1.1.) MI 1 m mm mm 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday', July 28, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVIBTlSINdl Pe Llna :.;....'.'.ii.V.lae Par Llna I tlmu Oo Pal Llna t tlmea ooc Par Una 1 month (2.00 Outside of Salem ISa per Una per oar. attn. loot I tlmea mln. 800 I tlmea mln. 11.20. No Refund! BCADYBS In Local Nana Cel. Onln Par una To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 :OR SALE HOUSES iy OWNER Price 3,000 lor Quick aale. l-tedroom house on hUh around over looknla pretty view, close to West Ba lem. Extra view building lot (school, Mt. Mew), cltj water. Hants, etc. Location: Turn right off Edgewater St. on Rose mont at comer of M.K.N. Furniture Store, go up top of Cascade Dr., turn left, then a Quick right turn, follow dirt road to first letthand turn, second Plaoo on right. Both, Box Me, Rt. I. West Salem ana Owner Living in California SACRIFICE NEW i BEDROOM HOME Tile Kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Hardwood floors throughout. Full plaa. tared basement It plastered garage. l ots of storage space. Terraced back yard. Cost over 118,000 to build, will sell for ai 900. Terms. Would consider cheaper house or car In trade. For more Intor. matlon Inquire at Stevens Used Cars. a7 s. 12th St.. Salera. also' OR SALE BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. home. FH. terms. 600 down. Phone 2-2880. 6 Blller. . JIM IEW HOME b? owner. SHO Carlton Way. n on oa to Carlton Way. alOs IT OWNER 3 Bd. rm. modern home. Large garden. Good location. Ph. 27894. rEW 4 BR. house, 230 N. Broadway. J8500. A. E. Hendley, 2305 N. Liberty. a 119 To Trade or Sell S Bd rm. older home on 4 A. Lovely l.w In count. J3915. Ph. 22029. alio ntuNirA Nina old nouse. small barn, 1 acre, fruit and nuts, on best residen tial street. 2 BR up, 2 down, kitchens and baths up and down. Either floor can be rented out. Best school district In state. Outstanding bargain at 15,000 aash. 84 West Main, Monmouth. Ph. 429. Y OWNER: Sacrifice, new 2 bdrm., lge. 11. rm., nice dlst., school. 0300. 11000 down. 11BB N. 25th. " PEN EVENINGS 7 to 8:30 and Sunday. New 2 BR home, large closets, fire place, hardwood floors, dining room, utility room In house, plenty cabinet apace In kitchen, with or without new alec, range It refrigerator, elec heat, yard ready for lawn. Located 2455 D Bt. or Phone 3-7809.. OPEN HOUSE By owner in Klngwood Heights new horn with 2 bdrs., den, 3 R, DR, Kitchen with breakfast nook, bath Ss lance dbl. garage, paneled lire place in L. R., lull plastered basement party room with llreplace, utility room, plumbing rough in lor lath, landscaped. Drive through W. Salem to Kinkwood Drive turn up hill 200 ft. to open house slcn turn left to third house on left open 1 to 6. Ph. 24479. T9 $10,000 REAL VALUE in this very livable home close to hi St trade sch. it new shopping center. Has many fruit St shade trees, berries, rapes, nice gdn. Lot 66x137. Pvd. St. St walks. Pull basm. with oil ht. and beautiful comp. mdn. apt. Tile bath, ept. ent. plus fplc, den, lg. din. rm., nice light kit. St nook. Bath is 2 b.r. lor owner. For appointment, ph. 26080. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. a 170 FOR SALE OR LEASE BY OWNERS Convenient for business and residence or house can be removed 8 rm., full basemenet, 41 by 100 lot. Handy to .Sears New Shopping Center, on State Highway 99E. 575 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-4540 for appointment. el87 141850 ON LAIttiE LOT Hlce trees, gdn. St berries, lg. ga. with work shop. House has utility rm. 2 b.r. pre-war built St worth tho money. Ph. 28680. $5950 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL Almost new well built attractive 4 rm. house with att. ga. Ss utility rm. Just the pic. for a couple. Ph. 260B0. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. 179 V owner; RiA Acres. Small 5 rm. house. barn, chicken hae., Krane bunk hie. 1 mi. out. Ph. 31Q18. BEDROOM house. All modern. M acre of ground. Will sell my equity. Inquire at Labteh Trading Post, mile past Drive- In Theatre. 4 BEDROOMS walking distance Large XiR fireplace large D R. den iiwa urs basement automatic hent excellent con struction immed poss. $10,500 this week only. Ph. for appointmeent. iiarsen Home & Loan Co. Ph. 8B389 Eve 37440 or 30989 al80 LD HOUSE with extra city lots. Very Reasonable. Phone 26206. n!7B BY OWNER fC terms on 1 yr. old 2 bdrm. home Ith floored attic. Kit. has eating Bpnce. Att. gar. V. blinds, oil heat. MlKht take ear as part payment. 1165 N. 25th Ph. 27685 a!78' 'OR SALE or trade for acreage, two sub urban homes, modem. One new two- bedroom on two lurge lots and two brnom lnte built with two lit) est, cot tages or rentals on three large lots with Plenty of shade, outdoor fireplace, V. D. Moore, 165 Roberta avenue, oft Sllverton Road. al7B BR a I. ffimllv home. 4 b.i.. full base ment, oil furnace, on bus line. Only iiaoo eash. Bal. like rent, Tel. 34002 a no Reduced $300 How only $6000 for a 5 BR h. Le. lot KINQWOOD HOTS. Fpliice. Possibili ties here for a lovely home. $1500 dn, will handle, B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol Bt. Office Ph. 3-3802. Eves. 2-2147, 2-888 a 178' iy owner Kclier Dlst.. near school markets, attractive 2 bed room home, Insulated, attached Karaite. ',4 acre, good garden, berries, 10 walnut trees, Immediate possession. Can arranae terms, 14,700. 