10 Capital JournSalem, Oregln, Thursday, July 81949 p Council Names Beyer; dance, Louis Bemt and freshments were served and cards were in play. a Paving Lebanon Street Lebanon A contract has been awarded by the state high way commission to the Warren Northwest, Inc., of Portland, for grading and paving .61 mile on Milton and Williams streets. The Portland firm was low bidder at $33,580. Gene Hotter; membership. Frank LeDoux, Al Dieker and Victor Hoffer; banquet, Val Eb erle and Joseph Schmidt; per manent eats, Carl Mucken, Charles Wyffels and Henry Schaecher; construction, L. A. LeDoux and John Kottre; Cath olic activity, Alois Keber and Fred J. Schwab. OREGON HAILS BIG BUY! The best whiskey value "Back East"... CARSTAIRS White Seal New Officers Mt. Angel Installation of of ficers for Mt. Angel Council Knights of Columbus was con ducted by District Deputy Al bert Dicker, at the regular O meeting. Following the meeting re- State Deputy 8. J. Smith of a St. Paul was a special guest and gave a talk. Present also were Hubert Dresher, grand knight of St Paul council and Steve Hitler. Classic Plays Start Tuesday Aihland, Ore., July 28 Stage door Johnnie who have been watching preparations lor the Oregon Shakespearean Festival gave unqualified praise today for the excellence of this sum mer's program after witnessing first dress rehearsals. Judgment will be passed on their extravagant claims begin ning on Tuesday evening, Au gust 2, when the ninth annual drama program opens in Ash land's Elizabethan theater. "The perfection demanded by the producing directors both from the theatrical standpoint and Shakespearean authenticity Is readilly seen in the finished productions," reports Henry Bussey, NEA feature writer who Is covering the festival. "And the actors have responded mag nificently to the coaching of the past two months so that we are confident that the 1949 season will be tops." Marshall E. Woodell, festival association treasurer, reminds that an unprecedented number of inquiries has made it neces sary to reserve all seats this Not a Dream but actors of the Oregon Shakespearean fes tival rehearsing their lines for "Mid-summer Night's Dream" in Ashland's Lithia park. From left to right, the group includes Eleanor Haines of Auburn, Ala., Richard Graham of New York, Philip Hanson of San Francisco, Peggy Cox of Brawley, Calif., Nick Gilroy of New York, and Naomi Kaye of Portland. The three-week drama festival will open on August 2. (Bushnell Studio Photo) year. Reservations for the thea ter and for housing accomoda tions have been cleared by writ ing directly to the Oregon Shakespearean Festival associa tion, Ashland, Ore., advises Woodell. The Dlavs will be presented every evening except Sunday so that the entire repertoire may be seen in five nights, or at the most. six. The schedule will be as follows: "Romeo and Juliet," August 2, 8, 13, 19. "Richard II," August S, 9, 15, 20. "Midsummer Night's Dream," August 4, 10, 16, 22. "Othello," August S, II, 17, 23. "The Taming of the Shrew," August 6, 12, 18, 24. Strictly speaking, the word profit means the result of a business operation, whether fa vorable or unfavorable, accord ing to the Encyclopedia Brlt-annica. No Pix Made of Winnie Swimming Milan, Italy, July 28 Photographers cruised out to take pictures of Winston Church ill swimming yesterday, but they were stoned by police. Several rocks nearly hit their motor- boat. Churchill is vacationing at Gardone on Lake Garde in northern Italy. He has reques ted privacy from newsmen and photographers. Gabrielle Mundo, assistant Milan police chief has ordered confiscated any pictures of Churchill in swimming togs. Hera'a a vraa4 ear - tla tap ehaae, ehe'a aarelr broken In. Plenty at pewer ander the Deed. IMP Per Baa. Ceapa far S1BSS. Eaay