&. Evening gospel ser vice. 8. Evenlne message. "The Parable of the Hidden Treasure." Halbert Memorial Baptist Located one mile north of Underpass on Highway 9B E. Rev. C. E. Brlclcwedel, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, Morning worship, 11. Quest speaker. Young people's league. 0:30. Eve ning gospel service, 7:30. Couxt Street Christian 11th and Court W. H. Lyman, pastor. Bible school as sembly, 9:4S. Morning worship and com munion iu:ou o'ciock. sermon oy w. . Lyman, "Christ and Our Weakness." Christian Endeavor hour, 7. Evening ser vice 8. W. H, Lyman, "On Oettlng By." First Christian High and Center, Dud Icy Strain, minister, Walter Naff, associ ate minister. Church school, 0:46 a.m. Morning worship and communion, 10:80. Sermon, "The Discipline We Need," Dud ley Strain. Solo by Edith Falrham. Church board planning conference immediately following the morning worship. Youth groups, 6:30. Evening worship. Sermon by Dudley Strain. Jason Lec Memorial Methodist North Winter at Jefferson Sts. Louis C. Klrby, D.D., pastor, Sunday school, 9:45. Morn ing service, 11, Ouest speaker, Rev. Alan C. Wilcox will speuk on: "Finding God Through Human Experience." Solo: "The Holy City" by Alice ose Jones. Grace Lutheran (E.L.C.) Luther 8. Borgen, pastor. Worshipping In Englewood school, North 19th and Nebraska streets. Divine worship at 11 a.m. Woodburn Churches Christian Don Priest, pastor. Sunday ichool at 10; services, 11; C. X., 7; evening services, 8. Aaumblv of God Lester Oibson. pastor. Sunday school, 9:46: preaching, 11 and 7:46; Y. P., 0:45. First PresbvterlAn Chfmpkpln at win. ter, Chester W. Hamblln, pastor. John L. Ooodenberger, assistant pastor. Church school, 9:45. Morning worship, 10:55. Flatneu and Holiness." sermon hv thu pastor. Fpm Mnthod.it Mrs. Roiella B. Doug las, pastor. Sunday school, 1:46; preach ing, 11 and 7:46. Christ Lutheran BL&t (.r.rt nt inth r R. Schuli, pastor. Divine worship at 8:45 and 11 o'clock, Sunday school, fl;60. Foursquare Arthur Ooble, pastor. Bun day school, 6:46; worship, 11 and 7:5; Y. P., 8:46. First Presbyterian Earl K. Fenton, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45; Divine worship, 11 and 7:30; Y. P., 8:30. Truth Center 2fi2 N. PnttuD mv.,w,T service, 8 p.m. Tursriay, August 2. Subject: "PrOSDrrltV CoilSCinil " l.thrnru 11 to 3 p.m. Church of Jesus Christ of L.B. 8. Sun day school, 10; sacrament meeting, 11:30. The Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints George Omans, pastor. Church school, 10; preaching, 11; Zlons League, 7; lecture study at 8. Itethel Presbyterian Earl K. Fenton, pus tor. Worship, 10; Sunday school, 10:46. Church of God Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school, 10; worship, 11 and 8; Y. P., 7. Jesua Name I'enleonital 1ns t street. Ronald V. Slttser. pastor. Sunday school, 10, Morning worship, n. Afternoon Jubilee, 3. Evening evangelistic, 7:45. Salem Helchts CommunltT Knn.H.,,. mlnatlonal. Liberty road at Madron a ave nue. Rev. T. C. Brown, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Preaching services, 11. United Pentecostal 44ft nurr Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school. fl;46. Morning service, 11, Sermon subject: "A Divine Visitation." Evening service. 7:45. Sermon subject: "Various St. Mary'a Mission CEplsoopaD William Vim Meter, Vicar. Holy Communion, 8:30. nible naptlst Earl Baker, pastor. Sun day school, 9:45; worship service, 11 and 7:45; Y. P., 8:45. Immanuel Lutheran Harvin N. Chris tenaen, pastor. Sunday school, 10; wor ship service, 11; Luther League at 7:30. nervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay, pastor. Sunday school, 10; worship, 11; C. E 7:30. Methodist Ormal B. Trick, pastor, church school, 10; worship 11. St. Luke's Catholic V. L. Moffenbeler, En fit or, Sunday services, 8, 8:30 and 10:30; enedlctlon after 10:30 mass Sundays. Nldaros Lutheran (Monitor) Services. 