603 Clnirchdule. a 179 BD. RM. A utility on 1 floor, lln.se ment St furnace. Lnrtre lot, close lo school, on bus line. Price Includes new deep freeze if sold this week. Ph. 20312. 179' H opm er e North ONLY $2950 for Vt Acre A older t rm, hae. Nut St fruit tree , small barn. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol 8t. Office Ph. 23862. Eves. 22147 or 2881(1 al7B B.R. house on 50x150 corner lot. Newly redecorated. 2'i years old. Owner being transferred. Must sell at sacrifice $4500.00 unfurnished. Call after 5 :30 p.m. week days, anytime weekends. 7ft5 McNary Ave., W. Balem. a 1 82 $7500. Clean modern 3-BH Ingle wood Dlst. Close to Salrm rfaidwood floors, fireplace, full ent. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors home High, base- 1BI P High St. Ph. 3-4121 Eves a 1R0 This Week Only $5760 buys a 2 BR plastered hse. with bsmt. & furnace. Clone to stores St but. Oood terms to right party. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Bt. Office Ph. 23862. Eves. 22147 or 38836 al78 . NEW CHEAP Located close to Sntem Bnll Park on the corner with both streets paved. A 1 bedroom home 26x36 with an unfln--Led upstair; needs some finishing Inside; Hot-point range Included at $5,250. Just Call :; Mattson & Rothlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5838 231 N. High Eve. Ph. 3-7534 3-1724 al7D EY "oWKERNew 6 rm. mod. hse., $4,003. ; 11500 down, ten years on balance. 2330 FOR SALE HOUSES Win a Guest Ticket to See "Champion" Plui j "Younger j Brothers" AT WARNERS CAPITAL THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want ad in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads." with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality. The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a jfuest ticket to see "Champion plus "Younger Brothers," coming soon to the CaDitol theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest. 18750. Modern .ate built home, Jireplace, V blinds, oil furnace, car peted wall to wall. Garage. 11.000. down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Kealtors lb! 8. High St. Ph. 1-4121 Eves 25561 aiflO" $2950. New modern 2-BR unfinished home Boat. A good buy for someone. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. MlEh St, Ph. 3-4121 Eves 25581 a 180" LEAVING STATE SACRIFICE PRICE This 4 BR home. Lge. L. Ss D. Rms, With fireplace, offers more for your money than anything you will find on today's mkt. A beautiful setting of lge. fir trees is shrubs. ACRE, cor, lot, extra bid. site on pav. st. Fine assm't of fruit St berries. Outside firepl. YES THERE IS A VIEW' See It today! Only $8950. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Com'1 St. Ph. 38389 Eve. 37440 tU70' TWO HOUSES for sale or trade. 3 bdrms. each. Modern, Ph. aB3. ""' WANT A HOME? I want a good late model car. Let's trade. 1 bedrm. 3 yrs. old, 'A a., view, Klngwood annex, Box 64 oo Capital Journal. "1" . $6950 2 bedroom home near Leslie school, bsmt., oil heat, large L.R., Kit., Oar. Your terms In reason. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 37 Years In Salem ISO N. Hlah St. Phone a-13 al80 BY OWNER 1 acre, 6 room house, garage, chicken house, near awegie acnooi, nui trB horrlM Jk aarden spot. $6500. Terms could be arranged. Rt. 5, Box 85 on Brown's Rd. N.E. of Swegle Sch. 183 A Good Investment Large 5 room all modern home, 12x25 L.R. with fireplace fc carpet. Basmt. and new oil furnace. Newly decorated 85 ft. frontage. Price reduced to $5300. Call Bon Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors 1311 Edgewater Ph. 35J09. Eve, 391)30 KY OWNER: Pleasant small home; full plumbing $3100. Ph. miu or aj-iuj. BY OWNER: aood small house 1815 N. Liberty. THESE TWO NEAR LESLIE JR. HIGH $10,800 Very good pre-war home on S. Winter Street, L. rm., D. rm., Kit. one bed rm. down, 2 bed rms up, full basmt. sawdust furnace, fireplace, hwd. floors. 111,600 Three bed rms on one floor, lovely basement, hwd. floors thru-out. Three yrs. old, nice corner lot on nrntui fit rent. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Phone 23849 Eve. 25260 ana" You Are Missing an Opportunity To have a homeo on Klngwood Hgtn. Only $0(100 for a lge 6 BR home, Iplace, hwd floors, lot 75x100, $1500 dn will handle. ALSO i Acres iV good' house on Wallace road only '6800. Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Onpltol St. mc . ,. Kvas. M. or .. $1000 Down 3 Bdrm Home this Is nice large lot, paved St. close to school St bus. Full price 18050. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St. Ph. 2-7843 Evee St Sundays 2-03432-0126 KtfstVavasa 4 FOR SALE LOTS rAIKMOUNT V1KW Addition. Salem's most exclusive restricted rcsuienuai district, drive up Washington St. and nee the view. Only a few lots 90x150 at $2600. i.AnniCN HOME Ar. LOAN CO. 164 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8388. Eve. 3-7440 aaiHi LOT N. 18th St. Inq. 1915 N. 18th or Ph. 34085. VIKW LOT 85x198. 