.'. 80 Capital Journal, Satem, Oregon, Thursday, July 28, 1949 By SIDNEY (Chapter 11) Going down to breakfast together ttie next morning gave them a new ' sensation. Kenneth strutted with big usual self-assurance. Prlscilla felt a little self -conscious but she tnjoyed walking into the dining room with her new nusuanu. ne held her chair with perfect courtesy wlille she seated herself, and then at opposite her. After breakfast they walked out on the porch and relaxed in the April sunshine, "wen; noney, saia Kenneth finally, "we better get soln' just as soon as I call Mom " and break the news. I'd like to stop at the furniture store on the way back to show you what l picked out." "Ken. must we get new furnl ture? We should save our money. In a few months I'm sure I can get a job and be able to help out.' "You don't have to work. Pris. ! I want you to take It easy. Just help Mom around the house a little." "No, Ken, you must pay your mother board for me. It would be a bad start in life to be under . obligation to anyone." "Well, honey, you do what you want. But, about the furniture, mine Is sort o' broken down and I don't think there are enough draw . ers for both of us." Kenneth Insisted that they stop at the furniture store and Prls cilla smiled when she saw Ken neth's choice a clumsy bed-room suite, adorned with flashy inlays and dripping with gingerbread carv ings. She picked a suite with simple lines and at very much lower cost. Kenneth made a deposit on It, ar ranging to pay the balance in mommy installments. When thev left the business dis trict Kenneth passed a dilapidated railroad station and crossed the tracks where several freight en gines were slowly and violently Suiting their way. They threaded lelr way through several gritty streets, finally emerging into a somewhat cleaner section where uiere were long rows of narrow. red-brick homes, with high, white wooden steps. As. they neared Kenneth's home, Prlscilla began 10 ieei ner neart sink again . . . If they could only have their own clean little home, with no one to please but themselves. In front of one of the few clean houses In the row, Kenneth stopped me car. xne secuon through which they had Just passed was certainly no tonic for Priscilla's nerves and, despite her determlantlon to re main calm, she mounted the flimsy wooden stairs with considerable mis givings. Kenneth unlocked the door and they entered a small living room, separated from the back of tne nouse By a stairway leading to the second floor. The furniture was old and worn but the room was clean and neat. A colorful grass rug lent some cheer to the other wise drab surroundings. In a dark corner gleamed the polished sur face of a large walnut radio. Ken Beth ran to the stairway. "Hl-ya, Mom?" he called. "We're here for lunch. Is 61s home?" "Kenneth," whispered Prlscilla, "you shouldn't have said anything ibout lunch." A woman well past middle age, her graying hair caught In a knot behind her head, came slowlv from behind the staircase. Although over average height, her stooped shoul ders and unwleldly figure made her look considerably shorter. She wore a neat, dark, print housedress and a dean white apron, "Yer sis ter's In school. You oughta know ed that," she said In a tired voice. ner expression, like her voice, was weary and her face was entirely told of animation. Kenneth's hug and Uss Induced a half smile which toon