1 1 2 Cnpital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 28, 1949 No Wheat Marketing Quotas intended for Year 1950-51 W. M. Tate, chairman of the Marlon county ACA committee, has been notified that Marion county's allotment is 13,530 acres. The wheat acreage allotment for Oregon is 944,891 acres, which has been apportioned among the countries. Secretary of Agriculture Charles F. Brannan has announced that no wheat marketing quotas will be proclaimed for the 1950 51 marketing year. At the same time the secretary announced pursuant to the provisions of Section 332 of the agricultural adjustment act of 1938 a na tional wheat acreage allotment of 68,900,000 acres for the 1950 crop of wheat. In announcing next year's allotment Secretary Brannan said: "Wheat farmers are now face to face with a natural post-war problem. The great expansion in United States wheat produc tion, induced by the war and the unusual post-war foreign re habilitation needs, has continued at a time when market outlets are showing signs of contrac tion. The indicated wheat pro duction In 1949, even as ad justed downward in the latest crop report, would be our third largest, exceeded only in 1947 and 1948. It will be our sixth consecutive wheat crop in ex cess of one billion bushels against an average domestic consumption of approximately 700 million bushels. "While exports are expected to continue large, we must ex pect a downward trend . . . "We have recently been ex porting over ten times as much wheat as we did before the war. Even with expected exports sev eral times the pre-war level, we still need such adjustments. "Acreage allotments are a fair means of doing this, since they assign to each grower his fair share of responsibility for ad justing production to the pros pective market. Because of the large wheat acreage for 1950 might well be glutted markets disastrous price breaks, and an undue burden on the whole price support program. With an acre age allotment program in effect for the 1950 wheat crop, only those growers who cooperate with their allotments will be entitled to price support. "If wheat growers in general stay within their acreage allot ments, thus adjusting produc tion to expected demand, it may be possible to avoid marketing quotas in future years. Quotas with their penalties for excess marketing, provide controls which will not be needed if acre age allotments and other meas- $$ MONEY $$ FHA W V$ Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. 32) 3-5222 Shriners Will Hold Annual Hill Trek Independence The fourth annual St. Mary's trek has been scheduled for August 4 with all benefits being donated to the Shrine hospital, announced J. W. Palmer of Corvallis, who was here Wednesday advertising the affair with William Darling. A 1949 Chevrolet will be awarded as a prize. Darling and Walter Smith are in charge of ticket sales in In dependence. Darling stated that everyone receiving a Mt. Slates electric bill this month will re ceive a complete map of the lo cality giving directions to St Mary's peak and there will be road signs to give further directions. Included among the prizes be ing awarded at the trek are a 1949 Chevrolet, home freezer. washing machine, radio, elec tric range, and a motor boat and trailer. ures succeed in adjusting production." I Rain Drops and a mere dasb of your favorite soap gives you more, better, harder-working sudt than any soap or detergent alone! UAiai nunnr uuaianitta ov '. im .Good Houitkeiplnr Phone i JI j . I Pjr Lj 1288 3-6489 I " W 1 H J W 1 I State St. mm caM?cT 'III I J Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry We are again offering a wonderful selection of cuts in all varieties at prices that will save you from 25 to 35. You can not afford to pass these values, especially when there is plenty of courteous service thrown in for good measure. Prices effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Freshly Ground Tl T Fresh Country Oe Hamburger ib. 33c Sausage .. H EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD Eastern Oregon Hereford M T tz.L 30c wb a 49c ROAST Rump ...... ib. STEAK Eastern Oregon Hereford JT f Eastern Oregon Hereford F t T Bones lb ; J7C Round Steak ,b. J7C Eastern Oregon Hereford f Eastern Oregon Hereford J Ground Round JJC Boneless Sirloin ,b. 0 Tender Milk Fed B Tender Skinless f Veal Roast,.. 