2 blocks from Salem Heights school. Ph. 20996 asms- LOT 60 ft front near store St bus. On naved 8t. Ph. 23780. l.AiniK lot nn Mil) Creek, city limits Call 3-5606. V IEW LOT. 90x98, restricted. City water. Opp. 545 Vtata Av Ph. 3-4284 aa LOTS with water on Sllverton high way. Why pay rent. Build your own hmne. $15 down. $16 per month. General Real Estate 356 Center Ph. 3-3289 aalBO CHOICE VIEW Tract 65x190. Adjoining finest homes, paved drive, no oruan. big oak trees. $1800. Ph. 24838. aalBl FOR SALE FARM 38 ACRES 18500. Rich dark loam, J" miles from Aumavlllee, very proa, in strawberries, truck crops Ac pasture. Oood home. 1 stanch, celled Se floored barn 3 lae. t'Hry bldgs. YOU CAN'T "O WRONG ON T HIS BEE IT. LARGE STOCK, GRAIN St HAY RANCH. Very unusual offering of over laou acres, only short dlst. from Salem, Approx. 40P Acres prod, loam In crop bal. In ..pen pasture St timber (over 3V4 million fl 1 on State Highway, all rts. by. all undei woven wire, fine springs, well drained. NOT ROCKY OR ROUGH. 4 Bit., home Ise. roomy barn bldgs. Water plpecd to bides. Because of country roads throuKh & around, will subdivide profitably. Heavy Insurance loan avail able. DON'T PASS THIS UP AT $30 PER ACRE. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l S. Ph. 3-838V Evi. 3-7440 g179' REAL ESTATE GRABENHOKST SPECIALS 995 TERRACE DRIVE 3 bdrm llv. rm., dm. rm., hall, bath, nice kitchen, full celled basmt.. with Inside it outside entrances, home built In 193. Hlce yard, wonderful view o! Salem Drive by Glen Creek Road In West Salem and turn left at cascade Drive. For Salem's beat buy, CALL ROY FERRIS. RESIDENTIAL GROCERY Includes stock, fixtures it store bulldln. with i rm. apt. Doina very profitable business. Dally volume around 1100 or over. CALL BEN ROISEN. SEVEN SPECIALS New 3 bdrm., Inside utility, hdw. lira., paved Bt. Will take aood FHA loan, New'a bdrm., suburban home, inside utility, hdwd. Ilrs., larase, 17,000. 3 yrs. old, 3 bdrm., all electric home, dble. aaraae, inside utility rm. X era land, 17,000. CALL PETER OE1SER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Bt, Evenlntts and Roy Ferris 2-8010 Earl West 2-1331 BUY NOW t YR OLD BUILDINO 18x34, could be used for storage, small warehouse, or you could build a nice home out of it. Good location. Is priced right for quick sale at 12500.00. SPECIAL $500 D OWN. A 2 yr. old plastered home, located in North Balem. 2 bdrms., L.R., dinette, K, b-lns, ven. blinds. Wall to wall carpeting In L.R. & bdrms. Part basement with furnace. Large over-sized lot. Full price 16800, payments like rent. NEW 2 BDR HOME located In Rosedale district, plastered thruout, beauti ful Hdwood floors, ie fireplace. Attached garage. Very nice yard. You must see this to appreciate It. Full price J8500 Easy terms. VERY COZY 2 BDR BUNG. This home will attract anyone's eye. Com pletely new K, including dble sink Price includes 2 lota with a very nice garden. All kinds of fruit & berries. Outside fireplace, lots of shrubs & trees. 1 blk. to bus, shopping center near. Priced at 13750. We have a wide Variety of very good farms. Contact us for Information. GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. J. ZEEB, MGR. 1853 N. Capitol Phone 3-3031 FOR SALE FARM 80 ACRES Only 13 miles to Salem. line soil, all In oult. to 30 A. under irrigation, new 7 A. bean field, 33 tons hay In barn, A. barley. 13 A. corn, 1 A. rye, 10 A. Ilax, 10 A. oats, i'b tons of cherries delivered, one cow, new tractor, new Irrigation outfit with new alumlnum,plpe. All year creek, aood sprlna. aood deep well, chicken housea for 3000 chickens, large barn, aood all modern 3 B.R. home and ots of fruit. This farm will really pay off it would make a good stock farm. Everything goes for only 119,000. 21 ACRES NORTH All Willamette silt soli is Vh A. beaver dam, about 12 A. new cleared land, bal. In pasture and around 75,000 ft. saleable timber. All year creek, small house wired for range and bath, city water, small "barn, new 18x36 shop. If you are looking for a bargain, don't pass this one up. Full price only $5,500. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 33255 bl78 100 ACRES of farm land 12 miles S. of Balem on highway 99. Bolton land, can b Irrigated. Year around stream. Terms. Bee owner. 2510 Cherry Ave. bl80 Hayesville District 10 fine acres of fruit & berries it .pasture & a neat clean A rm modern hse. $15,000 orw 111 consider town prop erty In trade. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862 Eves 2-2147 or 2-8836 bl80 FOR SALE ACREAGE COUNTRY HOME In one of Salem's best suburban dlst. City At school bus by your door. Attrac tive 3 bedroom home in lovely grove. Double garage, chicken houne, lots of fruit. For sale because we can't take it with us. With 6 acres $13,000 or 3 acres at $11,000. 