( 18 Capital Journal, Salem, CLABSIFDED ADVERTISING! Par Lint ifto Per Lint t tlmu 40c P Lint t time ,..,.60c Pm Una 1 month I a. (to Outside at Salem 15fl per )ln pei day. Uln. I Oct I times min. 80e a times min. 11.20. No Refund HEADERS Id Local Newt CoL Only. Ptr Una 30o To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES T OWNER In Woodburn, 4 room house ! wired for range, has hot water heater, lot 60x60. Price J2150. 2380 Hyde Bt., Salem. a' FOR SALE OR TRADE Toom, full basement, house on 60x100 aorner lot, 2 block to McKlnley, 3 blocks to Leslie schools. Open to show from 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 at 709 Hoyt St. ,ano AtOD. 1 ROOM plastered home. Priced a 170 low. 1080 3rd St. west eaiem. f BDRM. HOME. Best offer on my equity. 1272 Elm. St., West Salem. Contact 2-9098. ftlW S BEDROOM home near Capitola dist. Newly finished, unfudn. or partly. Inq. at 326 Oregon Bldg. In a.m. al76 OWNED LEAVING. Sacnnce 3 bdrm. home. Falrmount Hill olo.se to Leslie. Bub to Bosh, Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur nace. Corner lot, (0050, Ph. 3-9605. 1595 Saginaw St. alia WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new homo. Full basement. Fire- l plaoe in basement et nvina rm. L.arge iot. Plenty shrub Sc flowers Over 1,400 ft floor space. Besides Karaite. Immed. poss. Prlco low. For appointment Ph. I -3 734. I BD. RM. modern home $8200, down pay ment 11450. Balancce on GI loan. 1435 l-re St., Woodburn Blue 252, a!71 Owner Living in California SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Hardwood floors throughout. Full plas tered basement Sc plastered garage. Lot of storage space. Terraced back yard. Cost over 118,000 to build. Will sell for $14,000. Term. Would consider cheaper house or car In trade. For more Infor mation inquire at Stevens Used Cars, 67B S. 12th St., Salem. &180 FOR SALE BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. home. FH. term. $300 down, Phone 2-2880. 642 BUler. alflO FOR SALE OR LEASE BY OWNERS Convenient for business nnd residence or house can be removed 8 rm., full basement 41 by 100 lot. Handy to Scars New Shopping- Center, on State Highway 90E. 575 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-4540 for appointment. FOB SALE OR TRADE 4 rm. mod. home. 2 acres. Deep well. Will take l'A ton lata model truck on trade or priced for qluck sale, 13250. Ph. Gervais 3183. a!70 $800 DOWN J bedroom home, newly decorated In side and out. Close to bus. Immediate possesion. See after 12 week days. Price 16,450. Also adjacent lot. Nothing down, 125 a month. 1480 6th, W. Sulem. a 170 Englewood District By owner, 2 bdrm. F.H.A. approved. 1640 Grant or phone 2-5526, a!71 iszso, BY OWNER. I bdrm. older type home. Bsmt., gar., close to school and i store, bua at door. Ph. 2-0408. al72 kr OWNER New 2-bdrm. modern home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, Bcndlx elec tric heat. Near sohool and bua line. Ph. 2-7820 or 2-4730. 1059 E. Rural. a!72 OWNER TRANSFERRED. 6 rm. house S700 under FHA appralsn). $1500 less limn built to aell for a little over a year hko. Here 1 really a buy, $1005 down, bal. 17266 F.H.A. at $58 per mo, So. Com'l to Liberty rd. to Salem His. Ave. to 3350 Wlnola Ave. al74 BDRM. bath, LR, lge. kllch., lots bullt 1ns. Insul., elcc. ht. wtr. hlr., new work shop St gar. 18x34 plus ulll. 6x10. Lot 66x120 on paved street. Cherry tree. 937 Madiaon, Silverton. 15500. aii BY OWNER: Small unfinished house, Va Acre. 2160. $250 Dn. Ph. 25211. al70 BY OWNER: Pleasant aiiinl Ihomc; full plumbing. 3I50. Ph. 352 I. aivir ASM. NEAR Highland school. This nice home for two. LR, DR, kitchen, nook, dnndv hnnement. furnace. 81fi. BRAND new 2 bdrm. Nice LR, DR, kltch., with lots of bullt-lns. A very pretty home. fll.flBO. NEW 3 bdrm. home. Nice lge. LR with fireplace, din. rin.. kitchen. Will go F.H.A. OMER'S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 25091 al71 fibD. s bdrm. guburbnn homo, Double ga- rage, chicken house, bain. 6 Mi acres. i miles south. Eve. Ph. 2-5771. al7l TWO GOOD BUYS $8500 Nice 3 brdrm. home 2 yrs. old., att. garage, close in north, terms. $8500 New 2 bedrm. home with dining im. Sz large kitchen, att. gar., lg. lot. bua at door. Call Ivan Bivors. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 660 S. Commercial Ph. 83849 Eve. 37012 al70 OPEN HOUSE 9 p.m. till fi this week only, new home. Small down payment. Fully Price $7500. 246S N. .4th. al74 ANOTHER SPECIAL $76002 bedrm. home with nlre dry basement near Walnut Park Addition, pre-war built, this la a bargain. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 6. Commercial Fh. 23849 Eve. 28(158 a!70' JTEW 4 BR house. 2310 NTBrmulwny." $8500. A. E. Headley, 3305 N. Liberty. al74 NEW HOUSE. By ownrr. Large lot 50x150. Will aell reasonable. 998 Locust. ftl74 - RM." HOUSE, basement utilities, wash ing machine, range, cook (dove, a cir culating heater. Floor covering, window hades and V. Blinds. On corner lot. Vacant now. Price $4750. $1250 down. 936 per mo. F. H. WEIR REALTOR H4T . Com'), Ph. 39411 aI70' SUBURBAN $11,600 5 acrea with nice 5 rm. home lose In, bimt., furnaee, double garage, ftitok. houie, fruit, pavement, Acreage n aotMnent lor- auodividing. