Eugene District Champs Trimmed f By Salem Legion The Salem American Legion Junior baseball club went out side its own district Sunday aft ernoon to add a win to its long string at the expense of Eugene, 6 to 5. It was a close contest with Eugene's ninth inning ral ly nipped one short of a knot ting score. The Eugene club, coached by Duane Mellem, had previously won its district title, and consti tuted the toughest competition yet faced by Bill Hanauska's crew. Although three moundsmen worked for Salem "Sonny" Walker, who replaced DeGeer at the start of the fourth, got credit for the win. Rock hurled the final three. v The locals tallied two runs in each the second, seventh and ninth. Stewart hit 3 for 5 and Larson 2 for 3 for Salem. Salem will engage McMinn ville Wednesday in the first game of a series to determine the district title. No announce ment has been made concern ing the place of combat. Salem 020 000 202 0 2 Euaene 021 000 0025 8 3 DeOeer, Walker, Rock and Jonea; Sieamund and Logan. Short Order Man 1 Bowls Long Score It's getting to be a habit rolling perfect scores of 300, Frank Evans, chef of a downtown cafe, turned in his third 300 of the season Sun day at the Capitol alleys, ap proximately 85 days after his second perfect score. None of the three produc tions was rolled on Identical alleys. Silverton Sox Trim Bend Elks A Couple of Times Silverton The Silverton Red Sox took two State league games from the Bend Elks over the week-end. Saturday night, with Bill Hanauska on the mound, the Sox blanked the Central Oregonians, 7-0 and then came back Sunday after noon to make it two in a row, 6-1 with Harley Pipe tossing a one hitter at the Elks. Hanauska whiffed eight bat ters and was given material assistance by the the Elks who kicked five. Sunday afternoon Piper, a teen ager borrowed from Wood burn held Bend hitless until the ninth when Carlos Houck, pinch hiting, slapped out a single. Bend 000 000 0000 6 5 Silverton 003 003 Olx 7 10 0 Clark and Houck; Hanauska and Roth Bend 000 000 0011 1 1 Silvertn 100 000 05x 6 10 1 Farmer and McCormick; Piper and Kerr. Junior Basevall CLASS B W. W. Salem Lbr 3 Mayflower 2 Salem Realtor 3 Kelzer Merc 2 Salem Heights 0 Salem Laundry ....0 L. Pet. 0 1.000 1 .667 1 .667 1 .667 3 .000 1 .000 Tuesday games: 6 pjn., Salem Realtors vs. Salem Heights at 8a lem Heights: Salem Laundry vs.l West Salem Lumber, at Leslie: May flower vs. Kelzer Merchants at din ger. CLASS C W. Pour Corners 3 Salem Steel 2 Midget Market ....2 Bishoo Electric ....2 Kelzer Truax 2 Riber Bend 1 Schreder's 0 Master Bread 0 Elfstrom's 0 L. Pet. 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 .667 .667 .333 .000 .000 .000 Monday's games: 6 p.m., Kelzer Truax vs. BishOD Electric, at Olin ger: Pour Corners vs. River Bend. at Leslie. Wednesday. Elfstrom's vs. Midget at dinger; Schreders vs Salem Steel at Leslie. Shootof f Marks Trapshoot Finale W. H. McCrady of Portland took the all-around title at the Oregon state trapshooting tour ney by besting Clyde Fox of Merrill in Sunday's concluding events. Fox had won the dou bles title Saturday. Sunday Fox and McCrady shot 25 targets at 16 yards, 25 handicaps and 10 pairs of doubles, and McCrady came through. The Portland cracksman hit S5 straight in the 16-yard and again in the handicap and had a 23 in the doubles. It was the first time in the memory of trapshoot officials when two men tied for the all-around title. Each had a gross 380 out of a possible 400 for Friday, Saturday and Sun day events. George