Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 28, 1949, Page 18, Image 18

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    18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 28, 1949
Class B Washouts
Slated for Play
Friday Evening
Three Class B, junior baseball
league, games that were washed
out July 19, will be made up
Friday evening, according to an
nouncement by Vern Gilmore,
director of recreation.
Since the league operates
right up to the end of the play
ground season, Gilmore wants
the slate clean when the che
dule runs out. Salem Laundry
will play West Salem Lumber
of Leslie field; Keizer vs. May
flower Milk at Olinger; Salem
Realtors vs. Salem Heights at
Salem Heights.
Bishop Electric blanked Elf
stroms 12-0 in a Class C tilt
Wednesday night while Salem
Steel beat Midget Market, 6-2
to remain undefeated.
The winners tallied 7 runs In
the second as Bob Miller hit for
the circuit with the bases load
ed. It was the fifth straight set
back for Elfstroms.
Elfstrom 000 0 0 1
Bishop E. 075 x 12 8 1
Shepherd and Lenaberg; Ro
dewald and Miller.
Navy and Dairy
Softies Score
League Victories '
Navy Reserve beat Warner
Motors 10-9 and Maple Dairy
downed Teamsters 5 to 3 in a
pair of Industrial league Softball
games on Leslie field Wednes
day night. Trailing 10-4 as they
came up in the seventh War
ner's tallied five runs in a fruit
less effort to close the gap.
Maple Dairy salted their con
test with Teamsters in the fourth
as they scored four runs with
Catcher Steiger hitting for the
Thursday night's schedule: In
dustrial league, Paper Mill vs.
Clear Lake, 6:30; City league,
Rock Wool vs. Pheasants, 8; Han
dle Oil vs. O.P.&P., 9.
Navy Reserve 200 233 010 9 7
Warners. . , . : 200 002 5 9 6 4
Bassett and Mudd; Allport and
Teamsters 000 030 0 3 1 2
Maple Dairy. 000 401 x 5 5 3
Stattler and C. Bock; Hilfiker
and Steiger.
Portland Mermaid
Suspended by AAU
For Manila Jaunt
Portland, July 28 (P) Suz
anne Zimmerman, swiming
member of the famed "Cody
Kids" of Multnomah Athletic
club, is under AAU suspension
for going on an unauthorized
tour to Manila.
The Portland woman's father,
C. W. Zimmerman, said that
just before she left with a group
of Oakland, Calif., swimmers,
she heard there might be some
question of AAU sanction and
asked the Multnomah club to
look into the matter. He added
that she "undoubtedly will hate
to lose her standing with the
Amateur Collects
Oregon Open Golf
Title on 72-291
The Dalles, Ore., July 28 (IP)
Ron Clark, a hometowner
who plays the game for fun,
held both the Oregon state
amateur and open golf titles
Clark added the state's open
crown to his collection yes
terday when he finished the
72-hole tournament with 291,
only three over par and one
stroke ahead of Emery Zim
merman, Portland pro.
In third place was Bob Mc
Kendrick, Oswego pro, with
The 49th national women's
amateur golf championship will
be staged this year at the Mar
ion Golf club, Ardmore, Pa.,
September 12 through 17.
Only Home Run Is
Washed From Books
New York, July 28 iUVX
Pity the plight of San Sam
The Cleveland pitcher had
never hit a home run in the
major leagues. Yesterday he
took just an average cut in the
third inning of the Yankee
game, and, lo and behold, the
ball soared out of the park.
So what happens? A cloud
burst cancelled out the game
after the fourth Inning, wash
ing the homer out of the rec
ord books.
Golfina Form Ronaid H,,,rhe
uviiiny i vim Uonal jllnlor ,
ies of Lawndale, Calif., na-
medalist who shot a one-
under par 70 in a warm-up round for opening of the National
Junior Golf tournament, picks the curly locks of Eleanor
Nolls for a "tee" for his wood shot at the Congressional Coun
try club, Washington, D. C. Making a nice pretense of block
ing the "William Tell" stunt Is Jan Geddes. It was just a gag.
The weather was hot and the bathing suit girls too appealing
to Ignore. (AP Wlrephoto)
Bandaged Bombers With Tape Race
New York, July 27 (U.B
Whether the New York Yan
kees will win the American
League championship la ques
tionable but the bandaged
bombers already have clinched
the arnica and old tape title
for 1949.
Casey Stengel, the man with
the loving cup ears, has made a
brilliant bid for manager of the
year honors by keeping his club
at the top of the heap despite
one of the most impressive hos
pital lists in the medical history
of baseball.
Several hundred man days
have been lost just since the
season opened. With a total
of 49 Injuries, only three mem
bers of the squad have not
been sidelined. These "iron
men" are Vie Raschl, Hank
Bauer and Billy Johnson.