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 660 0. Commercial ffa. M840 Eve. 25260 al70 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 14860. J bedroom house. Living room dining room, kitchen and bath, Full baaement, fireplace, nlre lawn and hrubi. Close to school and shopping enter. Bus by door. Let us show you frill. Call or sea Andy Halvorsen tXfle 3-8620 Hume 3-7163 McKillop Real Estate Realtors Mew Location Center and High al71 Special $6,000Special New 3 bdrm. by owner ft builder. Close to new grade school and bus. Llv Din., Kit., Bath, 1 bdrm. down, 2 up, nn U t,cre. Deep well, elec. heat, insulated. Asphalt tile floor covering, auto. Hen dix. Future street Improvement Is paid. Last house on south side of Llvinustnn east off Lansing. Will be shown Wed., Thurs., Frl. Si Bat. from 7-10:30 p.m. Ph. 28353 days. al74 BUILT TO LAST Beautiful new 1 rm. home with double flumblng on ncre view lot. Oil pipe urnace, fireplace, large lovely kitchen St utility. Built with best material workmanship. Actually priced below cost. You should ice this. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 660 S. Commercial 33846 Eve. 25260 Bl70 tM). Lot 100x120. Older typeiouseI.usl neaa zone. Suitable for apL. or court Ph. 1 7877 after p.m. nt Oregon, Tuesday, July 19, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "The Stratton Story" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality. The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Strat ton Story" coming soon to the Elsinore theater. AH entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges Is final. Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest. FOR SALE HOUSES ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 8000. 2 bedroom house. Choice corner lot. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, full basement, fireplace. Nice lawn with lots of shrubs. Clone to shop, ping center, schools and bus, A won derful buy. Call or see Andy Kalvorsen Office 3-8020 Home 3-7163 McKillop Real Estate Realtors FOR SALE Small 2 room house, furnish ed modern, large lot, shade, wood house, garage. Owner on premises Wednesday and Thursday weekly only. 1000 Market St. a 170 EQUITY 2 bedroom all modern F. H. A. financed home. Choice location. Ap proximately (2200 required. Phone owner 3-1727. al75 LEAVING Salem. Must sell 3 bdrm home on A. Klnwood Height Ph. 2-7241. a 175 i I1DRM. HOUSE. $500 down St take over contract. 310 S. 16th St. Ph. 3-0002. al73 NLW HOME by owner. 2140 Carlton Way. N. on 90 to Carlton Way. alfl5 5 ROOM modern house. Price $4000. $1500 down. $27 per month. 2330 Hyde St., Salem. By owner. al75 $10,100 -North of Market Dlpcd Fur. Dlnti Lg. lot. Ph. 2llii. 18th ST. Full Basm., oil .11,, Nook, 2 B.R. ED LUKINUEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. 175 $5050 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL Nearly new well built comp. mdn. 4 rm. home. Loc. on creek, nice tcdn., lawn St flowers. Hard to beat. Ph. 20680. ED LUKINUEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. al75' SUBURBAN 10 acres, all In fruit and berries, B ml. out. Modern 3 B.R. home with basement, water for Irrigation. 3 blocks from paved hlway. $4000 will handle. John son. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 3-7451 or 2-5300 al70' UK AND NEW 5 rooms with nook, utility, ait. gar. new deep well e casing, clec. pump. No water bill to pay. This is really a beautiful 2 bedrm. home. KnoiiKh peaches to pay taxes. Lot 73x150. Just one blk. from stores and bun, Three blka. to school. $0600. Terms. Seen by appointment only. Phone 27520 or 23069. Owner and Builder. a 112 A Rare Opportunity Buy Ksiate oi merit. ai,a a. elevated land scaped with native trees, ferns, shrubs. Artistic range garden, patio. Fine 2 bd rm. house. Large rms. Pre-war built. Everything modern. To appreciate this It must be seen. Owner leaving state. A sacrifice $0500. Unusual terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 27642 Eve. St Sun. Ph, 20343 or 20126 al70' Attractive 3 Bedrm. Just off Summer St. North. Excel, cond. Among nice homes. A real buy $6950. buy as an investment. Renting value over $75 per mo. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 27642 KvBjSnn- Ph. 20343 or 20126 Bl70 CONSIDER TRADE for small farm near same value. Good one siory 3 bdrm. pinatered home. Corner lot. Paved street & bus. All utili ties, modern convlences. Near school St stores. Priced to srll. STOUT REALTY 959 S. 13U. St. Ph. 25323 al70' S'-'IWO. 5 A. located about 9 miles NTKHas liveable 2 bedroom home. Drilled well and elect, pump. Barn. Garden space. Bal, In pasture. Call O. V. Hume with . State Finance Co. Realtors 153JS. Htgh St. Ph. 3-4121 al72 iVAM. NEW 2 HK home FHAbullC Well located on pnved St. and bus line. $1000 Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. tjh - ?'i'L.st: 3-,ia i""A1 Isaak & Co., Realtors mm. !l A. East with lat built 9 room I iiome. RHraire, poultry house, Irult, gBr tU'il apaoa. Will take In late car. Call o. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors lit. BOO. MnnKKN It room home with j'rm". apt. Located North on business lot. Room to build business blda. Immedi ate possession. Call O. V. Huma with State Finance Co. Realtors U.l 8. HlghJH. Ph. 3-,iai al73 SUBURBAN HOMES- liiwo years old, 3 brdroomi, bath, llv- iiH (num. aming room, kitchen, att. ga rage, hum. posh., bm .pi-vi,-. SUlifto NEW, 2 bedrooms, bath, combina- ...uK nn aming room, kitchen, att. garage, utility room, 1mm. posa.. bus. H ' ISillH) I A., 3 vpar Old 1 bedronm hm,.. living room, kitchen, utility room' chicken house. P. H. BELL REALTOR Ph. 2-1545, 3-48P6 361 Chemeketa Bt gves. 2-6686, 3-7565, 3-7841 a!72- Small Down Pavment MOVE IN and complete. Plumbing wlre- iiik rinigHen in. Denrnu. Acre. Att. gar. Full price $3250, C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Commercial Ph. 34S90 Rve. 39316 ana- To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 780 N. 17th STREET 1 bdrm. fine home thruout, late, deep lot with room for 3 residential courts In front, home complete with new modern furniture. 