W. Cornish of Suth- erlin, Ore., edged out McCrady in the state handicap, final event of the four-day tourney. It was one of the most closely contested rounds of the meet. Four shooters tied in the re gular round Cornish, McCrady, Charles Wellington of Burns and Clay Dooley of Portland. Wellington and Dooley fell by the wayside in the first shoot- off of 25 targets. But Cornish and McCrady continued on, each Stephens BoSox in (Br the Aaaoelated Preaa) If Joe McCarthy's Boston Red Sox fail to overtake the New York Yankees in the American league pennant struggle, it will not be the fault of Vera (Jun ior) Stephens. Stephens currently is pacing the field with 23 four baggers and S3 runs batted in. His clos est pursuer is teammate Ted Williams, who has 21 homers and 89 RBI's. Vern lashed out two homers and drove in all Boston's runs as the Red Sox divided a double header with the Indians in Cleve land yesterday before a crowd of 73,599. With first baseman Mickey Vernon knocking in three runs with a double and single, the Tribe won the opener, 4-2. Ste phens batted in both Boston runs with a home run and a single in three official times at bat. The BoSox came back to win the nightcap, 2-1, as young Chuck Stobbs outpitched veter an Al Benton. Again Stephens fashioned both Boston runs. He singled to score Johnny Pesky with the tying run in the sixth mning. and won the game in the ninth with his 23rd homer. The split prevented the two clubs from making any gain on the pace-setting Yankees, but the Red Sox were able to vault past Philadelphia into third place. The Athletes drop ped to fourth place, losing a doubleheader to the Tigers in Detroit, 8-0 and 5-4. The Yankees split a twin bill with the White Sox in Chicago. Joe DiMaggio's sixth home run in the seventh inning gave the Yankess the opener, 2-1, and Vic Raschi his 14th triumph against only two losses. The White Sox pounded Fred San- ford and Frank Shea for 14 hits to earn a 7-3 triumph in the nightcap. Paul Campbell, little used first baseman, shared the hero's role with Southpaw Ted Gray as the Tigers mowed down the A's twice to climb within a game and a half of the Mackmen. Campbell slammed a home run with the bases full and added two singles as Gray blanked the A'S, 8-0, in the opener on three hits. The Tiger first baseman then won the second game with an 11th inning single that drove in the winning run in Detroit's second game 5-4 triumph. The St. Louis Browns Swept their first doubleheader of the season, taking two from the Washington Senators, 15-8 and 7-4. Rookie Outfielder Roy Sievers sparked the Brownie attack with five hits in seven times at bat. Brooklyn retained Its game and a half lead over runner-up St. Louis, edging out the Chicago Cubs, 4-3, while the Cardinals were beating the Giants in New York, 10-1. The third place Bos ton Braves lost ground, splitting a twin bill with the Cincinnati Reds, while Pittsburgh nosed out fourth place Philadelphia, 2-1 The Braves won the opener, 5-4 but the Reds came back to win the nightcap, 3-2. Luis Olmo, recently rein stated Mexican league jump er, broke up the Cub-Dodger battle with a ninth inning homer, his first of the season. Red Munger had an easy time winning his seventh game as his Cardinal teammates' Red Sch oendienst and Eddie Kazak blast OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Huh 7:38 a.m. 5.1 1:31 p.m. 1.! 8:49 a.m. 5.1 . 9:04 p.m. ?.' 