Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 18, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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8 Capital Journal, Salem,
Joint Picnic
A joint picnic with the Cor-
vallis club is planned by Salem
, Soroptimists for Wednesday eve
i ning, the event to be in Dallas
."" City park at 6:30 o'clock,
v Local members will assemble
! in front of Nelson Brothers at
,;-5:30 o'clock to leave for the
' ,a picnic.
I ... Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Mrs.
, i. Leo Johnson and Miss Irene de
. ,, Lisle are on the committee mak
I t ing arrangements from the local
' "
i Purvine-Picha
j Wedding July 11
i Independence Miss Elsie
Picha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Clyde Picha of Salem, and Bill
v Purvine, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Purvine of Independence,
ii were married Monday night
July 11, at 8 o'clock. Rev.
Clark Enz, pastor of the Metho
f'dist church of Dallas, perform
c ed the ceremony at the Oak
Grove church.
sr The bride, given in marriage
1 by her father, wore a white sat
r in gown with fingertip veil. She
' carried white gardenias for her
bridal bouquet.
Matron of honor was Mrs,
Jack Hall who wore a pink for
mal and carried pink sweet
.peas. Harry Purvine was best
man for his brother.
' Miss Clara Brown, cousin of
the bridegroom, sang. The wed
ding march was played by Miss
Leila Beach.
Guests attending the wedding
" Included Mr. and Mrs. Orley
Brown and Clara, Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Simineral, Mrs. Lillie
Gwyn, Mrs. Fay Howley, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Richter, Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Helms, Betty Picha, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Richter and fami
ly, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ruch
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al
len Purvine, Harry Purvine,
Bertha Picha, Billie Farmer,
Leila Beach, Dennis Posey, Dor
othy Martin, and Mr, and Mrs.
Clyde Picha.
Invited to Party
A group of Salemites is In
cluded in the guest list for a
dinner and reception to be glv
en this evening by Mr. and Mrs.
Alex G. Barry and Walter Noeh-
ren in honor of Jean Varda
"prominent San Francisco artist
the party to be given in Port
Salem folk invited to meet
Mr. Varda include Dr. and Mrs.
Robert E. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Dragcr, Mr. and Mrs.
Roderick Livesley, Mr. and Mrs.
John Steelhammer and Mr, and
Mrs. Stuart Bush.
ler fire department met Friday
evening at the home of Mrs. Nor
man Brusven with Mrs. W. H.
Burright, Mrs. Wakefield B.
Walker and Mrs. Otis A. Ander
son as co-hostesses.
Others attending the meeting
were Mrs. L. A. Wood, Mrs. C.
C. Burnette, Mrs. J. Oudeans,
Mrs. Olin Brown, Mrs. Allen F.
Lamer, Mrs. Bernard Snook,
Mrs. Bob Hnwklngs, Mrs. J. T.
McCormick. An informal eve
ning was spent in games. Re
freshments were served.
Today's Menu
(Dy Associated Press)
Weekday Dinner
Chilled Tomato Soup
Zesty Hamburgers
I New Potatoes
; with Chive Butter
'. Panned Green Cnbbage
Bread and Butter
Mixed Fruit Compote Beverage
1 Ingredients: 1 pound round
iteak (ground only once), 1 ta
blespoon butter or margarine,
Vi teaspoon salt, dash of freshly
; ground pepper, Vi teaspoon
.dry mustard, teaspoon papri
;ka, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire
"sauce, 1 tablespoon garlic wine
j Method: Have butcher cut ex
cess fat from around round
; steak and put meat through
.grinder only once. Flatten meat
;on paper in which it is wrapped
!into an oblong about 4x6 in
ches; do not mix. Cut into four
pieces and shape edges in oblong
patty form. Melt butter or mar
garine in heavy 8-inch skillet
.until quite hot but not brown;
place hamburger patties in skil
let and cook over moderate heat
until browned on each side and
center is degree of doneness de
sired this will take several
minutes for each side. In the
meantime put salt, pepper mus
tard, paprika, Worcestershire
sauce, and wine vinegar in a
custard cup and mix thoroughly.