16,800. CALL ROY FERRIS. BARGAIN! 13,000 will buy this 56 acre located on paved road, spring, oak Sc fir timber. Some can be cult. Long frontage on paved road. SEE THIS. IT IS A BAR GAIN. Call Q. H. GRABENHORST, JR. MR. INVESTOR 2 atory bldg. with pat. Grocery store on main fir. Rental in baamt. Lge. corner lot on main arterial. Income 1455 per month. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Bt. Ph. 2-2471 Evening and Roy Ferris 2-8010 Earl West 2-1232 FOR SALE LOTS Suburban Lots 125 down. 310 per month. ys A. best of soil. Near store St bus, A low a 3500. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 34500 Eev. 39536 aal72' BY OWNER: Lot 60x112, paved road, city water, on bus. iboo. Terms, vn, zszii aal70 LARGE LOT on Mill Creek, city limits, Call 2-5006. aal7B VIEW LOT, 90x08, restricted. City water, opp. ta vista Ave. pn. a-wv. aa- $10 DOWN on lot with water, bus service, close to school. Balance $15 per month. Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 3-9203 201 South High 61. Eve. Si Sun. 2-3738, 2-8241, 3-0712, 3-5P05 aal70' LOTS vlth water on Silverton high way. Why pay rent. Build your own home. $15 down, $15 per month. ALSO lots on Fringle Rr. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3289 an 174 Lge. lot in Kelzer on Dletz ave, $750 full price. Terms, B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8836 aa!71 FOR SALE FARMS 36 Acres Of Willamette Valley' finest bean St sweet corn land. On Irrigation ditch. 6 rm. house. Good barn. Fenced Si c:oss fenced. Near Aumsvllle, Ideal for dairy. Priced right at $8650. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 34500 Eev. 30536 bl72 Stocked and Equipt 22 A. all tillable East of Woodburn. modern 2 bdrm home, outbuildings. Beautiful 7 A. walnut grove. Includes tractor St machinery, 6 good cows, 50 chickens, etc at reduced price of $14,500. STOUT REALTY 959 S. 12th St. Ph. 25323 Amity Soil - 86 Acres located very close to Gervais; fenced; 30 A. In oats, 50 A In flax; no build ings. $3,500 down. Invest in the good earth now, Mattson & Rothlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-58.18 231 N. High Eve. Ph. 3-1724 - 3-7534 - 2-7423 bl71 102 A. FAKMI Bargain-Priced lor This Weekl Front pavt., famous river at rearl 65 A. glori ous cropsl Modern honiel 37 A. open St woodsy pasture Grand tarm! A splen did homel $12,600 Independence Area. C. W. STULLER, Broker. Salem, Ore. Wallace Hd. to mile N. of bridge. bl70' 10 ACRE SPECIAL $12,85010 Acre Just at the of city, nice 3 yr. old 3 bedrm. edge basement, 4 acres nuts St fruit, 2 a. strawberries, trout stream, irrigation, barn, chicken house, robblt equipment. $4000 down, bal. terms. 3 ml. out. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 3-3S40 Eve. 2.a058 him. FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER: 'n Acre, 2 bdrms.. bath. ldv. trays, V. Blinds, gar., chicken house, garden, berries, fruit, flowers A; shrubs. On bus line. $5500. Terms. Ph. 26230. bbl72 RY OWNEIt: 2 BR home, partly mod. Barn St other bldg. 7 A. A. red raspber ries. Lot of other fruit. 6 ml, from Al bany, on old DOE Just orf Jefferson Junction. $6,000. Terms. Charle Jennesa. HLBox 416, Albany, Ore. bbI71 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS BUSINESS BLDG. Ulnae in on ooii North. 2 bdrm. living quarters plus 3 rm. apt. rented for $45 per month. 50 ft. frontage on highway. Total prico $0500. Terms, Eve. Ph. 20473 DUPLEX Older type home. Double plumbing. Prl vnte ent. Corner lot. Sun, store & flcnooi vrry close. $1000 down. Total income jiuo per month. Eve. Ph. 20473 or 33558. REALLY NICE Brand new. full basement, elec. heat hardwood floors throughout. 000 so. ft.' floor (.purp, Ven. blinds. Immrd. poss. FARMS fl ACRKS Very nood bullctii. Close to Snleni. 35 Ai res under cult. House haa basement ,fc nrep are Owner very anxious to sell ,nV" I"'1" SH.S00. Eve. Ih. .111403 or 10 ACRKS ri' Scvrl oulbulldlniis. Close to Snleni. Clood tarm tor rhlckens o?. Yve.Vh. 3;o7r s;.pr,ce " "niana Rd. Ph. J-78aO or J-4596 NELSON NEWS" 2-YR. OLD ALL ELECTRIC $4000 Very neat eott,e. comb. L. R. D. R. bdrm tun ball,, kit. ,!,. w, tr. wired tor elec, ranne & elec. heat. 4 blka. to school A bua. Iit 80x100 GOOD ENGLEWOOD HOME A very spacious home, lae. L R lre f n";D-,H- ?-m (11X13), Pull ball,, (ill bamt. with h. traya, elec. w. Mr Automatic oil turnac. hwl. lira. V lluoo. '"' L M100, !i b111' 10 bus' PROFITABLE DEPENDABLE BUSINESS l?.",'.".'.? We" '""""W lindry. reti na 11350 per mo. In very aood loca tton. 35X73 block bid,., o7t30 It. lot Equipment new 1 good cond. Pusine.ra expandlna. ,40,000. OUTSTANDING 110 A. FARM AH In cult, not belter looklna crop anywhere. Wheat. OoLs. Vetch. Barley "ininier lallow. Water under pres sure to houae. A barn from aood aprlna. Also creek ft a ac. pasture, aood mod. -rm. home, 3-batha, In, aood born, new 40x30 chicken lut. new brooder hse. lae. hot hse. on paved rd. Priced only jaa.ooo with all crops. It you are Interested In a aood tarm don't tall to see Mils one. Nelson & Nelson MULTIPLE LI8TINO REALTORS Personal Servie by Men Who 8pecialie 703 N, High Ph. 3-4623 C170 FOR COt'RTKOt'S efficient amice on your real eatate problem pIcr-i call A. E. D'ANIELSON let M. 13th St, Ph. 1-A620. 