9:57 a.m. 6.7 9:47 p.m. 7.9 10:59 a.m. B.8 10:28 p.m. 9.1 Low 1:10 a.m. 1:52 p.m. 1.8 3:08 a.m. 1.8 2:43 p.m. 2.3 4:01 a.m. 1.2 3:34 p.m. a. 7 4:51 a.m. 0.5 4:34 p.m. 3.0 July n missing one. Each missed just one more bird in the second 25. Then in the third 25 targets, Cornish came through with a perfect performance while Mc Crady missed one bird again. Actually, Vic Greathouse of Anacortes, Wash., turned in the best performance in the regular round, with 97. He was Ineligible for title or tro phies because he was from outside Oregon, but he walked off with the major part of the cash prizes. Harry Shaw, from EUensburg, Wash., had the high over-all ag gregate in the handicap with a 94 Saturday and a 95 Sunday. The out-of-state all-around ti tle was shared with Bert Dam- WRESTLING Tuesday Night 8:30 Mtin Errnt TAG TEAM Sugi Hyamaki, Referee Opener BUCK WEAVER vs. SALVADORE FLORES Special TOUGH TONY ROSS vs. TERRIFIC TEX HAGER SALEM ARMORY Slugging Paces American Chase ed home runs. The Cards col lected 13 hits. Cliff Chambers bested Russ Major Standings (By United Prew) NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pot. W L Pet. Brooklyn 50 32 .810 New York 39 41 .488 St. Louis 49 34 .590 Pittsburgh 38 43 .469 Boston 46 38 .348 Cincinnati 33 48 .407 Phildlphia 43 40 .318 Chicago 31 t3 .369 AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. New York S3 29 .646 Detroit 44 41 .518 Cleveland 47 34 .580 Wuhnstn 34 46 .425 Boston 45 38 .542 Chlcatta 36 49 .424 Phildlphla 43 39 .536 St. Loula 37 55 .329 Results Sunday NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati 4-3, Boston 5-2 St. Louis io, New York 1, (2nd Game Postponed, Rain) Chicago 3, Brooklyn 4 (2nd game post poned, rain) Pittsburgh 2, Philadephla 1, (called end 5th; 2nd came postponed, rain) AMERICAN LEAGUE New York 2-3. Chicaso 1-4 Boston 2-2, Cleveland 4-1 Washington 8-4, St. Louis 15-7 Philadelphia 0-4, Detroit 8-5 (2nd tame 11 innings) Salem, Oregon, Monday, July 18, 1949 Homer Clouter Garners Hams, Chimes, Checks If you should encounter a stubby guy, bearing four hams in his arms, as many sets of door chimes suspended from his anatomy and with four $5 checks stuffed in his pants pocket, jingle-gangling down the street, he Is none other than Mel Wasley, Salem Senators' scurrying left fielder. The articles constitute the rewards tendered him by three Salem business concerns as the result of his home run hitting prowess last week at Waters park. Wasley hit one of the circuit blows off Wenatchee and col lected three more at the expense of the Spokane Indians. Just what the outer gardener will do with four sets of door chimes has not been determined, unless they be used to guard entrances to his room while he gorges on ham. D radians Tacoma, Jim Brillheart, deliberate and slow-moving director of the I Spokane Indians no doubt returned to the metropolis of the In- iana jempire a nappier individual back. For Jim's Indians not only the Senators three games to two, check thanks to increased at tendance at Waters park. The four night stand drew 6529 pay ing customers, more than half being attracted by "raspberry night." Moreover Brillheart got his prize shortstop back in the line up, President Robert Abel of the league making a personal trip to Salem to okeh the reappear ance of Jack Calvey who had been benched for two weeks because of a violent run-in with the umpires during a game at Wenatchee. The Senators remain idle Monday night and the follow ing evening will open a three game series with the Tacoma Tigers, finishing out the week against the Bremerton Blue jackets. Sunday