1 mile E. of Keiser School. Rt. 2 BOX 4 OF, Ph. 24208. bbl78 $3450 4 acre east, 1 B.R. house. L.R., Kit., Bath, Utility, workshop, Nice it clean. Quick possession. Worth the money. Call D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years in Salem i30 N. High St. Plione 2-4129 bbl80 REAL ESTATE ARE YOU IN THE DOQ HOUSE? Solve your problem by buying this 3 an. hmne on ',4 A. close lo schl. bus by door. Swell little 2 Rm. hae in the rear to go to when the going gets tough. This Is a good buy at $8500. A DANDY little sub. home, plant., hwd. firs. Ven. blinds, utll. Rm. off or Kit. 2 BR. lge LR., elec. heat. Insulated, W. stripped. Fine garden spot, near store St bus. Only $0250. Terms. IP MY WIFE liked to fool with ft cow. some chickens it spend some time on the working end of a hoe I'd buy this Mi fu:re myself. The house Is small but comfy. I'd take the barn and convert Into a shop. You must see It Only $5350 on the outskirts of twon. ONLY $500 down $35 per mo. Late build 4 BR. home on Vfc Acre, Pacific hyway, fruit, berries, new well ONLY $2500. LIVE IN THIS now and build the rest later. What has been built Is coin- oletelv finished. Plans and some lunv I ber on hand, lot 100x197. Be sure and see this. $4000. Largen Home & L()an Ca Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve, 37440 clBl ft ROOM HOME. LniKe llv.ua rm., base ment, furnace: gnraKe. Close to stores and bus. Priced for quick sale at $57f0. OWNER TRANSFERRED. Must sell. Very men 2 bedrm. home. Lnrne lot. Kciznr Dlst. Price only JtittUO. Reasonable down payment; S36.S0 mo. O.I. loan. PULING STATION. Cnfe and living quarte-.i. Borne equipment. .7 acre land. Located on 99 hlithway. Price only $10, r00 Consider trading for suburban home. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 844 State St- Ph. 3-3663 Evenings call: 3-8789 or 3-4007. cl78 LAST CHANCE 4'4 Acres at 2545 Lancaster Drive. 2 bedroom home, barn, poultry house. This property has tenntlvely been leased effective Aug. 1st, If It Is not sold. Owner will give liberal tor ma and ac cept a low down payment. We are In structed to present any reasonable offer, so Its up to you Mr. Buyer on this one, if you are Interested present offer and re will get tn touch with distant owner, otherwise come August 1st and oft the market It tors. $4,000 Neat family home, on one aore ot f round i orth, small bam, water system. The pome is neew and is being lived li. at the present time however there Is some finishing work to be done, which could be accomplished by anyone handy with hammer and saw. Owner will take In good used car as part down payment. Joe L. Bourne' Realtor 1U0 N. Capitol Ph. SSJie This Week's Specials A busy Grocery store on a good corner, doing cash bustnesaroom for ga& pump and another store. Price lncl'ides stock, fixtures and Real Estate, Reason for selling? Sickness in family Indeal for couple nice 1 bedroom home with bath, living room, kitchen, hull Ulna nnW 3 years old S3500. 1mm. Poas. of this house with 3 bMlrnnnm. bath, living room, dining room, Kitchen, automatic heat, eloat to schools. Price 85750 P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Phon 3-1545, 3-4896 Eves. 3-6686, 3-7565, 8-7841 1171 REAL ESTATE Phone 22471 Sundays pall Peter Oelser 3-9988 Ben Rolsen 2-2471 cl7B- REAL ESTATE Best Buys ENOLEWOOD Band new 2 B. B. home, F. H. A. ap proved, attached garage, auto, heat, tmm. poss. $1500. down, total price $6800. Ph. eves. 2-0473 or 3-3SS8. FOR LEASE 16 ACRES with modern, almost new 6 rm. honie, several chicken houses, 12 mos. lease available, reasonable rent, $66 per mo. Ph. eves. 39403 or a-aoDn. $6,500 BARGAIN Brand new N. E very well built, att. gar., 2 blocks from bus it school, 820 f,q. ft. floor space. Terms arranged. Evening Ph. 20473 or 33558. ' HOLLYWOOD DIET. 4 bdrms. full basmt., fireplace, very pood cond., paved street, lge. back yard, several trees, total price $10,500. Will take house up to $7,000 as part payment. Evening ph. 20473 or 33558. VIEW Almost new full basm't., select view, auto, oil heat, F.H.A. terms, will take car or truck as part payment. Total price $11,500. Evening ph. 20473 or 33558. ft ACRES Highway frontage 6 room home In good cond. nice setting orchard, nuts, berries, Willamette silt soil. Total price only $9,000. Liberal terms. Eve. ph. 30403 or 33558. 14 ACRES 7 acres sub irrigated land 3Vi miles 'rom town, Vt mile to grade school. No buld'nas. Total price only $3500. Eve. ph. 39403 or 33558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 37820, 24590 3035 Portland Rd. cl78 FOR YOUR SAVINGS investment buy a first mortgage on real estate. Salem Si vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 6. We make all col lections for you if desired. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. High C FOR COURTEOUS efficient service on your real estato problems please call A. E. DANIELSON 168 N 12th St. Ph. 3-5620. Clfll NELSON NEWS 3 BDRM. SUB. PARTLY FURNISHED $4950 40x20 Comb. L. R. St D. R. kit, 3 bdrms, bath, all on one fir. Elec. W. htr. elec. range, L. R. & D. R. furni ture; htr. Gar. about ',i A. walnuts, apples, peaches, good garden, lawn, a good buy. OOOD VALUE HOME A very substantial home, lge. L. R. plus D. R. 2 bdrms. fplace, oil furnace. wired ror elec. range, msuiatefl, gar. pavmt. it sidewalk, lawn, garden, fruit, fenced yd. $7850. Can be financed. LET WALNUTS PAY FOR HOME With this 10 A. of full bearing walnut trees in excellent cond. your country hone can pay for Itself. When walnuts are go'Xi at 20 yr's of age. It Is proof tl.ey are In the right place. With this orchard goes a mod. home almost fully furnished with as good as new house hold appliances. Olty delivery service at door. $0900. MONEY MARINO FARM 382 A, 250 A. cult, some under Irri gation. Crops now growing are beans, wheat, oats St buckwheat; bal., In tim ber At pasture. Some woven wire fenced. Lge barn, chicken hse. dble gar. mod. 6 rm. home. $50,000, easy terms on part. NELSON & NELSON Mutlple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize .02 N. High Ph. 3-4822 C178 BY OWNER: Small unfinished house, Vb Acre 11850. 