101 IFOR SALE HOUSES Sunday Call Peter Oelser 3- Ben Rolsen 2-2471 al70 .REAL ESTATE WORKING MAN'S CHANCE In a small place of about 'a acre few miles out on paved road. Close to school, creek. Fine garden spot. 4 room unfinished house. Large garage and work shop. Price $3, 500 $800 cash, balance like rent, or would take trailer house as part. FILLING STATION, STOKE, and living quarters. .7 acre of land. Corner on 60 highway North. Some equipment. Price sio.soo. consider exchange lor good su burban home. COZY 6 ROOM modern home, fireplace, hdwd. floors, full high cement basement, oil furnace. Shrubs. Close to McKlnley school. Price $11,000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3603 Evenings call 2-4007 or 3-6789 cl72 HOME IN NEWPORT. 6-rm. hse. cabin. Double gar. 12 lots. Ph. 433W Newport. Mrs. Geo. D. Orr, P. O. Box 794. cl72 FOR YOUR SAVINGS investment buy first mortgage on real estate, Salem St vicinity. Examine security yourself Amount $500 to several thousand dou lar, net investor b We make all col lection for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 8. High. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need oi good house to sell In or near Salera. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BEOS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca NOTICE! If your property I) for sale, rent or exchange, list It with ua We have all kinds of cash buyer. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High St. ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRAILER PARK for sale or trade. 200 ft. frontage on Hwy. 101. Good coast town. One cottage, also living quar ter. D. L. Sire Box 853, Newport, Ore. cbl72 FRANCHISES AVAILABLE Latest Idea soft Ice cream drive-Ins featuring the only fully automatic continuous freezer on the market. Write Zesto Phil-Pak Co. 3702 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, Wash. cdl72 IIAVE GOOD logging job with equipment mrnisneci. uan at rue nut" Menama, Ore. between 6 & 8 p.m. cdl75 HIGHWAY RESTAURANT with living quarters, only $50 mo. rent, Seats 60. Best lea.se on const. Priced right. 331 Pacific Highway, Woodburn, Oregon. cdl72 TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY lt acre Ss "starter" hse., 3 rms., mod ern, En.st, NEAR BRUSH COLLEGE 1 acre St 2 B.R. home, wired for range. Deep well & pump. Fruit trees. 15 MINUTES FROM TOWN On Wallace Road, 2 acres St good 3 B.R. home, modern, work shop St gar age, B. ISHERWOOD, REALTOR 2007 N. Capitol St. Ph. Office 2-3862 Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8836 cbl71 SALEM HEIGHTS Lot 85x228 or 3 BR house for 2 or 3 BR house in West Sa lem to $10,000. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON Over 27 Years In Snlim 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 cbl71 EQUITY IN our 2 bdrm. home. Unfurn ished upstairs. For garage house or trailer nousc. pn, 2438H. cbl71 HILLTOP VIEW 3Vi Acre view property. 4 BR St Den. Large LR St DR, kitchen, nook, bath and half. New oil furnace, full bsmt.. trees Sz fruit. This is a spacious home com pletely redecorated In fine taste. $18,500. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON Over 27 Years In Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 bbl71 RESORTS IDEAL VACATION SPOT. Ocean View Beach Cottage. Completely furn. Ac commodates family of 4. Roads End Beach. Near Oveanlake. Weekly or monthly reservation J47.50 per week. Call at 336 N. Capitol or Ph. 2-2537 after 6 p.m. ccl72 WHY NOT have your ramlly cool Si com fortable at the beach? Handy deluxe apt.i, Reasonable weekly rates. Ph. De Lake 2503 for reservations. Sea Air BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES" PROPERTY IN BEND, OREGON 0 loLi, several bldgs. near city center. 3 lotJt in commercial zone. Full price 112.500, furniture incl. Terms J4.000 down, bal. 10 yrs. isr 4. Will consider aalem property in trade. Inquire 1577 Ruge. W, Salem. cdl72 "IT'S THE CLIMATE" ESTABLISHED LOCKER PLANT WITH PROCESSING. WHOLESALE St RETAIL MEATS FULLY EQUIPPED. TRUCKS INCLUDED. A NEW BKAUTIFUL 6 ROOM HOME AND REDWOOD HWY FRONTAGE IN CONNECTION WITH EASEMENT TO ROGUE RIVER. OWN ER DISABLED VET MUST QUIT. THIS WILL STAND INVESTIGATION. RED WOOD LOCKERS. 1430 REDWOOD HWY (Iflil), O RANTS PASS, OREGON, Cdl70 $44,370 - 1948 Sales GROCERIES. MEAT, GAS, BEER Fixtures consist of walk-In cooler, meat case, milk cooler, beverase cooler. 2 i pair scales, cash register, adding ma chine, meat block, with knives St saws, also sllcer, ahow cases, display racks A atands. 2 gas pumps, oil tanks. Total price $8000 plus inventory. Very liberal terms. GROCERY, BLDG., APARTMENTS Bldg. Is Hollow Tile St frame const. Grocery Sale (36.000. Apartments J3.120. Excellent fixtures. This Is lo cated In on two arterial streets. Ren tals gross 18 on Investment. Total price $17,000 plus Inventory or will sell bWU. St equipment for $17,000. See Mr. Moore. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St., Ph. 3-8389. Eve, 3-7440 cdl70 $30,000 APARTMENTS 5 nice fur. roomy apts., oil ht.. piped to all rooms. Gross Income $285 mo. Loe. close in on N. Summer St. Shown by appt, only. Ph. 20680. $31,500 COURT Beautiful almost new court, part fur. Low upkeep, exol. loc. Gross $320 mo. Hard to beat. Ph. 38680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. cdl75 INDUSTRIAL SITE! App. 6 acres, fronts WALLACE ROADI 300 yards North of br.dg.ei Railroad on rear end! LOOK FOR MY 8IGN1 C. W. STULLER, Excl. Apt. Salem, Ore. Wallace, rd. ' mi. n. of bridge; cd!70 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Ideal Opportunity To buy 1 acre of land on th Claxter Road with a cut, 4 room home for only 13000. The location la aood, haj a nice family orchard and a good chicken house. Excellent term. You Should See This Home The Interior decoration 1 all In deep tone colors, the kitchen is very spacious and done in blight red and yellow (very striking 3 bedrooms, about 1128 sq. ft. floor space It's a home you will want to ee. How much? $10,500. AND that Include the rug and draperies. Do You Need More Room? We've Just listed a good modern 4 bedroom family home, well worth tht money. The llvlngroom 1 1218 with a 1212 dining-room, the bedroom downstair can double for a den, the kitchen ha a nook and there 1 part plumbing down, upstair ha bedrooms and bath, full basement and 2 car garage, fireplace, etc. Owner hag been transferred and ha priced property for quick sale at only $12,000, A Real "Middle Grove" Farm 30 acre In all. Just- i mile North of the Middle Grove School, top trad oll, modern (2 year old) 3 bedroom ranch style home with full base ment, double garage, etc. New 2832 barn with 9 stanchions, poultry house and machine shed, 3 A In strawberries, balance in grain. Real value for your money Invested. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 24115 ' Eve. 23488 - 28053 - 25996 - 33632 c171 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SALE OR TRADE 4 UNIT COURT FURNISHED, PRIVATE baths, 2 yrs. Old, concrete foundation, plastered, stucco Ss wood, frame exterior, 150 ft. highway frontage, price $11,500 or trade for 3 B.R. house In Salem. SALE OR TRADE FIRESTONE STORE ALio service station & garage. Includes stock of tires, electrical appliances, tools, auto accessories St parts. Price $7050 includes approx. $0500 stock St lease for 1 to 5 yrs. Will take house or small acreage In trade. See Allen Jones or Mabel Needham. Realtors. 341 State, Room 4, Ph. 39201, Salem cdl70' GROCERY STORE BUILDING; fixtures. gas pumps, 6 cabins. 2 miles north of underpass on Highway 99. W. J. Jarms, Rt. 7, Box 145. Ph. 2-431B. cdl73 GROCERYMEN LOOK INTO THIS Grocery store In an adjoining town. Doing a wonderful business, grossed approxi. $116,000 last year. All clean stock. Inventories at about $8,000. Cor ner store. Good lease, 3 yea rs to go with option. $55.00 a month. Stock and fixtures $10,500.00. Call or see Andy Halvorsen Office 3-8620 - Home 3-7163 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS New location - Center and Hieh cdlll' SALES MANAGER With direct sales ability and $2500 Investment. If you qualify, we will ahow you men making $1500 per month with exclusive Insulation franchise. Write Box 29S, Capital Journal. cdl70 IF YOUR WIFE 1 a good worker, let us show you this grocery store Bt meat mkt, in Hubbard. Two people can op erate It nicely, rent la only $22 per mo. Including living qtrs. The equlpmt. Is excellent St nearly new. Price for stock St enulpmt. only $7,300 Book open for your inspection. If you see It you'll buy It. SERVICE STATION St RESTAURANT in Dallas, Ore. 420 ft, frontage on 2 roads, leased to Major Oil Co. at l'ac per gal., small restaurant at $35 per month. Unusual loc. for drive-In res taurant St cabins. Price $17,500, in cludes property. SERVICE STATION In West Salem, 125 ft. frontage, 75 ft. deep, 8 yr. lease to Major Oil Co. at I'i c gal. Pumped B600 gals, last month. $17,500 full price. Includes Property. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Commercial St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve.: 3-5068, 2-9004 cdl70 IUWAY PROPERTY on 99 midway Port land and Salem. Railroad at back of property. 2 modern homes and over 300 feet hiway frontage. Priced to- move. Adjoin Associated gas station on south entering Hubbard. Frank Barnes, phone Needy 38F55. cdl70 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 3-5110 da AUCTIONS BIG FURNITURE & Appliance Auction tonlte 8 p.m. sharp. Glenwood Ballroom. 5 miles north of Salem on 09E. A fine lot of new St used furniture. Goes with out reserve. Flan to attend. ddl70 BIG FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE AUCTION TUES., JULY 19 8 P.M. SHARP AND EVERY TUESDAY GLENWOOD BALLROOM 5 MILES N. OF SALEM ON 99E. A HUGE LIST OF FINE NEW & USED ITEMS, WITH THE WELL KNOWN AUC TIONEER, DAN ROTH, BE HIND THE MIKE. AS FOLLOWS: LOT NO. 1 OWNER LEAVING CITY - ALL GOES t 1049 COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR Used 2 months. KELVINATOR ELEC. RANGE SIMMONS DAVENO 0 DINETTE SET 10 BABY'S ITEMS TABLES m LAMPS BEDS MANY NICE ITEMS LOT No. 2 LARGE LIST APPLIANCES - NEW 6 ELECTRIC HEATERS WAFFLE IRONS ELECTRIC PLATES COFFEE MAKERS DOR MEYER FOOD MIXER 5 DOOR CHIMES ELECTRIC CLOCKS WALiL HEATERS ? SLfMfT3 Z ICE BOX TOASTERS FLOUR ESC ENT LAMPS PRESSURE OANNER POPCORN POPPERS 3 FRUIT STRAINERS TEAKETTLES LOT No. 3 ELECTROLUX VACUUM EUREKA VACUUM MODERN DAVENPORT SUITE 3 DAVENOS MAHOGANY COFFEE TABLE OLD MAHOGANY PIANO 100 FT. GARDEN HOSE HI GRADE LAWN MOWER BLUE DAVENPORT SET ZENITH CABINET RADIO ELECTRIC WASHER MANY OTHER ITEMS LOT No. 4 "ALL NEW" 8 PC. CHROME DINETTE MODERN CHAIR VELOUR DAVENO SET SWING ROCKER 2 BERKSHIRE RUGS LINOLEUM RUGS CHEST O DRAWERS VANITY FIBRE HUG OTHER ITEMS GLENN WOODRY SEZ THIS IS A BIG AUCTION OF GOOD QUALITY MDSE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO AT TEND. WE SELL ON COM MISSION OR PAY YOU THE CASH di;o REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE AUCTION Wednesday July 20 at 10 a.m. St 7 p. m. Daveno and Chair End tables M. W. Deluxe Elec. Stove 9 Easy Washer New Bathroom Sinks t) Roll Top Desk and ChaJr ' 4 Coll Springs and Mattresses 2 Five Piece Breakfast Set 4 ft. Majestic Elec. Refrig. Baby Bed and Mattress ft Oil Circulator New Screen Door New Shovels, Hoes J) Stanley Planes St Tubs 1 Lot of Fuller Paints New Wood Range Sc Gas ranges And many other article of furniture and miscellaneous. 