nights honors were divided with the Senators tak ing the opener 4 to 1 when Gene Peterson pitched one of his bet ter games. The nightcap went to the hard hitting Spokes, 11-3, a game in which Bob Drilling, Bill Osborn, Jim Foster and Hank Sciarra went to the post in that order. Friday night's single en counter was grabbed by the In dians, 7 to 4, with Cal Mclrvin, who has not as yet gained his control, getting the loss. By BILL WARREN pier off Seattle and F. L. Dam- pacher of Walnut Grove, Cal. Each compiled 374 out of 400 for the tourney. There was no shootoff. Meyer in a hurling duel as the Pirates gained a five-inning tri umph over the Phils. Rain washed out the rest of the con test as well as the scheduled second game. Rain also cut the scheduled twin bills in Brooklyn and New York in half. Eddie Sauer's ninth inning single with two out scored Eddie Stanky with the run that gave Boston its first game triumph over the Reds. Kent Peterson outpitched Johnny Antonelli in the nightcap. MAJOR LEAGUE WERFOOTS (By the Associated Press Saturday B R H O A RBI Pesky, Red Sox 6 13 2 111 Doerr, Red Sox 5 3 3 3 5 1 2 Gordon, Indians 3 10 0 2 0 0 Whitman. Dodgers 4 10 10 0 0 Eroutt, Reds, won Saturday. Record now 4-9. Sunday: B R H O A E RBI Pesky, Red Sox (1) 50 1 4200 Doerr, Red Sox (li 3 (2) 4 Gordon, Indians (1) 3 11 ake man was me case a snort while took the five game scries with but also packed .-way a sizeable WIL Standings W. L. Pet, (By the Associated Pre.s) Yakima 61 32 .656 Vancouver 54 35 .607 Spokane 51 43 .543 Kenatchee 45 49 .479 Salem 42 51 .452 Bremerton 42 53 .442 Victoria 40 51 Tacoma 38 59 .440 .392 Not only did the Solons lose the getaway affair with Spo kane but the contest snipped Bud Peterson's successive game hitting at 20. He col lected two in the seven inning game and drove a ball hard to the outfield in his last time up in the ninth hut Tuck Stainback was right there to snare it. On the other side of the led ger, there was Mel Wasley's home run in the first game of the twin bill, running his string of circuit blows to four for the week's program. Gene Peterson was given a three run cushion right off when his mates collected five hits and a trio of runs in the first. But that's all they got and it proved all they needed as the former Linfield college ace held the In dians to three blows. His walks, five in all, caused some anxiety but he came through unscathed except in the third when a walk, a wild pitch and Skip Rowland's double drove in a singleton. Spokane scored in every in ning except the second as they notched their 11 to 3 triumph. In each of six frames they tal lied single runs, picked up two 0 0 2 5 0 0 4 o i a a n n Forest Grove and McMinnville Win In Semi-Pro Meet Portland, July 18 ff) Kercher Lumber of Forest Grove and Mc Minnville moved into the win ners' circle last night as the 14th annual state semi-pro baseball tournament got under way for a 32 night grind. The Kerchers, tournament fa vorites, were paced to a (I to 0 win over Dayton by the three hit hurling of Pete Jonas. In the second game, McMinnville defeated Oregon City, 3 to 0, with 18-year-old Marty Bergen allowing only three hits. Six teams meet tonight. Cor nelius is paired against Willam ette; Philomath meets Amity and Odell meets Portland's Mec ca Lunch. . Californian Wins Men's PNGA; Mont. Girl Wins Seattle, July 18 (U.R) The Pa cific Northwest and California shared golfing honors today aft er Los Angeles' Bruce McCor mick copped the men's PGNA amateur title and