gave way to a burst of tears. "Now, Mom, Is that a nice way to welcome your new daughter?" Prlscilla took the cue and came over and put her arms around Mrs. Kent, kissing her and telling her how glad she was to know her, "I fuess this has been a ehock to you, Mother Kent," she said, tmt I hope well all be very hap py together." Mrs. Kent did not answer but drew back and looked Prlscilla R26B3 aula IHjmmlLW i ii i i I IiW I I S7K J EB'i of the Storm B. CARTER over appraisingly. "Humph I Yet right purty, ain't ya? Well, nothln's too good for my Ken," she said, looking at him as lovingly as her stolid features would permit. "S'pose we go In and sit down to the table. I got mncn reaay ler ya." Prlscilla made It a point to praise Mrs. Kent's cooking, as well as the tidiness of the house. For tunately, Prlscilla had touched one of the few vulnerable spots in Mrs. Kent's heart. She was Justly Droud of her culinary skill and she unbent sufficiently to acknowledge the com pliment with an appreciative pat on the hand, much to the delight of oom nennem ana rrisciua. Just as they were about to go for Priscilla's clothes. Kenneth's sister returned from school. A dull witted girl of about 11, she had managed to advance laboriously to the 5th grade, and now had been detained there for the second year. She resembled her mother, both in aonearance and intellect though she had the advantage of a little more scnoonng. Diligently chewing gum with her mouth half open and swinging her books In time with the movement of her Jaws, she came slowly up the steps. When she saw jtiennetn a smile or genuine pleas ure lighted her dull features. Run ning to him, she threw her arms about him affectionately, not even noticing tne otners in the room. He lifted her from the floor and gave ner a resounding smack. Set ting her down, he turned to Prls cilla. "Honey, come kiss your new sis ter. Dora. I know vou and Pris. cilia will be chums." Prlscilla did not feel drawn to the child, but sne made an effort in that dlrec tion. After asking Dora a few com monplace Questions about her school, Prlscilla suggested that tney had better be on their way "Ken." she confided, as thev walk ed toward Betsy, "I'm afraid this is going to be tne worst Job of all I ... I Wish it were over." Hpr conscience smote her when she thought or her father, still weak from his illness. At least I could have told him ahead of time what I was going to do, she thought. Kenneth's spirits were undamp ened. "Don't worry, Babes. As Pop would say, "Never cross a bridge nu you re over u, ne laugnea. ito e uonunueoj 2441 SIZES 12 . 40 Walkaway Fullneas One of the new dresses with style at the back as well as the front I No. 2441 is cut in sizes 12. 14, 16. 18. 20. 38. 38 and 40. Size 18. SS yds. 39-in. SUMMER Is tne lime for nrettv styles the Fashion Book the place to una uiem. merytning you need for that wonderful two weeks with pay, plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country, home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, ana an aesignea lor easy sewing. Price Just 20 cents. Order your copy now. Send 25o for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal 652 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 8, Calif. venter Attraction This utterly uiawiivuro ccniemiece arrives lis charm from a combination of the simplest crochet stitches. You will una pleasure in making the design as it works ud quickly and easily. measuring 21 incnes, it is a strik ing show piece for any room. Pattern Envelope No. R2883 con tains complete orochetlng instruc tions, stitch illustrations and fin ishing directions. To obtain tin partem send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 cam. I I I I i f I A a rr WHY DO WE HAE TO WAIT lUdSv f T I SENT BAL0V TO SEARCH THE WONT FIND 1 1 A v J ON YOUR TBeOER MAN?