200 Dn. Ph. 25311 or 33203. C179 IMPORTANT Buyers here is your opportunity. A fine 60 acre farm good oldgs. St fences for sale priced right must sell. Good Filling Station enuipt. Also hse. f wanted, terms. House In city, large is small. Also bldg. lots fine location (cheap). Some very good small acreages near city cheap. For particulars call R. A. McFarlane 3-6732 2115 State St., Salem WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Small ocreage near T.B. hos pital. $4500 to $7500. Raj $1000 cash. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St. Phone 2-3629 Home Phone 2-4789. cal80 WE ARE tn need oi gooo nouses to tell In or near Salera u you wiao to list your property tor sale aee GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 ca VIKW LOT, 170 ft frontage Salem Hts. paved St. Ph. 23780. camu NOTICE! If your property U tor sale, rent or exchange, list U with us we have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 HI lb St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 60 acres stocked and equipped, with 3 B.R. house, good barn, fruit and ber ries, 40 acres in Barley and Oats. 13 ml. north. Will exchange for Duplex, apt. or court in Salem. Price 117.000. Johnson. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 3-3649 Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451. Cbl78' Sifc ACRES at Woodburn, also business bldg. on corner at Salem. For small sub, homo near Salem. Phone 39907. cblSl RESORT PROPERTY MtlRN. i bdrm. home, corner lot. close . beacll. KOod ocean view. I biles. otX 101. Must sell Quickly. 14000 aash or 13000 A tcrems. C. Allum, Wecoma. cclll To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUCTION AUCTION - 7 P.M. - TONIGHT WARNING Do not consign merchandise unless you want it sold. "This is true auction policy." It warrants large auction attendance and gives the consigner top dol lar for their merchandise sold at auction. EXCLUSIVE NEW SECTIONAL MAINLINER SET NEW SECTIONAL PARK MANOR SET NEW LAMPS AND TABLE LAMPS NEW PLATFORM ROCKERS NEW MAHOGANY SEWING CABINET NEW 2 DAVENOS NEW 3 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS NEW A & B ELECTRIC RANGE NEW 45-GAL. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER "REASON FOR SELLING" OBLIGATIONS MUST BE MET PLEASE COME EARLY WE ALSO HAVE LARGE CONSIGNMENTS OF GOOD USED FURNITURE & MISC. THAT MUST BE SOLD TO MAKE ROOM FOR A SPECIAL AUCTION ON AUG. 8TH. How About 11 Apts. Chock Full of High Grade Furniture at One Sale? The East Salem Aucition Center Operates As a Service for Salem Located Between Market and D Sts. at 976 Lancaster Drive r Phone 3-1221 Auctioneer Clerk Manager J. J. Hauck Mrs. Burk T. Howe Mm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHOE REPAIR 8HOP, well equipped, $3000. Terms. Low rent. E. A. McQlauf- lin. Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 328 No. Com'l St. Ph. 25211 INCOME PROPERTY, $200 per month. New building, restaurant, fixtures and going business can be bought. Also 3 bdrm. home available. All on 1 acre. Room for 20 trailers it 12 cabins. On main highway, Salem 1 mile. Wonderful opportunity. Write Box 2S3 Capital Journal. cdl83' A"ERN This Is one of Salem's HOT SPOTS situated In a busy dlst. with Plenty of foot traffic. This place is favorably known with a select trade, a proven money maker. Has 5 yr. lease at $100 per mo. If you are Interested in a fast paying business be sure and see this. See Mr. Stevenson. SALEM GROC. CHOICEST LOO. Buy Stock is lease bldg. it fixtures, $85. per mo. On busy Intersection, Doing $140 per day netting $600 per mo. Exception ally clean stock, fixtures complete is mod. Your best buy In the city, today. Bre Mr. Moore. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 194 3. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 35068 cditfU" MOTEL, 6 units it store. Steam heat. Partly Furn. 99E. Hubbard. Ph. 2721. cd!79 START RIGHT In making money. Rest. Ss Conf. stock, fix. St equipment. Small llv. quarters, doing good business on Daved h way leading to Detroit oam. $2250.00. Long lease. Will take truck or trailer house as part pay. write Aums ville One Rt, 1, Box 125 or phone 183R, Stayton, Ore. cd!79 IS UNITS St 6 room living quarters, all mod. St carpeted, paved drive, tile baths. NOD -A-WAY MOTEL, Salem. cd!7 SERVICE STATION is Barase for lease. Valley town. Close to Salem. Call Men nls Oil Co. Ph. 35030. cdl78 APT. INCOME HiBh net returns on this 15 rm. apt. house. 5 rental Pius owners living quarters. Price to sell. Will consider trade With In reason up to 913,000. Show any time. No Phone Informa tion Please. Strout Realty, 950 S. 12th. cdl77 NEW SERVICE station and motel for sale or trade Will take nice home in or near Salem or small business. Terms. HI health forcing me out. On hlway 20 between Lebanon St Sweet Home. Ph. 1863 or 70 Eaton, Lebanon, Oregon. cdlBO SALES MANAGER With direct sales ability and 12500 investment. If you qualify, we will show you men making 81500 per month with exclusive insulation franchise. ' Write Box 299. Capital Journal. cdl79 GROCERY STORE BUILDING; fixtures, 2 gas pumps, 6 cabins. 2 miles north of underpass on Highway 99. W. J. Jarms. Rt. 7, Box 145. Ph. 2-4319. cdl79 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDV5 THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.m. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIOHEST QUALITY EASY TERMS FREE DELIVERY S&H GREEN STAMPS You Can't Beat This Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 15E0 Fairgrounds Rd. ' Ph. 33797 dl79 , PIECE sectional sofa, red and gray. Like new Cost $349. Will take $149. 3055 Portland Rd. dl78 TWIN BEDS, waterfall, like new, pair. 3055 Portland Rd. $19.50 dl78 CHINA CLOSET, walnut 3055 Portland Rd. $69.50. dl78 UNPAINTED furniture, closeout WOODROW'S 450 Center St S(sraaatsstav-sfa- - WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICKS paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 3-5110. fla- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GOOD MILK goat. C. A. Boynton, Rt. 3 Box 25H Turner, ltt ml. S. of Prlngle Sch. K mi. W. 178 GELDING BURRO. 3 yrs. Used to small LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer k o. Mccandllsh. 1131 8 19 Pb. 3-l aall.' PETS REGISTERED black female cocker 1! months $35. LeQray Kennels Rt. 3. Ph 31398. "B' FOR SALE, Reg. Springer pups. Very good. Call 31508. viov GELDING BURRO, 3 yrs. Used to small children. $65.00. Ph. 34sn. ecue DOGS BOARDED and trained reasonable rates by day or month. Trimming and bathing. Frre PICK-up oeuv. muw Kennels. Rt. 3. Ph. 3-1398. ec!91 TnnrirAi. FISH several kinds. Ph. 2-7331. Rt ; hnt 4S! nn the McClay rd. 3 miles from Lancaster Dr. Visitors welcome. ec!80 FUEL TBT-riTY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 3-7442. We give S St H Green Stamps. Green 16 In. mill wood. SPECIAL ot inur winter fuel now and save. Sawdust $4.00 per unit. Qood dry slab $8.50 load, green $6.00 cord. Dry edg ings. $8.00 load, green $5. SO load. Double load $10.00. uregon rue. to., rn. eellS (AUCTIONS FUEL 2M CORDS wood 118. Will give old wood furnace for the hauling away, 1140 Gar net St. Ph. 2-4903. eel78 West Salem Fuel Co. U IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 1-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phona Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at lsas Edcswater St., Wast 8alem ee WE HAVli IT! Dry old fir, 16-Inch. Prompt delivery. Ph. 3-3335 and 3-103D. eel79 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash fe maple. Ph. 68F23. FRESH CUT aawdust delivered at summer rates. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. eel94 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH OUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood. Ph 86444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY CUSTOM POULTRY DRESSING LIBERTY POULTRY FARM Rt. 9 BOX 270 Ph. 22873 1183 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. f "Champion" Plus "Younger Brothers." NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. f PRODUCE BOYSEN BERRIES, you pick, 4c, bring container Lancaster Dr., A mm norm of Sllverton highway. John Batter, Rt. 6, Box 860. No picking on Sun. ff!79 CUCUMBERS, torn., apples, peaches, etc, Leon Fruit Stand. 4805 N, River Rd. ffl80 BOYSENBERRIES, U-pick. Good pick. Rt. 2. nox 390 aa. a mue nw oi unema- wi, between RR tracks on Kelzer Che mawa Rd. ffl18 WANTED: PRODUCE to sell on commis sion. Leon Fruit Stand, 4905 N. River Hfl, 180 PICKLING CUCUMBERS, beans (green, yellow, wax), bdysenberrles. Frlgaard Fruit Farm H ml. N. Kelser School. ffl78 CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. Frank Bello. Ph. 30279. 580 Hollywood Ave. ff!79' BOYSENBERRIES U-Plck 5c lb. R. G. Doege, V2 mile E. Liberty School. Rt. 9, BOX 210. Ph. 33141. ffl79 HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS wanted, SVa ml. east of Woodburn on Mt. Angel Rd. Start Aug. 4th. Harold Bushman, Ph. Woodburn 1430. K188 HOP PICKERS register now. Free excel lent campground facilities. Jerman it Chittenden, Rt. 3, Box 835, Salem, Ore. g!84 SEVERAL OPENINGS with national or ganization, men or women, car and sales experience preferred but not ne cessary, steady income. For interview see Mr. Knudsen, Senator Hotel, Mon day evening between 7 and 9. gl81 MIDDLE AGED man to batch part time cn ranch and milk two cows and do a few other odd Jobs. Board, room and small wages. A good home for the right party. Arthur E. Green, Gervals, Ore., Rte No. 1. 181 CORRESPONDENT representative to write credit reports in oaiem ior national concern. Knowledge of local business conditions preferred. Write Mr. R. E. Deagle. P.O. Box 111, Portland 7, Ore. 8-1B0' HELP WANTED MALE OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING We are looking for three men for this tenltory who want to make more than average wages. New men are earning $75 week and up. Must be good worker and have car. Year round work with pl'nty of opportunity to advancee. We train you, investigate this. See Mr Handwerk, 595 N. Front at 9:30 a.m. gal79 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN TO care for lady and do house work. 20B Bush or en. jdjji. gino- WAITRESS WANTED, apply In person. No Phone cans, -rne opa. u.o PASTRY COOK for rolls, hot bread and dessert, wonigren'i Kesiaurni,. um 1 LADY not over 40 yrs of age. To work with our outside salesman in nnjoinm.. tnvni a Uv a week, no selling, hrs. li regular. Salary and commission. Must furnish references. Apply In Person 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ask for Mr. Bondell. WILLAMETTE VALLEY ROUf w. AO Lana Ave. fj GIRL OR woman for general housework, No washing, s,tay nignsa. rn. jowoo. TEACHER FOR country school all i grades. 