1 Model 60 Oliver tractor with alngle bottom plow 1 model 60 Oliver with cul tivator narrowed for hop work. 1 John Deere No, 7 combine, 4 ft. cover crop disk. Grain sacks et drag saw. Chickens St habbit. Feeder and weiner pigs, 4350 lb. white faced veals. Cows, heifers, and bulls. LANE SUDTELLS Auction Sales Yard Located VA mile E of Salem on Silverton Road "To Buy or Sell Call 36098" ddl70 FURNITURE FOR SALE WALNUT TWIN beds, springs St mattress es. 1620 Fir St. Ph. 38498. . dl70 NEW MONTEREY western furniture. For den or rec. room. Sofa, chair, desk, bench, table, lamp. Cost $485, if sold this week $350. Call 38213 eve. or see at 740 Tillman Ave, dl74 FOR SALE square dark solid oak table and chairs. Pre-war construction. Per fect condition. Ph. 31249. dl72 DESKS, mahogany, $50; oak student's, $15; chairs, $1.50 each; rocking chair, $5; corner cupboard, $14; daveno, $60; rug St pad, $20; end table, $4; book case, $4; library table, $5. 698 Thomp son Ave., Saturday after 6 p.m. or Sun day afternoon, dl70 9x12 BIGELOW and waffle pad, and smaller Imported rug. 959 Hood St. Phone 3-6558. dl70 MAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO St bench. Excellent tone. $150. Ph. 3-6758. dl70 UNPAINTED furniture, closeout WOODHOW'S. 450 Center St LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer h. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147. Rl79 RABBITS WING'S RABITRY needs fryer rabbits. top prices. 3986 state St. 109P5. ebl77 PETS DOGS BOARDED and trained reasonable raies oy iay or month. Trlmmins and bathing. Free Pick-up Sc deliv. LeGray tenneis, ke. a, fn. 3-13H8, ec. TROPICAL FISH several kinds. Ph. 2-7321. Rt. 5, box 483 on the McClay rd. 2 miles irom Lancaster Dr. visitors welcome. "The Stratton Story." ecl71' LITTLE MEXICAN Chihuahua puppies. 7 wks. old. 420 Miller Ave., Dallas, Ore. ee!75 FRESH CUT sawdust delivered at summer rates. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. eel94 OLD GROWTH FIR $14 cord. Ph. 2-1705 or 1370 Neebraska Ave. eel74 West Salem Fuel Co. - 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST - RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 Also Pick up wood at 1525 Edge water t., West Salem ee1 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash Sc maple. Ph. 68F22. TRl-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery t'n 37442. We give S Si H Green Stamps Green 16 In mill wood ee" CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood. Ph 36444 FOR SALE POULTRY SEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. V PRODUCE RASPBERRIES, Frlgaard'a Fruit Stand, mi. . newer ecnooi. pn. 24262. tri7i CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. Ph. 20279. 580 ffl71 Hollywood Ave. TILTON APRICOTS from The Dalles, $1.49 32-10. lug. Green Apple Market, 2 miles north on 99. ff 173 HELP WANTED Bean Pickers Register 30 A., close In. 2!i miles out Silver ton Rd. to Middle Grove sch.. turn right '4 ml. To start about Aug. 1. HERR & RIENSCHE Rt. 6, Box 345H. Ph. 2-7167. 8 BOYS. GIRLS for bean picking platoon. cuHris inursaay. register now. pn. 3B425 for information. gl70 WANTED A cook & a waitress for Jerry's tavern at uates, Oregon. Ph. 36972 Sa lem. Fi7t HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED cabinet makers. Must have reference. Write Box 345, Capi tal Journal. gal70 WANTED 3 exp. men to dig well. Call Shaffer at 4-3171 ext. 493 or 1310 S. 13th Eve gal70' HELP WANTED FEMALE ELDERLY WOMAN as companion and house work Norwegian preferred. Ph, 1333, or call at 314 Central St., Silver ton. gb!72 I LOCAL middle aged lady to assist our salesman in Salem and surrounding territory. Must be neat appearance, able to meet the public, and furnish good references. 5 days a week. Sal ary or commission. Transportation furnished when work Is out of town. Apply in person only from to 11 a.m. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave. o WANTED: Car hop. Call In person. Reed'? Dnvt-ln. 6SI S. 13th. Ibl79 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED lady with pension to stay and care for mother in return for 'home. Write Box 252 Capital Journal. gbl75 WANTED SALESMAN SALESMEN WANTED. Ph. 2-5692. ggl73 LOCAL married salesman to take charge of outside territory adjacent to Salem. Must own good car, be hard worker, and able to furnish A-l reference. If no roofing experience we will train you. Apply from 9 to 11 a.m. week day. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 90 Lena Ave. gg SALESMAN WANTED Large food manufac turer steady employ ment with a future, age 23-30, car and expenses furnished. Write to Box 251 care of Capitol Journal in your own handwriting giving your age and past ex perience. Kgl70 SALESMAN for building material and In- sulatlon. Car necessary. Salary and commission. Apply Montgomery Wards et uo., aaiem . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 3S0 State 8t Ph. z-1488. tt WANTED POSITIONS MIDDLE AGE couple wants, work on farm or manage farm or manage hop yard or what have you? Brooks, Ore. Call Box 43. hl71 EXP. WOMAN wants housekeeping St. cooking. Ph. 33161. Rm. 146. hl70 CARE FOR Children In my home days St late nights. 425 N. 17th. 1.172 YOUNG MAN would like Job on poultry farm or dairy. Write 1017 7th St. West Salem or Ph. 2-6971. hl72 MECHANIC Job. 710 S. 13th. Meivln Coun tryman. h!72 PAINTING Exp. Int. or Ext. by hour or contract. Ph. 3-7528. hl75 CHILD CARE or Ironing in my home. Ph. 2-8685. h!73 CHILD CARE 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. hl92 EXP. AUTO St house painting. Free esti mates, reasonable, en. 3-5072. fU74 CARPENTER WK. New. Repair. Ph. 2-2003. hl87 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building, Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates. hl87 CARPENTER, A-l. fast. Ph. 2-8825. hl77 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. work guar. W. H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1406 hl75 PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8825. hl77 INTERIOR PAINTING. Ew, Ph. 3-6798 hl75' HOUSE WORK by hr. Ph. 29901 before 8 a.m. h!79 WANTED: CURTAINS to launder In my nume. win pic up ana aenver. pn. 22085. hl74 CARE . OF convalescent or practical nurs iiib. rn, nl71 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h' CHILD CARE. 18! S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. hl71' TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. hl70 WILL CARE for children In my home jiom o to o qany. rn. z-05ia. ni76 IRONING Sc cleaning by hr. exp. Refs. Ph. 3-9691. Capable, hl70 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 865 North I6th. Phone 3-3643 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv- ice, .cornier pnone opr. rn. s-bUTj. ni7B' STEEL CLOTHESLINE Posts, railings In skuiJK. oc iiiuub 10 oraer. nu n. jjioerty. hl90 DO ALL KINDS of concrete work. Ph. 31121. hl71 WANT HR. WORK. Ph. 3-4767 after 5. hl74 FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM WITH Kitchen prlvllee. Ladles only. 520 Stateman St. Ph. 3-5210. Jkl75' HOLLYWOOD 3-6093. rms. 2035 McCoy. Phone jkl73 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 RM. furn. apt., utilities furn. $45. Walk ing am. irom town. Ph. 20073 eve. JP172 PULLMAN basement apt. for employed girl. Cozy and clean. 2 blks. from Capi tal Bldg. 145 N. 14th evening- Ph. 36408. jpl71- YOUNG COUPLE who needs 3 large room apt. Reasonable. Ph. 3-6972 after 3 p. m. jpno FULLY MODERN, close in, carpeted L. R., kit. & bath. Two adults. Utilities furnished. 168 No. 12th St. Jpl72 t. UPSTAIRS Duplex, oil Htr. & range, $55. Ph. 2-8772 after 6 Jp170 ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. furn. apt. share bath with another couple. $50.00. 910 Norway. Jpl75 a Sc 8 ROOM APTS. furnished. No drink ers or pets, 2310 N. 4th, Mrs. Fred Lemon. Jpl72 3 ROOM apt. Partly furn., priv. bath. In West Salem. Adults. Ph. 3-6398. REDEC. FURN. Apt. Priv. bath. For cple. ur wun dbdci. wo annKing or pets. 624 N. Capitol St. tp!71 UNFURNISHED APT., 1 bdrm., nice liv. rm., oak floors, elec. heat, bath, kitchen Ph 2-4526. $50. jp!70 3 RM. furn. apt. Water St garbage disposal iuiu. noa rt. rruni. uau eve. alter o p.m. JP171 NEW APT. 2 rms. and bath, partly furn. mwuiaon. JP174- FIRST FLOOR furnished apt. Close in write cox jo capital journal. Jpl71 RM. FURN. single apt. Or for employ, cple. Refrig., priv. bath St ent. 194 N. 14th. St Jpl70 NEW AND ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. St bath, unfurn. Range St refrig. and laundry rm. furn. All elec. Apply at 1655 McCov JP170 FOR RENT: 2 room apt. at 1244'i state St. JP170' FOR RENT HOUSES Children & Pets Wanted In these New Modern Homes BUY LIKE RENT 2 St 3 Bdrms, Hdwd Firs, Elect. Wtr Htr, Garage, City Water, Sewer, Paved St in City. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. St Sun. Ph. 2-0343 or 2-0126 jm- SMALL one bdrm, unfurn. house to re liable permanent couple. See at 1079 Broadway. Call at 425 N. Winter or Ph. 21835. Jml72 NEW 8 bdrm. Range St refrig.. auto, heat, upen irom o to s p.m. 887 Cascade Drive- Jml72' SMALL MODERN furnished house, $35 per month. Inquire Rt. 4, Box 660 Boone after 4:30 p.m. Jml70 NEW . B. R. Home, gar., ready about 1st. stove, refrig. No pets. Adults 1846 N. 5th. jml70 Aug. Inq. FURN. COTTAGE. 3315 Portland Rd. Iml71 NEW 3-RDRM. house. Elec. heat. 1365 Market St. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Jml"0" FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE tpaces and desk ipares. Pb. GROUND FLOOR rooms, tunable for of fice oi stores. Also alley warehouse wltb elevator. STATS PIN A NCI CO. po. i4i2i r FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TRAILERS, $2.00 per day. Howser Bros, 1410 S. 12th, West Salem J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. ) U DRIVE truck cars. Ph. 3-9103. POWER TOOL rental for borne St In dustrlaJ use. Bowser Broa Ph. 1-3646, CLOSE IN, (I bedroom) 4 room apt. TJn- lurnisnea, siricuy moaern. Aauiw. fa 3-6853. JP173 GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Ward. Montgomery TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Band er, we sell everything to complete (be Job. BOWSER BROS. Ph. 1-3646. ) SKIL-TOOL rental service. Vally Farm J17B" Store. 4345 Silverton Rd. WANTED TO RENT 8 B. R. HOUSE or Apt. unfurn. on or before July 31st. Statehouse employee. 