9:30; Sunday school, 10:46. Amity Churches Baptist Brure Wakeman, pastor, Sun day school, 10: morning worship, 11; Youth Fellowship, 7; evening service, 8. Methodist Fremont Faul, minister. Sun day school, 10: morning worship, 1 1 ; Junior Fellowship, 8; Youth Fellowship, 7:30. Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min ister. Bible school, 10; morning worship. 11; Youth meetings, 7:30; evening service, 8:30. Assembly of God William Beschy pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45; morning wor ship, li ; Youth service, 7:16; evening rime, 1.70. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worship Services Every Sunday 8:45 a m. 11 a m. Sunday School 9:50 a m. C R. Schulz Pastor Church of Four Square Gospel 490 N. 19th St. Between Center it Chemeketa. Rev. James Taylor, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, 11. Farewell sermon. Sermon subject, "Church of the Living God Arise." Four Snuar Crusaders, 8:45. Evening service, 7:45, Sermon by Rev. Roy Worthington. Central Church or Christ Chemeketa at Cottage, M. C. Cuthbertson, minister. Bible school, 9:46. Preaching and worship, 10:46 and 8. Subjects: 10:45, "A Success ful Church." 8, "How Much Influence Does the Bible Have Over You?" Bethel Baptist North Cottage and D streets, Rev. Rudolph Woyke, paator. Sunday sohool, 0:45. Morning worship, 11. uis pasior preacninp; on a warning." Evening service, 7:30 with the following sermon topic: "increase our raitn." ' First 8d. ritualist 34fl N. CnmmRrrlnl Rev. Roy Miller, Tacoma, speaker. Circle ni o:ju, services At 7:jo. Knisht Memorial Cnn rat I final 10th and Ferry street. Louis E. White, minister. Sunday school. 0:46. Mornlnir worshln. tl. acunuii, nucMCHi nriiRinn," D.V ur, Uftn- lel H. Sclmlze of Willamette university, Church-time nursery. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Da Saints 5th and Mndison. John E, Salis bury, bishop. Sunday school, 10. Priest hood meoting & primary, 11:30. Evening Monitor Community Full flnnnrl Mnni. tor. Ore. Rev. & Mrs. E. C. Schilling, pas- lor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Young people's service, 7, Evening ser vice, 8. Calvary Chapel Full Gospel 1143 N. Liberty St., near Belmont. Rev. Claude C. and Mary W. Bell, nnstnrn. Htmrinv irhnni 10. Morning worship, 11, Evening service,' Lentral Luthrrnn On inns and North uapiioi. u. o. Kunti.it rom, pnslor. Radio broadcast on KSLM, 8:45. Junior service, 10. Morning worship by Augsburg Cara van, 11, Cradle roll party, 5. Institute at Rrllrlnua fint.n... CI-... Woman's club. 460 North Cottage street, itev. wiiuarn nyron Charles. "Increaslnit Your Efficiency." 11. "Hrnir tn Tl tl,. Science of Mind," 8. (Part 6) Separate muimiii irgm neipiui WOUgnt, First Church of flhrl.t. ainii-i o.. day school at H; morning service at 11 sermon SUbJect: "Ijivh" nnrurv fr rtren up to 3 years of age provided durlna the morning service. No Sunday evening ' ana August. Mill City Churches Presbyterian Dr. David J. Ft-iM.rti minister. Sunday school. 10 a. m,, Morn ing services, 11. Christian Thoinna Courtney, Jr., min ister, lllblr St'hoitl. f)'4h- mnrnln, vices 11. Christian Endeavor hour, 8 30 Evening services, 7:45. Catholic Rev. Mai. nastor. Mnmin. Frre Methodist Donald lltlrl nl.tn. Sunday school, 10 a. tn.; morning' services at li. Evening worship at 7:30. Community Rrv. Wavne Watvins n... tor. Sunday school, 10; morning worship at 11, Evening service, 7:45. SALEM YOUTH RALLY July 30, 8 p.m. at Central Lutheran Church Capitol and Gaines Presenting The College Caravan for Christ Including 12 college students In special music, testi monies, and a gospel message. Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto Methodists to Hear Tanimoto The pastor of a Methodist hurch destroyed by the atom bomb in Hiroshima, Japan, will be guest speaker Sunday at 11 a.m. at Salem First Methodist church. He is the Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, who is rebuilding that church and is now on an Ameri can tour for the Methodist church's board of missions and church extension. Rev. Tanimoto is also study ing church social work so that he may establish such work in his home city. Injured when the bomb ex ploded in 1945, Rev. Tanimoto soon gathered a handful of sur vivors into a parish and now has a congregation of more than 300. He has been active in relief and rehabilitation service in Hiroshima. A native of Japan, he receiv ed his college and seminary training at Emory university, Atlanta, Ga., and was pastor of a Japanese Christian church in Hollywood before returning to Japan in 1940. Rev. Tanimoto is one of the six Japanese heroes of John Hersey's book, "Hiroshima," written about the bombing experience. Dallas Churches First Maihndlst Mill street near Main, Clark S. Ens, pastor. Church school and morning worship, 10. Sermon, "Man the Pump" by the pastor. Trumpet solo, George Slawson. Senior youtn lenowsnip, Jane Hart and Marlorle Lute, leaders. 5:30 D.m. Intermediate fellowship. Donald Hudson, leader, 7. "A Modern Drama for the Church" entitled "If the Light Be Darkness" at 8 In the First Presbyterian church under the Joint sponsorship of the Methodist and Presbyterian cnurcnes. First Presbyterian Earl William Ben- bow, D.D.'minlster. Sunday school, 8:46. The service Sunday morning it 11 o'clock will be built around the place of religious drama.Jack Power and three other young people will present at 8 o'clock a reli gious orama eniiuea, ii me lagm bb Darkness." The Methodist ana Presby terian congregations are sharing In this program. First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas tor. Bible school, 0:45. Morning worship, 11. The message of the morning, "The One and the We," will be brought by the Eastor, Kenneth Johnston. Fellowship our, 8:30 with films, Christian Endeavor, Evening service, 8 with evangelistic singing and preaching. The message is emmea, " ine impact oi uua a wc, Evangelical Mennonite Brethren A. P. Toews, pastor. Sunday school at 9:36. Morning worsnip service, n. ota-te peni tentiary. Salem, service at 2. Christian Endeavor service, 7:30. Christian Science Sunday service. 11. Sunday school, 9:45. Christian and Missionary Alliance Rev. . Hoenisch. Dastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Mornlnir worship. 11. Rev. Hoenisch will bring the message entitled, "Finally, My Brethren." Park service, 2:45 p.m., spon sored by the Oideons. Evening tent meet ing, s. Kev. Hoeniscn wm pring nis iare wcll sermon, "Why I Am Leaving Dallas." Perrvdale Christian C. A. Bias, minis ter. Orris Doty Is expected to occupy the pulpit this Sunday In Mr. Bias' stead. Grace Mennonite Opening service, 9:50 m.: Sundav school. 10: morning wor ship, 11; Young people, 7:30; Evangelistic service, b;io. Apostolic Faith Loyce C. Carver, pas r. Services reopen here Sunday, July 31, Morning devotional service will be held at 11 with the Sunday school pre ceding It, as usual, at 9:30. The evening evangelistic service will open at 7:50 with a musical program by the organ, an in strumental group, ana me cnorus. Chureh of God Henry Loggan, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; morning worship, Young people's meeting. o: evan gelistic service, 7:45. Evangelical United Brethren R. William Elmer, minister. Sunday school, 9:46, with B. Schroeder. superintending, There will be no preaching service, morning or nignt, aue to tne annual conrerence ses sion a-t Jennings Lodge. Musical Evangels Offering Programs Woodburn The Mourer-John- son party, musical evangelists who recently appeared in Wood- burn, will again make an ap pearance here at the Foursquare church on East Lincoln street this Saturday night and twice on Sunday, July 31. Saturday, July 30 at 8 p. m. an entire evening of music will be presented with vocal solos. duets, trios, quartets and instru mental numbers on piano, vibra- harp and accordion. A special feature will be the writing pub licly of a new chorus from titles suggested by the audience. Sunday worship service at 11 a. m. and evangelistic service at 8 p. m. will be conducted by the Mourer-Johnson party. Especial ly featured is the singing of the "Pearson Sisters," well known Gospel radio duo and recording artists. The public is cordially invited to attend these services by the pastor, Rev. Arthur Goble. Taylor to Speak At Tabernacle Rev. James Taylor, pastor of the Four Square church who is moving to Lebanon, will be guest speaker at Faith Taber nacle, 5th and Gaines streets Saturday night. He will speak on the subject "Let God Arise." Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, pas tor. Sundav school at 9:45: morning wor ship, H, the pastor will bring the mes sage. At 11:30 the juniors go to their own service directed by Mrs. J. n. votn. Assembly of God- L. Otis Trlplett, min ister. Sundav school. 9:45: morning wor ship, 11, message by the pastor; Vesper service and Christ Ambassadors meeting, e:ie; junior cnurcn at tne same time, Seventh Bay Ad vent 1st Ralph Gladden, pastor. I a Estelle, superintendent. Sab bath school at 9:45; sermon at 11. Free Methodist R. W. McCormlck. pastor, Sunday school, 9:45; preaching services, ii ana 7:o. Episcopal Rev. Cyril P. Hanney, Vicar. Services: church school, 10, kindergarten, nursery, 11, morning prayer, 11, Holy Baptism. 13:30. Holy Communion first Sunday in tne montn and saints Days, First Baptist Sunday school, S:45; morning worship. 11; Training Union. 7: evening worship, 8. Monmouth EnsleoDal fSt. Hilda's) Rev. Cyril F. Hanney, Vicar. Holy Bap tism, 8:45: morning prayer. 9: church school, 10; Holy Communion first Sunday in tne montn ana on tsainie uays. Falls City Seventh Day Adventlst Church -Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school. 9:30, Supt. Kenneth Sample; preaching services every Baooatn at u. Falls City Methodist James H. Royer, pastor. Sundav school. 10: mornlnir wor ship, 11. St. Philips Catholic Father H. Herman. pastor. Mass, 8:16 a. m., second and fourth Sundays of the month: 10-16 a. m.. first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pas tor, Sunday school, 10; morning worship, 11; Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Chureh of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Elder Miller, presiding;. Sunday school, 10; Sacrament meeting, 11:46. Falls City Free Methodist Rev. Otlbert Johnson, pastor. Sunday sohool, 10; morning service, 11; Young People's meet ing, 7:30; evangelistic service, 8. Bridgeport Sunday Sehool Meets each Sunday at 10. H. Schmidt, superintendent. Oak Grove Chapel Fremont Faul, min ister. (Amity, Oregon). Morning service, 9:45; Sunday school follows; MYF each Sunday evening. Church of Christ Bible study Sunday morning at 10; Communion, 11; Sunday evening study, 6:30. Eola Sunday School and Service Eola Dlst. school. Rev. Penix, pastor. Mrs. De Lapp, superintendent; Sunday school, 9:45; morning worship, 11. Union Missionary Baptist Chureh Har mony community, 7 miles north of Buell. W. A. Heard, pastor; Sunday sohool, 10; sermon, 11. Rlokreatl Sunday School J. N. Thtessen, superintendent, starting at 9:30. 1st Christian Conference Officers and committee mem bers of the First Christian church will meet immediately after the morning service on Sunday for the first annual all church planning conference. The twelve functional commit tees of the church will meet to gether for a devotional period at 1:15 p. m. and go then to separate groups. Smith B. Holt, chairman of the. church board, announces the following committee heads: Fi nance and stewardship, C. O Douglas: education, P. Holloway; worship and devotional life, Glen Weaver; evangelism, Jack Mor rison; World Christianity, Leon ard Kinkaid; membership, Ro land Wirt; property, Lloyd Rob inson; Christian action, uari Greider; building committee, Arthur Flint; Christian home and family life, Don Riches: building finance committee, J. C Perry; personnel, Ray Heckart Resource leaders from out of the city who will meet with the various committees are: Dr. and Mrs. Victor P. Morris, Eugene Rev. Kenneth Johnston, Dallas Mrs. Kendall Burke, Eugene; Mrs. Rose Guiley, Eugene; Miss Ruth Towns, Texas Christian university, Forth Worth, Texas; Rev. Donald Payne, Corvallis, The sermon Sunday morning will be preached by Rev. Dudley Strain, on the subject " The Dis cipline We Need." Soloist at the morning service will be Edith Fairham. Stay ton Churches haptlst Rev. Wlllard Buclcner, paator. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Training hour, 7:1ft. Evening service, t. Chureh of Christ Clyde Freeman. pu no. dible school, 10. Worship service, 11. ifouth Fellowship, 6:30. Evening worship. 8 Chureh of Christ L. M, Seld, minister. Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve. nlng . worship, 6. Methodist John Morante, pastor. Bible icnooi, id. worship service, li. Youth Fel lowship, 6:30. Evening worship. 8. Assembly of God Rev. Melvln Stock- w-11, pastor Sunday school 10. Morning iflrvice, u. Young people's meeting, 6:45. Evening evangelistic service 7:46. Immacnlate Conception CatholU Rv ath, Jonas, pastor. Sunday services: Masses 0, 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. St. Partlek't Catholie (Lyons) Father Ueander Schneider, pastor. Winter sohed ule, 1st, 3nd and 5th Sundays, mass 10:j0 a.m.) rd and 4th Sundays mass at 8:30 a.m. Silverton Churches Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) K. P. Hall, Oak and Mill. Sunday school, 10; evening service, 7. Christian Science Sunday school, 9:45 services, 11. 1. Paul's Catholie Father John J Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, 8 and 10; week days, 8. Assembly of God Berret H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45; Divine worship, ii you nir reome-8 society. o:o; evangel istic, 8. Church of God Rev. E. E. Nix, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Worship nour, ii, Evening service, 8. Seventh Dav Adventlst Elder A. ' D. Chllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, local emer, in onarge. saoDam scnooi, Satur day, 0:30. Morning worship, II, Saturday. Sunday evening evangelistic service. Marauam and Molalla Congregations, Methodist Rex Kendall, pastor. Joint pastorate. Forenoon services at Marquam, afternoon at Molalla. Fllirlm Holiness -D. C. Olson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, James Graham, supt., Virginia Alger, assistant. Sermon by pastor, 11. Young People meet, 7. Evan gelistic sermon, 8. Christian and Missionary Alliance Gor don T. Bratvold, minister. Services de ferred. Annual camp meeting at Canby. Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr. pas tor. No Sunday school classes until Sep tember 4. Divine worship, 11. sermon sublect: "As Unto the Lord." Luther League, 7:30 p. m. Immanuel Lutheran 8. L. Almlie, pas tor. Sunday school, Bible classes, 10 a. Divine worship, 11. sermon: "The Bread of Life," Holy Communion admin istered by the pastor. Special dedica tion service, 8; youth room dedicated to the memory of Harlan Nerison and Harold Odman. guest speaker. Rev. Lutner Borgen of Salem. Pictures shown. First Christian Church Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school, 9:45; Com munion and sermon: "The Lord Added," one In a series of the Apostles' Teaching. Senior Christian Endeavor, 7; Evangelistio and educational service, 8; questions answered by Rev. Bates in sermon. Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte. pas tor. Sunday school and Bible class, 10 m.i morning worship them: "The Devil's Pay." Methodist Ben F. Browning, pastor. Church sohool, 9:45; morning worship, Prof. T. 8. Roberts of Salem, presenting "Musical ' Sermon," presiding at the church organ, assisted at the plane by Miss Olga Wlkberg, and violin. Miss Sue Teter. Youth Fellowship, 7:30 p. m. ITS ASPIRIfi AT ITS BEST Our Lady of Lourdes (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st, and and 5th Sundays, mass 8:30 a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30 Baptist Bruce Wakeman. nastor. Run. day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth renowsnip i, evening service 8. Chureh of Christ Wm. P. Mora, min. ister. Bible school 10, morning worship t, wumur nice hub i, xoung reopie's meet ing 7, evening services 8. Methodist ehureh Rev. Fremont