a Montana miss won the women's crown. McCormick dumped Spokane's Ray Weston Saturday, 7 and 6, in the Pacific Northwest Golf association's amateur tourna ment. The veteran campaigner was six under par for the last 12 holes of the 30 holes he re quired to. defeat his young op ponent. The Walker cup player shot a sizzling five-under-par 30 on the outgoing afternoon nine after oing two-up on the morn ing 18. Miss Alice Bauer, Los Angeles' woman entrant, faltered down the home stretch in her match with Miss Edean Anderson, Hel ena, Mont., champ, and finally buckled under her opponent's deadly iron work, to lose, 3 and 1. At the end of 18, Miss Bauer was 4-up. The record for the final 18 holes of the U. S. open golf championship is 66, made by Gene Sarazen in 1932. Series, remertorn in the seventh and three in the eiohth While Gene Babbitt, who went the route was wild, walking eight, he was nicked for just six hits. Salem's four miscues figuring in most of the scoring. Official Box Spokane (1) 4 8 at em BHOA BHOA Palmer, 1 3 0 1 0 W. Ptran, 1 3 113 Rowlnd, 2 3 3 1 4 Kruir, 1 S 0 5 0 Zaby, r 3 0 1 1 B. Ptnn, a 3 3 3 1 Barton, 1 3 0 7 0 Cherry, m 4 13 0 Paries e 2 13 0 Wasley, 1 114 0 Stnbak, m 2 0 3 0 Hdingln. 1 3 15 2 Calvey, 3 0 2 1 Beard, c 3 111 Valine, 3 10 11 Buckly, h 2 l o l Conant, p 1 0 0 1 O. Ptran, P 1 o o l Nulty," 10 0 0 Weaver, p 0 0 0 1 Howard, 10 0 0 Total 22 3 10 V TOiai .3 til t Batted for Conant in 5th. Batted for Weaver In 1th. Spokane 001 000 01 3 0 Salem 300 001 X 4 8 0 Pitcher IP AB H R ER SO BO Conant 4 1 6 3 3 1 2 Weaver 1 7 2 1114 O. Peterson ... 7 32 3 1 1 1 Wild pltchex: O. Peterson. Left on bases: Spokane 5, Salem 9. Errors: none. Home run: Wasley. Two-bajse hits: Parks, Row land. Runs batted in: B. Peterson, Wasley 2, Rowland, Krus. Sacrifices; O. Peterson 2. Stolen base: Valine. Double play Hed inston to Krua. Time: 1:25. Umpires: Math lu and Husband. Second Game: Spokane (II) (X) Salem AB H O A AB H O A Palmer. If 4 2 3 0 WPLsn.2b 3 1 : Rwland. 2 3 1 3 2 Krug. lb 3 0 I Zaby, rf 6 11 4 0 2 2 Tirst in . AMERICA! FIRST IN MOVING Mayflower Warehousemen offer the finest and most diptndabl snoring aer vice. FIRST IN STORAGE Protection and care are as sured for your possessions when you store in a May Bower Warehouse. FIRST IN PACKING "Packed with Pride" Is not tust a slogan of Mayflower ut an earnest Inter tit la tb job at band. Capital City Transfer Co. 230 S. Front St Phone 1-2436 Torriflf TrOUt Thi' U-P"d I VI I li li. iiwui of th(! ,argest season. Edd Bowen of Coalville river near here. He promptly 15, hold it up for photographic Beavers Nip at First Division on Twin Win I By the Associated Preea) The Portland Beavers, once thought to be permanent tennants of the Pacific Coast league basement, are moving upstairs and fast. The Beavers took a pair dwellers, Los, Angeles, 8 to 6 and Tommy Bridges, hurled a four-i hitter in the finale. The double win put Portland 12A games behind the league leading Hollywood Stars and only a game and a half behind Oakland and Seattle, tied for fourth place. Hollywood and second-place Sacramento split Sunday. The Solons took the opener 4 to 2 and the Stars the nightcap 6-5. The series count ended 4 to 2 in favor of the sizzling Solons. The Stars are eight games in front. Also splitting a pair were San Diego and Oakland. The Pad res' Max West hit his 33rd hom er of the year a grand slammer in the first game. Pitcher Xavier Rescignio helped his cause along with a third inning double that drove in three runs. The Padres won the opener 11 to 2. In the finale, homers by Loyd Christopher, Frank Kerr 3-2; Slated Barton, lb 5 2 Parks, c 5 3 0 1 1 4 1 3 0 Hdttn.3b 5 Carlaon.o 3 0 Btickly.rl S 1 Drlllna.p S Oaborn, p 0 Fojitar.p 0 Melrvln. 