1 child 1 year old, Around $45. Call 2371 Dallas collect. Jal72 EMPLOYED couple want modern turn. 3 rm. apt. or small house. Writ Capi tal Journal Box 296. Jal70 WANTED to rent or lease with option to ouy, a or a oarm. Home. Near school. Ph. 2-4083. Mr. Wood. Jal73 3 BDRM. modern unfurnished house, ph. 3-3H53 or 3-7922. Jal73 8 BDRM. unfurn. house by reliable fam ily. Ref. Ph. 35219. Jal70" APARTMENT or small house by law stu dent, wife St child. Both Portland St Salem references furnished. Writo to Robt. P. Jones, 4306 N. E, 30th St., Portland, Oregon. Jal73 LOST AND FOUND LOST Blue plastic varied colored sun glasses in Miller's basement. Sat p. m. Ph. 2-1263 after 6 p. m. kl72" LOST in ladies rest room Hotel Senator wide yellow gold wedding ring. Custom made with 1 large diamond St 6 small diamonds. Each set in a rose design. Balance of ring In leaf design. $25 reward. Write Mrs. B. A. Johnson, 407 Level Lane, Springfield, Oregon or PJione collect Springfield 7-9456. kl75" LOST: JUMPED fence on Crolsan Creek Rd., Hereford heifer. Call 31232 or 37835. kl70 LOST; A diamond wrist watch between Miller's and Capital Drug. Phone 3-9422. Reward. kno MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER CORSETIERE. Ph. 3-5072. 425 N. Winter mlS9 HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen-ta!- e. Ph 3-8512 for free pick up and delivery service on al makes of ma chine. Fre: estimate given beforo work Is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. m LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. we ciose Saturdays 12:30. ml82 . DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLERDENTI8T Adolph BIdK. St a to St Commercial Sts. SALEM Phono 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL SHINGLES, No. 1 red mountain cedar $8 per sq. C. G. LONG, Ph. 25821. 1 mile North of Kelzer. mal75 AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled, one unit. Low Installation cost. PUM ILITE, West Salem. mal70- REINFORCING STEEL and Blok-Mesh in 4", 6" St 8" Widths. PUMILITE, West Salem. . mal70t ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials. Complete line, quality materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. mal70 SPECIAL: Cedar siding, "x8", Random length. C-grade, $85 thousand. Keith Brown, Front Si Court Sts., Salem. SAVE Or) ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM, OREGON ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 It. width in th following lengths. $1.74 8' 2.32 10' 2.90 3.48 Ask about Installation servlca MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM, OREGON NEW SHIPMENT piast board. " afcc; W, 6e sq. ft. Rock lathe, 45 q. ft. $1.75 MONTGOMERY WARD. SALEM USED BRICK. Call 39702 or 24389. mal94 PLYWOOD LARGE stock of sizes, thicknesses St grades. Both plain & water proof. Prices start at 5c per so. ft. AIo GOOD stocks of " and W insul- hliuk uuaros. jjow prices on " Sc Vt" sheet rock, Keith Brown, Front Sc Court Sts., Salem. ma Cedar Shingles - Shakes Maj we supply you with Tillamook Coifst, Grande Ronde Inland, and Cas cade High mountain No. 1 shingles, $8.25 sq. No. 2, $5.00. Sldewall 18-ln. shakes painted with undercourse $12.80 sq unpainted $9.00 sq. Ted Muller Building Supplies, Ph. Salem 2-1196. HARDWOOD flooring all grades, from $95 -thousand up. Keith Brown, Front St Court bts Salem. ma COMPLETE STOCK, 1 panel St 2 panel doors, Mahoaanv ent. doors $24.50. Screen doors $6.50. Combination storm uuuib iu. u. u. iong. pn. 25821. Om mile north of Kelzer. ma 174 RED CEDAR SHINGLES No. 1 vertical grain $8.25 per sq. Also complete stock roofing materials. In cluding valley tin, ridge roll, galvanized shingle nails, tin slngla metal gutters and down spouts. KEITH BROWN, FRONT Sc COURT ST. NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS See them in bloom. 180 varie ties. Mrs. P. E. Ward. 4380 Cherry ynbl77 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. POWER LAWN Mower, Caldwell. 20" Practically new. $H5. Ph. 38919. nl72 Vi H.P. 3-phase electric motor. Ph. 35459 nl72' UPRIGHT BOILER. Working pressure 50 iu. nna ouLumauc injector, aiaearm wa ter heater, Ray oil burner. Ph. 3-5459. nl 72 GOOD FURNITURE. Governor Wlnthrop " uiiiuiB sci, aeiuxe (jK elec tric stove, walnut cedar lined chest, breakfast table, double bed. wardrobe trunk. Reasonable. 1048 N. Winter St Ph. 3-4930. nl72. NATIONAL WATER Heater. Kitchen style. w w.fai.n,. wiisiuuMy triced for a short time at $70. Only used a few months. 2080 Bruce St. ni75 RINGS WEDDING Ss engagement set S50. Call 24538. nl72- 15 CUBIC ft. Chapman freezer. Guaran teed like new. Hold 250 lbs. meat plus fruit, etc. Cost $495, if sold this week $325. Call 38213 eve. or see 740 Tillman nl74 APT. SIZE electric range. Bendix washer. Ph. 23568. n!70 USED PLUMBING fixtures. Cheap. Jud son's. 279 N. Com'l. nl71 3 DOUBLE Windows with 24 inch pane, 2 screens. 1 inside door 2x 6 St 6x8. Reasonable. 1475 Pearl St. nl72 EUREKA Upright Vacuum Cleaner. Cheap. 385 N. Summer. n!71 LOVELY new mahogany spinet piano popular make. 6 mo. old unusual low price. Also lovely 3 skin Canadian mink fur piece. Aso Canadian silver tea service. Old English style. 1983 N. 33 st- nl72" CHICAGO ROLLER Skates and case. Call 34003 after 3 p.m. ni73 USED refrigerator, reconditfoncd. $119. iiuiuware, auaa w. Capital Phone 3-687' n!73" HOME FREEZER; 8 cu. ft. One only, floor model. Reg. $289.95. Reduced to $197.50. Wallace Hardware, 2056 North Capital St. nl73" (Continued on Page 19)