-LETS II HOTEL BOOH STEVE V ANYTHING J A A, Jg I T. get Ria ofvch. PRSCiAuy 1 (4iS?wl rrr izzSrJt '''I u i sSftf I li$j5Vw rlSjtK1 JvSswGe? l'Sfl iliflRsM u 'KSLM ' . Caul. 0 nr. w .,i. I I I I AHPgRboH . I I TZ Q l!""..""""" f GfJT NEWS FOR YOU, ANMIE- ( THEV CTU. THINK VOOYTdSIS S""6 tiisf W HI, WHNIB Y1A SHERIFF-WELL. GUESS THAT WARRANTS TORN UP--THEWE THS SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR OFEMTH' K H FK3GERED I I MK3HT A3 WELL GO To I ( DROPPED THE CHARGES AGAINST JSKJ ALL THE TROUBLE AND TROUBLE TfcjEV p I TO FIND I JAIL AS STAY HER6 UKE I VOU FIGGER6D THEY COULDN'T J EXPENSE THEY HAQ BUT HAD," EH? 'y WUERE'S TTMIS IS WIS I t4Ai WOULDNT MISS gFs- I W ID UKE W I'M 50RKY BUT (MAyTODAYj.&ATH DAY, WIS HOUR AT LOT OF V rTOSEE 4 TME MAYOR WOWT I . T - -V EMMATAMg.KIEBB , aMOD PEP AHYTHIMy" MAYOR SUOERJBe BACK FOR AM HOUR- i Ty-i- -5 T-?rr--if-i T I W PLEASEmlP ITS URGENT 1 CAN 6ET H iftrTSI 7x7k I ryi yS , ' lita 1.' S I Wf.'-THIT ll,-rr ) I VHV SHRT , W PORE J I AS I GO DCWKI TKAT V SIUHU..-IHHI WNPI&I 1 THET S CMTTIN rfr - ' ' BE UNHAPPV? NOUVt T OLJ5 fi(luVT TDM IwrrDIHiMfl I ALLOS A-LAFRM-ATTH' V, OH-THAP.'S MO MORE T IeENENW SOUL:'' THERe'!,D" L MISERY HE PUTS US YOKUMS ) HEART-P.ENDIH' SOUND ' THE PACT tyENSSihl , OWE p5?TOFVOuS WHU1"r I THROUGH.':' AH KIM HEAP. qn EAPTH-THAN TO YEARS-UT fa JCSfcv FE TSL Vl I HUM- THERE'S A PIECE Tf. I tfcci uho'! Vw v,.. ', TT " 7" " J ssrT s xE7wiLAKLs( '?s-s" IZo) 9 T ARRANGING Wli.Sfc S . I JM. UPAHD fj AND DOWN AT THE PIANO j F0R mE I JT5 WELL.TMIS CLEARS UP THE NB 6UeS ' I HERE, MARKLE, ITS 5?!? I BUT IT MUST BE SO. I THINK I'D i R MYSTERY OF TH-DISAPPEARINS ) '?SEiSS r55 OUITE OBVIOUS THAT SIMS AND WO -T I BETTER SETTLE MY BUSINESS i PRETTY SLICK! g, CANYON' LESEND IN ORDER TO J HAP A SPV IN I THE COAST ' a3 f'7p8? " S iF r '1$' JJ fel ft o fS) rgaai'ag&y fp Mf It . PALACE; Of -CetTZ blossoms ) (yes. 1 vi-v -1 iTT. rt Wa W mm flSBff k rf mm i T intSB SW n. i . . . u I BIIT T TUIUL TTJPN UCOt -1 r- OKftS m . A3 1 RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P.M. 'KGW MIK0C0 5' :tt Pnlton Lewis, Jr., Womu'i Secret Rhythm Ranch Cart Maisey :1ft Frnk Bcmlncway Smnnj Sldt Rhythm Rncb UUI Show M Ftulii Pr Ntwi Blni Ctbr Songi of Prairie lift Newi Richard lUrknen Sport Fan Larry LeBeqer 6.-M B-Bu-B Ranch Btrlns Serenade Candle Llrht and Knox Hannlni lift B-Bar-B Ranch 8trln Serenade Silver Bands . on Farad :S Adv. of Champ. Symphony Selott News Chet Huntley iift Muile Elmer Peterson Bill Stern Ngws iftt Gabriel Heatter Nelson Eddy Pat O'Brien Eeap lift Nortbweat Neva NeUoa Eddy Naval Reserve Escape :M Westeoaat Jaaea Maaoa Top Bind Crime Photos;. tU Ramblen Jameg Mason Top Bend Crime Photof. js. :H Medicine Drama Pred 'Warinc Bandstand First Nlfbter 0:U Mnale Howae Fred Warin Bandstand . First NUhter fldt Morcan Manner Drasnet Dncoot Dope Dane Orcb. " 'M Morgan Manner Dragnet Baseball Dane Orch. 91 Hop Along Caesldr Sapper Clab Baseball Cbai. Colltngweod :1ft Hop Along Ceefldj News mt World Baaeball Chlcagoans M Coaat Sarvey ftUenl Partner Baseball Mr. Keen sift Coast Server S tent rartner Baseball Mr. Keen eajn. M News Newe BaaebaU Five 8tar Final lil :1ft Select Local News Sport Page Pinal News Roundup Yonr Security JlliSfi NewB Bands of Lend Track 1490 Spin to Win V ;U Mnsie Band Wagon Track 110 Spin to Win a sn 00 Fallen Lewis, Jr. Sam Hayes Track UOQ Serenade 11:11 Bob Poole Show Wax Mass am Track 1490 Vou A the World 1 :M Bob Pool Show Wai Museum Track WM Orchestra J :4ft Mail Wei Museum Track 1410 Orchestra It.- Sign Off Sign Off Sim Off Silent FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. jt :M News Hodg Podg News . jlA Dawn Patrol Newi KOIN Klock frj):M Northwest New Ho dr Podg K0C0 Klock. KOIN Klock W tS March Tim. Hodg Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Klock i0 Dawn Patrol Pans Tim Te RHter KOIN Klock US Dawn Patrol Fan Tim News A Sport News :S0 Dawn Patrol The Old Bong Top o Horning News i& New New News Fred Beek 8:0 New Smooth Musi Western Melodies Consumer New :1ft Breakfast Gang Smooth Muile Western Melodies Art Baker SO Music Riders of Bag Stars Sing Robert Lewi Top Trad Sam Hayes Church In Wild Robert Lewi 9 Bargain Count Second Cup Melody Time Vocal Varieties :1 Morning Special Second Cup Melody Time News :30 SoB, , Pioaicn Jack Bercb Without Words Grand Slum M MmIo News J. Chas. Thoma Rosemary saN Northwest News Hostca House Coffee Cup Wendy Warren J 1ITi:1S KBt smith Sing Hostea Hons Northwest Reports Aunt Jenny J J:S0 paatsr'i Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent i w iS wile Walt Tommy Doner Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday ujuj w New Lopes Oreh. Glass Wax Rig Sister i 1 I ! Gospel Singers Lope Oreo. Glass Wax Ma Perking n 1 :80 perry Cam Today's Children Glass Wax Young Dr. Malout tl Walts Serened Lera Lawton Glass Wax Guiding Light m 4a. 100 Top Trades Doubl or Nothing Hollywood Muilo News I " J :U News Doubl or Nothing Hollywood Musi Come tt Get It I it QBsen for a Day News No rah Drake Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day 1 Ladle First Life beautiful Mac's Melodies Sna Mrs. Burton :Ut Ladle First Rd f Life Mac's Melodies Perry Mason : Northwest New Pepper Voong Mac' Melodies Bright, Light 'M Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Air-flo ?'M Tell Neighbors Backstage WH Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air ' :lo Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air :S0 Organ Reveries Lorens Jones Mae's Melodies Winner Take AO 'M Bin Slogs Wldder Brown Mae's Melodies Tunefully Yours 3:W Against the Storm A GUI Marries Mac' Melodies "News ' :1ft Against ths Storm Portia Paces Llf Mac' Melodies Meet the Missus 0 Musie Just Plain Sill Mac's Melodies Meet the Mlssn :6 Novelties en Par. Front Page FarreH Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4:44) Say It With Music Welcome Traveler Women Pag At thus Godfrey ' lift Say It With Musi Weteome Traveler Philosopher trthur Godfrey ISO Song of Our Aunt Mary . Spotlit an Muslo Arthur Godfrey tsft News We Lot h Learn Bpotllte on Mualo Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTING Br KEX, 1190; KOAC. 550 If FY Thursday P.M. 5:00, Sulrrel lCA Cage: 8:80, Johnny Lulaekt 8:00, Keeping Up with Sports, 8:18, Horn Edi tion News S:0, Modern Romances! 1:00, Edwin C. Hill I 7:16, Elmer Davis; 7:50, Name the Movlet 8:00, Counterspy. 8:M, Treasury Band Shewi ff:M, Theatre U.S.A., ), Damon Runyon Theatre i 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:18, Interraenoi 10:80. Concert Hourt 11:80. Memos to To- morrowi 12:00. JCtrn Hour. 1:00 Sign Off. ICV A.M. . Early Bird) :, CA Dirt Fanner: 1. Lawson MsCam 7:15, Bob Johnsont 1:M, Bob Haseni 1:48, Farm Newsi b:w, Myn ana saargo. o;io, Martin Asronskyt 8:S0, Xek Manners, 8:45, Easy Aeest S:M, Breakfast Clubi 10, News; 10:1S, Btars of Today. 10:80, Kay Kyser's Kolleget 11, Ted Malonot 11:16, Ga len Drake. 11:80. True Ssoryt U:00, Bet ty Crockeri 13:15. News. 12:80, Baubhagei lt:4B. Nancy Cralgt 1:00. HortnweM- lernerst 1:30, Kay West. S:00, Breakfast hi Hollywood, 9190, Taix lour way out ot m Church Society Falls City The WSCS of the Methodist church was entertain ed at the home of Mrs. M. L. Thompson. Vice President Mn. James Taylor called the meeting to order for the business meet ing. Mrs. Eva Burkbank was ACROSS L Condiment 6. Wins S. Word of lamentation 11. Musical Instrument II. Boy 14. Prevalent 15. Refusing; assent It. Elongated In th d tree lion of th pole II. State posl'lvelT 13. Veg-utabl 14. Server 15. EetrlbDttT justice II. Borough la 18, Poem 39. High pointed hill 40. Part of aeurv 43. More learned -46. Serpent 41. jUrican antelop SO. Pitcher plant 62. Gem 63. English letter " 64. Dismounted '17. Kind of perfuro 18. Pen 19. Important happening 21. Before . 22. Exclamation 23. Rowing Implement " IS. Of the feel ROOM AND BOARD lHAr Thursday P.M. 6:00, On to IxWnVrf Upbeat: 6:50, 650 Sport Club, 6:00, Newst 6:16, Dinner Melodies; 6:80, 'Round the Campflret 7:15, Evening Farm Hour, 8:00, You and Your Security I S:1B, Great Songs; 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast, Newsi B:00, Musle That En dares; 0:40, Lift Up Thy Voice i 10:00, Excur sions In Science! 10:16, Serenade; 10:46, News; 11:00, sign Off. KOAC 10:00. 1 a.m. to 4:45 .m. The News; 10:16, K- poe tally for Women 11:00, The Cob cart Hall; UiOt, Newsi 14:16, Noon ran Hour; 1:00, Rid 'eea Cowboy i Itlft, Variety; 1:80, Melody Lane; 1:00, Caval eado In Drama; S:45, Memory Book of Musle: S:00, News. 1:00. Ssmrli. P.eku.l S:S0, Brld. ud Gr.eaai 4:00, Welcom. TrmY.l.r.1 4:10, Art Llaklelt,r. in charge of the devotioni. Re freshments were served by the hostess to Mrs. E. G. White, Mrs. James Taylor, Mrs. Eva Bur-J bank, Mrs. Laura Horn, Mri Jessie Moyer and Mrs. M. L Thompson. Solution of Yesterday's Puxzl BS, Measur BS. Unity 17. Shrill barks DOWN L Descendant S. Support I. Dull 4. Afternoon function 5. Living 6. Bathe 7. Arabian seaport L Southern con stellatlon t. Fond of books 10. At a distance II. Withered 16. The linden tree 20. Also 22. Got along 24. Place of worship Is. Cooking utensil 26. Nlpht befor 27. Political part 28. Footlike part 29. Sun god 30. Black liquid 31. Organ of sight 33. Greek letter 36. Stitch 37. Sensitive 3t. Wigwam 40. Particle 41. Lasso 43. To an Inner point 44. Witnessed 45. Monarch in aa Icelandic aaga 46. Vessel 47. Household animal 49. Several? 61. Negative Bv Gene Ahern ah -uw-km MAYBE VOU CAN THINK OF SOME WAY TO WDRD A NOTE FOR ME TO SEND BACK HIS CHECK AND ASK. FOR A MONEV ORDER y N Q R ffl B A S 1 CTP fTglIg ZlsE.glaq HW1YIEI FO B L CEO NV AlRltj 151 3B& tt51 a fijtBEE BcrBAlHl y IJen(& SE5l(AJ QRfeNHRABSK '1NS CSn o wHrjT n Ntlll MA DDE RB& O S SlElRj E W Efs A P O RjEiEH