As soon as the patties are cook
ed spoon about a teaspoon of the
liquid onto each hamburger as
they stand in the skillet and
lerve immediately with pan
drippings, 4 servings.
Oregon, Monday, July 18, 1949
Rose Society Event
Salem Rose Society members
have planned a regular meet
ing for Thursday of this week
a no - host dinner to be served
at 7 o'clock at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert G. Brady, 3755
Garden road (one and one-half
miles from Capitol and Market
The coffee is to be furnished.
All members and others in
terested in rose culture are in
Miss Johnson
To Wed Soon
Announcement Is made by Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Johnson of the
engagement of their daughter.
Miss Carolyn Rae Johnson, to
Donald S. Toomb, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Toomb,
all of Salem.
The wedding is planned for
September 4.
Miss Johnson is a graduate of
the University of Minnesota and
is in laboratory work at Uni
versity of California. Mr. Toomb,
who was in the service four
years during the war, is a stu
dent at the University of Cali
fornia. -
Wedding Reported
Grand Ronde Saturday, July
2, St. Michael's church at Grand
Ronde, was the scene of a pretty
wedding when Miss Johnnie
Belle Haenny was married to
Robert Guy Bainter, son ot Mrs
Bessie Bainter of Willamina.
Father Sheffold performed the
double ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage
by Joseph Klauck, wore an
Ivoiy satin dress with train, and
a fingertip length veil fell from
a crown of seed pearls and
orange blossoms, The bride
carried a white orchid on a
white satin Bible with stream
ers of white satin ribbon.
The bride's sister, Mrs. Iliff
Harris, was matron of honor,
and bridesmaids were Mrs. Don
na Miller and Mrs. Leland
Hauk, all wearing pastel shades
of taffeta with matching hats
and mitts and carrying pastel
shades of flowers. Carolee
Haenny and Betty Lou Haenny
junior bridesmaids, wore yellow
and green taffeta dresses. Peg
gy Marie Harris, flower girl.
wore orchid taffeta and carried
a nosegay of pastel shaded
flowers. Terry Haenny, neph
ew of the bride, was ring bearer.
The bridegroom's brother,
Arthur Bainter, was best man.
Ushers were Lester and Francis
Haenny and Robert Grambo.
Mrs. Iloff Harris was hostess
for the reception. Assisting were
Mrs. Donna Miller and Mrs. Le
land Hauk. The newlyweds
left immediately for a wedding
trip and will be home in Wil
lamina. Mr. and Mrs. Bainter
are both graduates of Willamina
Union high school.
A GROUP from the Past Pres
idents club, Capital Unit, No.9,
Amencal Legion auxiliary at
tended the party given for 75
patients 'at the U.S. Veterans
hospital, Portland, Friday eve
ning. Five units assisted at the
party furnishing the cake serv
ed with coffee following an eve
ning of games.
Those going from here were
Mrs. Paul Gemmell, Mrs. Aus
tin H. Wilson, Mrs. James Gar
son, Mrs. Earl Andresen, Mrs.
I. N. Bacon, Mrs. Helen McLeod,
Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs. W.
W. Woodruff. Legion members
accompanying the group were
Paul Gemmell and Austin H.
Bango, Bungo" was the play at
the Woodburn Golf t.lub Thurs
day with Mis. Lenand Plank
winning the prize for the most
points. Hostesses at the lunch
eon hour were Mrs. P. C. Mc
Laughlin and Mrs. Kenneth
For next Thursday the com
mittee will be Mrs, Lottie Steel-
hammer and Mrs. Carl Hande.
word of the birth of a daughter,
July 14, to Lt. (jg) and Mrs.
Charles Strong (Betty Randall).
There is an older daughter in
the family, too, Janet Lynn.
Grandparents are Joe H. Ran
dall and Mrs. Hope Randall of
Salem. Mrs. Hope Randall and
duughter, Joyce, are now in
Honolulu visiting at the Strong
be hostess to the Salem Writer's
club Wednesday, July 20 at 6:15
p.m. in the YWCA, State street.
There will be an outdoor picnic
dinner, each one attending to
take table service.
