Jersey boar from the Glenn Dadisman farm at Manley, la: evening at 7 o'clock In the park Jewelry of Noe Exhibited Chicago, July 28 U.R The In fluence of a Siamese princess the styles of the past year are was exceptionally fond of wear ing. It is a sterling silver brace let of nine separate links. Si amese gods are engraved on each of the links. The royal jewelry house said it is exctly the same as the princess wears and made of the same materials. Bracelets of this type will sell for about ?45, they said. at Dallas, still in vogue. East Salem Club Members Gather for Family Dinner East Salem, July 28 The July meeting of the Lansing Neigh bors Garden club was a family picnic dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cole on Lansing avenue. Following the serving of dinner at the noon hour the women members of the group drove out to the Bauer Aquatic gardens to see the water lilies Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickerel have had as their guests at their The annual family picnic of the Ametie club will be held Prices generally are about the same as last year. Some of the less expensive items are down as much as 20 per cent but quali ty merchandise is holding at the Lancaster drive home for sev Sunday in the park at Staytoii. Why Suffer Any Longer When ftu tin out Chine! remedial Amailni iuccew lot 6Q0 rear in China No matter with ha ailment you arc afflicted- dlflordir .intuitu bean. luu. liver kidney cat, iorutlpation. ulcer. dlabeUa rheumatism, fall and bladder. (' eral days Mrs, Pickerel's sister, Mrs. Betty Forshey and twin Board Buying Plant same price level. sons, KoDert and rticnara. iney have been living in Denver, Representatives of Thai Na- McMinnville At a special Colo., but are returning to her hit the costume jewelry mar kon, the workshop of the royal former home in Australia to meeting the stockholders of the Farmers Cooperative Creamery voted to purchase the plant of the Nestles Food Co. located in McMinnville for the sum of ket today. She'i Princess Noe of far-off Thailand. Her court jeweler jeweler of Thailand, exhibited one item they said the princess iNolhint Down Fa; Month!; VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades IT. alia waib. relata, aal.1 aad railat ra.r aid Venaliaa .Had. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Pre. estimate. Pbona l-732 I45S Rure St. West Salem We give S&H Green Stamps make their home. They are sail -.kin. ftmale oompiainu- CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE BIBB CO. Olfloa Ba.ra la d Tata .ad Sal. Oall IS4 N CaaiaiarataJ - and other beautiful flowers at- ing from Vancouver, B. C, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickerel and two daughters left with them Tuesday driving north for the sailing. The annual family picnic of the members of the Merry Min glers club will be held Sunday exhibited some of the knick knacks he makes for her and lAdvartUemenf ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL IN ONE HOUR. this garden spot, while the men spent their time with horseshoe Karen Patterson, and their lead er, Mrs. Emory Goode. Wayne Goode is one member of the hopes will be the fashion in the U.S. this fall and winter. Aside from the Siamese in fluence, exhibits at the national jewelry fair, now being held at and other games. Enjoying the day were Mr. $225,000 under terms and con ditions to be agreed upon be tween the board of directors of the association and the Nestles club who has special plans fori If at aleaaoa, yaar 40. back .1 any dr.. atara. T-a-L . STRONG fuafleldo. and Mrs. Robert Ballard and coatalna M par cant alcebol, IT PENE TRATES. Rcacbaa MORE fcrma 1. KILL Pbaaa (ISM two nieces; Mr. and Mrs. Her man Hahn, son and daughter building up his number. He has recently received a registered SALEM, OBB. Food company. the Stevens hotel, indicated that tha Ho.. Today at J. C. Farrr. Drura. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Blackman; Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Kemper 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 28, 1949 01 and two sons and daughter: Mr and Mrs. Ben Rathjen; Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Cole. For the August meet ing a trip to Portland to see the rose gardens has been planned Lewis Patterson, Jr., was host for the regular meeting of the Middle Grove Swine club at the home of his parents. For the program members reviewed their recent trip to the homes of each one to see their pig they are getting ready for the state fair. Anthol Riney, county agent, made the trip with them and offered suggestions for lm provement in their pigs before they will be ready for the fair Present for the meeting were members Wayne Goode, Yvonne Goode, Dale Van Cleave, Garry Doty, Lewis Patterson and Mrs Lewis Patterson, Steven and Wonderful Soup with Real Mayonnaise life Would you earn ft reputation a a mystery chef with a special flair for a soup that soothe! and stimulates at ona and tha sama time? Nancy Holmes, of Best Foods Consumer Kitchen suggests you try this one at your ntxt bridge luncheon or Sunday night supper party. Wait for the reaction. Curi osity ia sure to be reflected, at least on feminine faces. Once tha compli ments are garnered in, you may he generous with your secret or just a bit reticent about tolling all. Tomato Kichard tastes like a soup you'd spend hours to bring to per fection. Actually it calls for the time it takes to open a big can of tomato juice and put in the shred dad vegetables, with a few extra minutes for simmering and adding the rial mayonnaise. Tomato Richard f etipi torn etc jult 1 medium onion, chopped Ant cup coarsely eh redded carrot cup thin oelery craeoent M eup ehrrdded (rten peppee? 1 teaspoon aalt U taaspoon pepper H Utaepnon tug ex t her Imvn tablaapoona reai nayonnalM TOPPING: V eup haavr treat I tahleepoon real maronnalM Chopped ehWee Simmer tomato juice, vegetables, and seasoning for 10 minutes. Re move bay leaves. Stir a little of the hot mixture into rial mayonnaise. Then blend all together. Whip heavy cream and fold in real mayon naise. Serve aonp piping hot topped with mayonnaise cream topping and sprinkled with chopped chives. Yield: 6 servings. Legal NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice U hereby given that tha under lined haji filed nU Pinal Account In the County Clerk Office ot Marlon County, Oreton, and that Monday, on the 15.h day ol Auiuit, Uti, at 10 a.m.. In the Clroult Court Room of ield County, at Sa lem, Orei on. hu been appointed by said Court for the hearlni of objection there to and tha ac It lament thereof. ( CAM, J. LONG, Administrator of the Katatr of Laura B. Krnat, dee. CHAKLES T. AIEVKR8, Attorney for Administrator, Room Bldr., Oreion City, Ortion, JuiyH.91.3fl.Aui.4. National Forest Timber for Sale Oral auction bldi will be received by the Fornt Supervisor. New Poet Office Building, Kufttne, Ore eon, benlnnlni at 1 00 p.m.. Pacific Standard Time, August 15, 1949, for all the live limber marked or designated for rutting and all merchant able dead timber located on an area em bracing about 14? acres within portions of Sections 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, T. SS R IE., W.M., (unBiirveyedl. and surveyed aecllon 2(1, T. fl 8.. R 7 W.M.. Brci tenbmh Klvrr Watrnhed, Willamette Na tional Forr&t, Oregon, estimated to be 6 750,000 fret H.M.. more or lew, of Doui-lai-fir, 300,000 feet B.M., more or lass, of Western rrdredar, 10,000 feet B.M.. more or lens, of western white pine, end 440. 000 frrt B M., more or lest, of western hemlock and other sperlea of saw limber. Sealed bids accompanied by the required payment rrrelved by Ify Porest Buprvlsor prior to 2:00 p.m., Paclilc Standard Time, August IS, 1949, will be considered the equivalent of an oral bid and posted for the Information of all bidders. No bid will be ronsldrred which Is lest than 16.16 per W feet for Douglas-llr, 12.00 prr M leet for western retired ar, f fl. 16 prr M feet for western white pine, and 10.60 per M feet for western hemlock and other species. In addition to the prices bid for stump ace. cooperative deposit of 10. IS per M feet B.M.. to be used by the Forest Berv lie for paying a part of tiic coit of slash disposal. S. 000.00 to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained In put as llouldated damages, according to ' the conditions of sale, must accompany i each scaled bid and must be shown to be In the potseslon of oral bidders at a que miration for auction bidding. If an oral bid Is declared to be hleh at the dorm ol the auction, the bidder must immediately make the required payment and confirm the bid by submitting It In writing on a Porel Service bid form. The to reject any and all bldi It re eervefl. Before bids are submitted, full in formation concerning the timber, the con ditlons of sale and the submission of bids hould be obtained from the Forest Sup ervlsor, Eugene, Oregon, or the District aUnoer. Detroit, Oregon. i Jflt 14-20, 1S4. aa ana -mmr u aa r. a Koii'ii'uiav Ma.a.m. b Bat aini! a bw b , n r- Ripe Olives 5-19 Red label Karo Syrup Pancake Flour Flapjack Flour Alber'i S-lb. can Sparry 4-lb. P9- 55c 45e 29e BISQUICK X 39e Valley rand Strained Honey Marshmallows M.C.P. Pectin Powdered fluHlttt 5-lb. can Lb. pkg. 79e 12c Zee Napkins 2fc25c All Prices in this ad effective) Thursday, Friday and Saturday SAFEWAY features selected, PAN-READY frvito .chickens These are selected birds, plump with tender, sweet meat and ready-for-the pan. No waste! No cleaning to do! Try Safeway's pan-ready fryers on this guarantee: Unless they give you top- ., eating enjoyment you get all your money back. ID. VEAL SPECIALS! Veal Rump ftS? tb. 55e Veal Steak scHuTutDiL.. 59 Veal Loin Chops L. 79 SPECIAL PICNICS l,3V Sugar Cured Short Shanks 59 BEEF SWISS STEAKS lb. 79c PURE GROUND BEEF lb 39c Pur PORK SAUSAGE lb. 49c SALMON STEAKS lb. 69c HALIBUT STEAKS lb. 49c ROCK COD FILLETS lb. 29c SKINLESS WIENERS Or Bologna l.45c ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS Li.49e and Reduced Prices! COFFEE NOB HILL, Mb. bag 45 e 2-lb. ba?89c Airway Coffee ;& 40 Potted Meat Llbby't Vienna Sausage Llbky's No. ib 79c 10 4-oi COR 19 Corned Beef HashLbbr N;,.2 35e Lipton TEA Vj-lb. pkg. 59 ltS-bag pkg 1 Sunnybank Margarine Ib. 29e Nu-Made Mayonnaise pi, 37 Rice Krispies c.i..,,.i,h. 19' Wiener Buns v pk' 17c VIENERS OSCAR MAYER'S 14-os. can 35' Many summertime favorites are now at their very best. Buy them at Safeway where quality and freshness are guaranteed. On the Cob Golden Sweet PEACHES 2 lbs. 25c Early Elbertas GRAPES, seedless Ib. 19 WATERMELON, vine-ripened Ib. 4 CANTALOUPES, sweet-flavorful Ib. 10c ZUCCHINI SQUASH, tender, tasty Ib. 10c LETTUCE, for sparkling salads Ib. 6C CRISP CUCUMBERS, nice size Ib. 10 CELERY Ib. 10c CABBAGE Ib. 5e LEMONS Ib. 25c For the convenience of out-of-town and late shoppers, S A V K W A V STORKS at 2120 Fairgrounds Koari and 1420 State St.. are open until 8:00 P.M. EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. PLUMS ib. 10c TOMATO JUDCI Sunny Dawn New Pack Log Cabin SYLUIP Sandwich SPR (Facial TDSSUiS HAD 2EE BRAND 19c 49 oVfo'o U C Famous 24-ez. for Quality cabin LUNCH BOX Quart Yel for Washing 25c MaftrVafefAiia for IS-ox. Diihwaihing Pk9- Columbia Dill Pickles 45c Palmolive Soap i 223c VHUW DETAILS .M For Lovelier Complexion Bath Size fooo Lux Toilet Soap He's 32 II 00 " s.m fffiffl Home i-fiWffU jftiinui..- -r' ri NEW White Magic Soap .3 ... 25 e 51 Bath Site Bar iai