10 miles norm oi eaiem. nw WANTED SALESMAN Mfti with km to contact local farmers. Etc. opportunity, rn. aosw oenween a 8 p.m. SALESMAN who Is eapable ot wicing charge of our Iiat root ept. u c previous flat roof experience, own car. mA ..hi tn furnish reference. Apply in person only, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ask for Mr. Bondell. WILLAMETTE VALLEY ROOF CO. 30 Lana Ave. SALESMAN WANTED. Electrolux Corp, 1079 Broadway. Ph. 24078. gg!83 TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVE experi enced In the sale of athletic equipment to contact institutions in this state. Reply in own hand writing giving ex perience, age. education, family status, height, weight, and date available for work. Must have car and be ablt to furnish bond. Salary and expenses plus commission arrangement to top man with proven ability. Writa Capital Jour nal Box 111. wlM AUTOMOBILES Keep Your Cows & Goats & Mules WE'RE NOT IN THE LIVESTOCK BUSINESS We Have New & Used Trucks for Sale IK! CHEvA TON! 2 SPEED AXLE, figSBK. Mft. DUMP TRUCKS 1949 FORD 4-5 YD.. 2 SPEED, 8.25x20 12 PLY REAR. THIS TRUCK HAS ONLY 350 MILES ON IT. YOU CAN SAVE SOME MONEY ON THIS ONE 1948 FORD 4-5 YD., 2 SPEED, 8.25x20 TIRES. LESS THAN 10,000 MILES ON THIS ONE. 1941 CHEV. 4 YD., 2 SPPED, 8.25x20 TIRES 1940 CHEV. 4 YD., 2 SPEED, 8.25x20 TIRES. CAB OVER ENGINE'S 1947 C O E STAKE BODY, 2 SPEED, 8.25x20 TIRES. ' 1941 C'.O'.E., C.C. SINGLE AXLE. 7.50x20 TIRES. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITION! CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency S0O State St Ph. I-14B8. tt WANTED POSITIONS COLLEGE STUDENT 18 wants lummer wnrit .Tali At 040 Ohemeketa. hi EXPEUT LANDSCAPE aervlce. Deslgnlnn, cultivating-, constructing, p 1 a n 1 1 n i, pruning-, trimming, picket fence, rock eriea, new lawrw. Call 28868 after. 16. GENERAL Housework, steady empl. Pre ferred. 837 N. Liberty. Myra Jordon. hl78 NOW IS the time to plant lawns for best results. I have the equipment, xwwmn. able rates. Ph. 32190. C. R. Smith. h!82 DRESSMAKING it alterations. Ph. 2-9840 after 3. PRACTICAL NURSE, hospital experience, ) anywhere. Nerve case preierrea. ti. 37670. h179 CHILD SETTING and invalid exper. refer. Ph 38198. nim CHILD CARE. 1180 N. 34th Ph. 28685, TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. w. h. mcauis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1486. h201 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h201 NEAT EFFICIENT middle age woman would like work as laundress, cook or general cleaning Tues., Wed., Thurs. St Frl. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. $5.00 per day pre fer working mothers, no batchelors. reference furnished. Write Box 262 Cap ital Journal. M79 LADY WANTS ironing or cleaning. Good refs. Call after 6 p.m. aw Mission at. hl78 CHILD CARE 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9934. nisT CARPENTER WK. New. Repair. Ph, 3-3093. hl87 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 3-4388. rree estimates. hl87 HOUSE WORK by br. Ph. 39901 before 8 a.m. hl79 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h will CARE for children In my home. From 8 to 5 daily. Ph. 3-0515. hl78 PLOWING. DISCING. Al Moss. Ph. 23957. h202 EXPERIENCED stenographer desires va cation or part time work. Ph. 32515. hl79' M'imeographing-Typing POE'S 665 North 16th. Phona 3-3643, hl81 TIMBER or wood cutting by hour or con tract with nower saw. 1 tree or 100. Ph, 3-4838. hl80 IRONING at home, 1180 N. 24th. 38685. hl83' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. aerv Ice. Former phone opr. Ph 8-5073. hl78 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING room (men), 44B Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. Ikl78 SLEEPING RMS. Light St clean. Restau rants Ss bus Men or employed coup's. Some home privileges, una mgniano Ave. JklBO 1 RMS. partly furn. 1st floor. Garage. 2255 N. 5th. Wiv SLEEPING RM. PH. 34335. SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr. it Ph. Day or month. 1505 w. capitoi. en. 33425. jk304 SLEEPING ROOMS, 1906 N. Summer. Ph. 20855. JKinu PLEASANT Sleeping room for gentleman. 1050 worway at. rn. dsi. jkw HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy Ph. 38093. JK1HB" FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 RM. furn. Apt. Ph. 25093. 2805 Maple Ave. 3 BOOM furn. apt. (3rd. fir. Prlv. bath. Relrlg. 640 Marlon. jpua .1 RM. unfurn. apt. Close In. 225 S. Lib- arty. ivvib- 3 ROOM unfurn.. prlv. bath, elec. stove Sz heat. West Salem. Ph. 36396. jpiao NEW 2 BR. DUPLEX with Gar. Range, Ref. Ss Ven. Blinds, call 3-B3 b to :30. Jp187 SMALL APT. Elec. heat, prlv. bath, unfur. except refrigerator St elec. range sja. 715 Ferry St. Jpl78 WHY PAY RENT? Trade your late model car as down payment on my 3 year old 1 bedrm. home. lh A., view, Klngwood annex. Payments $41 mo. Write Box 264 Capital Journal. Jpl80 NICELY FVRN. two and three rm. apts. Close in. Reasonable. 