Faul, fnokvj, Duiiuny acnooi iu, morning wor ship 11, Junior Fellowship 8, Youth Fel lowship ?. Assembly of God William N. Beachy. pastor, Sunday school 9:45, morning wor snip ii, children's service 7:30. evening Church Dedication Attracts Big Crowd Smithfield Many people from this neighborhood attended the dedication services at the Dallas Evangelical Mennonite Brethren church. Among them were Mr and Mrs. Tony Gonshorowske and family; Mr. and Mrs. John Wiensz; Mrs. A. R. Brown and son, Harold; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hiebenthal and boys; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wall and family; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank A Wall and family. The guest speaker of me day was Rev. H. P. Wiebe of Mountain Lake, Minn. Pastors of about a dozen churches of Dallas and other places participated in the after noon program either with a speech or by telegram or letter The attendance at the afternoon session was between 800 to 1000 people. Business houses and private parties had given 15 large baskets of summer flowers including two medium sized palms, besides about 24 bouquets wmcn were used about the din ing and social rooms in the church basement. The church kitchen is fully equipped to feed from 250 to 300 people at one time. It has two electric ranges, four sinks. a large electric water heater, facilities for coffee making and the general table service for ordinary dining service. Our New Phone Number 27001 LEE BROS. FURNITURE REFINISHING CO. 4020 East State St This li the LATTER RAIN REVIVAL COME AND SEE SPIRITUAL GIFTS IN ACTION The Spiritual Revival if spreading across the Nation. Rev. Wyatt it just returning from a glorious outpouring in Nampa, Idaho. H. E. Benson and Party From Idaho STARTING WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 8 P.M. at the FAITH TABERNACLE No. 5th at Gainei r'or information Phone 3-7513 Eat Your Way To Health By J. H. WILLETT I th. Capital Drat Star Doctors today know that the food an individual eats has a good deal to do with his state of health. Poor diets over the years are a direct cause of cer tain bodily weaknesses that make people susceptible to dis ease. Sometimes through concen trated doses of the elements lacking, damage is repairable. However the nutritious diet fol lowed daily is less expensive and makes you more physically fit and mentally alert through the years. Ask your doctor to recom mend a diet and check with him yearly. Rely on an experienced pre scrlptionist for all drug needs. Thla la the 530th af a aerlea Editorial advertisement! appearing1 In thll. paper aaeh Friday. Capital Drug Store State ft Liberty Phone S-ItlS PLAN AHEAD FOR WINTER! Those chilly mornings and cold nights will be here more quickly than you realize ... so why not plaj; it smart and order your Standard Heating Oil today? We'll be glad to fill your tank now before the seasonal rush begins. We have the correct grade of 100-percent-distilled oil for your furnace or circulating heater. Delivery is promt and in clean trucks equipped with meters. Phone us today and be comfortably ahead of shiver-weather. TWEEDIE FUEL OILS 07 to Burn L. R. Tweedie 1174 Edtewater Street, West Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4151 Smart folks are switching to oil heat now! Goodby shoveling! Convert to oil heat now and be free from carrying, handling, stoking fuel. Oil means push-button comfort touch a finger-tip control and you get steady, even warmth in your home ... fasti It means luxury plus real economies! Oil heat is clean no soot, scum or ashes to tax housework and cleaning bills on rugs and drapes. Clean deliveries tool No supply cares your Standard Heat ing Oil dealer refills your tank automatic ally. You never have to give it a thought. Call your local Standard Heating Oil Dealer or Standard Oil Office today Enjoy oil heat at its best with Stan dard Heating Oils 100 distilled for clean, non-waste heat. Switch to oil nowl MS. V.S. I MORE FOR YOUR MONEY IN FAST, CLEAN HEAT Mil iii ' iTrTir