The long distance champ is, of
course, Joe DIMaggio, who lost
65 days. The springing king is
Yogi Berra, with 10 separate
hurts. And the ailments run
from the customary cuts, gashes
and concussions to sinus and
athletes' foot.
Ignoring the multitude of
miseries which afflicted the
Yanks in spring training, just
run them over lightly since the
campaign started:
April 19 (opening day)
DiMnggio out with heel in
jury; Bcrra a cold; Charley
Keller, pulled side muscles;
Bob Porterfield, arm in east
with torn ligaments; Spec
Shea, sore neck; Johnny Lin
dell, ankle Injury, and Butch
Marshall, hospitalized with
"I hope I get a team on the
field," Stengel moaned.
April 20 George Stirnweiss,
sprained left hand; Charlie Sil
vern, struck on mouth by foul
tip; Scooter Rizzuto, out with
heavy cold; Berra, bruised thigh
by pitched ball. April 22 Ber
ra and Dick Kryhoskt shaken in
collision; April 27 Bcrra bruis
ed by foul tip; April 30 Berra
spiked leg.
At that time the Yanks led
by two full games.
May 1 Tommy Byrne out
sinus attack; May 5 Ed Klie
man, sore arm; Ed Lopat, sore
arm; May 9 Snuffy Stirnweiss,
fractured hand; May 10 Berra
hit over right eye by batted ball.
(X-rays showed nothing.)
May 12 Silvera spiked on
heel; May 23 DiMag returned;
had to quit; May 24 Gus Niar-
hos hit on head by bat; Porter-
field hit on arm; Stirnweiss hit
on shin; Fred Sanford twisted
ankle; May 25 Gerry Coleman
out with sinus; May 27 Allie
Reynolds, back ailment; May 29
Lindell tore knee cartilcge.
At this time the Yanks led
by 4H games.
June J Porterfield lore arm
ligaments again; June 9 Hen-
rich, sore knee; Kryhoski injur
ed wrist; June 10 Stirnweiss
another wrist injury; June 14
Gene Woodling hospitalized by
stomach ailment; June 20 Ber
ra, sore hand, stiff neck; Kyr
hoski, swollen heel; June 22
Joe Page, athletes foot; June 23
Bobby Brown, sprained ankle;
June 29 Berra split finger;
June 30 Rizzuto arm tremors
due to brain concussion.
The Yanks now led by i'i
July 1 Henrich, bruised ribs
and cracked knee; July 4 Jack
Phillips, bursitis of the shoulder;
July 13 Brown, stomach dis
order; July 18 Shea, neck and
shoulder ailment; July 19
Woodling, knee and shoulder
injury; Maples, swollen leg;
July 22 Berra, bruised ribs;
July 25 Silvera, twisted ankle,
and Henrich, toe fracture.
Yanks now lead by three
And, for what It's worth,
you'll notice the Injury aver
age Is down, too. Which has
the rest of the league plead
ing: "Please don't break up the
Our buyers "find" of the year! A complete stock
. . . just received, Swiss Dots, Marquisettes, Etc.
Proving again it pays to shop , ... , ,
136 No. Com'l
Salem, Ore.
Golf, Bowling
Contests Set
For Legion Meet
Sports enthusiasts at the 1949
convention of the American Le
gion to be held in Salem August
3-6 will find plenty of action
in competition for the state Le
gion golfer and bowler cham
pions. Arrangements have been
made witb the Salem Golf
course to conduct a two-day
tourney for the golfers, and
various cups including the de
partment of state champion
. ship trophy will be awarded
the winners. Several cash
prizes are also in store for the
Bowling fans will find a spir
ited contest for cash prizes and
trophies. Those planning to at
tend the forthcoming conven
tion are urged to register for
either of these . events right
away by sending a card or letter
to Convention Headquarters at
PO Bo 13, Salem, Ore.
. Monday, August 1, the main
headquarters for the convention
will be set up in a huge tent on
the lawn of the Marion county
Portland, Ore., July 28 (U.R)
The Portland Red Sox eliminat
ed Tualatin from the Oregon
semi-pro baseball tournament
here last night with a 3 to 0
shutout performance.
In other games, Sweet Home's
Pirates knocked Wherry's Cafe
of Portland out of the running,
10 to 0, and St. John's toppled
Tigard, 10 to 1.
New York, July 28 IP) Wel
terweight champion Ray Robin
son and middleweight contender
Steve Belloise agreed yesterday
to 10-round non-title fight at
Yankee stadium August 24.
To Oakland
Past Noble Grands
Honor Lizzie Treat
Falls City The Past Noble
Grand club was entertained by
Mrs. Nellie Mack at her home
at Oak Crest park. A pot luck
dinner was served at 1 o'clock.
President Ora Wilson, held a
business meeting, honoring Mrs.
Lizzie Treat who is moving to
Portland to make her home with
her daughter, Mrs. Lurena
Smith. Mrs. Faye Wilson pre
sented her a gift from the club.
The August meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. Ethel Teal.
Those present were Mrs. Tthel
Guthridge, Mrs. Billy Shepherd,
Mrs. Rheta Strauss, Mrs. Eva
Burbank, Mrs. Mary Ellen Ellis,
Mrs. Maude Brown, Mrs. Faye
Wilson, Mrs. Jessie Moyer, Mrs.
Nellie Mack, Clarence Lee, Mrs.
Lucille Wheeler, Mrs. Ethel Teal,
Carla Ellis, Jerry Fletcher,
Frankie Roxery and Robert
New York Yankee first base
man, was optioned out to Oak
land or Pacific Coast league
to make room for Ralph Bux
ton, pitcher recently purchas
ed by the Yanks. (AP Wire-photo)
Officers Installed
By Banner Rebekahs
Lafayette Officers installed
in Banner Rebekah lodge by
Jary Girls Win
Tenth Straight
In League Play
The Jary's girls Softball team
playing their third game in as
many nights defeated Washou
gal 7 to 2 at Camas, Wash., last
night to run their league play
to 10 straight wins and no losses.
The ' girls were visibly tired
having made the trip to Portland
Monday night followed by a
game against the Erb Lind team
at Waters park Tuesday night
Jackie Gardner, starting pitcher
for Jarys, got credit for the win.
Lavonne Shotwell relieved in
the fifth.
Salem 7 10 0
Washougal 2 4 3
Fistula Fissure.
Prolapse and oth
er Rectal Disor
ders corrected the
easy, convenient
way. No hospitaliz
ation, quick relief
Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic
Naturo-Reottl specialist
1144 Center St., Salem, Ore.
Ph. 4U
Mrs. Sue Thalr, district deputy
president, were. Mrs. viola
Pratt, N.G., to succeed herself;
Mrs. Winnie Williams, V.G.;
Mrs. Vanna Bryan, treasurer;
Mrs. Sophia Hills, warden; Mrs.
Hazel Hampton, conductor; Mrs.
Clarissa Sampson, inside guar
dian; Mrs. Mabel Laman, out
side guardian, Mrs. Myrtle
Blough, R.S.N.G.; Delia Davis,
L.S.N.G.; Bernice Johnson, R.S.
V.G.; Alice Flannigan, L.S.V.G.;
Lenna Holman, chaplain; Ve.
lede Bryan, musician. Mrs. Zel
ma Warren has been elected for
recording secretary, and has yet
to be installed.
Casey Stengel, present New
York Yankee manager, was
with the Giants in 1923 and his
two home runs won the only
game the Giants captured in the
world series against the Yanks.
There's Something New In Town
cho&e ?UK-
When exhaust smoke is black and greasy,
Your car is in need of attention.
Come to uj while repairs are still easy.
Remember that old "ounce of prevention."
388 North Commercial St.
Phone 2-3621
x .11
. U6J Elm St., West Salem Phone S-6657
Led the entire field force of Guarantee
Mutual Life of Omaha in production for
June, 1949. Mr. Cooley is a member of
the E. J. Knutson Agency in Portland.
The Progressive
Guarantee Mutual
Life Co., Omaha, Neb.
Life, Accident, Sickness, Hospitalisation
Men! mow vd
X and
$10,000 Stock
Slacks, Pants
Sport Coats
Must be sold regardless of cost or loss. No
goods carried over from one season to an
other. Must have room for New Fall Stock.
All of these clothes on sale suit
able for year round wear.
SAVE 25 to 50 on
New Superior Quality
Reg. $35 to $75
Now Bting Sacrificed at .
$1750 $2750 $3450
Including 2-Pantt Suits at
$3750 $4250 $5750
Sport Coats
Reg. $20 - $25 - $27.50
Now Being Sacrificed at
$975 $12$0 ,nd$1495
SLACKS and SUIT PANTS - 100 Wool
Reg. $12.50 to $21.50
Now Being Sacrificed at
$69s $97s $12 and $1495
Follow the smart men, they come back,
again and again to buy more clothes at
For Men's Clothes Shop Joe'i
Where Quality It Always Beit
Priced $10 to $15 Lett
Open Friday Night Till 9 o'clock
Upstairs 442
Clothes Shop State Street
Above Morris Optical Co. Look for the red hot painted display cases in the entrance
and the flashing electric "Save $10" sign over the entrance.
at van mtwMi ca rn.. . t.K