14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, July 18, 1949 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER : rchaoter 2) .1- Mr. Hayden stepped back a few paces irom the altar and let the mooniacea jaraeu -c jiw , The lone cadences of the double ii ring ceremony began ... Do you, James, take Lorraine ... Prisciila wanted to scream. Do vou. James, take Lorraine . . . Prisciila felt that her nerves would never let her go through this cere mony, hearing the sacred words, & seeing two people's happiness. The $ wrong two people. ' Her mind found 1 a safety-valve and beRan to go back 2 over long-loved memories ... the day she had first met Dennis in the it place they afterward called Emer ' aid Valley. She had been only fourteen then, ' tall for her age. Chin in hand, she I fell to watching the children at play there ... and to dreaming. A boy's voice startled her. "Why can't we talk?" He stood there looking down at her and i smiling. "I came here to study," i he explained, indicating the huge r book under his arm. "but I saw you and now I can't concentrate." Prisciila burst out laughing in spite of her mother's admonitions against permitting strange boys to speak to her. sne starea at tnc book he carried. "What on earth could be that big book be about?' The bov seated himself length' ' ily beside her on the ground. "I'm a law student at the university," he said, nodding toward the campus which was only a short distance away. He spoke with a sny wnimsi callty that attracted Prisciila Im mediately. Though Dennis was only twenty-two at that time, to the four i teen-year-old Prisciila he seemed s as old as her father. He knew so i many interesting things. For an entire vear they met regularly in - Emerald Valley and. when the weather became cold, at Priscllla's 3 home. It wasn't until the April 5 Prisciila was sixteen that they spoke : of love. It was the beginning of 3 aomething for both of them some ' thing which should have meant ! their two lives together ... I Everything, it seemed, happened i to Prisciila. in April. And It was ; ' in April he had come to Rlverdale s to say goodbye to his girl, to Priscll ! la. 5 For a long time they walked I that dav beside the brook, their i arms entwined, their hearts as ' one. Thev talked of many things. J They planned their wedding. It : was to ake place the minute JJennis ; was back and out of the army, no i matter what time that happened t to be . . . j If any man among you, droned ! the minister, can show Just cause : why these two should not Be joined s together , , . Prisciila looked up l quickly and looked into two of the 5 darkest.' most daring eyes she had ever seen. He must have been star- : lng at her during the entire cere- ; mony. 3 As the wedding guests crowded i around James and Lorraine, the I male contingent clamoring politely 5 to kiss the bride. Prisciila saw one i of James' guests walking toward j her. Lumbering might have been ; the word, except that, for all his ' weight and build, he moved with j a fair amount of grace. It was the . 