4jc WIENERS,. J7C SLICED BACON Eastern Sugar Cured LB. 45c LOCKER No need to wait! Buy one right now while the price is low. Eastern Oregon Hereford small sizes. J, Lb. 35c lASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street In the University Shopping Center SWEET C0RNr... D0Z. 39c CTALOUPEeUibc GRAPES f" 29c CAAGEusXL4c MAS"?TmTOK29c LETTUCES0" 5c POTATOES "oL0"1,, 33c WATERMELONS ifSZ". VAi CRjSCO 3 j 83c SUPER SUDS 2 r39c SUGAR 1QIS 87c PLUMSrNyn ,u2 29c SNACK arz".".' 37c VINEGAR ANDtKi;T;iCE8 CHEESE Excellent Cure . . . . .... lb. 45c II Prices Effective MAYONNAISE !;72c COFFEE BNranid"a'.'y AdY,rtiSCd , 53c MILK Tall cant each 10c BREAD HSJ-JSl 19c Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. July 28-29-30 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 13th 4 STATE STS. Portland Road Store Open until 10 P.M. Four Corner Store Closes at 8 P. M. Prices Effective Friday - Saturday and Sunday CHINESE FOODS At Erickson's PICTSWEET PEAS sr-ton!0' TOMATO JUICE r-s 19c STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 25c - Buy it by the case at this low price HORMEL'S SPAM 37c PABSTETT CHEESE " 2 -75c PAPER NAPKINS 10c SWEET PEAS Hoppyvie' n 303 3 25c Meatless Chop Sue; No. 2 can Januine Brand Bean Sprouts 1 0 No. 2 can Chow Mein Noodles IT- No. 2 can c Chop Suey Vegetables O 3 No. 2 can AJC jO Soy Sauce Q Z7C 3 oi. bottle .. 'C Chow Mein Noodles ?.Gee 43c Fortune Cakes, No. 2 can 19 Mandarin Oranges 2C.,.. 29c PAROWAX 12 oz. carton. . . 10c CERTO PECTIN 8., boie. ..19c PORTO PECTIN , home ...10c MASON JAR CAPS 2dM.49c Kerr or Ball Dome V-Seal 11c MASON JAR LIDS Kerr or Dome VS doz. $20,000 FIRST PRIZE FOR NAMIN' THIS LIL' SHMOO. DREFT S 25c DUZ Large Pkg. 25c IVORY SOAP Large Bar. . . . Medium Bar 13c 8c Simonize Window Glaze Glass Wax, VA pt. can 29 MASON JARS 09. WC Quarts Kerr or Dome VS Pints 97c JELLY GLASSES Srenor BaI1. . 49c SWIFTNING SHORTENING 3 Ib. can . 69c you GET MORE for YOUR MONEY wrrk JN Soap Powder I IS lm Large pkg. Devil's Fudge White Golden Spice Cake Mix HALEY'S CANNED MEATS 41c r.YVhM Soap Powder CHICKEN SANDWICH SPREAD 3 oz. can . . 25c 6 V4 oz. can . . . MEAT BALLS WITH GRAVY Just Add Water Large pkg. 25c Large pkg. AjW IVORY FLAKES tkT 25c v i WILD HUCKLEBERRY JELLY 1A "r " IVORY SNOW Pkg? 25C Sunny Jim 511 0I iar BEEF STEW WITH GRAVY CAMAY Soap 3 ban 19c Bath Size 11c Bar 35c ?. 38c UEI-ETlllt CTEU UITU BCCE 37c VEGETABLE STEW WITH BEEF Haley's Large No. 2 can. Also Rasnberrv and Grape Jelly. Haley's Orange Marmalade 5V4 oz. jar 10c 1 lb. can. 35c SWIFT'S CLEANSER 3 .... 33e WAX PAPER Z,S . ,. 19c TUNA FISH for CANNING POTATOES ;:c'99 THOMPSON SEEDLESS MM GRAPES 2 lbs. 29c WATERMELONS VA California Striped W A lb. Yellow ONIONS 9 New Crop of Spanish Sweet W LBS. lev FRESH GREEN CORN 00r Santiam Large Ears Vfv doi POTATOES 10 - 33c Washington, U. S. No. 1 IV bag WW T Fresh From the Ocean to Arrive Friday Tuna is at the LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS. CAN TUNA NOW . . It will save dollars en that budget this winter Net weights, 5 lbs. average. PURE LARD 4u,58c Home Rendered. SWTFTTREMIUM - ARMOUR STAR CASCADE - HORMEL'S - All TOP GRADE SLICED BACON 63c SAUSAGE 35c u Fresh Country Swift's Genuine Spring Lamb Leg o Lamb 55c lb. Lamb Stew 15c lb. Loin and Rib Chops 49c lb. Shoulder Roasts or Chops 35c lb. SWIFT'S PICNIC HAMS Half or Whole A Real Buy Present Wholesale Cost Up to 47c Lb. BUY NOW AT 39c LB. L J. 1 J ilj iMm i pl llMilUilMft 12 os. jar... SUPERIOR OC ASPARAGUS SPEARS Fancy 15c Fig Bars . 2 ,. 43c WlI1w' no. 300u1.cn. 33c Large AQ S & W COFFEE 1 lb. Can 53c Mellowed Drip or Regular 2 lb. can 1 .05 Dura Starch Pint Jar 47c Plastic One Treatment Lasts Months SUNSHINE RED KIDNEY BEANS Case Swayne No. 300.... Krispy Crackers 1 25c S5ST Shoestring, No. Z can. 3r.25c 10c SUNSHINE CANDIES 12 os. OT- CHOCOLATE MINT WAFERS cello Of C PURPLE PLUMS in Starr No. 2 can IUC PORK AND BEANS Smith's No. 300 cans . . . . 3 2,29c Van Camp's No. 300 cans . tall cans 33c fROM THE lEtiriAND OF THE NATION ft lilflJIM.TIrrf 1JJ.T K2? Bottle rmif.miif.mif 89c Tit Drink TbriU of '49 FREE SAMPLING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Adds Lite to Clothes 711 47c ltl I I .T 3 ''I?, JL . fhlfmhfL2nhJA iM.IiP J,r-J I I I'A-M.timmm ph.iiij hJ.VililtXXJ I I rrij-i.i:n:i.i:Mi.giiiLLi.iJ.i..aj!iiii,u.i.i.JA 3720 E. State 3060 Portland Read