Carmel or chocolate sauce Is
delicious served over a simple
and inexpensive vanilla corn
starch pudding. The sauce may
be homemade or it can be had
v& v mt
f e "Mm
c , . Vs;,V V V-tvt..ML- &
Goldenweds Mr. and Mrs. Gus Benson recently observed
their golden wedding at a reception at their home at Lebanon.
Bensons Honored
On Anniversary
Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Benson held open house observ
ance of their 50th wedding anni
versary. greeting more than 100
relatives and friends, many of
whom came from long distances.
The honored couple were mar
ried in Lebanon on June 28,
1899. They have lived in this
area all their wedded life. Mr,
Benson, still an active worker,
is a farmer.
The- three daughters of the
Bensons presided at the tea ta
ble, Mrs. Pearl Albert of The
Dalles, Mrs. Lena Dourty of
Brownsville, and Mrs. Marie
Moore of Sweet Home. Assist
ing with hostess duties were
Mrs. L. E. Foust of The Dalles,
sister of Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Ed
win Knight of Portland, niece
of the hosts, and Mrs. Ed Bog
gie of Lebanon, his sister.
Besides their daughters, the
Bensons have six grand chil
dren, all but one being present
for the anniversary occasion.
Women's Society of Christian
Service ot the Leslie Methodist
church will meet Wednesday
afternoon at 1:30 o clock for a
program that will include a des
sert luncheon, business, devo
tions, reports, and sewing.
Circle No. 1 will meet with
Mrs. W. S. Ankeny, 2095 South
Winter, with Mrs. Emil Strip
ling leading the devotions. Cir
cle No. 2 will meet with Mrs.
Lloyd Edgell, 1595 South Cot
tage, with Mrs. L. F. Heuper
man giving the devotions and
Mrs. C. W. Stacey presenting the
program. Members of this circle
are requested to bring sewing
equipment and embroidery
NEWS has come to Salem
friends of the birth of a daugh
ter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Plymton, Friday, July Is, at
Emanuel hospital, Portland. The
Plymton family lives in Oregon
City. Also greeting the new ar
rivals are two sisters, Sally and
Tia Plymton, and a brother,
Billy. Grandparents are Mrs.
Linn C. Smith of Salem and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Plymton of Cor-
OREGON Grape camp, Royal
Neighbors of America, will meet
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars hall.
Bflot lh htotftl ipry in July
wtar frihly drycUanid elothtt
Ihol look and fttl 10 dtgrttl
cooltrl Snd ut oil your luili,
drtsttt, ploy tlothtil Wt rtturn
'm IrttK and cfiip 10 titan that
colon poiilivtly glow I It'i your btt
buy In July! Try uil
565 Hlffhlind Ph. 1-4521
Announcement is made by
Mrs. Helmer Anderson of the
marriage of her daughter, Miss
Olive Hastings, to A. G. (Jerry)
Rogers, son of Mrs. Jesse Rogers
of Salem.
The wedding was Friday eve
ning, July 15, in Reno, Nev.
Both young -people are gradu
ates of Salem high school. The
bride is employed at the tele
phone office here and Mr,
Rogers is in the navy, stationed
at China Lake, Calif,
MRS. W. B. BANE was host-
tess to the Birthday club this
week to honor Mrs. Andrew
Humphrey. Special guests
eluded Mrs. William Kerns of
Long Beach, Calif., and her two
sisters, Mrs. Ed Reecer and Mrs
Cora Tichner, both of Portland
Mrs. Warren Porter and sons,
Buddy and Stevie, also of Port
land,-Mrs, T. L, Lind, Mrs. Ed
Cooley and Mrs. Clifton Cass,
all of Salem. A gift was pre
sented Mrs. Humphrey.
A SURPRISE no-host picnic
was given Sunday to honor
James H. Nicholson, Jr., upon
the occasion of his birthday.
Thirty friends and relatives
gathered for the dinner given
at Paradise Island.
) for your finest storting
Cleans up to 100 pieces
f No boiling, no rubbing, no soiled fingers.
V An insured process cannot harm your silver.
Guaranteed 1 0 years lasts a lifetime.