fiaaae Inp. Den't let thla eaeapel VALLEY USED CAR MARKET High and Center 4200 NORTH RIVER ROAD -SALEM - SMIAl - VELVEETA 75c CORNED BEEF 35c CIRCUS PEANUTS 29c FREE SAMPLES SPAGHETTI 2 ,.,25c PRESERVES s.K,Y m25c BULK VINEGAR sas 6,J9c PICKLING SPICE - 29c UPTON'S TEA 53c as 59c GRAPEFRUIT sg U0I.CIH 39c ARMOUR PICNICS 49c SWIFT'S HAMS 79c SLICED BACON sag 53c Newly installed officers are: Andrew Schmidt, grand knight; John Jennings, deputy grand knight; Joseph Brockhaus, chan cellor; W. D. Harris, financial secretary; William Beyer, re cording secretary; Clem Hauth, warden; Virgil Gooley, treasur er; Lawrence Rothenfluch, ad vocate; Michael Welton, lectur er; Millard Henny, inside guard; Joseph Beyer, outside guard and Richard Foltz. Grand Knight Andrew Schmidt appointed the follow ing committees for the year: Publicity, E. B. Stolle and Mi chael Welton; sports, Joseph Wavra and Ray Rusher; sick vis iting, John Jennings and Matt M.C.P. Jam Jelly PECTIN oi inspection la ooj terr can of Ken-L-Kav lion. Look for thb Ml 0B twy eu, Helps Develop A Thick Glossy Coat Alert . . . Happy Disposition! If you really want to keep jour dog in top form, feed him Kea-L-Ration every day. You never need to buy any additional meat because every can of Ken-L-Ra-tion is made with fine cuts of lean, red meat U. S. Govt, in Epected horse meat. Every can contains all "dog-health" vita mins plus vital minerals dogs need daily for sound bone and teeth and a thick, glossy coat. Get 3 cans of Ken-L-Ration from your grocer or dealer today. Tested practical information on How to Feed and Car for Your Dog! You'll treasure CTerjr wordl Send name and address for your free copy now! Ken-L-Ration, Chicago 77, Illinois. KEN-L-RATIOri J2$ W: I vTf I CARSTAIRS O l The Man who Cares says CARSTAIRS BLENDED WHISKEY CARSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO, INC, BALTIMORE, M0. BLENDED WHISKEY, 86.8 PROOF, .72 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS n'h -$20,000 FIRST PRlZEJfrVVS"E"F"r) rtyAr-&)'& -'r w I JCrMsL Tlj eggs an' bottles o'Tiilk. 7 J J vV S lJU&h&S. J i:?C -V"". 1 THIS ONE AIN'T GIVE , fJdS- I AV NOTHIN-VETe'r (f J J jj BLESS HAH SOUL.? ftORrr lfD-M-7 W I rrs AMAZIN'wHUT DUZ V je C f T I -V- O - R - Y ) THEM DISHES DO SHIKlErtWI.r i DOES-FUM TH' DIRTIEST; .LjfWt'5, S -O - A" P .r.r7 .WIFOUY BEIN' WIPED fT STH'SHMOO MTH'PRINTIN' ON K AN' TH GRIMIEST MEANIKj ' -S SAYS IT'S S. DREFT SURE WASHES VHOMPED UP SIT SAYS DUZ DOES PAPPYS UNDERWEAR, V THAR PwONDIFUU FO' A SEM CLEAN.':'' ANOTHER BOXEVEPtYTHIN' IN TH 0 NATCHERLM'-TO TH' WHITEST T GO, JS HANDS AM'CCMPLEO-J . -T. . .-VFAMlLVWASHr) AN BRIGHTEST MEANIN7- S AGiHFf J SUNST-WHO'LL f.fySLTlf " LIKEWISE, THEN YOT MUST "nO' IS TH' PERFECK HOUSEHOLD '"S THASS JEST TH' TH' RULES IS A PAPPV HA IKfT I IT'S J BE99 FHJSSEMT SHMOO AN WHOEVER THINKS ) RRT PRtZEJT ) SO SAMPLE?- ) ,ED'WHILE yWJ'Xoo PURE TOO, PAPPY UP TH BEST NAME FO YO r "7 THAP,'S CWErA EVEN Ll'L BEIN'SWUBBED.'T J PUSSENT ? -BECUZ VO'f IS GONNA GIT . ' ( A THOUSAN' C I ABKJER GOULDS lafiSifSlA pure-(floats.': "J Vao,ooo.'? 'JjG&m L prizesin ) VT onifnd ) IVOPCY SOAP IS f T ' - ,, , rRJii-I ALL. J VILtm rr I aooo, FO NAM IN TUFT -WONDER HOW LONG IT'D TAKE ME T' EARN S 20,000 -. M AKIN A NICKEL, A WEEK, LIKE AH ' DO?-? -AN' TH' NAME CAINT HAVE AMY LETTERS THET HAIInTT IN THESE WORDS IVORY SOAP." ALCAPPIS , GONNA BE THi UUDGE-SOTHDOK UP A NAM HE,' 9 UKEff TH' SMART THING WOULD RE T7 READ lFL ABNER'i EV'RY DAY. MIGHT BE SOME SLY SHMOO- NAMIN WIWT?; in rrrf. (only voo 0 2'Z"9 1 3 j 'oo .,fs-'-lZE .""""1 IPs -OV" WEPT- . .aaax. a - VVOKT IS 'v-rY k "a. cikvw dli. 1.77 aaiT Jjr ia J? v. Xiaraj 4 OPtr. mt br Putted rmtm ttrndtMfc Tsc a.."" rM.. ' r-Tx. 2? S 5i'i; m u "aw. fl..'pirJm -3 00 if l Mnl- a.IJ if if if . I 5 a-tf&W 3 V