1 Sciarra, p ' 0 a 'o o 4 0 a 1 4 l a l o o o o o o o Calvey, ss 4 1 Valine, 3b 6 2 Babbitt, p 3 0 ooo Total 41 13 37 10 Total 31 37 11 Batted lor 7oeter In 8th Spokane 101 111 331 11 13 Salem 100 300 0003 0 Pitcher IP AB H R ER SO BB Babbitt at 8 3 3 2 8 Drllllna 7 30 8 7 4 3 6 CMborn 0 8 3 3 3 0 0 Foster 1 4 10 0 10 Sciarra 1 4 1110 1 Hit by pitcher. B. Peterjion, W. Peter son, Palmer, wild pltchen. Drilling 2. Left on baafs, Spokane 13, Salem 11 Errora B. Peteraon. Kruv 3. Home runs Barton, Parka. Three-baae hits, Rbw. land, Calvey, Two-baae htU, Parka 2, Buckley. Valine. Drlllln 2, calvey. Bab bitt, Parka 2, Sacrifice. Rowland. Palmer, Stolen baaea, Palmer. Double playa, Barton to Calvey to Barton, Calvey to Rowland Barton. Time 2:35. umptrea Huaband tnd Mathlu. Attendance, 1504. Although they have not won since 1937, the New York Giants have captured the Na tional League pennant 13 times more than any other team. Kentucky Whiskey .Enjoy thj j whiskey flats 44 One good round deserve! another ' 'Jj"'' -'4 jo enjoy a round of good Old J? .J-- "IT 1 1 Sunny Brook brand. This rich Ken- f -jri. fP& W r .--"""i tucky whiskey h always up to par. &''MJr-jff Tt 4 i Yes, you'll like it "on the If "&$l W'W " ,M'i ?jZ'V- Sunny Brook side"! 7 g WATCHMAN ON ""Nl " m German brown beauty is one trout eauj.nt i Utah this hooked Into It on the Weber had his daughter, Marjorie, proof. Sunday from tne current cellar- 7 to 1. Portland's Sunday ace, PCL Standings (By United Preaa) w L Pet. W L Pet. Hollywood 80 48 .800 Seattle 18 S7 ,804 Saoramnto 89 52 .832 Portland 56 57 .401 San Dleio 50 55 .518 SnPrncIco SO 83 .443 Oakland 87 88 .604 LoaAniela 40 87 .407 Reaulta Sunday Seattle 8-0, San Franclaco 2-1 Portland 8-7. Los Anaelea 8-1 San Dieeo 11-1, Oakland 2-11 Sacramento 4-8, Hollywood 2-8. and Parnell Woods helped to slug out a 11 to 1 win for the Oaks. Seattle's Herman Besse toss ed a four hitter at the San Fran- Cisco Seals in their opener. The Suds won it 6 to 2. In the sec ond game, the Seals parlayed tnelr two hits with some sacn fices into the game winning run. Manny Perez deftly scattered five hits to notch the win, Monday's schedule. Official Box (First same boxscore): Portland (8) (8) Loa Anirlea BHOA BHOA Shupe.l 6 4 3 0 6 2 ft 0 S 1 4 1 SturReon.2 B 1 3 1 Matldern.l 4 0 0 0 Ofttrwnkl.3 4 0 7 5 Abe r son. r 3 13 0 Moran.l 4 3 3 6 Btirbrink.o 110 0 Watklnn.p 3 10 1 Anthony, p 1 0 0 0 BurgesB.x Ihtle.p aables.n rnomae.a Wenner.l Brovla, r Mullen.2 Fernands.o AUBtln.aa 4 3 2 8 18 l l McNulty.p Diehl.p Saltamn,p 2 10 0 0 0 Totals 30 14 27 14 Totals 3B 11 27 10 x Sinsled lor Anthony in flih Portland 100 022 102 8 Hits 211 tm 20314 Lor Angeles 013 001 020 fl . hub ., 113 on 11111 Winning pitcher 8 a Hum an. Losing; pit cher Ihde. Pitcher Ip Ab McNulty 3 1.1 Dlehl 4V'i 10 H Kr So Bb 6 2 1 0 Saltern an 1 fl Walking 5 2ft Anthony 'i 1 mae 3", li 5 1 Oablea V. 2 0 R Marqueis 3, Thomas. Brovla, Austin DJfhl, Mauro, Oatrownkl. Aberson. Mo- ran 2, Burbrlnk. E Brovla, Austin 3, Sturgeon, Burbrlnk. HBP Moran by Mc Nulty. LOB Portland 4, Los Angeles 8. PB Burbrlnk. 