Scientific, simple, most economical method known,
Sensational New Silvercraft Instant Silver Cleaner cleans
by oontroHod electrolysis and actually prolongs and pro
lects tfee Me of your silver. All that's needed with
this amazing cleaner it cold salt water. Complete kit
contains Instant Silver cleaning plate, specially proc
essed polishing cloth and package of Quick lustre
ssWor poKsh. It's lifetime core for your silver.
See Special Demonstration at Miller's
All This Week in Charge of
Miss Sal lie Reit
Miss McKay
To Be Feted
Honoring Miss Marylou Mc
Kay, who is to be married next
Saturday evening to Lester D.
Green of Eugene, Mrs. Robert E.
Shinn will entertain Friday at a
luncheon, guests to include Miss
McKay's bridal attendants. Mrs.
Harry Carson, Jr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Shinn will assist the host-
In the group will be Miss
McKay, her mother, Mrs. Doug
las McKay, and her sister, Mrs.
Wayne Hadley, also her niece,
Eileen Hadley; Mrs. Richard
Green of Corvallis, Miss Patty
DeLateur of Hoquiam, Wash.,
Miss Valda Wold of Vancouver,
Wash., Mrs. George C. Alexan
der of Eugene, Mrs. Oscar Chris-
tensen, Jr., Miss Margaret Jane
Cooley, M i s 8 Mariann Croisan
and Miss Jean Claire Swift, and
the hostesses.
Visitors Feted
Major and Mrs. Earl Warren
and son, Michael, are in Salem
from their home in Arlington
Va., for a visit with their par
ents, Mrs. Billie Herbster and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. War
ren. Major Warren is being
transferred to Coronado, Calif
marine base after three years
duty in Washington, D.C. Mrs.
Warren, the former Marcella
Herbster, and son will remain
in Salem until Major Warren is
established in his new location
A family picnic was held at
Leslie school park in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Duke of
Sacramento and Major and Mrs.
C. Earl Warren. Guests were
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Edgar and
Miss Margarett Edgar of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Trent,
Dick, Bill and Beverly Trent
Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jack
son, Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs
Ferdig Hall and Wayne Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Duke, Mrs.
Milton Chodsey and Pamela,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boomer,
Johnnie and Sussie, Miss Val
Brenner and Mrs. Billie Herb
ster, Mr. and Mrs. Robert War
ren and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
M. Warren, all of Salem, and the
honor guests and their children
Michael Warren and Barbara
Lee and Jack Duke.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Duke and
children have returned to their
home in Sacramento after spend
ing two weeks in Salem visit
ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs,
J. P. Duke and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles M. Warren.
AMONG Salemites going
north on vacation trips are Mr
and Mrs. A. C. Nelson, who left
last week, sailing from Vancou
ver, B.C. for Alaska. They will
return August 1. With them on
the trip were Mr. Nelson's sis
ter, Mrs. "O. M. Hill of Alham
bra, Calif., her son and daugh
ter and her son-in-law - and
or silver pfato. sV
ot a time- xj,rf"-"" X J.
Recent Bride The marriage
of Mrs. Robert Larson, the for
mer Edith Schifferer, was sol
emnized July 1 in the Bethel
Baptist church. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
P. Schifferer of Turner and Mr.
Larson is the son of Mrs. Gil
bert Larson of North Long
Beach, Calif. (Jesten-M i 1 1 e r
studio picture)
VISITING in the capital over
the week-end were Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Wiley, formerly of Hunt
ington, W. Va., and more recent
ly of La Jolla, Calif. They were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L.
Davis. Both Mrs. Wiley and Mrs.
Davis are originally from Wel
lington, New Zealand. Mr. and
Mrs. Wiley will sail from Van
couver, B. C, on the "Oarangi"
July 28 for New Zealand. Mr.
and Mrs. Davis also hope to re
turn to New Zealand in the near
Lighting fixtures prices
slashed in half!
Salem Lighting &
Appliance Co.
236 N. High
tAS few
Jfc 0
6 if
Miss Liudahl
To Wed Soon
Announced for Sunday, Aug
ust 21. is the date for the wed
ding of Miss Donna Liudahl and
John W. Holmstedt, Jr., of Pax
ton, Neb. Their engagement was
announced last spring.
Miss Liudahl is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Liudahl
of Salem, Mr. Holmstedt the son
of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Holm
stedt of Paxton, Neb.
The wedding is to be an after
noon one at 4:30 o'clock in St.
Mark Lutheran Evangelical
church, the Rev. M. A. Getzen
daner officiating. The reception
following also will be at the
church. The couple plan to be
in Fremont, Neb., next year,
Mr. Holmstedt to be a senior at
Midland college. Miss Liudahl is
to teach at Hooper, a nearby
city, next year.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
C, Gragg, who recently enlisted
in the WAVES, has left for Chi
cago and the Great Lakes Naval
Training center where she will
begin her basic training. She
took her entrance and physical
examinations in Seattle last
In Chicago, Miss Gragg will
be met by her sister, Miss June
Lochridge. A graduate of Salem
high school and former Univer
sity of Oregon student, Miss
Gragg has been employed here
at the Ladd and Bush branch,
united States National bank
WEEK - END guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul B.
Wallace were Miss Edna L.
Sterling of Seattle and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank X. Pellegren of
Bellingham, Wash. The Pelle
grens were on their way home
from a trip to the south.
Miss Sallie Reit
Invites You to See These Four
Interesting Demonstrations
She will be in Miller's Notion Department all this
week. Come . . . watch and learn what important
helps these products can be to you!
The Miracle Cleaner
Takes away grime, smoke and grease with an easy
stroke; even heel marks on hardwood and linoleum.
Harmless even to the finest finishes. Cleans with a
sheen. Pints, 89c; quarts, $1.49; half gallons, $2.49.
Silver Plating Solution
Unequalled for all plated and sterling silver, copper,
nickel silver, brass and broze. Aliquid silver plating
solution containing (1000 fine) pure silver. See the
demonstration today. $1.00
Instant Silver Cleaner
Cleans 100 pieces in a minute . , . lasts a lifetime
. . . will not harm oxydized surfaces. Come In today
and see this amazing demonstration. $1.00. '
The Easy Way to Banish Moths
Yes . . . quick, easy and SUREI For by just hanging
a beautiful MOTHMASTER in closets, you're assured
of safety from moths. Bay and moth-killer, $1.49.
Pound Pak refills, 89c.
LWV Group Meets
Tuesday Morning
It's back to school for the
United Nations study group of
the Salem League of Women
Voters. Mrs. Francis Reierson
is discussion leader and hostess
to a four-session seminar which
meets at her home 970 North
nun TiwsHav .Tiilv 10 at 10
a.m. for cookies and coffee, and
the second installment of ine
United Nations: Its History and
Mrs. Norman Oxford will re
port on the UN's advancement
of human welfare, Mrs. Nora E.
Thompson on the format of the
United Nations, and Mrs. John
Goldsmith on how the United
Nations works to promote world
security and to keep the peace.
There will be a group aiscus
sion on whether the Atlantic
pact bypasses the U.N.
Others in the group and their
reports are Mrs. Hal DeSart,
president of the Salem League
"The League of Women Voters'
Interest in International Af
fairs": Mrs. Mark Astrup, "The
Preamble" and "The Accom
Dlishments of the UN": and Mrs.
Evelyn Sainsbury, "The Back
ground of Agreements L.eaaing
to the Formation of the UN".
Mrs. John Norby and Mrs.
Arthur H. Bones will present
topics on August 2.
GUESTS at the home of Mr. A
and Mrs. Dale Magee are Mrs. '
Magee's mother, Mrs. Merta Mc-i
Cown of San Bernardino, Calif.,
and Mrs. Robert Baker of Sac
ramento. Mrs. McCown plans
an indefinite stay here with
her daughter's family. Mrs.
Baker, the former Ada McCown
and aunt of Mr. and Mrs. Ma
gee, will remain here for two
weeks. A former Oregon resi
dent, this is Mrs. Baker's first
visit here in 21 years.
fJ '. . .
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