1434 Ferry St. JP179 RM. partly furn. Share bath. 1025 N. 16th Ph. 23445. $35.00. jpl79 LARGE S RM. unfurn. apt. Newly decor ated. Auto oil heat, private bath. Elec. stove included. Ph. 3777S or Inquire 1437 N. 4th. Jpl78 NEW APTS. 2 rooms it batb. Partly furn. 1047 Madison. jpns SINGLE H.K. rm., sleeping rm. Sz trailer house space. 160 Onion. Ph. 29835. Jpl78 FOR RENT HOUSES WHY PAY RENT? New homes. Terms like rent. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. St Sun. Ph. 3-0349 or 2-0126 Jm s RM. COTTAGE with bath. Wood range. 2255 N. 5th. Jml79 SMALL HOUSE BR. LR. Kitch.. shower. utll ties. auto, hot water, electric neat, wired for range, attached garage. Ideal for working couple $50. Avail. Aug. 1st. S. B. Thorpe, 343 No. Church St. Jml78 WHY PAY RENT? Trade your lat model car as down payment on my 3 yr. old 1 bedrm. home. l A., view, Klngwood annex. Payments $41 mo. Box 264 cO Capital Journal. JmieO' IAUTOMOBIt.ES PHONE 3-3147 FOR RENT HOUSES NEW t bdrm. Hardwood floors, att. gar.. ranite & rei. auo. rn. aojo. UNFURN. bdrm. house. $65. Ph.. 38778. Jml78 8 BEDROOMS, 3 batlu, partly furnished. Sawduat furnace, Inquire 643 Ferry St. Jml78 8 BD. RM. Suburban home. Ph. 3Q771. Jml78 FOR LEASE: 3 bdrm. hse. with garage to couple that buys furniture. Ph. 38737. jml7i MODERN I rm. furn. nous. 336 W. Wil son. Jml7g NEW 2 bdrm., unfurn., elec. heat, fire- place, adults. Ph. Jml82" FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howser Bros. en. a-dew. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. ' TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- or We Mil everyuung w compile mm Job. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3648 J TOOD USED PIANOS. H. L, Stiff. J" OFFICE spaces and desk ipaets. Ph. 19692. SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle. Service on all maKes. rn. a-7B'. W 8EVERIN REALTY CO. Office for rent. Mezzanine office room, lights, desk, typewriter St file cabinets furnished. $35 per mo. wlease. Phone 34016. J182 PUMICE BLOCK Bldg. 1350 ft. floor space. Saiem suouro. aisincc. jo per mo. joii S. Hlgh J180 GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of fice or stores. Also alley warenouse witn elevator. STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-4121 J SKIL-TOOL rental service. Vally Farm J178 Store. 4345 Sllverton Rd, BUSINESS KM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 S. 13th, West Balem. 1 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up St delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N, Com'l. Ph. 33512. J WANTED TO RENT 8 BDRM. unfurn. house for minister and family. Will pay up to 60 per month. Ph. 38201 before 5 P.m. or 23788 after 7 p.m. Jal81 W.U. STUDENT St family desire to rent small house, perm, residents. Ph. man. jaiao STOCK OR Dairy farm or will work on shares. Can give references. Write box No. 261 Capital Journal. Jal78 LOST AND FOUND LOST: 1 Olds fender skirt, light color. Ph. 31493. kl80a LOST Ladies small Benrus yellow gold wrist watch with link chain. Ph. 30652 after 6 p.m. kiso MISCELLANEOUS 5PENCEB COR8EIIERE. OB H. Winter mie Ph. 3-5072. LES SPRINGER, man's hatter. 404 Court we close saturoays 12:30. miv'i DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE 114 MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb B!U! State A Commercial Sta. SALEM Phone 1-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS CALL 21196 Salem, we sell the best Cedar Shingles from Tillamook, Grand Rond or Cascade high mountain timber. No. 1, $8, No. 2 $5. Delivered, Ted Muller, Ba-lem-Indep. Road. ma" 18" No. 1 Cedar Shakes, Natural or paint Ad. Prim- coated or stained. Cedarwall Pittite or Bear Brands $9 per sq. up. De livered with undercourse. Ph. Ted Muller, 2-1196. ma "4x10 CEDAR SIDING, any amount. Clear A Ss B grades. Reus, prices. Check our prices, Ted Muller, Ph Salem 21196. PLYWOOD LARGE stock of sizes, thicknesses St grades. Both plain St water proof. Prices start at 5c per sq. ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of " and W insul ating boards. Low prices on V St sheet rock. Keith Brown, Front b Court Sts., Salem. ma APPROXIMATELY 30,000 ft. of 2"-12" St 18 ft, long no. l common slightly used. Inquire at the Silver Falls Lum ber Co., Sllverton, Ore. S. T. Jackson, Ph. Salem 3.8303. mal78 HARDWOOD floorint, au grades, from IB5 tnousano up. Keith Brown. Front it Court bts., Salem. ma SHINGLES, No. 1 red mountain cedar $8 per sq., No. 3 $6. C. O LONG, Ph. 25821 1 mile North of Kelzer. mal81" ALTJMA LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401. mal97- SPECIAL! Cedar sldlna, "x8". Random length. C-crade, $85 thousand, Keith Brown, Front St Court Sta, Salem. ma CHIMNEY BLOCKS Ss Foundation Blocks. PuMlLiTE, West Salem. mal78 TUFF STONE mill ends. Suitable for Pa tios, Fireplaces, Curbs, Walls, Steps, Walks, Rock Gardens, Landscaping, etc, 25971. ma!83" ASBESTOS SIDING $10 a sq. tt" sheet rock 4c, Vt" tVtC. Rock lathe 31c yd. Plywood, all thicknesses, low prices. C. O. Long. Ph. 25821. 1 mile N. of Kelxer. xnal63 SAVX On ROOFING Let Wards flva you eompiita m STALLED prlca on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors- Call our outside salesman for fret oatlmato Phona 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD OO. SALEM. OREGON mi NEW SHIPMENT piast board- ISka tt' , So aq. ft Rock lath iq. It. $1.75 MONTGOMERY WARD IALEU Bt (Continued on Page 23) 11 him at., sMicm.