1 owner of the daring eyes who came l over to ner. He did not wait for i an Introduction. . "I'd rather kiss the bridesmaid I than the bride," he announced and, ' to Priscllla's shock, boldly did so. "No one," she stated flatly to : tne possessor oi tne broad snoul I dors, "is supDosed to kiss the brides maid." ! "I wanted to." he said simply. ! He kanted to, she thought furl , ously. He was taking her by the , arm over to an unoccupied studio couch, and she followed where he led. Anything! Anything to keep the other guests from noticing. "Do you." she asked coldly, ,Yal , wavs follow vour impulses that . way?" i He grinned at her In a way that ! was hard to resist, hard to freeze ! out. "Depends on what you menn by i 'that way,"' he told her. "Some i times I'm slower. 3ometimes I even 1 wait long enough to be introduced." Prisciila could not keep from I smiling, she had never met such i audacity before. "You're Prisciila Hayden, ain't ya?" he was asking, and Prisciila grinned Inside herself to hear that ain't ya?" She was thinking about her mother's social aspirations and how they had already come into conincl witn James' hall-fellow-well-met predilections. "Yes, I'm Prisciila Hayden." she murmured her mind still on her mother. She had located her moth er now. standing with a girl and a man. The man was speaking and Mrs. Havden was biting her Up. Prisciila wondered whether he was saying "Ain't ya?" She laughed to nerseii. She brought her attention back to the man beside her. He was telling her with an air of impor tance that he had a lob driving a truck for the same conroanv James . . . "How nice," said Prisciila pleasant ly. "You drive a truck where he drives a pen! I'll bet on you. You nave tne weigntier weapon." She found herself talking easily to this Kenneth Kent. He was gay. True, in the time they talked he never said anything significant or profound, as Dennis sometimes did. but it was fun talking with him. They did other things beside Just talk. Thev Joined with the other guests in chasing James and Lor raine, when it was discovered that the newlvweds were sneaking out the back door. Prisciila and Ken neth flung rice with that sadistic abandon that characterizes rice fllnglng at a successful wedding. They, and the other guests, re turning, flushed and laughing, to the house when the young couple had at least managed to start on their wedding trip. "Just Married" sign flapping against the back ol me car. Prisciila walked to the front door with Kenneth when he left. I ... I hope I'll see you again." he stammered. That was the en gaging part about the man, Pris ciila thought. One minute bold as an eagle, and the next minute shy as a lawn. Are you an eagle or a fawn?" she asked mischievously. Walt a minute." said Kenneth. "I'm not so much of a mouse that Im not gonna ask vou for a date next Saturday night. How about It?" She turned her face uo to Ken neth slowlv. her lips curving, smil ing at him. There was a devil in her eves that matched the dare devil in his. She was daring him "Come on." said her devil, "take me out Saturday night. Let's see what you have to offer and how far you can get with It." "Saturday night?" said Prisciila aloud. "Sure. Whv not?" (To Be Continued) Soft Detail SimDllcttv and all- round softness are special features of this frock No. 3050 is cut In sizes 14. 16. 18. 20. 36. 38, 40, 42 and 44. Size 18. 3 yds. 30-in., yd ruffling. esena aac lor ranmn with N.ime, Address and Style Number. State Size desired. Address Canitni Journal fifia Mis sion St.. San Francisco 5, Calif ;,i I PATTERN No. R2719 i j fE?HrT Tatted Treasures Tatting is fus il cinatlng needlework and after the ; jNiJtrfSY one slmDle stitch Is mastered works ' 1 ilA KXJ. up didekly. And of the five dainty j i X. '"'.iV edgings show today will give hand ' j I J r a kerchiefs, lingerie or guest towels i I VkaaT'V' !" a precious handmade look with "VV V ' minimum expense and effort. ! v?A.4tl li ' 1 Pattern Envelope No. R27I9 con J llM VIi I 'ains step-by-step instructions for basic tatting with picture Instruc I . tlons and completed directions for mm"J II eacn ' 'ne ' edB'nB illustrated. f . i II To obtain tne pattern send 20c 'Crl 9 M IN COINS giving pattern number. XjnOl your name, address and zone num- ' f 5 aVIllM l ber to Peggy Roberta. Capital Jour t ! !iw 1 iifll' 1 nal, 828 Mission Street. San rran- m. 1 KSl.M Full an UwU Jr. Frank Be in Ins war ratlin Parade Mnile Ted Drake Ted Drake Adr, f Champion unrir Bradley Gabriel Healter Northwest New Made Ma tit American Parana American Forum Cite Kid Cisco Kid Let Getrge Da It Let Gear Da It The 8alnt The Saint Newa Select Local News Newt M title Fulton Lewie, Jr. Bab Poole Shew Bab Peale Shew Thla Day Sim Oft I ITrScSST ROBBIE WHAT ARE I CAME TO SEE 1 1 WE CANT TALK HERET I HAD A DATE T wv ufdf'a wupdc im KTAViMft 111 I c noisy VOL) DOIN& IN MY FAVORITE HCW ABOUT COMING SlS BUT-OKAY BUTBO PLEASE DONT TELL J restdurentX LINCOLN CITYr y StSTERBQKAY J TO MY ROOM-AFTER J IU BE THERE 'ANYONE ABOUT ME a II T ? dramatic w- . r- W?K? r AT 5 - V " " II r t Am mL- MLJMm O aSypSSSSSj rTHS TIME THeVRE (SOtN'I O. K.-IU. WRTCH- SEt? HOLCT 6RH.L60 "H Zf. j y2SS' Jae! "iM I TUBS OO OF CMMfTE...COME Wi ) ME FEB. SOW OVf HUMORED O STICK H 3 B . .. , .. . it..- V I I ... . I II . ...ii.. tm M wi KHtuMAi il I ill otii LAJNK MY5ELF "1 I NOW IF NOBOL7 SEES ME 1? DO 1 FEEL DUSTY! N mra ,s REALtV MUCH I BAGIN TO BE SURE IT5 AS 1 KIKJ EXPERIMENT IM ZLti. THE ONtV SATISFACTlOli 'as LONG AS THAT STATUE ) IT'S UNBMR.7'- NO HUMAN ) THI SCULPTOR VAS A X""" hTwEu"-I'LL BORE THROOShJ IS AROUND FOR HER TO BEING COU-& BE THIS STICKLER FOR OKTAIL-'T ) IT.'!r-IT FEELS LIKE SOLID Z- . DROOL AT -WHAT CHANCE 1 , PERFECT.':'--WELL-SHE ) HE USED MM. HAIR.-T JssJ STONE UNDERNEATH J ' HAS AN AVERAGE.CLEAN-- WON'T ADMIRE HIM SO J AND IT'S STUCK FAST tC S I CUT, VOUNG CHAP LIKE f MUCH WITH A HOLE TOO.'T' -r O If ME GOTr , INHItH' M I'VE COME HyS. I KNOW! J. ,s y0UR W OH, I'VE ) HAVE VOU AN oH, SURE'I WELL, WHV H ( AW, VOJ KNOW HOW IN REFERENCE ) My WIFE PUNCTUATION J NEVER H REFERENCES? LOTS OF DIDN'T ' J IT Hi BOSS I THEy'RE " TO THE INSISTS I 600D? J BEEN LATE irTH 'EM" ALL YOU BRING O' LIKE MY PHOTCkSRaPHS, pSBrSS,!aeETIN,OUICkr,BLAND!j TllL CUT ACROSS THE R4DPOC! ? I WHERE ARE THOSE TWO A 3. 5'f?S2' r . WE CAN STILL GETi I AND CLOSE THE Bl(3 GATE S RASCALS? WEVE BEEN TOINlS 1THAT 6ATTU4OCK6 BV rTSEU I ufv Mill VIUTt CUD Mivi vki I "uua ncouunic y J m rinj i o lumj -nnu WHEN IT SHOT 113 35- - -J' O A LOT OF r-f the nexa h- FsiO PUCk:S w o A Ai ir- L HI jol -mhz rmM jJSSLsfV timfcl 0 H'tiil I VJ- AfaM r riKL3 fT I! luck mtm the ponies, andthe WW 1 -JSJ r iSSSr L wS'' , is-Sv I . I ENCLOSED 85 AVDNEY ORDER IS 1 7 U Ql 3. U Js jgXTTf V V . J 1 J I FOR. REPAYMENT OF LOAN AND "Xj LOt3 ZjiAU t S c "J-J A TO COVER. SHIPMENT OF TRUNK . vT L. LS5-' rr C X ... -Sr OF CAN OPENERS AND GORING A K (---O I 2-tO VJ V GADGETS TO ADDRESS BELOW- WHAT NJVILL I 1 Vk "7" ' ' fx wrHiin mihejrt j II I uPyi U FOR VOUR INFORMATION, JUNIOR, 1 ? ifQ (- fl nf To which no one fm ever ldttt key. I iffsf A Jl KTHi OLD B0Y"CAN ALSO 0I5H OUT a ' J I! wl But now the frttivjy lomy very tout JrT&fe,. 1' l fc A LEDltHAMMER iOCK TO WET- W -r-Pi L 1 M VIOLENT EMOTIONAL Pi Unlocks H of Itself to thee! " AnjB V. ! NECKE0 VOUNG SMART ALECKS WHO PE? Is-H&V ' F? 7 ' A -A RADIO PROGRAMS UBO MONDAY P.M. KGW H"o KOCO r 'K0!U Woman'i Secret Sun or Sldt Newt H. V. Kaltenborn Muitcal Solrca Muilcal Solre Voice of Flrettona Telephone Hour Telephone Hour Jane Plckeni Jana Plckeni Contented Hour Contented Hoar Radio Cltj Plarhonaa Sapper Club Nawa of World One Man'a Family One Man'a Family Newi Sporta Paga Final Orcheatra Orcbeiira (fas Buj-ea Wax Museum Wax Muieum Wax Muieum iin Off Rhylhra Ranch Rhjtbm Rancb Bing Croiby -Sport fain Caudlellibt A Sliver Newi Troplcana Pat O'Brien o" Gueit Star Bandstand Bandstand Studio Party Studio Party Studio Party Studio Party Studio Partr Studio Partr Studio Partr udlo Partr Studio Party News Round U Studio Parly Studio Partr Studio Pirty Stndlo Partr Studio Partr Studio Farty 81 in Off Curt Matter Uttle Show Sonas of Pralrl Larry LeSuer Knoa Mannli-' Bands on Parada Cbet Buntle News Leave It to Joan Leave It to Joan Breakfast With Barrows Straw Hat Con. StraW Hat Coo. Chicaroana Chicagoant Chas. ColIlMwood Tnnnr H. Talent Sooot, j Inner Sanctnta iiucr sanotaai Spin to Win Serenade You and World Orchestra News eflemt TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M 61H Ntwi Ro Fodn Newi " 1! SfJ. "' n" Pod" KOIN XlDek :J0 NW F.rm Nan Newi KOCO Kiosk KOIN Klock ! Mrch Tim. Hodi foj.. KOCO Kloek KOIN Klock 71 Dw p.lr.l F.rm Tlmo T.. Bltloi KOIN Kloek " US Dawa ralrol Farm Tlmo Newe (porta Newi !!t 5" ',, T" old T MornlB, Newi Wewi Newa Newe Fred Beck "JJ Smooooth Mu.lo Weilern Melodlei Coninmer Newe " til BfoaMael Oaae Smooooth Moile Weitern Melodlei Art Baker '!! rrta ' Gm Bldera ef 5 kit Slara Sine Robert Lawla Top Itadoa Sam Barea Church In Wild Bobert Lewli 9'?J c,' Second Cap Time (or Melodr Featnre Slorr ' IIS Mornlni Special Second Op Tlmo for Melodr Newi !5I !?. " " "'" Grand Slam Si w"' J". J. Charlei Thoma. Boiemarj Northwiet Newa xommr Doner Coffee cap Wendr Wane. Si O'arllo Bpl.ak Tommr Doner Concert Miniature Our Gal Bandar H:t Newa Lopea Oreh. Glan Waa nt aiatp '' H Thra. Sena Lope, Orch. Gl... Wa, ' pl'l'.' ft 2"" "'- Todar'a Children Olaaa Waa Sr M.lonl !i Walta Serenade Lor, Lawto. Gl... w duld". Ll.ht IA'" I'ado. Donblo or Nothlnt Mollrwood Mn.lo Duncan McLeod IVH. 2::L . Dble or Nelhln. Hollywood Mu.1. Com." Get U 9 M Qneoa far ft Dar New. Newi vnr.h njikl Qaooa f.r . p., Ll.ht of World led D.I. Fre.ent. Brl." ." " Iff Ji!M r,r' Ufa Beautiful Mae'a Melodlee 2nd Mn BnTt..' 41 If'Sf M"odl.e Perrr MaeJn :M Northweet Now. Pepper Toun. Mae'l Melodlei Pat O'Brien Show ! borlr Show H.pplno., M..-. M.l.dle. Brl.hl and Jtht ef. '.V VJ I,el'ib Back.t.a. Wife M.o'e Melodle. Newipaper of aT. TjM John.on F.mllr Stall. D.H., M.o'e Melodlee New.p.pe, of Aim im'f? 2,"".,H"""M ' ' " MelodlM Wlnnel iU. AU 'mM '" Wldd.r Brow. Mac'. Melodlei Tunrtullr",r. 3100 tialnn Mo Storm A Girl M.rrle. Me-e Melodle. Newt " !ai m'.'.i ?"r" r,0M Ll" 15"'.' Melfll" Meet the Ml.,.. Si M Front P... r.rrell M.c'e Melodlei Arthur Godfre, 4:0 S.r It With Maalo Weleome Traveler. Women'. P... ami,, n.j. " Wa Love Laarn Spotlight Mnslo Arthur Godfrtry DIAL LISTINGS If l?Y Monday r.M. 5:00, Oimi S:30. Green ornati fi-.oa. Keeplnr Up With Sports; 6:15, omi Edi tion) :, Modern Romance i 7:00, Edwin O. BUli 7:15, Elmer Darin 7:80, Mr, President i 8:00, Loni Rancor i 8:80, Dream Girl; 8:45, Arthur Gaetb, 9:00, Railroad Hour, 9:80, Ella Hae Morse, 9:45, Henrr 1. Taylor i 10:00, Rlehfleld Report er! 10:15, Intennenot 10:80, Concert Hour) 11:80, Memo to Tomorrow 11:00, Xtra Houn 1:00, 81ia Off. CV Tuesday A.M. 3:00. Earlr Bird, IVay 7:00, Newa i 7:15. Band Box, 7:80, Haten Show; 7:45, Tlmo Tem 8:00, The Stars Slnrt 8:15, Martin Aaron sky. 8:80, Zeke Man ners) 8:45, Tropleanai 9:00, Breakfast Qlobt 10:00, News) 10:15, Stars of Today; 10:30, Kay Kyaer'a Kollarei 11:00, Ted Ma lone i 11:15, Oalen Drake, 11:80, Mr True Stem 12:00, Betty Crocker, 12:15, Newsi 11:50, Baukhag- Talkinsr) 12:40, Club Timet 1:00, Northwesternerai 1:80, KEX, 1190 Squirrel KOAC, 550 K0AC Bean Harvest Starts Fairview Pole bean harvest started this week in the 20-acre field on the Charles Stephens KOAlP Mondar P.M. 5:00, On the "w" Upbeat; 5:50, 550 Sporta Club, 6:00, News I 6:15, Dinner Melodies) 6:80, Mnsie of Csechoalovaklat 7:15, Evening Farm Hour) 8:00, The Beaver Talei 8:15, Great Soniss 8:45, Loisers' Plre Weather Foecast; 0:00, Muslo That Endureil 9:45, Lift Up Thr Voice) 10:00, News) 10:15, Serenade) 10:45, News) 11:00, Sim Off. Tuesemr an, to 4:40 .aa.i 10, News) 10:16, For Wonant 11:00, Concert Ball) 12:00, News) 12:15, Noon Farm Hour) 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy; 1:15, Varletr Timet 1:80, Melodr Lane) 8:00, Cavaloade of Drama) 2:10, Memorr Book of Muslo) 8:00, The News. Kay West) 8:00, Breakfast In Hollywood) 8:80, Easr Aeesi 2:45, Myrt and Manet 8:00, Surprise Package) 8:30, Bride and Groomi 4:00, Welcomt Travelers) 4:80, Art Llnkletter. farm in the Fairview district with 20 pickers employed. Raymond Stephens is the field manager. ACROSS L Egyptian ilnt" lngflrt i. Gang 9. Cereal gTasa 12. Foray 13. Copper waihar 14. One: Italian 16. Austrian native IT. Play the chief part 18. Habitation 1ft. Ingredient of varnish SO. Symbol for calcium IX. Silkworm 28. Destiny 24. Rubber troa 26. Forever 80. 8 crap 82. Mouthi 83. Lamb' a pea nam a 84. Prof ana 27. Salt 18. God of love 29. Blunder 41. Again; prefix 42. Freight yard engine 44. Teet 46. Parts of curve 47. Revere 60. Pedal digit 61. Feminine name 62. Short jacket 63. Existence 64. Of the month 66. Tear DOWN 1. Skill Solution of Saturday 'a Puzsl. I. Ballad I. Variable alar 4. Sun-dried brick ( Those to whom money - Is owed f. Flower T. Mother of mankind 6. Ouraelvea 9. Ii a faster moving commodity 10. Philippine termite 11. Small lake 16. Learning 17. Brlstlea 19. Hank of twine 20. Thickened part of milk 2L Wlnga 23, Brotherly 25. Perfumea 27. Period 28. Prevaricator 29. American university 31. Dresses up smartly 36. Affectedly timid 38. Large late w 40. Scarcer 42. Tropical fruit 43. Metal 44. Tissue 45. Recent 47. Man: Latin 48. Unit of weight 49. Conclude 6L Behold ROOM AND BOARD .... By Gene Ahern X SOLD THE CAN OPENERS AND 600 OFx THE CORER5-'ULrC:-GMP.. WiW WILL I DO NOW?