2B shupc, Dlehl, Austin. HR Mauro, OstroWdki. Burbrlnk. Aimttn. SB Thorn aa. RBI Bhupe 2. Dlehl. Aus tin 2, Thomas 2, Watklni, Mauro. Os trowskl. Burgess, Burbrlnk 2. DP Stur-geon-Alfano-Moran: Austln-Miillnn-flhnni. T 2:26. U Deever, Moran and Engeln. (Second name box- innings): l) Los Angeles BHOA Portland (7) BHOA Marques.c Shupe, 1 Thomas, 3 Wenner.l 12 0 3 0 0 1 2 6 0 3 13 1 Sturgeon. 2 3 1 1 110 Maddern.l 12 0 Ontrwakl.3 112 Aherson.r 16 0 Moran.l 10 3 Novotney.e 0 6 0 McDnlels.p 0 3 0 1 3 1 0 1 0 Brovla, r Mullen.2 Oladd. c Austin. m Brldies,p VanDyke.p 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 A Blend Portland Team Wins Willamette Golf in Eugene Eugene, Jury 18 (IP) A star laden team from Lloyd's in Portland edged out the defend ing champions of Eugene coun try club to win the 13th annual Willamette Valley Golf associa tion tournament. The Portlanders posted a team score of 903 for the two day 36 hole event, S9-over-par. The defending champions had 90S. Portland's Colwood was third with 907; Laurelwood of Eugene and Devil's Lake tied for fourth with 919. Johnny Ekstrom, University of Oregon student playing for Laurelwood, was medalist with a three-under-par 70-71 141. The Salem team scored 991: Corvallis 988 and Albany 926. Pancho Defeats Aging Parker in National Tennis Chicago, July 18 U.R)Rich- ard (Pancho) Gonzales retained the national clay courts tennis championship today by defeat ing Frank Parker 6-1, 8-6, 8-6, 6-3. The 21-year-old defending champion from Los Angeles was in inn fnrm vocferHav n ntfinff Parker noticeably tired In the ! last two sets. The feminine clay court cham pion also repeated as Magda Rurac of Los Angeles, former Romanian champ ion, wilted down Beverly Baker of Santa Monica, Calif., 2-6, 9-7, 6-3. In the only doubles competi tion, top-seeded Vix Seixas of Philadelphia and Sam Match of Los Angeles won the men s ti tle, outlasting Gonzales and Hugh Stewart of Pasadena, Cal., 6-4, 1-6, 5-7, 8-6, 9-7. PORTLAND CHAMP SEEDED NO. 1 IN SEATTLE MEET Seattle, July 18 U.R)Emery Neale, Portland tennis ace, to day was seeded No. 1 in the 58th annual Washington state tennis championships opening here at the Seattle Tennis club. Neale was twice Washington state singles champ and four times Oregon title-holder. Burgess.x 10 0 0 OIohsop.xx 10 0 0 Totals 31 9 21 6 Totals 27 4 21 3 x Plied out for van Dyke in 7th. xx Struck out for Alfano In 7th, Portland 421 0O0 07 Hits 342 000 0 S Los Angeles 000 001 01 Hits 110 001 14 Losing pitcher McDanlcls. Pitcher Ip Ab R M Er Bb So BrlclRes 7 27 1 4 0 1 8 McDanlels 1 12 8 8 6 2 3 Vnn Dyke &Va 10 13 12 6 E Thomas, Mullen, Alfano, Ostrownkl. R Marques 2, Bhupe 2, Thomas. Wenner, Austin, Sturgeon. LOB Portland 7. Los Angeles 6. 2B Mauro. 3B Oladd, Mar queis. HR Thomas. SB Marques Shupe. RBI Thomas 3, Oladd, Brovla, Marques, Ostrowskl. DP Ostrowskl-Sturgcon-Mnr-an. T 1:46. U Engeln, Doran and Dee ver. FIRST OAMES Seattle 030 000 0216 13 I San Franc Lsco 020 000 000 2 4 1 Bene and Orauo; Lien, Slngleon (3) b Jar via. Oakland 000 100 010 2 10 2 San Diego 113 150 OOx 11 13 2 Nelson. Tote l4i. Toet (3). Jonea (3) and Padgett; Reoclgno and Rltchey. Hollywood 000-001-12 4 0 Sacramento 100 021 x4 S 1 Maltzberger and Sand lock; Grove and Ralmondl. SECOND OAMES Seattle OOO-000-O 0 S 0 San Francisco 000 00 1 x 1 2 1 Gatehouse and Orauo; Peres and Jar- VlH. Oakland 214 220 011 IS San Diewo 1 00 000 0 1 6 1 Cndlni and Kerr; Adanu. Klpp (4) and Moore. Hollywood 301 020 0006 0 Sacramento 000 100 202 6 10 0 8c hal lock, Salvexon (0) and Sandloekt Rue, Salvo (It). Conner (81 and Plumba, NATIONAL OISTIIURS PHOD. CORP., NEW YORK 16 PROOF i GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS