Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 18, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    1-Capltal iournairSalem, Oregon, Monday, July 18, 1949
aft -vsrf asa
Hold Your Hats
Larry Dnby, Cleveland Indians' center
fielder, clasps his cap as be scares from
third on A's pitcher Alex Kellner's wild pitch in the third
inning of game with Philadelphia. Catcher Fermin Guerra
recovered the ball and threw to Kellner covering home. Ray
Boone (left) urges Doby on as Umpire Charles Berry calls
the play. Cleveland increased their second place lead by de
feating Philadelphia A's 7 to 1. (AP Wirephoto)
Bucky Worries Over Nats
Showing, Relied Hurler s
New York, July 16 (UP)
Square-jawed Bucky Walters
was a puzzled man today and
what put the Cincinnati mana
ger on the ropes had nothing to
do with the , reasons why his
Reds were mired deep in the
second division.
As far as the Reds were con
cerned, their trouBles were ob
vlous to anybody who ever had
seen a basebal and no comment
was necessary or forthcoming
from Walters.
But Bucky, along with a lot
of other national leaguers, was
trying to figure why so few pit
chers can make good in relief
"They're both a puzzle to me,"
Walters admitted. "As for the
All-Star game, it can't be the
breaks because you'd think
breaks would even up somei
time. Maybe It's because we Just
don't have those big hitters to
bring 'em across."
As for the lack of good relief
pitchers, Walters allowed that
it must be a mental problem.
Certainly it Is inexplicable why,
in the case of a starter like Don
Newcombe, he can't survive the
hail of baseballs when he is cal
led as a fireman,
"I know, because I never was
any good as a relief pitcher,"
Walters explained.
"I remember one time we
were at the Polo Grounds and
Bill McKechnle started looking
down the bench for a reliefer,"
Bucky smiled.
The big fellow pointed at his
chest and said:
"How about ma, Bill, I'm
Bucky chuckled and recalled:
"I went out there and boom,
boom, boom. They had three
runs so quick it made me blink
as I walked to the showers."
McKechnie stamped into the
clubhouse after the game, hunt
ed up Walters where he was sit
ting far back in a corner of the
aressing room, and shook his
finger at Bucky while he snort-1
"The next time I look for a
relief pitcher, Don't you open
your big mouth."
Catcher Slattery
Succumbs at 71
Boston, July 18 (U.R) Jack
Slattery, who once managed the
Boston Braves and caught for
four American league clubs, died
yesterday at the age of 71.
Slattery made his major league
debut with the Boston Red Sox
in 1903 and later played with
Washington, the Chicago White
Sox and St. Louis Browns. The
Braves gave him a one-year man
agerial contract in 1928 but he
resigned in May of the same year
and was succeeded by Rogers
Beavertown Golfers Edge
Salem in Weekend Matches
Salem and Corvallis golf squads, playing a home and home
program Sunday, broke even insofar as wins are concerned
However, the Corvallis divot takers scored the greater number
of total points, 60 to 51.
Each squad won on its home greens. Corvallis outscored Salem
at Corvallis, 35 to 13, while the
local club swingers outpointed
the visitors, 38 to 25. Dr. Quis
enberry of Corvallis was medal
ist with 74. Dick Phipps of the
Salem squad, was low here with
his 77.
Corvnllfi results:
Corvnttln 3il)
K. Cooper 3
Durdan 1 Hi
Miller 3'i
con tin '4
Ben son 3
QilU'tTbry 1
J. Cooper 3
Ball 2
Aubry I
HunseH 3
Dally 2
mason lVfc
Hlnkeley 3
Hlnvall 3
MUltlcen 3
Foster 0
Balem result:
Hut fin XA)
Herberger W
Phipps 3
narllctt 3
wade 1
Goodwin 3
Ml klU W
Thomson 3
(IX) PUIem
0 Dr. Oiriwa
1' Hendrif
Mi Williams
2'i Balrlock
0 Clark
0 King
0 Kenyan
1 Baxter
a Allev
I McAllister
1 Hi Pish
0 KletisliiR
0 Wr titer
0 Johnston
3 Hodges
(tft) CorT.HIs
3Vi Moore
0 Chai. Tharp
Claude Tharp
3 Wallace
0 Gray
21 Babb
0 Stone
Ousts f son 24
Hill 0
Bodmer 0
Filler 3
Wltlenberger IM
Hub 3
McCrary 3
Kremrn 3
Woodrv 3
Helterliiifl 3
Varley 3
Clnrk 3
Weeks 1
Vj Whippo
3 Laws
3 Thomas
0 Humph rev
V Woodcock
0 Jenkins
0 Daniels
I Minor
0 Coons
0 Johnson
0 Austin
1 Nelson
3 Mcintosh
Palmistry Readings
Will tell your past preseni
and future. Will advise on
love, marriage
and business
Whv be In
doubt? Special
' - UpCD 9 ..111.
Moved from 466 Ferry to
173 S. Commercial
I m
i and buslni
(. questions, i
Alvou worrli
Now is the time to order that new roof before the
busy summer season.
Expert workmanship with the highest quality
Free estimates without obligation.
McGilchrist & Sons
255 No. Commercial Street
Salem Phone 38478
The Latest Thing in Automobile Painting on the Pacific Coast. The next time you are
down town, come in and watch it operate.
"auto bake" ?0:;rr 0 'ac,ory boked '
We have just installed a new Infra-Red Ray Bake Oven, which enables us to give you
a quicker and more satisfactory paint job. Also, we have made it possible for you
to use our Budget Plan and pay a small amount each month.
3Ia We can give you a better paint job for your
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.
510 North Commercial
Extend ut the privilege
and the responsibility
ot servicing your car.
You are Invited to In
spect the most modern
equipped shop on the
Pacific Coast.
Estimates on
All Needed
Bring Your Car In Today!
Jary's Softball Girls
Make Waters Park Date
One of the few home appear-'
ances of the Jary Softball girls'
team has been scheduled for
July 26th at Waters Park when
the Salem Softball crew win
meet Portland's Lind florist
Betty Evans, whose excep
tional pitching has won her a
nationwide reputation, will con
trol the hill for the Portlanders.
She will face with Jackie Gard
ner or Lavonna Shotwell for the
Jary crew.
Despite the reputation of
Miss Evans, the Gardner and
Shotwell mound combination
is not expected to be an easy
mark for the Lind florists. The
Salem pair have brought their
team through the schedule of
games In the Portland league
thus far without a single defeat.
The Lind team has just re
turned from a three-weeks tour
of the south where the girls
played 26 games against such
Pumilite West Salem
opposition as the Fresno Rockets
and ' Arizona Ramblers. The
Ramblers are the current world
championship team, having won
that honor last vear In Portland.
The Jary team has been
priming for a shot at the Lind
squad for the right to act as
host team to the world cham
pionship tournament which
will be held in Portland in
Betty Leaves Ted
Hollywood, July. 18 Wl Bet
ty Hutton and Ted Briskin, her
wealthy camera manufacturer
husband, have parted. Betty
blamed herself for the rift and
added she had no plans for di
vorce. They have two children.
'Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxers
Free Pick-up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
Waitkus to Go
Home for Rest
Chicago, July 18 (U.PJ Eddie
Waitkus went home yesterday
more than a month after he
was shot by a demented girl
The Philadelphia Phillies'
star first baseman will be out
of the line-up for "quite some
time," a spokesman at the Bil
lings Memorial hospital here
Surgeons removed the .22
caliber bullet from Waitkus'
cheat during his stay at the
His assailant, 19-year-old
Ruth Steinhagen, has been
declared insane and commit
ted to a mental hospital.
Portland School Burns
Portland, July 18 W Part of
a wooden grade school, built in
1943, was destroyed by fire last
midnight. The loss was esti
mated at about $18,000. The
building was a block-long, one-
story portable, built next to the
42-year-old George elementary
school to accomodate the war
time increase of students.
TmWMnis tf mm iwvt vottc! in favor of
Buenos Aires, July 18 W -4
Ezequiel Navarra, of Bueno,
Aires, was hailed today by hi'
supporters as the uncrownec
world three cushion billiarr
championship following his vie
tory over Champion Willie Hop,
pe, of New York, In their 10-daj
1500-point non-title match.
by Warren Goodrjch
Recommended by
physicians and sur
geons for three
decades, fmi scienrrrlc sup
ports have helped thousands
of men. Widely used In the
treatment of sprain. They or
a blessing In helping to toko
strain off muscUs. Improve '
appaaranco, toot Avoilabl
In all slias, ttwsa famous belts
. are comfortable, easy to put
on and are moderately
priced. Ask your doctor about
trained fitters m attendance.
Capital Drug Store
Stat Liberty
On the Corner"
.Yeah, kld...l know, kid.,
well, kid, I'd batter hang up '
kid -somebody else might
want In Um MuMB, k
Your line won t be busy to U
others if the youngsters space
their calls.. ..Pacific Telephone.
of Every Log -Efficiently
OPf RATI TJtff MRMS-W rnmd. a
never encHrtf timber swpely fer our mlttt. The ferett
crop Is harvested, retetdt, hervetted, niiidi in
bout 10-year cycles.
Divtusirr our manumcturno-
m enfar M N ( Mi trM. TTw mint It to bufld
manvfedurinf nfn in Men of ur optrotina ori
t lftl en en mRWt. w can mak. umM producti
from lew vcAm m wo m Kith value notarial
tha "toko" from oaS aro of foroat loiW Harvoit.o'.
A itaM of onebwan and KlantHw iMna ad of Ihoir
tine ei tMi wet Mete eceducss Mean wece lieedy efcs
etvnop miMANiNT mahkiis-
ta aa raatonablr cartoot mat Wayrfcaowf owawtti
7 mk itaady dwnand yaor In and yaar out, in food
Nam and bad. Wa work toward omMontMok ovonry,
and onnfy wad.m loHinf mothodt ta croato mtonur
When this company's long-range objective Is reached, w
will have at each mill site in one compact package enough
different kinds of mills to use ALL the timber harvest from
our tree farms. The advantages are many. First, transporta
tion, administration costs, power, and other costs are reduced.
Without such economies it would not be practical to use all
the harvest because in order to win permanent markets,
prices must be low enough to attract customers. Integration
makes it economically sound to use all the different sizes and
species of trees grown on the supporting tree farm. We can also
make salable products from formerly unused sound material
Planer shavings, slabs, and short pieces for example become the
raw materials for other nearby mills. This volume creates more
jobs for workers. Future stability is greatly improved for em
ployees, shareholders, our. communities and allied business.
YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOMEI Weyerhaeuser extends a cordial invita
tion to the r public to visit our mills. Trained juides will gladly show
you through. Tours: Morning and afternoon, Monday through Friday.
Plants heated: In Washington: Everett, Longview, Snoqualmie Falls.
In Oregon: Klamath Falls, Springfield.
eyerhaeuser Timber Company
. 4